Here@First - Nov 2011

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first presbyterian church



November 2011

D E D N U O F S E G BRID : E N O T S R E N R ON THE CO ss, Reaching Out o r c A g n i h c a e R

“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�

Volume 32

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940

in this issue 3 4 5 6&7 8&9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15

November Events Pastor Jack Family Seniors Children Preschool Women Students Devotional Announcements Cristo Vive Library Ghormley

Alive in the

Over the course of this series, we will explore the supernatural power given to us by God who invites us to receive His blessings and live the life He wants us to truly live! Ephesians offers great insights into 1) the blessings from God 2) the call to maintain the unity in practice which Christ has brought about through His resurrection and 3) practical instruction on how to live a holy, pure, and Christ inspired life. Join us Sundays this fall as we discover what it means to be ALIVE as never before! NOVEMBER 6 – “Resurrect Your Marriage” — Ephesians 5:22-33 (PRAYER SUNDAY) 13 – “ALIVE with Family and at Work” — Ephesians 6:1-9 20 – “Equipped For Life” — Ephesians 6:10-20 (DEDICATION SUNDAY)

Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team 8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary Everyone Traditional Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:00a Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 12:15p Chapel Everyone KidZone Sunday Classes 9:30a Upstairs Rooms K-5th Adult Ed Bible Class 9:30a Adult Ed Adults 40 Days of Purpose 9:30a Mezzanine Adults Golden Circle 9:30a Lounge Adults Student Small Groups 11:00a Power House Gr 6-12 FUSE - Fusing Families & Church Together for Christ 11:00a Gym / Lounge Everyone



Have you ever wondered if there is more to life? Have you ever thought you were destined for something greater? Have you ever believed you were put here on earth for a higher purpose? Paul’s letter to the Ephesians offers a way for the church, the body of Christ, to embrace life in the way God intended. The means through which we do this is by trusting in the blessings and power given to us in Christ by the Holy Spirit: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 1:3).

Cookie Chart

Nov 6 N-S Nov 13 T-Z Nov 20 A-F Nov 27 G-M Please bring a dozen (or more) cookies on your week, and cans of food for Calvary Rescue Mission

Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

November Events Sat, October 29 Sun, October 30 Mon, October 31

Pursuing God for a Powerful Marriage 9:30 - 3 Offsite Flu Shots in Garden Room all morning Garden Room Trunk or Treat 5:30p - 7:30p Parking Lot

Women Everyone

Tue, November 1 Worship Ministry Team 5:15p Rhino Room Tue, November 1 Adult Education Ministry Team 7:00p Adult Ed Wed, November 2 WOW (Women’s Ministy) Meeting 4:00p Rhino Room Thur, November 3 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Adult Ed Thur, November 3 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Adult Ed Thur, November 3 FM Board Meeting 4:00p Lounge Thur, November 3 MOPS Set Up 6:30p Fri, November 4 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym Sun, November 6 Operation Christmas Child - Fill Boxes 11:00a Gym FUSE Families Sun, November 6 Veterans Day Memorabilia all morning Garden Room Everyone Wed, November 9 Last Weds@First Fri, November 11 Cristo Vive Women’s Craft Night 6:30p Lounge Women November 11, 12, 13 SlamQuest (at Ghormley for Mid High) all weekend Ghormley 6th - 8th graders Sat, November 12 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Mid High Room Knitters Sat, November 12 Veterans Dinner & Program 6:00p Gym Everyone Sun, November 13 Dedicate Shoeboxes (Operation Christmas Child) all morning Sanctuary/Garden Room Everyone Sun, November 13 Angel Tree Kick Off Foyer Everyone Tue, November 15 Service Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Adult Ed Wed, November 16 Thanksgiving Dinner and Worship Service 5:30/6:30p Gym/Sanctuary Everyone Wed, November 16 Mabel Swan Thanksgiving 12:00p Thur, November 17 MOPS Set Up 6:30p Thur, November 17 Preschool Advent Festival 10:00a Gym Preschool Families Fri, November 18 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Garden Room Fri, November 18 Preschool Advent Festival 10:00a Gym Preschool Families Mon, November 21 Preschool Thanksgiving SET UP all day Gym Tue, November 22 Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Room Everyone Tue, November 22 Preschool Thanksgiving Feast 10:00a Gym Preschool Families Wed, November 23 Preschool Thanksgiving Feast 10:00a Gym Preschool Families Tue, November 22 Session/Dinner 6:00p Garden Room/Mid High Room Thurs & Fri Nov 24,25 Happy Thanksgiving / Church Closed all day Entire Church Everyone Sat, November 26 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Mid High Room Knitters Sun, November 27 Advent Wreath Building @ Mabel Swan 11:00a Mabel Swan Everyone Sun, November 27 Deacon’s Meeting 3:30p Lounge Deacons Sun, November 27 Cristo Vive Small Group Focus Meeting 2:00p Parlor Fri, December 2 MOPS Christmas Tea 9:30a Garden Room Moms December 2,3,4 Ghormley Mountain Meadow Christmas All Weekend Ghormley Tue, December 6 Worship Ministry Team 5:15p Rhino Room Tue, December 6 Adult Education Ministry Team 7:00p Adult Ed Wed, December 7 Presbyterian Women’s Silver Tea 1:00p Garden Room Women

Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Philippians) 9:45a Parlor Women Living a Spirit Led Life - Women’s Bible Study 9:15a Gym Women Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary Christian Service Brigade 6:00p Room 217 Boys Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Rm


Pastor Jack

hearts and are led by God in preparing worship for our church family. They are excellent additions to our staff. Did you know they both volunteered and helped during VBS week?

In the month of November, we continue in our present series on Ephesians while complementing it Pastor Jack Peebles with our stewardship campaign “Bridges Founded Senior Pastor on the Cornerstone: Reaching Across, Reaching Out.” The above passage captures the purpose of the church of Jesus Christ. Paraphrasing verses 12-13, we Dear Church Family, are to equip people to live for Christ in the world. As we are equipped, we serve as the bridge through Did you know that Jesus talked about money more which the Good News is shared in our community than any other subject except for the Kingdom of of Yakima. The bridge is then extended into our God? Because your participation in our stewardship homes, schools, and places of employment. The campaign is so vitally important to the continued ministry of God’s Kingdom and your development as a Body of Christ is built up as more and more people disciple of Jesus, I am offering the stewardship letter you begin to use the gifts God has given. We are called received in the mail as my letter to the congregation for to be outwardly focused and this begins with one another as we reach across the pews and out into the month of November: the community.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13) I would like to thank you for your continued faithful contribution to the ministry of the church. As I reflect upon the past year, I am amazed at how good God is…all the time! Many initiatives we believed God was leading us toward came to fruition. You might recall that last year God gave us a vision about broadening our Christian education with more intentional and allencompassing spiritual transformation. We also had a vision of making advances in our missional outreach. God has brought both visions to reality through means we could not have imagined. In 2011, the School of Spiritual Transformation (SOAR) was founded and began with the first class of nearly sixty students. Also, as a member of our church was hired as the Community Director of Madison House, our partnership with our community has been strengthened. We hired both Jason Cavanaugh and Lyndi Suydam as our worship leaders. I hope you have had a chance to meet both of them. They have truly demonstrated their servants’


As we grow more and more in our love of Jesus, our love of others is the natural response. God calls each of us to participate in His mission to the community and world. We want to provide more opportunities such as SOAR and The Madison House, giving more and more people an opportunity to taste what God’s Kingdom is all about and grow into the fullness of Christ. My experience has been that when people taste it and see that it is good, they want more of it! On November 20th at all three services, we will lay our commitments at the foot of the cross. In preparation, I ask you to prayerfully consider how you will be the bridge through which the Gospel is shared in 2012. On behalf of your stewardship team,

Pastor Jack

Family Stuff

Pastor Mark Tumney Pastor of Family Life and Missions Shan Trick Assistant FLM Director

Dear Church Family, A number of people in our congregation have mentioned to me, “Pastor, I’m willing to help, but I don’t really know where the need is.” Or alternatively, “I would consider trying to meet a need in our community if I could get some help.” To connect those who are willing to serve with local needs, we have created what we are calling “Bridges @ FPC.” We’re calling it “Bridges” to express both our going out into the community, and that we are creating avenues that encourage people to connect with our church community. Through Here@First and a monthly email, we will be listing opportunities for service. Alternatively, if you have a project that you’d like to tell others about, please pick up a “Bridges @ FPC Service Request Form” from the office. Please read through the needs listed below and prayerfully consider where God would have you help out. May the Lord use this tool to help us be more faithful to His call to love our neighbors.

