Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
June Calendar of Events Thurs, May 29 Preschool Last Day Luau (3’s) Fri, May 30 Preschool Last Day Luau (4’s & PreK) Fri, May 30 Prayer Mosaic Sat, May 31 Pastor Cindy Carter’s Installation Service Sun, June 1 Communion Sunday Israel Trip Planning Meeting Cristo Vive - Two Summer Sunday Services
10:00 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 11:00 am
Gym Gym Main Floor Sanctuary / Garden Room
Preschool Families Preschool Families Women Everyone
All Morning 10:45 am 9:00 am / 6:00 pm
Sanctuary Adult Ed Room Chapel
Everyone Everyone Everyone
Mon, June 2 Living Waters Meeting VBS Volunteer Meeting Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting
5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm
Parlor Garden Room DF Lounge
Committee Everyone Committee
Tues, June 3
12 / Noon
All Staff
1:30 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm
Adult Ed Room Parlor Gym
Committee Committee Everyone
All Staff Birthday Lunch
Thurs, June 5 Senior Adult Ministry Meeting Women’s Ministry Meeting Parenting Class Kick Off (7 Week Class)
Sun, June 8
Carenet Ministry Meeting
12:15 pm
Adult Ed Room
Mon, June 9
Edith Ferry Circle Potluck
12:00 / Noon
Room 203 Room 218 Adult Ed Room Library
Committee Committee Committee Committee
Garden Room
Tues, June 10 Worship Ministry Team Meeting Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Service Ministry Team Meeting Business Ministry Team Meeting Wed, June 11
5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm
Informational Leaders Meeting (The Story!) 6:30 pm
Thur, June 12 Sacred Messengers Kaffee Klatsch Everyday Ministry for Everyday Lives
7:00 pm 1:30 pm 6:00 pm
Library Garden Room Parlor
Committee Everyone Everyone
Fri, June 13 Cristo Vive Craft Night Cristo Vive Youth Group
6:30 pm 6:30 pm
Adult Ed Room Gym
Women Youth
Camp Ghormley
Mid High Rm
Sat, June 14 Ghormley Work Day All Day Free Lunch / RSVP please! Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Sun, June 15
Happy Father’s Day!
VBS Kick Off! Extended Event Today! Commission VBS Volunteers Graduating Seniors Celebration and 5th Grade Promotion Orcas Encampment Opening Ceremony Tues, June 17
Session Leadership Team hurs, June 19 T Ghormley Commission Fri, June 20 Orcas Encampment Closing Ceremony Sat, June 21 Karpos Live Coffeehouse Worship Sun, June 22 Deacon’s Meeting Tues, June 24 Foundation Board Session (No Dinner)
Wed, June 25 Sat, June 28
Naomi Circle Meeting Prayer Shawl Ministry
9:00 am - 12 / Noon 9:00 am / 11:00 am 10:30 am
Garden Room Sanctuary Garden Room
Everyone Everyone Everyone
12:00 / Noon
Adult Ed Room Adult Ed Room Sanctuary Garden Room Lounge Library Mid High Rm
Committee Committee Campers Everyone Deacons Committee Elders & Prog. Staff
Parlor Garden Room
Women Knitters
7:00 pm 6:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 am 6:30 pm 10:00 am 1:00 pm
Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. ericka.clark
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events
Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon
9:00 am -10:00 am
Senior Adults
10:00 am 12:00 / noon 5:15 pm
Adult Ed Adult Ed Adult Ed
Everyone Everyone Everyone
Wednesday Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds) Contemporary Worship Rehearsal
9:30 am 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Chapel Sanctuary
Thursday Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer Parenting Class
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Chapel Lounge, Prayer Rm Gym
Cristo Vive SOZO Team Everyone
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Chapel, Prayer Rm
SOZO Prayer
Sunday Services and Events June 1st & 8th Worship - Led Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ
8:00 am & 9:30 am 11:00 am
Sanctuary Sanctuary
Everyone Everyone
Worship - Led Contemporary Worship Team June 15th- Aug 31st Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ
9:00 am 11:00 am
Sanctuary Sanctuary
Everyone Everyone
Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) June 1st - Aug 31st Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish)
9:00 am 6:00 pm
Chapel Chapel
Everyone Everyone
Beginning June 15th - Aug 31st
Adult Ed Bible Class Golden Circle
9:30 am 9:30 am
Adult Ed Lounge
Adults Adults
Beginning J une 15th - Aug 24th
Youth Sunday School KidZone Sunday School - VBS
9:00 am 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Mid High Room Garden Room
6th-12th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade
