December Here@First

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first presbyterian church



December 2012

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.�

Volume 45

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940

Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships. Being a cornerstone in the community. Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.

Weekday Events

Advent Sermon Series

God’s path for us may be wildly divergent from the one we expect or set out to travel. Perhaps that is why God sent His messengers, the angels, down to earth to proclaim the coming and arrival of Jesus and His plan for salvation. It was beyond anyone’s expectations. Thus, the angels prepared the way for the coming of a child who would change the world! Joseph and Mary surely did not plan for God’s one and only Son to be born into their household. They could not have foreseen fleeing to Egypt under the cover of darkness to protect God’s Messiah, a helpless baby boy. But this was God’s plan for salvation in action; Joseph and Mary trusted and obeyed. This obedience was necessary for God’s plan; so is ours! Following Jesus can lead to some unexpected twists and turns in our path. Are we willing to give up our own way for God’s? Are we ready to do God’s will, even when His plan conflicts with our own? Are we willing to be taken above and beyond anything we’ve ever experienced? Join us in the month of December as we prepare for Christmas by hearing the proclamation offered by the messengers of God, the angels!

December 2 “Down to Earth: Beyond Logic” Luke 1:8-25 December 9 “Down to Earth: Beyond Joy” Luke 1:26-38 46-55 December 16 “Down to Earth: Beyond Obedience” Matt 1:18-24, 2:13-14 December 23 “Down to Earth: Beyond Amazement” Luke 2: 8-20

M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Spirit Led Life) 9:15a Gym Women Women’s Bible Study (Women in the Word) 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women SOZO Prayer 5-9p SOZO Team Youth Group - Mid High 6-7:45p Youth Room LL7 6th - 8th gr Youth Group - Senior High 7-9p Youth Room LL7 9th - 12th gr SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation 5:30p Chapel SOAR Students Thursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00a Women Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 5:30p Sanctuary Worship Band Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Room Choir Friday SOZO Prayer 9-Noon / 5-9p SOZO Team

Sunday Mornings

Intercessory Prayer Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Organ & Choir Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes Sonbeams Cubbies Adult Ed Bible Class 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Students (6th - 12th grade)


8:30a - 9:30a Chapel 8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary 11:00a Sanctuary 12:15p Chapel 9:30a Upstairs 9:30a Mezzanine L2 9:30a Room 103 9:30a Adult Ed 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Lounge 9:30a Youth Room LL7

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th 2½ yr & 3yr 4yr & 5yr Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12

Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

Calendar December Events

Saturday, December 1 Saturday, December 1 Saturday, December 1 Sunday, December 2 Sunday, December 2 Monday, December 3 Monday, December 3 Monday, December 3 Tuesday, December 4 Wednesday, December 5 Wednesday, December 5 Thursday, December 6 Thursday, December 6 Friday, December 7 Friday, December 7 Saturday, December 8 Saturday, December 8 Sunday, December 9 Sunday, December 9 Sunday, December 9 Sunday, December 9 Monday, December 10 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Tuesday, December 11 Wednesday, December 12 Wednesday, December 12 Thursday, December 13 Sunday, December 16 Friday, December 14 Tuesday, December 18 Wednesday, December 19 Thursday, December 20 Thursday, December 20 Saturday, December 22 Saturday, December 22 Monday, December 24 Monday, December 24 Monday, December 24 Tuesday, December 25 Wednesday, December 26 Thursday, December 27 Sunday, December 30 Tuesday, January 1 Wednesday, January 2 Thursday, January 3 Thursday, January 3