In Christ, Pastor Mark Thanksgiving for Mabel Swan Nov 16. Did you know that there are residents at Mabel Swan (residence across the street from the church building) whose only Thanksgiving meal is the one our church serves them? Helpers are needed to organize the meal for this year. The meal will be served on Wednesday, November 16th at noon. To volunteer email pastor Jim at Read a Story, Hang out with Kids Every afternoon between 3:30p and 5:00p, Read Me A Story program is available for our younger Madison House youth between the ages of 5 through 9. What it entails is just as the title says: Volunteers read a story to a youth in either pairs or individually. The story may be a classic, an animal story, a Bible story, or another that the child chooses. The time with the child builds relationship, trust, opportunity to encourage and to listen, and many other topics of conversation that the book may provide such as nutrition and hygiene. Call Sara Holtzinger at 941-8001 or email: Wed Nite Fun At Madison House We need you at the Madison House Wednesday evenings to 'hang out' with our youth of all ages. Wednesday evening is our activities night. The night includes, a game based computer class, pool, foosball, soccer, football, board games, and FUN! Our youth need to learn how to build healthy relationships...what a way to just coming and having some FUN and 'hang out'. Interested? Call Sara Holtzinger at 941-8001 or email:

Christianity Explored There is a team of people forming to create a gathering where people who are interested can learn about Jesus Christ in a non-threatening way over a meal. Ultimately, people will be needed to pray, prepare meals, and help facilitate discussions about Jesus. Interested in learning more? Email Paster Mark at



Jim Erixson Associate Pastor x 130

Happy Travelers are on the move

Happy Travelers are planning for the 2012 travel season. We have planned for trips in the spring and summer months which should be interesting, educational and fun. In the spring we are planning to go to the Raptor House and the Conservancy in Cowiche Canyon, a train ride at Elbe, and then to the May Fest in Leavenworth. We have also looked at going to see the glassblowers in Centralia and a possible trip to Whistling Jacks for a meal. In the summer we are planning an overnight trip to the Goldendale Observatory. Other possible trips are the Aircraft Museum in Seattle and a trip to Roslyn. On December 2, 2011 we are off to see “The Christmas Story” at the Warehouse Theater. Before the theater we will meet at the Powerhouse Grill for dinner at 5:00p. Tickets are $13 dollars for the play. You can sign-up at the Connection Center. On Friday, March 2 we will again go to the Warehouse Theater to see the play “Last Five Years”. Tickets for this play are also $13. Both performances will start at 7:30p. Sign-up at the Connection Center for this play.

Kaffee Klatsch

Kaffee Klatsch is a time when we can all get together to have coffee, eat a fresh donut or bagel and converse with each other. We also sing a few oldies but goodies and listen to a featured presentation. This month Dr. Jon Waite will be performing on the organ in the sanctuary and he will be giving us a short lecture on the organ and his music. Be prompt, because the donuts and bagels go fast. Come and enjoy a morning of good fun and “culture”. The Klatsch starts at 9:30a sharp and you’ll be out in time for lunch. In December we will be privileged to have with us two choirs from Davis High School. There are about 100 voices to provide us some great sounds. Watch for the date. Date is pending due to space in our building. So, please watch for it to be announced.

Thanksgiving Dinner on a Mission


Again this year Senior Adult Ministries will be leading First Presbyterian Yakima on a mission to provide a Thanksgiving lunch to the residences of Mabel Swan. On Wednesday, November 16 at noon, we will be providing turkey, sweet and mashed potatoes, warm rolls, Jell-o fruit salad, dressing, gravy and pies. Last year was such a success and so much fun that we had to do it again this year. But we cannot do this by ourselves. We are asking the congregation to pitch in by providing some of the food and/or your helping hands, serving meals and making new friends. We will start our preparation at 11:00a. in the church kitchens and wheel it all over to Mable Swan Manor in time for the great feast. So if you want to meet new friends and if you can help with a pie, or potatoes or any other item, please stop by the Connection Center or the Church Office and sign up.

Veteran’s Day Celebration! Memorabilia Display in the Garden Room. Veteran’s bring your displays on Sunday morning, November 6. Veteran’s Dinner November 12 in Koehler Hall at 6p. Featured speaker is History Buff and Teacher Brian Dibble whose topic is “Bridging the 70 Year Gap from 1941 to the Present”. Brian will also be displaying his restored WWII Jeep both on Sunday the 6th and Saturday the 12th. Dinner catered by Tony Crawford for $13. Ask for details at the Connection Center. Deadline Wednesday November 9. The holiday season is approaching.