Devotion The Time Has Come “At last the time has come!” He announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Turn from your sins and believe this Good News!” —Mark 1:15 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. —Romans 12:2 My days are managed by the clock in minutes or hours . . . or what is known in Greek as kronos time. This is a chronological, sequential, predictable movement of time that I can plan for and rely upon. But every so often I experience a moment of kairos; a moment when the Kingdom of God invades my daily existence. It is a moment of endless possibility, a time when God is trying to get my attention, when He is up to something. It is rarely logical, it is unpredictable and always full of opportunity. Kairos moments allow us to experience the Kingdom of God here and now. We see how God works. In a kairos moment God may speak to me through scripture, I may audibly hear His call, receive a Holy Spirit nudge, be given a word of knowledge or receive a vision. It is a moment that has the potential to teach me, stretch me, and even define me. A kairos moment is God in my life calling me to become more like Jesus. My responsibility in this journey of faith is to be alert, to observe where God is moving and what He is saying. Between the moment God’s presence is revealed and my response there is an opportunity for me to choose to change, to grow. This is a time when I can engage in reflection and prayer, discuss with other believers and then choose to move toward what He is calling me to do. I choose to believe that the Holy Spirit is moving me to step out in faith. I can create a plan, share it with others so that I have accountability as I move forward and then take action to move in faith toward God and His call. We should always live our days looking for those moments, those unpredictable times when His will and His way intersect with our journey. They will happen any time. A friend calls to give a good word. A familiar Scripture is read with new insight. A co-worker takes a moment to lend a hand. A song on the radio encourages after a long hard struggle. God is always surprising us with His perfect, kairos timing. Are you expecting Him, waiting and watching for how He will move in your life?
– Janet Krieger 3
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Announcements Grace of Christ Summer Worship Hours
Grace of Christ moves to 2 services on June 15 August 31 at 9 am and 11 am. Cristo Vive moves to 2 services on June 1 - August 31 at 9 am and 6 pm.
Come join us in celebrating our graduating seniors on June 15th at an all church gathering on the north lawn! 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. We will also be welcoming our incoming 6th graders! This would be a great time to introduce your student to Johnny and the summer interns!
Thank You Joe!
Outreach Camp @ Ghormley
Joe Park who has been the Clerk of Session from January 2004 – May 2014 has retired. If you see him, please thank him for the years of service to our church.
Clerk of Session Needed Session is looking to find a volunteer to fill the role of Clerk of Session. If you are interested or would like to suggest someone who might fill the role well, contact John Rasmussen at 952-9614. Requirements: candidate must have previously served as an Elder, and be a current member of our church.
Father’s Day Photos Showing Dad you care is easy! Email your favorite photo of your father to PRTEAM@yakimagrace. com. Photos recieved by June 9th will be included in a special Father’s Day Slideshow.
Recycle Bins We now have recycle bins in the Garden Room for your cans and water bottles! The bins are a lovely brown, so see if you can find them! They fit in very well…
Handicap Accessible Doors Have you noticed the new automatic doors at the south and west entrance? Perfect when your hands are full, need to get a stroller though or for those in wheelchairs.
What Can I Do? It seems everything is so expensive these days. But, there’s a way you can help minister with your labor! The 2nd Saturday of EVERY MONTH is a workday at Ghormley. Come lend a hand, cleaning, repairing, etc. June 14th. Everyone can help. Workers will be fed lunch. Please call 672-4311 to let the staff know you’ll be there.
Church Communication Needs? For all your church communication needs please email or call the office 248-7940.
Cookies & Cans Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name. Also consider bringing a donation of nonperishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.
June 1: A - F June 8: G-M
June 15: N - S
June 22: T - Z
Visit Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church on Facebook. “LIKE US” 4
MADISON HOUSE goes to Ghormley for Outreach Camp June 13-15. This camp is in need of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer please contact Tony @ 457-3370.
