July 2012 Here@First

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first presbyterian church



July 2012


The Unveiling of God’s Kingdom

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.”

Volume 40

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940

Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships. Being a cornerstone in the community. Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.

Sermon Series Who will you worship? Who will you follow? These are fundamental questions at the heart of Revelation. As we journey through life, we all worship and follow someone or something. Each and every day, we are faced with a choice. Each and every day, we struggle to answer these questions in light of the seen reality around us. Revelation is probably the most read, but least understood book of the Bible. Rather than being a “crystal ball” that predicts the future, Revelation is a “discipleship manual” that opens our senses to the spiritual reality around us. Fundamentally, Revelation reveals to us the unseen reality which screams “things are not as they seem!” Join us this summer as we delve into our study of Revelation, utilizing the commentary Discipleship on the Edge by Darrell Johnson. Each week, you are invited to “go deeper” by utilizing Johnson’s book to supplement our study. July 1st “Come! The Cry That Moves History” Revelation 6:1-11:18 (Chapters 13-15) July 8th “Witness That Wins the World” Revelation 11:1-13 (Chapter 16) July 15th “Cosmic Battle” Revelation 11:19-12:17 (Chapter 17) July 22nd “Jesus, the Gospel, and His Angels” Revelation 14:6-20 (Chapter 20) July 29th “It Is Finished” Revelation 15:5-16:21 (Chapters 22)

Cookies & Cans

July 1: A-F July 8: G-M July 15: N-S July 22: T-Z July 29: A-F Please bring a dozen (or more) cookies on your week, and cans of food for Calvary Rescue Mission.


Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at www.fpcyakima.com. For inquiries, submissions, omissions, corrections, contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113 curtis.rosenkranz@fpcyakima.com

Calendar July Events Sunday, July 1 Monday, July 2 Tuesday, July 3 Tuesday, July 3 Wednesday, July 4 Thursday, July 5 Thursday, July 5 Thursday, July 5 Tuesday, July 10 Tuesday, July 10 Tuesday, July 10 Tuesday, July 10 Tuesday, July 10 Thursday, July 12 Friday, July 13 Saturday, July 14 Sunday, July 15 Monday, July 16 Tuesday, July 17 Wednesday, July 18 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 19 Saturday, July 21 Tuesday, July 24 Tuesday, July 24 Thursday, July 26 Friday, July 27 Saturday, July 28 Saturday, August 4 Sunday, August 5

Summer Kidzone Begins (Summer Singers) 9:30a Worship & Prayer Concert 7:00p Adult Ed Meeting 7:00p Happy Travelers: Bears Game 7:05p Independence Day / Church Closed all day Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Student River Float 2p-7p Discipleship Team Meeting 6:00p Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Fellowship Ministry Team Mtg 6:00p Service Ministry Team 6:00p Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00p Session Task Force Meeting 6:30p Weekend Camping Trip (see page 10) all weekend Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Nominiating Committee Meeting 12:15p Family Movie Night (Picnic@6:30p) 8:30p Session Leadership Team 7:00p Blood Drive (American Red Cross) 2-7p Prophetic Art Class 5:30p Ghormley Commission Meeting 6:30p Day Trip to Boulder Cave all day Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Session (No Dinner) 6:30p Session Task Force Meeting 6:30p Happy Travelers: Goldendale Observatory 8p-1a Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Picnic in the Park 4:00p Communion Sunday all morning

Choir Room All Kids (K - 5th) North Lawn Everyone Adult Ed Committee Stadium Everyone Entire Church Everyone Adult Ed Committee Adult Ed Committee Grades 6-12 Rm 203 Committee Rhino Room Committee Parlor Committee Adult Ed Committee Library Committee Adult Ed Committee Leavenworth Everyone Mid High Rm Knitters Adult Ed Committee North Lawn Everyone Adult Ed Committee Garden Room Everyone Gym/North Lawn Everyone Rhino Room Committee Boulder Cave Everyone Garden Room Everyone Mid High Rm Elders & Prog.Staff Adult Ed Committee Goldendale Everyone Mid High Rm Knitters Wixon Park/Selah Everyone Sanctuary Everyone

