Here @ First - Jan 2012

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first presbyterian church



January 2013

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.�

Volume 46

First Presbyterian Church

Sermon Series

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

Treasure in Jars of Clay: Foundations of our Faith

of Yakima

(509) 248-7940

Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this allsurpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 “Since the Resurrection of Jesus, the Christian Church has been built on the treasure of the Gospel. For two-thousand years, this treasure has been passed on from one generation to the next. The Bible, the person and work of Jesus, and how we live in relationship to one another in and outside the church are all part of this treasure. In addition to being an incredible gift, the treasure also serves as the foundation of faith on which the Church of Jesus Christ is built. During this five-week series, we will explore our inherited treasure and foundation and seek to answer the question, “What do we believe?”

Being a cornerstone in the community.

January 13, 2013 “Words of Life” 2 Timothy 3:12-17 & 2 Corinthians 4: 1-12

Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.

January 20, 2013 “Follow Me” Matthew 4:18-24 January 27, 2013 “Who Do You Say That I Am?” Matthew 16: 13-20 February 3, 2013 “God’s Design For Human Relationships” February 10, 2013 “The Great Co-Mission” Matthew 28:16-20

Sunday Mornings

Intercessory Prayer 8:30a - 9:30a Chapel Everyone Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team 8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary Everyone Traditional Worship - led by Organ & Choir 11:00a Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 12:15p Chapel Everyone KidZone Sunday Classes 9:30a Upstairs K-5th Sonbeams 9:30a Mezzanine L2 2½ yr & 3yr Cubbies 9:30a Room 103 4yr & 5yr Adult Ed Bible Class 9:30a Adult Ed Adults 40 Days of Purpose 9:30a Mezzanine Adults Golden Circle 9:30a Lounge Adults Students (6th - 12th grade) 9:30a Youth Room LL7 Gr 6-12

Cookies & Cans January 6: A-F

January 13 G-M

January 20 N-S

January 27: T-Z

Please bring a dozen cookies on your week, and non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission.


Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

Calendar January Events Tuesday, Jan 1 Wednesday, Jan 2 Thursday, Jan 3 Thursday, Jan 3 Friday, Jan 4 Sunday, Jan 6 Monday, Jan 7 Monday, Jan 7 Tuesday, Jan 8 Tuesday, Jan 8 Tuesday, Jan 8 Tuesday, Jan 8 Tuesday, Jan 8 Wednesday, Jan 9 Wednesday, Jan 9 Wednesday, Jan 9 Wednesday, Jan 9 Friday, Jan 11 Friday, Jan 11 Saturday, Jan 12 Monday, Jan 14 Monday, Jan 14 Tuesday, Jan 15 Thursday, Jan 17 Friday, Jan 18 Saturday, Jan 19 Saturday, Jan 19 Sunday, Jan 20 Sunday, Jan 20 Wednesday, Jan 23 Wednesday, Jan 23 Wednesday, Jan 23 Friday, Jan 25 Saturday, Jan 26 Sunday, Jan 27 Sunday, Jan 27 Sunday, Jan 27 Tuesday, Jan 29 Friday, Feb 1 Thursday, Feb 7 Thursday, Feb 7

Happy New Year / Church Closed Today Undecorate Church from Christmas 10-4:00p Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Easter Project Training (Student Ministries) 11:00a Living Waters Meeting 5:30p Living Waters Meeting 5:30p Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00p Preschool Staff Meeting 11:45a Madison House Task Force 12:00p Discipleship Huddle 4:45p Listening Prayer Class 6:30p MOPS Steering Team Meeting 9:30a Craft Night 6:00p Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Preschool Board Meeting 9:00a Edith Ferry Circle Potluck 12:00p Session Leadership Team Meeting 7:00p Ghormley Commission 6:30p MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a National Day of Prayer Commitee Meeting 10:00a Couples Night (Cristo Vive) 5:30p Parenting Class Kick Off 11:00a Childcare Staff Meeting 12:00p Naomi Circle Meeting 10:00a Discipleship Huddle 4:45p Session Dinner and Meeting 6:00p *NOTE DATE CHANGE MOPS Creative Moments 9:30a Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Preschool ART Show all morning Annual Meeting 10:35a Deacon's Meeting 3:30p American Red Cross Blood Drive 2:30p - 7p Easter Project Dinner & Auction 6:00p Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p

