May 2010
Here @First Published monthly for the members and friends of First Presbyterian Church.
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 14
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 509-248-7940
table of contents 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17 18 19-20 21 22-23 24
May Events
Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series Sunday Morning Class Information Pastor Jack’s Welcome 125th Celebrations Pastor Mark’s Welcome Fellowship Ministry : Group Life A Fond Farewell : Judy Turner Discipleship Ministry : Senior Adults Discipleship Ministry : Students Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Missions : Cristo Vive Upcoming Events A Note from our Missionaries in Cambodia Spring Re3 Upcoming Events
May Events Calendar When Special Events Sunday, May 2 Tuesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 5 Thursday, May 6 Friday, May 7 Sunday, May 9 Sunday, May 9 Monday, May 10 Thursday, May 13 Thursday, May 13 Friday, May 14 Sunday, May 16 Sunday, May 16 Tuesday, May 18 Friday, May 21 Saturday, May 22 Saturday, May 22 Sunday, May 23 Wednesday, May 26 Tuesday, May25 Thursday, May 27 Friday, May 28 Monday, May 31 Tuesday, June 1 Tuesday, June 1 Tuesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 2 Thursday, June 3 Thursday, June 3 Sunday, June 6 Sunday, June 6 Sunday, June 6 Thursday , June 10
Cristo Vive Potluck 2:00p Garden Room Worship Min. Team Meeting 5:15p Rhino Room Women of Wonder Meeting 4:00p Rhino Room SAM - Senior Adult Ministry 3:00p Adult Ed Room MOPS - Mother of Preschoolers 9:00a Gym Mother’s Day - Infant Baptism 8, 9:30 & 11 Sanctuary Mark Tumney Installation 7:00p Sanctuary Edith Ferry Circle noon Parlor Discipleship Ministry Team 2:00p Adult Ed Room Fellowship Ministry Team 6:00p Adult Ed Room Cristo Vive Craft Night 6:30p Lounge Women Compassion Sunday all morning Garden Room Senior Brunch 9:00a Gym CityFest Prayer 6:30p - 8:30p Ward Chapel MOPS - Mother of Preschoolers 9:00a Gym Cristo Vive Couples’ Night 6:30p Gym Golf Scramble 8:00a Westwood Golf Course Deacons Meeting 3:30p Lounge Deacons Naomi Circle 10:00a -12:00p Parlor Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Room Pre-k Last Day Celebration 3’s 10:30a Gym Pre-k Last Day Celebration 4’s 10:30a Gym Memorial Day Church Closed All Day Session (Dinner) 6:00p Garden Rm/Lounge Worship Ministry Team 5:15p Rhino Room Adult Ed Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed Room Women of Wonder Meeting 4:00p Rhino Room Happy Travelers Meeting 1:00p Adult Ed Room SAM - Senior Adult Ministry 3:00p Adult Ed Room Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Cristo Vive Potluck 2:00p Garden Room VBS Volunteer Meeting 4:00p Garden Room Discipleship Ministry Team 2:00p Adult Ed Room Vacation Bible School June 21-25 Kids 4 yrs-5th grade
Sunday Morninginfo Sunday Morning Services Contemporary Services The Best of Classic Worship Childcare Ages birth – 21/2 years Kidzone Sunday School 2 ½ to 4 years oldS
Sanctuary Sanctuary
RM 102
Kinder - 5th Grade *Special Needs classroom available Student Ministries Grades 6 - 12 Adult Education Classes
L2 Mezzanine
2nd Floor RM 220 Ward Chapel (Mid Hi & Sr. Hi) Golden Circle 40 Days of Purpose Adult Ed Bible Class
Weekly Events at FPC Monday, Wednesday, Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8 & 9:30a 11:00a
Senior Adult Exercise TOPS OA Trailseekers Al-Anon Church Basketball Women’s Bible Studies Spirit Led Life Series Studies with Jean Paulson Men’s Bible Study Women of Action (Prayer) Re3 Dinner and Classes Bible Study Fellowship Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir Rehearsal
During Services 9:30 -10:45a 9:30 -10:45a 9:30-10:40a 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a
8:30a 10:00a 12:00p 2:30p 5:30p 7:00p 9:15a 9:45a 12:00p 12:00p 5:15p 9:00a 6:00p 7:00p
Sermon Series May Sermon series:
April 25 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30
WHAT’S IN A NAME? -Psalm 98:1-3, John 8:58 I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE - John 6:35 I AM the Light - John 8:12 I AM THE GATE -John 10:9 I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD - John 10:11 I Am the Resurrection and Life -John 11:25
Mark Tumney Tyler van horn Jack peebles Mark tumney Mark Washam Jack peebles
9:30-10:45 / 2ND FLOOR Kidzone helps our children apply biblical truth to their regular everyday experiences. Sonbeams (preschool) 2 ½ to 4 years old meet on L2 Mezzanine in the Sonbeams Room. Cubbies (pre-kindergarten) 4 & 5 yrs old meet in the Cubbies Room on the main floor (right next to childcare). Kindergarten through 5th grades meet on the 2nd floor.
