Grace Alive November 2016

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively

Does Being Thankful Really Make a Difference? It’s interesting that we have set aside one day a year to give thanks. Yet the Bible tells us over and over that giving thanks is to be an ongoing way of life for us, throughout the day, every day of our lives. “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Author and priest, Thomas Merton describes it this way. “To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us -- and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.” When we truly believe that God is love, then we realize that life, and all it brings, whether easy or hard, has been filtered through God’s love and grace. When we trust in God’s goodness, we can give thanks in everything, even when some things don’t make sense to us. Sometimes pain comes because of our own hurtful choices, sometimes because of others, and sometimes, it’s just part of life and our broken world. Sometimes being thankful takes a huge leap of faith, but it shifts our focus from what our lives lack to the abundance God has already given us – the multitude of blessings, both big and small. You may be familiar with a book by Ann Voskamp called “One Thousand Gifts.” Essentially it’s the story of how God gradually transformed Ann’s life, from one of anger, bitterness and ingratitude, to one of peace, joy, and contentment, enabling her to truly live fully. What made a difference for Ann was learning to give thanks. Someone challenged her to make a list of 1,000 things for which she was thankful (to actually write them down). Ann began working on her list, and it gave her a whole new perspective. In studying scripture, she came across the Last Supper. Prior to breaking the bread, Jesus “gave thanks” (Greek word – Eucharisteo). The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace. Jesus took the bread and saw 2

it as grace, a gift from God, and gave thanks. The Greek word “charis” (grace), also holds the derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” Deep joy and peace are found only at the table of eucharisteo – a life of thanksgiving. When we look at Jesus’ life, thanksgiving precedes the miracle… Jesus took the bread and the fish, and gave thanks… and then the miracle of the multiplying of the loaves and fishes. Jesus stood outside Lazarus’s tomb, tears streaming down his face, and He prayed, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me,” and then the miracle of a dead man rising. Jesus took the bread and gave thanks…and then the miracle of Jesus enduring the cross for the joy set before him. Eucharisteo – thanksgiving – always precedes the miracle, and alone enables joy and peace. So how does being thankful make a difference? • It shifts our focus to God and His gracious provision. All of life, even the hard stuff, is a gift. • It changes our perspective – reminding us of our deep dependence on God, including the gift of salvation from Christ’s sacrificial love. • It opens us up to the working of God’s Spirit both in us and overflows to others. • Even secular research shows “Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, improves health, and reduces stress.” So as we move into this holiday season, let us continue to make giving thanks an ongoing way of life. Maybe start a journal of thanksgiving, or end each day with prayers of thanksgiving. Giving thanks in all circumstances, — Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Pastor Nominating Committee Report — Janet Krieger

PNC Report The PNC continues to receive applications for our senior pastor position. We are grateful to be serving in this age of technology which allows us to watch sermons and have direct interactions with the pastoral candidates via webcam on SKYPE. We are presently conducting a number of second round interviews and have at least one third round interview scheduled. We are impressed with the quality of the candidates, their love for our God, commitment to being led by the Holy Spirit and rich prayer lives. I am so thankful to be serving alongside the faithful believers who comprise your PNC; Steve Hildebrand, Jake Kupp, Keith Mathews, Steve Schiewe, Don Strother, and Robin Stuber. Please join us in prayer for:

The potential - God will use the gifts and passions of the pastor He calls to disciple and grow our Body.

The process - God’s plan usually unfolds over time. May we as a PNC be mindful, listening, watching for His progressive revelation.

To prioritize - God will sustain those serving on the PNC, to adjust time and energy in this journey, to identify our pastoral leadership.

The purpose - God wants to accomplish His purposes. Pray the pastoral candidate God is calling to us receives His vision for our church.

To proceed - God will require us to act, to choose wisely and make a decision regarding a senior leader. Pray we are ready by positioning ourselves in Him.

“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.” - Hebrews 10:36 — Janet Krieger PNC Chair

To learn more about ECO, visit their website, 3

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English — Alex Rule

ESL Forum at Central Washington University You need to remember that God will not let you be tempted beyond your ability to resist. May God give you the wisdom to understand that He is with you, not against you.