June 29: A - F
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Sermon Series God’s Family On Mission When you say, “Yes” to God, you get incredible blessings. One is especially noteworthy: You become a member of God’s family. Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts and uncles, are all part of the deal. No, you’re not connected by blood, but rather you are connected by something far more powerful - the Holy Spirit! The family of God is ever expanding and it does so at the speed of relationships. This occurs through a process of growth and learning characterized by accountability, trust, and love as we seek to be transformed by God’s active presence in our lives. In this short series, we will explore the vision God has given to His disciples and, consequently, His church: Simply put, we are a family on mission. June 1 Acts 2:36-41 “Repent & Believe!” (Mark 1:14-16)
June 8 Acts 2: 1-13 “God’s Not Dead!” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) (Pentecost)
Summer Sermon Series God’s Exceptional Love This summer, begining June 15th, we will be exploring “God’s Exceptional Love” as we switch to our summer schedule: 9:00 & 11:00. Regardless of whether you have been left out, are different, don’t understand, do something wrong, or are afraid, God loves you! Jesus directs that the greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). These two commands are not mutually exclusive. In other words, if you love God, you will have a love for others. God’s Word clearly reveals that His love is life transforming as it is shared one person
to another. Most especially, we will be sharing that love with the kids of our community as this years summer VBS has been expanded to encompass eleven Sundays over the summer, June 15th through August 24th. The kids will learn the lessons at the beginning of our 9:00 worship, and the adults will hear the lesson in the morning sermon and both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. Join us this summer as we explore and experience the love of God!
Fall Sermon Series
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Senior Pastor — Pastor Jack Peebles
Dear Church Family, WE LOVE KIDS! Do you know where children are in the value system of God’s Kingdom? God’s heart is revealed in Jesus’ words in Matthew, Mark, and Luke: Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14) But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Luke 18:16) Biblical scholars tell us that if a point is repeated in Scripture, you’d better pay attention! Jesus was very clear on the subject of children. He loved them and lifted them up as a priority within His Kingdom. As we consider the faith that has been entrusted to us by previous generations, we must also think about our responsibility in passing on that same faith to the next generation. We pass on that faith by showing our love and sharing God’s Truth within the context of relationships. This summer is going to be quite an experiment. In years past, kids have enjoyed our one-week VBS experience. I’ve often heard it described as “the Disneyland of VBS’s.” While we are thrilled 6
that kids love our VBS, we noticed that children’s attendance on Sundays declines sharply each year after the conclusion of VBS. Our sincere desire is that children and their parents would stay connected throughout the summer months. Instead of a one-week intensive, we are spreading VBS out over the course of eleven weeks, June 15 through August 24. That means there will be an intentional emphasis on kids at the beginning of each 9:00 service (remember: we switch to our summer schedule on the 15th!), and then the kids will go into a VBS-style Sunday school. We are strongly encouraging parents and adults to participate, as we believe Christianity happens at the speed of relationships. I’m sharing this with you because we are counting on you! Not only do we need people to volunteer in some key areas (if you’d like to volunteer, you can contact Susie at Susie.woodin@yakimagrace. com), we also need your help in supporting what we are doing by showing up to worship, appreciating that kids are part of our church family, and making them feel special and loved! Jesus had a special place in His heart for kiddos, and so do we! This summer is about loving the kids to the fullest…and not just for one week! We love them, and we invite you to love them too…all summer long! Living and loving for Him, Pastor Jack Peebles
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Carter
Am I Living in My Identity as God’s Child? Yet to all who did receive him [Jesus], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12) Covenant is the way in which the Bible describes and defines relationship: first our relationship with God and then our relationship with everyone else. The three essential elements of Covenant are; ( 1 ) The Fatherhood of God. God is our Creator, and we live our lives under his loving and generous gaze. (2)
as God’s children. Now we are free to obey God because this is truly a reflection of who we are. We choose to obey because this is the most consistent way of expressing our identity. What we do tells the world who we are.
Our Identity, and therefore our sense of
security and confidence come from outside ourselves, as God tells us that we are his children.
