Grace Alive FEB2017

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff



Annual Report

— Pastor Cindy Shively

Seeking the Lord’s Leading in 2016 2016 has been a year of growing faithfully in listening to the Lord in prayer, serving the Lord together in our daily lives, and seeking the Lord’s direction and provision for our future here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church! Thank you to all who are a part of our Grace of Christ Family!

Ministry Highlights of 2016

• A dedicated, hard-working Pastor Nominating Committee - who continues to seek God’s person for our next Senior Pastor here at Grace of Christ! Thank you for your prayerful work! • Committed Leadership - Elders and Deacons who provide ministry and care for our church family and beyond • New Covenant Partners - making a commitment to our Grace of Christ Family • Continued Financial Health (See Business Ministry pg. 4) • Pastoral Care and Senior Adult Ministries • Smooth Staff Transitions in Children’s Ministry • An Amazing Volunteer Youth Ministry Team • Ordaining Alex Rule as Lay Pastor of Gracia de Cristo • Growing Relations with Adams Elementary • Offering Small Group Leadership Training • Continued Leadership for our Presbytery’s Pastoral Ordination Team • Transform Yakima Together and 40 Days of Prayer for the Yakima Valley

Thank You! We appreciate your continued prayers for full recovery for our beloved Preschool Director, Rhonda Cardona, who fell before Christmas.

She is making progress!


Partnering Together in 2017

As we partner together with God in 2017, I know we will continue to see God’s goodness and love pouring in us and through us, helping us make a difference in our church family, our community and our world. We particularly anticipate God’s good work through the Pastor Nominating Committee, as we welcome our new Senior Pastor, to lead our congregation into the next chapter of ministry and mission! It continues to be a privilege for me to serve alongside all of you, the Lord’s faithful, here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. With God’s Overflowing Grace and Peace, – Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Pastor Nominating Committee Update



Annual Report

— Janet Krieger

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close.” Revelation 3:8 During the past nine months God provided a divine opportunity for seven men and women to serve as your Pastor Nominating Committee: Jake Kupp, Steve Hildebrand, Janet Krieger, Keith Mathews, Steve Schiewe Don Strother and Robin Stuber. We experienced God at work in our meetings, our relationships and our hearts. We also experienced an open door that was thoughtfully, intentionally and purposefully opened by God Himself. We began the search for a senior pastor, confident that amazing things happen when we step through the doors God has opened for us. We waited upon and looked for the opened door that God would guide us through, to the person to whom He would show us. Much time was spent in prayer individually, corporately and via the work of an intercessory team comprised of Kathy Bricel, Carla Kupp, Kathy Mathison and Sharon Trick. Your PNC spent the month of December in discernment.

sermon and following there will be an opportunity to meet him, his wife Harriet and their family, learn about the process that has brought them to Grace, the specifics regarding his ministry experience and then provide the opportunity for the congregation to vote on the acceptance of Jim as our senior pastor. We believe the door God opened to this candidate does not exist just for the benefit of Grace but that Grace will have the opportunity to bless this family mightily. As we have chosen to step through this door, we are not offered today a complete view of our future, but we do have all the possibility and mystery that God provides when we join Him in an adventure of faith. We have chosen to pursue an opportunity provided by God, to act with, and for Him. We can have great anticipation on behalf of our church because we confidently know that God is already at work in our future.

Our prayer for our congregation is that On January 1st we we will be open L-R: Brenna, Harriet, Sophia, Hayley, Ross, Jim extended a call to door people. May we Pastor Jim Marian to serve as the senior pastor at Grace of embrace the challenges that come with transition, moving Christ Presbyterian Church. Our candidate has accepted forward in confidence that Jesus goes with us. May we be the call. We are currently working with our Presbytery to people who trust God with our future. And, may we be a ordain Jim in the ECO denomination; he was previously a people who understand we are blessed so that we might PCUSA ordained pastor. The candidate will be presented to bless our new pastoral family. — Janet Krieger the congregation at a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 12. On that date Jim will preach his introductory PNC Chair


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Foundation / Business Ministry



Annual Report



The Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Foundation continues to make a difference in the Lord’s Ministries in and through our church family! What has your giving to our Foundation made possible during 2016?

During 2016 BMT continued to guide the finances of GCPC toward the goal of matching monthly revenues with expenses, to avoid having a large deficit at year-end that was closed with year-end giving. 2015 was the first year BMT had used this approach, and in 2016 we again achieved that objective. Year-end giving is now being used to fund the following years budget. 2016 year-end giving was strong, and those funds are being used to fund part of the 2017 budget.

Kitchen Remodel

Have you seen the Parlor Kitchen off the Sanctuary and Garden Room? It has been updated with new cabinets, new appliances, countertops and sink. It is now easier to keep clean with more and improved storage. One of the features are the pull out shelves in the lower cabinets making access to the trays easier. If you have not been in the kitchen, please take a look.

Education Grants How about our Camp Ghormley? Through education grants, we have provided the funding for Camp Ghormley’s Joel Whitehead to obtain his Master’s degree in Camp Management. These classes have already had a strong impact in improving the camp’s ability to meet the needs of its staff and users.

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Security System Update

An updated Security System for the church is presently being installed. This will allow for better monitoring and security of the building and grounds for our whole church family. Look for additional information this coming year on how you can participate in the growth of Your Foundation. – Joe Park, Chairman 4

Camp Ghormley had a very successful year and continues their financial turnaround; they’ve now had two backto-back good years. In addition to summer camps, guest groups are doing well. They now have their own 501(c) non-profit designation. Preschool continues to welcome children into their ministry and are doing well. GCPC continues to be blessed with faithful and generous givers of their time, talents and money.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Clerk of Session Report Elders Thank You 2016 Volunteers! Another year has gone by and it has been an honor to see God at work in our church. One of the joys of being clerk of session is seeing the church’s diverse body minister to so many in the name of Jesus Christ. The elders on session have done a great job of leading by example in the different ministries. I am very encouraged during this season of transition that so many have stepped up to the needs that our church has.

