first presbyterian church
July 2013
How will YOU answer the call?
“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.”
Volume 52
First Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248-7940
Our Core Values • Glorifying God with our best • Pioneering and ongoing outreach • Engaging and nurturing relationships • Being a cornerstone in the community • Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service
Sermon Series Kingdom Living: The Inviting Church “If you build it, they will come.” -Field of Dreams Who could ever forget that line from the baseball movie classic Field of Dreams? The plot of the movie entailed building a baseball diamond in the middle of a corn field, getting a game started, and waiting until paying spectators simply showed up to watch. Yes, there were other plot points, but that was the gist of it! This “wait until they come” approach has been utilized with great success within the church for the greater part of the last century. Churches that built nice facilities and put together the best “game” would be flooded with visitors who were looking for something to do on Sundays. Today, this is no longer the case. Aside from a few exceptions, this passive approach of sitting back and waiting for the people to come hither doesn’t work anymore. This is attributed to changes in the culture as we are now living in a post-Christian society. Many of the churches that peaked in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s have either plateaued or begun to decline. Thus, the challenge for the church today is to move from a passive posture to a more active position. In an athletic stance, one has to shift their weight from his/her heels to the balls of his/her feet. Instead of sitting back, ready to “welcome,” we need to go out and “invite”! Here’s the thing- we need to invite people to more than just Sunday morning! We need to invite people to get to know Jesus and experience the blessings of that relationship and being part of a community of believers. This necessitates believers being more active in sharing and living their faith. Within this summer series, we will explore what it means to be an active “Inviting Church.” July 7, 2013 “The Invitation to Freedom” Galatians 5:1-6 July 14, 2013 “The Invitation to Die (To Yourself!)” Luke 9:21-27 July 21, 2013 “The Invitation to See and Hear” 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 July 28, 2013 “The Invitation to Sacrifice” Romans 12:1-8
Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
CALENDAR July Events Monday, July 1 Monday, July 1 Tuesday, July 2 Wednesday, July 3 July 4 and 5 Sunday, July 7 Monday, July 8 Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, July 9 Friday, July 12 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, July 13 Sunday, July 14 Tuesday, July 16 Wednesday, July 17 Wednesday, July 17 Thursday, July 18 Thursday, July 18 Sunday, July 21 Tuesday, July 23 Saturday, July 27 Sunday, July 28 Thursday, August 1 Thursday, August 1 Monday, August 5 Tuesday, August 6 Wednesday, August 7
Living Water Meeting Fellowship Team Meeting Adult Ed Meeting Happy Travelers Meeting Independence Day / Church Closed No Kidzone Today Edith Ferry Circle Potluck Brown Bag Lunch Service Ministry Team Meeting Worship Ministry Team Meeting Sacred Messenger Mtg Business Ministry Team Meeting MOPS Yard Sale MOPS Yard Sale Ghormley Work Day Prayer Shawl Ministry Summer Kidzone Begins! Session Leadership Team Meeting Women’s Ministry Team Meeting Session Leadership Team Meeting Happy Travelers: Fort Simcoe Ghormley Commission Meeting Family Day at Kid’s Castle Session (No Dinner) Prayer Shawl Ministry Family Pool Party Happy Travelers Meeting SAM Living Water Meeting Adult Ed Meeting Family Movie Night
5:30p 6:00p 7:00p 1:30p all day
Parlor Library Adult Ed Adult Ed Entire Church
Committee Committee Committee Committee Everyone
12:00p 11:30a - 1:00p 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:00p all day all morning 9:00a 9:00a 9:30a 7:00p 5:00p 7:00p all day 6:30p 3:00p 6:30p 1:00p 12:00p 1:30p 3:00p 5:30p 7:00p 6:30p
Parlor Adult Ed Adult Ed Room 220 DF Lounge Library Gym Gym Ghormley Meadow Garden Room K-5th Adult Ed Prayer Rm/ Garden Rm Adult Ed Offsite Adult Ed Gymnastics Plus Mid High Rm Mid High Rm Gustafson’s Home Adult Ed Adult Ed Parlor Adult Ed Gym
Women Everyone Committee Committee Committee Committee Everyone Everyone Everyone Knitters Committee Committee Committee Everyone Committee Everyone Elders & Prog.Staff Knitters Everyone Committee Committee Committee Committee Everyone
Weekday Events M-W-F Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Exercisers TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon Women of Action (July 10 & 24) Contemporary Worship Rehearsal SOZO Prayer
9:00a-10:00a Gym/GR 10:00a Adult Ed 12:00p Adult Ed 5:15p Adult Ed 9:30a Chapel 5:30p Sanctuary 9a-Noon / 5:00p-9:00p
Sr Adults Everyone Everyone Everyone Women Worship Band SOZO Team
Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team 9:00a Traditional Worship - led by Organ 11:00a Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 9a & 6p KidZone Sunday Classes (K-5th Grades, resumes July 14) 9:00a Sonbeams 9:00a Cubbies 9:00a Adult Ed Bible Class -TBA Being a Disciple in the World Today 10:00a Golden Circle 9:30a
Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Upstairs Mezzanine L2 Room 103 Adult Ed Mezzanine Lounge
Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th 2½ yr & 3yr 4yr & 5yr Adults Adults Adults
Summer Offi
ce Schedule Church will be closed July 4th and 5th... Also, starting FR IDAYS July 12th through August 23rd th e office will clo se at 1:00p.