( 3 ) Obedience – out of God’s love and our identity flows obedience – simply acting in a way that is consistent with our identity. Jesus lived this Covenant relationship with his heavenly Father. Everything Jesus did on earth – his power and obedience, flowed out of his identity as God’s Son. Jesus invites those of us who believe and want to follow him into this same Covenant relationship with our heavenly Father. Our Identity flows from the one who gives us life. We are children of God, born again into a new family, given a new name and a new identity by which we can gain access to all of the resources of our Covenant partner. Our identity is so caught up with God’s that the Bible tells us we are heirs of heaven and co-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17) The New Covenant means that God’s code of behavior for his people (the Law) is now written in our hearts. This happens when the Holy Spirit fills us and gives us new life when we are born again
The Covenant begins with the Father, who gives us our identity. Now we are able to obey because as children of God we are empowered to do so. Sometimes we try to approach God through obedience rather than in simple recognition of our identity. This was the trap the Pharisees fell into. As we are God’s children, he is already pleased with us, which liberates us from the legalistic observance which leads to frustration. So let’s approach God, our heavenly Father, as the beloved Children we are in Christ. Take some time each day to invite God to speak into your identity, both who you are, and what God wants you to do. Then we can be God’s Family on Mission together! From Mike Breen’s Book Covenant and Kingdom – The DNA of the Bible
– Pastor Cindy Carter 7
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministries — Jeff Murray
Welcoming Johnny Schofield I’m excited to announce GCPC’s next Student Ministries Full Year Intern: Johnny Schofield. Johnny originally hails from California. He and his wife Joanie just recently had a son, Haywood Schofield (1 month). Johnny is an accomplished poet and is known through-out the community as a talented and imaginative writer. He’s spent much of his life playing music professionally in various groups, most notably a Christian group by the name of The Myriad which received national attention with a debut on MTV2 and tours with the likes of David Crowder and Third Day. Johnny has a dynamic, excitable personality which he is excited to bring into the Middle School ministry which he will be taking leadership of starting in September. Johnny was hired on by a committee of 6 people who were blown away by some of the answers on his Student Ministries Application. See for yourself: “{Leading scripture studies with Students} really excites me! I love digging into the scripture and then presenting it to friends, family and students in fresh and
exciting ways by use of imagination!.... My role in relational ministry would be one of holy and authentic relationship to young people. I would be invested in their lives as an encourager, teacher, helper, instructor, and Biblical counselor.” Johnny is excited to turn his attention to youth ministry and help nurture young people in the name of Jesus. He will be filling Kelsey Schmidt’s well polished, organized and effective shoes beginning in September. Until then he will spend this summer on our internship team getting the hang of our church and getting to know students. The Student Ministries team is very excited to welcome Johnny into the GCPC community. Please pray for Johnny and his family as he begins this exciting journey with us. Peace in Jesus Christ, Jeff Murray
Class of 2014
Come join us in celebrating our graduating seniors on
June 15th from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm at an all church gathering on the north lawn! We will also be welcoming our incoming 6th graders! This would be a great time to introduce your student to Johnny and the summer interns! 8
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Preschool — Rhonda Cardona
B ut this doesn’t mean we are idle with nothing to do! We are already charging up and getting in gear for the school year to begin in September. And we need your help! You can help most by keeping this program in your prayers. We have spaces for 72 children here and a chance to impact their families, their friends and neighbors, and extended families. Within these 72 families, there are several who would otherwise not be able to attend if it were not for the generosity of our church family. We have a scholarship program which provides assistance with monthly tuition and now, probably more than ever, we need your support. We also provide each child with a Preschooler’s Bible at the beginning of each school year. We use this Bible in our weekly chapel times together. A letter is sent home each week to the parents sharing with them what was read and encouraging them to read this again together from their own Preschooler’s Bible. Each of these Bibles cost $12 each. So, to help us be ready to go in September, here is your list! • Pray for each child who will be attending,
including their families and friends.
• Pray
for the open spaces to be filled in the program.
Pray that we will have the funds available to help those who apply for scholarship assistance.
• Pray that we will have the Bibles needed for the
children. Pray for each of these Bibles to be a blessing to the children and families.
Thank you for your prayer support and for helping us get ready for our new year at First Presbyterian Christian Preschool.
If you have questions, please call Rhonda Cardona:
248-7940 ext. 119 We still have openings in our four day and our 5 day pre-kindergarten classrooms.
Spread the word!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin
CALLING ALL WEIRD ANIMALS JUNGLE CRUISE DIRECTORS! Now is the time to sign up for the adventure of a lifetime… Join this team for an exciting journey filled with Jesus’ one – of – a- kind love! Summer VBS is every Sunday from June 15 – August 24 during the 9:00 service… Sign up to help one Sunday… a few… or all of them. Registration forms are in the Garden Room, church office, or you can call Susie @ 248-7940 for more information. VOLUNTEERS: PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND A VERY IMPORTANT MEETING FOR ALL WEIRD ANIMALS VBS VOLUNTEERS
JUNE 2, 2014 @ 6:00 PM IN THE GARDEN ROOM. Please call Susie if you are unable to attend this meeting.
