Grace Alive Feb 2015

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Carter

ARE WE LIVING INTO OUR MISSION? Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors. A disciple of Jesus is both a learner and a follower. Jesus invites us into relationship, which also includes a challenge to change – to become more like Jesus, in every area of our lives. Studying God’s Story this year is providing both invitation and challenge. The invitation is to explore and experience God’s unending love and his relentless pursuit of us and all people, to bring us back to God. The challenge is to allow God’s love and truth to truly transform our lives. How do we allow God’s love and truth to transform our lives? • By continually tuning in to where God is trying to get our attention. • Asking, God, What are you trying to say to me? (and listening for the answer) • Asking, God, What do you want me to do? (and listening for the answer) • Inviting accountability through challenging relationships.



• Then doing it! Discipleship happens one little action at a time.

The more we grow in our ability to hear and obey God’s challenges, the more we’ll be loving and serving our neighbors! Mike Breen, in his book, “Building a Discipling Culture,” reminds us: No one accidentally creates disciples. Discipleship is an intentional pursuit. Who has been influential and helped you grow as Jesus’ disciple? What specifically did they do to help you become more like Jesus? Growing as Jesus’ disciple requires life-long learning, inviting others to invest in our lives, AND investing our lives, our time and energy, into the lives of others, to help them grow as Jesus’ disciple as well. In 2015, let’s become Families on Mission, growing together as Jesus’ disciples.Whom will we invite into our lives, both to love and to challenge us? Whom are we loving and challenging? We need each other! This is how we will more fully Glorify God, as we equip each other to love and serve our neighbors! With Joy and Great Expectations! – Pastor Cindy Carter


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Assistant Pastor — Tyler Van Horn

“FROM TENT TO TOWER, AND FROM TOWER TO TENTS” Dear Family of Grace, Have you had a chance to read “Tent to Tower”? It is a book written back in 1984 about the first 100 years of this church. The stories are captivating. The history is fascinating. And the pictures are hilarious. As a church we first met in a large tent downtown near the railroad tracks. As we grew and needed a more permanent space, we built a small church building on 3rd and A Street. (While this was being built, we even met in the old Yakima County Courthouse!) Then in 1926 we began to build this beautiful church building that is our home today. You see why they called it “Tent to Tower”? We are part of an incredible heritage of faith in this church community. For more than 125 years this church has been seeking to worship God, follow Jesus and serve the people of Yakima and beyond. We can be very thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone before us, and we need to continue to pray for the brothers and sisters in Christ who will come after us. Each generation has had to wrestle with the same very basic questions: 1. How will we pass this faith in Jesus along to the next generation?

SERMON SERIES February 1 – “Fall of Judah” Sermon Text: Jeremiah 1: 4-19 February 8 – “Daniel” Sermon Text: Daniel 3: 19-30 February 15 – “Ezra” Sermon Text: Ezra 3: 10-13 February 18 (Ash Wednesday) Sermon Text: LENT 2015 based on Matthew 4: 1-11 “The Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness” February 22 - “Esther” Sermon Text: Esther 4: 12-17

2. What is our plan for teaching others the way of Jesus in a way that makes sense? 3. How is God leading us to embrace the past while we press into the future? These are the questions of discipleship. These are the types of questions that are vital to both the present and the future of this church. We have to answer these questions today because it defines how we go about our mission as followers of Jesus. And of course we have to answer these questions for tomorrow because the answers will be God’s way of showing us how to reach out to those in our larger Yakima community. Our brothers and sisters who came before us in this church decided they were being called to build a tower in order to reach the people of Yakima because the tent was no longer the best way to reach them. As the culture has changed over the last almost 100 years, we have seen more and more people in the younger generations feel less welcomed by the tower because they are more comfortable in their own personal tents. This doesn’t mean the tower was wrong or that the tower is bad. It simply means we have to meet people at their tent before they might feel comfortable to join us at the tower. If we want to pass the faith down to the next generation, we are going to have to be a church who is willing to move from tent to tower and now tower to tents. Life on life discipleship is the way in which we will see the next generation learn the ways of Jesus. Are you willing to join us in this growing movement? Peace to you all, – Pastor Tyler Van Horn 3

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Understanding the G ood in Me been delivered from darkness and no longer have a spirit of fear but have a promise that His strength will allow us to resist temptation. We become part of a royal priesthood anointed by God with power and authority to labor for Him. We are complete in Christ, given an inner strength to accomplish all things and have the assurance every need will be supplied by God.