Here are a few examples of what transpired in 2016… • The Student Ministry Search Committee was formed and has been actively searching for the next Youth Director. They continue to process applications and interview potential candidates, but have not found a good fit yet. Hopefully, when a new Senior Pastor is in place it will be easier to draw a Youth director to the position, knowing who will be leading them. Thank you, Amae Merrill, and all who have volunteered to lead our youth program in the absence of a youth director. • We are excited to be welcoming the new elders to our session. They are Don Strother, John Stolzenbach and Rosanne Bacon. • We ordained Alex Rule as a Lay Pastor to help lead Gracia de Cristo. Thank you Alex for your service! • We changed to two worship services for various reasons including a smooth transition to the children and youth education, being more unified by worshiping together and offering adult education in between the two services. This change for the most part has received positive feedback from our congregation. • We have worked on improving our Connection Center to be more welcoming and informative to new people in our church and existing members. Thank you to Linda Sorenson, Jeff Gray and all who volunteer to make our church a welcome place! • The Pastor Nominating Committee was formed and has been working diligently to find our next Senior Pastor to lead us. Thank you PNC! 5



Annual Report

• One of our great joys is that we get to welcome new covenant partners to our church family. We get to know who they are, how Jesus has transformed their life, what drew them to our church and the gifts that God has given them to help serve in the name of Jesus Christ. Welcome new members! • We are also saying goodbye to the following elders who now have finished their terms and are stepping down from session. Thank you for your service Joanne Hayes, Rich Millet and Jason Larsen! We as a church have continued with the homeless ministry, Winter Shelter, that started last year, offering dinner and a warm resting place every night from 5-9 p.m. Thank you Steve Hildebrand, Linda Sorenson and Betty Rosenkranz for leading in that ministry and thank you to all that volunteer.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Deacon Report We have had a good year and have many good things to report to you! Our deacons have been visiting the hospitals to give comfort to our parishioners. Our My Connect/Church Life program has aided us this year. As many of our Deacons have smartphones this has aided the visitation of church members since Memorial Hospital’s HIPA laws have made it more difficult to identify our Presbyterians. When we have a need such as a new home centered parishioner, or an unexpected parishioner in the hospital, we have instant communication between the Deacons.

Communion Committee 2016

Our communion committee has worked very hard to prepare our Communion Sundays along with the optional Prayer Sunday communion.

Traditional Communion: 2,407 (Six Sundays) Average: 401 Prayer Sunday Communion: 625 (Six Sundays) Average: 104 Maundy Thursday Communion: 150 Total Communion in 2016: 3,182

Annual Report



Income for 2016

Received Offering:


Memorial Donations:


Memorial Honorariums:


Other Income:


Sub Total: $14,388.39

Expenses for 2016

Pastoral Funds:


Madison House Meals:


Calvary Mission:


Love, Inc:


Operational Supplies:


Total Expenses: $16,095.82

Carry Over 2015:

$ 9,625.00

Net Income:


Funeral Committee 2016

2016 Deacons

The Funeral Committee provided sixteen funeral/memorial receptions for 2,060 people.

George and Ann Aldous Grant and Jackie Anderson* Ben Antonio* Patty Arkills* Lou and Ellen Bartelli Doug Bernd Barb Bordeaux Becky Brier Cathy Campbell Bruce Drollinger Rosalie DuBrau Joyce Furstenau Marcello and Olive Gambito Marietta Clements-Hobbs Annaliese Eastridge Capri Fannin Larry and Nancy Hasen

Union Gospel Men’s Worship Service

Grace of Christ Deacons have led the Union Gospel Men’s Worship Service four times in 2016. Services include a message, music, an offering for UGM, scripture and closing prayer. Retired pastor John Wilson delivered a powerful message, and Rick Larsen delivered the Thanksgiving message in November. Guest speaker T.J. gave a testimonial. Of note: T.J. was to talk for 20 minutes on personal trials he had faced. Those emotional wounds had not yet healed and after 4-5 minutes, he could not continue. That was something many present could relate too. Some even stayed to talk with T.J. after the service was over. The singing group “Thirst No More” provided music. This is a group that minister through music to the homeless camp in Yakima, in prisons, and where needed. It was noted that the men linger to listen to the music when this group plays for the service. Traditional hymnals were also used for singing accompanied by piano played by Pat Drollinger, Jon Waite, or Anne Schilperoort. Thank you Ellen and Lou Bartelli who continue to serve faithfully as Deacon Moderators. 6

Carol Jacobson* Cordy Jennings Sam Kim* Charlotte MacKenzie DeeAnn Millet Joyce Sagare Monte Schilperoort * Suzi Searl Jean Sentz Peggy Steere Phyllis Strother Arden Underall Jake Weber* Doyle Wilson Barb Whitcher Dennis Whitcher Sue Woodruff

New Deacons 2017 Barbara Manka, Doris Wheeler, and Lynn Collins *Retiring

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English



Annual Report

Sunday Services

Adams Elementary School

Our Presbyterian Church Gracia de Cristo offers its services in Spanish on every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Besides other activities, programs, and events such as Women of Prayer, Men of Courage, music classes, handicrafts, ESL (English as a second language), clothing exchange etc ... We also offer Financial Peace class in Spanish. Our vision is to reach and transform “One Family at a Time” through the love of God and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are continuing to support Adams with different activities such as Bulldog Hugs, Family Movie Night, Junior Achievement (J.A), as well as Serving breakfast at monthly PTO meetings. Our sister, Rosalie DuBrau, continues to lead the reading program, now with close to 20 volunteers. Also Grace of Christ/Gracia de Cristo is giving students the opportunity to go to an outreach camp at Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp where kids can learn about God, Jesus, and the gift of salvation. Grace of Christ/Gracia de Cristo has the privilege of hosting dinner for teacher’s appreciation at our church, and God willing we will have it again this year.

Family on a Mission On July of 2016 we took 29 people of multiple families from Grace of Christ/Gracia de Cristo to a conference meeting at Whitworth University to learn more about what it means to be a Family on Mission. We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the long week in a multicultural environment. There were great speakers such as Mike Breen, author of “Building a Discipling Culture” and “Family on Mission”. Our hope is to participate at the conference this year in July where we hope to have another great experience.


Clothing Exchange The clothing exchange that takes place twice a year continues to be very important for our community, and we would like to keep this event going. This year we are planning to hold a single event during the summer as we have noticed that other organizations are holding clothing exchanges throughout the year. We hope that you may have a sufficient amount of time to gather all donations for this very important event to bless the families of Yakima Valley.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / En Español Servicios Dominicales Nuestra iglesia presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo ofrece sus servicios en español los domingos a la 1:00 P.M. Además de otras actividades, programas, y eventos tales como mujeres de oración, hombres de valor, clases de música, artes manuales, ESL (inglés como segundo idioma), intercambio de ropa etc… También ofrecemos la clase de Paz Financiera en español. Nuestra visión es alcanzar y transformar una familia a la vez atreves del amor de Dios y el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.