Everyone’s “Hanging” together this year at VBS! And this is not just any VBS… It’s Super Summer Sunday VBS Triple “S” VBS! This isn’t your ordinary five days of VBS… we are taking it to a new level this summer… 11 Sundays of VBS starting June 15 – Aug. 24 from 9:00 – 10:30 And guess what… parents, adults, and kids of all ages get to be part of VBS too! 10
Same great VBS music, Same great VBS skits and dramas, Same great VBS characters, Same great VBS Bible stories, Same great VBS games and crafts, BUT more days and more fun for.... EVERYONE! Weird Animals Triple “S” VBS - Where Jesus’ love is One of a Kind, and for... EVERYONE…NOT JUST THE KIDS! Join us this year at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church where the 9:00 worship service is transformed into a Weird Animals Jungle Cruise and the entire congregation will experience and participate in VBS music, dramas, skits, and all the fun that goes along with VBS. Families with children will want to arrive early and sit in the front of the Sanctuary so you can participate. We strongly encourage parents to attend with children. If children attend without parents the plan is to assign them a host for the morning. Parents who don’t stay MUST escort their child into the church and register their child before leaving, then pick up promptly at the end of the worship service(10:15). It’s free of charge, every Sunday, for all ages…now that’s exciting! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to celebrate VBS together in this summer celebration. WHAT IS TRIPLE “S” VBS? It’s 11 Super Summer Sundays of Weird Animals “Where Jesus’ Love is One- of- a- Kind” WHAT IS THE SCHEDULE? Every Sunday from June 15 – August 24 the 9:00 worship service will be transformed into Weird Animals VBS for the entire congregation.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
THE 9:00 WORSHIP SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: 8:45-9:00 Arrival for worship – Children in diapers should be dropped off in childcare prior to service. Parents register Pre-K through 5th Grade kids in the Garden Room when attending VBS the first time, where nametags will be issued to kids. Once your child is registered you only need to stop and pick up your child’s nametag and sign them in every Sunday thereafter. 9:00- 9:20
Parents and kids enjoy VBS opening together in the Sanctuary. This includes music, drama, and other fun. At 9:20 kids are excused to independent VBS activities. PreKinder (no diapers please) will meet in room 208 and K-5th Grades will meet in the Garden Room.
9:20-10:10 Adult worship and message 10:10–10:15
Kids join parents back in worship for VBS music and closing.
MEET OUR WEIRD ANIMAL BIBLE MEMORY BUDDIES! I’m Axl! God only put axolotls in one tiny part of the world! That might make me feel left out of the other salamander fun. But I know that even when you feel left out, Jesus loves you! Milton here! Did you notice that cool star on my nose? It helps me when I’m in the dark. When life seems dark and hard to understand, I’m glad that Jesus loves us! Yo, I’m Shred! My tenrec quills are sharp and can hurt. People don’t have sharp quills, but they sometimes hurt each other. The great news is that even though you do wrong, Jesus loves you! My names Fern. I’m a leafy sea dragon, but I look like seaweed. I’m very different from other sea creatures. Even though you’re different, Jesus loves you just the way you are! I’m Iggy, and I’m a frilled lizard. I look pretty normal until I get scared, and then my frill freaks out! We all get scared sometimes. But remember, even when you’re afraid, Jesus loves you! NOW THAT SUMMER IS HERE…LET’S CELEBRATE! COME JOIN US FOR AN ALL CHURCH SUMMER CELEBRATION SUNDAY - JUNE 15 10:30 – 12:00 ON THE NORTH LAWN Join us after the 9:00 service or before the 11:00 service. TAKE A LOOK AT THE FUN MORNING WE HAVE PLANNED: • Blessing & celebrating our graduating seniors • Promoting our 5th graders to the Student Ministries program • More VBS fun and games • Two Bouncy Houses • FOOD, FOOD, AND MORE FOOD! 11
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Adult Ministry A LIFE TRANSFORMED BY SOAR SOAR is a greenhouse, a protective environment that is safe, warm, secure and supportive. SOAR is a place of light, laughter, nourishment and positivity where you thrive! Three core elements of SOAR empower
• Culture of Honor • Declarations • God Encounters
The Culture of Honor is a model for community life based on respect for everyone at all times. Here you are loved and accepted unconditionally and encouraged to become the very best you.
