Here@FIrst June 2011

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first presbyterian church

June 2011

FIRST The Pure in Heart

The Peacemakers

d e s s e l B are...

The Persecuted

“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�

Volume 27

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940

in this issue

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

June Events Pastor Jack’s Welcome Preschool/Men’s Ministry Women Children/Summer Camp Announcements Living Waters Worship Devotional Students Madison House FUSE Sunday School

This month we continue our sermon series. “Beatitude Adjustment.” Have you ever thought that life isn’t turning out the way you thought it would? Does it sometimes seem unfair that some have more than you? Have you ever wondered aloud, “Why me, God?” Perhaps it’s time for a “Beatitude Adjustment!” It is the greatest sermon the world has ever known. It was preached by Jesus and it is called the Sermon on the Mount. At the beginning of the sermon, Jesus offers eight “blessings.” These blessings follow a simple pattern: Jesus names a group of people normally thought to be unblessed and declares them blessed because of the presence and availability of abundant life in God’s kingdom to everyone, regardless of status, circumstances, or condition. Join us during this sermon series as we see how a deeper understanding and walk with God and His Kingdom can change your whole perspective on life!

sions? or know is m r o ? p u ro g l al sm a in Are you involved ally great story re a e av h st ju r o t? en ev g of an upcomin know. s u t Le y? it n u m m co r u yo about what God is doing in M-F 8:30a-5:00p. in p o st r o 40 79 824 at ce contact the Offi


Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

June Events Wednesday, June 1 Committee on Ministry Presbytery Meeting 9:00a Adult Ed Rm Presbytery FUSE Board Lunch Meeting 12:00p Parlor WOW Meeting 4:00p Rhino Rm Women’s Ministry Sanctuary Guild Meeting 6:00p Garden Rm Thursday, June 2 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Adult Ed Rm Everyone Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Adult Ed Rm 55+ Sunday, June 5 Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Everyone Children’s Ministry Leadership Breakfast 9:30a Gym VBS Security Meeting 3:00p Garden Rm VBS Security Team & Leaders VBS Volunteer Mandatory Training Meeting 4:00p Garden Rm ALL VBS Volunteers Tuesday, June 7 Worship Ministry Team 5:15p Rhino Rm Outreach Camp Counselor Training 6:30p Lounge Camp Counselors Adult Education Team Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed Rm Wednesday, June 8 Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Adult Ed Rm Riverside Baccaularate 7:00p Sanctuary Riverside Seniors & Families SOAR Info Meeting (School of Spiritual Transformation) 7:00p Lounge Everyone Thursday, June 9 Preschool Board Meeting 9:30a Rhino Rm Preschool Board Fellowship Ministry Team 5:15p Adult Ed Rm June 10, 11, 12 Outreach Camp all weekend Ghormley Saturday, June 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Mid High Rm Knitters Sunday, June 12 KidZone -”Fun Day” lunch Gym Parents & Kids Carenet Callers Meeting 12:30p Parlor Carenet Callers Monday, June 13 Edith Ferry Circle Potluck 12:00p Parlor Women Tuesday, June 14 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 1:00p Adult Ed Rm Wednesday, June 15 Ghormley Commission 6:30p Adult Ed Rm Ghormley Board Friday, June 17 Orcas / Trailseekers Closing Ceremony 5:00p Sanctuary Trailseekers Trailseeker Counselor Meeting (Debreifing) 6:00p Parlor Counselors Union Gospel Mission Service (FPC Leads Worship) 7:30p UGM Everyone Sunday, June 19 Father’s Day No Kidzone (Please see Summer Schedule on Childrens Page 7) Chat with the Elders 10:45a & 12:00p Adult Ed Rm Everyone June 20 - 24 Vacation Bible School 8:45a-12:00p Entire Church 4yrs thru 5th gr. Saturday, June 25 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Mid High Rm Knitters Sunday, June 26 VBS Celebration Sunday all morning Sanctuary Everyone Tuesday, June 28 Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Rm Everyone Session (No Dinner) 6:30p Mid High Rm Elders and Program Staff Sunday, July 3 No Kidzone (Please see Summer Schedule on Childrens Page 7) Monday, July 4 Independence Day / Church Closed July 7, 8, & 9 Mt Adams Climb (Pastor Peebles)

Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Women's Bible Study (Psalms) 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Men's Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Rm

Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes Adult Ed Bible Class “Parables of Jesus” 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Student Small Groups FUSE - Fusing Families & Church Together for Christ

8:00a & 9:30a 11:00a 12:15p See Page 7 9:30a 9:30a 9:30a 11:00a 11:00a

Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel

Everyone Everyone Everyone

Adult Ed Mezz Lounge Power House Gym / Lounge

Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12 Everyone


s ’ k c a J r o t s a P e m o c l We A few weeks ago, I gave our staff an assignment to spend an hour somewhere in the community. The task included praying to God, “Lord, what do you want me to see?” The purpose was to open our eyes to the mission field around us here in Yakima and the opportunities for God’s Kingdom to be lived out. Everywhere in this Valley people are broken and lost and need to be blessed by His Good News. The responses shared in our regular staff meeting were powerful. It was one of the most moving and spiritual meetings we have had. I wanted to share with you this month one of the responses from our staff: “Lord, I have driven this route to work about 1800 times over the past nine years. This month, I want to see this route through Your eyes. What will You show me that I haven’t already noticed? What do You want me to see? I leave Selah via the express way. There is a bright yellow WSDOT truck on the side of the highway; men repairing guardrail. They are friends of my husband, I smile and wave. I say a quick prayer for their safety. As I drive under the overpass, I remember this is where people sleep. I crank my head to see if I can see anyone. I can’t. My heart breaks. It is a chilly morning. Just a minute ago I was grumpy because the truck heater hadn’t kicked in full force and there are people in this city sleeping on a slab of cement. I ask for forgiveness for my selfishness and say a prayer for warmth and safety for the homeless I pass daily. I enter Yakima on North First Street and pass the Union Gospel Mission. Their large wood sign has been crashed into and lays in pieces. On the sidewalk there are a few small groups of people, waiting for the bus, heading into the food bank (thank YOU Jesus for that food bank!); one group is just hanging out, laughing and enjoying the warmth of the spring sun. Not even 200 feet away two men are fighting. One is so angry he is jumping up and down like a boxer, anxious to take the first punch. He shoves the other man just as I drive by. I assume he is high. I pray he crashes, hits rock bottom and cries out for Jesus. I thank God for the other man who seemed to be keeping his


cool and prayed for his safety. My route continues on 5th Avenue. I pass the apartments where Jennifer’s (not real name) cousin lived. He was shot and killed just the other day. A beautiful bouquet of flowers lay at the fence in his memory. Graffiti is everywhere; houses, fences, store fronts, it is so prominent yet I drive by it daily and rarely ever notice. Across the street a man is running. He is carrying what looks like a case of beer. A small, older lady with a red apron on is running after him, screaming. I pray he trips. I pray someone stops him. Not me, someone else. I pray for her safety. Lord, do you see this? I pull into our parking lot and there is so much beauty. The trees have all turned pink. There are so many of them and their scent is glorious. I thank God for them and their caretakers. I park the truck, gather my stuff and head into the building. I walk by a coworker who exemplifies what it means to be a servant as she helps her friend and two children out of the car. I thank God for her and lift up a quick prayer for the other lady’s family. There are going to be 100 women here for Bible Study this morning. There are going to be another 50 people here today for coffee and a program. It is a busy day. God has blessed this building and all that happens in it. I hope I can bless Him today. Lord, you have opened my eyes – I see what breaks your heart. I see what brings joy to you. And I know now as I travel my daily route to work, I will see things differently.” When Jesus looked at the crowds of people, the Bible tells us He had compassion for them. Do we have the same compassion for the broken and lost of our community? If I might be so bold to give you the same assignment, please take an hour over the next two weeks or so and pray to God, “Lord, what do you want me to see?” Most likely, you will be surprised at what He reveals! Living and loving for Him!

Jack Pastor

Pastor Jack Peebles Senior Pastor

School is out for the summer! But this doesn’t mean we are idle

with nothing to do! We are already charging up and getting in gear for the school year to begin in September. And we need your help! You can help most by keeping this program in your prayers. We have spaces for 90 children here and a chance to impact their families, their friends and neighbors, and extended families. Within these 90 families, there are several who would otherwise not be able to attend if it were not for the generosity of our church family. We have a scholarship program which provides assistance for monthly tuition and now, probably more than ever, we need your support. We also provide each child with a Preschooler’s Bible at the beginning of each school year. We use this Bible in our weekly chapel times together. A letter is sent home each week to the parents sharing with them what was read and encouraging them to read this again together from their own Preschooler’s Bible. Each of these Bibles cost $10 each. So to help us be ready to go in September, here is your list! • Pray for each child who will be attending, including their families and friends. • Pray for the open spaces to be filled in the program. • Pray that we will have the funds available to help those who apply for scholarship assistance. • Pray that we will have the Bibles needed for the children. • Pray for each of those Bibles will be a blessing to the children and their families. • Pray for our preschool staff as they plan for the upcoming year.

