Here@First - June 2010

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First Presbyterian Church Ya k i m a




Vacation Bible School June 21-25


Yakima Valley July 17-18


of 2010

“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�

Volume 15

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 509-248-7940


in this issue 3 4 5 6-7 8 9-10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20-21 22 23 24

June Events Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series Sunday Morning Class Information Pastor Jack’s Welcome Pastor Mark’s Welcome Fellowship Ministry : Group Life Discipleship Ministry : Senior Adults Discipleship Ministry : Students Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Men’s Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Missions: Cristo Vive CityFest Upcoming Events A note from our Missionaries in Cambodia Mission of FPC Vacation Bible School Registration Sign up


events calendar When

Tue, June 1 Tue, June 1 Wed, June 2 Thur, June 3 Thur, June 3 Thur, June 3 Sun, June 6 Sun, June 6 Sun, June 6 Thur, Jun 8 Tue, June 8 Thur, Jun 10 Thur, Jun 10 Fri, June 11 Jun 11, 12,13 Sun, Jun 13 Sun, Jun 13 Sun, Jun 13 Tue, June 15 Tue, Jun 15 Tue, Jun 15 Wed, Jun 16 Sun, Jun 20 June 21-25 Tue, Jun 22 Wed, Jun 23 Sun, Jun 27 Thur, Jul 1 Thur, Jul 1 Mon, July 5 Sat, Jul 17-18

Special Events



Session (Dinner) 6:00p Garden Rm/Lounge Adult Ed Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed Rm Women of Wonder Meeting 4:00p Rhino Room Happy Travelers Meeting 1:00p Adult Ed Rm SAM - Senior Adult Ministry 3:00p Adult Ed Rm Prayer Ministry Leader Meeting 6:00p Library Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Cristo Vive Potluck 2:00p Garden Rm VBS Volunteer Meeting 4:00p Garden Rm Discipleship Ministry Team 1:00p Adult Ed Rm Outreach Counselor Training 6:30p - 8:30p Adult Ed Rm Preschool Board Meeting 9:30a Rhino Room Fellowship Ministry Team 6:00p Adult Ed Rm Cristo Vive Craft Night 6:30p Lounge Outreach Camp (Ghormley) weekend Ghormley Carenet Meeting 12:30p Parlor Baby Shower-Stephanie Tumney 2:30 PM Garden Room *All women invited! Luis Palau Counselor Training 6:00p Chapel Service Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Adult Ed Rm Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Room Session Leadership Team 7:00p Adult Ed Rm Ghormley Commission Meeting 6:30p Rhino Room Father’s Day Vacation Bible School 9a - 12p Entire Church Session (No Dinner) 7:00p Lounge Elders Foundation Board 4:00p Library Deacon Picnic 12:15p North Lawn Happy Travelers Meeting 1:00p Adult Ed Rm Prayer Ministry Leader Meeting 6:00p Library Church Closed (Observance of Independence Day) Luis Palau CityFest (Saturday and Sunday) Fairgrounds


Sunday Morning info Sunday Morning Services Communion - Every Sunday Contemporary Services The Best of Classic Worship Childcare Ages birth – 21/2 years Kidzone Sunday School

Ward Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary RM 102

2 ½ to 4 years olds

L2 Mezzanine

Kinder - 5th Grade 2nd Floor *Special Needs classroom available RM 220 Student Ministries Middle School Small Groups (6-8th grades) Powerhouse Adult Education Classes Golden Circle 40 Days of Purpose

Weekly Events at FPC Monday, Wednesday, Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Senior Adult Exercise TOPS OEA Al-Anon Church Basketball Women’s Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study Women of Action (Prayer) Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir Rehearsal

7:45a 8 & 9:30a 11:00a During Services 9:30 -10:45a 9:30 -10:45a 10:30-12:30p 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a 8:30a 10:00a 12:00p 5:30p 7:00p 12:00p 12:00p 6:00p 7:00p