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Philemon 1:6 (NIV) You are generous because of your faith. And I am praying that you will really put your generosity to work, for in so doing you will come to an understanding of all the good things we can do for Christ. Philemon 1:6 (NLT) And I keep praying that this faith we hold in common keeps showing up in the good things we do, and that people recognize Christ in all of it. Philemon 1:6 (The Message) Paul is writing to his friend Philemon and encouraging him in the sharing of his faith. The three paraphrases of the verse encompass Paul’s desire that Philemon will come to a deep understanding of the rich blessings that every believer receives in Jesus, that the knowledge will produce a life lived generously and that in all things done others would see Jesus. Scripture tells us of the many good things received when we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are chosen. We become new creatures with God’s Holy Spirit taking up residence in us. We become children of God adopted by Him receiving heavenly citizenship and an inheritance. We are seated in heavenly places and given eternal life. We have peace with God, eternal love and He calls us friend. We are forever forgiven, redeemed and victorious over sin. We have 4

When we acknowledge who we are and what we have in Christ, we can understand that we were created to do good things. God has a purpose for each of us to uniquely fulfill, a purpose He desires to accomplish through our lives. We must understand who we are and then follow the compassionate example of our Lord Jesus Christ. The relationships you have, the passions and skills you possess, the things you know, your life experiences and the opportunities before you are good things given by our Father so you can do His good work in this world. Simply begin one good and kind deed at a time. You are the light of the world -- like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:15-16 Jesus gave a vision that we are to be the light in our world. It is a calling to go out and do good things for God understanding that our light is illuminated by the holiness of our Lord. When we encounter others it must be Jesus they see in all His goodness . . . the goodness of Christ in us accomplishing good works for His Kingdom. Meditate on the good things you have received in Christ Jesus. Ask God what He desires to accomplish through your life? What are the good things you can do for Him? Soak in the presence of Jesus daily so that it is His goodness seen in you.

– Janet Krieger

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Preschool — Rhonda Cardona Formerly First Presbyterian Christian Preschool

Grace of Christ Preschool is Now Enrolling for 2015-2016 ...with NEW Class Offerings!

Nurture your child’s potential and watch your child grow and learn with us. We offer a safe and caring, Christian learning environment, with experienced teachers using a proven curriculum.

3 Year Old Class Tuesday & Thursday 3 Years old by Sept. 1 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

4 Year Old Class

30 years of serving our community! A team of dedicated and trained early childhood education teachers prepare your child to succeed in school! Call us, come by to see us and find out why so many families are sending their children here!

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4 Years old by Sept. 1 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN 4 Days a Week with a 5th day Option! Monday through Thursday, with an optional Friday Morning 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. 5 Years old by 3/31/16

Grace of Christ Preschool is located at 9 So. 8th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902

CALL: 509.248.7940 OR EMAIL: Rhonda @ Check out our web-site: 5

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 I can sincerely say that my life would not be the same if I had not gotten involved in youth ministry. I wasn’t connected to the church before coming to Grace of Christ; I didn’t have a real sense of who God or Christ are and why they are so important. I never saw myself having a calling to do any of the things I am doing now.

into something new and much greater, all because I trust whatever Christ has planned for me. I am a more caring person and I truly sympathize for others. I have gained some amazing strengths with my involvement in youth ministry that I can take with me for whatever may lie ahead. The most important thing that I have learned about youth ministry is that everything we do as youth leaders is for the kids. We do everything with the mindset that the kids we are teaching and hanging out with are the most important parts of our job. Whether I am teaching Sunday school or planning a game for a youth group, I keep in mind who I am doing this for. My job is something I truly enjoy doing and something I pour my heart and soul into. I enjoy how energetic and eager the kids are. They have so much energy that they could literally run around for hours and not be tired. Keeping up with them is a challenge at times and it pushes me to put myself in their shoes. I know I am doing my job right when I am giving a talk and I look up and see all of them looking at me, paying attention. All in all, these kids are just amazing people to be around, each different in their own way, each helping to build this wonderful community where we belong.