Cookies & C
Family Fun
mer a schedule of sum See back page for family activity.
ans Every Sunday morning we se rve cookies, co punch during ffee and fellowship hou rs after each se the Garden Ro rvice in om. Our churc h family provid cookies each w es the eek. Please bri ng cookies on beginning wit the week h the first letter of your last nam Also consider e. bringing a don ation of non-p food items for erishable donation to Cal vary Rescue M ission. July 7 : G-M July 14 : N-S July 21 : T-Z July 28 : A-F
are Needed? Congregational C ping in to fill the hole
le are step t: The following peop upon his retiremen that Pastor Jim left
Pastor Steve Barker Walt Nelson Ben Antonio rvajal Pastor Gustavo Ca John Stolzenbach . from 10a – 1p daily On site coverage is an office if you need Please contact the rt an re or need to repo appointment for ca upcoming surgery.
We are building a fence! Do you want to help? Call 509-853-4314
• 1 foot costs $62 • 1 section costs $496 • Each orange dot represents an 8 foot section of fencing already purchased. We will be sharing regular updates of our progress. Thank you for your Support
Help us provide an environment where our students can focus on their goals for the future.
Learn more about Madison House at click Madison House!
Do you want to help? Call 509-853-4314 5
Dear FPC Community, June has passed. That means we have just concluded another annual week of Vacation Bible School. VBS was fantastic! Thank you to everyone for all of your hard work! In keeping with the “Kingdom Rock” VBS theme, the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Yakima offers the following decree:
Whereas Lady Susie Woodin did knowingly go above and beyond in her efforts to put together the very best, in terms of VBS experiences… Whereas she worked late on many evenings, demonstrating incredible Christ-like servant-hood in her construction of Buckinghamshirefordwallchesterton Castle… Whereas our wonderful staff followed her noble example and gave sacrificially of their time, gifts, and talents… Whereas many volunteers, being inspired by Lady Susie, also gave of their time, gifts, and talents… Whereas many children of the Yakima community experienced the love of God through the experience of VBS… The SESSION of FPC Yakima hereby declares that Lady Susie Woodin shall now be known henceforth as Queen Victoria Beatrice Susanna (aka VBS)… And further declares that the congregation of FPC Yakima and the surrounding community owes her, the staff, and the numerous volunteers a debt of immense gratitude! VBS could not occur without the financial support of the membership of FPC Yakima. Much of our VBS funding comes from the general operating budget and this is true regarding our other ministries as well. We have now reached the half-way point in the year. Presently, we are about 8% behind from where we’d like to be in terms of our income. We historically run at a deficit into the summer months, so I want to encourage you to keep up your tithing to the general operating fund. Many people travel during the summer and, therefore, we typically see a decline in attendance and giving. Please note that online giving is an option on our website ( Once again, we could not provide ministries like VBS without your financial support! Thank you for sharing your time, gifts, and talents for the sake of the Kingdom! Living and loving for Him,
ck Pastor Ja
Janet Krieger
A Holy Nudge
This is what I told them: 'Obey Me, and I will be your God, and you will be My people. Only do as I say, and all will be well!' Jeremiah 7:23 My sheep recognize My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 And be sure to pay attention to what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand -and even more, besides. Mark 4:24 A holy nudge is when you have a sense that something requires your attention. It is God awakening you to something. This nudge that comes from the Spirit within is recognized that moment when you sense God leading you to take an action, speak a word or make a decision. We typically experience this nudge in