first presbyterian church
May 2011
The Poor in Spirit Those Who Mourn
. . . e r a d e Bless The Hungry
The Meek
The Merciful
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 26
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248-7940
in this issue
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
May Events Pastor Jack’s Welcome FUSE Women Children Senior Adults Season of Service Announcements Devotional Traditional Worship Search Committee Prayer Ministry Local Mission / Students
This month we start a new sermon series. “Beatitude Adjustment.” Have you ever thought that life isn’t turning out the way you thought it would? Does it sometimes seem unfair that some have more than you? Have you ever wondered aloud, “Why me, God?” Perhaps it’s time for a “Beatitude Adjustment!” It is the greatest sermon the world has ever known. It was preached by Jesus and it is called the Sermon on the Mount. At the beginning of the sermon, Jesus offers eight “blessings.” These blessings follow a simple pattern: Jesus names a group of people normally thought to be unblessed and declares them blessed because of the presence and availability of abundant life in God’s kingdom to everyone, regardless of status, circumstances, or condition. Join us during this sermon series as we see how a deeper understanding and walk with God and His Kingdom can change your whole perspective on life!
Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Church Basketball 7:00p Gym Men Tuesday Living a Spirit Led Life - Women's Bible Study 9:15a Gym Women Women's Bible Study (Psalms) 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Men's Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Wednesdays@FIRST (dinner and classes) 5:30p Gym/Classrooms Everyone Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Rm Christian Service Brigade (boys) 6:00p 2nd Floor 1st - 5th Boys
Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
May Events Sunday, May 1 Tuesday, May 3 Tuesday, May 3 Tuesday, May 3 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Friday, May 6 Sunday, May 8 Sunday, May 8 Monday, May 9 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 13 Saturday, May 14 Saturday, May 14 Saturday, May 14 Sunday, May 15 Sunday, May 15 Tuesday, May 17 Wednesday, May 18 Wednesday, May 18 Thursday, May 19 Friday, May 20 Friday, May 20 Friday, May 20 Saturday, May 21 Sunday, May 22 Sunday, May 22 Sunday, May 22 Tuesday, May 24 Tuesday, May 24 Wednesday, May 25 Wednesday, May 25 Thursday, May 26 Friday, May 27 Saturday, May 28 Sunday, May 29 Monday, May 30 Tuesday, May 31 Tuesday, May 31 Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 1 Thursday, June 2 Thursday, June 2 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5
Young Life Sandwiches for Sale (FUSE Fundraiser) Worship Ministry Team Adult Education Team Meeting Baptism Class Committee on Ministry Presbytery Meeting FUSE Board Lunch Meeting WOW Meeting Sanctuary Guild Meeting National Day of Prayer Senior Sneak Meeting Senior Adult Ministries Meeting MOPS Set Up MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Mother's Day Infant Baptisms Edith Ferry Circle Potluck Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Business Ministry Team Meeting Deacon Executive Board Meeting Prayer Ministry Training Preschool Board Meeting Fellowship Ministry Team Women's Craft Night Prayer Shawl Ministry Men Work Day at Madison House Ghormley Spring Volunteer Work Day VBS Kick Off! Cambodia Mission Trip Informational Meeting Service Ministry Team Meeting Prayer Ministry Training Ghormley Commission MOPS Set Up MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) MOPS & Staff Appreciation Lunch Union Gospel Mission Service (FPC Leads Worship) Couples' Night - Cristo Vive Senior Brunch Congregational Meeting Deacons' Meeting Kaffee Klatsch Session Dinner and Meeting Naomi Circle Meeting Prayer Ministry Training Preschool Last Day Luau Preschool Last Day Luau Prayer Shawl Ministry Davis Baccalaureate Memorial Day / Church Closed Prayer Ministry Meal Prayer and Praise Service Committee on Ministry Presbytery Meeting FUSE Board Lunch Meeting WOW Meeting Sanctuary Guild Meeting Senior Sneak Meeting Senior Adult Ministries Meeting Communion Sunday VBS Security Meeting VBS Volunteer Mandatory Training Meeting
all morning 5:15p 7:00p 7:00p 9:00a 12:00p 4:00p 6:00p noon-6:00p 1:30p 3:00p 6:30p 9:30a
Garden Room Rhino Room Adult Ed Rm Garden Room Adult Ed Rm Parlor Rhino Room Garden Room Sanctuary Adult Ed Rm Adult Ed Rm Gym Gym