l o o h c Pres

Thank you for your prayer support and for helping us get ready for our new year at First Presbyterian Christian Preschool. Please consider giving towards our scholarship and/or Preschool Bible Fund. If you have questions please call Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119.

ry t s i n i M s ’ n e M

The May 14th Breakfast and workday was a big success!

We had 16 guys come to eat a fantastic meal, hear a stirring and challenging message from Dave Hansen, and went to work on three projects at the Madison House and in the neighborhood. Thanks to all who came, and keep your ears peeled for future workdays at the Madison School and other plans for the future.

Rhonda Cardona Director of Preschool x 119

Bill Starr Mens Ministry 965-3318


n e m o W

WOW – Women of W


n up to be e m o w g in “Grow eir faith.” h t t u o b a l a intention

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 God created me with my life in mind. I am a daughter, an aunt, a wife and a mother and I am blessed richly in each of these life roles. Five and a half years ago I became Scott’s wife. God knew (well before I was even born) how to equip me to be Scott’s wife. He knew I would become a peacemaker and He would use my marriage to teach me how. I find great joy in trying to bless the Lord with our marriage, but let me tell you, being a peacemaker doesn’t come easy to me. Thankfully, God breathed scripture in Ephesians 5 which teaches us that we need to be imitators of our Creator, to walk in love, just as Christ does and to try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.

We as wives need to help keep the peace in our marriages, with our children and in our extended families. In Ephesians 5:22 we are called to be subject to our husbands just as we are to the Lord. In Ephesians 5:20 we are, in all things and at all times, to be thankful in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. When I am focusing on my family and how I can best meet their needs or when I am thanking the Lord for something, then it is virtually impossible for me to be disrupting the peace. The Lord blesses us as we are blessing Him. Ladies, how do you keep peace in your marriage and family? I believe, fully, that God created you for this life. He equipped you for such a time as this. How will you use what He has given you to bless Him? I challenge you to sit down and read Ephesians. Pray the scripture. Be a peacemaker, and be blessed as a child of God.

Here are some testimonies from women who attended a teaching on marriage with Jamal Zakhary and Robin Stuber. It was a time to learn how we, as women and wives, are created to be a blessing to our husbands and bring joy to our creator. Glory to the powerful name of Jesus Christ, may the Holy Spirit seal this work. “What a great intimate setting to share the love of Christ to women. I laughed, cried, and laughed some more. I loved every part of it! Marriage is a beautiful thing. I pray that all 57 women who were there walked away renewed in their mind and spirit to lift up and strengthen their walks with Christ Jesus in order to draw closer to Him.” "I am excited to submit in this way; to go underneath my husband and lift him up. I can do this for the Lord." "I did it the other day: I held my tongue; I struggled not to solve all his problems, not to give him the solutions. Now I see how I need to give him room to make decisions." "It will be hard for me to keep doing the things I heard without any fast result, but if this is unto Jesus, it is okay, I can keep doing it..." "This is hard stuff, but it is Biblical." "It breaks my heart to see how I do not appreciate my husband with my words as much as I should." "I think as a result of God's work in this, families are going to change. It was powerful."


Ericka Clark Women’s Ministries x 100


nd you thought Pandamania was over when VBS ended? No Way! This year kids will keep learning throughout summer with Bamboogie Bamboogie is a Sunday school curriculum that will keep the excitement of VBS going for the remaining weeks of summer! Through Bible heroes such as Daniel and David, kids will learn about their bodies from God’s perspective–how each body is the temple of God–and apply what they learn to their everyday lives. Join us for 7 weeks of Bamboogie Summer KidZone from July 10 through Aug 21. We can’t wait to see you! Children’s Ministry complete summer schedule: 6/12 – Last regular KidZone 6/19 – No KidZone 6/26 – PandaMania Sunday Celebration – All kids will celebrate in the Sanctuary during the 9:30 service. on’t wait to volunteer for VBS…We need your help! 7/3 – No KidZone / Independence Day Free childcare and 3 year old class is provided for all VBS 7/10~8/21 – Bamboogie KidZone leaders, but space is limited…so sign up now! 8/28 & 9/4 – No KidZone Please plan to attend the leader meeting and training 9/11 – Fall kickoff / Regular KidZone resumes on June 5 @ 4pm in the Garden Room of First Presbyterian Church.