Matters of Maturity: Philippians Contrary to popular belief, there is no correlation between maturity and age! For those who hunger to experience God’s pleasure, the path to maturity is the way of obedience. In this series, we will be looking at principles revealed in Paul’s letter to the Philippians which lead us into a deeper walk with Jesus. God invites us to trust and follow Him and though this invitation, we more fully understand what it means to commit to Him, be secure, live in freedom, have purpose, and contentment. Failure to mature in our faith is to run counter to God’s will for us. Over this six week study, we will explore His will and come to a greater understanding of how “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:13) 4


classes and services KIDZONE (AGE 2 ½ THROUGH 5TH GRADE)

9:30-10:45 / 2ND FLOOR Kidzone helps our children apply biblical truth to their regular everyday experiences. Sonbeams (preschool) 2 ½ to 4 years old meet on L2 Mezzanine in the Sonbeams Room. Cubbies (pre-kindergarten) 4 & 5 yrs old meet in the Cubbies Room on the main floor (right next to childcare). Kindergarten through 5th grades meet on the 2nd floor.


Middle School Small Groups / 6th-8th Graders 10:30am-12:30pm / Meet in the PowerHouse

D- groups / High School and College Students Sunday Nights / 5:30-7:00pm / Meet in the Garden Room


9:30-10:30 / ADULT ED / Led by Kathy Mathison EXCERPTS FROM DEUTERONOMY MAY 30 – JULY 18 Remember, Teach Your Children, Love God and Obey Him. These are some of the teachings we find in the book of Deuteronomy. The Israelites are ready to go into the Promised Land. Moses is about to die. What words does he choose to share with the people; a generation he has watched grow from infant to adult? Join us as we study these last words of Moses – his words of encouragement, challenge and warning – and see how they still apply to our lives today.


9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.


9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON Originally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study. 5

Dear church family, In his letter to the Galatians, Paul says that when you enter in to the Christian community (or are one in Christ) you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise. Who is Abraham and what’s the promise made to him? Abraham, of course, is the father of the Hebrew nation. His story is told early in the Bible all the way back in Genesis. He is lifted up time and time again for his faithfulness. Paul mentions him as he speaks of the blessing of God: “The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, declared the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ‘All the Gentiles shall be blessed in you.’ For this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham who believed.” (Galatians 3:8-9) In this passage, Paul is echoing a promise from Genesis 12: “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’” (Gen 12: 2-3) This is the purpose to which God has called the Christian community into existence. It’s not so we can be content or complacent in our “greatness.” It’s not so we can be concerned only for ourselves and those who come to the corner of 8th and Yakima avenues. We are bound together so we can be a blessing by being His witnesses (Acts 1:8)…to the ends of the earth! You’ll notice here he didn’t say some of you will be blessed. But rather all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Some translations even say all the nations. That means that we have our work cut out for us. We have a responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and invite people into a relationship with Him. Our “mission field” is not limited to those who think, believe, vote, and act the same way we do. Wherever you go and whomever you encounter along the way, that person is who God sent you to. In his book The Present Future: Six Tough Questions For the Church, Reggie McNeal challenges churches to alter their way of thinking. The old question “How can we grow this church?” must give way to the more missional “How can we transform our community?” I love that because I believe that is how the early church spread the Good News. The name of Jesus was synonymous with acts of great love. McNeal says “Churches that understand the realities of the present future are shifting the target of ministry efforts from church activity to community transformation. This is turning the church inside out” (McNeal, p.26). 6

longer applies. Across the board, the reality is that people are not coming to us, so we’ve got to go to them. The church that is faithful to the calling of God MUST be outwardly focused. In McNeal’s words, we need to go where people are already hanging out and be prepared to have conversations with them about the great love of our lives. These questions were recently posed to our Session and staff: What if FPC ceases to exist tomorrow? What would the community’s reaction be? Would they even notice or would they grieve? God’s beautiful, grace-filled promise is that we will be blessed so that we can be a blessing to others. Let me leave you with these two small questions we should be continuously asking ourselves and God: How can I be a blessing to others and how can FPC be a blessing to this community? Pastor Jack