Christmas displays have appeared with twinkly lights and animated decorations catch our attention. Music that we haven’t heard since last season fills the air as we do our grocery shopping and we find ourselves humming along with it. Though Thanksgiving trappings are far less predominant in the shops, we’ll occasionally see a turkey platter, some harvest-themed tea towels, or a fruit-filled cornucopia beckoning us. Our history books still tell us that the first Thanksgiving was a celebration of gratitude for a bountiful harvest, but that particular message seems to have slid into the background. In recent years, we’ve allowed Thanksgiving to become mostly associated with indulgent eating, football games, and a grand kick off for Christmas sales. There are at least two major ideas from that first Thanksgiving that are worthy of more consideration. First is the spirit of being thankful for an abundant harvest. Even though the bounty from our own crops varies from year to year, the Yakima Valley produces enormous amounts of food. The fantastic variety of produce we have is also cause for gratitude. Though this seasonal celebration primarily centers around food, Paul’s message in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 broadens the charge. “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Therefore, we are reminded to give thanks in ALL aspects of our lives. A second idea that is important to remember from the first Thanksgiving is an appreciation of how members of two very diverse cultures-- the

Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe---worked together to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. In keeping with Pastor Jack’s recent sermon about ‘us’ and ‘them’, we see the Thanksgiving celebration as a strong example of two groups setting aside differences and sharing their meals together. (Wouldn’t it have been fun to watch all those women cooking that feast! Just imagine those conversations! “Hmmm, Prudence, I think this eel could use a bit more salt.”) As we look forward to our holiday celebrations it might be wise to remember the spirit in which the first Thanksgiving occurred. Those of ‘us’ who have experienced His grace and love can look for opportunities to share the gratitude we feel with ‘them’ who have yet to feel that joy. Even though there may not be many Thanksgiving decorations displayed, Christians know why we can celebrate and give thanks every day. As we brush our teeth and comb our hair, we’ll see an Ambassador for Christ looking back at us. In the spirit of the first Thanksgiving, and even more importantly, as His representative, each of us has the privilege to reach out to others and share our gratitude for what He has done for us. Happy Thanksgiving!

Carolyn Mason



Susie Woodin Childrens Ministries

Welcome to the 11:00 FUSE Children’s Program! We have had a great time the past few weeks with the kids, and are looking forward to more fun as parents are attending this session’s classes. We are starting a new video series titled “What’s in the Bible?” This is a fun series from VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer and a boatload of new friends who are on a groundbreaking journey through the world’s most amazing book, the Bible! We will be starting with the video “In the Beginning” Lesson 1: What’s in the Bible? Lesson 2: Who Wrote the Bible? Lesson 3: Genesis & Primeval History Lesson 4: Sin Please come and help! We are having fun at 11:00, but we need extra help with the kids. If you would be willing to join us for just one hour on a Sunday morning, please call and let me know…that’s a big help. You will love getting to know the kids! We meet in room 217 on Sunday mornings from 11:00 – noon while parents are in their parenting class. Call Susie @ 248-7940



We are off to a great start in KidZone…but we can’t run the race without you! KidZone is off and running, and we are at a fast pace for lots of high energy fun! Don’t forget that we start at 9:30 on Sunday mornings with Sonbeams and Cubbies age kids (2 ½ - Pre K) going directly to their classrooms before worship begins. K-5th grade kids attend 9:30 worship with their parents, and will be excused to their KidZone leaders and escorted to class after the Children’s Message. Parents will then pick children up from class at 10:45. Plans are in full sprint for another great year, and we are already in training for this year’s Christmas celebrations. Don’t miss out on your chance to cross the finish line with us. We need you in KidZone so we can start learning music, and working on our great Christmas mission projects. Any kids who are interested in speaking parts in any of the programs please contact the children’s department.