n e r d l i h C



andaMania is almost here! Don’t wait to sign up to volunteer…you can go www. and print off a volunteer form, or come to the church office and fill one out in person. Then you can receive your official Kung Fu Master t-shirt! All volunteers must wear one every day… Don’t wait and risk us not having your size! And don’t forget...VBS isn’t completely over on Friday! Plan to attend our special VBS Celebration Sunday on June 26 during the 9:30 service to experience VBS live and enjoy the kids as they sing for the congregation. All leaders and kids are encouraged to attend and participate…it’s a great time!

r e m Sum Camp



Susie Woodin Childrens Ministries x 110

Primary Camp - $170 - Entering Grades 2-4 in Fall 2011 Primary 1 - Sunday, June 19 - Wednesday, June 22 Primary 2 - Sunday, July 10 - Wednesday, July 13 Jr. Camp - $225 - Entering Grades 5-6 in Fall 2011 Jr. 1 - Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17 Jr. 2 - Sunday, July 24 - Thursday, July 28

org Mark Washam Director-Ghormley Meadows 509-672-4311

Mid-High Camp - $330 - Entering Grades 6-9 in Fall 2011 Mid-High 1 - Sunday, July 3 - Saturday, July 9 Mid-High 2 - Sunday, July 17 - Saturday, July 23 Mid-High 3 - Sunday, July 31 - Saturday, August 6 Sr. High Camp - $330 - Entering Grades 9-12 in Fall 2011 Sr. High - Sunday, June 26 - Saturday, July 2 Adventure Camps - LEAP! Grades 6-9, SUMMIT Grades 9-12 LEAP! 1 - Sunday, June 12 - Friday, June 17 - $365 LEAP! 2 - Sunday, July 3 - Friday, July 8 - $365 SUMMIT - Sunday, July 17 - Friday, July 22 - $390 WATERSKI CAMP - Sunday, July 24 - Thursday, July 28 - $360 LEAP! 3 - Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5 - $365


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Happy Travelers Summer Schedule

Coming soon . . .

SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation

Wednesday June 1, 8:15a ur Hanford Nuclear Reactor To a Wednesday June 21, 10:30 Allan Brother Fruit Tour Sunday July 3, 7:05p orks Yakima Bears Game & Firew 0a Wednesday August 24, 9:3 Suncadia :00 Thursday September 8, 10 Wind Farm Tour

God’s calling you higher than you have ever been before. Will you answer the call?

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011- May 16th, 2012 from 5:30p-9:00p See website for information on application deadline, tuition and fees

Open to ages 18 through 80+

Informational meeting Wednesday, June 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the David Ferry Lounge Featuring DVD Curriculum from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry

Church Library

Teachers message box 248-7940 x201

“Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” Acts 4:30

Mid-High Youth Group

Wednesday night Mid-High will con tinue

to meet Have you ever read a great book that all summer long. Come on out and bring a friend. 6:00p - 7:45p Wednesdays. you wanted to share? I have! Debbie *Excluding the first two weeks in Jun Macomber’s One Simple Gift: Discovering e. The Power of Generosity. I liked it so Keep an eye out for the Summer cal much, that I gave mine away, bought endar. another for myself, and one for the Parents informational meeting Sun Church Library. Look for it on the day, June 5 at 11:00a in the Adult Ed. Room bookcart in the Garden Room. I welcome Youth activities in the power house during that any suggestions you have for books, time. music, and movies. The Library will try to purchase, and have them available about a month after you suggest them. When making a request, please include the laws and Outlaws author, title, and why you recommend it. Break Out Groups : In 5 To make a request, just stop by or call the 10-12 Outreach Camp at Ghormley / Help going forward ity Un al tu iri Sp : ps ou Gr t Church Office 248-7940. Break Ou 12

Fuse Calendar - June

Summer Hours 12th Starting July 1st through August ays. The church will close early on Frid