Pastor Alex Rule, Sue Woodruff and Tamara Lee attended the ESL Forum at Central Washington University on September 29th. We met other ESL teachers from around the state to gain ideas about how to improve our programs. It was inspiring to learn the many creative ways we can reach our communities as we help people acquire the English language and navigate American culture. Please pray for this ministry that God is using to transform life in our community. God wants to show His glory through times of adversity and afflictions. When God’s people go through an adversity in their lives, their immediate reaction is to blame God. They make comments such as “God is mad at me”, and “God is punishing me”. But the reality is that God wants to use that opportunity to show His glory. In John 9:1-5, Jesus heals a man blind from birth so that people would see the glory of God in him. John 9:1-7 (AMP) “While He was passing by, He noticed a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might be displayed and illustrated in him. We must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world giving guidance through My word and works.” When He had said this, He spat on the ground and made mud with His saliva, and He spread the mud like an ointment on the man’s eyes. And He said to him, ‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam’ which is translated, Sent. So he went away and washed, and came back seeing.” 4

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” - 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)

FUNDRAISER DINNER Last year Gracia de Cristo held our annual fund raiser and the members of Grace of Christ generously supported our Hispanic Ministry. As a result, much has been accomplished this past year. At this year’s fund raiser, we want to show our appreciation to the congregation of Grace of Christ by sharing with you all that has transpired. We also want you to know what we hear God calling us to do this coming year and what it would mean to have your support again. Please join us on December 1 at 5:30 p.m. for a delicious, authentic Mexican dinner and experience what it means to be a Family on Mission.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / En Español Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

ESL Forum at Central Washington University — Alex Rule

Es necesario recordar que Dios no os dejará ser tentados más allá de nuestra capacidad para resistir. Que Dios te dé la sabiduría para entender que Él está contigo no contra ti.

El Pastor Alex Rule junto con Sue Woodruff y Tamara Lee asistieron al fórum de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) en la universidad central de Washington en septiembre 29. Conocimos otros maestros de alrededor del estado que compartieron algunas ideas de cómo mejorar nuestro programa de Ingles. Fue de mucha inspiración el aprender las diferentes maneras creativas de alcanzar a la comunidad para poder ayudarles en el aprendizaje y así poder comunicarse mejor con nuestros hermanos en Ingles. Por favor oren por este ministerio que Dios está usando para transformar una familia a la vez. Dios quiere mostrar Su Gloria atreves de tiempos adversos y de aflicciones Cuando el pueblo de Dios pasa por una adversidad en su vida, su reacción inmediata es culpar a Dios. Ellos hacen comentarios como: “Dios está enojado conmigo”, y “Dios me está castigando.” Pero la realidad es, que Dios quiere usar esta oportunidad para mostrar su gloria. En Juan 9:1-5, Jesús sana a un hombre siego desde su nacimiento para que las personas pudieran ver la Gloria de Dios manifestarse en él. 1 Al pasar Jesús, vio a un hombre ciego de nacimiento. 2 Y le preguntaron sus discípulos, diciendo: Rabí, ¿quién pecó, éste o sus padres, para que haya nacido ciego? 3 Respondió Jesús: No es que pecó éste, ni sus padres, sino para que las obras de Dios se manifiesten en él. 4 Me es necesario hacer las obras del que me envió, entre tanto que el día dura; la noche viene, cuando nadie puede trabajar. 5 Entre tanto que estoy en el mundo, luz soy del mundo. 6 Dicho esto, escupió en tierra, e hizo lodo con la saliva, y untó con el lodo los ojos del ciego, 7 y le dijo: Ve a lavarte en el estanque de Siloé (que traducido es, Enviado). Fue entonces, y se lavó, y regresó viendo. - Juan 9:1-7 Reina Valera 5