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Christmas Music rehearsal is already under way Operation Christmas Child – In full swing - completed boxes due Nov. 13 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Assembly – Nov. 6 in the Gym Salvation Army Angel Tree – Bring gifts for the Angel Tree Nov. 13- Dec. 11 Advent Wreaths for Mabel Swan - Nov. 27 Mountain Meadow Christmas – Camp Ghormley Dec. 2, 3, & 4 KidZone rehearsal for Dec. 11 music – Dec. 10 @ 10:00 in the Sanctuary KidZone kids lead in worship on Dec. 11 - 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 services Child-Sized Service on Dec. 24 – more information coming

Look for more information on all these special events in the KidZone ParentLink Newsletter, Here@FirstNewsletter, KidZone fliers , our website or visit us at 9 S. 8TH AVE. YAKIMA. We look forward to seeing or hearing from you!


Long before the trees are up and the presents are wrapped…the Children’s Ministry Department is busy working on Christmas. It’s our favorite time of year… celebrating the birth of Jesus! God sent His one and only Son to earth in the form of a precious baby and we have the privilege of sharing that miraculous story with kids each week!


As we anxiously prepare for all the special celebrations of the holidays, we are working on music in KidZone in preparation for leading worship on Dec. 11 during all 3 services. We are all so excited to present the congregation with this wonderful gift. Parents please plan for your child(ren) to attend a special rehearsal on Dec. 10 @ 10:00 in the Sanctuary for all KidZone kids… THEN…on Dec. 11, Sonbeams and Cubbies will sing at the 9:30 and 11:00 services, and K-5th Graders will sing at the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 services. Look for more information to be sent home with the kids through KidZone.

hildren with 2nd Grade C les their new Bib

This year we are looking at the possibility of presenting the child-sized service on Christmas Eve @ 5:00… BUT in order to do that we need families who will be home during the holidays and willing to participate and help with the service. If you and your children would like to be part of this special service, please contact Susie at the church! We can only provide this service with your involvement.

The Salvation Army Angel Tree 2011 Nov. 13 - Dec. 11

Join us once again as we partner with the Salvation Army in this wonderful project. First Presbyterian Church has blessed an average of 200 children each year for the past 20 years! Please help make Christmas special for a child in the Yakima Valley. It’s easy…all you need to do is: Choose an angel tag from the Angel Tree in the Garden Room. Purchase a NEW gift for the child named on the tag. Attach the angel tag with child’s name on it to your UNWRAPPED gift. Bring your gift back to the Angel Tree at First Presbyterian Church by December 11, OR drop it off at the Salvation Army after that date. They will then distribute the gifts on Dec. 18. Don’t miss this opportunity to be an angel in the life of a child!

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FPC PRESCHOOL CALENDAR FUNDRAISER IS BAAAAACK!!! 2012 Pocket Calendar About Our Pocket Calendar: Greeting Card Set

Christmas Card Set Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director x 119

All Card Sets $6.00 each

• Available with Scriptures in KJV only • Beautiful professional photographs • Highest quality materials and presentation • 12-month calendar in a transparent cover • 3”x6” overall size • Removable 50-page notepad • 2011,2012 and 2013 At-A-Glance calendars • Pages for important addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries

Thank You for supporting the preschool program here at First Presbtyerian Church of Yakima.

Pocket Calendars $6.00 each

The money that is raised with this calendar sale will go directly into the classroom to help defray operating costs. The tuition that is paid does not cover all of our expenses. By having this fundraiser, we are able to keep tuition costs down.

Preschool Trip to the


Pumpkin Patch



Women of Wonder

Women’s Ministry of First Presbyterian Church Growing women up to be intentional about their faith.

Ericka Clark Women’s Ministries x 100

Give Thanks, and Maybe a Song, too! Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.


ast year on vacation, I plugged in to my iPod and went straight to my Worship playlist. I cranked up the volume and started dancing. I was singing (at what I thought was at the volume of a whisper,) and I had my eyes closed. My family was a couple rooms away watching tv. I was having a great time worshipping my God. During this praisefest, my hubby came back to see what was going on. If you have ever sat near me at church, you know I may be a bit tone deaf. Scott and the boys got a good laugh at my “show.” I kept going - it was too much fun!


ow do you show your thanks to God? Take a moment and reflect on ways He has been your shield or given you an abundance of strength this fall. In what ways have you trusted him? Perhaps with finances, your marriage, a situation with your children? Once you gather those memories, praise and thank God for his presence during those times. Shout out your praises to him. Turn up some praise music and go for it. Watch out, you might just break out into a song and dance of thanks!