Friday 8:30-Noon

ay Kidzone appreciation Sund VBS fson’s Q at Eric and Nancy Gusta BB d an rty Pa ol Po er m m Su noon-4:00p ve Hike July 16 Boulder Ca ent contact

12 20-25 26

t any FUSE ev For more info abou shan.trick@fpcyaki Shan Trick x142 or

Living s Water

The LORD is watching over your journey. Judges 18:6

Thank you for praying for our team and the

people of Chapab, Mexico, Your support in this way is very important to us. Team members include: Pastor Jack Peebles, Larry & Peggy Allan, Jim & Kathy Bricel, Gustavo Carvajal, Monte Schilperoot, Jerry Simons, and Bob & Sherri Gordon. On this trip we will work with a Presbyterian Church called El Divino Redentor on the installation of the water purification system. We aim to train a team for maintenance and operation of the system/business. We also will equip a team to educate the community on clean water use, basic hygiene, along with sharing about Jesus Christ, our Living Water.

Gustavo Carvajal Pastor de Cristo Vive x 133


l a n o i Tradit p i h s r o W


ear Church Family, I am so very, very happy to be a part of the wonderful church life here at First Presbyterian. The joy of the faith that I’ve experienced in the congregation and in the choir is simply overwhelming. The people of our church are truly amazing. God’s love is so evident here! The welcome I have received has been so warm, so friendly, and so loving. I am grateful for all of the smiles, the kind words, and the prayers I have received. It has been wonderful! Thank you, everyone! I hope to get to know each and every one of you over the coming years! The Temple Choir always welcomes new and returning singers! If you have a joyful voice to raise, come and sing praises to the Lord with us! We have a great time together! Please come and join us! We would love to have you. The choir will be going on break for the summer after the second Sunday in June. Instrumentalists as well as singers are always welcome to help lead hymns in the summer services. If you would like to be involved in summer worship music or if you would like to join the Temple Choir in the fall, please contact me! I will be more than happy to get you started!

Lyndi Suydam Temple Choir Director

We are so very blessed at First Presbyterian to have such a beautiful organ and such a fantastic organist. Nothing compares to the feeling of those powerful sound vibrations as Jon praises the Lord through his amazing gifts! The Temple Choir’s dedication to praising the Lord and bringing His word forward is truly inspiring. Music is such a beautiful manifestation of God’s great love for us! As we approach Music Appreciation Sunday, please give thanks for Jon Waite and all of the wonderful musicians we are blessed with at First Presbyterian Church.

y r a r o p m e t n Co ip h s r o W

Jason has felt called into ministry since he was in Junior High and is most passionate about ministry through music. “God has given me the gift of music in singing, playing the guitar and being able to lead people into a place of worship through song”. Previously Jason served on the Worship Team, and as Creative Arts Director for the 1st through 5th grade student’s called Higher Ground at New Community Church in Maple Valley. Here he worked with students on singing and using hand motions to songs but introduced the message through drama and skits. He was also in charge of leading a team of volunteers to set up for church that was held in a school. This included planning & building the stage design and set up. Jason is the type of person that believes no job is too great and if it needs to be done he will do it. “I am a get it done kind of person, which I think is important in ministry.”


ear Friends, it is with pleasure that the Worship Team/ Choir Director Search Committee announces the hiring of Jason Cavanaugh, who has been called and has accepted to serve as our Worship Team Director. Jason was born in Eugene, Oregon and graduated from Woodinville High School in 1994. He and Jessica have been married 14 years and they have 3 children. Liam 8, Reilly 6, and Natalie who just turned 5. He is currently employed with FritoLay in Yakima and currently participates on the Worship Team here at First Pres. Church as a singer and guitar player. Jason has committed his life to Christ and is God’s missionary. “I believe there to be no greater mission field that the one in my own back yard starting with my family.”


Jason later was asked to utilize his gifts in music by leading 40 to 50 people in a coffee house type setting called NC Café in a unique ministry to a younger demographic of singles or newly married without children. When not working or leading worship through music, Jason loves to spend time with his family, work out, golf, and go hunting. Please join us in warmly welcoming Jason Cavanaugh to FPC Yakima as our new Worship Team Director. FPC Yakima Worship Search Committee, Karen Bernd, Chair Rod Eells Rinda Mills Linnea Reed Craig Sundquist Jack Peebles, Senior Pastor