Declarations are statements based on scripture that define who you are according to God. My favorite declarations are: “I walk in ever-increasing health” and “I live under a supernatural protection.”
God Encounters happen when SOAR students, saturated in God’s presence, share God with at least one person a day. I am a God encounter! Whenever I go out, the presence of God spills out on the ones God highlights, as I convey the truth of God’s goodness and love, without any preconceived or preplanned agenda. In the SOAR greenhouse I was encouraged to take risks. Surrounded with love and encouragement, I flourished and grew to become who God truly created me to be. I discovered my true identity as an inspirational writer. I dared to dream big with God and accomplish my goal to publish my first book, Love Letters from the Heart of God.
Because of SOAR, I am free! SOAR School of Spiritual Transformation equips followers of Jesus to be His hands and feet in the world. SOAR’s mission is the personal, regional and global advancement of God’s kingdom. Co-directors are Kathy Bricel and Susie Bennett. Applications are available on-line at: or in the office of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. – Tamara Joy Lee, PhD
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Senior Ministry Dear Lord, Please Help Me Find My Glasses Can’t remember people’s names? Can’t find your car keys? Welcome to the club! We’re an exclusive bunch who secretly fears that we’re losing it. Not so, though it might sometimes feel that way. Fortunately, membership is free and even has some privileges. (Yes, indeed….senior discounts can be a nice little perk at the cash register.)
like birthday cards, tickets for performances, contact numbers for service folks and irregular bills. You’ll also see how calendars can be helpful beyond telling you the day of the week and when you have appointments. Please sign up at the Connection Center to help us better plan the number of handouts we’ll need to print.
Come join us and bring a friend to Kaffee Klatsch on June 12, 2014 at 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Garden Room to hear Judy Hawk, an outreach facilitator for Comprehensive Mental Health. She will share some helpful strategies for taking better charge of our memory capabilities. You’ll also receive a handout that gives you some ideas about the sorts of memory lapses that are just part of life versus memory issues of more concern. There are heaps of reasons why things slip from our minds. Sometimes we are trying to do too many things at once. Frequently, we get interrupted midtask or we simply aren’t paying attention as we stash items in a hurried moment. Careless eating habits and lack of sleep can also be factors. She will share all kinds of helpful information that will put your mind at ease. After her presentation, we’ll have some informal clustering around treats and coffee to further share how we have created our own memory ‘jumper cables’ that we find helpful. God made each of us different from one to the next. A strategy that works for one person, might not for another. We hope you’ll leave this Kaffee Klatsch with some helpful ideas that will benefit your own situation. We’ll also have some prepared samples of organizational techniques to help you keep track of things that develop little feet and disappear…
– Carolyn Mason
Senior Adult Ministries Presents
Kaffee Klatsch Thursday, June 12 1:30 - Garden Room Invite a friend & join us for a great time of conversation, coffee & snacks!
“Dear Lord, Please Help Me Find My Glasses” Judy Hawk, Comprehensive Mental Health 13
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry
CAMP GHORMLEY GHORMLEY SUNDAY CELEBRATION A great celebration of Camp Ghormley took place during services on May 4. There were several testimonies shared about the impact Ghormley has had in the lives of people in our church, in the community and beyond.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Thank you so much to those of you who contributed to camp scholarships; more than $3,700 was given. Your generosity will help young people attend camp, who may not have been able to afford it otherwise! You can still give, either online at join-our-team/donate-to-ghormley/ or by sending a check to Camp Ghormley or through the church office.
GHORMLEY COMMISSION WORK DAY The Ghormley Commission has adopted the Lower Lodge and had a work day at camp on April 19.
UPCOMING EVENTS SUMMER CAMPING SEASON Primary Camp is non-stop energy! We keep your kiddos busy from the moment they step on camp to the moment they go home. This is probably our most popular age group, so don’t wait to sign up! Camp Activities Include: Swimming Pool, Meadow Games, Slip N’ Slide, Horseback Riding,* Arts N’ Crafts, Zipline, Sundeck (Camp Store), Campfire, Fun songs and great speakers who love Jesus! (For those entering 2nd-4th grade next fall).