The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice. John 10:3-5


Operation Christmas Child (Shoeboxes!)

e have been offering a Listening Prayer class during our Weds@First program this fall. In this class, we are experiencing a more intimate relationship with our Creator, learning to hear His voice. God is always speaking to us. Just ponder this...God created us (YOU and ME!) for relationship. We are designed to recognize His voice.

Thanksgiving Dinner and Worship:


Craft Night Hosted by Cristo Vive Friday, November 11 at 6:30p in the Lounge

A great project to do as a family! See more information on page 14. Wednesday, November 16. Dinner at 5:30p in the Gym. Worship at 6:30p in the Sanctuary.

Presbyterian Women’s Silver Tea

Wednesday, December 7 at 1:00p in the Garden Room. An afternoon of laughter, music, and food as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and King! Please come.

he following is a handy resource in helping to recognize God’s voice in our life.

To test impressions from God, ask: 1. Do they line up with what the Bible states? 2. Do they match the overall teaching of God’s Word on that subject? 3. Are they in harmony with the character of God and the ways of God from the Word of God? From Forever Ruined for the Ordinary by Joy Dawson



Jeff Murray Student Ministries x 106 Courtney Huchins Student Ministries x 116



I’ve recently spent a lot of time

studying the call of Samuel (1 Sam. 3). It has been a process of discovery with many implications for youth ministry. In the story, Samuel is awakened by the voice of Yahweh (Samuel, Samuel!) and he in turn goes to awaken his mentor Eli (mistaking the Lord’s voice for Eli’s). Eli is understandably confused and even annoyed. After a few repetitions, Eli figures out that Samuel is hearing the voice of Yahweh. He then teaches the young man to respond to the call of Yahweh with the phrase, “Speak Yahweh, for your servant is listening”. Eli takes this opportunity to teach the next generation how to listen for and obey the voice of Yahweh. This responsibility is the same for all parents, youth ministers and volunteers. As members of the body of Christ, we have a mutual responsibility to raise up the next generation of students to

love and follow Jesus. Eli has his own sons to worry about (who later become a great disappointment to him) and yet he still takes the time to mentor a student who is not his own child. The responsibility is the same for us. We have many students, like Samuel, whose own parents are not able to teach him about Yahweh. Like Eli, all of us must put in the extra time to equip the next generation to follow Christ and serve his kingdom. I would like to invite all of you to meditate on this passage (1 Samuel 3) and think about your role in the lives of our students. The main thing that messed up Israel time and time again was their failure to corporately raise the next generation to serve God. Let’s not make the mistake that Eli made with his biological children but instead let’s learn from his example with Samuel. Please consider helping out on Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings or becoming a Lifeguard. Contact me for more information. Peace in Jesus Jeff Murray

WHO: Students in Grades 6-9 from all over Washington! WHEN: Friday, Nov 11 @ 7p to Sunday, Nov 13 @ 12p WHERE: Ghormley!! Off Hwy. 12, we are 18 miles East of White Pass. BRING: Bible, Pen, Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Towel, Soap, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Medications, Money for Sundeck and Paintball, Flashlight and Warm Clothes! Plan to be outside! There is always the chance of SNOW this time of year!


COST: $75.00. If money is a concern, please check with your church youth leader about a scholarship. Ghormley will not be giving individual scholarships to this event.

Students can register online at


Janet Krieger

As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, He reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As He entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, their leprosy disappeared. One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God, I’m healed!” He fell face down on the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him for what He had done. This man was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Does only this foreigner return to give glory to God?” And Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:11-19 With the questions Jesus asks in this Scripture it is clear He expects us to show gratitude; our Lord is clearly disappointed and perhaps even angry at the unthankfulness of the nine lepers who did not return. What could they have been thinking? Why did the nine not return to give glory and honor to Jesus? Perhaps fear prevented them from believing the reality of their healing. Perhaps the enemy whispered in their ear “Caution! You can’t believe you are truly healed. You had better wait and see what tomorrow brings!” Maybe the nine lepers thought their healing was coincidental; satan may have planted the idea of luck and fate in their minds. After all Jesus did not even come near enough to touch them; they must have been getting better and it was simply coincidence that Jesus spoke to them. Or perhaps they were busy patting themselves on the back for deciding to call out to Jesus. Satan may have whispered in their ear how very wise they had been to give Jesus a chance. It was all about them; how thankful they may have been for their own insightfulness! The question is, are we any different from those nine lepers? How often do we fail to recognize and thank God for His blessings? How often do we receive and not believe it is from our King? How many times

