Grace Alive APR2016

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively

God’s Got our Future Times of transition don’t need to produce anxiety. God’s got us, here at Grace of Christ, in the palm of His hand, in His loving care. Before Moses’ death, God chose Joshua to complete the work of leading Israel into the Promised Land. God promised Joshua, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead this people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:5-9)

What assurances did God give Joshua, that each of us can bank on for our future here at Grace of Christ, too? 1. God is Faithful. We can seek His direction and put His plan into action. God had promised Abraham 400 years earlier that he and his descendants would receive the land of Canaan for an inheritance. God reminds Joshua that God’s work and promises are dependent upon God, and not on a particular person. He reminds Joshua that God is the one who blesses. God is the Giver and God is the source of our blessings. Like Israel, we too are on a journey to receive the fullness of God’s inheritance and to help God’s kingdom come on earth. God will be faithful to supply all we need as we seek His direction and move into the future. The Pastor Nominating 2

Committee is seeking God’s wisdom and direction and stepping out in obedience. We can trust God’s faithfulness in providing for our future!

2. God is with us. Joshua needed to know that God would be with him, and God assured him, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” To “leave” in the Hebrew means to be feeble, slack, to relax, to abandon. God is telling Joshua “I won’t slack off, I’m not going to leave you, my eye will always be on you, you will always be the center of My attention.” God won’t abandon us. God’s presence is all around us. What God is saying to Joshua, and to us as well, “I’m not going to take my eye off you; every step of your life, I’ll be there.” God’s presence brings us great assurance as our Grace of Christ Family.

3. Stay in the Word.The promises of blessings and prosperity were contingent upon the Word. God told Joshua three ways to stay in the Word. (1) Talk about it; “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips.” It’s not enough just to read the Word. Talk about it, discuss it, learn it, take advantage of the Discipling Time between services. (2) Think about it; “meditate on it day and night.” Meditation is the opposite of worry. It’s thinking about what God can do, and how God can work in and through our Grace of Christ Family. (3) Do it! Put it into practice;“be careful to do everything written in it.” So let us step boldly into our future here at Grace of Christ, confident of God’s provision. Let us “be strong and courageous!”

With great anticipation of our future together, – Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

PNC Report — Janet Krieger

PNC Report On February 21st the congregation voted to accept the members proposed to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), as Grace of Christ moves forward in the search for a Senior Pastor. Those serving include Steve Hildebrand, Janet Krieger, Jake Kupp, Keith Mathews, Steve Schiewe, Don Strother and Robin Stuber. The ultimate purpose of this Committee is to present a potential candidate to lead and pastor our Body. This is accomplished first and foremost in prayerful communication with God. We will follow guidelines established by our denomination, the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. Guiding us through this process will be the Ministry Partners Team assigned by our Presbytery and chaired by the Reverend Al Sandalow of Ellensburg. The PNC formally met for the first time on March 10th. During that meeting the recently completed Mission Study was reviewed. This study will provide valuable information to include in the Church Information Form (CIF). Completion of the CIF will be one of the first tasks of the PNC as it will provide data, regarding Grace of

Christ, to potential pastoral candidates. During that meeting work was also begun to develop a questionnaire to present to the congregation regarding your input concerning our pastoral needs. It is anticipated the work of the PNC will progress over a 12 to 18-month period. At the end of that time a candidate will be presented to Session for approval, and then to our congregation, for a vote of acceptance. We have asked that Prayer Ministry come alongside our Committee to intercede before God on our behalf, for our church and for the Senior Pastor candidate our Lord is preparing for us. We also ask that you join us in prayer. Please meditate on this Scripture from Proverbs and join us on a journey of faith.