Summer Hours Monday - Thursday Friday June 22 through Friday August 17

Office will be open from 8:30a - 5:00p Office will be open from 8:30a - 1:00p

Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary

Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Summer Singers Adult Ed Bible Class 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Student Small Groups

8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary 11:00a Sanctuary 12:15p Chapel 9:30a Rm 103 9:30a Adult Ed 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Lounge 9:30a Power House

Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12


Happenin’ @ First Family Life Education

Has God been tapping you on your shoulder to do something significant in His kingdom here on earth? Do you have a heart for parents and children? Would you like to be part of building loving families? Maybe you are being led to join a team of people wanting to educate and support parents on healthy ways to raise children? Beginning in the fall Certified Family Life Educator and author Laurie Kanyer will offer training for future parenting educators. This training will equip you to begin to teach parenting classes here at First Presbyterian. Take time to pray and contemplate this holy calling of educating parents. For more information contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 x142 or email at shan.trick@fpcyakima.com.

Summer Singers!

Stand in the Gap for Our Church

Are you interested in guarding the health of our church? Every Sunday people are gathering in the chapel at 8:30 for 45 minutes to intercede through prayer for our body. All are welcome to come, any Sunday or every Sunday. The Lord calls us to bring to Him the desires of our heart; let’s give Him our church and watch what happens. “After all no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-for we are members of his body.” Eph. 5:29 “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap, on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none”. Ez.22:30

Music is a GREAT way to express our love for God and learn about Him! This summer, Lyndi, our Temple Choir Director will lead our children on Sunday mornings for children grades K-5th, beginning Sunday July 1st, 9:30a (This will take the place of KidZone for the summer). We will start our morning in worship, then move to our classroom after the Children's Message. We also need volunteers! Contact Lyndi Peacock for more information at Lyndi.Peacock@fpcyakima.com


Are you ready to SOAR? Are you eager for transformation? Are you longing to live like Jesus lived? If any of these questions strike a cord with you, perhaps it is time for you to apply for SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation. For more information and applications click the SOAR button at www.fpcyakima.com. Applications are due by August 1st. God’s calling you higher than you have ever been before. Will you answer the call?


Worship and prayer on FPC lawn

7p. Worship God through song and pray with and for people of all ages in our community. July 2, and August 6.

Coming in September for Adult Education I & II Thessalonians Taught by: Ron Sanders

Have you wondered if your life could have more Eternal significance? Paul was only in Thessalonica a short time before he was run out of town. Yet the little church he established there became an example for centuries, as these believers carried the Good News to the areas around them. Come and see what we can learn from Paul's ministry to the Thessalonians, and their response. The Thessalonians were practical in meeting needs. We can do the same today in the greater Yakima area.

Kaffee Klatsch

Tuesday, July 24 from 9:30a to 11a. Jeff Murray, our Director of Student Ministries will discuss “Vision to bridge Generations”.

American Red Cross Blood Drive

The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood. Wednesday, July 18 from 2p-7p. Sign up at the Connection Center (or office during the week) to make an appointment.

Blood Drive Helpers

Interested in helping make our annual blood drive a HUGE success? We need 43 donors, 6 registration hosts, 4 canteen hosts and 8 dozen cookies. Registration – check-in donors, assist them with paperwork; Canteen – hand out cookies and punch to people after they donate blood. Interested? Wednesday, July 18 from 1:15p – 7:30p - three hour shifts. Call Ericka in the church office to help, 248-7940.

Attention Women!

Wednesday, July 18 Prophetic Art Class 5:30pm in the Gym (or North Lawn) Suggested donation for supplies $5

Mission: Ethiopia

Dr. Tim Teusink will be in town on the weekend of Aug 19. Tim will speak at Moment for Missions at all three services, and will hold a presentation in the Adult Ed room at the 9:30 hour regarding “Theological Education with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church”. Have questions? Contact Frank Bacon at 248-6187

Happy Travelers Trips for Summer 2012 July 3 — Bears Baseball game (7:05p) and Fireworks. Purchase tickets $6.75/ea at the Connection Center. July 27 — Visit to the Goldendale Observatory. We will take a bus from the church (5p), and return at approximately midnight. We have room for 21 travelers. Tickets are $21/ea, and must be purchased to reserve your seat. We will stop in Goldendale for a quick bite to eat, and then move on to the Observatory at about 8p.