go 7

Dearfriends, In May, Stephanie and I had the privilege of hosting our good friend Mike Vonderau. Mike came out to preach for my installation service on Mother’s Day. In his message, Mike reminded us all that God can use one simple phrase to begin a change in someone’s life. I met Mike when I was on Young Life staff in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a junior in high school who was entirely disinterested in spiritual things. However, many of Mike’s friends had become Christians and were gently reaching out to him. I became aware of their loving concern and also began to pray for Mike. As a Young Life leader, I was in the habit of hanging out with the students at Bay High School every day after school. I wasn’t there to recruit kids to come to Young Life, but rather just to care for them. I wanted the students to know that regardless of whether they ever came to one of our programs, that they were loved unconditionally. One of the places that I particularly enjoyed hanging out was at basketball games. Having played on the same court when I was in high school, it was always fun to reminisce a bit. And similar to me, Mike was the sixth man on the team. In other words, he didn’t start the game and played considerably less minutes. So, the next day in the cafeteria when I simply mentioned to him, “Hey, Mike. You played a good game yesterday,” he was deeply encouraged. As it turns out, Mike’s parents were going through a challenging divorce at the time. He was feeling particularly isolated from his family and hurt by the adults in his life. So, that afternoon God used my simple phrase to minister to his heart. It was nothing profound. It was simply a word of encouragement. But for Mike, at that divinely ordained moment in his life, the Holy Spirit spoke to him. Although Mike had been invited numerous times to come to Young Life, because he now felt cared for, he was interested. He began coming to our club meetings and that summer he met Christ. Today Mike is an Area Director with Young Life on the west side of Cleveland. My words and actions in themselves were hardly a big deal. But, wow! Did God ever use them! Here’s the important reminder for us—me included—we never know when God is going to use our simple words and actions to transform someone’s life. Our ways of simply blessing someone may be the very ways God uses to bring them to Christ. Maybe they have been invited to church numerous times, but they haven’t known a Christian who really cared for them. Your simple words and actions may be the very thing God uses to open the door of someone’s heart to Christ. -Mark


FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY group life senior adult

Shan Trick

Group Life Ministries 248-7940, ext. 125

How can my small group help?

group life / senior adult / hospitality

A Season of Service

This is truly a season of service with many opportunities in the valley to give our time and talents to. During the summer I challenge your groups to take time to look at the many options to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It will not only bring your group closer together as you serve together, but you will also be joining in with other churches in the community to transform Yakima. Let’s demonstrate the love of Christ to everyone in the Yakima Valley! Here are just some of the ways to get involved: Madison House Official days of service for the Madison House project are June 19, 26 and July 10. Here is a list of potential projects that we will be doing during these 3 days. Contact Jake Kupp at 961-5070 to sign up to help. Basement windows / Recreational Room / Bathroom / Weight Room / Pottery Room / Outdoor Lighting / Music Room june 21-25 VBS volunteers needed! “All hands on deck to voyage through the rough waters of the VBS High Seas.” VBS is looking for energetic men and women to help with this exciting week of fun June 21-25. Please contact Kathy or Susie for more details or see the sign up board in the Garden Room to sign up today! ONGOING Habitat House / 1520 Fairbanks Monday through Saturday from 8am to 4pm Invite your small group to serve working on the Habitat House. There are lots of ways that you can serve! Check out our online volunteer form to see a list of the many opportunities.

want more?


“Building Relationships that change lives by connecting the community to Christ”



group life / family / senior adult

group life hospitality senior adult

connected Scrap-booking small group If you’re interested in organizing your photographs and having them displayed in a fun way, we have a new group forming. Contact Joy Davis at or phone 509-225-9545. NEW WOMEN’S small group

A new women’s small group has formed on Wednesday afternoons and we are praying for God to fill the open chair with new believers. If you sense God prodding you go deeper in your deeper in your relationship with Him, come join us. For further information, contact Judy Turner at or call her at 509.961.7781.