New Deacon Training Breakfast with Santa - PreSchool Advent Celebration Kidzone Rehearsal (Singing in church 12/2) Kids Sing all 3 Services Kidzone Pancakes Trailseekers Meal (Swim at YMCA first) Living Waters Meeting Soaking Prayer (Women) Session/Deacon Dinner and Meetings Presbyterian Women Silver Tea Women’s Ministry Meeting Happy Travelers Meeting Senior Adult Ministries Meeting MOPS Christmas Tea Ghormley Mtn Meadow Christmas (Dec 7-9) Prayer Shawl Ministry Couples Night (Cristo Vive) Communion Sunday Easter Project Meeting (Youth Mission Trip) Carenet Christmas Party CV Christmas Dinner Fundraiser Edith Ferry Circle Potluck Kaffee Klatsch (Davis HS Singers) Preschool Christmas Program (3’s & 4’s) Preschool Christmas Program (4’s and PK) Discipleship Min Meeting Fellowship Min Meeting Service Min Meeting Worship Min Meeting Business Min Meeting (BMT) Angel Tree Gifts Due (in church office) UGM Board Members Christmas Dinner Young Life Volunteers Christmas Dinner Childsize Christmas Rehearsal Craft Night Childsize Christmas Rehearsal Foundation Board Madison House Christmas Party Ghormley Commission Prayer Shawl Ministry CV Christmas Celebration Childsize Christmas Eve Service Family Christmas Eve Service Carols and Candles Christmas Eve Service Merry Christmas Church Closed Today Church Hours No Kidzone Today! Happy New Year / Church Closed Today Take Down Church Christmas Decorations Happy Travelers Meeting Senior Adult Ministries Meeting

9:00a 9:00a 10:00a all morning all morning 4:00p 5:30p 6:30p 6:00p 1:00p 4:00p 1:30p 3:00p 9:00a all weekend 9:00a 5:30p all morning 11:00a 2:00p 5:30p 12:00p 9:30a 10:00am 7:00p 6:00p 6:00p 6:00p 6:00p 7:00a before 5pm 6:00p 5:30p 11:00a 6:00p 5:00p - 7:00p 4:00p 6:30p 1:00p 4:00p 4:00p 7:00p 9:00p

Lounge Gym Sanctuary Sanctuary Gym Gym Parlor Prayer Rm Garden Room Garden Room Prayer Rm Adult Ed Adult Ed Garden Room Ghormley Meadows Mid High Rm Gym Sanctuary DF Lounge Offsite Gym Parlor Chapel/DF Lounge Sanctuary/Garden Rm Sanctuary/Garden Rm Rm 203 Rm 220 Adult Ed Prayer Rm Library Church Office Garden Room Garden Room Rm 217 Lounge Sanctuary Library Madison House Adult Ed Mid High Rm Gym Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary

8:30 - 1:00p (Thurs, Fri & Mon) 10-4:00p 1:30p 3:00p

Deacons Everyone Kidzone kids Everyone Kidzone kids Trailseeker kids Committee Women Elders/Deacons Women Committee Committee Committee moms Everyone Knitters Couples Everyone Committee Everyone Women Everyone Preschool Preschool Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Everyone UGM Board Young Life Kidzone kids Women Kidzone kids Committee Everyone Committee Knitters Cristo Vive Everyone Everyone Everyone

Sanctuary, Garden Rm Adult Ed Adult Ed

Everyone Committee Committee

Cookies & Cans December 2: N-S

December 9: T-Z

December 16: A-F

December 23 G-M

December 30 N-S

Please bring a dozen cookies on your week, and non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission.


Happenin’ @ First Soundings in John

Starting Sunday morning January 6 at 9:30, Adult Ed will present a series on the Gospel of John, Dr. Dale Bruner’s “Soundings in John.” This features a 20 minute DVD of Bruner teaching with the rest of the class time in live teaching/discussion. “Dr. Dale Bruner brings to your class a new and concise look at the prologue in the Gospel of John, as well as the Death and Resurrection texts. This new digital production, lends these wonderful teachings a current emphasis.” Praise God! FPC donated 238 Shoeboxes this year…awesome!

"Search For Life: Human beings are spectacular, puzzling, brilliant and broken. Why do so many contradictions exist in our lives? Everyone needs to understand the power of our internal cry for acceptance, value and belonging. Everyone needs to understand the cause of our most basic struggles and find a solution to them. Without insight and answers to the human dilemma individuals resort to inadequate and destructive patterns of behavior to address feelings of low self esteem, inadequacy, emptiness and insecurity."


Search for Life 10 week program, will be offered Winter Term beginning January 10th at 6:00p at the Community Ministry Center 901 Summitview, suite 230. Suggested cost: $35 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships available. For further information, Contact Kandy Ingersoll 945-5392 or e-mail

Listening Prayer

Wednesdays 6:00p Parlor January 9 — February 27 Cost for Class: $15 (book & materials) God is always speaking to us. He longs to share intimacy with each one of us and to do that we need to recognize His voice! This winter, we will learn more about Listening Prayer by going through the book, Listening Prayer, by Dave and Linda Olson. We will also learn more about spiritual strongholds (which are made up of sin expressed in a person’s thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, actions and values that oppose the truth of God ) and how to break them. We’ll be using a section from the Freedom Class Manual created by Revalesio Ministries in Tacoma, WA.