Adult Ed Adult Ed Gym Youth Room Adult Ed Parlor Room 203 Adult Ed Parlor Room 220 Library Parlor DF Lounge Pastor's Office Parlor Adult Ed Adult Ed Mid High Rm Rhino Room Parlor Adult Ed Adult Ed Gym DF Lounge DF Lounge Gym Adult Ed Parlor Pastor's Office GR/Mid High Rm

Everyone Committee Committee Moms

Room 217 Mid High Rm Garden Room Sanctuary DF Lounge Garden Room Gym Adult Ed Adult Ed

Moms Knitters Everyone Everyone Deacons Everyone Everyone Committee Committee

Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Teachers Committee Committee Everyone MOPS Team Women Knitters Preschool Board Women Committee Committee Moms Committee Couples Everyone Childcare Staff Women Committee Elders & Prog.Staff

Weekday Events

M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Soaking Prayer 6:30p Prayer Rd Everyone Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Spirit Led Life) 9:15a Gym Women Women’s Bible Study (Women in the Word) 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women SOZO Prayer 5-9p SOZO Team Youth Group - Mid High 6-7:45p Youth Room LL7 6th - 8th gr Youth Group - Senior High 7-9p Youth Room LL7 9th - 12th gr SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation 5:30p Chapel SOAR Students Thursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00a Women Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 5:30p Sanctuary Worship Band Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Room Choir Friday SOZO Prayer 9-Noon / 5-9p SOZO Team


Happenin’ @ First

The Annual meeting

will be held January 27th , 2013 at 10:35 a.m. in the Sanctuary Annual reports will be available to everyone attending. Clerk of Session Joe Park will then present the pastors’ salaries to the congregation which will cast its formal vote. Please plan to attend so that we may achieve a quorum.

"Search For Life: Human beings are spectacular, puzzling, brilliant and broken. Why do so many contradictions exist in our lives? Everyone needs to understand the power of our internal cry for acceptance, value and belonging. Everyone needs to understand the cause of our most basic struggles and find a solution to them. Without insight and answers to the human dilemma individuals resort to inadequate and destructive patterns of behavior to address feelings of low self esteem, inadequacy, emptiness and insecurity." Search for Life, 10-week program, will be offered Winter Term beginning January 10th at 6:00p at the Community Ministry Center, 901 Summitview, suite 230. Suggested cost: $35 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships available. For further information, Contact Kandy Ingersoll 945-5392 or e-mail

Happy Travelers

We are going to the Flight Museum in Seattle on Thursday, March 21. This will be an all-day trip because there is so much to see. We will be going by bus with an early start at 8a, and will have a guide to show us around. $35 per person. Sign up at the Connection Center or in the church office.


American Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, January 29 2:00p – 7:00p First Pres Garden Room Donate and help save a life! Goal: 43 donors Sign up in the church office or at the Connection Center to make your appointment. The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Are you interested in helping make our annual blood drive a HUGE success? We need: 43 donors, 6 registration hosts, 4 canteen hosts and 10 dozen cookies. Shifts 2 ½ hours. Registration: check-in donors, assist them with paperwork; Canteen: hand out cookies and punch to people after they donate blood. Interested? Call Ericka at church, 248-7940. Event is Tuesday, January 29. 2:00p – 7:00p.


Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied." Jesus replied, "Philip, don't you even yet know who I am, even after all the time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see Him? Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say are not My own, but My Father who lives in Me does His work through Me. Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Or at least believe because of what you have seen Me do.� The truth is, anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. John 14:8-12 Seeing the Father . . . is the heart’s desire of His creation. As believers the very Spirit of our Father dwells within us and we have been given the authority, by faith, to do what Jesus did. We are to express our Savior to a world hungry for a vision of God. On a daily basis Jesus fed the hungry and healed the sick. No matter how many times He was approached by people He stopped to help those in need. Jesus identified with the poor, had compassion upon them and commands us to do the same.

Janet Krieger

Our faith must include the expression of Jesus Christ. Faith cannot be just an intellectual response but must include our whole being, mind, body and spirit entering in to the very life of God. Our God is love 1 John 4:8 and as Paul writes in Galatians 5:6 What is important is faith expressing itself in love. One small group recently chose to express their faith with love, by sharing their resources with a family in our community. Living in an attached garage, with only a single room and single space heater, this mother and father and their four children had missed the sign-up for Operation Santa Claus. The sign-up was missed due to the family being in Seattle where their youngest child was hospitalized. Working through a public health nurse the group was able to learn of the specific needs of this young family and then the fun began. They made a list . . . and they checked it twice! They shopped for coats, shoes, mittens, clothing, toys, books, diapers, and even a high chair! They wrapped gifts and they prayed. The love of our Father was expressed. A small group was blessed. How do you express Him? Prayerfully consider how you can express your faith.

