Grace Alive Nov 2017

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian

The Hammer, The File & The Furnace I remember hearing a story about the hammer, the file and the furnace. The hammer is a useful tool in the hands of the carpenter. It pounds nails into place to hold things together to build things. But what if the nail had feelings and intelligence? I’m sure it wouldn’t appreciate the treatment it received from the hammer. Yet in the pain of the moment, the nail might forget who is holding it: the same careful craftsman who holds the hammer. When the nail learns to yield to the craftsman, the job can get done. The analogy holds true for the piece of metal that endures the fine edge of the file and the heat of the furnace. If the metal forgets that the craftsman knows what he is doing, it can build up resentment and anger…unwilling to bend. The metal must keep in mind that the craftsman knows what he is doing and has a plan and a purpose for his work. Heartaches, trials and disappointments are like the hammer, the file and the furnace. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be very painful to experience. An unfulfilled romance, a broken marriage, a wayward child, a serious illness, a trust betrayed, loss of a job, loneliness, an untimely death of a loved one, a depression that won’t go away, regret from dreams never achieved or a habit that can’t be broken. Perhaps you feel like the “nail”… struggling against the blows of the hammer or the heat of the furnace? If so, then I


encourage you...remember who the Master Craftsman is – He is holding you both to mold you into the person He created you to be. The pounding, refining and melting process is meant to shape you, not ruin you! Trust that Jesus, the Master Craftsman, is working in your life, painful as it might be at times. But the finished product will be something beautiful and something He can use effectively for His Kingdom! “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? …No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us…nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:35-39 As difficult as it might be, I encourage you to take time to thank the Lord for any trial or heartache in this season of your life. Pray for others you might know who are experiencing a difficult time and write them a note or give them a call to encourage them. Read James 1:1-12 for spiritual encouragement and insight. Grace and Peace, Pastor Jim

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor of Congregational Care & Church Administration — Pastor Cindy Shively

GROWING IN In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Gratitude is learning to recognize and express appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and from others. How grateful are you? Which of these statements best fits you? • I look at the world through grateful eyes and consistently express my gratitude to God and others. • I know I’ve been greatly blessed, but I don’t often stop to actually express my gratitude to God and others. • To be honest, I don’t think much about gratitude. I’ve got a long way to go to develop a lifestyle of gratitude. • I’m a whiner! I tend to focus on my problems, and I frequently express them to others. God regularly commands us to be grateful and expressing thanks in the Bible. It’s not because God somehow “needs” our thanks, but because God knows how much we need thankfulness.

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING VERSES. We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Colossians 1:3 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to His people, who live in the light. – Col 1:11-12 Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. – Col 2:7 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. – Col 3:15-17 3

gratitude God calls us to a life of faithful obedience and heartfelt gratitude. A variety of research verifies God’s wisdom in teaching us to be thankful. Robert Emmons summarizes this research in his book, Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. Research shows, people who express gratitude daily feel better about their lives overall, are more optimistic about the future, and reported fewer health problems. They also reported getting more sleep, spending less time awake before falling asleep and feeling more refreshed in the morning. Gratitude even has a protective effect against heart attacks. Isn’t it great when the world’s research confirms Biblical wisdom! No wonder God tells us over and over to “Be thankful.” It’s good for us. It reminds us who we are, who God is, and all God does for us. And, it helps us to live the life that God designed for us to live.

HOW CAN WE GROW IN GRATITUDE? 1. Ask God to help you grow in gratitude. God delights in helping us grow in this area. 2. Take time every day to thank God for all His blessings – big and small. This could be meal time or bed time. Some even find it helpful to keep a Gratitude notebook, recording several things you are grateful for. This simply develops a habit of gratitude, seeing the good in things, and focusing on God’s love and goodness. 3. Set up gratitude reminders. Two obstacles to being grateful are forgetfulness and lack of awareness. Create something that will remind you to stop and be grateful – choose a bible verse, write it on a sticky note, and put it where it will remind you. 4. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable to gratitude. If you are part of a Growth Group or small group, encourage one another in this area. Share the things you are thankful for, even in challenging situations. Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s grow in gratitude together! Thankful for you, and with you. Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

We Have ALMOST Finished

Thank you

to the families and individuals who have partnered with us to fund several of the projects. We are almost finished with the rejuvenation process; however, we are in need of some additional support to complete a few projects: 1. Digital signage. This will enable us to have monitors around the church for our ministries to advertise their programs and many more opportunities. This is a vital part of our communication!