all morning 11:00a 1:00p 7:00a 3:00p 6:00p 9:30a 5:15p 6:30p 9:00a 9:00a - 4:00p all morning 11:00a 7:00a 6:00p 6:30p 6:30p 9:30a 12:30p 7:30p 6:00p 9:30a 10:35a 3:30p 9:30a 6:00p 9:00a 6:00p 10:30a 10:30a 1:00p 1:00p
Sanctuary Women Parlor Adult Ed Rm Elders Adult Ed Rm Deacon Leads Adult Ed Rm Everyone Adult Ed Rm Preschool Board Rhino Room Adult Ed Rm Women Lounge Knitters Mid High Rm Men Madison House 4th St Everyone Ghormley Meadows Everyone Garden Room Everyone Adult Ed Rm Adult Ed Rm Everyone Adult Ed Rm Ghormley Board Rhino Room Gym Moms Gym Moms and Staff Gym Everyone Union Gospel Mission Cristo Vive Lounge HighSchool Seniors & Families Gym Sanctuary Deacons Lounge Everyone Garden Room Elders / Program Staff Garden Rm/Mid High Women Parlor Everyone Adult Ed Rm Preschool Kids & Families Gym Preschool Kids & Families Gym Knitters Mid High Rm Davis Seniors Sanctuary
5:30p 7:00p 9:00a 12:00p 4:00p 6:00p 1:30p 3:00p all morning 3:00p 4:00p
Lounge Sanctuary Adult Ed Rm Parlor Rhino Room Garden Room Adult Ed Rm Adult Ed Rm Sanctuary Garden Room Garden Room
Parents of Infants being baptized Women's Ministry Everyone Everyone 55+ moms moms
Everyone Presbytery Women's Ministry Everyone 55+ Everyone VBS Security Team ALL VBS Volunteers
Sunday Mornings Communion Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes Adult Ed Bible Class 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Student Small Groups FUSE - Fusing Families & Church Together for Christ
10:45a 8:00a & 9:30a 11:00a 12:15p 9:30a 9:30a 9:30a 9:30a 11:00a 11:00a
Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Varies Adult Ed Mezz Lounge Power House Gym / Lounge
Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Birth-Gr5 Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12 Everyone
s ’ k c a J Pastor me o c l e W
Dear Church Family, We find ourselves in the midst of springtime. May has always been one of my favorite months. Growing up, it always signaled the end of the school year and the beginning of summer freedom! Here in Washington, May is a prelude to the fun summer hiking season in and around the Cascades. I cannot wait until Chinook Pass opens up: the doorway to Mount Rainier National Park! I have already started to get my legs in shape. No doubt, you have begun to plan your summer get-aways and vacations. Preparation is key when it comes to adventures. You have to make sure you have food, water, and maybe a first-aid kit. One observation I had recently was that we spent so much time “getting ready” for these little excursions in life. What about life in general? How much time do we spend preparing for life as it comes at us? Life is the grandest adventure of all. However, many people struggle with disappointment and despair in everyday life. Many of those people are not standing on a solid foundation when (not if) the waves of life crash down on us. One of the ways you can prepare for the adventure of life is through our May/June sermon series on Sunday mornings. We are looking at the “blessings” within the greatest sermon ever
Pastor Jack Peebles Senior Pastor
preached: The Sermon on the Mount! I am calling this series “Beatitude Adjustment.” At the beginning of the sermon, Jesus offers eight “blessings.” These blessings follow a simple pattern: Jesus names a group of people normally thought to be unblessed and declares them blessed because of the presence and availability of abundant life in God’s kingdom to everyone, regardless of status, circumstances, or condition. Join us during this sermon series as we see how a deeper understanding of and walk with God and His Kingdom can change your whole perspective on life! Additionally, there is much going on in the life of the church this summer. Please take a look at the following pages which share a bit about what’s going on. From Vacation Bible School to Camp Ghormley to the Mount Adams Climb, you can share in fellowship with others this coming summer! I’d love for you to include First Presbyterian in your plans. May God bless you and your family as you prepare for the adventure of life in His Kingdom! Living and loving for Him,
ck a J r o t s Pa
Pastor Mark Tumney Pastor of Family Life and Missions
Shan Trick Assistant FUSE Director
e s u F