I first became involved at Grace of Christ by attending the youth group when I was a junior in high school. I started coming on a regular basis because it was a cool hang out spot where I was accepted. I started realizing just how great youth group really was; I began listening more to the talks and getting a lot out of them. I began thinking how awesome it would be to do what Jeff and Kelsey did. When I joined staff last year as the Middle School Intern, I was scared and excited at the same time. I have had two internships prior with the church and I gained so much out of both of those experiences. I started noticing that my calling was working with kids, being able to relate to them and understand them. Being involved in youth ministry has given me so much motivation to learn more about who Christ is and what the Bible has to offer. Every day is a new learning day for me in this job. I get to learn new things about the Bible, new ways to teach from the Bible and, most important of all, how to be a leader that supports everyone around me. As the verse I chose says, “Scripture is useful and it teaches us what is wrong in our lives and it corrects us.” I feel like I have left behind my old self and been made 6

What I want to do with my life, I can’t clearly answer yet. I know that I want to be in a position where I get to help people as much as possible. This job will influence my path in a great way as I help those who are in need, whether it be a place to belong or someone to talk to. I feel like I am now able to do these things. All I know is, that whatever I decide to do in the future, I will be blessed by the skills I have learned from this amazing job. – Estevan Mata, Middle School Intern

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Wendy Backlund


Wendy shares a powerful message about our beliefs and being transformed by the renewing of our mind towards Christ Jesus. Her life verse of Isaiah 61 to set the captives free, not just in the physical sense but setting people free from beliefs that hold them in bondage.

Grace of Christ Welcomes

guest speaker WENDY BACKLUND and music by AVORY

WHEN: FRI, March 20 @ 6:00 pm WHERE: Grace of Christ Presbyterian WHO: Open to Everyone

WHEN: FRI, March 20 @ 7:00 pm (after AVORY Plays) WHERE: Grace of Christ Presbyterian WHO: Everyone (Men & Women)


ABOUT AVORY: The band AVORY is comprised of three siblings from Yakima who use music to introduce people to Jesus, guide them to a road of discipleship in their local churches, and challenge those who already follow Jesus to live a bold life of faith. It’s not just about music for them. It’s not even just about worship. There is more than that. It’s about Igniting Lasting God-Experiences. They want to be radical for Jesus. Friday, March 20 - Everyone Welcome! 6:00 7:00 8:00

Concert and Worship Band with Avory Wendy Backlund: Engaging Families and Introduction for Women’s Event Dessert Social

Saturday, March 21 - (Women only) 8:15 Registration 8:45 Welcome 9:00 Worship with AVORY 9:30 Wendy - IDENTITY 10:45 Workshop Application Noon Lunch 1:00 Wendy - BELIEFS 2:00 Workshop Application 3:00 Wendy - DECLARATION 4:15 Workshop Application 5:00 Closing

Romans 12:2 says “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good and pleasing and perfect will.”

WHAT: Women’s Workshop Event WHEN: SAT, March 21 @ 8:45 AM WHERE: Grace of Christ Presbyterian HOW: Registration Opens Jan 15!


SATURDAY’S EVENT TOPICS: (MARCH 21ST) IDENTITY Come learn your true identity in Jesus. Who does Jesus say we are? Exchange His thoughts for our thoughts. What is the difference between what we do and who we are? BELIEF Learn how to recognize when God is speaking to us. Replace any lies we have believed with the truth about who God says He is and about who God says we are in accordance with the Bible. Jesus has promised the truth will set us free, so come and experience the liberty of renewing your mind in a belief system based in God’s truth! DECLARATIONS Learn about the power of spoken declarations and why they are foundational to building your faith.

REGISTRATION Register at the Connection Center on

Sundays or in the church office by FEBRUARY 15TH and receive the EARLY BIRD PRICE OF $30. Registration after February 15th is $40. For more information contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 or 7

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and d

Jonah Ray Cavanaugh

Noah Edwin Davenport

Paige Kathryn Doré

Birthdate: May 3, 2012 Parents: Jason and Jessica Cavanaugh Dedication Date: Sunday, May 11, 2014

Birthdate: September 22, 2012 Parents: Jonathan and Deanna Davenport Dedication Date: November 9, 2014

Birthdate: December 4, 2012 Parents: Dustin and Erika Doré Baptism Date: Sunday, May 11, 2014