Annual Report

Escuela Primaria Adams

Continuamos apoyando a la escuela primaria Adams con sus diferentes actividades como Bulldog Hugs, Noche de Película Familiar, Junior Achievement (J.A), así como Sirviendo el desayuno en las reuniones mensuales de padres llamado “PTO”. Nuestra hermana, Rosalie DuBrau, continúa liderando el programa de lectura, ahora con cerca de 20 voluntarios. También Grace of Christ / Gracia de Cristo está dando a los estudiantes la oportunidad de ir a un campamento en las montañas del campamento cristiano Ghormley Meadow donde los niños pueden aprender acerca del amor de Dios, del carácter de nuestro señor Jesús y del hermoso regalo de la salvación. Grace of Christ / Gracia de Cristo tiene el privilegio de organizar y proveer la cena para el reconocimiento y apreciación de los maestros y personal de Adams en nuestra iglesia, y si Dios quiere y es su voluntad, la tendremos de nuevo este año.

Familia En Misión En julio de 2016 llevamos a 29 personas de varias familias de Grace of Christ/Gracia de Cristo a una conferencia en la Universidad de Whitworth para aprender más sobre lo que significa ser una Familia en Misión. Todos disfrutamos de un tiempo maravilloso y nos gozamos en una semana larga en un ambiente multicultural. Hubo excelentes conferencistas como el señor Mike Breen, autor del libro “Building a Discipling Culture” (Construyendo una Cultura de Discipulado) y “Family On Misson” (Famila en Misión). Nuestra esperanza es participar en la conferencia este año en julio donde esperamos tener otra gran experiencia.


Intercambio De Ropa

El intercambio de ropa que se lleva a cabo dos veces al año sigue siendo muy importante para nuestra comunidad, y nos gustaría mantener este evento en marcha cada año. Este verano estamos planeando realizar un solo evento, ya que hemos notado que otras organizaciones están organizando y duplicando intercambios de ropa durante todo el año. Esperamos darles el tiempo suficiente para reunir todas sus donaciones para este evento tan importante para el beneficio y para bendición de las familias del valle de Yakima.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Adult Ministry



Annual Report

2016 Kaffee Klatch Programs

Senior Adult Ministries continues to provide opportunities for fellowship, fun, education and entertainment, always open to anyone! 2016 Kaffee Klatch included programs by Tinker Rautenberg and her professional musical experiences, Abby & father, Bruce Drollinger and God’s ministry in Cambodia, Kelsey Schmidt and understanding our Youth culture today, and Elder Law Attorney, Eric Gustafson, on planning for the last season of life. We also had some great musical entertainment with the Haywire bluegrass band, and Dr. Jon Waite’s Organ Christmas concert.

FEBRUARY Kaffee Klatsch

Thur, February 16 at 2:00pm in the Garden Rm Our very own Derek Smith and his band, The Haywire Outfit Band, perform various pieces of music including blue grass, folk and Irish - and it is all acoustic! You will surely love this concert! Invite a friend and come enjoy this foot-tapping sing along! Refreshments will be served.

Our Annual Veteran’s Dinner honored our veterans, provided beautiful music by Janet Jett and Anne Schilperoort, and heard Paul Schafer recount the story of the Christmas Miracle of WWI.

2016 Transitions

2016 also saw some transitions, as Carolyn Mason stepped down from her coordinating position, after years of faithful ministry. Thank you so much, Carolyn! And Frances Lockwood stepped down from secretary after 19+ years of faithful recording! You have both served well, are greatly missed, and deeply appreciated! It takes the whole Senior Adult Ministry team to attempt to fill your shoes.

Thank You Senior Ministry Team

A special thank you to the current team: Ann Aldous, JoAnn Anderson, Harold & Betty Cook, Leo & Vivian Dormaier, Pat & Harley Drollinger, Rosalie DuBrau, Larry & Sharon Handy, Tom Oliva, Dorothy Smith, June Smith and others who faithfully serve to make this ministry possible.

– Pastor Cindy Shively

MARCH Kaffee Klatsch

Thur, March 16 at 2:00pm in the Garden Rm Join us as we will be greatly entertained by Gary Mainer and his accordion. He’s been playing for over 65 years and absolutely LOVES doing it! Gary takes his accordion to local retirement homes, birthday parties, and other various functions, sharing his gift of music with others. He is quoted in the local paper saying, “Life keeps giving me the chance to play music. I go in and try to create happiness, take the mind off the worries, the anxieties and the pains for a while. It’s such a wonderful challenge to have that opportunity.” Mark your calendar for March 16, invite a friend and come enjoy Gary’s music! Refreshments will be served.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Women’s Ministry



Annual Report



Women’s Ministry Spring Retreat is just around the corner! Early registration, discounted pricing, has just about ended. Hurry to sign up during the regular pricing. In March, we will have just a couple weeks of the higher priced Late Registration. Then on March 12th registration closes. Please consider joining us in Lake Chelan for the Resting in Him retreat, with our featured speaker, Lindsay Brown.

A transplant from Montana, Lindsay Brown moved to Yakima three years ago after marrying her husband, Dylan. They have a 2 year old son named Brooklyn, and are excited to welcome Benjamin; he arrived the Wednesday after Christmas. The Women’s Ministry group has been praying and planning for this event since early September. No one on the current Women’s Ministry has planned a Spring Retreat before and it is amazing how much you don’t realize you don’t know until you are in charge. We have been blessed with wonderful information and advice from those who have serviced before. Thank you! Lindsay Brown and Family

Women’s Ministry 2016 Review Community Events: Our Women’s Team has learned that there is a real need and hunger for women to be in community with each other while sharing and learning more about Jesus. As a result, we hosted several events throughout the year.


FRIDAY MARCH 17 3:30-6:45p 7:00p

Check-in (Dinner on your own) Group Gathering 1


7:00a Re-charge Walk 7-8:30a Breakfast ($20)* 9:00a Group Gathering 2 12:00n Lunch Break (on your own) 2:00p Workshops A & B 3:00p Break 3:15p Workshops A & B 4:15p Free Time 5:30p Dinner at Campbell’s Resort (included) 7:00p Group Gathering 3 9:00p Bunko & Games


Breakfast on your own 9:00a Group Gathering 4 (love offering for Lindsay) 12:00n Check-Out * Campbell’s Breakfast: must be pre-purchased, as optional extra.