Projects that were worked on:
Junior Camp is loads of fun! It’s a definite step up from
Primary Camp, but not quite as intense as a Mid-High Camp. The games are awesome and the memories with friends are even better! Junior camp adds Paintball, and Awesome Night Games to all the camp activities that Primary Camp enjoys. (For those entering 5th-6th next fall).
• Baseboard put in the meeting room • Ceiling trim installed • Front door tightened up • New lights installed in stairwells • Deck railing tightened up • Rain gutter installed over front door • New screen put on back door • Metal installed on carpet joints
Mid-High Camps are endless action! Mid-High Camps include all standard camp activities the younger kids enjoy, plus things like the Challenge Course, Lake Day, River Tubing, Waterskiing/Wakeboarding awesome worship sessions, and so much more! (For those entering 6th-8th grade next fall). Launch Camps are our new gender-specific Mid-High camps for 5th-8th graders. We limit the number of campers so your child will have a truly unique experience! Many say this was their favorite camp of the summer due to the unique activities we plan and the lower camper numbers, which means more individual attention for each child! Senior-High Camp - Looking to take your faith to the next level? Then don’t miss an amazing week at Ghormley with other high school students who want the same thing! From the worship, to the games, to the late night conversations, Sr. High Camp is one week you won’t want to miss!
e the flower beds wer In addition, some of wers planted. cleaned out and flo 14
The summer will soon be upon us. Registration for summer camps has begun. To check out the summer schedule or sign up, go to * ($35 per ride, done in partnership with a local horse corral)
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED WITH GHORMLEY Please thoughtfully consider how you might partner with Ghormley this year. Here are some ideas:
PRAYER • For the summer camps. The theme for summer is “Time Traveler – Revisit the Past, Embrace the Future.” • For the Ghormley Commission as they plan and facilitate events and activities for the Year of Ghormley • Look at capital improvements for the camp over the next several years.
VOLUNTEER Contact Joe Buckley (cell) 961-1295 (home) 697-8729, • Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds. • Adopt-A-Cabin
The camp is running low on camper scholarship funds, which help many students come to camp each summer. We ask that you would prayerfully consider giving towards this, so we can continue to minister to as many youth as possible during our summer camp season! You can give online, or by sending a check to Camp Ghormley or through the church office.
CABIN SPOTLIGHT – SPRUCE LODGE One of the cabins most in need of adoption is Spruce Lodge. Here are some of the “honey do” items at Spruce. This is perfect way for your family or small group to work on a project together. • • • • • • •
Rock pathway Entryway roofing Replace couch Improve lighting Clean light fixtures Remove cobwebs Paint walls
• • • • • • •
Gutter above door Stovepipe hole repaired Repair broken windows Bathroom repairs Repair holes in ceiling Repair/replace interior doors Paint ceiling
• Adopt-A-Flower Bed • Host guest groups
• Help with activities and events that will be part of the Year of Ghormley
As part of this year-long celebration, we want to hear your stories about Camp Ghormley. Forms will be available at the Connection Center or you can email your stories to Kathy Mathison,
• Financially support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships & memorials
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry
A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE HAS A DECENT PLACE TO LIVE. Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. The vision of Habitat for Humanity is “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.” Habitat uses the concept of “partnership housing.” This concept centers on those in need of adequate shelter working side by side with volunteers to build simple, decent houses. Habitat has affiliates in many countries around the world. The affiliate in Yakima was started in 1984 by a group of Christian people looking to address the housing needs in the Buena area and was originally named “Buena Partners.” It was the first Habitat for Humanity affiliate in the State of Washington. The first projects were home repair and small remodel jobs. The first newly constructed home was built in 1986 in Toppenish and sold for $18,966. The kids have all grown but parents still live in the house. In 1986, the name was changed to Yakima Valley Partners (YVP) to reflect the widening service area. To date YVP has completed 157 homes. The current plan is to build six or seven homes each year. YVP partners with service organizations such as Rotary, churches (Grace of Christ has participated in several projects) and businesses. Work camps are scheduled each summer where groups come from out of the area as a “working vacation” and spend up to a week building here in the valley. 16
Family Selection - Habitat selects families based on three criteria: 1. Need – families must demonstrate that their current residence is inadequate. Inadequate homes may be defined by overcrowding, mold, structural damage or other reasons. Each family must verify that their annual income falls between thirty and sixty percent of the median county income which is determined by HUD guidelines. 2. Ability to Pay - Partner families purchase Habitat homes with a no-interest mortgage, and payments that do not exceed 30% of their monthly income. The payments are kept in a revolving fund used to build future Habitat homes. YVP considers credit history, employment and debt-to-income ratio to determine a family’s ability to make regular payments and to cover closing costs. 3. Willingness to Partner - Yakima Habitat partner families are involved in all aspects of home building. They commit to working 500 volunteer ‘sweat equity’ hours with Habitat from the time they are selected to the home dedication. Not all hours must be completed on the job site; there are many office and store volunteer opportunities as well.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
donated items and stocking shelves. Donations are always welcome – and so are shoppers! Office – Volunteers in the office perform activities such as typing data into the computer, preparing mailings, answering phones and greeting visitors. Financial – Donations can be made to the Habitat office.