2. Lighting. Updated light fixtures are still needed in our new Kidzone Room (If you haven’t seen this beautiful new space for the children of our church – stop by upstairs and check it out!), our Childcare Area and Adult Ed. Room.


3. Prayer Room flooring. We discovered some asbestos tile that needed to be removed before we layed the new flooring (a cost we hadn’t anticipated).

Please consider partnering with us on any of the following projects... UNCOMPLETED PROJECTS:

46” monitors (need 4)..................................$1,162.00 55” monitor..................................................$2,065.00 Monitor mounts (need 5)................................ $223.00 Cables............................................................ $165.00 Prayer Room Flooring..................................$2,000.00 Prayer Room Asbestos Removal ..................$3,500.00 Childcare Wall Décor (need 3)........................ $300.00

Turkey and mashed potatoes will be provided. Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share. (Mark your dish with your name!) RSVP on your Sunday Connect Card or contact church office... or 509.248.7940


8 foot light fixture (need 4)............................. $370.00

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12 foot light fixture (need 3............................ $560.00 Light Fixtures for Adult Ed............................$3,400.00 Light Fixtures for Childcare..........................$3,900.00 Accessories and Wall Décor..........................$3,000.00 Prayer Room Table......................................... $500.00


Donations of any amount are welcome!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

MISSIONS MINISTRY TEAM "Who can say why today tomorrow will be yesterday?" – Robert Louis Stevenson

Professional Development and Connecting with Ministry Partners I've often reflected on these words of Robert Louis Stevenson over the years and especially during recent busy months, particularly now that we've flown into the Autumn season. It seems like we just left France in early Summer (mid-June) for a couple of weeks of professional development conferences in the Midwestern US (Muriel attended an Association of Christian Librarians Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Tim attended a medical ethics conference at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity in Deerfield, Illinois). We then flew to Seattle to begin a brief home assignment over July and August that included visits to supporting churches in Western and Eastern Washington, Central California and Western Canada. This involved preaching or speaking in 9 churches over 9 Sundays. We felt fortunate if we were able to spend more than a couple of nights in the same location but were very grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with ministry partners who make our work possible. The only downside was not being able to visit with many other friends, supporters and family who mean so much to us. If only today didn't turn into tomorrow so quickly!

Theological Education Consultation Three days after returning to France on September 1st, we traveled by train to London and then to Cambridge for a Lausanne Orthodox Initiative Theological Education Consultation and very much enjoyed fellowshipping, networking and sharing with Evangelical and Orthodox brothers and sisters from around the world. Having spent many years teaching with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church theological colleges, this consultation was a great time for Tim of reconnecting with academics from both of these branches of the Christian Church.

SIM-France/Belgium Returning to Provence after a week in England, we've been blessed with several visitors, as well as regular involvement with our colleagues at SIM-France/Belgium, including a great time of fellowship at the General Assembly of SIM-France. It is so encouraging to learn more of the amazing work of SIM-France missionaries around the world. Muriel has enjoyed teaching beginning French 5

on weekdays to the young wife of our Ghanian colleague and Tim continues with advanced French lessons to improve pronunciation and communication.

Praying for Peace in Kenya We will be returning to Ethiopia and Kenya later this month for two weeks of teaching. We would appreciate prayer for this trip, as Tim is scheduled to go to Kenya the day after the re-run of the Presidential election, the original round having been annulled by the country's Supreme Court due to "irregularities." We pray for peace in the midst of high emotions. We plan to be back in France over the Holidays and then have three months of busy travel January through March.

Please Join Us In Prayer For: 1) Safety in travel, particularly Tim's trip to Kenya, as well as other locations and events in the Eastern Hemisphere. 2) Health and energy in the midst of busy travel schedules. 3) Given the disordered state of the world these days, I often think of the words, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." May each of us be God's instruments of peace in our daily lives. Thanks for your encouragement, prayers and support which is a great blessing to us. We are grateful for you. Tim & Muriel Teusink

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury

IT HAS BEEN A GREAT MONTH!!!! (is that enough exclamation marks?!?)

I have been so excited to share the passion we have in our Student Ministries! I am super thankful for all the great leaders who are stepping up and sharing their time, their hearts, and their desire to see kids come to Jesus! We are seeing so many kids bringing their friends and really desiring to be a part of the ministries here at Grace of Christ. What is so great about this is that the kids are reaching out to their peers and being the messengers to help plant seeds. I know our church has a strong desire to reach our community and the youth here are doing their part!