Happenin’ @ First

The Salvation Army Giving Tree

Join us once again as we partner with the Salvation Army in this wonderful project. First Presbyterian Church has blessed an average of 200 children each year for the past 20 years! Please help make Christmas special for a child in the Yakima Valley. It’s easy…all you need to do is:

American Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, January 29 2:00p – 7:00p in the Garden Room We need donors and volunteers! Please contact Ericka in the office for more info – 248, 7940.

 Choose a tag from the Giving Tree located in the Garden Room.  Purchase the NEW gift named on the tag, or a gift of your choosing.  Attach the tag to the UNWRAPPED gift.  Bring the gift back to the Giving Tree at First Presbyterian Church by December 12, OR drop it off at the Salvation Army (on 16th Ave) after that date. They will then distribute the gifts the following week. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child. Thank you for your generosity!

A Holiday Celebration for the Whole Family! December 7, 8, 9 2012 Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Friday Dinner and Family competition; cocoa and s’mores by the fire; Saturday brunch; trek for your tree; crafts; scavenger hunt; Gingerbread House building contest; cookie decorating; sledding; hay rides; zipline rides; Saturday dinner feast; Christmas story and Christmas movies; games by the fire; Sunday worship and continental breakfast. Stay a day, one night or the weekend. Reserve your space today by calling 509-672-4311 or register on line at


It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner and before you know it Christmas Eve services will be taking place. This year we have a need for cookies on Christmas Eve for the 4:00p, 7:00p and the 9:00p services to be served after each service. We are also looking for volunteers to help serve. If you have an interest in helping could you please call Pastor Jim Erixson at 2487940 or Elder Dave Whiteside at 966-7585.


Pastor Jack

Jack Peebles — Senior Pastor —

Dear Church Family, It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Before we get to December 25th, however, we must go through Advent. Advent, you may know, is the season of preparation. As part of my own preparation for the celebration of Christmas, I have read through Rick Warren’s The Purpose of Christmas annually the last several years. I love how he writes of the importance of “unwrapping” the gift of Christmas. I offer this excerpt for your reflection: “It is astounding that so many people have celebrated Christmas every year of their lives without ever having opened their greatest and most expensive Christmas gift. Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas gift to you. Wrapped up in Jesus are all the benefits and blessings… and so much more! In Jesus, your past is forgiven, you get a purpose for living, and you get a home in heaven. Why celebrate Christmas if you’re not going to open the best gift of all? The name Jesus actually means “God saves.” Right now, Jesus says this to you: ‘I can replace the frustration in your heart with peace. I can replace your guilt and shame with forgiveness. I can replace your worry and anxiety with confidence. I can replace your depression with real hope. I can fill your emptiness with meaning and purpose. If you’ll trust me completely, I can replace your confusion with clarity. But I’m not going to break


down the door of your heart. You’ve got to invite me in.’ Aren’t you ready to do that?” (Warren, page 115-116) Yes, aren’t you ready to do that? Rick Warren is correct in that although many celebrate Christmas year after year, they do not open the gift. We’ve talked this year about how spiritual disciplines make us more available to God. In the case of Christmas, they can help us to receive the gift more fully. Here’s a wonderful prayer to help you prepare for the gift of Christmas: Dear God, thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, so I could get to know you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being with me all my life even when I didn’t know it. I realize I need a savior to set me free from sin, from myself, and from all the habits, hurts, and hang-ups that mess up my life. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I want to repent and live

the way you created me to live. Be the Lord of my life, and save me from my sins, and save me for your purpose. I want to learn to love you, trust you, and become what you made me to be. Thank you for creating me and choosing me to be part of your family. Right now, by faith, I accept the Christmas gift of your Son. Fill me with your peace and assurance so I can be a peacemaker, and help me to share this message of peace with others. In your name I pray, amen. (Warren, page 122-123) As part of my spiritual disciplines, I plan on praying this every day of Advent so I can fully unwrap the greatest present I have ever been given. Won’t you join me? Merry Christmas!