No os ha sobrevenido ninguna tentación que no sea humana; pero fiel es Dios, que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que podéis resistir, sino que dará también juntamente con la tentación la salida, para que podáis soportar. - 1 Corintios 10:13 Reina Valera CENA PARA RECAUDAR FONDOS El año pasado Gracia de Cristo llevó a cabo nuestra recaudación de fondos anual y los miembros de la Gracia de Cristo generosamente apoyaron nuestro Ministerio Hispano. Como resultado, se ha logrado mucho este año pasado. En este año en la recaudación de fondos, queremos invitar a la congregación de Gracia de Cristo para mostrarles nuestro agradecimiento y compartir todo lo que ha ocurrido. También queremos que sepan lo que escuchamos de Dios y que es lo que nos está llamando a hacer este año que viene y lo que significaría tener su apoyo de nuevamente. Por favor, únase a nosotros el 1 de diciembre a las 17:30 para disfrutar de una deliciosa cena con Comida Autentica Mexicana y experimentar lo que significa ser una FAMILIA EN MISIÓN

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Missions PROJECT MERCY DESSERT Come to a dessert with special guest Bete Demeke on Thursday, November 3rd, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Garden Room of Grace of Christ. Learn how Bete is sharing his business skills, talents and faith to bless Project Mercy. Beginning in early 2014, Bete Demeke took a sabbatical leave from his high-powered international job at IBM to volunteer his time with Project Mercy. Since May 2016, Bete has served as Project Mercy’s President. With over 31 years of experience with IBM in the Information Technology industry – and his last eight years focused upon international market – Bete was responsible for managing a multibillion dollar business. Most recently, Bete was headquartered in Shanghai, China. He has lead over 5,000 employees in over 130 countries – across Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Bete was also a member of IBM’s Growth and Transformation Team (GTT), which is comprised of a select group of senior IBM executives who are deemed change – agents for transformation and growth of the company. Project Mercy is a not-for-profit relief and development agency providing aid, comfort, and support in the name of Jesus Christ to alleviate human suffering and overcome systemic poverty in Ethiopia and beyond.


Coming Wednesday, November 16 – The 7th Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon prepared and served by our church family for our neighbors across the street - the residents of Mabel Swan Manor. They enjoy our traditional home – cooked meal that is served in the Garden Room. Your help is needed - bringing sweet potatoes or pies, purchasing dressing mixes, butter or cranberry sauce, setting tables, carving turkey, serving at the buffet as well as cleaning up. If you have already signed up to help thanks. You will receive a reminder call. If you would like to be involved in this important outreach in our community, sign up at the Connection Center on Sunday, November 6th or call Joyce Sagare at 248-6691.



RISE UP, THE MIRACLES AND MEN OF KATRINA Hurricane Katrina devastated the coastline of Louisiana including New Orleans in August, 2005. The Harris family led several mission groups from GOC to New Orleans to help with clean up and restoration. We were blessed to be a blessing. Connie Harris, a former member of Grace of Christ has published a book titled, “Rise Up, The Miracles and Men of Katrina,” detailing the aftermath of the devastation and rebuilding of New Orleans following hurricane Katrina. It is a delightfully written, moving account of God’s love in action. Connie will be in Yakima Saturday November 5th at 2 pm at Inklings for a book signing. She will also be with us Sunday morning for worship and will be signing books in the Garden Room afterwards. Connie has pledged to donate 50% of the proceeds from any book sales to our Mission Ministry account. If you cannot be here that weekend, you can go to her website churchesriseup. com to order a copy. Please leave her a note on the comment page that you are from GOC.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Clothing Exchange / Golden Circle FALL CLOTHING EXCHANGE


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 | 9:00A – 2:00P

For many years our church has shown compassion to our community through the bi-annual Clothing Exchange. An event that draws hundreds of people to our gym to “shop” for free clothing, shoes, kid’s items and books. Please come to share the blessing and the Good News of our Lord Jesus and make new friends. We will begin collecting your donated items on Sunday, October 30th in the gym. This year winter is expected to be very cold and the need for clothes is enormous. Take a moment to dive into your closet and consider what you are not using anymore. Your contribution will surely be greatly appreciated by those less fortunate in our community. Grace of Christ is a family on mission and we want to get the message of Jesus Christ to Yakima Valley, not only through this event but also by sharing our lives with those around us. “Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 (AMP)