I’d like to offer a special word of thanks to everyone who recently helped with our Easter Egg “Hunt” outreach and our Family Seder meal. Both were absolutely wonderful events. Not only was the weather wonderful for the Hunt, but everything also went smoothly with the event. Still, I have to say I was a bit concerned as the number of people gathering around the 5000 eggs easily crept over 500 that morning. Still, thanks to our volunteers, when we released each age group to retrieve eggs there was all joy and no tears. Perhaps my favorite memory of the morning was being introduced to a couple who had immigrated from the Middle East. One of our members had indeed used the Hunt as a relational bridge to introduce this family to our church. If you had a similar experience with Hunt, I’d love to hear about it. In regard to our Seder meal, it was fun watching parents interact with their children at the table, introducing them to the Exodus account through God’s instituted multisensory meal. I have a great memory of watching many of the kids take their first bite of matzo with horseradish. Then, their parents were able to explain to them that the bitterness of the taste is to remind us of the bitterness of Israel’s slavery, as well as the bitterness of our former enslavement to sin before Christ. Of course, our Easter celebration is not about programmatic events. Rather, these events are only vehicles to help us to live into God’s resurrection calling to be the Body of Christ to the world. So again, thanks to everyone who contributed to make these events successful pointers to Jesus. Through your actions I saw our resurrected Lord continuing to bless others.
Pastor Mark
n e m Wo
Ericka Clark Women’s Ministries x 100
Growing Women Up to be Intentional about Their Faith ‘ I h a v e b e e n c r u c i f i e d w i t h C h r i s t a n d I n o l o n g e r l i v e, b u t C h r i s t l i v e s i n m e. T h e l i f e I l i v e i n t h e b o d y, I l i v e b y f a i t h i n t h e S o n o f G o d, w h o l o v e d m e a n d g a v e h i m s e l f f o r m e. I d o n o t s e t a s i d e t h e g ra ce o f G o d, f o r i f r i g h t e o u s n e s s co u l d b e g a i n e d t h r o u g h t h e l a w, C h r i s t d i e d f o r n o t h i n g ! ’ G a l a t i a n s 2 : 2 0 - 2 1 , N I V
He is Risen! Risen indeed! Oh, how I love this time of year! We get to celebrate the truth our King is Risen. Along with that splendor comes the beauty of spring. The darkness of winter is gone and color has come. My yard is transformed into beauty of hyacinth, daffodils and crocus. The tulips are patiently waiting their turn to bloom and then will come peonies. This is truly my favorite time of year. I get to be outside in the sun, pulling weeds, planting bulbs and seeds, watching them all sprout into life, praising my Creator for His incredible imagination! Isn’t the season of Spring a lot like our own transformation as Christians? We lived in a dark world until we let in the Light. Christ died for you and me. When we accept that Truth into our life, WOW! That truth, that Light, leads into a transformation that can only come from God. He turns us into the beautiful creations in which we were born to be! This spring, as you watch the flowers blooming and as you soak in God’s presence, be reminded He is so pleased with you. He adores you more than all the flowers. His grace is a gift for you. Be reminded, Christ died so that we may live! He is soooo good! With Joy, Ericka “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Susie Woodin Childrens Ministries x 110
n e r d Chil
And you thought Pandamania was over when VBS ended? No Way! This year kids will keep learning throughout summer with Bamboogie Bamboogie is a Sunday school curriculum that will keep the excitement of VBS going for the remaining weeks of summer! Through Bible heroes such as Daniel and David, kids will learn about their bodies from God’s perspective–how each body is the temple of God–and apply what they learn to their everyday lives. Join us for 7 weeks of Bamboogie Summer KidZone from July 10 through Aug 21. We can’t wait to see you! Children’s Ministry complete summer schedule: 6/12 – Last regular KidZone 6/19 – No KidZone 6/26 – PandaMania Sunday Celebration – All kids will celebrate in the Sanctuary during the 9:30 service. Don’t wait to volunteer for VBS…We need your help! 7/3 – No KidZone / Independence Day Free childcare and 3 year old class is provided for all VBS 7/10~8/21 – Bamboogie KidZone leaders, but space is limited…so sign up now! 8/28 & 9/4 – No KidZone Please plan to attend the leader meeting and training on 9/11 – Fall kickoff / Regular KidZone resumes
June 5 @ 4pm in the Garden Room of First Presbyterian Church.