Taste and See

The Beyond Boot Camp series for women! Save the date every Wednesday night in June and July at 6:30 for teaching and activities to grow your relationship with the King of Kings. Contact Shan Trick for more information 248-7940

Taste and See 10

Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses. Proverbs 10:12 NLT


group life / senior adult / hospitality

group life hospitality senior adult

fellowship happy travelers Happy Travelers have planned for a very active Spring and Summer this year. The following planned trips are awaiting for you to join us!

Jim Erixson

Pastor Congregational Care 248-7940, ext. 130

June 24 - Touring the Allan Brothers Warehouse for cherry season. July 4 - We will see a Bear’s Baseball game. Fireworks after the game. August - Mt. Rainer for lunch in the lodge and sightseeing. September 16 - Whistling Jack’s for lunch and relaxation.

KAFFEE KLATSCH June 15, 2010 Donna Scofield, writer and humorist, will be sharing the Joys of Old Age, with us on June 15, 2010. Most of you are already familiar with her bi-monthly column in the Yakima Herald so you know you are in for a lot of laughter and warm feelings. Knowing Donna, she’ll probably also include a few of the NON-joys of old age, too. Oh, how we can relate to those! Please note the date change from our usual 3rd Tuesday. We are making adjustments due to Vacation Bible School. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for this delightful morning. Fellowship, sweet treats, favorite melodies, laughter and kaffee all await you.

Thursdays Mary Stensrud is going to be having “Musical Thusdays” at her home each week from 10:00a - 3:00p. Call 965-0459 for address, questions and to RSVP.

Man shall not live on bread alone. Matthew 4:4





preschool / children’s / student’s / women’s / careforce / men’s / adults / childcare

children’s women’s careforce men’s

graduating seniors

adults childcare

Tyler Van Horn

Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 106

Karin Skone

Assist. Dir. of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 116


2010 Brenda Angulo Emily Blevins MacKenzie Butler Brittany Coats Anna Elofson Mariah Elsner Tate Foster Allie Glover Rosie McFarland Esther Schilperoort Ariel Villasenor Valencia Johnson Joshua Bricel Austin Buckley Jared Campbell Donald Clayton Mike Dolezal Parker Fannin Connor Griffin Nick Hein Luke Johnston Ben Kim Jasen Morrow Tanner Olson Kyle Sauve Ben Schilperoort Chasen Schultz Nick Titus

Summer Schedule: Middle School Small Groups / 6th-8th Graders 10:30am-12:30pm / Meet in the PowerHouse

D- groups / High School and College Students Sunday Nights / 5:30-7:00pm / Meet in the Garden Room




School is out! The Staff and Board of Directors would like to thank you for your support for this outreach program this past year. We have served 90 families, with 14 families receiving scholarship help. God bless you! These families would not have otherwise been able to be a part of this program without your help.

children’s women’s careforce men’s

How much does it cost to send a child through this program? All families need to cover the registration fee of $80 and a monthly tuition depending on which class their child is enrolled in. In our three year old program the tuition is $90 for a total of $810 per year. The four year old program has a monthly tuition rate of $120 per month for a total of $1080 per year. And our Pre-Kindergarten program’s monthly tuition rate is $145 per month or a total of $1305 per year.

adults childcare

Rhonda Cardona

Preschool Director 248-7940, ext. 119

preschool / children’s / student’s / women’s / careforce / men’s / adults / childcare

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This preschool is an outreach program of our church. Over 20% of the families attending our program do not have a church home. Many do have a church home, but are not active in their church. We have a chance to reach out to many families through this precious time in their children’s lives. We show them the unconditional love of Christ and give parents tools that they can continue to use throughout their lives. Why not be a part of this mission right here in Yakima! Help us to continue to offer scholarship opportunities and the excellent programming to make a difference in someone’s life. For more questions on how you can be a part of this exciting program contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119 or email her at: Rhonda@

Philippians 4:6 NIV

teach 13



preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare

preschool / children’s / student’s / women’s / careforce / men’s / adults / childcare Join us for