EXTREME MAKEOVER: Youth Edition The Middle School Youth room is going to go through an extreme makeover! We are letting the kids take control (With direction, I promise!!) to create a space that is their own. Check out the changes by looking at the Grace of Christ Youth Group Facebook page!

MUSIC LESSONS Does your child have a passion for music, but doesn't know where to start? We are opening

up lesson spots to those who attend both reFUEL and Wednesday Night Youth and want to learn how to worship God through music. Lessons are available in Guitar Bass, Drums, and Keyboard! Contact Thomas for more information!

EVENTS THIS MONTH We are going to have a great month! I am looking forward to the Middle School Lock-In, on Friday, Nov. 10! High School will be going to Camp Ghormley to participate in The Blast on November 17-19th and it is going to be awesome! If you want to register there is still time!!!

Middle School Lock-In....November 10 The Blast.......... November 17-19

Senior High (9TH-12TH graders)

JOB AND DAVID The youth have been focusing over the last month on Job and David. God has a cool way of helping us to see things his way, even when it seems hard to understand what is going on. Themes like Loss, Trusting in God, and Focus on the Future have been addressed in these messages. My heart for this time is that our children learn the importance of trusting in God even when things don't quite work out the way we plan. ‘Truly, the fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.’ – Job 28:28

WE NEED YOUR PRAYER! More and more each week I am reminded that we need to soak our ministries in prayer. We have a large number of kids joining our group that have never had exposure to the Gospel as well as many that we desire will come closer to God. With that, I am going to put together a prayer chain! If you are interested in getting spiritual updates on our youth and can commit to praying for them, email me! (Thomas@ and I will add you to the list : ) 6

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! GRACE KIDS Grace Kids are on their way to digging into the Bible in one year! During the month of November, we are exploring the book of Exodus as we discover God takes care of us through others, wants what’s best for us, doesn’t want us to get hurt, and loves us even when we go along with the crowd! What a joy to share these truths of the Bible with kids each Sunday! Pick up a copy of this month’s Parenting Link at the check-in counter to find more ways to dig-in to these bible truths at home or follow us on Facebook at Grace of Christ KidZone!

Our memory verse for the month of November is: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6


Operation Christmas Shoebox!


Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due! It’s that time of year to begin shopping for Operation Christmas Child. This wonderful ministry shares the love of Jesus to children around the world through the gifts and prayers wrapped in a tiny shoebox. Our prayer is to collect and send 200 shoeboxes. Thank you for helping us to meet our goal! Shoebox supplies and packing instruction are available and all shoeboxes must be returned by November 12. Kids, bring your Christmas Shoeboxes to KidZone as we pray for the children that will receive these awesome gifts!

ADAMS GIVING TREE: PICK UP A TAG… BLESS A KID! November 19: Adams Giving Tree Kickoff! This year we will be partnering with Adams Elementary School as we shop for toys and warm winter gear to bless the students at Adams. Watch for Adams Giving Tree tags in the Garden Room on Sunday, November 19. Gifts will be due Sunday, December 3.


It is such a blessing each Fall to present our second grade students with new Bibles! Kids, keep working on those memory verses to earn tokens towards our Grace Kids Shop! And don’t forget you earn a token each week when you bring your Bible to KidZone too!

“Your Word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11 7

We will have a blast wrapping all of the Adams Giving Tree gifts on December 10 at 3:00 in the gym. Grab a roll of paper, some tape and your favorite scissors – we are going to have some fun! The more the merrier – so invite your small group. Watch for more information to come!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

ADULT MINISTRY GRACE FELLOWSHIP Kaffee Klatch Has A New Name: Grace Fellowship

It's open to all ages and stages of life. It's a time of getting out, enjoying one another and some refreshments, and having a time of helpful learning, or delightful entertainment.

VETERANS DINNER & PROGRAM November is a time we like to honor our veterans - all who have served and sacrificed for this great country in which we live. Please join us for our annual Veterans Dinner and Program event. WHEN: Sunday, November 12th, 5-7 pm WHERE: The Garden Room at Grace of Christ WHO: All are invited WHAT: Catered Dinner, music and a program HOW: Reserve your spot at the Connection C enter or in the Church Office COST: $10 for Veterans, $12 for all Non-Veterans

SAVE THE DATE! DECEMBER GRACE FELLOWSHIP Christmas Concert with our own Dr. Jon Waite Thursday, December 14, 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Light Refreshments to follow in the Garden Room.