have we remarked on our own “good luck?” How many times have we congratulated ourselves or received congratulations for the position, money, or good things in our life that we have “earned?” How many times do we allow the enemy to distort our ability to live with thankfulness and anticipation of all God has intended for us? We must discipline ourselves to live thankful lives, offering a continual praise of thanksgiving, to be filled and overflowing with thanksliving. Lifting glory and honor to God allows us to live confidently, recognizing that He has provided all we have and will continue to do so. We are to acknowledge the many gifts and blessings we have been given and regularly remember how faithful God has been throughout our lives. Our thanksliving becomes a powerful tool in spiritual warfare as it closes the door to the enemy. Lord, we close all doors that give access to the enemy. We close the doors of fear, unbelief and self righteousness. We close them by repenting of ideas and thoughts the enemy offers. We keep the doors closed by confessing Your words over our life. Holy Spirit, remind us to be thankful about everything. Remind us to speak words of thanksgiving that are positive and full of life. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Philippians 4:6 And whatever you do or say let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17


Krieg Janet



Presbyterian Women Silver Tea

MOPS Christmas Tea Friday, December 2, in the Garden Room 9a-11a. Free, for anyone who is a mother of a preschool age child(ren). Come enjoy our Mystery Speaker/Musician and catering by Margo Rogers.

The annual Christmas Silver Tea will be held in the Garden Room on Wednesday, December 7 at 1p (no cost). Music will be provided by “Take Note” singing group led by Jean McKitrick. A Christmas story will be read by Lyndi Suydam. A Thanks offering will be received. Cookies will be for sale by the Deborah, Edith and Naomi Circles. Don’t miss this fun traditional event. Bring friends and enjoy the holiday spirit around the Christmas tree.

Nov 6 Nov 6


Cristo Vive

Mark your calendar on December 11 @ 5:30p

for the first Cristo Vive No Cost Fund Raiser Dinner and Celebration. Get your appetite ready for yummy Mexican food. We will celebrate 11 years of ministry in our community! This is your chance to experience what is happening in our ministry in a Mexican Posada Christmas style. Get on board by signing up at the Connection Center. We also need people to be Table Hosts (help sign up 7 Gustavo Carvajal people to come and sit at their table). Sign up today, Pastor de Cristo Vive x 133 we’re counting on you!


"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love

endures forever." Psalm 107:1 for books. But I

e that does not leak, for family, I give the Lord thanks for a new roof on our hom ua 1:9 has been a promise of His I have stood on

with me. Josh especially thank Him for His constant presence series by Jan e books that are special to me, like the Mitford throughout my life. Previously I shared here som end faith in God in their everyday lives. I also recomm their live can le peop real how me ed show h Karon whic t authors or titles le Gift. Now I invite you to share with me. Wha Debbie Macomber's non-fiction book One Simp s have you heard are good and hope to read? What book have been special to you? What books have you in the church to your church family? You may leave me a note end mm reco ld wou you that ds frien with ed shar een the 9:30 Or drop into the church library betw library box in the office, or email me at Info@fpcy I am there most Sundays. and 11 o'clock services and we will talk books. Happy Thanksgiving Downs Rondi


Mark Washam Director-Ghormley Meadows 509-672-4311

Who: Open to anyo ne, event specifically geared towards families.

ngth ends on le n. Cost: Dep se tivities cho of stay, ac

How to register: .org Visit www.ghormleymeadow and register online.

For more informat ion: Visit website or ca ll 509-672-4311

gerbread What: Sledding, Caroling, Gin suming house making, sleigh rides (as e in the snow), Trek for your own tre mas rist woods, Christmas movie, Ch s lights, snow sculpting, Christma and storytelling, cookie decorating more.



e living Stone-th , im h to e m As you co n by God and se o ch t u b n e m rejected by ing you also, like liv -im h to s u o ci re p ouse into a spiritual h ilt u b g in e b re a ual stones, d, offering spirit o o h st e ri p ly o h s to be a God through Jesu to le b ta p e cc a sacrifices says: "See, I lay it re tu ip cr S in r Christ. Fo and precious n se o ch a , n io Z a stone in him one who trusts in e th d n a , e n to rs -6 corne ame." 1 Peter 2:4 sh to t u p e b r e v will ne


Stewardship Sund ay November 20

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