Summer Kidzone

as we go on a wilderness adventure! June 13, 20, 27 July 11, 25 August 1, 8

We will be exploring our Bibles as we see how God wants us to respect our friends, ourselves and God’s amazing creations. Kids going into... • K-5: meet upstairs in room 217 • 3’s-Pre-K: meet on the main floor in room 103


Vacation Bible School

June 21-25

Kathy Eaton

9:00a - 12:00p

Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 110

Susie Woodin

Assist. Dir. of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 135

Volunteers Needed! Sign up in the Garden Room

Ages 4 yrs - 5th grade Registration: $20 After June 14: $30

Scholarships Available!

Call the church fo r more info - 248-7940




preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare

preschool / children’s / student’s / women’s / careforce / men’s / adults / childcare Beyond Boot Camp

Wednesday nights in June and July at 6:30 for teaching and activities to grow your relationship with the King of Kings. Contact Shan Trick for more information 248-7940

Prayer Mosaic A beautiful time with the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through prayer stations. communion l wall of hands l the healing station l light a lamp l the sound of many waters l washing of feet l wonders of His story

Shan Trick

“My senses are filled and my heart is full! His presence was limitless”

Women’s Ministry 248-7940, ext. 125

pray Romans 12:12 NIV Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

“What a privilege and honor to be able to pray into women’s lives”

“This was a magnificent time in the presence of the Lord. I was in awe with the beauty of each station and what it represented. An inspiring evening, I will never forget” 15




preschool / children’s / student’s / women’s / careforce / men’s / adults / childcare


Men's Ministry Back to Work at the Madison School


Last year we teamed up and made major improvements at the Union Gospel's Madison School to repair and replace all the upstairs windows in the entire building. It took a group effort, including over 80 men, lots of donated materials, community support and several days to pull this all off, and the results were fantastic!

careforce men’s adults childcare

This year the men of FPC are taking leadership in our church's involvement in this summer's "Yakima City Fest" by returning to the Madison School as our part of the "Season of Service." We have set aside June 19th, 26th, and July 10th as Saturdays when we will take on the basement of the school to: Repair and improve the windows Remodel the basement rooms Create indoor recreational areas Further expand the Youth Outreach ministry located there. We are looking for another great turn out of men who are willing to roll up their sleeves, grab their tools and get dirty for the Lord, and His ministry to the needy kids of our city. Individual men and men's small groups are encouraged to get involved so we can make a difference, and continue to provide leadership for our church and our community. We also need donations of money and materials to make this project possible. Please contact Jake Kupp (965-9902) if you are interested in more information on how you can help. Registration begins on Sunday June 5th. Look for details and a signup table in the Garden Room.


community 16

MISSIONS Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Cristo Vive

Mark Washam

Camp Director 509-672-4311

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp offers multiple options for youth to attend a session of camp. If you haven’t registered yet, you’d better do so soon as some camps fill up. This year’s theme is “Joy Story”. We plan on having a lot of fun with Pixar’s Toy Story idea except we will emphasize not just “to infinity and beyond” but “to eternity and beyond”. For the older campers we will be focusing on the entire book of Ephesians. 25 well trained and highly qualified college-aged staff will pour their lives into our campers and help build memories that will last a lifetime. Please be in prayer for our campers and staff throughout the summer camp season. For more details check out our website at Camp Schedule Outreach Camp June 11-13 Primary Camp July 11-14 Junior 1 June 14-18 Junior 2 July 25-29 Mid High 1 July 5-10 Mid High 2 July 18-24 Mid High 3 Aug. 1-7 Sr. High June 27-July 3 LEAP 1 June 27-July 2 LEAP 2 August 1-6 SUMMIT July 18-24 Water Ski Camp July 25-29

(invited campers) Entering grades 2-4 Entering grades 5-6 Entering grades 5-6 Entering grades 6-8 Entering grades 6-8 Entering grades 6-8 Entering grades 9-12 Entering grades 6-9 Entering grades 6-9 Entering grades 9-12 Entering grades 8-college freshmen

Camp needs We would really appreciate the donation of the following items for use at our camp. If you have something that can help us please call Mark at 509-945-4655. 20+ mpg allwheel/4wheel drive vehicle for Director to use for town trips. (The current GMC Yukon I drive is getting tired and uses a lot of fuel.) Heavy duty stump grinder to level out many old stumps that people trip on at night. Used 9 iron golf clubs for use on our EXTREME MOUNTAIN GOLF COURSE.