There will always be some among you who are poor. That is why I am commanding you to share your resources freely with the poor . . . Deuteronomy 15:11


own, Diane nne Alvord, Gwen Br Ly s: er mb me p ou gr Small nda Mathews, nd, Janet Krieger, Li lla Ho a res Te er, ing Droll Anita Volker Schiewe, Lisa Smith, an Je t, ea cF M e nn Suza


Pastor Jack

Jack Peebles — Senior Pastor —

Dear Church Family Dear Church Family, 2013 is upon us! The New Year is always a time to reflect and look ahead. In terms of reflection, 2012 was eventful! For example, we welcomed Tyler Van Horn into the role of Assistant Pastor of Discipleship. Having Tyler in this capacity has been a joy! He continues to work with respective staff and ministry teams to develop a discipling culture in our ministries. Also in 2012, our congregation raised $112,000 for the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Cambodia land purchase project. The generosity of the congregation overwhelms me! We continued to live into our identified mission priorities, including the development of a parenting class facilitated by Laurie Kanyer. This proved to be an important outreach to our community as 35-40 visitors attended the class. That is just a taste of the “Kingdom” expansion that has happened through FPC Yakima. I wish I had more room to talk about our Preschool, VBS, SOAR, Living Waters for the World, The Outreach Foundation, Youth Ministry, Prayer Ministry, and other Kingdom developments!


Looking ahead, we have some changes on the horizon. Pastor Jim Erixson is set to retire at the end of April. April 28th will be Jim and Betsy’s last Sunday with us, so mark your calendars as we will celebrate more than eleven years of ministry. Anticipating Jim’s retirement, the congregation has elected an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee who will search for the next associate pastor. Their work began in December, as representatives from presbytery have met with them for some training. In addition, our Session has voted to tear down the old Power House and apartment complex on our property. The conditions of the buildings have made the maintenance of the buildings unsustainable. The demolition of the buildings will begin in January. Also in January, the Session will appoint a task force to determine what we can build to replace those buildings- specifically as an outreach to our surrounding community.

Additionally, our congregation will go through a process of discernment in terms of our possible dismissal from the PC(USA) in the first half of 2013. As you know, the Session voted unanimously (23-0) in October to initiate this process. Per Central Washington Presbytery’s discernment/dismissal policy, the presbytery is to assign us a discernment team. I understand assignments are currently being made and I anticipate we will begin in January. Last but certainly not least, April of this year will kick-off a year-long partnership with the Madison House. We are calling it “Kingdom Living: From Our Seat To Spruce Street.” We have been planning this for over a year. The “big idea” is to wed together discipleship and service and facilitate more opportunities for us to love and serve our neighbors! In fact, we believe that you can’t be a disciple of Jesus without being involved in service to others! The entire membership of FPC will be encouraged to serve in some way, shape, or form. This partnership is being co-chaired by Jake and Carla Kupp and you’ll be hearing more about it in the coming weeks and months. We will continue to keep you informed in terms of developments in these areas. May God bless you and yours as you seek Him first in 2013! Living and loving for Him,

Jack r o t s a P


Jim Erixson — Associate Pastor —

Happy New Year! “Happy New Year!” That greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year’s Day in modern America was not always January 1. The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago*. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring). The beginning of spring is a logical time to start a new year. After all, it is the season of rebirth, of planting new crops, and of blossoming. The tradition of using a baby to signify the new year began in Greece around 600 BC. It was their tradition at that time to celebrate their god of wine, Dionysus, by parading a baby in a basket, representing the annual rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility. Early Egyptians also used a baby as a symbol of rebirth. Although the early Christians denounced the practice as pagan, the popularity of the baby as a symbol of rebirth forced the Church to reevaluate its position. The Church finally allowed its members to celebrate the new year with a baby, which was to symbolize the birth of the baby Jesus.