“We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:1-3 – Janet Krieger PNC Chair

LET US PRAY FOR THE PROCESS - God’s plan usually unfolds over time. May we as a Body be mindful, listening, watching for His progressive revelation. THE PURPOSE - God wants to accomplish His purposes. Pray our congregation receives His vision for our church. THE POTENTIAL - God will use the gifts and passions of those serving on the PNC. TO PRIORITIZE - God will ask those serving to adjust time and energy in this journey to identify our pastoral leadership. TO PROCEED - God will eventually require us to act. Pray our church is ready by positioning ourselves in Him. 3

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Connecting Ministries — Jocelyn Larsen

Discipling Your Kids If there is only one thing I know about parenting, it is that it is not for the faint of heart! There are so many ‘hats we wear’ as parents, so many important areas of care and development that our kids need constantly: nutrition, hygiene, sports, intellectual, emotional, relational / social … and spiritual. I often hear myself saying that their spiritual growth and character-building is of utmost importance to me, but when it comes to making time to think about my kids as spiritual beings and then living out my role in helping them grow, I often feel utterly exhausted and morbidly underqualified. I desperately want to be a spiritual mentor and role model for my kids, but I often feel alone in the conversation and completely devoid of the time and energy it would take to do so. If my frustrations sound at all familiar, please join us on Sundays beginning April 3rd from 10:00 am - 10:45 am in the Chapel, immediately following the 9 am worship service. We’re calling the class, “Discipling Your Kids,” though it is just a little bit of a class and a lot more of a discussion and community. This class is designed for parents and grandparents in any season of life with kids and grandkids. We will aim to find the balance between idealistic orthodoxy (right thinking) and practical orthopraxy (right living) that will dovetail to forge us into more of the kind of parents and grandparents we long to be. OUR GOAL IS TWOFOLD: 1. Begin the conversation: make time for intentional thought and conversation about spiritually parenting our kids, leading to more intentional living out our spiritual hopes for our kids 2. Build the community: get to know other people all along the parenting journey, building a community of parents who are raising our kids together 4

DISCIPLE: One who is learning and changing in the Way of Jesus DISCIPLE MAKER: One who intentionally becomes a Spiritual Parent (literal or figurative) to another JUST TO GIVE YOU A SNEAK-PEEK: Our dominant, recurring theme in Discipling Your Kids class will be: The most important thing you give your kids is yourself, who you are. When all is said and done, the most significant thing that your kids will take from you is the kind of person you were. Our kids have the wonderful and horrifying opportunity to sit front and center as we live out our everyday lives on this planet. Therefore, the most important thing we can do as parents is simply to be people who love and grow with Jesus (disciples). Our first and best priority is to set our hearts toward continual growth as intimate followers of Jesus, then to let our parenting flow out of what God is doing in and with us. Begin by praying that God would make you a person who loves and follows Him. Then begin making regular, spiritual deposits to become more and more of that person each day. I’m honored and humbled to participate alongside you as we begin this endeavor together. – Love, Jocelyn

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Adult Ministries

Kaffee Klatsch The April Kaffee Klatsch will meet on Thursday, April 28th at 2:00 p.m. in the Garden Room. Our featured speakers will be Abby and Bruce Drollinger. Abby has just returned from spending a year working with young women in Cambodia. Bruce also spent some time there helping repair the facilities for a variety of Christian ministries. A few years ago Abby was very moved by what she saw when she went to Cambodia with a team led by Nancy and Eric Gustafson. Garth Gustafson’s ministry in that stressed country has changed the lives for many, not only for the young people there but also for those who visit that campus. Feeling a deep passion for the young women she’d met, Abby completed that visit and returned home to go on with her life here. Soon after that she received a call from a man who had affiliations with YWAM though was not with the same division as Garth Gustafson’s ministry. He’d learned of Abby’s contributions to the young women while she’d been on that trip. He wanted her to return to Cambodia to share her ministry gifts by teaching young women to develop life skills. Abby used soccer training as part of her strategy for this. Now, those young women can take care of themselves independently in a healthy and productive life style. Bruce, Abby’s father, is gifted with home repair capabilities. When he visited, he helped many Christian leaders get their facilities in better order. Cambodia is an old country populated by very young people who have few skills. The parents of most of this generation were eradicated by a former political regime. Many of the current young people have raised themselves. Political corruption is still rampant. With so few resources available in that realm, Bruce’s contributions made a significant difference. Please come join us to hear more about these incredible ministries. It’s thrilling to learn how God is using the varying talents of so many to help spread His word. There will be a sign up sheet at the Connection Center. It always helps us have a better idea of how much dessert to prepare if you let us know you’re coming. All are welcome! 5