Jack Pastor


Jim Erixson — Associate Pastor —

Mabel Swan Thanksgiving Dinner

I just want to take a moment to thank all those who volunteered to help at the Mabel Swan Turkey Dinner on November 14th. Thanks to Jerry for the two days of preparing the turkey and to his assistant Jill who cared for the turkeys and made four pies while the birds cooked. Thanks to the Senior Adult team who spent hours in planning for the event and thanks to those who set-up the tables and the decorations and prepared the pies, dressing and Jell-O salads. Thanks to Joyce Sager’s small group who prepared the potatoes and gave us some fresh air just before dinner. And many thanks to those who served the meal and helped those who needed to get across the street. You are all stars in my book! Many, many thanks to you all!


How about a cruise to Alaska next year (2013)?

A cruise is being offered to First Presbyterian Church on September 1, 2013 through the inside passage. We took this cruise in 2002 during this same time frame and the weather was beautiful with temperatures in the 70’s. This beautiful cruise will leave Seattle and call in at Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria, BC with scenic cruising in Glacier Bay National Park. As I remember it you see land during most of the cruise which afforded sightings of Alaskan wildlife and the occasional whale and killer whales breaking the water surface. Glacier Bay is a fascinating place where you will see caving of the glacier, sea lions, birds, and other marine mammals basking in the sun on top of floating ice. The food on board is exquisite and there is plenty of it as it is served 24 hours a day. It’s a opportunity to relax and spend time on board with your family and friends, and a chance to explore some of the sites that Alaska has to offer. September is the final month of the cruising year so pricing is excellent. So join us for a great time on the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship. The cost of the cruise stated below includes Round-trip transportation from Yakima to Seattle pier, cruise fare, current taxes and fees, gratuities to ship’s staff, cancellation insurance, completed documents and Bon Voyage party. All cabins are located at the middle of the ship. This provides for a smoother cruise. Interior Cabin, Double Occupancy Ocean view Cabin, Double Occupancy Balcony Cabin, Double Occupancy

$1,345 per person $1,689 per person $2,145 per person

Honoring our Veterans

While honoring our Veterans in November I discovered a program which perked my interest. It’s a program that wants to give back and to recognize our Veterans for what they gave to the rest of us, our freedom. It is called the Honor Flight Network which wants to recognize our veterans for their sacrifice and achievements by flying them to Washington D.C. to see their memorial at no cost. Top priority is given to World War II and terminally ill veterans from all wars. In the future, Honor Flight Network will be expanded to include Korean War and Vietnam War veterans. In order for Honor

memorable and rewarding experience. All costs, flight, hotel, food will be taken care of by the Honor Flight Network.

Flight Network to achieve this goal, guardians fly with the veterans on every flight providing assistance and helping veterans have a safe,

For what the veterans and their comrades have given to us, please consider this a small token of our appreciation. Applications and more information can be obtained on the Honor Flight Network Website ( or by contacting Pastor Jim Erixson at 248-7940.


Baptism 2012

Jolley, Alyssa Karen 05/13/2012 Born: 10/15/2011

Rule, Arianna 04/08/12 Born: 03/03/12

Lund, Cameron 10/21/2012 Born: 05/13/2012


Cavanaugh, Liam 09/23/2012 Born: 02/12/2003

Robel, Hudson 05/13/2012 Born: 01/13/2012

Smith, Karly 09/23/2012 Grade: 10

Delegans-Smith, Noah 05/13/2012 Born: 10/17/2007

Sudbury, Elijah 05/13/2012 Born: 04/30/2012

Rodriguez, Marco 09/09/2012 Born: 09/07/2011

Carvajal, Elaina Johanna 05/13/12 Born: 11/08/11

Picture Not Available Miller, Addison 07/15/2012 Born: 02/04/2007 Stuber, Luke 09/23/2012 Grade 9

Laurvick, Sarah 09/23/2012 Grade: 11



Janet Krieger

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave . . . and gave His best. At Christmas we celebrate the best gift of all, salvation given to us through faith in Jesus Christ. God gave as an expression of His absolute love for us. Father God has given us His best, and because we love Him, our response should be to give the very best of our time, talents, and treasures to Him in return. Our love of God is expressed in action when we love His people and make Jesus Christ known in this world.