No matter when we celebrate the New Year, it’s a new beginning. It’s a time to put the old habits behind us and look forward to improving our lives and renewing our faith in God the Father and His Son Jesus. I like to look at myself at the beginning of each year to see what I have accomplished the previous year and how I can improve on those accomplishments. I also like to find new ways to present the Gospel so that those who choose to listen to me to better understand how God works in our lives. You too, as seasoned adults can become mentors to others and bring to them the experiences you have learned from the past and bring a new perspective on how God works in yours and their lives on a day to day basis. We forget that we can bring to others a different view point to those who struggle with the Gospel as they try to live it in their day to day lives. We need to share our experiences and teach good moral habits. We need to inspire younger generations, and give them hope and let them know that God does love them and that He wants to have a real relationship with them. So as we celebrate another new year let’s celebrate what God has given us in our experiences and share it with the younger generations as they look forward to new experiences in their lives. Let’s show them how the old can become the new hope in Christ.


Jim 7


Tyler Van Horn — Associate Pastor of Discipleship —

Approximately two years ago FPC sponsored a new kind of mission, an autonomous home-church led by Tyler Van Horn called the 5th Act. Below is some exciting feedback from a few of the people who attend this new mission where Christianity IS spreading at the speed of relationships.

How long attending? What do you love about 5th Act? How do you see 5th Act advancing the Kingdom? Nate Poel Since March of 2012. My favorite part of 5th Act is the community that has built up around this group. We are different ages and come from different walks of life but we have fun every week searching out our God together. 5th Act is advancing the kingdom of God in many ways but especially in creating a safe place for people to be together and ask the big questions in life. It has made a place for people who want a community but haven’t found it in a traditional church setting.

Excursion to Leavenworth

Andrew Boggess Since the beginning. I’ve really enjoyed living life together. Sundays are not the sole focus but rather a beautiful aspect of our life together. People are gaining an extended family experience while partnering in life & ministery at the same time. Sienna Laughton 10 months I love that it is a small community of people who truly care about each other and participate in each other’s lives. It is also a great opportunity to meet and get to know people from all different backgrounds and stages of life. By meeting every week and sharing what is going on in our lives we are able to love and serve each other better.

5th Act Summer trip to Manzanita OR

Rachel Kelly Since February of 2012. The best part has been meeting new friends. 5th Act offers varied life perspectives & brings people of different life stages together. Molly Rosbach I started attending in June 2011, a week after I moved here to Yakima. I love that there’s no one standing there talking at you. It’s a discussion. There are some people who are very learned and Bible-smart, and some people who are less so, but no one is more or less valuable in discussion because everyone brings a unique perspective to the conversation. 5th Act is providing a place for people to dig into questions that they have about our role as Christians in this world, and to engage with others who share the same questions. It’s a place where Christianity is allowed to be messy and confusing and frustrating, but where we’re safe to talk about it all because we’ve committed to this vision of working through those messy places together. I think it provides a home church for a lot of people who are turned off by traditional church, or who maybe aren’t comfortable speaking up in that big-church setting. The small group and honest desire to live in community with one another help people feel comfortable opening up, which helps build relationship.


Remy & Joe singing worship songs at NorthTown Coffee

Ricardo Villaseñor 1 1/2 years Meeting at someone’s home makes our relationships more personal. Inviting people over to someone’s house instead of church is a better way to invite especially younger people to be introduced to the Gospel. It’s easier to expose people to the Gospel who have never heard the good news. Alice Villaseñor 1 1/2 years I love the interaction between different generations. Starting first with basic friendships/relationships, we get beyond our assumptions of other people, and truly love them without any misconceptions. Curt Rosenkranz Since October 2011 I love how we build friendships, and really support each other throughout the week. I love the other small group activities that spin off. It feels like we are all banded together for Christ just like the Twelve Disciples were. Everyone is so focused on the Word and what God is doing in their lives. I am excited to share it with everyone I meet who is looking. Everyone who comes to 5th Act is warmly welcomed.

5th Act Christmas Tree Day

Jessica Edmonston Since about September. I love that people my age meet to have conversations about the Lord. I absolutely love it since my church doesn’t have much for “college age”. I see 5th Act advancing the kingdom of Heaven by getting people to actually know the Lord. To not just have a lukewarm type of relationship but to actually know Him. By actually knowing Him we can advance the kingdom by just being lights here. Chris Boggess Since the beginning. 5th Act really creates a safe environment to explore both relationships with people as well as a growing relationship with God. The concept of 5th Act is spreading out into the community, manifesting itself in many different, diverse groups; providing a safe place for people to grow emotionally and spiritually Remy Harris I’ve been attending for about a half a year. I love the fellowship and opportunity to learn how to be a leader. I feel like I’m an important part of impacting Yakima through 5th Act. It’s a place where people of any age and path in life can come, feel loved, learn from the Word, and get to experience the closeness of the body of Christ. The 5th Act meets at various homes on Sunday nights from 6:30p ~ 8:30p. From High School to Senior Citizen all are welcome. Most are in their 20s or 30s, but it is the group’s desire to be truly multi-generational. For more information contact Tyler Van Horn at the church office, or via email:

Halloween Party


Happily Ever After

H@F is excited to bring you an interview of Mike & Rachel Ziegler who celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary in June 2012! H@F: How did you meet and how long have you been married? M&R: Mike and I met in early February 1991, when we were both helping some friends with childcare needs. We dated for nearly 2 years and got married on June 19th 1993, almost 20 years ago. H@F: You have a busy, young family. Raising children, while a wonderful experience, can also be stressful on a marriage. How do you find time for each other as well? M&R: We are tremendously blessed with 4 active children and we often find ourselves pulled in many directions. Meeting the needs of our “zoo” and encouraging each child’s individual interests often leads to exhaustion which tends to make couple time difficult. Truthfully, we struggle in this area. We do our best to sneak in the periodic board game, random TV episodes while cuddling on the couch and the occasional date out of the house. We greet each other with affection and check in with each other throughout the day. Quality couple time is a challenging goal to achieve during our season…our best advice….talk, share and encourage one another. H@F: Sometimes major job changes are forced on us rather than being a matter of personal choice. Recently, you experienced a major move for that very reason. What advice do you have for others facing those kinds of challenges? M&R: Support each other no matter what! Over the past 2 years we have experienced family transition, financial strains, relational shifts, social pressures and relocation challenges. These obstacles have battled to consume us, but we are here to claim victory as the Lord has remained faithful to us. Our biggest challenge during this season was for us to remain faithful and confident in Him. He has loved us and provided for us in unexpected and amazing ways. We trust Him and are relying on Him to continue to lead us.

r.” Many of us grew up “And they lived happily ever afte of stories hoping that would hearing those words at the ends life (even after a fairy tale be true for us, too. Sadly, in real rt. God has blessed us here wedding) many marriages fall apa marriages have stood the test at FPC with many couples whose H@F will spotlight advice of time. Over the coming months as we look closer at the from some of them. Read with us ‘happily ever after’. ‘really hard work’ that creates the received over the years. Our church family is so precious to us. Our walk with Jesus has been enriched because of the influence of our church body. H@F: Night people and morning people somehow seem to find each other. If that’s been a factor in your marriage, how have you dealt with it? M&R: Rachel is the early bird, Mike is the night owl. This works great because it allows Rachel to fall asleep before her snoring owl arrives (sometimes). H@F: Your own children and your parents can often inadvertently add stress to your marriage, particularly at holiday times. What advice would you give to young couples entering a new marriage? M&R: Connect with each other. It is really easy to get caught up in the demands (we are guilty) but it is so important to touch base with each other and connect daily. Praying for each other is integral and we strive to make time to pray together as often as possible. We are currently living in Moses Lake as Mike has assumed a new position as a Plant Manager for Performix Nutrition Systems. Please feel free to contact us as we would love to keep informed of the life and activities of our First Presbyterian Family. Our address is: The Ziegler Zoo 1106 W. Ivy Ave Moses Lake WA 98837

H@F: The church has been a big impact in your lives. Can you expand on that? M&R: We have been so blessed by the community of believers at First Presbyterian Yakima. Countless encounters have shaped our walk as we have seen the heart and hands of Jesus actively at work. We have struggled with infertility and have received counsel and encouragement from Pastors and faithful friends. We have journeyed through victories and have battled through cultural mine-fields. All along we have held the hands of many in our Yakima community. Jesus has revealed himself to us in so many ways it’s hard for us to express how grateful we are for the love and support we have


A warm thank you to Mike & Rache l for sharing these thoughtful responses .


Rhonda Cardona — Director — Rhonda

“First Presbyterian Christian Preschool would like to thank all who have supported our fund raisers this past season. Without your prayers and support we would not be able to minister to all of the families needing us in our community. We are blessed by you!”


Women’s Ministries

Ericka Clark — Women’s Ministries —

Encouraging women to be intentional about their faith.