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119



We have been serving this church for 30 years as a community outreach ministry. The Preschool has been blessed by you and your support. This year has been no different! We want to thank you all for your financial and prayerful support. This year, you have supported us through the preschool calendar and card sales, our Christmas See’s Candy sale, and most recently our Scholastic Book Fair. Your ongoing support through donations

7 1 6 1 0 2 ESCHOOL

to our scholarship and Bible fund, in addition to the Higher Grounds Coffee stand, are incredibly generous! WE ARE BLESSED! “Thank you” seems inadequate, but please know that it is sincere. We continue to need your support, especially through our scholarship program, to help bring services to those who would otherwise be unable to afford tuition. Tuition does not cover all of the expenses that are required to bring this ministry to families in our valley.

We offer classes for 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and Pre-Kindergarten classes.


We are quickly filling our rosters, so be sure and don’t wait too long to register. Please share our information with everyone! Call for information today and schedule a time to come and see our top-rated classrooms and teachers in action.

Contact Rhonda Cardona: 248-7940, ext. 119 / Rhonda


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


INTRODUCING OUR CAVE QUEST 2016 BIBLE BUDDIES Day 1 – Sal I’m a salamander who loves to explore cool caves! But I couldn’t always crawl over rocks and boulders. When I was born, I didn’t have legs, and I had to breathe water. I’ll remind kids that JESUS GIVES US HOPE! Day 2 – Mawtha Moths are nocturnal – that means we’re not afraid of the dark! I want kids to know that they don’t have to be afraid during dark times because JESUS GIVES US COURAGE! Day 3 –Radar Bats are pretty special because God gave us a cool way to find our way without light. Jesus didn’t leave you in the dark, either… JESUS GIVES US DIRECTION! Day 4 – Olivia I’m a beautiful barn owl whooo God lovingly created! Look at my fabulous face – it’s got love written all over it! My heart-shaped face can remind kids that JESUS GIVES US LOVE! Day 5 – Ray Glow worms light up dark caves with an amazing power God gave us. Sometimes kids may feel like they’re going through a dark time. But they have the greatest power source of all… JESUS GIVES US HIS POWER!


Room now, and pick up a volunteer application form.

The number of children’s registrations we accept at VBS is completely dependent upon the number of volunteers we have to serve. Please don’t wait to sign up - it is

Youth and adult forms are both available. If you are a youth volunteer (must be entering 6th grade) you can use your hours serving in VBS as volunteer hours required for school. Adult volunteers…don’t forget that we provide free childcare for your infants and toddlers, as well as a free VBS class for 3 year olds.

vital that we know the number of volunteers sooner rather than later. Stop by the Cave Quest display in the Garden


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Where Has the Mission Committee Been? Our committee members have been asked that question over and over again. A “few” years back, when the church reorganized the committees, they changed committee names to acronyms to make it easier to write and identify.

So the mission committee became the Service Ministry Team or SMT. We are still the same committee focused on missions as Jesus mandated and encouraged us to do. For the sake of clarification, we will now be known as Mission Ministry Team.

RYAN & HEIDI MOULTRAY in HONDURAS Ryan, Heidi and kids are missionaries, with Samaritan’s Purse: World Medical Mission, in La Ceiba, Honduras. Ryan is a doctor at the Loma de Luz hospital where a diverse community of Christian believers provide medical care and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Honduras.