Jill Skone shared that a reality of life in Yakima is the presence of the poor, the disenfranchised, the children of generational dysfunction, and other at risk populations. A few, men, women, young and old, of all backgrounds serve time in our county jail. A unique program of the jail allows inmates to have special placement in a Christian environment with the daily presence of a chaplain assisted by men and women volunteers. Volunteers from First Presbyterian Church, including DeeAnn Millet, June Fessler and Jill serve God by weekly standing before the inmates to proclaim the Good News. Relationships form through hugs, prayer, study, singing, questions, and laughter. Previously held assumptions are turned upside down as stories hard to comprehend, or perhaps even to hear, are shared. Jill described “the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes awesomely real.” Words come, stories and tears are shared, love flows, prayer happens, and those present simply wait on God to give His best. Testimonies of some of the “graduates” from the jail include: L, now with a job and involved in church and support groups. S, transferred to prison, full of the Holy Spirit and witnessing to those around her. B, a recent graduate of a Christian ministries program. These women are testimonies to the Word of God giving new life! June Fessler shared when she began attending First Presbyterian Church she was full of anger and pain. June experienced emotional and spiritual healing through the CareForce Ministry. This produced a great desire within her for other women to be healed and led June to begin serving in the jail ministry. Initially fearful, June stood on the promise God will empower us to do what He calls us to accomplish. June expressed receiving blessing as she watches hurting women find joy, hope and peace in a relationship with Jesus that sustains them as they return to difficult living situations or go on to prison sentences. Jesus Christ becomes their reason for going on with life; He becomes the foundation on which they live their lives. As the women understand how very much God loves them and their importance in the eyes of the Father the very joy of the LORD becomes their strength! Nehemiah 8:10

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come. “ Luke 4: 18-19 In the midst of your gift-giving this Christmas, save your best gift for the One who gave His best gift to you. Promise this year to give yourself — heart, soul, mind, and strength — to God every day. Make Christmas last all year long as you give to Him the very best of yourself.

Janet 10

Gustavo Carvajal — Pastor de Cristo Vive —

Cristo Vive

Dear FPC Family, I want to share my joy with you. In Cristo Vive we recently celebrated the baptism of young men and women ages 10 to 16 and rejoiced with their families seeing them profess faith in and commitment to their Savior. Please keep the new members: Alex, Adrian, Julian, Gerardo, Samuel, Hazeel, Mabeth, Araceli and Galilea in your prayers. Pray for continuous dependence on God and for determination to serve and build His Kingdom through the ministry of our church. Thank you Elders Dave Marshall and Ana Lucas-Garcia for assisting with the interview. Thanks Jeff Murray for assisting with the baptisms of kids you've ministered to and are friends with. It was an emotional time for the congregation, for the parents and for me, as we have seen these kids grow in the past 12+ years of ministry. Peace,



Happily Ever After

H@F is excited to bring you an interview of Larry & Nancy Hasen who celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary in May 2012! H@F: How long have you been married? L&N: Larry & I met while working at Tree Top, Inc. We have been married for 31 years and have two grown children. H@F: Three decades of ‘togetherness’ is quite a feat. Though we often hear that ‘opposites attract’ and that feature adds depth to a marriage, it can also cause some friction. Care to comment on that? L&N: Marriage sometimes brings surprises. One such surprise in our marriage was the fact that one is a neat-nick and the other one not so much. Many women will recognize this situation. I hear friends talking about how messy their husbands are all the time. Well, I can’t agree with them because my husband, Larry, is the neat-nick in our marriage! Don’t get me wrong, I am not a messy person. I just take a more “casual” approach to my house cleaning. H@F: This really hits home for many of us. Tell us more. L&N: I must admit that at first (actually quite a while), it bothered me that he didn’t seem to think I was good enough in this area. At least that’s how I saw it. I felt I was being degraded because he would rather do it himself than have me do it and I would become upset (okay...angry) when he did. I struggled with this for several years. Finally, I began to pray for peace about the situation. I began to hear God telling me to “let it go”. He reminded me that I was uniquely made, and my personality is just what He wants me to be. Also, He did the same for Larry. Who does what in the marriage and who does it better isn’t the point and really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we share love and respect and that we look to God to guide us in our daily lives. I admit there are days when this is harder than others, but when that happens I go spend some quality time with God... and let Larry do the vacuuming.