9:30-10:40 / CHAPEL Following worship, Mid High and High School students separate for time to study and discuss issues of life and faith in smaller groups. Student Ministries is eager to welcome new students, introduce them to others and help them discover the amazing love of God.
“Serious Answers to Hard Questions” May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23
“God of the Old Testament” “Jesus and Christianity” “Resurrection” “Forgiveness”
Jean Paulson Kathy Mathison Ron Sanders Fred Maloney
9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.
9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON Originally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study.
Dearchurch family, Thank you to all who planned, worked, and gave of their time energy, and efforts! The 125th celebration is behind us, but the race is before us! Hebrews 12:1-3 says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Thinking about the next 125 years of what God is going to do through us, we’ve certainly got our work cut out for us! Let us be led by the author of our faith, our Lord Jesus! One of my favorite aspects of our celebration was the Saturday of service. I believe it was a tremendous success! Not only was great work done in the name of God, but real relationships were nurtured. Now, in anticipating of the Yakima Valley CityFest, the “Season” of service begins! This is our opportunity to partner with our brothers and sisters in Christ to reach those unconnected to Jesus Christ and impact this community and the world! Various small groups and ministry teams are planning to do their part in carrying forth God’s mission to the community. To learn more about how your small group can be involved you can contact the church office or go to the website: I love visual reminders of how God’s kingdom is a reality here on earth. We, as a family of faith, are called to participate in His work. Perhaps these photos can serve as a reminder that each and every one of us has our part to play! We can’t always do everything, but we can always do something. If we follow the example of Jesus and His apostles, God can transform this world through small acts of great love! Blessing in His service, Pastor Jack
125 Celebration th
Day of Service
Dear friends,
For the past few months the staff of our Student Ministries (Tyler and Karin), the staff of our Children’s Ministry (Kathy and Susie), the Family Ministries Board and I have been meeting regularly to discuss how we might rethink how our church partners with and helps equip families to raise godly kids. The metaphor we have embraced to describe our conversations is the desire to become more “orange.” Let me explain.
Two of the most powerful influences on the planet are the church and the home. Both exist because God initiated them. Both exist because God desires to use them to demonstrate his plan of redemption and restoration. In fact, God designed them to work together and if they work together, they can potentially make a greater impact than if they work alone. Church is the yellow factor. The church is uniquely called by God to display God’s glory to the world. In other words, it is the church’s role to be the light of the world. Family is the red factor. God has designed the family to nurture the hearts of children, and more broadly, the next generation to love God. It is within the family that parents nurture warm hearts for God. When the church and the family work together the result is “orange.” “Orange” is the way that God designed the church and family to work together. At a time in history when there is tremendous pressure on the family to be anything but Christian, we no longer have the luxury of the church and family not working in full concert. Although our conversations are still in their infancy, we’re pretty excited about what God is doing and the good things that are around the corner—as we become more “orange.” Pastor Mark
P.S. “Orange” is not a metaphor we created, but rather one that we borrowed from Reggie Joiner’s book, Think Orange--a book that I would highly recommend to any parent. P.P.S. Keep your eyes open for events happening this summer for families, soon to be announced. 8
Fellowship Ministry
Group Life / Family / Senior Adult
“Building Relationships that change lives by connecting the community to Christ”
Shan Trick
Group Life Ministries
5:30 PM FRONT LAWN AND GYM SPEAKER: PASTOR MARK TUMNEY If you are part of a small group, Friday Night Bistro or interested in building relationships with others, please join us.
$5 Sign-up at the Connection Center or the main office until May 16. *Childcare will be provided w/48 hr. reservation. Call Monnie at 248-7940, ext. 117.
Most of all, let love guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony. Col. 3:14 (LB)
A Fond Farwell
Judy Turner / Group Life Ministries
It’s time to retire for the third time – corporation, law enforcement and church work. What a ride it’s been at First Pres Yakima. I’ve grown to love the people and staff here. This is what family is all about…the good times, the hard times and best of all seeing people come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. We are blessed. Thank you so much for seven years of love and prayer support while working on staff. As Ken and I continue to worship here, know that I will have my antenna up looking for people who aren’t connected and suggesting that they join a small group – a place where relationships are built both inside the church and in our community. Keep praying for the open chair, folks. God wants to touch both your hearts and that special new someone who is unconnected.