Serve the Lord through brew

We need another volunteer at the Coffee Stand. Do you have Barista experience? Call Rhonda at the office if you would like to serve.

August 17 — Lunch at Gold Creek Restaurant


Pastor Jack

Jack Peebles — Senior Pastor — jack.peebles@fpcyakima.com

Dear Church Family, “Our Father in heaven…Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10 God’s Kingdom is happening all around us. It is occurring, but at the same time it is not yet fully realized, thus our prayer for the continual coming of His Kingdom. In his commentary on Revelation entitled Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell Johnson states that there is an unseen reality that many miss. This is due in part to the pain, suffering, and sin that go on around us. This leads us to believe the lie that no one cares and no one is in control. The often unseen reality is that God has been victorious through the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus! Because of His victory over sin and death, He reigns. The Good News, however, does not end there. The King invites us to reign with Him. Can you believe it? We are invited to reign with the Creator of the world! Hallelujah! However, as Tyler Van Horn pointed out in a recent Sunday sermon, we do not reign as lions. We reign as Jesus reigns- as the Lamb. According to Johnson’s commentary, our reigning with the Lamb involves three things: First, it involves being a witness to the Lamb. We reign by constantly declaring the truth and by as faithfully as possible living the truth. Second, reigning with the Lamb involves intercession. Just as Jesus was our intercession, we are to intercede for others. We are to help those in temporal and spiritual need. Third, we reign through martyrdom. We are to die to the cause of his seemingly weak and foolish kingdom. This often includes dying to ourselves and our desires. This also includes understanding that our lives are not our own. We were created for a purpose. Again, this is Good News!


It’s through witnessing, interceding, and martyrdom we reign with Jesus. God sends you and me out into the world to the various people we meet (from members of our own families to those who are homeless and destitute) to bless them, and, through the power of God’s Spirit, participate in His Kingdom which is more and more becoming a reality here on earth! People ask me often, “Is ‘missional’ the latest fad or program?” My response: The call to be missional is to return to a “Kingdom” worldview. The church is not defined by the building or the programs. The building is where we often meet and the programs facilitate the ministry. However, the church is God’s people on the move, participating in His redemptive plan for the world as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Or to put it another way, we are to be participants in His Kingdom beyond the walls of FPC Yakima. God’s Kingdom is being revealed in a variety of ways in and through the people of FPC Yakima. In this edition of Here@First are examples of the “Kingdom” work being done through our ministries. I invite you to read on and enjoy! Participating in His Kingdom,

ck a J r o t s Pa


Tyler Van Horn — Associate Pastor of Discipleship —tyler.vanhorn@fpcyakima.com

The Concept of Discipleship is easy; “person A” teaches “person B” how to do something “person A” already has been doing for some time and in the process both “person A” and “person B” learn more about that something. Discipleship can happen in a job setting, within the realm of education, or as a method of learning to play a sport. While the concept of discipleship is easy; the process of discipleship is endlessly complex. When you train someone to take over your responsibilities at work you have to walk that fine line between overbearing micromanagement and irresponsible under-management. When you teach someone new concepts in math or social studies you have to pay attention to learning styles, previously held misconceptions, and the ever-shortening attention span of your student. When you coach someone into the game of golf you have to know when to share more information about the swing and when to withhold information to keep from overloading the mind of the one learning to swing the club. If discipleship is this nuanced in areas of work, school, and sport, how much more complex will it be to disciple someone in the art of learning to follow Jesus? Thus we find one of the reasons why churches in modern Western society have struggled with discipleship in the name of Jesus: it is messy work. Our affluent, customer service-based culture is much better at creating large organizations and funding audacious building campaigns than we are at entering into the messiness of life-on-life discipleship. It is not that we are afraid of hard work (we actually really like hard work), it is more that we fear the inter-dependence found in Jesus-style discipleship.