Come and join the friendly atmosphere of Golden Circle from 10:15 – 11:00 Sunday Mornings. Each Sunday we have a mini-church service complete with prayers, hymns and Bible study, not to mention a few corny jokes. We try to stay within the announced time frame so as to allow people some time in transit before and after the new service schedule for coffee and visiting. This quarter we are studying Hebrews in October and Revelation in November. We are very blessed to have a strong cadre of teachers including Harley Drollinger, Peggy Schaffer, Steve Schiewe, Jocelyn Larsen and Jill Skone.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center


The Blast is our High School weekend retreat for 9th-12th grade campers, and will be held the weekend of November 18-20. Registration is now available online, so sign up today!


On Thanksgiving Day, we’ll be hosting a Thanksgiving feast at Camp Ghormley! Any and all are invited to attend. Save mom the cooking duties and enjoy a fun and family filled day at Ghormley! More information is available on our website. To register, please call us at 509-672-4311 and let us know how many will be attending.


What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities to help kick off the Christmas season! Amazing meals, gingerbread house building, sledding, and Christmas crafts are just a few of the amazing activities you’ll get to enjoy. Join us December 10 and 11 for a fun-filled event that is sure to be a tradition for years to come! Registration is on the Ghormley’s website. —Joel Whitehead

Grace of Christ Garden Room


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Adult Ministries VETERANS DINNER AND PROGRAM Let’s show our gratitude for our freedoms and the blessings we have in America.

Thank You Veterans!

Come and join us as we celebrate our Veterans at our Annual Dinner

When: Sunday, November 6, 2016 5:00 PM in the Garden Room Who: All are welcome!

Enjoy hearing our guest speaker, Paul Schafer, retired History Teacher, as he recounts the Christmas Miracle of World War I Music by Janet Jett (soloist) and Anne Schilperoort (pianist), as well as some sing along favorites.

Cost: $12 for Veterans | $15 for non-Veterans Please RSVP by November 3rd

Kaffee Klatsch MARK YOUR CALENDARS Christmas Organ Concert featuring our own Dr. Jon Waite

Thursday, December 15th, 2:00 PM The concert will be in the Sanctuary, followed by refreshments in the Garden Room.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Prayer Ministry EVENING PRAYER GATHERING A PLACE TO DALLY WITH HIM We will start at 7:00pm with simply finding a comfortable spot in their lovely home, relaxing as praise music is played taking us out of our everyday pressures into a time devoted entirely to praising and thanking and personally communicating in prayer with our Heavenly Father. This is the plan for the Grace of Christ Prayer Meeting for November 17, and we want you to join us. There will be Prayer Ministers available if you want to pray with someone as well.

Do you need a respite? - A time away from thoughts of all the responsibilities looming ahead for you; a getaway that will have no monetary cost; some place where you would have an hour or so with God to give you the peace which is beyond all understanding? Good. Your Prayer Ministry is meeting on November 17, at Rich and DeeAnn Millet’s home for such a time and you are invited.

As we enter this glorious time of the year celebrating Thanksgiving and our Lord’s birth sometimes we need a reminder about the most important piece. We want to start this celebration the way the Lord intends for each one of us. Here is a safe place to dally with him. —Grace of Christ Prayer Ministry Praise & Worship • Thur, Nov 17 • 7:00 PM 119 Gilbert Drive (off Yakima Ave)

Student Ministry STUDENT MINISTRY UPDATE! better yet, get to know who they are, show them God’s love through you! Thank you all for your continued prayers! I appreciate all of you who heard God call you to help out in this season! I invite you to come spend time on a Wednesday night or Sunday morning to see God’s work and to get to know the youth of our church. Blessings to you! Dear Church Family, Youth group is off to a great start! Through this period of transition God has been faithful in providing us with many volunteers to hang out and teach the youth, as well as many to cook meals for them. We have had about 30 youth coming on Wednesday nights and about 10 youth on Sunday mornings! The group on Wednesday nights is a very diverse group of youth from different cultures and faith journeys, and yet God has continued to provide a community where they can feel safe, loved, and a place to learn more about Him! Sunday mornings is smaller, but God still provides a place for youth to grow deeper in their faith, as they build a community. The youth on Sunday are also learning how to participate in “big” church with adults, this is crucial for them so they can learn what a church community is before they become adults. So if you see youth in service, be sure to welcome them, 10