both a spiritual and a physical sense. We know in our hearts God is moving us and we feel it in our bodies as well. It can be a sensation of butterflies in the stomach, a quickening of the heartbeat, or a feeling of profound peace. In that moment God is calling you to receive the deposit of His peace, His joy, and His blessing in your life or to be the peace, joy and blessing in the life of another. Recently Doug Kanyer felt a holy nudge driving across the Redmon Bridge in Selah. Driving home from a trip to Los Angeles Doug saw a car parked on the side of the bridge. He experienced a nudge from the Holy Spirit to call the State Patrol and report the parked vehicle. Following up with the Kanyers once Doug arrived home, an officer called to thank him for “acting on his intuition.” The car had been parked by a woman in crisis who was contemplating taking her life by jumping off the bridge. The officers were able to reach and rescue her given the alert they received from Doug.
The world says it is coincidence that put Doug on the bridge at that time and that he noticed the car. The world says it is intuition that prompted him to choose to report it. But for those who walk by faith and not by sight . . . we learn to listen for the voice of our Father, to feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit. When we dare to respond to the holy nudges in our lives God will fill us with the power of the Spirit to do the very thing we have been nudged to do. When we ignore that feeling we risk missing a divine opportunity for an encounter with God. When you hear the inner voice or feel the nudge of the Spirit respond to Him. Practice tuning in to the Spirit whatever distractions may be present in your day. Pursue God without ceasing every day of your life. Dare to be obedient to the nudge of the Holy Spirit and partner with God’s leading. Grow your confidence by checking the holy nudge against Scriptural truth or sharing the nudge with someone you trust. And then be ready! Allow God to use your life for His glory.
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14
"We're excited for another summer of ministry here at Camp Ghormley! Our summer staff has arrived and they are ready to embark on The Great Race! Please pray for our staff and campers as we start a busy summer of ministry here at camp. Here are several photos from our Outreach Camp weekend we just completed!"
"We have been blessed by many generous donors who are adopting various areas of Camp Ghormley.
Recently we have had eight cabins, curtains, our flower beds and our basketball court adopted and repaired/spruced up by various people. Pictured are several pictures of the work on our flower beds. What part of Camp Ghormley might God be leading you to contribute to?"
MISSIONS - ETHIOPIA Dr. Tim Teusink received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Washington (1975-1979) and completed a residency in Family Medicine in the UW Residency Network in 1982. He and his wife Muriel have lived and worked in Africa for almost 20 years. They are serving with SIM (Serving in Mission) in Ethiopia, where he is director of SIM-Ethiopia's HIV/AIDS prevention and Care Ministries. His primary focus is theological education, particularly a biblical perspective on sexuality and marriage. He works with Ethiopian Kale Heywet (Word of Life) church. It is the largest Protestant denomination in the country with approximately 7 million members. He also has a good rapport with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and it's leadership. The Orthodox church has approximately 35 million members. In the last dozen years he has taught in Ethiopian Orthodox and Protestant Theological Colleges. He is particularly interested in encouraging transformational, holistic, sustainable community development in HIV/AIDS prevention and care through the Church working across denominational lines. He travels throughout Africa teaching on sexuality and HIV/AIDS. He has been asked to teach ethics courses at the new Korean Hospital Medical School in Addis Ababa this coming year.