VBS 2011 Meet Our Bible Memory Buddies! Day 2
Day 1
I’m Fez. Look at my amazing colors—God made me super and cool… and God made you that way too!
Bible Point – God made you Bible Story – God creates the world. (Genesis 1) Key Verse – “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!” (Psalm 139:14)
Amanda here! My ears stick up because I like to listen. My ears can remind you that God listens to Day 3 you! My name’s Boomer! Nice fur, huh? The black Bible Point- God listens to you and white reminds me that god watches over Bible Story- Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal. us in darkness and light! (1Kings 18:16-39) Bible Point- God watches over you. Key Verse- “You know what I am going to say even Bible Story- Jonah tries to escape from God. (Jonah 1-3) before I say it, Lord.” (Psalm 139:4) Key Verse- “Even in darkness I cannot hide from you.” (Psalm 139:12)
Day 4
I’m Pogo. I’m a snow leopard cub who gets into trouble Day 5 sometimes. But God loves me…and you Greetings from Lulu! Don’t let the …no matter what! blue face fool you…I’m a golden monkey. Bible Point- God loves you, no matter what. My blue face is a gift from God. God gives good gifts! Bible Story- Jesus dies and comes Bible Point- God gives good gifts. back to life. (Luke 22:31-24:12) Bible Story- God gives Hannah a baby. (1 Samuel 1:1-2:11) Key Verse- “Lead me along the path Key Verse-“You place your hand of blessing on my head.” f everlasting life.” (Psalm 139:24) (Psalm 139:5)
s t l u d A s r o i
April showers bring May flowers! We’ve heard that cheerful phrase since we were children. This is the time of year when the fruit trees explode into bursts of color, the birds are busy with their fledglings, and children wake up knowing exactly how many days of school are left before the summer break begins. But that’s not the end of the story! As the month progresses and the bees perform their duties, many of those flowers will give way to small fruits. Eventually, we’ll joyfully welcome the cherries, peaches, grapes, apples, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons, to mention only a few items that grow well in our rich valley. Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 tells us there is a time for everything. That is a particularly wonderful passage to re-read if you haven’t encountered it lately---especially for those of us who are vintage folks. Our youth culture is nervous about aging, but many of us who qualify for senior discounts, have found some delightful perks as we hit our fifties and beyond. Even though we are constantly bombarded by commercials encouraging us to use their products to prevent wrinkles and gray hair, many of us have found our later years to be the very best time in our life yet! We’ve survived rains (Sometimes we’ve even joyfully danced in them!), we’ve bloomed, and now is a time when we can share the fruits of our lives. With our families grown and our careers drawing to a close, we have the precious gift of time to reflect and enjoy the blessings the Good Lord has bestowed upon us. At our age we’re hoping that we can finally tell the mountains from the mole hills. We’ve even learned that a little dust on the coffee table is tolerable every now and then. In fact, we tell ourselves that it saves paper as one can make a quick note there without felling another tree. (Dust seems to be a renewable resource. It’ll appear again shortly even if we make a daily swipe with a cloth. So, why get all fluffed over it?)