If you or someone you know is interested in applying for a home, applications and other information may be found on the Yakima Valley Partners website, noted at the end of this article, or you may contact the Habitat office. The Habitat Store - The Yakima Valley Habitat Store is a fund-raising and stewardship activity of YVP. They accept donations of new and used building materials and home improvement items including, but not limited to, doors, windows, paint, hardware, cabinets, plumbing and electrical fixtures, recycled lumber and many other new, used and vintage items. These items are then sold to the public at economical prices. The Store also works closely with area businesses and contractors as an outlet for reusable materials, which would otherwise be wasted by dumping. All income from the Yakima Valley Habitat Store goes directly to finance the Habitat for Humanity’s home building ministry in the Yakima Valley. Partnering with Habitat – In order to make homes affordable, volunteers provide much of the resources to build. Opportunities to partner with the Yakima Valley Partners include:
Global Village Trips – Global village teams travel to exciting destinations around the world to engage the local community and help build houses. Information on upcoming trips can be found at the Habitat Global Village website at Affiliate Tithe – A portion of the cost of Global Village trips is passed on to the affiliate being serve. For each home completed, YVP tithes a percentage to other Habitat affiliates. In 20122013, YVP gave $11,700 to Nepal, $17,808 to El Salvador and $6,473 to Colombia; serving six more families around the world! Contact Information Yakima Valley Partners Habitat for Humanity Steve Luten, Executive Director Sharon Kearby, Volunteer Coordinator Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 21 W Mead Ste 110, Yakima, WA 98902 509-453-8077 The Habitat Store Gladys Filla, Manager Tuesday - Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm 21 W Mead Ste 104, Yakima, WA 98902 509-576-8077
Home Construction – Homes are currently under construction in Yakima, Union Gap, Toppenish and Wapato. No experience or construction skills are required – only willing hands! Donations of land are also critical to the momentum of building homes. If you have a lot, or know of one that might be available, contact Steve Luten, the Executive Director. Habitat Store – Volunteers are needed at the store to perform a variety of work such as sorting 17
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry Love INC Pantry Needs Your Help Families in the long-term money management and life skills program (T.E.A.M.) earn vouchers that enable them to use more of their income to pay off debt. The main use of vouchers is for weekly groceries from our TEAM Pantry.
We now have two refrigerators in the Pantry as well as freezer space. We would love to be able to offer fresh produce to the families in the TEAM Program. Please consider donating things like potatoes, onions, apples, and oranges and/or frozen fruit and frozen vegetables.
Donation Drop-Off Hours Monday – Thursday | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
You can help empower families to break out of poverty by helping stock the shelves of the Love INC Pantry, located at 811 W. Yakima Ave. Suite 104, Yakima.
Groceries Needed Canned Fruit Canned Chili Chocolate Chips Cold Cereal Honey
Family Ministry
Jello Pork & Beans Pudding Mix Refried Beans Spaghetti Noodles
Call Love INC Administration Office for more information 453-2942 .
visit our website:
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Climb Mount Adams
Deadline to jo in
July 10th
Is it on your bucket list to climb Mt. Adams? If yes, this is the summer for you. Pastor Jack Peebles and Brent Alderman will be leading a group July 18th – 19th. There is an optional overnight camping opportunity on July 17th for those that don’t want to leave at 5 a.m. on the 18th. Cost is $60, this includes a t-shirt, 4 meals and a volcano pass. Add $5 for dinner Thursday night and breakfast Friday morning if desired. For more information contact: or