Here is the comfortable paradigm we currently live with in Western culture: I have my life, you have your life, and these two separate entities will only intersect for the purpose of meeting a need (ie, entertainment, companionship, business, exchange of service, etc.). This arrangement has made us an incredibly efficient society for getting things done, while at the same time made us an incredibly deficient society for authentic human relationship. The way this plays out in church culture in the Western world is tragic: lots of converts to Christianity, but few disciples of Jesus Christ. First Presbyterian Church of Yakima has always been a community in which discipleship has been important. We have successfully discipled 4-5 generations (depending on how you count) in the name of Jesus, with the result being both strong community and vibrant mission in the Yakima Valley and the world. With the fast changes of the last fifteen years in both our Western culture and in our present city, discipleship has become even more complex. Discipleship strategies that worked well for decades are no longer effective for this next generation. This means we have the honor, privilege, and responsibility to come up with new ways to disciple people in the name of Jesus. We are a church who desires to make a great impact in the city of Yakima and into the world. In order to do this we need to remember once again what it means to live lives that are inter-dependent, trusting that the body of Christ only functions when all of the members come together to fulfill their specific function. We need people who are willing to open up their lives to one another so that we can together learn what it means to live the Way of Jesus. This is where we will see the Kingdom of God revealed.



Thank you VBS Volunteers In my 22 years of working in the children’s department, I am still amazed at the incredible work that God and His people can accomplish here at this church. I’m so grateful for the way this congregation once again came together to support Vacation Bible School. Our church does a lot of great things in this community, but the dedication to the VBS program is like no other. It is obvious that FPC cares about giving children a firm foundation that focuses on Christ the risen Lord. Thank you for your continued dedication to the Lord and His children. He has given us a great responsibility, and I believe that He is saying “well done good and faithful servant”. God bless you all! Susie Woodin


Susie Woodin — Children’s Ministries Director — Susie.Woodin@fpcyakima.com


2012 SUMMER KIDZONE SCHEDULE • July 1 – August 26 / 9:30 Summer Singers KidZone for K-5th Grades. Sonbeams and Cubbies combined in Rm 103 until August 12 Childcare Available • September 9 / Fall KidZone Kick-off (all KidZone classes resume as usual)

d exciting n a w e n a r o f Join us erience... p x e e n o Z id K summer

Summer Singers! Children grades K-5th

Summer Singers will be led by our Temple Choir Director Mrs. Lyndi Peacock How can you help with Summer Singers? Great question! You can volunteer to help us learn and grow together! Contact Lyndi Peacock for more information: Lyndi.Peacock@fpcyakima.com.

Beginning Sunday, July 1st @ 9:30am (during the usual KidZone hour), we will start in the Sanctuary at 9:30, worship then move to our classroom after the Children’s Message.

Child's Name:

This summer FPC will be offering a Summer Singers program on Sunday mornings!

Music is a GREAT way to express our love for God and learn about Him!

Child's Grade in School Fall 2012: Parent's Name(s): Parent's Phone Number: (home)


Please inform us of any health concerns or allergies your child may have: *Please return this form to the church office.




Shan Trick — Assistant Director Family Ministries — Shan.Trick@fpcyakima.com

July 21st Boulder Cave Day Hike

Meet at church at 9a. Return to church around 3p. What to bring: bug spray, sun block, hats, good hiking shoes, water bottle, flashlight, towel and a picnic lunch. Extra clothes are a good idea as there is a creek and waterfall that kids can get wet in.

August 4th Picnic in the park

July 2 August 6 Worship and prayer on FPC lawn

7p. Worship God through song and pray with and for people of all ages in our community.

More Info

If you have questions about any family events this summer, Contact Shan Trick. 248-7940

Come gather at Wixon Park in Selah at 4p. Bring a picnic dinner, and join us for family games.

Thursdays Concert in the park

Every Thursday at Franklin Park from 6:30p to 8:30p. Bring a picnic dinner, and enjoy the live music. July 12-Aug 16

Movie night at FPC

Bring a picnic dinner and join us for game time, Monday, July 16 starting at 6:30p on the North Lawn. Movie starts at 8:30p in the Gym.