William Francis Hendrix

Birthdate: November 18, 2013 Parents: Bif and Amanda Hendrix Baptism Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Savannah Grace Huibregtse

Birthdate: August 14, 2013 Parents: John and Kate Huibregtse Dedication Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Caroline Elizabeth Hodge

Astrid Elaine Laurvick

Alonzo Cruz Rodriguez

Noah Allan Sudbury

Birthdate: March 13, 2014 Parents: Joseph Laurvick and Adrienne Heinin Dedication Date: Sunday, May 11, 2014 8

Birthdate: June 28, 2014 Parents: Jimmy and Marisol Rodriguez Dedication Date: Sunday, October 12, 2014

Birthdate: June 27, 2013 Parents: Alex and Libby Hodge Baptism Date: Sunday, May 11, 2014

Birthdate: August 31, 2014 Parents: Thomas and Jennifer Sudbury Baptism Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.� Luke 18:16

Emmalin Gamache

Hannah Parker Hendrix

Hartlyn Hansell Hendrix

Birthdate: October 21, 2013 Parents: Andrew and Heather Gamache Baptism Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthdate: May 7, 2009 Parents: Bif and Amanda Hendrix Baptism Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthdate: March 4, 2012 Parents: Bif and Amanda Hendrix Baptism Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Addison Kimberly Ladd

Macie Lane Ladd

Wells Lewis Larsen

Birthdate: January 3, 2005 Parents: Scott and Michele Ladd Baptism Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014

Birthdate: June 27, 2006 Parents: Scott and Michele Ladd Baptism Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014

Birthdate: August 16, 2014 Parents: Jason and Jocelyn Larsen Dedication Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Evangeline Gwen Van Horn

Kendall Audrey Van Horn

Warner John Watson

Birthdate: June 10, 2014 Parents: Tyler and Jessica Van Horn Dedication Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthdate: June 10, 2014 Parents: Tyler and Jessica Van Horn Dedication Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthdate: January 24, 2014 Parents: Chris and Kate Watson Dedication Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014 9

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Prayer Ministry HOW DO WE GROW CLOSER TO THE LORD AND OUR FELLOW CHRISTIANS? As Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus, “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:16-17 Some people believe having a relationship with the Lord is more important than memorizing a lot of shalt not rules. Hmmmm, if this is remotely true how do we develop the relationship? And what do we do about the laws? Prayer Ministry is offering a class on Sunday, March 1 at 1 p.m. in the David Ferry Lounge. We are going to talk about this statement and also discuss how we can become more engaged intimately with each other in such a large church. People who pray for others are doing what the Lord told them to do. This isn’t a gift for a chosen few. What happens when we do this? How does it work? Why does it work? Meet with the Prayer Ministry on March 1 and challenge yourself and reward yourself with new steps to grow your faith.

Listen to one of our intercessors: For me, being an intercessor on behalf of others is pure joy. I can’t think of a greater privilege or honor than to be asked to pray on behalf of others. Since arriving at Grace of Christ, we (my wife Sue and I) have been asked to pray for others during worship, on Prayer Sundays and in the Prayer Room. Also, we’ve been asked to pray for the staff, Session, and when certain key meetings are going on. People ask me how I know it is God who is speaking and not heart burn from the pizza I ate earlier. All I know is, when I go to Him in prayer it’s like when Moses went up the mountain to talk with God (without the smoke). I feel I am alone with God, one on one talking with Him. I get a sense, for that moment, I am on Holy Ground. I am able to turn off the world around me and be in His presence. I hear God through Scriptures, through a sense of peace and through others confirming His Word to me (us). What I have is not unique to me, but a gift given freely by God to all believers. It doesn’t take a degree in theology or attending a special class, all we have to do is be still before the Lord, ask, listen and yield to His will.