Pastor Jim Erixson Pastor of Congregational Care
When we were children, we used to lie on the grass and watch the clouds change shapes. We enjoyed splashing in puddles and then listening to the wonderful “squooshing” sound that our wet socks made. We played with little bugs that would roll into balls in the palms of our hands. We carried rocks in our pockets that held a bit of sparkle in the sunlight. We wondered at the world. Then we grew up, and we became BUSY. Clouds passed unnoticed. Puddles meant additional and unwanted loads of laundry. Roses unfolded --unwatched and unappreciated-- as we went from one responsibility to the next. Now, we ‘seasoned souls’ are at a new point in life. We have more free time available than we did twenty years ago, and God has a new job for us. We are now to enjoy life and to share with others what He has done for us. We’ve reached the ‘fruit’ stage. We need to nurture others who might be experiencing rain. We need to share the joy we feel knowing that we are God’s children and that we have inherited His kingdom. So…DO take the time to stop and smell the roses…and then share His wonderful message—at the library, at the supermarket, at the gas pump, in a doctor’s office, at church, and across the fence— wherever He leads you. There’s still important work to be done. We all remember those childhood words—TAG! You’re IT! Well, that’s true here, as well. TAG! You’re IT! Share His word!
Carolyn Mason
Gustavo Carvajal Pastor de Cristo Vive x 133
Bill Starr Mens Ministry 965-3318
During May and June, the Christian community of Yakima is coming together for a continuation of last year’s Season of Service. Churches are forming work groups to serve our neighbors along Naches Avenue.
f o n o s Sea Service
to s going down from Jerusalem In reply Jesus said: “A man wa his of him d ppe stri y by robbers. The Jericho, when he was attacked st prie A d. dea f hal ay, leaving him clothes, beat him and went aw saw he en wh and same road, happened to be going down the side. So too, a Levite, when he er oth the on the man, he passed by But a , passed by on the other side. came to the place and saw him en he wh and s; wa n e where the ma Samaritan, as he traveled, cam his ed dag ban and He went to him saw him, he took pity on him. n ow his on n ma the e. Then he put wounds, pouring on oil and win day t nex The . him of and took care donkey, brought him to an inn after e them to the innkeeper. ‘Look gav and he took out two denarii ra ext any for you se rn, I will reimbur him,’ he said, ‘and when I retu a s wa k thin you do h of these three expense you may have.’ “Whic s?” ber rob of ds into the han neighbor to the man who fell .” e one who had mercy on him “Th , lied rep The expert in the law 37 3010: e Luk wise.” Jesus told him, “Go and do like
Saturday, May 7. The kick-off event for this year’s Season of Service will be at Barge Lincoln Elementary School, from 9:00a to 4:00p. Our church will join Sunrise Outreach and other churches in town for Yakima’s Second Annual Compassion Connect. This is a free event when families and individuals can simply come, get medical, including lab work, eye and ear care and prescriptions, dental, including fillings, and a full assortment of social services. We will also have 10 hair cutting stations that will be professionally staffed throughout the entire event. All are encouraged to come. We also need your help! People from our congregation have already signed up to provide medical and dental care. We need approximately 250 volunteers including translators (EnglishSpanish), so join us in making a difference on May 7th. Call the Sunrise Outreach office at 225-9310 and ask for Rosemary. Saturday, May 14. Men’s Breakfast & Work Day @ Madison House After that we will be working on neighborhood revitalization projects in homes of children connected to the Madison House. All are welcome to join us by signing up at the Connection Center! Other Season Of Service (SoS) 2011 Work Days continue Saturday, May 28 and also some week days. Please check and sign up at the Connection Center. Questions? Contact Gustavo Ext. 133 or Cell 388-5752 or email
s t n e uncem
Madison House needs help with teaching sewing skills. They also need donations of supplies. —Fabric —JoAnns Gift Cards —a sewing machine in good running condition —more volunteers Or possibly teach your own class! Contact Kevin Deyette Madison House Activities Director 457-3370 Teresa Higbee is looking for a protegé to help her with the Clothing Xchange. If you would like to be instrumental in this wonderful ministry contact Teresa at 576-3986
Love INC will be hosting a volunteer training on Friday and Saturday, May 20-21. This training is open to anyone seeking to be more effective in ministering to the broken and hurting world. Contact Elizabeth Bebefiel 453-2942. Registration required.