Growing Capable Parents – Growing Great Kids

Raising children and living in a family can be really confusing and challenging. Starting Sunday September 9, at 11:00 in the Gym at FPC, Laurie Kanyer will teach a 6 week parenting class geared to families with kids who range in ages 0 to 12 years old. This course will focus on what to expect at every age of development; ways to build strong families and methods to getting kids to cooperate. Laurie will provide information and discussion groups for the different ages and stages of families so you will have the opportunity to dialog and share with other parents who have similar interests and needs. Laurie does a dynamic job of bringing up everyday situations you may face and takes time to offer practical feedback and suggestions you can use. All curriculum and material are backed up by Christian principals and biblical references. Special support will be offered for parents who experienced rough and bumpy childhood years. There will be a children’s, and students program as well as childcare available to you at no cost.

"Although I attend a different church, I had the privilege of taking a parenting class at First Pres. I was so pleasantly surprised by how kind everyone I encountered was. From those who guided me on where to -I go, to the staff, to the other church-goers itely defin will I felt very warmly welcomed. been attending other classes your church as to offer in the future!" -Anonymous


Happily Ever After

H@F is excited to bring you an interview of Eric & Nancy Gustafson who are looking forward to celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary in July 2012! H@F: How did you meet and how long have you been married? E: In Mr. Gunn’s 7th grade homeroom class there was this pretty little girl with a great big smile whose desk was right beside mine. One day, I looked and saw the initials N.M. + E.G. on her notebook and I thought, “I’ve gotta get to know this girl!” That was 51 years ago. N: I was born and raised in Yakima, went to Wilson Jr. High, where I met a new friend named Eric. He had a twinkle in his eye, deep red hair, more freckles than I’d ever seen and I sensed a kind and tender hearted, rather quiet boy. My heart was drawn to him way back then in a very special way. H@F: What part did faith play in your relationship early on? E: I grew up in the Episcopal Church, but my faith was not well grounded. At age 15 my faith was challenged and I really threw everything out the window. For a short while I considered myself an atheist. It was not until we had children, that I re-explored my faith roots and became aware of how I was living without God being the center of my family and purpose of my life. In retrospect, I recognize the very real risks of getting married being unequally yoked, but if you are in that position, do not give up on Christ’s transforming power! N: I was raised in a strong God-loving family. I was head over heels in love with Eric and as I ventured to WSU, my faith took a back seat somewhat. I had a “God encounter” while attending a Women’s retreat; I recommitted my life to Christ; laid Eric into His hands. For me, that was the major turning point in my walk and within the next 9 months Eric gave his heart to Jesus.

r.” Many of us grew up “And they lived happily ever afte ies hoping that would stor of hearing those words at the ends n after a fairy tale (eve life be true for us, too. Sadly, in real has blessed us here God rt. wedding) many marriages fall apa marriages have stood the test at FPC with many couples whose H@F will spotlight advice of time. Over the coming months as we look closer at the from some of them. Read with us ‘happily ever after’. ‘really hard work’ that creates the

except for a house or one car! When the kids came Nancy felt the strong sense that she needed to stay home and be a full-time mom. Eric wasn’t so sure, but agreed to try it for the first year. There was some resentment at times, but once Eric came to faith, we accepted in those years that we would not have new cars and expensive vacations, for God was teaching us a lot as He tightened our financial belt. In the early years it was hard, yet He has blessed us financially. H@F: Any other words of wisdom? E&N *If you are not willing to commit at the start of your marriage to never getting a divorce, then DO NOT GET MARRIED. Marriage is making a life time commitment! * Find activities to do together that you enjoy-- and not just with the kids! *Allow humor to lighten your days. Laughter breathes life into us…be able to laugh at yourself. * Be each other’s cheerleader! *Stop doing the “good things” and allow the Lord to lead you to “the best”. As Steve Barker says, “if the devil can’t make you bad, he sure can make you busy!”

H@F: What kind of financial advice can you give to married couples? E & N: We still had one year of college to finish when we got married and our parents were helping us out. One month we double entered a check in our bookkeeping and all of a sudden found ourselves short a whole month’s income. This taught us quickly to balance our account “to the penny”. We also vowed to never have to rely on credit,


A warm thank you to Eric & Nancy for sharing these thoughtful responses .