Judy Turner
Group Life Ministries Director
Matthew 25:21 NIV Judy Turner, Henriet Schapelhouman and Shan Trick.
Janet Krieger, Judy Turner and Ana Lucas-Garcia.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Fellowship Ministry Group Life / Family / Senior Adult
SENIOR ADULTS news Happy travelers Happy Travelers have planned for a very active Spring and Summer this year. The following planned trips are awaiting for you to join us!
May 13th we will go to see Ron McKitrick’s cactus garden. It should be in full bloom and beautiful.
Jim Erixson
May 15th and 16th the Sawyer House will be open to the public. We
248-7940, ext. 130
Kaffee KlatSch Our numbers have been down lately and there are multiple reasons
Pastor of Senior Ministries and Congregational Care
plan to go on May 15th.
why this could be the case. Since this is a vital component of Senior Adult Ministries, we are asking for your input. You will find these same questions printed at the Connection Center. By seeing them here, you can let your mind ‘perk’ over responses before taking five minutes to give us a written response. Please tuck your suggestions in the Kaffee Klatsch box on the counter at the Connection Center. Using your ideas, we hope to make some adjustments to help our numbers grow again. 1. Kaffee Klatsch is scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. Is there a better date and time for you? If so, what would you suggest? 2.
If you were to change the format of our current Kaffee Klatsch, what would you suggest?
3. Have you been satisfied with the program offerings that have been scheduled? If so, what did you especially enjoy?
What other program topics might be of interest for you? Should the types of refreshments that are offered be changed? If so, what would you suggest?
Ron McKitrick, who has shared some wonderful poetry with us in the past, will be the first presenter for our May 25th Kaffee Klatch. The second part of the program will be featured on the sanctuary screens so you’ll want to watch to see what is in store for us. 11
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
FPC Students Spring Flower Fundraiser Flowers are being sold for a Student Ministry fundraiser on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 9 in the Garden Room. The money we raise will go towards student scholarships for Camp Ghormley, weekend retreats, mission trips, and other special events. Students have already presold some flowers and we will be ordering extra for people to buy on Mother’s Day. So be thinking about who you might want to buy some flowers that won’t just get thrown away, but will grow all summer.
Senior Brunch
On Sunday, May 16 we will celebrate our graduating Seniors. Families of graduating Seniors are welcome to join us in the gym after the 8:00am service to enjoy brunch and a worship service to thank God for the work He has done and will continue to do. All of our high school Seniors will be receiving a letter in the mail about this event with an RSVP card enclosed. Thank you for your support and your prayers for these young people about to start the next part of their journey with Christ.
Outreach Camp
We need counselors for Outreach Camp! We are looking for anyone ages 16 and up to be a counselor for our free camp June 11-13. This is a wonderful opportunity to communicate the love of Christ to young people (ages 9-11) while getting to do all sorts of fun activities at Camp Ghormley. Please contact Tyler or Karin if you are interested in being a part of this ministry. 12
Tyler Van Horn
Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 106
Karin Skone
Assist. Dir. of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 116
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
Scholarship Money needed! Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director
248-7940, ext. 119
The need is great! To continue our scholarship program for the next school year we will need at least $3,000. The cost for a family to send just one child for a year averages around $1,000. Many of these families are unable to cover all of these costs. Won’t you please prayerfully consider contributing to these young lives?
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
WE’RE READY TO SET SAIL …All Hands on Deck! Welcome to High Seas Expedition, where you’ll explore the mighty love of God! Get ready for a swashbuckling adventure through God’s Word, and discover that God shows His powerful love throughout scripture. High Seas Expedition is awash with fun for kids, teenagers, and adults. Everyone involved in this VBS will dive into God’s Word…and never be the same again! Not only do kids experience amazing Bible adventures but they’ll also watch for God in everyday life through something we call God Sightings. Kids discover that God is active in our lives and that His fingerprints are everywhere! Get ready for a vast voyage through God’s Word!