The following update is written by Ryan… There are a few patients here that are on my heart to share. One is a young man who came in this past week, 22 years old, already carrying a diagnosis of colon cancer. He apparently had a surgery a year ago, and currently has a colostomy bag. He presented to us with bowel obstruction, which is painful and often requires surgery to fix. He didn’t have any records regarding his cancer, no biopsy reports or surgical history. One hopes they exist, somewhere, but they may not. At any rate, our surgical team took him to the OR only to find that his belly was full of cancer, metastatic. Their only recourse was to close him back up. There is nothing we can do for him except offer him prayer, comfort, loving care… Please pray for Wilmer. I had another little guy that I saw two weeks ago. He was a ‘sin cita,’ which means no appointment 8

made. He and his family drove over three hours to see us. It was the end of the day, and he was the last chart on the rack. I’m not sure why they came so far without an appointment, but maybe they had heard that we had an orthopedic team visiting us for the week. In any event, we didn’t even make it to the exam room before I was getting excited for this bright-eyed 8-year-old boy. His parents were helping him with some shoes, and as you can see (photo), he was in need of some orthopedic help. His condition was actually caused by burns he sustained when he was three-months old. I was excited, because I knew that our surgeons could really help this fella. Dr. Jeff took a look at him, and was very optimistic. He is in for about six surgeries over the course of much time, but his quality of life will dramatically improve. More importantly, he and his family will be loved on by all us Jesus - followers. Pray for him please.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

MISSIONARY UPDATE Last weekend Peter (another doctor) and I drove to La Ceiba to pick up two teams that are joining us for a bit. It’s very cool how various medical teams come down for short stints to share their talents in different ways. We compile lists of patients for months, who are patiently waiting to see a specialist for their problem. This week we have a Urologist, a General Surgeon, and a family Doc who does OB. On our drive, we saw something along the road that was so cool: You know how every year around Christmas our church solicits your help putting together shoeboxes for little boys and girls? The children are from all across the ‘third world’, and they ask that you put together a box full of small gifts. One of the organizations that does this is actually our Missionary sending agency, Samaritan’s Purse. Well, there was a horde of children walking along outside one of the small dirt-road villages on our journey, and guess what they were all toting? They were each carrying their own Samaritan’s Purse shoebox! I saw some of them opening them, and pulling out the treasures: Stuffed animals, balls, little toys… They seemed very excited. It was crazy to see children actually receiving those gestures of love that my own wife and children have put together many times. So I am here to attest that, yes, those boxes are going to make it to real children, in places of real need, and they are going to be so thrilled. You can follow the Moultray’s on their blog:

Save the Date! Celebrate New Life: Women’s Luncheon


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule

Gracia de Cristo Restoration and the Hispanic Community Outreach Praise the Lord for His great Love for His community in the Yakima Valley. Our church continues to reach out and serve those in need. The time is now! After a good winter we are moving forward helping people in our community with minor repairs and restorations inside and outside their homes. We are also helping with landscaping work, at no cost. Some weeks, we are moving furniture and taking used, old and unused items to Union Gospel Mission or to the landfill. It is a busy time and we find joy in the service! Please pray for the reading program at Adams Elementary, the upcoming Outreach Summer Camp at Ghormley for 150 kids, and for other programs and activities in our church like ESL (English as a Second Language), Financial Peace University (in Spanish), Women of Prayer, the Clothing Exchange and our weekly Sunday breakfast in the Gymnasium at 10:30 A.M. Gracia de Cristo believes that there are many ways to share the love of God to our brothers and sisters in the community, but only one way to go to the Father, and that is through Jesus Christ. Please let your light and life shine!

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” — John 14:6 10

Miracles Happen! A couple in our community, had a very difficult time last winter and had to live and sleep in their broken car, the only place that protected them from getting wet. The cold and snow covered their car, making it very cold and uncomfortable. They survived that time of adversity thanks to God’s mercy. Many from our church showed love and support through their generosity. The family has recently found a home and a better life. The house where they now live has plumbing and electricity. They are enjoying the peace and privacy of a warm home. “God wants everyone to experience His great love through Jesus.”