Saturday Continental Breakfast Round-Trip Bus Trip from Church

• In February we hosted a fun evening of Bakers and Bunko • In April our Team provided service for the first Women’s Tea for the Gracia de Cristo women • In August we hosted a Retreat 10

$20 $55


• In January a “New Beginnings” Brunch

• In May we hosted a Lunch


Jan 31 Feb 26 Mar 12 Double occupancy $175 $185 $195 Triple occupancy $135 $145 $155 Quad occupancy $115 $125 $135

Cost Per Person | Regist. Date


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry



Annual Report

Witnessing God’s AWESOME plans in 2016

This past year has been an AWESOME year of witnessing God’s plans unfold in the midst of transitions. For most of the year we were led by Interim Youth Director Kelsey Schmidt and her assistant Estevan Mata. Both are well loved, missed by everyone (youth & leaders) and are talked about often. Although it was sad and hard to lose such great leaders, the youth still continue to thrive and grow closer to one another, as well as in their relationship with Jesus. For the fall, Youth Ministries was led by volunteers, and it was amazing to see God’s provision in this! Thank you to all the volunteers new and old who heard God’s calling, and supported these youth! God had a plan, an AWESOME plan for the Youth in 2016, and I am glad that I got to witness it. I’m excited to see what He does in 2017! With Christ’s Love, Amae Merrill

Some of God’s Fulfilled Plans from 2016 WED NIGHT YOUTH GROUPS YOUTH GROUP

Mid-High Group: 20 students (3-4 leaders) High School Group: 10 students (4-5 leaders)


Mid-High Group: 6-8 students (1-2 leaders) High School Group: 3-5 students (3-5 December leaders)


3 Mid-High Students: (3-5 December leaders) They Raised Over $500 PROJECT RESTORE SPRING BREAK MISSION TRIP 7 PROJECT

High School Students (2 leaders)

ReStore Served in Portland (OR) Served by working with

children, hosting a bible school, serving food, bagging lunches and handing out clothing at the Union Gospel Mission

SLAMQUEST WEEKEND RETREAT Mid-High Group: 10 students (2 leaders) Camp Ghormley in October 2016


High School Group: 9 students (2 leaders) Camp Ghormley in November 2016

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CELEBRATION High School Graduates: 13 students May 2016

LUMINARIA/POKÉMON HUNT 6 Students: (3 leaders)



Yakima Arboretum in December 2016

Attendance: 16 students & family members Downtown Yakima in December 2016

Get Air Night: Trampoline Jumping and of course, Dodge Ball




Students Hosted Movie Nights and invited the larger church family: Ant Man, The Good Dinosaur, and Tarzan

Multiple Pool Parties, Water Day @ Randall Park, International Water Day Fight & Pokémon Hunting 11

JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM Attendance: 6 Students Interactive walk through city during Christ’s birth

Ugly Sweater Contest, Games, Singing, & SNOW!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry



Annual Report

Director: Melissa Gray Assistants: Jen Perrault and Jenifer Knight Children’s Ministries Department Mission Statement: Glorifying God through fostering each child’s desire to know and love Jesus Christ in a personal way.


• Impact the children with the message of Christ’s love for them.

• Each child knows that God is real and that a personal relationship with Him gives meaning to life.

• All children feel a warm sense of belonging to their Church family and each child feels welcome and wanted.

• Support the family in their responsibility for the spiritual development and growth of their child. *Develop, nurture, teach, and guide children to become disciples for Christ.

PALM SUNDAY KidZone presented the amazing story of God’s great love and plan for our lives through Jesus Christ. What a blessing to have the children share in the worship of our Lord and Savior. CAVE QUEST VBS During the summer, Vacation Bible School went back to one super week of VBS fun and excitement! We had amazing youth and adult volunteers join the Spelunking Expedition as we Followed Jesus, the Light of the World! Together we learned that Jesus give us hope, courage, direction, love, and His power!


KIDZONE CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION Baby Jesus, We Love You - Kidzone shared in celebrating the Christmas holiday with this special program to draw our hearts and minds towards the reason we celebrate this beautiful season. SUNDAY MORNING KIDZONE Dig In! This fall we started digging in to the life of Jesus, a program focused on creating deeper Bible experiences for kids. The children meet together each week in Chapel for worship, experiments, object lessons, and animated stories before heading to their classrooms where they have crafts, play games, and dig deeper into the life of Jesus and His amazing love for each of them. MISSION AND OUTREACH Yakima Fire Department, Operation Christmas Child, Adam’s Elementary Giving Tree, Compassion International, and the Moultray Family Mission Trip are just a few of the projects we have participated in this year. Adam’s Elementary was a new outreach as we came together as a congregation to provide gifts for children from our local community. We are also working closely with supporting the Moultray Family as they serve on a medical mission in Honduras. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY STAFF We are very excited to have added two new staff members to our children’s ministry team. Jen Perrault and Jenifer Knight have been a blessing to our ministry as they service the children and families here at Grace of Christ.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool



Annual Report

— Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

Director: Rhonda Cardona Staff: Jessica Van Horn, Katrine Schraan, Becca Mailand, Kelsey Schmidt, Jenifer Knight, Crystal Lopez, Becky Gruenberg, Shereé Tsubota, and Griselda Gonzales. Board of Directors: Our volunteer advisory Board of Directors support this program and help make important decisions regarding staffing and programming. Our Board members are June Lally, Toni Thompson, Katrine Schraan, Mary Sundquist, Kerri Sevigny, Cindy Shively, and Mary Finstad.

GRACE OF CHRIST PRESCHOOL For the past 31 years we have welcomed over 70 families per year from around the Yakima Valley to learn about God’s word and receive one of the best Early Childhood educations this area has to offer. Families receive more than just an education at GOC Preschool; they become part of our community, they engage in our Children and Family Ministries, and often make this their church home. Here at Grace of Christ Preschool we help children to develop awareness and confidence in God’s love and power, to encourage a positive self-image, to develop confidence in abilities, to encourage the ability to function as a member of a larger group, to encourage the ability to resolve conflicts in a positive manner, and to develop positive attitudes towards learning. The children who come through this program are well equipped to begin kindergarten. We receive numerous reports back from school districts stating that the children who have come to them from our preschool are far ahead of any other students entering kindergarten. The teaching staff we have are competent in early childhood education and bring not only high academics, but teach valuable social skills that lay their strong foundation for continued learning.