Nothing Held Back N

. . . othing halfhearted here; you must return to God, your God, totally, heart and soul, holding nothing back. This commandment that I'm commanding you today isn't too much for you, it's not out of your reach. It's not on a high mountain - you don't have to get mountaineers to climb the peak and bring it down to your level and explain it before you can live it. And it's not across the ocean - you don't have to send sailors out to get it, bring it back, and then explain it before you can live it. No. The Word is right here and now - as near as the tongue in your mouth, as near as the heart in your chest. Just do it! Deuteronomy 30:10-14

l a n o i t Devo

It is the indwelling life of God Himself, Christ living in us, our hope of glory, as Paul wrote in Colossians 1:27, that allows us to live full out, heart and soul, holding nothing back! And, the more we live embracing our Savior’s presence within, the more He takes over creating His likeness in us. This is our encouragement to read our Bibles, discipline ourselves for daily devotion, and to regularly fellowship in worship each week. This is what Moses meant when he said that the Word of God is right here and now . . . on our minds and in our hearts. As we read and hear His Word, God grows our faith, assures us of His forgiveness, and empowers us to daily live for Him. Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy (8:3) "It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth." Matthew 4:4 The bread is the Word of God, which feeds the people of God. The Word of God is truth, it is reality, it reveals the way of Kingdom living. If we are going to live as Kingdom people we must know what real life is about, we must know the life God has chosen us to live. There is power and strength in the Word of God. Time spent with the Word of God, here and now, is essential to our ability to spiritually grow and live a victorious life.

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We are often negligent about our need to spend time studying Scriptures. We consider time spent with the Word of God an option. In Deuteronomy Moses wrote “Just do it!” Return, or turn to God, wholeheartedly holding nothing back. We must allow ourselves to receive the revelation of the Kingdom. Search the Scriptures and find . . . • The person of our Lord Jesus Christ • Knowledge and guidance for daily living • The glory God intends for His children • The Kingdom viewpoint of our world • Historical accounts of the past and revelation of the future • Protection from the dangers of Satan and this world As we discipline ourselves to turn to God we are moved by His love, and we become changed to His likeness. We desire to follow His Word and live according to His will; holding nothing back; we live to honor our LORD. And, with His Word right here and now missional living becomes our lifestyle. We help our neighbor, perform our work to the best of our ability, share a meal with someone hungry for a relationship . . . we live missionally every moment of our lives when God’s Word is forever on our minds and in our hearts.

Father God, keep me in your Word daily, that I will more and more fall in love and serve You and others. Amen. Janet Krieger Elder


s t n e d Stu

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Sum Jeff Murray Student Ministries x 125





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n o s i d a M House

URGENT NEED! Madison H ouse Day Camp VOLUNTE ERS!

“I gave Madison f House two hours o e my week...They gav to me an opportunity E!” MAKE A DIFFERENC

le who will p o e p 0 8 t u o b a d e e n We ce a week. n o rs u o h 2 r fo r e te n volu

JUNE 13th - JULY 22nd M-F, 10a to 4p

S/ n House is o is d a M / S e SPORTS/READING/GAME teaming up with th MATH/FIELD TRIPS/BUS Salvation Army. For 6 utting p e b l il w e w ! s E k R e O e M w DRIVERS/AND Come help with ARTS/CRAFT

kids on a Day Camp for park. Contact Sara by Friday, June 10 age 5~12 at Milroy 457-3370 or Madison House, 302 S. 4th St. 13



s on a Bud ie it iv ct A y il m Fa r e m m 7 Su

1. Homemade slide. Got a hose, a sprinkler and a tarp?

Then you've got a slippery slide. Just flood the tarp with water and add a sprinkler or two for extra fun. Don't have any of these items? Ask a friend or relative if you can borrow theirs for the day. Be sure to get all sticks and rocks out from underneath first. And if you place the tarp on a slight slope, that works nicely, too.

2. Take a hike and see wildlife. We are blessed with

excellent weather and a wonderful location for mountain activities. A 40-minute drive from Yakima will bring you to the foot of two spectacular mountain passes, White Pass and Chinook Pass where there is fishing, hiking, or simply exploring the high lakes, mountain meadows or any of the countless streams throughout this wilderness area. Boating is available at nearby Bumping Lake, and of course, the wildlife viewing is spectacular. During the summer months the Yakima River becomes a gentle 11-mile float downstream.