Currently he is on study leave to complete his Master's Degree in Bioethics at Trinity Graduate School here in the states. It has been a 7 year project which has been a great help to his teaching in Ethiopia. There are many ethical issues that impact the areas he teaches. Muriel is a teacher/librarian at Bingham Academy, a K-12 school for missionary children and others in Addis Ababa. She received a B.Ed in Secondary Education from the University of Calgary and has a Post graduate Diploma in School Libraries from the University of Alberta. This year she has been teaching Middle School French at the Academy. The past 4 years she has been in Leadership in Bible Study Fellowship. She has stepped aside in her leadership capacity because prayers have been answered and the Lord has raised up an African leadership team. Their son Jonathan is finishing his work as caregiver for triplet toddlers. He will be seeking new employment. Daughter Bekah is in China. She is working on Mandarin language studies and helping with a move at the school where she is teaching. Tim's mother resides here in Yakima. It a great privilege for our church to support Tim in his vital and life-changing ministry.
Is God Calling You to SOAR? Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. (Jesus’ words in John 14:11-12) Does your life reflect this promise from Jesus? Do you pray for people and they are healed? Do your words and prayers set others free from discouragement or shame? Does the Holy Spirit have the freedom to nudge you to join Him in reaching out to someone at a moment’s notice? If you would like to learn to live more like Jesus lived while He was on earth, perhaps this is the year to join SOAR, the School of Spiritual Transformation. Maybe it is time for you to take seriously the command from Jesus to do the things He did. What an exciting way to live! SOAR, a discipleship school, is open to our community and this year had students from sixteen different churches. It is under the umbrella of First Pres Church and meets on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 until 9:00 PM. Yes, students are serious about being transformed to live and think more like Jesus! And yes, due to all that fills the class time, the evening goes quickly.
Since the focus of SOAR is spiritual transformation and growth as well as leadership, students are taught to align their thinking and actions with biblical truth. Worship, Bible study, discussion, testimonies, fellowship, and practical training are a part of the evening. Video teachings as well as live speakers are used to equip students to live more like Jesus lived. Jesus had an intimate relationship with His Father, which led Him to minister God's love to others. SOAR students learn to develop a closer relationship with their heavenly Father as well, for it is in knowing God that we discover who we are in Christ. We are Christ’s ambassadors and are on earth to advance God’s kingdom. We are equipped with the Holy Spirit who longs to work through us to bring the good news and promises of Jesus to a world in need. As one SOAR student put it, “SOAR has an atmosphere filled with energy, joy, enthusiasm, hope, honor, encouragement, freedom to risk (and fail), and triumphant victory in Christ. What a privilege and honor to be a part of such an awesome group of people." To find out more about SOAR, check out the FPC website or email: Applications for the school are available online or in the church office and are due August 1st. Don't miss out on an amazing opportunity. Believe God’s promises are for you. Is now the time God is calling you to SOAR?
Happy Travelers Summer Trips July 18 Lake Tipsoo at Chinook Pass Pack lunch August 8 Yakima Muesum - World War 1 and 2 memorabilia August 23 Lunch at Whistlin’ Jack September 12 Gingko Petrified Forest for details call Frances Lockwood at 453-3242 Yakima Valley Band Concerts at Randle Park.
7p-8p July 4 (Thr) July 10,17, 24, 31(Wed) August 7 (Wed) Bring a chair. Concert in SW corner of park. Free parking available in field to the south.
CRISTO VIVE From the Madison House to Cristo Vive: A Physical Transition, but The Same Message of Hope and Service Jorge Carvajal, Welcome to Cristo Vive Evangelism! By Gustavo Carvajal Cristo Vive: When did you start working at the Madison House(MH)? Jorge: My wife and I started in September of 2005. CV: Did you live there? J: Yes, we moved to live at the MH that September. CV: Was that your first experience working with the UGM? J: No. We actually volunteered at the UGM when we came to visit my son in Yakima in 2001 and 2003. CV: What was your first impression once you arrived at the Madison House? J: It was a dark place surrounded by darkness. The neighbors could not believe we were moving to that building. They said we needed to be careful because our lives were at risk in that area. CV: Why do you think they warned you? J: Because there was a lot of drug and gang activity going on. You won’t believe what we saw and prayed for (actually against) from the windows of the top floor. CV: Why did you decide to move there? J: Well, inspired by the UGM ministry we started a recovery ministry in Colombia and we had dealt with dangerous people. We did that in the power of The Holy Spirit: “If God is with us, Who will stand against us?” Doing that here was no different. CV: What was your job at the MH? J: My wife and I did maintenance and janitorial work. CV: Had you ever done that kind of job previously? J: Never! Not even at home because my wife would do that for us. We owned a small leather crafts business for 25 years and that is how we made a living.