OUR SCHOOL YEAR runs from August through July. We offer one Pre-Kindergarten class, two Four-Year-Old Classes, and two Three-Year-Old Classes. We also offer weekly chapel, music and P.E. classes, and “Kid’s Club” an optional after school enrichment program. Last year we introduced a 5th day option for our Pre-Kindergarten class focusing on science, this was a great success and this year we expanded the focus beyond science to art, nature and cooking. 13

COFFEE STAND Higher Grounds latte bar is a strong part of our program as well as the church. Becky Gruenberg is our barista serving drinks, greeting all who come through our building and making them feel welcome. The money that comes in through this goes toward the running of the coffee stand and we hope this becomes a more productive fund raiser for our preschool scholarship fund. Volunteers play a crucial part of the success including John Benson, Jana Alderman, and Kristine Striegel who help on Sunday mornings. MISSION PROJECT The preschool also continues with our mission projects. Joining with Kidzone in supporting our local Yakima Fire Department. The children bring water, etc. and it is donated to the fire department in the spring when the preschool has field trips to the fire station. We also join with the congregation and support Samaritan Purse by donating shoeboxes. SCHOLARSHIPS This is huge. We consider our ability to offer scholarships to the families who would be unable to attend our preschool without this assistance, a tremendous accomplishment and blessing with long term effects on this community. Your faithfulness to this program is commendable and thank you for helping us meet this challenge. The families who receive these scholarships are required to volunteer time back to the program.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


As I sit and look upon the nearly two feet of fresh snow we just received, I feel in awe of God’s goodness to our ministry during this past year. Like the snow that kept coming and coming, we have so much to be thankful for here at Ghormley. I think I can say with confidence that the feeling of uncertainty about the future that we experienced in past years has been completely replaced by hope and excitement in looking ahead. While there are always challenges and threats in a ministry like ours, God has done so much in this past year. Here are some of the highlights from 2016: Financially speaking, 2016 was one of the best years in camp history. This is in large part due to a huge jump in retreat guests. Over a two-year period from the end of 2014 to the end of 2016, our retreat group revenue went up by 56%! While the increase in guests certainly creates its own challenges, this has been a huge blessing to our ministry, as it provides us the financial freedom to save for hard times ahead, improve our offerings, and raise our level of service. This past summer was a wonderful summer of ministry. We had 815 campers attend summer camp, plus approximately 100 youth who attended Outreach Camp weekend in June. God worked in the lives of so many youth, and also provided us a great staff team to serve the campers. Our staff was unified in the gospel and in service from day one, and it was a joy to serve alongside them. 14



Annual Report

In September, we added a full-time Kitchen Assistant to our team. Jubal Gust was one of our summer staff members this past summer, and God led him to stay on long-term when we created the position. With the huge increase in guests year-round, this was a much needed addition to support our Food Service department. When you combine that with adding Cheryl Massingill to our team in December 2015, we essentially added two full-time positions this year, which has been a huge step forward in our level of service to our guests. Both Cheryl and Jubal are amazing individuals who bring many skills and talents to our team. I (Joel Whitehead) continued my studies towards a Masters in Camp Administration. While finding a balance between work and school has been challenging, I have enjoyed my studies and feel that it has greatly enhanced my work here at the camp. I have just two classes remaining, plus a summer practicum next summer, and will graduate (Lord willing!) in November of this year. This fall we hosted four events: Slamquest (Jr. High Camp weekend), The Blast (HS Camp weekend), Thanksgiving, and Mountain Meadow Christmas. All were well attended; in fact, Thanksgiving and Mountain Meadow Christmas filled to capacity. It is a blessing to serve the community and our camp families at these events, and we are grateful for great attendance. Generous donors have given towards several areas of need. We have nearly all the funding we need to begin our Office project, and we also received a large donation this fall which will allow us to renovate Upper Evergreen, which is in desperate need of improvement.

I could go on, but as I said at the beginning, God has showered us with blessings beyond measure. We are looking forward to 2017 and being a part of His continued work here at Ghormley Meadow! In Christ, Joel Whitehead Asst. Executive Director

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church




Annual Report

• Aaron and Ronda Barker, YWAM in Hawaii: Expansion of ministry and increased support. • Trailseekers: Praises for 22 girls and 45 boys and the volunteers who grow faith and transform lives. • Project Mercy: Partnerships and prayer support. • Tim and Muriel Teusink: Smooth transition to SIM office in France and new teaching opportunities in Africa. Additional praises made possible with your faithful giving:

Look where God has been at work through the missions and ministries of Grace of Christ this past year. Our missionaries have written with praise to our faithful God for: • Garth and Caroline Gustafson, YWAM Cambodia: 10 years of opportunity to witness and teach in Battambang, Cambodia • Fellowship of Christian Athletes: How the Spirit is moving through athletics in the Yakima Valley • Habitat for Humanity: Sites to build new houses, and for the ones completed • Brent Knipper: Opportunity to encourage believers and to witness to non-believers • Don Stuber: Successful Young Life plant in Harrah and other small towns • Nathan and Emily Carter-McIndoo: Our marriage and the privilege to serve the Lord together • Dave and Noni: The Lord’s encouragement at the needed times and for 100% funding • Campbell Farm: Community response in replacing our animals • Ryan and Heidi Moultray: Moving adjustments for the family and ministry in Honduras • Union Gospel Mission: Construction of the new medical clinic and volunteers for our many ministries. • Blessings of Hope: Increased number of children involved in Bible studies • Love, INC: Faithful volunteers, increasing community support and successful TEAM program • Mable Swan: Growing relationships with the residents • Living Waters: New install this summer and good visit with past installs. • Mending Wings: Youth involvement in fund raising and volunteering at UGM. 15

• We have been able to add two more missionaries to the budget. Nathan and Emily McIndoo, serving at Boise State with CRU and Ryan and Heidi Moultray serving in Honduras will receive monthly support in 2017. • Other recipients of your generous giving are Love, INC, Campbell Farm and Adams Elementary school who receive the provisions of Bags of Hope. • With generous gifts of time, we are able to minister to the homeless shelter, serving hot, nourishing dinners to about 20 men every evening until mid-March. • Praises that Garth Gustafson and his team have moved into the facilities on their new campus in Cambodia. Thanks for your continued support to make that happen. Please continue to be involved through service, giving and prayer that God will be glorified in the work accomplished in His name. God has a plan for you. He wants to use you to further His kingdom work. Check out the mission bulletin board in the hall to learn more. Pick up a prayer letter and pray for our missionaries and how God will use you to help them. Join the MMT team meeting the 2nd Tuesday at 4 pm for prayer and decision making. Ask God where He wants to use you and then go where He calls you to go. Come join the team. Let’s “glorify God by equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors” and others around the world.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church




Annual Report


After several years of leadership, Linda Burnam stepped down as the coordinator of the volunteers who serve at the Connection Center. Many thanks to Linda Burnam for her hard work and faithful service in the Connection Center! Currently, we are praying for person to coordinate the Connection Center.

The Connection Center Needs Your Help! The Worship Ministry Team would like to extend our deepest thanks to our community for your help in volunteering, for your input, and for your patience over the past year. We have been through many changes, some minor and some seemingly major, but have done our best to trust the Lord through those transitions. Thank you for praying with us through those times of change, and for your support and encouragement along the way. The Worship Ministry team oversees many facets of our church body, and I will let those individual ministries speak for themselves. In Love, Jason Larsen, Elder with WMT


The purpose of our committee is to host and celebrate Dedications, Baptisms and New Covenant Partners, and to welcome those participants into our church family.