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / En Español Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule

Gracia de Cristo Restauración y el Alcance a la Comunidad Hispana Demos gracias a Dios por su gran amor por nuestra comunidad del Valle de Yakima. Continuamos extendiendo la mano y sirviendo a los necesitados. “El tiempo es ahora.” Después de un buen clima (nieve, hielo, lluvia y vientos fuertes) nos seguimos moviendo hacia adelante ayudando a la gente de nuestra comunidad con pequeñas reparaciones y restauraciones dentro y fuera de sus hogares, así como también algunos trabajos de jardinería, sin costo alguno. También el traslado de muebles de un lugar a otro y llevando artículos y accesorios usados, cosas viejas y no utilizadas a YUGM Lamisiónda Yakima o al basurero. Por favor oren por el programa de lectura en la Primaria Adams y la próxima Excursión al campamento de verano en Ghormley para 150 niños, y por otros programas y actividades en nuestra Iglesia como ESL ingles como segundo ideoma, Paz Financiera en Español, Mujeres de Oración, El Intercambio de Ropa y nuestro DESAYUNO los domingos en el gimnasio a las 10:30 AM. Gracia de Cristo cree que hay muchas maneras de compartir el amor de Dios a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la comunidad, pero sólo un CAMINO para llegar al Padre, y es a través de Jesucristo.

Jesús le dijo: “Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; “Nadie viene al Padre sino por Mí.” — Juan 14:6

Por favor deja que tu luz y tu vida brillen.

Los Milagros Suceden! Un matrimonio de nuestra comunidad pasó momentos muy difíciles y durante la temporada de invierno tuvieron que vivir y dormir en su carro descompuesto, el frio y la nieve cubrían el único lugar que los protegía de mojarse. Ellos pudieron soportar ese tiempo adverso gracias a la misericordia de Dios, generosidad de muchos y el amor y apoyo de nuestros hermanos de nuestra iglesia. Hoy finalmente encontraron un hogar donde vivir mejor. La casa donde ahora viven cuenta con todos los servicios y ahora gozan de la paz y la privacidad de un hogar calientito. “Dios quiere que todos experimentemos Su Gran Amor a través de Jesús.” 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center Your efforts, contributions and prayers are needed and much appreciated! Please RSVP by March 4th. To RSVP call camp at (509) 672-4311.


GO FOR THE GOLD! GO FOR THE GOLD! Summer camp registration has begun! This year’s theme is the GHORMLEY GAMES. Camp sessions will be loaded with Olympic-style games and activities as we dive into what it means to live for the King: Jesus! Be sure to sign up early to guarantee your spot. Don’t forget about our early bird special if you pay in full before April 15th!

Once again, God has shown His provision to Ghormley! We are excited to announce that we are in the process of purchasing a modular home to serve as our new camp office! The new office will be located closer to the entrance of camp, making it more accessible to those we are serving. In addition, our old office will be renovated into another house for our growing full-time staff. We are excited to embark on this new journey as God has graciously provided! We still need to raise $25,000 to complete the project. Please join us in prayer as we raise the the funds. If you would like to support financially, please contact our office at (509) 672-4311.


PRAYER • As we prepare for summer, pray that God prepares the heart of each camper who sets foot on camp. • Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. • Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities.

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed For Adopt-A-Cabin, contact Joe Buckley at 961-0424 or email

FINANCIALLY Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.

SECOND SATURDAY WORK DAY Our next Second Saturday is scheduled for April 9th from 9:00am-3:00pm. We need help fixing up cabins so they are ready for summer use, as well as a few outside jobs that need attention. 12

The application and selection process for our High School Leadership Development Program is now open! SHIFT (and OVERDRIVE – for second-year students) is a 3-week program that trains and equips high school students to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches and schools as well as providing vital work experience. Visit www.ghormleymeadow. org for more information and to apply! *Must be 16 years old or entering junior or senior year in fall 2016.


It’s that time of year again! Camp Ghormley is now looking for young men and women who want to serve God this coming summer through the ministry of Christian Camping. Those 18 and older can apply through, to be considered for a summer position. Applications are now open. See the camp’s website for more information on available positions.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Prayer Shawl Ministry

CHECK OUT our new website!