Dr. Jon Waite, our church organist, has prepared a beautiful selection of Christmas music for you. This concert will allow you time to relax and savor the essence of Christmas. You don’t need to bring anything other than a smile. If you would like to include a friend or three, please do so. Everyone is welcome. There will be refreshments in the Garden Room after the concert. As always, if you sign up at the Connection Center, we have a better idea of how much cider to prepare. 8

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

GHORMLEY MEADOW CHRISTIAN CAMP SUPPORT NEEDS Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you would like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at:


Carol Callahan

We are thrilled that Carol Callahan has now joined our team! Carol's first day was October 3rd. Carol grew up locally in the Nile Valley, but has been serving for the past 10 years at Mt. Hermon, in the Santa Cruz, CA area. Please pray for Carol as she transitions and joins our team, and be sure to say hello to her next time you're here at Ghormley!

MOUNTAIN MEADOW CHRISTMAS Make plans to join us December 9-10 for Mt. Meadow Christmas! What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities to help kick off the Christmas season! Please see our website for registration and pricing information.

PRAYER NEEDS 1. Praise for God's provision of Carol Callahan to fill our Guest Services Director role. 2. Praise God for His amazing work in the lives of campers at Ghormley this summer. 3. Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our non-summer months. 4. Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. 5. Pray that the Lord will lead us as we raise funds and embark on a number of facilities improvement projects.

GHORMLEY CALENDAR SALE We are excited to announce that this fall during the holiday season we will be selling 2018 GHORMLEY-THEMED CALENDARS! All sales proceeds will go towards our camper scholarship fund. If you'd like to purchase a calendar, please call our office to place an order. Call: 509.672.4311.

FRED MEYER REWARDS Help send kids to camp just by shopping at Fred Meyer! All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund. Want to join? Simply visit our website:


Make Memories...

Amazing Meals Gingerbread House Contest Sledding Christmas Crafts Christmas Light Displays Family Game Competition Family Movie Night Cut Down Your Christmas Tree AND SO MUCH MORE!

FALL YOUTH EVENTS We are excited to be getting ready for The Blast this fall! The Blast is for 9th-12th grade students, and will be held November 17-19. Online registration is now available. Register today!

ONLINE GIVING Online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved. 9




Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119


GOD’S CREATION CALENDARS AND CARDS For the seventh year the preschool is once again selling God’s Creation Calendars and Cards! The wall calendars with Bible scripture in either NIV or KJV are available now! We also have a limited number of pocket calendars, everyday greeting cards and Christmas cards. Check this out at the Connection Center on Sundays or in the main office during the week. All items just $7!

God’s Creation

Jenifer Knight, Becky Gruenberg, Crystal Lopez, Becca Mailand, Rhonda Cardona, Katrine Schraan, Kelsey Schmidt, Griselda Gonzalez, Jessica VanHorn, Sheree Tsubota

2018 Wall Calendars Pocket Calendars Greeting Cards (12 cards) Christmas Cards (12 cards) $7.00 each


Proceeds Benefit Our Preschool C.O.F.F.E.E. Christ Offers Forgiveness for Everyone Everywhere!

Look for us in the Garden Room on Sunday, December 5th & 12th. Or pre-order now in the main office and at C.O.F.F.E.E. Please consider supporting the preschool through these fundraisers. The staff and Board of Directors for the preschool, plus the many families involved, thank you for your giving and for your support. 10

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English PARTNERING WITH ADAMS ELEMENTARY As this new school year is getting under way, Gracia de Cristo’s partnership with Adams Elementary School is in full swing. It is so exciting to see what is happening in this ministry, and how it complements God’s vision for Grace of Christ through the leadership of Pastor Jim. As Jim has shared with us, “God has gifted each of us to serve, and make a difference in the lives of others. We are committed to making a difference in our community and world. We encourage our people to love others by serving and ministering with their God-given gifts, abilities and interests.”

Experience God's Love by Serving! This is what is happening at Adams. Members of Grace of Christ and Gracia de Cristo are growing in their faith, as they are becoming fully devoted followers of Christ Jesus in their service to others. Listed below are ways that some members of our church (you are invited, too) are experiencing the amazing love of God through their service to the beautiful students, parents and staff at Adams Elementary School: •

Approximately 25 reading mentors meet with first and second graders one-on-one once a-week. Lives are being changed as reading comprehension improves and relationships are built.