r.” Many of us grew up “And they lived happily ever afte of stories hoping that would hearing those words at the ends life (even after a fairy tale be true for us, too. Sadly, in real rt. God has blessed us here wedding) many marriages fall apa marriages have stood the test at FPC with many couples whose H@F will spotlight advice of time. Over the coming months as we look closer at the from some of them. Read with us ‘happily ever after’. ‘really hard work’ that creates the

Now, a final question. The holidays are just around the corner. You have grown children. Trying to keep everyone happy with potentially conflicting schedules can be a challenge. The media always portrays exquisitely decorated homes with masses of happy people sitting around incredibly long tables. That picture can be very difficult to emulate even though we’d all like to have it. Have you got any words of wisdom for us? L&N: When our children were young we managed to come up with a schedule that worked for both sides of the family. No small miracle. When the kids were out of the home but single, we were lucky enough to have them home every holiday so we enjoyed those times knowing it would not last. I’m not sure how we will work out our schedule of visits with our grown children (who live away from Yakima). Our children are both married and therefore have other families to consider. At this time we have no set schedule as to who spends what holiday with whom. Now, the sharing time has begun. There are no grandchildren at this time so that makes it easier. However, when they become part of our family, we’ll have to watch out for Grandma when there happens to be a grandchild-less holiday! H@F:Well, miracles do happen. Whatever time you get with them will be precious. Thanks for sharing so openly and so sincerely. We wish you well as you continue to enjoy every moment of the ‘happily ever after’ that God has planned for you.

H@F: A guy and his vacuum can be a beautiful thing, Nancy. All kidding aside, we deeply appreciate your candor. When both members of the marriage are employed outside the home, it’s really difficult to get everything done. It looks as though you have both been trendsetters in crossing traditional gender roles. While it hasn’t always been easy, you’ve successfully done it. Your comments remind us that each one brings different gifts to a marriage and learning to accept those gifts and work with them can often feel awkward. Again, thank you for sharing your walk with us.


A warm thank you to Larry & Nancy for sharing these thoughtful responses.

Women’s Ministries

Ericka Clark — Women’s Ministries —

be o t p u n e m o w g in Encourag ith. a f ir e h t t u o b a l a intention Time to Fly Women’s Spring Retreat

Save the Date! March 8, 9 & 10, 2013 Campbell’s Resort on Lake Chelan Spring Women’s Retreat is scheduled for March 8, 9 and 10, 2013. We will be staying at Campbell's Resort on Lake Chelan. Registration will begin in January. This year our guest speaker is Yakima native, Casey Mock. She currently lives in Tacoma, WA with her husband Jarrad of 10 years and her three sweet kiddos (Isabelle 7, Claire 5, and Caleb 2). Casey and Jarrad have a desire to see the next generation come to love Jesus and run hard after Him. Casey also serves on the Women’s Ministry team at City Central Church in Tacoma where she passionately encourages women to settle for nothing less than the abundant life promised them in John 10:10. Casey will be joined by five other women from her church who will help lead worship and serve as a prayer team for the women at the retreat. This group of women has been experiencing the transforming power of walking in Christ’s authority and as part or whole have gotten to share with friends from around the world their passion for women to receive the fullness of Christ’s love and to walk in their inheritance as believers free of every stronghold that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. If you want to encounter the power of God for your life and walk in His authority in a refreshed way, come to Chelan March 8, 9 and 10…it is TIME TO FLY!

Presbyterian Women Christmas Tea Wednesday, December 5 Ladies, our annual Christmas Tea will be held on Wednesday, December 5 in the church Garden Room at 1:00pm. Brie Horbatko will give a program about MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers.) Davis High School choir will provide music led by Shannon Ruiz. Homemade Christmas cookies will be for sale. Come and enjoy this holiday tradition around the Christmas tree.

Soaking Prayer

First Monday of the Month December 3 and January 7 We will gather the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the new prayer room by the Connection Center. Join us for a time of soaking in the Lord’s presence immersing in worship, prayer, and scriptures, setting apart time to listen and be led by the Holy Spirit. If you are interested in hosting an evening please call Ericka at 248-7940 x100.

Winter Class Offering Listening Prayer Wednesdays 6:00pm Parlor January 9 through February 27 Cost for Class: $15 (book & materials) God is always speaking to us. He longs to share intimacy with each one of us and to do that we need to recognize His voice! This winter, we will learn more about Listening Prayer by going through the book, Listening Prayer, by Dave and Linda Olson. We will also learn more about spiritual strongholds (strongholds are made up of sin expressed in a person’s thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, actions and values that oppose the truth of God ) and how to break them. We’ll be using a section from the Freedom Class Manual created by Revalesio Ministries in Tacoma, WA.