—With Christ’s Love, Amae Merrill

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray

KidZone is having a great time digging in to the life of Jesus! Each week we learn more about the incredible events in the life of Jesus, and how He helps us today in our daily lives. During the month of November, we will be learning that Jesus can change lives, He has God’s power, He gives us eternal life, and Jesus loves everyone! Join us in KidZone as we dig deeper together into the Bible! The children are having lots of fun during Chapel time on Sunday mornings. We sing, dance, conduct experiments, practice our memory verse, and explore how our lesson applies to our lives at school and with our families and friends. We are also talking about the impact our offering makes in the lives of our adopted sister “Evi” from Indonesia. We were able to collect a special offering that will arrive just in time for Evi to celebrate Christmas. Thank you for your continued generosity and prayers for Evi and her family. During the month of November, we are learning 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Please plan to bring a full shoebox (or two) to church by November 13. We will be dedicating the shoeboxes and praying for each child that will receive this special gift. CALLING ALL CHRISTMAS SINGERS AND SPEAKERS! Our Child-Sized service will be Sunday, December 18. Please plan to bring your child for rehearsal on Saturday, December 17 at 10:00 in the Sanctuary. We look forward to sharing this special program with our church family!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119


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For the sixth year the preschool is once again selling God’s Creation Calendars and Cards! The wall calendars with Bible scripture in either NIV or KJV are available now! We also have a limited number of pocket calendars, everyday greeting cards and Christmas cards. Check this out at the Connection Center on Sundays or in the main office during the week.

GOD’S CREATION 2017 Wall Calendars Pocket Calendars Greeting Cards (pack of 12)

Christmas Cards (pack of 12)

Look for us in the Garden Room on


Or pre-order now in the main office and at Higher Grounds Coffee Please consider supporting the preschool through these fundraisers. The staff and Board of Directors for the preschool, plus the many families involved, thank you for your giving and for your support. 12

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Miscellaneous MOPS CHRISTMAS TEA MOPS will be hosting their annual Christmas Tea on Friday, December 2nd at 9:30am in the Garden Room. All women are invited, whether a MOPS member or not. It will be a blessed morning with a hot breakfast, a spiritfilled message from one of our MOPS moms and of course a craft for our artistic fix! Let’s celebrate our Lord and all He has given us with a fun morning together.

DISCIPLESHIP TIME SUNDAY MORNINGS JOIN US! 10:15-11:00 Each Sunday morning, we carve out some time for Discipleship. Time to gather with each other to learn more about the gracious, amazing God we serve. Time to be nurtured; to be fed. And time to come along side one another in this, at times, crazy walk we call life! WHICH DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITY SOUNDS GOOD TO YOU? Golden Circle: A Bible study mixed with a bit of singing, laughing and fellowship. (Lounge) Deeper in the Word: Bible study focusing on the book of John, learning more about the life and ministry of Jesus. (Adult Ed Room) Praying the Scriptures: Praying scripture over our loved ones. (Room 220) Discipleship Application: The preaching pastor will go a bit deeper into that morning’s scripture. (Sanctuary)


CHURCH-WIDE THANKSGIVING MEAL & WORSHIP SERVICE We will enter the holiday season with praise and thanksgiving! Please join us on Sunday, November 20 for one worship service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary (Kidzone will be 10:15-11:15am) followed by a lovely Thanksgiving meal in the gym at 11:30am. Turkey and mashed potatoes will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