Kathy Eaton
Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 110
Susie Woodin
Assist. Dir. of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 135
June 21-25
Discipleship Ministry Women’s Ministry news
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the synod of Alaska Northwest
Thursday, May 20 to Saturday, May 22 First Presbyterian Church 2001 W. Kennewick Ave. Kennewick, WA 99352 Interested ladies please contact Chris Leverett (965-8481)
New women’s group
forming Wednesdays at 2 PM in the church. Thursday morning Selah women’s group is praying for the open chair. Come fill it. Call Judy for more information. 15
Discipleship Ministry Women’s Ministry news
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
A Devotion for Women
Written by Janet Krieger
We know what real love is because Christ gave up His life for us. And so we also ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16 Read Psalm 22
David wrote Psalm 22 from a place of great suffering; he clearly felt abandoned by everyone including His God. He expresses a personal torment that mirrors Jesus’ crucifixion hundreds of years later. This Psalm begins as an expression of deep suffering and a cry for help but then ends in joy and praise of the Lord. As Jesus hung on the cross He called out quoting the first line of Psalm 22 “My God, My God! Why have you forsaken Me?” Jesus was not questioning God but rather expressing the awful anguish He felt as He bore the sins of the world and was separated from His Father. God had to turn away from Jesus as He allowed our sin to be placed on Him. Jesus became sin for us and experienced the loneliness and abandonment that sin always produces. His physical agony was horrible but worse was the period of separation from God. Jesus suffered this so that we would never experience eternal separation from our Creator. This was real love and real love is what we are called to have for one another. Who are the people you love? How does your love compare to this description of God’s love for us? Father God, Creator of love, enable me to show others that I love them and not just say it. May I put others first by applying Your love to all my relationships.
Shan Trick
Women’s Ministry 248-7940 ext., 102
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
SUMMER 2010 To Eternity... And Beyond!
Mark Washam Camp Director 509-672-4311
AcTIVITIES INCLUDE: Swimming Pool - Arts n’ Crafts - Camp STORE - Campfire - challenge Course - Horseback Riding - paintball - river Tubing - Mt. Biking - water skiing - Zipline - Rock Climbing - Archery - Canoeing - frisbee golf
Bring your friends and come for less!! Bring TWO NEW FRIENDS AND COME FOR 50% OFF, BRING FOUR NEW FRIENDS AND COME FOR FREE!
For more information, please visit our site: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT OUR SITE: WWW.GHORMLEYMEADOW.ORG/SUMMERCAMP.PHP summercamp.php 11
Cristo Vive/ Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
CRISTO VIVE Couples’ Night / Noche de Parejas Know someone married/dating who speaks Spanish? Since there is always room for improvement in couple dynamics, share with them about our Couples’ Night. We will treat them to Latin Music, dinner and a conference. When? Saturday May 22nd at 6 p.m. Where? David Ferry Lounge. If you email or leave a voice message in Gustavo’s e/ voice-mail box with their names and address, they will get a personalized invitation to this relationship enhancing event ( or 248-7940 x133).
Gustavo Carvajal Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive
248-7940. ext. 133
Upcoming campbell farmopen house Saturday, May 8 We invite you to come and visit the Campbell Farm. God calls us to the winning cause of “mission.” People will be helped. Lives will be changed. There will be time of reconciliation, wholeness and justice. Much will be accomplished through the missions of the Campbell Farm. All for the Glory of God!
May 8 Schedule 12:00p 12:30 1:00 1:30
Welcome Introduction Lunch served Slide show and testimonials Music performance by Wapato High School Choir Tours
Campbell Farm
2527 Campbell Rd. Wapato, Wa 98951 (509) 877-6413
It’s About How You Live Hospice & Transitions Volunteers Memorial Hospice and Transitions programs offer comfort and compassion to patients and their families when they need it most. You can be a part of our team. Volunteer opportunities include: Companionship or caregiver relief, light housekeeping and gardening, bereavement, transportation and errands office support, medication delivery, fundraising, special events and meal preparation. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information please call Dottie Hildebrand at 574-3655. You determine the time you have to share--volunteering will provide you with invaluable rewards. 19
Please bring cookies and canned food on your last name’s designated Sunday. May 2 Q-T May 9 U-Z May 16 A-D May 23 E-I May 30 J-K
May 9 (Mother’s Day) Baptism /Dedications of Infants
To have a child baptized, Session has set a requirement that at least one parent be an active, resident member of First Presbyterian Church. This requirement is waived for dedications. Parents wishing to have a child baptized or dedicated are asked to attend a one-hour instructional/rehearsal class at 7:00 pm on the Garden Room on April 29, 7:00p. Please call Jana Alderman at 248-7940 x 108 by April 27 to schedule your child, or Pastor Jim Erixson at 248-7940 x 130 regarding the class. Childcare is available with 48 hours notice.