Together Serving Jesus – John Stolzenbach

Senior Ministry KAFFEE KLATSCH: NEED A LITTLE LIFT? We’ve got just the thing to help you. Derek Smith and his friends have agreed to do a “Blue Grass Gospel Sing Along and More” session for Kaffee Klatsch on Thursday, February 12 at 2:00 pm in the Garden Room. We think you’ll leave with your toes tapping, your heart warmed, and your spirits soaring after this session. As always, we’re an informal group who welcome you to come join us. Why not call a friend and ask them to come, too? True to our name, we’ll have piping hot coffee ready to warm your hands and a cheery greeting to help nudge you out of post-holiday doldrums. Hope you can come! We’ll be looking for you. 10

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Cristo Vive Fellowship GO ADAMS GO! “With God, Everything Is Possible” On December 19, 2014, members of both Grace of Christ and Cristo Vive went to Adams Elementary School, and collaborated to celebrate the end of a good year, cheering on and encouraging kids during the last Friday before their winter break. Students were given door prizes, and more than 500 of them received green tickets for a week of good behavior. It was amazing to see the uplifted spirits of hundreds of kids as they happily celebrated their last school day of the year together. We are looking forward to support our local school as God has commanded us.

If you would like to participate at any of the upcoming events please contact us. – Adrian Rule Gustavo’s Cell: 509-388-5752 Alex’s Cell: 509-731-2657

Carenet A FACELIFT FOR CARENET! Carenet has been a church-wide ministry providing periodic calls to the congregation to help stay in touch, and express the Lord’s caring. We believe it’s time to revise the ministry somewhat.

• We’d like to continue to provide calls for those who desire them, especially if they do not have other meaningful connections, such as being in a small group, discipleship group, or involvement in another ministry.

• We would also like to give people the option of saying “no thank you” to receiving the calls. That way the Carenet callers will be able to focus their energies on those who benefit from their calls. So please, if the calls are helpful, let us continue. If not, let us know that, too. No one will be offended.

• The hope is to increase calls to those who choose to recieve them, and to even be assigned the same caller so a more meaningful connection can develop.

• We would also love to have anyone who likes to make some caring phone calls, join us in the Carenet ministry. Call Carolyn Mason for more information: 452-4976 Let us know your preference about receiving calls by contacting the church office 248-7940. Thank you!

Session Update ~ Ministry Team Assignments During the December Session meeting Elders Ken Marble, Jerry Smith, Jennifer Foster, Kathy Mathison, Karen Bernd and John Rasmussen were honored for their service to Grace of Christ, as they transitioned to the status of inactive Elders. Incoming newly ordained Elders Amae Merrill, Linda Sorensen and Alex Rule were welcomed. The Elders serving you in the coming year, and their ministry team assignments, are as follows. Business Ministry Team: Mark Baldwin, Steve Hildebrand, Rich Millet, Janet Krieger (The stewardship of God’s resources; demonstrating good stewardship of God’s resources on behalf of the congregation.) Discipleship Ministry Team: John Yolo, Jeff Gray, Peggy Schaffer, Amae Merrill (Provides education and spiritual formation through Bible study, discipling in the Christian life, and the development of spiritual practices and educational programs for children, youth and adults.) Fellowship Ministry Team: Linda Mathews, Janet Krieger, Pat Drollinger (The sharing of life together with opportunities provided for believers to experience and enjoy the community of Christ.)

Ghormley Ministry Team: Barney Trick (Evangelism and mission specific to Camp Ghormley.) Service Ministry Team: Larry Allen, Betty Rosenkranz, Alex Rule (Living as a missional church in our neighborhood, community and world.) Worship Ministry Team: Jason Larsen, Joanna Hayes, Linda Sorensen (Provides opportunities for the congregation to focus on God, read and proclaim Scripture, pray, and respond to God.) On January 11, Chats with the Elders were held. A common concern was expressed regarding the work load assignments for Pastors Cindy and Tyler as we live into this interim period of being led and served by two pastors. Those in attendance were reassured the Transition Team will be working closely with each pastor, and with Session, to review at intervals of 90 days, six months and 12 months the status of this interim plan. Review of the roles and responsibilities, pulpit time and the ability of this plan to fulfill the call of God upon Grace of Christ, along with the ongoing leadership development of Pastor Cindy and Pastor Tyler will be assessed. 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Service Ministry Meadow Christian Camp

SUMMER CAMP 2015 REGRISTRATION HAS BEGUN! Be sure to sign up early to guarantee your spot. www. Remember to take advantage of 10% off if you pay in full and register before April 17!


Lindsay Rule

This month we welcomed Lindsay Rule from Vancouver WA as our Summer Program Coordinator. She is a recent graduate from George Fox University and will be assisting in planning our summer programs, as well as hiring our summer staff. Be sure to look for her at camp!


• Pray that Camp Ghormley will be financially successful in 2015. • Pray that relationships would be built, lives changed and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus.