Upcoming Dates... April 9th April 23rd May 14th May 28th The Prayer Shawl ministry team meets on the second and fourth Saturday afternoons each month in the Garden Room. If you crochet or knit and have any interest in joining the group, you will be welcomed with a warm smile and the offer of a cup of tea. In fact, even if you don’t crochet or knit, you’re welcome to stop in for a bit of a chin wag and some fellowship. If an event is occurring in the Garden Room, the group slips into either the Adult Ed room or the Library. We’re easy to find because you’ll hear a lot of laughter. This group has been meeting for several years under the able leadership of Ellen Bartelli. We always welcome new participants. You don’t need to be skilled or terribly clever with yarn. Simply knowing the difference between a crochet hook and knitting needles is a good start. All what is really needed is a willing heart.

Come join us. The next few meetings are April 9th, April 23rd, May 14th and May 28th. If you’ve started a project and run into some challenges, please feel free to bring it. Perhaps one of us can help you. Please remember that we always appreciate donations of yarn if you’ve got some lurking in a closet. 13

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

April Calendar of Events

Sun, March 27

Easter Sunday Worship Services Easter Breakfast

Sun, April 3

Resurrection Sunday! Sunrise Service

6:45am 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am 7:15 - 11:30am

First Sunday for TWO SERVICES Communion Sunday

North Lawn






9:00 & 11:00am



All Morning



New Covenant Partner Class Begins

Youth Mission Trip / Portland

Mon, April 4

Tues, April 5

10:00 - 11:30am

Youth Rm (basement) Everyone

Gather at the Table: Dinner


Garden Room


Living Waters Meeting


Room 220


All Staff Birthday Lunch


All staff

Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting


Conference Room


Worship Ministry Team Meeting


Adult Ed Room


Thurs, April 7


Senior Adult Ministry Meeting


Adult Ed Room


Faith & Family (Public Meeting)


Adult Ed Room


Fri, April 8

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)




Sat, April 9

Camp Ghormley


Tues, April 12



Ghormley Work Day


Foundation Board


Preschool Staff Meeting

Room 220

Preschool Staff

Mission Ministry Team


Adult Ed Room


Thurs, April 14

Sacred Messengers Meeting








Fri, April 15 MOPS Dinner & Auction (Purchase tickets in office)

Sat, April 16

Aglow Event: Carol Cohen Healing Ministry


Garden Room


Tues, April 19

Preschool Spring Tea - 3’s



Preschool Fam.

Wed, April 20

Preschool Spring Tea - 4’s & PK



Preschool Fam.



North Lawn


Adult Ed Room


Edith Ferry Circle Meeting


Thurs, April 21

Preschool Bunny Pictures

8:00am - 12:00pm

Thurs, April 21

Faith & Family (Public Meeting)

Preschool Bunny Pictures

Fri, April 22


North Lawn


MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)




Sun, April 24

Deacon’s Meeting




Tues, April 26

Session Dinner and Meeting


Garden Rm/Adult Ed Elders

Wed, April 27

Mary MacLean Guild




Preschool Board Meeting


8:00am - 12:00pm

Conference Room

Preschool Board

Thurs, April 28 Kaffee Klatsch (Bruce & Abby Drollinger / Cambodia)


Garden Room


Women’s Ministry Team Meeting




Women’s Tea (Gracia de Cristo)


Garden Room



Sat, April 30

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting ESL Classes (Mon & Wed) Overeaters Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Perspectives Class Divorce Care

Mon & Wed ESL Classes


Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women’s Bible Study) Women in the Word Bible Study

10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:00 - 9:00 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed DF Lounge Room 220 Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Gym Room 217

Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone

11:00 am

Room 220


Gym Parlor

Women Women Women Everyone Men Everyone 6th-12th Grade Everyone

9:15 am 9:45 am

Everyone Everyone Everyone

Wednesday Women of Action (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) ESL Classes (Mon & Wed) Men’s Noon Bible Study Quiet Worship Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

9:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 5:30 - 8:30 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Chapel Room 220 Adult Ed Sanctuary Youth/Mid Hi Sanctuary

Thursday Bible Study Fellowship Women of Prayer (Spanish/English) Temple Choir SOZO Prayer