Time to Fly Women’s Spring Retreat

Listening Prayer Wednesdays 6:00p in the Parlor Jan 9 — Feb 27 Cost for Class: $15 (book & materials)

March 8, 9 & 10, 2013 @ Campbell’s Resort on Lake Chelan

God is always speaking to us. He longs to share intimacy with each one of us and to do that we need to recognize His voice! This winter, we will learn more about Listening Prayer by going through the book, Listening Prayer, by Dave and Linda Olson. We will also learn more about spiritual strongholds (which are made up of sin expressed in a person’s thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, actions and values that oppose the truth of God ) and how to break them. We’ll be using a section from the Freedom Class Manual created by Revalesio Ministries in Tacoma, WA.

Spring Women’s Retreat is scheduled for March 8, 9 and 10, 2013. We will be staying at Campbell's Resort on Lake Chelan. Registration opens Sunday, January 6. This year our guest speaker is Yakima native, Casey Mock. She currently lives in Tacoma, WA with her husband Jarrad of 10 years and her three sweet kiddos (Isabelle 7, Claire 5, and Caleb 2). Casey and Jarrad have a desire to see the next generation come to love Jesus and run hard after Him. Casey also serves on the Women’s Ministry team at City Central Church in Tacoma where she passionately encourages women to settle for nothing less than the abundant life promised them in John 10:10. Casey will be joined by five other women from her church who will help lead worship and serve as a prayer team for the women at the retreat. This group of women has been experiencing the transforming power of walking in Christ’s authority and as part or whole have gotten to share with friends from around the world their passion for women to receive the fullness of Christ’s love and to walk in their inheritance as believers free of every stronghold that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. If you want to encounter the power of God for your life and walk in His authority in a refreshed way, come to Chelan March 8, 9 and 10…it is TIME TO FLY!

The Edith Ferry Circle originally met in the evening as far back as 1979 to accommodate women who were working. It became a daytime circle in 1989. The circle was named after Edith Ferry, the wife of Dr. Ferry. For the past two years we have been reaching out to our neighbors at the YWCA, by gathering personal care items for the women who live at the YWCA for a time. We have also reached out to Campbell Farm for many years by collecting many of the items needed there, the main item being toilet paper. Come and join us, we meet on the second Monday of the month in the Parlor for lunch and also a Bible Study.

Soaking Prayer

the Every Monday at 6:30p en rd Ga of Prayer Room (off an for Room) will be open on hour of prayer, meditati ’s rd Lo e th and soaking in me. lco we presence. All are


Not pictured: Cathy Glasen, Virginia Campbell, Fran Becker, Nan Koukal, Betty Wall, Marion Whipple, Betty Elder.

Mark Washam — Camp Director —


Mountain Meadow Christmas 2012

What Fun!

See you next year!



Susie Woodin — Children’s Ministries —

to all Praise God and a huge Thank You going out that of the parents, kids, leaders, and volunteers day, made such a success of the kids singing on Sun December 2. you We thank God for you, and all the hard work the Lord. poured into raising such a praise offering to



Jeff Murray — Student Ministries Director —


“An Evening in New York” Silent Auction & Dinner Make your reservation today at the Connection Center to attend on Friday, Feb 1 at 6p. $10 per person, or $75 per table of 8. Proceeds to benefit The Easter Project mission trip. 15



Marriage is an Adventure it helps to have a Guide! Book your Guide this January!

ure The Advent begins the .6 week of Jan

Your Guides for this Great Adventure are: Bill and Kathy Starr - Sunday at 7p - Available Carol & Hamilton Licht - Tuesday at 7p - Available Tyler and Jessica Van Horn - Wednesday at 7p - Class Full

Choose one of these groups to spend the next 8 weeks investing in this life long adventure. This small group study is for all stages of relationship; dating, engaged, or married. Save the weekend of March 15-17 will be a romantic weekend retreat led by the Peebles and Van Horns (class participants only-lodging cost applies). Limited space available- Book your reservations at the Connection Center or in the office. Questions: Carol Licht: 961-4938; Shan Trick or Tyler Van Horn at the church: 248-7940

Love & Limits

Without Spanking or Spoiling Kids Don’t Come with an Instruction Book...We Can Help This free 8 week class will be taught by Certified Family Life Educator and author Laurie Kanyer. The class will provide guidance on: • • • • • •

Why kids misbehave/discipline Setting reasonable limits Understanding your child’s temperament Listening to feelings to gain cooperation Avoiding predictable problems Reducing the stress of parenting

Free of charge. No registration needed. Childcare and concurrent programs available for kids. Certificate of Attendance provided.

Sundays January 20 - March 17 @ 11am in the Gym at First Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave, Yakima 509-248-7940

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