Connection Center Volunteers have been reorganized to serve only 1-4 times a year, rather than for a series of weeks in sequence. That means 24 to 30 people are needed Each Month - that’s almost 90 people a quarter! • Thank you to those that have stepped up to help at the Connection Center in the past seven months. Many of you have found it an enjoyable and enlightening experience! • A safety tool has been implemented using an electronic checkin system for KidZone and Early Learning Center on Sunday mornings, and MOPS on Fridays. (This is monitored and run by the KidZone staff on Sundays.) • Exploration of an electronic system is being considered to assist Connection Center volunteers in quick and accurate access to current information and sign-up for various activities. Please pray for the Connection Center, for a coordinator and volunteers to staff it. Many hands make light work – so let’s share in the service for our common good and bless our church family and those who visit us each Sunday!

In 2016 we welcomed: 20 New Covenant Partners

For more information on how you can share in this ministry, call the overseeing Elder, Linda Sorenson at: 834-1185.

In 2016 we witnessed: 4 Dedications and 14 Baptisms


(7 of which joined the Gracia de Cristo church family)

Our quilters and other committee members have been busy, as each infant received a hand crafted quilt at their celebration. Older children received crosses to remember their commitment, and New Covenant Partners were acknowledged with carnation boutonnières. Photos of all have been downloaded to the church computer, and appear in Grace Alive publications. It is truly a blessing that God is using us in this very special ministry. Joann Benson, Chair Celebration Committee


God has blessed Grace of Christ with a very consistent and reliable core team of musicians and singers that love the Lord and love serving Him with their talents. For this I am very grateful. My prayerful goal is that in the coming new year we are able to grow the team with 3 or 4 new volunteers. Thank you, Grace of Christ family, for your prayers for all the people that help lead the worship services. Jason Cavanaugh Contemporary Worship Leader 16

“Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.” James 5:13

Prayer Ministry Highlights from 2016:

• Two worship and prayer events with the Contemporary Band • Taught and accomplished listening prayer to the congregation on Prayer Sundays • Weekly Intercession for staff • Staffed prayer room after each worship service • Taught listening prayer to 3rd – 5th graders • VBS Prayer tent – teaching little ones to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit • Taught adult Sunday school classes on prayers of the Bible • Provided prayer shawls through the loving knitters in the prayer shawl ministry • Emergency prayer through the prayer chain • Intercession for many committees including session (elders), leaders and pastors • Participation in the Sozo ministry with trained Sozo ministers

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Dedicated loving volunteers from our church provide a short worship service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Orchard Park and Ponderosa Retirement facilities. All present are blessed in various ways! It is a privilege to have these services, help in leading hymns and to visit with the residents. God is good!


The Sanctuary Guild seeks ways to add additional beauty to our church in the Sanctuary and the Garden Room. We place Easter Lilies in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Many of those lilies are given to shut-ins the following Monday. Thanksgiving brings pumpkins, squash and corn stalks to the altar and steps to celebrate the abundance God has provided to our church and valley. Our small group participates in decorating the church for Christmas the last week of November. We arrange the Advent candles, wreath, the Nativity figures and fresh Poinsettias to the front of the Sanctuary. Linda Mathews


It was in December of 2015, our former choir director, Lyndi Peacock, turned over the duties of director to newcomer, Roz Strang. Lyndi was called to move with her husband, Curtis, to new jobs in Arizona. We thank her for her years of dedication and talent. Roz comes from Alaska where she’d directed church, school and community choirs for nearly 40 years. Our Temple Choir has made the transition with grace, ease, and a regular sense of humor. During the past year, outside of providing vocal service support each Sunday during the school year, we’ve also participated in several other happenings: • Jon Waite, our organist extraordinaire, celebrated his 30th year of service with an extended musical church service and following reception on June 12th. • Choir hosted a dinner for the Youth during Lent on March 23rd • Easter was a celebration of our Lord and Savior’s resurrection. We also resurrected the Handbells, which played for the first time in many years. They also played this Christmas Season. • John and Roz Strang hosted a summer choir potluck at the end of June; it was in part to celebrate Tinker’s participation and departure. • During Jon’s and the choir’s summer break, Anne Schilperoort graced the organ, and arranged for several guest vocalists and instrumentalists. • Spring saw the departure of several of our choir members, due to moves, schedule conflicts, and/or personal reasons; however, God has been faithful in sending replacements. September brought us 6 new members.




Annual Report

• The music office has been freshly painted, and new table and chairs have been added. Our thanks to the maintenance personnel who made this happen. The Lord has been gracious to us. In retrospect, it’s been a year of “new”: new director, new members, new music, new handbell choir, and a new schedule, just to mention a few. However, Psalms 40:3 states our mission the best: “And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.” Roz Strang, Choir Director


With the change to two services, the 48 usher positions for three service went down to 32. This allowed us to “retire” some longtime ushers from active duty. Those that accepted the retirement option were: Rich Cargill, Leo Dormaier, Dan Harvey, Dain Paulson, Jerry Smith and Ken Turner. We want to thank these gentlemen for their many years of service to our church family. Others who went from active to alternates are: Larry Hasen, Nancy Hasen, Eric Gustafson, Dick Myers, John Rasmussen, Lynn Collins and Stan Berndt. We want to also thank them for their help both past and future. Our usher family lost a long time member, Ray Kempf. Ray served the 11:00 service for many years and we will miss his “quiet voice”. We are still in need of three ushers for our 11:15 service, so if you are willing to serve please contact me for more details. Scott Henyan


Nine weddings were officiated by our Pastors in 2016 two of which were held in our Sanctuary. The others were all off-site. In Christ, Jean Paulson - Pastors’ Assistant


We continue to celebrate the faithful folk who come together from various ministries to help plan and support worship at Grace to the Honor and Glory to God! We are especially blessed to welcome three youth to our Sunday morning tech team: Aidan Yolo, and Joshua & Jacob Merrill! This behind-the-scenes ministry strives to use technology to enhance worship without you knowing we’re “on-the-job.”

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church




Annual Report

Adult Education Class “Golden Circle” 2016 saw a roller coaster ride for Golden Circle

which, like most roller rides, landed safely. Due to several losses of our core membership for a number of reasons, attendance dipped significantly. But through the perseverance of leadership and the faithfulness and dedication of Golden Circle members, the class started blossoming in the fall and now has a healthy attendance each week.