• Each Friday afternoon a team of volunteers meets at Adams to congratulate, and give a bag of popcorn to each child for demonstrating good behavior during the week. An average of over 400 students qualifies each week. This simple act of kindness to the students is making a big difference at Adams academically, and in the culture at the school. • On October 20 Grace of Christ/ Gracia de Cristo had 20 volunteers serve as leaders at Adam’s Junior Achievement BizTown Day. The five fifth grade classes (about 150 students) arrived at the JA Center and experienced what it is like to actually run a business. Grace of Christ volunteers assisted the kids in the experience of business ownership. 11

En Español EN ASOCIACIÓN CON ADAMS ELEMENTARY A medida que se inicia este nuevo año escolar, la asociación de Gracia de Cristo con la Escuela Primaria Adams está en pleno apogeo. Es muy emocionante ver lo que está sucediendo en este ministerio, y cómo complementa la visión de Dios para la Gracia de Cristo a través del liderazgo del pastor Jim. Como Jim ha compartido con nosotros, "Dios ha da dado de su Gracia a cada uno de nosotros para servir, y así poder hacer una diferencia en la vida de los demás. Estamos comprometidos a hacer una diferencia en nuestra comunidad y en el mundo. Animamos a nuestra gente a amar a otros sirviendo y ministrando con sus dones, habilidades e intereses otorgados por Dios.”

¡Experimenta el amor de Dios sirviendo! Esto es lo que está sucediendo en Adams. Los miembros de Grace of Christ y Gracia de Cristo están creciendo en su fe, ya que se están convirtiendo en devotos seguidores de Cristo Jesús en su servicio a los demás. A continuación se enumeran las formas en que algunos miembros de nuestra iglesia (usted está también invitado) están experimentando el asombroso amor de Dios a través de su servicio a los hermosos estudiantes, padres y personal de la Escuela Primaria Adams:

• Aproximadamente 25 mentores de lectura que se reúnen con estudiantes de primero y segundo grado uno a uno una vez a la semana. Las vidas están cambiando a medida que la comprensión de la lectura mejora y las relaciones se construyen. • Cada viernes por la tarde un equipo de voluntarios se reúne en Adams para felicitar y regalar una bolsa de palomitas de maíz a cada niño por demostrar buen comportamiento durante la semana. Un promedio de más de 400 estudiantes califica cada semana. Este simple acto de bondad para con los estudiantes está haciendo una gran diferencia en Adams académicamente, y en la cultura en la escuela. • El 20 de octubre Grace of Christ / Gracia de Cristo contó con 20 voluntarios que sirvieron como líderes en el Día de BizTown de Junior Achievement de Adams. Las cinco clases del quinto grado (alrededor de 150 estudiantes) llegaron al Centro JA y experimentaron lo que es realmente dirigir un negocio. Los voluntarios de Grace of Christ / Gracia de Cristo ayudaron a los niños en la experiencia de la

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español

• In November and December, we will help support the Children’s Ministry “The Giving Tree Project” for the qualifying children at Adams.

• En noviembre y diciembre ayudaremos a apoyar al Ministerio de Niños "Proyecto Árbol Proveedor" para los niños que califiquen en Adams.

• This fall’s American Citizenship Classes started at the school on October 2 with about 40 adult students desiring to become citizens. This is a wonderful way to serve and build a meaningful relationship with Latino brothers and sisters. Helpers are needed for the winter quarter. For more information about how you could help please contact Pastor Alex Rule, or Jake Kupp.

ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DINNER Please join Gracia de Cristo at the annual Fundraising Dinner in the gymnasium on November 9th from 5:30pm –7:30pm. $10 Suggested Donation (But you are welcome to give more!) Come enjoy a delicious authentic Mexican Dinner prepared by ladies from Gracia de Cristo. While you enjoy the meal listen to what has been happening during the past year, and how Gracia de Cristo, and Grace of Christ together have been impacting the community and changing lives. Besides good food and music, you will hear testimonies from people whose lives have been changed; from people who are leading the change, one family at a time. Please sign up at the Connection Center as to how many of your friends and family will be attending.