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Contact Joe Buckley, 961-0424 or email jcbuckley2@ • Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month at camp to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds. • Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed • Host Guest Groups • Help with activities and events that will be part of the Year of Ghormley

FINANCIALLY: Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.

ADOPT A CABIN Great news! Nearly half of the cabins at camp have been adopted by families or small groups. Thank you!! This is a great time of year to do repairs on the cabins– it is quieter at camp and the projects could be completed before campers arrive in June. Call the camp to arrange a time during the week or on the weekend that works well for your family or small group. And if you are interested in adopting a cabin, call Joe Buckley, 961-0424.

SECOND SATURDAY GHORMLEY WORK DAY 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Saturdays February 14 and March 14. Cabins are so heavily used in the summer making winter and spring a perfect time to do repairs and fix ups. There will also be a few outside jobs needing attention. Your efforts, contributions and prayers are needed and appreciated! Lunch will be provided with an RSVP. Call camp: 672-4311.

SUMMER STAFF WANTED It’s that time of year again! Camp Ghormley is now looking for young men and women who want to serve God this coming summer through the ministry of Christian Camping. Those 18 and older can apply through, to be considered for a summer position. See the camp’s website for more information on available positions. 12

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


UPDATE FROM: DAVID AND NONI GRAVES Serving in Papua (indonesia)

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9-10 (NIV)

PRAISE ITEMS: • KAMP is Growing • Piano Lessons, Art Class, Soccer Lessons, Band • The Internal Audit Went Well • Cheese


• That God Will Continue to Provide for KAMP

(Students, Teachers, Facility)

• That God Will Protect David as He Flies • That God Would Provide for Our Furlough Time

(April-September 2015)

KAMP is the name of the language school that is running in our house. It stands for Kasih Menjembatani Perbedaan (Love Bridges Differences). God has been leading Noni the past 3+ years to form a language school to help with better cultural understanding between different groups of people who live and work here in Papua, Indonesia, so that God may be glorified. These groups include people from Papua (many different language groups), people from other parts of Indonesia (many different islands), and people from other parts of the world (missionaries and businessmen). So far in the school, we have seen people from Papua (language teachers, board members), people from other parts of Indonesia

(student, teachers, administrator, board members), and people from other parts of the world (students, board members) here in our home. Just in the past month, we have experienced a growth of 150% (2 to 5) in the number of students, and a growth of 100% (3 to 6) in the number of teachers. We have missionary students learning the Indonesian language for the first time. We have missionary students who already learned Indonesian somewhere else, who are now learning the local dialect and culture here in Papua. We also have an Indonesian student who is learning English. We have classes in the morning and again in the afternoon. The other day, I (David) came home from the office for a few minutes and heard all of the students and teachers singing worship songs together. In that instant, I think I saw a small version of what John referred to in Revelation 7:9-10. It is so exciting to see how God has moved this program forward by providing students, teachers, and funds. And we pray that He will use KAMP to help bring the Word to people here. One side-effect of the growth of KAMP is that our “facility” is getting too small. Currently, we use four rooms in our house for classrooms, as well as our living room for childcare, our dining room for breaktime and teacher meetings, and Shinta’s and Adinda’s bathroom for everyone. We are thankful that God can use our house for His purposes, but we also recognize that in the very near future, our house might not be big enough. We know that God already knows what He would like us to do for a facility. Would you please pray that He would provide just the right place to have the school, and that He would provide the funds necessary to do that.

– David & Noni Graves PO Box 300 • Sentani 99352, Papua • Indonesia 13

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

September Calendar of Events

Sun, February 1

Communion Sunday

Mon, February 2 Living Waters Meeting Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting

All Morning



5:30 pm 6:00 pm

Room 220 Lounge

Committee Committee

Tue, February 3 All Staff Birthday Lunch Worship Ministry Team Meeting

12:00 pm 6:15 pm

Parlor Adult Ed Rm

All staff Committee

Thurs, February 5 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting Women’s Ministry Meeting MOPS Set Up

1:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm Parlor Gym

Committee Committee Committee

Fri, February 6 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Craft Night

9:30 am 6:00 pm

Gym Adult Ed Rm

Moms Women

Garden Room Adult Ed Rm

Everyone Committee

Room 218 Adult Ed Rm

Committee Committee

Sun, February 8 Preschool ART Show Carenet Meeting Tue, February 10 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Service Ministry Team Meeting