The function of the Fellowship Team is to provide opportunities for the body of Grace of Christ to spend time in each other’s company, share life together and to help support each other emotionally, physically and spiritually. We also practice hospitality, in hope that everyone feels welcome in our church. Fellowship activities in 2016 included: • An Ash Wednesday Soup and Bread Dinner • Gather at the Table soup or salad dinner the first Monday of each month • A Thanksgiving Dinner for the Congregation in November • Serving Cookies and Coffee during Sunday Fellowship time

With the adjustment of service times to 9:00 and 11:15, along with a dynamite teaching staff, Golden circle is moving onwards and upwards. Class still meets in the David Ferry Lounge, now at 10:15 – 11:00 with our usual “mini service” including prayer, announcements, hymn singing and a 25-minute study of scriptures. In addition to our strong foundation of teachers including Harley Drollinger, Steve Schiewe and Peggy Schaffer, we have greatly enhanced the staff dynamics with the addition of 2 very capable teachers in Jocelyn Larsen and Jill Skone. In addition to this dynamic slate, we occasionally have a special treat with the guest appearance of one of our many missionaries, most recently Debbie Hall and Ryan & Heidi Moultray. So please feel free to join us – The Golden Circle Class. Our motto: “You don’t have to be old to go for the Gold!!” Golden Circle wants YOU! Thomas J Oliva Golden Circle Representative

Adult Education Class “Going Deeper” Going Deeper meets in the Adult Ed Room on Sunday mornings. The class stresses continuous studies with expository teaching. We spent 2016 studying the books of Romans and John. The class is taught by various teachers and is open to anyone who brings their Bible and wants to dig into the Scriptures. Ron Sanders


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church




Annual Report

for out of the MOPS budget which gets most of its revenue from dues, two annual bake sales, and our annual auction, which will be held on March 24, 2017. The exceptional MOPPETS program connects children with several Christ-loving volunteers who have been busy attending children from infant stage on up to children in our Homeschool room. An interesting note is this year’s group of women have a large percentage of multiples attending; two women even have multiple multiples. Every child is offered a snack and an opportunity to participate in an age-appropriate activity while the moms are able to enjoy uninterrupted respite in the presence of other harried moms. This year’s MOPS ministry began a “We Are the Starry Eyed” themed year with an enthusiastic Leadership Team. Returning to serve another year are Co-coordinators Megan Nelson and Emily DeKorte, Danielle Woodcock for Finance and Registration, Jennifer Berger and Bethanie Lundgren for Discussion Group Leaders, Jennifer Suhm as MOPPETS Coordinator, Melissa Fleck for Hospitality, and Monica Cottle as the only Mentor Mom. New to the ministry are Julie Clark for Discussion Group Leader, and Abbey Gunderson for Crafts. Our dip in leadership numbers does not reflect the strength of the group as a whole; God’s Holy Spirit is alive and at work. It should be emphasized that the MOPS Leadership Team serves from a variety of churches; few call Grace of Christ her home church. Our bi-monthly meetings commenced on September 16, 2016 with a message about grief and grace from Pastor Cindy Shively. Our speakers give us practical tools and insight into things that are important to moms. We also take time to enjoy a meal, fellowship with one another and pray together. A craft is offered monthly to reach those who enjoy having a moment to themselves to create something interesting. As a special monthly event, MOPS offers Creative Moments, where women can come and work on any project they wish with child care provided from the Child Care’s Early Learning Zone. Also in September, MOPS had a friendly presence at the Sunfair Parade, giving popcorn, stickers, snowcones, water, and soda to attendees from the lawn off Yakima Ave. Also in September, this year’s conference, MOMcon, was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and four women were able to attend. The highlights included worshiping with, and hearing from, several big name Christian leaders, including Natalie Grant. Airfare and registration were paid 19

Christmastime arrived with the delivery of the Operation Christmas Child boxes by MOPS volunteers to a drop-off sight. The annual Christmas Tea was well-attended with a message from Joddi-Jay Babcock of Life Choices of Yakima who spoke on the Hope in Jesus. We enter 2017 with a commitment to enabling MOPS moms to see the wonder in their unique role as mother. Our meetings end on May 19, 2017 where we host an Appreciation Luncheon for the committed volunteers. We continue to need prayer and volunteers to keep the MOPS program working well at Grace of Christ Church, which continues to be a beacon of light and hope to many in the Yakima Valley. Our Mission Statement in MOPS International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. We thank Grace of Christ for partnering with us to become better moms, making a better world. Grace and Peace, Emily DeKorte

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

The Sozo Ministry



Annual Report

We did a Basic Sozo Training from February 25 through April 7 adding 10 new team members. Our team consists of 26 members. Seven team members are from this church. They are Julie Grove the director, Eric Gustafson, Carla Kupp, Ana Lucas-Garcia, Kathy Myers Robin Stuber, and Sharon Trick. The other members represent seven different churches in the Yakima Valley. Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering a person’s personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. With a healed connection, they can walk in the destiny to which they have been called. Sozo is the Greek word translated “saved, healed, and delivered.” For example, in Matthew 9:22 it means healing, “But Jesus turning and seeing her said, ‘Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well’ [Sozo], and at once the woman was made well [Sozo].” A Sozo session is a time for the Sozo team to sit down with a person and with the help of the Holy Spirit walk them through the process of freedom and wholeness. It is not a counseling session but a time of interacting with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for wholeness and pursuing of one’s destiny.

Since the Sozo Ministry began in 2011 we have done 355 Sozos and put in 3,252+ volunteer hours. In 2016 we did 44 Sozos and put in 312 volunteer hours. Sozo Ministry is not supported financially by Grace of Christ. Our expenses are paid from donations received from those we minister to. In Isaiah 61 the Bible teaches us that when people are set free and healed they will be called oaks of righteousness, and make a positive impact on those around them and their cities. Transformed people transform cities, and because we all want to see our communities transformed we are part of the Faith and Families Team. This is a group of ministry leaders, Christians working in family oriented agencies, and Christians from our community who are seeking to find out how we can better impact our community if we work together. Faith and Family is part of the Transform Yakima Together Network.

After our clients finish their session we have them fill out an experience form. There is a section where they can fill out a testimony of breakthrough. They give written permission for us to use their testimonies. These are a few testimonies from 2016: Many lies were exposed and counteracted “with truth. Truth = freedom! This provided

me with a safe place to humble myself and admit/repent of shame.

I felt a deep, heavy feeling has been lifted. Forgiving was the key to healing and letting go of my burden. Christ wants me to go to my dad’s grave and tell him I forgive him. (I have never gone to his grave.)

I broke through trust issues, lies from the enemy were broken and I have freedom. Control and fear are gone. I am healed from within and feel very free.


If you would like a Sozo appointment, applications are available in the church office or on the church website: (at the bottom of the page, click on Partners or type Sozo into our website search bar.)