MISSIONS Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Cristo Vive

Gustavo Carvajal

Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive 248-7940 ext. 133

What’s brewing? The Yakima Valley Season of Service is here! The late April kickoff has catapulted volunteers from many of the 90+ Valley-wide participant churches to a higher aroma. We breathe it! It’s in the air. We can even feel it! God’s children are transforming our city and our Valley. Get involved and the scoop at:

When will we celebrate? CityFest Festival runs July 17 and 18 when will welcome great artists such as Kutlass, Third Day, Crystal Lewis, Regeton Funky and other outstanding Christian artists. Luis and Andrew Palau will encourage people to take a step of faith into a new life with God. We need you to be either praying throughout this event or to stand by those who respond to the invitation. You will be their first contact and encouragement into a new beginning. Training will be provided if you feel called to do so. A training date will be announced… stay tuned!

share search 18


State Fair Park Yakima, WA


July 17-18, 2010


No ticket needed. Admission to the festival is FREE!


Third Day / Kutless / Hawk Nelson / Britt Nicole / Crystal Lewis / Funky / Radikal


Luis Palau / Andrew Palau /

service 19


upcoming news and events How Can I Help? Rod’s House - center for Homeless youth - is in desperate need of the following items. If you can help, please do! • • • • • • •

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...

• • • • • •

Deodorant Hair Brushes Women's Summer Clothes (Shorts, tops, skirts) Women's Light Jackets/Sweaters Women's Underwear 4-8 Women's Athletic Shoes Women's Business Pants and Professional Tops (sized 5-20, but especially larger sizes) Men's Underwear Men's Shorts Men's Belts Men's Sandals Men's Athletic Shoes Men's Light Sweaters/Jackets

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please bring items to:

Matthew 25:35

Rod's House drop-in center for homeless youth 509.895.2665 204 S. Naches Ave. Yakima, WA 98901 “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I can I will."



upcoming news and events COOKIES AND CANS

Please bring cookies and canned food on your last name’s designated Sunday. June 6 J-K June 13 L-M June 20 N-P June 27 Q-T

Father/Son Team Days

Saturday, June 12, 2010 Eschbach Park / Yakima, Wa Dad’s with sons entering Kindergarten - 8th grade. Spend the whole day together doing things you both enjoy! 9:30a - 4:30p / Cost: $15/man, $5/boy Registration due by Sunday, June 6, or mail by Friday, June 4 to: Father/Son Team Day 1111 W. Orchard Ave. Selah, WA 98942 For registration contact Bob Nass: 697-6116 /

Habitat for Humanity

First Presbyterian Church Yakima 248.7940


First Presbyterian believes our faith in Jesus must be lived out in practical ways. Building homes in the name of Jesus is a very tangible way to affect one specific family, generations of families, and to leave a positive witness for the entire neighborhood and community. It is because of this belief that we have committed to build a home. Please consider supporting this important effort with your financial gifts and your personal hands-on participation. You can volunteer to hammer, paint, clean, pray or provide snacks during the time it will take to build this home. Home address: 1518 Fairbanks (Yakima) PLEASE PICK UP A SIGN UP FORM IN THE CHURCH OFFICE OR AT THE CONNECTION CENTER! 21