November Calendar of Events Sun, Oct 30 Baptisms / New Covenant Partners All Morning Sanctuary Deacon’s Meeting 3:30pm Lounge Tue, Nov 1 All Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00pm Parlor Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15pm Adult Ed Room Thu, Nov 3 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00pm Adult Ed Room Project Mercy Dessert 7:00pm Garden Room Fri, Nov 4 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Sat, Nov 5 Clothing Exchange 9:00am -2:00pm Gym Book Signing: Connie Harris at Inklings 2:00 - 4:00pm Inklings Book Store Sun, Nov 6 Prayer Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Veterans Dinner and Program 5:00pm Garden Room Mon, Nov 7 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Conference Room 5:30pm Garden Room Gather at the Table Dinner Tue, Nov 8 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Wed, Nov 9 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:30am Adult Ed Room 12:00pm Conference Room Preschool Board Meeting Thu, Nov 10 Ghormley Commission 7:00pm Adult Ed Room Fri, Nov 11 Veterans Day / No Preschool Today/ All Day Church is Open Sat, Nov 12 2nd Saturday Ghormley Work Day 9:00am - 3:00pm Camp Ghormley Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Mon, Nov 14 Edith Ferry Circle 12:00pm Parlor Wed, Nov 16 Mabel Swan Thanksgiving 12:00pm Garden Room Thu, Nov 17 Women’s Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room Fri, Nov 18 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Sat, Nov 19 Aglow Speaker and Lunch 10:00am Lounge Sun, Nov 20 ELZ Staff Meeting & Lunch 12:30pm Adult Ed Room Deacon’s Meeting 3:30pm Lounge Tue, Nov 22 No Women’s Bible Studies Today! Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30pm Garden Rm/ Adult Ed Rm Wed, Nov 23 No Preschool Today Temple Choir Rehearsal Tonight 7:00 - 9:00pm Choir Rm/Sanctuary Nov 24 - 25 Happy Thanksgiving! Church Closed Thur & Fri All Day Entire church Sun, Nov 27 First Sunday in Advent Wed, Nov 30 Decorate Church for Christmas 1:00pm Sanctuary/ Garden Rm Thu, Dec 1 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00pm Adult Ed Room Gracia de Cristo Fundraiser Dinner 5:30pm Gym Fri, Dec 2 MOPS Christmas Tea 9:30am Garden Room Sat, Dec 3 Santa Breakfast 9:00am Gym Sun, Dec 4 Communion Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Preschool See’s Candy Fundraiser All Morning Garden Room Sat, Dec 17 Childsized Rehearsal 10:00am Sanctuary Mon, Dec 18 Childsized Christmas Program 9:00am Sanctuary


Everyone Deacons All Staff Committee Committee Everyone Moms Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Committee Everyone Committee Committee Committee Committee Everyone Knitters Women Mabel Swan Committee Moms Everyone Staff Deacons Elders &Prog.Staff Preschool Temple Choir Everyone Everyone Committee Everyone Women Everyone Everyone Everyone KidZone Kids Everyone

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday Mon & Wed Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeaters Anonymous Serve at Love INC Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care ESL Classes Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women’s Bible Study) Women in the Word Bible Study Men’s Noon Bible Study Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal Life Group Leadership Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir SOZO Prayer SOZO Prayer

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm 11:00am 9:15 am

Adult Ed Everyone DF Lounge All Staff Adult Ed Everyone Love INC Everyone Gym Adult Ed Everyone Room 217 Everyone Room 220 Gym Women

9:45 am Parlor Noon Adult Ed 5:30 - 8:30 pm Youth and Mid Hi Rms 6:00 - 8:00 pm Sanctuary 6:00 - 8:00pm Adult Ed 9:00 am Sanctuary 7:00 pm Choir Room 5:45 - 9:15 pm Prayer Room 9:00 - 11:30 am Chapel, Prayer Room

Women Men 6th - 12th grades

Women SOZO Team SOZO Team

Sunday Services and Events

Worship - Led Contemporary Worship Team 9:00am Sanctuary Discipleship Time 10:15-11:00 am Church Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:15 am Sanctuary Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish) 1:00 pm Sanctuary Going Deeper: John 9:30 am Adult Ed Golden Circle 10:15 am Lounge KidZone 9:00 am 2nd Floor Youth Refuel 10:15 am Mid Hi and Library

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12

Building Hours The church will be closed for Thanksgiving, November 24 and 25. May God richly bless your holiday and your families!

Announcements COOKIES AND CANS Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with… Nov 6 Nov 13 Nov 20 Nov 27 15




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