Janet Krieger


In Me you live and move and have your being, for you are My offspring . . . For in Him we live and move and exist. As one of your own poets says, 'We are His offspring.' Acts 17:28 Read Acts 17 The God-Created When the philosophers first met Paul, he was on the streets teaching about Jesus and His resurrection. Their curiosity was piqued and they wanted to know more, so they invited him to speak at Mars Hill. The Areopagus, or Mars Hill, was the site where the supreme court of ancient Greece met. It was the intellectual center of Greece and the gathering place of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, and others who pursued learning new doctrine. Mars Hill was surrounded by pagan temples and the whole city was full of idols. Paul accepted their invitation and went on to preach one of the most significant sermons in the New Testament. Paul taught about the power of God, the presence of God, and the judgement of God. But perhaps most importantly Paul taught that “Starting from scratch, He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find Him. He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; He's near. We live and move in Him, can't get away from Him! One of your poets said it well: 'We're the God-created.’” What does it look like to live and move and have our very being exist in Him? Perhaps from God’s perspective it is time spent together. No agenda. No goal. No timelines. Perhaps it is His opportunity to rekindle the flame of our love, our passion, our desire for Him. Will we let Him? Far too often we don’t even realize our fire has died down. We proclaim “Wait haven’t I been serving on His behalf? Haven’t I been doing God’s will? Aren’t I busy about my Father’s business?” But in the middle of our busyness for God, have we neglected our relationship with God? Perhaps we have made our relationship with Jesus too complicated. Perhaps we have spent so much time striving to accomplish good works for the Kingdom that we have missed the very whisper of God. Be silent, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." Psalm 46:10 (NLT) Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 (NIV) Maybe we don’t really know how to be silent and still. Maybe we have never practiced being quiet and just knowing. To know is defined as perceiving directly, to have experience of, to be acquainted. Can we be still and know that He is God? Can we soak in His presence perceiving Him, experiencing His love, becoming acquainted, familiar with the embrace of Father? Practical Application 1. How good are you at “be still and know that I am God?” 2. Have you ever heard or felt God say those words to you? 3. Easy? Hard? What do you think stands in the way?



Jeff Murray — Student Ministries Director — Jeff.Murray@fpcyakima.com Courtney Hutchins — Assistant Student Ministries — Courtney.Hutchins@fpcyakima.com

Summer Camp Want to go to Camp Ghormley with all your friends? Sign up for the following... “Senior High WaterSki” July 29-Aug 2  “Mid-High 1” July 15-21

Tube the River

Thursday, July 5, from 2p-7p we will float the Yakima River.

Volunteers Needed

Student Ministries is looking for adult volunteers who would like to disciple/mentor students. Contact Jeff or Courtney.

Adams Climb

Are you interested in a Summer Climb of Mt Adams? Contact Courtney.



Rhonda Cardona — Director — Rhonda Cardona@fpcyakima.com





George Washington

Benjamin Rush

1st U.S. President

"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." —The Writings of Washington, pp. 342-343.

om “It is for freed set that Christ has firm, us free. Stand ot then, and do n be let yourselves by burdened again ry.” a yoke of slave Galatians 5:1

Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Ratifier of the U.S. Constitution

“I do not believe that the Constitution was the offspring of inspiration, but I am as satisfied that it is as much the work of a Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testament” —Letters of Benjamin Rush, Vol. I, p. 475.

Happy Independence Day!

Thank you Father God for our liberty, and the lives of those, who by your hand, have granted it. John Hancock 1st Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Patrick Henry

Ratifier of the U.S. Constitution

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this "Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian great nation was founded, and social duty of each individual. ... not by religionists, but by Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense Christians; not on religions, but of your dependence on God, nobly defend on the gospel of Jesus Christ. those rights which heaven gave, and no man For this very reason peoples ought to take from us." of other faiths have been afforded asylum, --History of the United States of America, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." Vol. II, p. 229. --The Trumpet Voice of Freedom: Patrick Henry of Virginia, p. iii. Sources: christianity.about.com & www.walbuilders.com

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