Missionary Update Dear Friends, Is it just me or does it seem like the treasure of the world is failing us? I was sitting in my home here in Cambodia last night watching CNN and the financial crisis in Greece, gold is almost to its all time high ever and my friend who is a financial adviser made the comment, the world is in a real mess! With the world a mess what should we do with our treasure? God's word tells us that where your treasure is there your heart will be too. We are in the middle of our 4th Discipleship Training School here in Battambang, Cambodia raising up local indigenous missionaries to go into their own nation to share the love of Jesus as well as into the surrounding nations of Laos, Myanmar and India. Many of the surrounding nations are closed (communist) to the Gospel and one of the best strategies is to send other Asians in to share the Good News. We have 32 students and 11 staff for a total of 43 people on four teams that will be heading out for about two months. We are currently in need of about $30,000 in the next week and so we would ask you to come alongside us in prayer for this need. Would you pray about investing some of your treasure into the nation of Cambodia and these 43 young people that will influence the nations? Please follow this link to see a video about our DTS (done by the school leader for his church): If you would like to give please follow the steps below: 1. Make your check or money order payable to: U of N Kona Foundation 2. On an attached paper, note that it is for: Missions Account #5176 U of N Battambang 3. Please mail to: University of the Nations Box #256 75-5851 Kuakini Highway Kailua-Kona, HI for those in Yakima, WA *(you can also give through First Presbyterian Church to the Cambodian DTS account) Thank you for all your prayers and support - Blessing from Battambang, Garth and Caroline Gustafson

To follow Garth and Caroline’s complete blog go to: 22

first presbyterian church



grow worship




Vacation Bible School

June 21-25 9:00a - 12:00p

Swashbuckling Bible adventures Wild games Incredible music Lip-smacking snacks Amazing crafts New friends

Ages: 4 yrs - 5 th Registration: After June 14:




Space is limited! Please register ASA


1 st Time Familie s receive a $5 discount (per child) Scholarships Call the church for


more info

First Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, Wa 98902

(509) 248-7940

VBS Child Registration

Children 4 years old - up to children going into the 5th grade.

Parent/Guardian Name(s) _____________________________________ Email _________________________________ Family Address ____________________________________ City ________________________ Zip ________________ Family Phone ____________________________ Daytime Emergency Phone(s) ________________________________ Home Church: First Presbyterian


How did you hear about VBS?  Church Child’s Name

Mail checks payble to FPC to

M/F Age

Other ______________________________________________________

 Flyer

 A friend invited me -- Friend’s Name: ___________________________________

Birthdate Grade T-Shirt First Time @VBS? M/D/Y in Fall Size * Yes No Allergies, Health Issues

FPC 9 S 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

Special Requests (A friend or teacher preference)

*T-Shirt Sizes: Youth: S(6-8), M(10-12), L(14-16) Adult: S(34-36), M(38-40), L(42-44), XL(46-48)

Authorization to Consent to Treatment of Minor A parent/legal guardian only must sign this medical release/consent form for each child registered in order to attend Vacation Bible School. The undersigned hereby authorizes the First Presbyterian Church as our agent to give consent to surgical or medical treatment by any licensed physician or hospital in the State of Washington to the minor children listed on this card, when such treatment is deemed necessary by such physician, and we cannot be reached within a reasonable time, by reason of absence from the community, or otherwise. Such consent may include, but is not limited to, administration of necessary anesthetics, medical treatments, tests, x-ray examinations, transfusions, injections, or drugs, and the performing of whatever operations may be deemed necessary or advisable. Further, consent is granted to said physician to exercise his discretion on authorizing the disposal of any severed tissue or members. It is understood this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care being required, but is given to provide the authority to consent thereto, as our said agent and my child’s attending physician, in the exercise of their best judgment, may deem advisable. This authorization shall remain effective through June 2010 unless sooner revoked in writing by the undersigned or at such time that the child’s attendance at this church is terminated and the church is so notified by the child’s parent/guardian. In addition, my child’s picture may be used in FPC publications (website, brochures, etc.) for ministry purposes. I waive any right to compensation or any right that I otherwise might have to limit or control such making or use.

Parent / Legal Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date ______________

For Office: Amt Pd. _________ Check # _________ Receipt #_________ Date Pd _________

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