Congregational Meeting A Congregational meeting is being called on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 10:35a for the purpose of electing one, possibly two new elders.
Cambodia Mission Trip on Sunday, May 15 from 11a-12p in the Adult Ed Room there will be an informational meeting for those desiring to go on a short mission trip to Cambodia in 2012. For more information Call Nancy or Eric Gustafson at 952-5403.
Climb Mt. Adams with Pastor Jack! Informational meeting to be held on May 26, 2011 @ 6:30p in the Adult Ed Room. Climb is scheduled for July 7, 8, & 9.
Janet Krieger Elder
l a n o i t o v e D
You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. You both precede and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know! I can never escape from Your Spirit! I can never get away from Your presence! If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I go down to the place of the dead, You are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me and Your strength will support me. Psalm 139:3-10 We are never outside of the presence of God! God is directing our lives and our individual struggle is one of listening, watching and recognizing how He is daily working out His purpose in us. We struggle when we don’t want to let go of our right to chart our own path. We tend to spend a great deal of time looking ahead with fear and trepidation to the unknown. But God stands in the very middle of our life saying “I love you, trust Me.” We are in His care and He is watching over us both ahead and behind. Most of the time we are unaware of all that He does. But as we mature in our walk of faith we can begin to have a sense of how God’s hand has guided and prepared us for different stages and situations we have encountered. This world exists in the midst of a conflict between two kingdoms. There is the kingdom of darkness where Satan is allowed to rule and the Kingdom of God where Jesus is Savior and Lord. Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, came to earth to set us free from the rule of the kingdom of darkness. On the cross Christ set us free to live in God’s Kingdom. For He has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and He has brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Colossians 1:13 God’s Kingdom is not a distant place we aspire to but, rather the Kingdom of God is here, present among believers today. God’s Kingdom sets up residence within each believer at the moment salvation reconciles us to God. Kingdom living occurs when we allow God to rule every area of our lives. Kingdom living is trusting that God will and does provide all that we need. We experience Kingdom living when we truly know that all we are and all we have is best lived in the everlasting love of our Father. Everyday we face a battle deciding which kingdom we will live in. Make a commitment today to choose God’s Kingdom. Live as a Kingdom person by acknowledging God’s presence in each moment and space of your life.
l a n o i Tradit p i h s r o W It is our pleasure, as Chair of the Worship Team/Choir Director Search Committee, to introduce Lyndi Suydam, who has been called and has accepted to serve as our Choir Director. Lyndi was born and raised in the Tacoma area, and graduated from Spanaway Lake High School in 2004. She received her Bachelor of Music degree in Clarinet Performance from Central Washington University in 2009. From 2009 – 2010 Lyndi taught band and choir at the Ellensburg Christian School to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Lyndi strongly believes in the motto of her alma mater, “Through teaching we learn.” Currently Lyndi works as a tutor for Literacy in the Community, tutoring underprivileged children under the No Child Left Behind Act. She also teaches piano at the Melody Lane Performing Arts Academy. Lyndi sings and plays clarinet in a New Orleans style jazz trio called RetroPotential. The trio is made up of tuba, banjo, and vocals/clarinet. They have recorded two albums, the second of which is soon to be released. A third album will be recorded this summer. She also plays the flute, trumpet, mandolin, recorder, piano, ukulele and violin. On a personal level, Lyndi loves animals of all kinds especially her two cats, Bluesy and Banjo. She believes that our pets are a very special gift from our loving God. Music is Lyndi’s passion, and she is excited to be called to serve here at First Presbyterian Church Yakima as our new choir director. “I believe I was put here to glorify God through music.” She is looking forward to glorifying God in worship through the musical gifts He has given her and hopes to bring joy to those she works with. “Working with others to create music is when I find myself to be at my best.” Through various musical forms, Lyndi hopes to connect those unconnected to Jesus Christ. She believes that music is a manifestation of God’s love for us, and strives to bring the Word forward through this beautiful gift that He has given to us. She feels that we are all challenged daily by God to emulate the love, compassion and forgiveness of Christ. It is something she personally strives daily to do. Please join us in warmly welcoming Lyndi Suydam to FPC Yakima.