3. Visit the Farmers Market or local farms. You

would be amazed! There is so much to see and do when you live in the bounty of Washington State. Opportunities to see farm animals, pick your own fruits and vegetables and observe working farms all in a very short drive. Contact the Yakima Valley Visitors and Convention Bureau 575-3010 for a list of farm fresh fun locations to visit. The Farmers Market is another fun venue to visit. They are open on Sundays through October 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. next to the Capitol Theater in downtown Yakima.

4. Rack those little brains! School may

be out, but learning can be fun for your child. Try out your library's summer reading programs for fun and free entertainment with an educational twist. For added incentive, invite your child's friend to go along.

5. Try a new game. The new rage is Minute

to Win it games. There are a number of Minute to Win it games to play at home that can keep you and your family entertained. These are simple games that can be carried out with the help of simple household items, and need to be completed within a minute. The tasks are not dangerous and are so much fun that anyone can complete them with a little bit of practice. For more information or a list of games go to www.

6. Help others and learn. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus which means learning to help those in need. There are opportunities all over the community to help others we just need to open our eyes to where God want us to serve. Contact Mark and Shan for ideas.

7. Neighborhood campout. Backyard


Pastor Mark Tumney Shan Trick Pastor of Family Life and Missions Assistant FUSE Director

campouts are always an adventure. Ask everyone you invite to bring snacks to share. All you have to supply is your yard, a bathroom and beverages. Note for parents: Have a space available in the house if it starts raining or the children get scared.

New Study: Books with a Message



o o h c S nday

…a summer adult education opportunity …to hear about books for future reading …shared by individuals who are excited about the books …join with our neighbors at Mabel Swan on Six Sundays during the summer, 9:30-10:30a. June 19 – Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore—Kathy Wilcox. June 26 – Tatoos on the Heart by Father Greg Boyle—Tony Sagare/Donna Oliva. July 10 – Mitford Series by Jan Karon—Bev Dolquist and Ann Aldous. July 17 – Triumph Beyond Silence by Herbert Hoover Hart—Carolyn Henyan. July 24 – Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand—Maurice Peugh. July 31 – Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo—Joyce Sagare. Water is for Elephants—Glen Williams. Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. Other possible books: The Faith Club, Hole in Our Gospel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays with Morrie. Each Sunday a person will present/review/share the book – could ask others to join them in a dialogue/ discussion. Perhaps 2- 3 books could be shared during one hour like perhaps the Albom books. Each Sunday include a welcome, prayer, a short Bible reading or devotion related to book subject. Presenter should think of ways to involve attendees in interaction and sharing. Each Sunday at least 1 copy of the book is available for loan and/or make sure our library has a copy of the book. Goals: reach out to our neighbors at Mabel Swan, share some good books, involve some new people within our congregation in adult education, try something different, meet away from the church building, promote the great library at First Presbyterian. STUDENT WORSHIP & GROUPS (6TH-12 GRADES) SUNDAY MORNINGS / 9:30-SANCTUARY / 11:00-POWERHOUSE Following worship, Mid High and High School students separate for time to study and discuss issues of life and faith in smaller groups. Student Ministry is eager to welcome new students, introduce them to others and help them discover the amazing love of God.

40 DAYS OF PURPOSE SUNDAY MORNINGS / 9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's Purpose Drive Life book. This class discusses and examines in a non-threatening manner the Bible passages used though the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study. KIDZONE (2 ½ THROUGH 5TH GRADE) SUNDAY MORNINGS (see Childrens page 7 for summer schedule) 9:30-10:45 Kidzone helps our children apply biblical truth to their regular everyday experiences. We learn about Jesus and how to model GOLDEN CIRCLE - PRESENT WORD for others what it means to know, love and live like Jesus. Kids are equipped to share the Good News! SUNDAY MORNINGS / 9:30-10:30 / Sonbeams (preschool) 2 ½ to 4 years: meet on LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON L2 Mezzanine in the Sonbeams Room Originally formed in the 1940's, this Cubbies (pre-kindergarten) 4 & 5 yrs:meet in the class continues to study Christian Cubbies Room on the main floor by childcare!) life together. The Golden Circle class Kindergarten - 5th grades: School-age children will attend the first part of worship with their parents and, following the is a caring and supportive class that Children's Message, will be escorted by their teachers to their includes prayer, music and study. classrooms on the 2nd floor. Following worship, parents will go to the classrooms to meet and greet the teachers and pickup their children. If this is your first time, please plan to fill out a registration form to help us stay in touch. 15



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JUNE 20~24

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