Susie Woodin — Children’s Ministries —

This Christmas let’s see what’s Under the Tree!

Starting December 2 in KidZone we will explore Jesus' birth with “Under the Tree”, five very special and well-crafted Bible lessons. Kids will love learning about how: Prophets Foretell Jesus' Birth (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; Micah 5:2), An Angel Appears to Mary and Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:2638), Jesus is Born in Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-7), Shepherds Learn That Jesus Is Born (Luke 2:8-20) and Wise Men Visit Jesus (Matthew 2:1-23). We are excited to help kids to see the impact Jesus’ birth had on the world— and how his ministry gives hope and a promise of eternal life to those who believe. Join us each week during the Christmas season as we see that the best gift “Under the Tree” is still Jesus!

Shepherds, Sheep, and a Savior

On a hill just outside of Bethlehem, lowly shepherds were tending their sheep at night. They didn’t get much company out there. People had been passing through for several days as the census was underway, but they hardly spoke at all as they walked by on their way to Bethlehem. Nobody really wanted to talk to shepherds. That is, nobody except an angel! They may have been at the bottom of the social ladder in Bethlehem, but God chose shepherds to be the first ones to see the Savior! This is their story –what they heard and what they saw that marvelous night when God came to dwell with men.


Join us for a Child-Sized Christmas as the children of First Presbyterian Church present one of the most familiar parts of the Christmas story as told by the shepherds. Dec. 24 @ 4pm.

This month’s KidZone featured leader is Audrey VanHorn

…(yes Mom to Tyler)…I hope you enjoy hearing about her involvement in the children’s department here at First Presbyterian Church, and that it will inspire you to think about how you could serve the children in this church. SW: When did you start attending FPC, and what brought you here in the first place? AVH: I began attending FPC in 1981 when my daughter April turned 2. I had become friends with Marge Ausink at East Valley Central where we worked together. She invited me to bring my 2 year old to Sonbeams and so I did! SW: When did you start serving in the children’s department, and why? AVH: When we first started bringing April to Sonbeams, we would drop her off and go out for coffee. We did not attend the service. I was drawn to the Sonbeam classroom and to the welcoming atmosphere. April loved going to 'church' each week! I was especially drawn to the love that we received from Marge. She invited me to become part of the teaching team, so in 1982 I began volunteering. Tyler was born that same year, and I knew that I wanted to be a part of the Sonbeams classroom as he turned 2, so I stayed. We began to attend the service in 1983 when Vic Pentz became the senior pastor. Marge had much to do with that also - she gently coaxed us into going up to hear him preach. We did and eventually joined this wonderful FPC family! SW: What is the most rewarding aspect of serving in KidZone and the children’s department? AVH: The relationships that I have built over the years with the kidzone volunteers and with the families that I've met are particularly rewarding. There are many of us that have been teaching Sunday school since our children were small. Spending time each week with 3 and 4 year olds is also very rewarding! There is an innocence at that young age. They love to sing about Jesus and hear about stories from the Bible. For some of them, it is the first time that they've heard about Jesus and His love for them. Who wouldn't want to do that every week? I love that I get to watch each child grow in their understanding of who Jesus is as the year progresses and

what a privilege it is to watch them grow up in the church after they leave Sonbeams! SW: Tell us about a time that you saw God at work while serving in the children’s department… AVH: My husband Rick served with me in children's ministry at FPC for several years. That was a wonderful time for my family. April and Tyler were 13 and 10 when Rick left us and divorced me. Our church family surrounded us with love and prayer. Kathy Eaton and Marge Ausink as well as many others in the children's department stepped up and extended the love of Christ to my children and me and wrapped us up in the community of FPC! SW: What is your favorite Christmas memory here at the church? AVH: One of my favorite Christmas memories was the year my grandson Carson was an infant and he was baby Jesus in the Christmas program. April and Brent were Mary and Joseph, Tyler and Jessie were singing, all of us were involved in the program in some way. My extended family of sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews all attend service at Christmas time. I love the experience of worshiping and being together in church as a family for Christmas.




Christmas Eve Services 4pm Child-Sized Christmas 7pm Family Service 9pm Carols and Candles

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