CELIC UPDATE Celic Reynoso continues in Children’s Hospital in Seattle battling cancer. She expressed a wish for an old-fashioned typewriter, like in the movie “Ratatouille.” Pastor Alex just happened to have one. So he sent it along with the eight Gracia de Cristo Women of Prayer group when they went over to Seattle Children's Hospital to visit her. Even though she is very ill, her face lit up with joy when she saw the typewriter. Without delay she typed her name: Celic Reynoso.

If you would like to contribute to the account set up for helping Celic and her family, please visit Wells Fargo. Let the bank know you are making a deposit into the Donation Account for Celic Reynoso. The account number is #1983027549. Thank you!

• Las clases de Ciudadanía Americana de este otoño comenzaron en la escuela el 2 de octubre con cerca de 40 estudiantes adultos que desean convertirse en ciudadanos. Esta es una manera maravillosa de servir y construir una relación significativa con los hermanos y hermanas latinos. Se necesitan ayudantes para el trimestre de invierno. Para obtener más información sobre cómo puede ayudar, comuníquese con el pastor Alex Rule o con Jake Kupp.

CENA ANUAL DE RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS Por favor, únase a Gracia de Cristo en la Cena Anual para la Recaudación de Fondos, y que tendrá lugar en el gimnasio de nuestra iglesia el 9 de noviembre de 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Donación Sugerida $10 (¡pero le invitamos a dar más!) Venga y disfrute de una deliciosa auténtica cena mexicana preparada por las hermanas de Gracia de Cristo. Mientras disfrutas de la comida escucharas lo que ha estado sucediendo durante el año, y cómo Grace of Christ / Gracia de Cristo juntos han estado impactando a la comunidad y cambiando vidas. Además de la buena comida y música, escucharás testimonios de personas cuyas vidas han cambiado; de las personas que están liderando el cambio, una familia a la vez. Por favor, regístrese en el Centro de Conexión para saber cuántos de sus amigos y familiares asistirán.

ACTUALIZACIÓN CELIC Celic Reynoso continúa en el Hospital de Niños de Seattle luchando contra el cáncer. Ella expresó un deseo de tener una máquina de escribir antigua, como en la película Ratatouille. "Sucedió que el Pastor Alex tenía una. Por lo tanto, la envió junto con las ocho mujeres de Gracia de Cristo del grupo de oración cuando fueron al Hospital de Niños de Seattle para visitarla. A pesar de que está muy enferma, su rostro se iluminó de alegría cuando vio la máquina de escribir. Sin demora escribió su nombre: Celic Reynoso. Si desea contribuir a la cuenta establesida para ayudar a Celic y su familia, visite Wells Fargo. Hágale saber al banco que está haciendo un depósito en la cuenta de donación para Celic Reynoso. El número de cuenta es #1983027549. ¡Gracias!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

GET CONNECTED! THANKSGIVING MEAL FOR MABEL SWAN RESIDENTS As we were reminded in our “Be the Church” series in September, Jesus calls us to serve. There is an opportunity this month to BLESS the residents of Mabel Swan Manor. They are being invited to our annual Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday, November 15 at noon in the Garden Room. Our Mission Ministry Team budgets for purchase of the turkey. For the rest of the food we ask for assistance from our church family in order to provide the delicious meal for our neighbors across the street. One small group prepares the potatoes and gravy and the Edith Ferry Circle buys the rolls and butter. Other food needs to complete the meal include purchasing and cooking sweet potatoes or yams at home; buying dressing mixes, butter and cranberry sauce; and making or buying pies. The 80-90 residents that attend look forward to our Thanksgiving meal and also enjoy creating relationships with us. However in order for this to happen, additional help is needed - providing table decorations, setting the tables, carving the turkey, helping cook the dressing, greeting guests as they arrive, providing music, serving as table hosts, cleaning up the Garden Room, as well as washing dishes. We are called to put our faith into practice and truly love our neighbors, especially those less fortunate. For each of us to “Improve My Serve,” we need to recognize we are valuable for God’s service. Will you consider responding to serve as a part of this outreach mission of Grace of Christ? Sign-up with Joyce Sagare in the Garden Room on Sundays, leave your name and phone number with Ericka in the office or call Joyce at 249-6691. Thank you!