Worship Search Committee
Karen Bernd, Chair Rod Eells Rinda Mills Linnea Reed Craig Sundquist Jack Peebles, Senior Pastor
Welcome Lyndi Suydam
Karen Bernd
Craig Sundquist
Jack Peebles
Rod Eells
Rinda Mills
Linnea Reed
Search e e t t i Comm
"What a joyous adventure this worship leader search as been over the fall, winter, and early spring! Every member of the committee, including Karen, Linnea, Craig, Matt Miles (who had to step down but was with us in spirit), Rinda, and Rod, sought His guidance as we conducted the search. God closed some doors and opened others along the way. We were never discouraged, and continuously sought His will. We believe that God has clearly called Lyndi to serve as our Temple Choir director. In addition to her training and enthusiasm, she truly has the heart of a servant and is a welcome addition to our church family!" —Pastor Jack
Serving on the Worship Team/Choir Director Search Committee has truly been a blessing. I personally would like to thank the prayer ministry team and all of you for your faithfulness of lifting the Search Committee up in prayer as we began the process in October 2010 of seeking new Choir and Worship Team Directors. It has been amazing to witness God at work in each member of the committee throughout this process. We had eleven people apply for the two positions and as I personally read through each person’s application, I wondered how were we going to choose two people from eleven outstanding applicants. God was present throughout this process as we sought His will for whom He was calling to serve here at FPCYakima. The power of prayer has been mightily felt as we went to Him in prayer each time we met to discern who He has chosen. Over the course of six months He revealed to each of us who He was calling to these two positions. It was truly amazing to be apart of this process in seeking His will. We now ask you to continue to pray for these two people as one begins her service here at First Presbyterian Church Yakima, and we continue to search for the other. Pray that God will bless them as they serve Him with the gifts He has given them. I am excitedly looking forward to lifting God up in worship under their leadership and direction. Thank you to each and every one of you who have been praying with us over these past six months to seek His will. To God be the glory!! —Karen Bernd
When I was approached about serving on the search committee to select a new music director, I had misgivings about whether or not the church was ready for a new hire. Besides, who would want to come to a church that had just gone through an unhappy termination? A bit reluctantly I agreed to attend the first organizational meeting of the committee, still unsure that I wanted to be involved in the process. As we began meeting on a regular basis I began to get excited about the caliber of individuals God was bringing before us for consideration. I also sensed a wonderful rapport developing within the committee itself. As we prayed together, read resumes, prayed more, interviewed candidates, and again...more prayer, it was evident that God was in fact interested in providing the congregation with persons of a high spiritual quality to lead the contemporary and traditional services. The dilemma was not in finding suitable candidates, but rather discerning which ones were the Lord’s choices for the positions. In the end, we came to agreement, and now look forward with confidence that those we have selected will truly lead us to worship our God, who alone is worthy of all praise and adoration. —Rodney Eells
Serving on the worship search committee was a great experience! I enjoyed getting to know each committee member as well as the candidates. It was a pleasure being able to work with a group of individuals where we could see the Holy Spirit guiding our decisions and discussions every week. I look forward to how each new director of worship will help lead the church and develop a greater relationship with God through worship. —Linnea Reed
for a The search hip rary Wors o p m e t n o C ntinues. Leader co
r e y a r P ry t s i n i M God’s Word instructs us to “devote yourselves to prayer” (Colossians 4:2). Devoted to prayer...devoted to spending time conversing with God, sharing your life with Him, your joys, sorrows and needs, listening to Him, receiving His wisdom, strength, guidance, correction, encouragement. He is a Friend with whom we can share everything...devoted to talking with God and inviting the light of His presence into every situation on behalf of others, our church, our community, our nation, the world, seeking the presence of Jesus in every aspect of life. This “devotion to prayer” is a little picture of what Jesus call us and His church to be...“a house of prayer for all nations.”(Isaiah 56:7, Matthew 21:13) The following are prayer opportunities that we can engage in together. Seeking God together on behalf of others is such a privilege. Please pray, ask God if He would like you to serve in a prayer ministry here at First Presbyterian. Please consider how you can get involved. Stop by the Connection Center to sign up or talk with a member of Prayer Ministry Team.