Father/Son Team Days Saturday, June 12, 2010 Eschbach Park / Yakima, Wa Dad’s with sons entering Kindergarten - 8th grade. Spend the whole day together doing things you both enjoy! 9:30a - 4:30p / Cost: $15/man, $5/boy Turn in registration form (available at church) with full payment to church office by Sunday, June 6, or mail by Friday, June 4 to:
Father/Son Team Day
1111 W. Orchard Ave. Selah, WA 98942 Questions? Bob Nass: 697-6116 / 20
missionary update Madness! The title of this update sums it all up, as it has been chaotic here, but with God’s grace, joy and lots of fun the great news is God keeps moving us forward. Lots going on here in Battambang as usual and we’d like to recap for you the last month with what we’ve been up to: 1) Caroline just returned from a month back in the States, where she went to get checked up by infectious disease specialists, all who confirmed she has mono and hopefully it will leave her body soon. Praise God that she wasn’t diagnosed with anything too serious and that we are now reunited after a month apart! 2) In the month of March, our Battambang base was bursting at the seams, with around one hundred staff and students here simultaneously. The reason for this was because three of our training schools were running at the same time, which included the DTS, SBS and also TESOL. 3) The four-week TESOL seminar graduated about 17 students, with the majority of them Cambodians. The intensive seminar taught students how to teach more effectively, in which they were able to practice what they’ve learned in the English classes that our Youth Center offers. Now almost all of them are using this skill as missionaries in Cambodia to bless people, help them learn the skill of the English language and most importantly share Jesus with them. 4) Our SBS(School of Biblical Studies) just wrapped up their 2nd quarter by going on a mini-outreach to different villages nearby and taught the Bible to many churches. The 3rd and final quarter of SBS is filled with many intense, long books (mostly the prophets), so please pray for the students. 5) The fourth-ever BB DTS started in the end of February, with 32 students and 10 staff. So far the students have had teaching on Identity in Christ, Intimacy with God, Character and Nature of God, and Hearing God’s Voice. Last week, the outreach teams were formed, and our students will be heading to a few neighboring closed countries; Myanmar and Laos, as well as other parts of Cambodia and one team will go to India! Please To follow Garth and Caroline’s pray for their finances as they will complete blog go to: need God to provide in huge ways in the next 6 weeks. 21
3 replenish. recharge. reconnect.
Wednesday Nights at First Presbyterian Church
Wednesday Nights Classes run until
Dinner begins
May 12
Classes begin
*Suggested donations: $5 per person, $10 per couple, $12 per family.
Classes offered this
Spiritual Leadership Sweeter than Chocolate (Womens) Woman to Woman Valiant Man Understanding Your Valiant Man
Mid-High (6-8th grade) 6:30- 8:00
High School 9-12th grade) 7:30-9:00
6 months-kindergarten age Available by reservation only (48 hours in advance). Call: 248-7940 ext. 117
Children’s Program
Kindergarten - 5th Grade Room 217
Mark Tumney J. Krieger Careforce Careforce Careforce
3 replenish. recharge. reconnect.
Wednesday Nights at First Presbyterian Church
sweeter than chocolate: An Inductive Study of Psalm 119 This class is a six week journey through the Bible’s greatest Psalm devoted to the theme of the Word of God. Discover insights, practical wisdom, and deep truths that will strengthen your walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Wednesday Nights until Classes run
May 12
Spiritual leadership: Jesus calls us all to be His followers.
However, He also expects us eventually to lead others as we follow Him (2 Tim 2:2). This class is designed to help both mature believers and beginners to be better disciples and to better lead others to be disciples of Christ. In addition to examining the biblical foundations for leadership and examples of leadership in the Scriptures, this class will teach you to connect spiritually with others and guide them. The class will have a very practical bent. If your walk with the Lord is dry, perhaps it is because you are not yet enjoying God’s call to lead others more deeply in Christ. Come, taste and see what it means to fulfill Christ’s call to lovingly lead others.
Golf Scramble
Mixed Team Golf Scramble Westwood Golf Course
Saturday, May 22 at 8:00a (9 holes) $20 Entry Fee
Westwood May 22 8:00a Sign Up in Church Office or at the Connection Center
Habitat for Humanity First Presbyterian Church Yakima 248.7940
First Presbyterian believes our faith in Jesus must be lived out in practical ways. Building homes in the name of Jesus is a very tangible way to affect one specific family, generations of families, and to leave a positive witness for the entire neighborhood and community. It is because of this belief that we have commited to build a home.
Tiona Carter with her sons Will and Damarion.
Please consider supporting this important effort with your financial gifts and your personal hands-on participation. You can volunteer to hammer, paint, clean, pray or provide snacks during the time it will take to build this home. Home address: 1520 Fairbanks (Yakima) PLEASE PICK UP A SIGN UP FORM IN THE CHURCH OFFICE OR AT THE CONNECTION CENTER!