Wed, February 11

All Morning 12:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm

Business Ministry Team

4:00 pm



Thurs, February 12

Ghormley Commission Kaffee Klatsch

7:00 pm 2:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm Garden Room

Committee Everyone

MOPS Leadership Meeting

9:30 am



9:00 am - 4:00 pm 1:00 pm

Camp Ghormley Garden Room

Everyone Knitters

Fri, February 13

Sat, February 14 2nd Sat Ghormley Work Day Prayer Shawl Ministry

Mon, February 16

Tue, February 17

President’s Day / Church Closed

All Day

Entire Church


SOAR Gathering Session Dinner and Meeting Session Leadership Team Meeting

6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Chapel Garden Rm/Mid High Adult Ed Rm

Everyone Elders/Prog Staff Committee

Parlor Gym / Sanctuary

Women Everyone



Wed, February 18 Edith Ferry Circle Ash Wed Meal / Prayer / Service Thurs, February 19

Fri, February 20

Sat, February 21

Sun, February 22


Fri, February 27 Sat, February 28

Sun, March 1

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

9:30 am



2:00 pm



All Morning 3:30 pm

Garden Room Lounge

Everyone Deacons

9:15 am 12:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm Parlor

Committee Women

MOPS Bake Sale Deacon’s Meeting

MOPS Creative Moments

9:30 am

Room 217


Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Prayer Teaching

Mon, March 2 Living Waters Meeting Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting

Tue, March 3

Thurs, March 5


5:00 pm

National Day of Prayer Meeting

Wed, February 25 Preschool Board Meeting Mary MacLean Guild

12:00 pm 5:30 pm

Worship Ministry Team Meeting Preschool Book Fair Kick Off

1:00 pm

David Ferry Lounge


5:30 pm 6:00 pm

Room 220 Lounge

Committee Committee

6:15 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Garden Room


All Morning

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Chek-In Meeting Overeaters Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 / noon 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed DF Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Room 217

Everyone All Staff Everyone


Bible Study “Living a Spirit Led Life” Women in the Word Bible Study

9:15 am 9:45 am

Gym Parlor

Everyone Women


Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds) Men’s Noon Bible Study Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Cristo Vive Bible Study Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal Women’s Class “Me, Myself & Lies”

9:30 am 12:00 / noon 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Chapel Adult Ed Sanctuary Youth & Mid High Rms Adult Ed Chapel Lounge

Women Men


Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer

9:00 7:00 5:30 5:45

SOZO Prayer

9:00 am - 11:30 am


am pm pm - 7:00 pm pm - 9:15 pm

Everyone Everyone

6th-12th Grade Everyone Everyone Women

Sanctuary Women Choir Rm Chapel Cristo Vive Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team Chapel, Prayer Rm


Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Adult Ed Lounge Gym Mid High & Youth Rms 2nd Floor

Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults Adults 6th-12th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade

Sunday Services and Events

Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Going Deeper: The Parables Golden Circle The Story Youth Sunday School KidZone

8:00 am & 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:15 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am

Announcements Church Hours

Clothing Exchange

The church will be closed President’s Day, Monday, February 16.

Saturday, March 28 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm in the gym. Twice a year we hold a free clothing exchange for the Yakima community. Drop off clothes, do some shopping. All for free! Clothes can be dropped off at church beginning Mon, March 23.

MOPS Bake Sale MOPS will be having a bake sale on February 22 during all three services. We will be selling pies, breads, cakes, cookies, and lunchtime items. Glutenfree items will also be available. The funds earned from this sale go directly into our yearly budget, which helps with our operating costs as well as funding our childcare program, called MOPPETS.

Cookies & Cans Thank you for bringing cookies for our fellowship time on Sunday mornings and for bringing nonperishable food for the food bank. (We donate to Calvary Rescue mission.)

Trailseeker Auction

The date below is when your family can help this month.

On Sunday, March 8, from 1pm to 4pm in the church gym, we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Trailseeker Program, with a dessert, auction and a short program. We invite you to a fun afternoon, joyously supporting the growing of our Trailseeker kid’s life goals.

February 1: February 11: February 18: February 25:

T- Z A-F G- M N-S 15



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