9:00 am 6:00 - 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm

Sanctuary Women Lounge Women Choir Rm Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team


SOZO Prayer

9:00 - 11:30 am

Chapel, Prayer Room


Sanctuary Church Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Lounge 2nd Floor Mid High & Youth Rms

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs-5th Grade 6th-12th Grade

Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team

Discipleship Time Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Gracia de Cristo (Spanish) Going Deeper: Romans Golden Circle KidZone Youth Refuel

9:00 am 10:00 - 10:45 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am

Announcements COOKIES & CANS

Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See the dates you can contribute - last names beginning with…

APRIL 3: N - S APRIL 10: T - Z APRIL 17: A - F APRIL 24: G - M


Sundays, April 3 – May 1 / 10:00 am -11:30 am in the Youth Room (basement.) Come explore what it means to be a covenant partner (member) of our church family. What does it mean to be part of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians? What is discipleship, and how do we follow Jesus more closely? Come explore with us! RSVP: 248-7940.


In addition to offering the Sacrament of Baptism for adults, children and infants on Sun, May 8, we will also offer infant dedication. If you are interested, please connect with Jean, 248-7940 by Mon, Apr 18. 15



GO! MAKE DISCIPLES! Beginning Sunday, April 3

We will switch to 2 morning worship services AND we are adding a Discipleship time – something for everyone.

NEW Sunday Schedule


• 3 yrs - Kinders start in Room 103

• Grades 1 - 5 dismissed to KidZone from worship service at 9:35 am


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Children - KidZone Classes Youth - Refuel Adults Classes: Golden Circle, Bible Study (Romans), Discipling Your Kids, Discipleship Application, Partner with Grace Class and Prayer Ministry Opportunity. Discussion with the Preaching Pastor, Partner with Grace Class and Prayer Ministry Opportunity

10:45 am KIDZONE ENDS – Pickup kids in their classrooms 11:00 am TRADITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE 1:00 pm GRACIA DE CRISTO – Spanish Speaking Worship Service Discipleship Application / Sanctuary Between services in the sanctuary, our large group conversation will answer to two main discipleship questions: 1). What is God saying to me? 2). How am I going to respond? This will be a chance to go a little deeper with the sermon each Sunday. Our hope is that we can help each other hear God’s leading for how He wants us to be His disciples and how He is empowering us to disciple other people.

Discipling Your Kids (and grandkids) / Chapel The most important thing you give your kids is yourself, who you are. Therefore, the most important thing we can do as parents is simply to walk with Jesus. Our first and best priority is to set our hearts toward continual growth as intimate followers of Jesus, then to let our parenting flow out of what God is doing in and with us. Parents and Grandparents are invited to join Jocelyn in the Chapel.

Partner With Grace / Youth Room by Gym Come explore what it means to be a Covenant Partner (member) of our church family. What is the church anyway? What does it mean to be part of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians? What is discipleship, and how do we follow Jesus more closely. If you want to become a Partner With Grace, Baptisms and introduction to the Church Family will be on Mother’s Day, May 8. This gathering will meet from 10:00 to 11:30, April 3 through May 1.

A Heart For Prayer / Room 220 What can we learn about prayer from the ancient fathers of the Bible? Join Robin Stuber for “Prayer In The Kingdom of God” as she unpacks their prayers during our Discipleship Time on Sunday mornings at 10:00 in room 220. On April 17, Corday Trick will offer a special teaching just for men – “Praying For Your Kids & Grandkids.” Our first gathering on April 3 will feature a vision of prayer ministry as we celebrate the power of prayer in our community in the past and looking forward.

Discussion Groups / Garden Room Each week we will have study and application questions in the program related to the sermon text. Use this “Discipleship Hour” to meet with one other person or a small group of people to walk through the process of “Repenting” (how is God changing my thinking) and “Believing” (how is God inviting me to live). You are invited to use the Garden Room for these conversations or reserve a room if you want a more private setting (limited availability). We know that some of our groups will go off site to continue these conversations in homes, coffee shops and restaurants, so please feel free to do this as well.

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