BELL CHOIR Feel like a ding-a-ling sometimes? Maybe you would be the perfect fit! Come join our bell choir for Christmas! If you read music (a prerequisite) and can count up to 6 (several times in a row), you might just love playing one of our handbells. We'll be practicing in November & December, and playing for a traditional service and Carols and Candles on Christmas Eve. Interested? Give Roz a call at 907-831-4716 for more information, (yep, still an AK prefix, but she's living here). Or email her at We'd love to have you join us!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

November Calendar of Events Wed, Nov 1 Thur, Nov 2 Fri, Nov 3 Sun, Nov 5 Nov 5 Tue, Nov 7 Nov 7 Nov 7 Wed, Nov 8 Nov 8 Thur, Nov 9 Nov 9 Fri, Nov 10 Nov 10 Sat, Nov 11 Sun, Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 12 Mon, Nov 13 Tue, Nov 14 Wed, Nov 15 Fri, Nov 17 Nov 17 - 11/19 Sun, Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov 19 Wed, Nov 22 Thur, Nov 23 Fri, Nov 24 Sun, Nov 26 Tue, Nov 28 Wed, Nov 29 Fri, Dec 1 Sat, Dec 2 Tue, Dec 5 Sun, Dec 3 Dec 3


Gracia y Grace Juntos (together) Potluck & Prayer 6:00pm Garden Room Women Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 1:00pm Fireside Room Open MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00am Gym Moms Prayer Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Gracia de Cristo Prayer & Praise 6:00pm Chapel Everyone Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00pm Fireside Room Staff Hospitality Ministry Meeting 5:30pm Lounge Committee Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Committee MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00am Fireside Room Committee Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm KidZone Center Board Gracia de Cristo Fundraiser Dinner & Program 5:00pm Gym Everyone Ghormley Commission 7:00pm Adult Ed Room Committee No Preschool Today All Morning Preschool Preschool Middle School Lock-In Friday Night Gym 6th-8th Graders Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Knitters Pray for Yakima 24/7 All Day Everyone Growth Group Leaders Lunch 12:30pm Lounge GG Leaders Veterans Dinner & Program *RSVP! 5:00pm Garden Room Everyone Edith Ferry Circle Lunch Meeting 12:00pm Fireside Room Women Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Fireside Room Committee Mabel Swan Thanksgiving Meal 12:00p Garden Room Mabel Swan Res MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00am Gym Moms Ghormley: The Blast! All Weekend Camp Ghormley 9th-12th graders (register Thanksgiving Potluck & One Worship Service 10:00am Sanctuary / Gym Everyone Deacon's Meeting & Deacon Training 12:30pm Lounge Deacons ELZ Lunch Meeting 2:45pm Adult Ed Room Staff No Preschool Today All Morning Preschool Preschool HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Church Closed / Thanksgiving Holiday All Day Entire Church Everyone Madison House Apple Gift-boxes All Morning Garden Room Everyone Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30p Garden Rm/Adult Ed Elders & Prog. Staff Mary McLean Guild: Decorate for Christmas 10:00a Main Floor Everyone Helpers Needed! MOPS Christmas Tea 9:00am Garden Room Moms Santa Breakfast *Tickets On Sale! 9:00 - 11:00am Gym Everyone See's Candy Sale (Preschool Fundraiser) All Morning Garden Room Everyone Communion Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Growth Group Leader Training 12:30 - 3:30pm Lounge Everyone

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events MON

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care


SOZO Prayer Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women's Bible Study)

Women in the Word Bible Study


Youth Group *Dinner Included! Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

THUR Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir SOZO Prayer FRI

MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed DF Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge

Everyone All Staff Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone

Prayer Room Gym

SOZO Team Women



6:30- 8:30 pm 6:00- 8:00 pm

Gym Sanctuary

6th-12th grades

9:00 am 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm

Sanctuary Choir Room Prayer Room

Women Temple Choir SOZO Team



Sanctuary Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Lounge KidZone Wing Youth Rm & Gym

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12

9:00 -11:30 am 9:15 am 9:45 am

9:30 - 11:30 am

Sunday Services and Events


Grace Contemporary Worship Grace Modern Worship Grace Traditional Worship - Led by Temple Choir Gracia de Cristo Worship in Spanish Going Deeper: Romans Silver Square / Golden Circle Grace Kids Youth reFUEL

Announcements CHURCH CLOSED

November 23 and 24 for Thanksgiving holiday.


Christmas Eve Morning: 9:00, 10:45 & 11:00 services Christmas Eve Candlelight Services: Family Service: 5pm - Carols and Candles: 8pm


Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…

November 5 G - M November 12 N - S 15

November 19 T - Z November 26 A - F

9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 10:15 am 9:00 am 9:00 am



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