I would like to receive the weekly FPC Prayer Letter. (Via email address.) I would like to be added to the Prayer Chain. (Prayer requests received via email or phone.)
I would like to be a part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry.
I would like to be contacted with information about becoming a Prayer Team Member and serving as a Prayer Partner.
I would like to participate in a 4 week training course that would help equip me for Prayer Team Ministry.
My Small Group wants to adopt a staff member to pray for on a daily basis.
I would like to serve on short term special needs (Fresh Prayer) teams that would pray for mission trips, search teams etc.
I would like to sign up to pray with the Yakima Valley 24-7 Prayer Team. First Presbyterian takes the 2nd Sunday of each month to cover Yakima in prayer for 24 hours. Time slots are 15 minute commitments. A monthly Prayer Guide is provided via email or mail.
n Donna Fuhlma
Local Missions The X-Change was so wonderful. I have never had the opportunity to share prayers with so many people, believers and non. Friday night I prayed with 2 people. One a woman named Alice. She touched me the most. She came in while we were setting up. I saw her just standing there and looking lost. I came up to her and asked if I could help her. She said no, she just brought in some items and heard about this from a friend. I asked her if she was going to come back on Saturday and she said no. I could see in her eyes that something more was going on. Molly and I were together with her when I then asked if I could pray for her. I took her in my arms and just started praying. I had no idea what she needed but God did. After prayer we were all teary eyed. Alice then opened up to us that she was just very lonely, and didn't know why she came. I told her God wanted her to have some Prayer. So we prayed again. I then asked her if there was anything she needed, she said no. I said just name one item that she could use and I would help her find it. She again said I don't need anything
Jeff Murray Student Ministries x 125
but could use pressure bandages for her legs. I said I hadn't seen them and she replied that they would be used and she wouldn't use them. While we were talking I noticed her watching Darleen Smith who was unpacking a wind chime. So we went over to her and Alice really thought it was beautiful and it had a wonderful sound. So we wrapped it up for Alice and told her to put it up and that every-time she heard the chimes it should remind her that God was with her and she wasn't alone. I asked her to come back on Saturday & told her I would be looking for her. She never did show up on Saturday to the best of my knowledge. I have never felt God’s presence like I did with Alice, during our prayer time together. In total I prayed with 7 people in 2 days. However I wasn't the only one giving prayer. Darleen & Don Smith, Dane Paulson, Amy (?), Pat & Harley Drollinger had prayer time with some folks. Alex from Cristo Vive was in Prayer with people. God's spirit was there in full force. Thank you for supporting this wonderful mission Field. Theresa Higbee
Tyler Van Horn Student Ministries x 106
Senior Brunch Sunday, May 22 Prayer & Commisioning at 8:00a service. Breakfast at 9:30a in the gym. Make your reservation at the Connection Center, in the Office, or with Jeff Murray. No Cost
s t n e d Stu
OUTREACH CAMP we need volunteers... *Counselors *People to assemble & donate ‘care packages’ *Van Drivers Contact Jeff Murray x 125 15
June 20 - 24 8:45a - Noon Where?
First Presbyterian Church
4 yrs old - 5th grade Must be 4 years old by June 1, 2011