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Upcoming Events UNDERSTANDING SHARIA LAW On Wed, February 22 at 1:30 pm in the Garden Room, Mary MacLean Guild will host a special program featuring guest speaker Laurel Krueger. She will be speaking on Sharia Law. Please come, men and women are welcome! No matter which news service one subscribes to, struggles in Muslim countries are front and center. Laurel Krueger has a keen interest in the Mid-East and Islam and would like to share her insights with us. In her words,

Ten years ago I set out to take one history class at YVCC. That one class fed my interest in history, culminating in an unplanned history degree from CWU. American and Russian history became my main focus but two classes on the Middle East and the end of the degree program ignited my passion in this particular area. The subject was at once ancient and contemporary, distant and near, frightening and compelling.

Questions begat more questions: • What is Islam and its relation to the Middle East (geopolitical)? • What are the divisions within Islam and how has that played out in history? • How does 7th century Islam compare to 21st century Islam? • What is Sharia law and is it compatible with democracy?


• Is Islam peaceful and egalitarian or has it been hijacked by radicals? • How are the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) similar/different? • What challenges does an increasing Muslim immigrant population pose to western governments that prize diversity and multi-culturalism? • Why is the Palestinian-Israeli thing such a big deal? My digging brought me into the realm of people who have left various countries of origin, left Islam for either atheism or Christianity, and have documented their journey. Their stories are worth hearing because they speak to what nations face politically, culturally and religiously with the assimilation of Islam into western societies. My studies ultimately led me to evaluate: 1) what is freedom, 2) what are the responsibilities of a free people, 3) what is the Christian response to freedom? These are value-based questions with a variety of interpretations. My hope is to present information, invite conversation and encourage self-study on a subject that demands our attention. Islam wants to establish a worldwide caliphate. My goal is to preserve American/Christian values and that begins with knowledge.” – Laurel Krueger

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

February Calendar of Events Fri, Jan 27 MOPS Creative Moments 9:30am Room 217 Sat, Jan 28 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Sun, Jan 29 ANNUAL MEETING 10:15AM SANCTUARY Tue, Jan 31 Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed Fri, Feb 3 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Sun, Feb 5 Communion Sunday 9:00 & 11:15am Sanctuary Mon, Feb 6 Gather at the Table 5:30pm Garden Room (join us for a meal & conversation) Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Conference Room Tue, Feb 7 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15pm Adult Ed Room Wed, Feb 8 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Conference Room Thu, Feb 9 Ghormley Commission 7:00pm Adult Ed Room Fri, Feb 10 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:30am Adult Ed Room Sat, Feb 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Sun, Feb 12 ONE SERVICE 10:00AM SANCTUARY CONGREGATIONAL MEETING 11:00AM SANCTUARY Mon, Feb 13 Edith Ferry Circle 12:00pm Parlor Tue, Feb 14 Foundation Board Meeting 7:00am Library Wed, Feb 15 Parenting Class Commences for 8 weeks 6:00-7:45pm Parlor Thu, Feb 16 Kaffee Klatsch / Derek Smith’s Haywire Band 2:00pm Garden Room Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room Fri, Feb 17 Preschool Mid-Winter Break All Day Mon, Feb 20 PRESIDENT’S DAY / CHURCH CLOSED ALL DAY ENTIRE CHURCH Wed, Feb 22 Preschool Mid-Winter Break All Day Mary MacLean Guild Lunch Meeting 12:00pm Parlor Mary MacLean Guild Speaker / Public Invited 1:30pm Garden Room Fri, Feb 24 MOPS Creative Moments 9:30am Room 217 Sat, Feb 25 Session Retreat 9:00am - 3:00pm Lounge Sun, Feb 26 Deacons Meeting 3:30pm Lounge Tue, Feb 28 Foundation Board Meeting 7:00am Library Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30pm Garden Rm / Adult Ed Wed, Mar 1 ASH WEDNESDAY: SOUP DINNER / PRAYER/ SERVICE 5:30PM GYM / SANCTUARY Thu, Mar 2 Senior Adult Ministries 2:00pm Adult Ed Room Fri, Mar 3 Preschool Scholastic Book Fair/ 8:30am-12:30pm Garden Room (1 Week Event) MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Mon, Mar 6 Gather at the Table 5:30pm Garden Room (join us for a meal & conversation) 22

Moms Knitters EVERYONE Elders Moms Everyone Free for all Committee Committee Board Members Committee Committee Knitters EVERYONE EVERYONE Women Committee Everyone Everyone Committee Preschool EVERYONE Preschool Women Everyone Moms Elders Deacons Committee Elders EVERYONE Committee Everyone Moms Everyone

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Serve at Love INC Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care

Mon & Wed ESL Classes

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed DF Lounge Adult Ed Love INC Gym Adult Ed Room 217

Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone

11:00 am Room 220

Tuesday Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women’s Bible Study)

9:15 am Gym


9:45 am Parlor


Women in the Word Bible Study

Wednesday Noon Bible Study Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

12:00 Noon Adult Ed 5:30 - 8:30 pm Youth and Mid Hi Rms 6:00- 8:00 pm Sanctuary

Everyone 6th - 12th grades

Thursday Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir SOZO Prayer

9:00 am Sanctuary 7:00 pm Choir Room 5:45 - 9:15 pm Prayer Room


Friday SOZO Prayer


9:00 -11:30 am Prayer Room


Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team 9:00 am Sanctuary Discipleship Time 10:15-11:00 am Church Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:15 am Sanctuary Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish) 1:00 pm Sanctuary Going Deeper: John 9:30 am Adult Ed Golden Circle 10:15 am Lounge KidZone 9:00 am 2nd Floor Youth Refuel 10:15 am Mid Hi & Youth Rm

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12



On Wed, February 22 at 1:30pm in the Garden Room, Mary MacLean Guild will host a special program featuring guest speaker Laurel Krueger. She will be speaking on Sharia Law. Men and women are welcome!

Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…

KAFFEE KLATSCH SAVE THE DATE Thursday, February 16 at 2:00 pm in the Garden Room. Derek Smith’s band, Haywire. Come enjoy this foot-tapping blue grass music, and sing along to some familiar gospel tunes.


Feb 5 Feb 12 Feb 19 Feb 26




Join Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church For a Special Ash Wednesday Service


he season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday,


March 1, which is 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. This is a time of preparation for Easter through repentance and contemplation of the necessity of the cross in our forgiveness. His birth at Christmas ultimately leads to the cross and His suffering.

his service vividly


portrays the significance of the cross of Christ in our forgiveness as worshipers symbolically nail their sins to the cross. The slips of paper are burned in silence as first names are read aloud. Worshipers are invited to come forward once again to receive the sign of the cross with the ashes. Join us for this most poignant and personal worship experience.

oin us at 5:30pm in the gym for a simple soup and

bread supper. We will gather in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm for prayer and a special Ash Wednesday service at 6:30pm. Childcare will be available during the service.

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