CV: Why then did you accept that job? J: Because we felt called to impact the lives of little children and women that were served at the MH. Even though we were hired to do physical cleaning, we saw our ministry more about spiritual cleaning. When we saw people deal with drugs outside in the middle of the night, we prayed for God’s light to take the darkness away. CV: What would you do in a typical week? J: We would get up early, pray, and then clean, remove graffiti both outside and inside of the building. After that we got the rooms ready for the afterschool program. During the program we helped to keep an eye on the kids and made rooms accessible to them as needed. When it was dinner time my wife and I helped to serve kids dinner. CV: What else did you do there? J: My wife and I would sort clothing and house items on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the Ladies’ Day. That event provided God’s Word and free stuff to a group of about 50 to 70 women every Thursday morning. CV: Was it the same group of women every week? J: No, women were allowed to come once a month. That flow of beautiful people in need gave us ideas on how to minister to them and out of that, dreams of English classes, a Bilingual Preschool, Computer classes, etc. started developing in connection with Cristo Vive/First Presbyterian church.
CV: What has impacted you the most about what you have seen at the MH in almost 8 years of service there? J: Transformation! The physical transformation of the MH, from darkness to light, is a metaphor of what has happened in the lives of little children we met when we first came, such as Armando, Rosa and Gerardo. They are now young men and women that love the Lord, are good children, good students and have the Hope of a better Future! CV: As of May 2013 you are not part of the MH staff. What is next for you? J: My gift and passion is evangelism. I will continue to do the same I was doing at the MH. I will keep on sharing God’s Word, but now under the Cristo Vive umbrella. I started in May and I will work half paid, and half volunteer. CV: What have you done so far? J: We made a survey and used it a couple of times around the FPC neighborhood. It has been a blessing to meet people, pray with them and hear their stories. CV: Jorge, welcome to the team! We hope and pray God will use your gifts to inspire and encourage people to follow our Savior.
Kindergarten – 5th Grade: Learning from the life of Mephibosheth Kids start out in worship with parents, and then excused to KidZone after the children’s message. All K-5th Graders will meet in room 217 for the summer.
Ages 2 ½ - 4 years Sonbeams and Cubbies: God Cares for Me! Parents please drop off your Sonbeam/Cubbie in room 103 prior to attending worship. Class starts at 9:00 and both groups will meet this room for the summer.
EXCITING NEW CLASS FOR FPC PRESCHOOL! In addition to our classes for three year olds, four year olds and our 4 day a week pre-kindergarten class, we are adding a 5 day a week pre-kindergarten class! Providing an excellent education that is Christ-centered for almost 30 years.” We are celebrating nearly 30 years of providing an excellent educational foundation that is Christ-centered. Let your child experience a loving, positive environment where they will enjoy activities designed to nurture their creative, social and spiritual development. It is our intent to offer a strong, well-balanced, Christian-based preschool for your child and our community. It has been our privilege to serve you in this way and we look forward to another new school year. We have a proven program that prepares your child for kindergarten. We hear back from teachers and principals alike, that FPC Preschool children are easily identified in school because they come well prepared! What do families in our program say? • “The staff are very knowledgeable of the program and are always willing to go the extra mile.” • “The BEST preschool in town!” • “Life changing!” • “A great first step. Great for developing social skills and early learning. Christ-centered.” • “Classrooms are cheerful and inviting. Teacher and staff are friendly and welcoming, lots of opportunities for parents to be involved.” • “High-quality, Christian preschool that will do an excellent job preparing your child for formal education.” Do you want to be a part of our program? Do you know someone who would benefit from our preschool? Please share our information with others and make a difference in a child’s life and their family. Check out our program at our web site: Contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119 for more information. Thank you for your support!
The summer fun is about to begin and it’s time to splash in the pool and have fun outdoors with friends. We’ve planned the following events for your family to enjoy this summer. For more info contact Shan at the church office 248-7940.
July 21st
FPC day at Gymnastics Plus and Kids Castle: play time from 3p - 5p. Registration now open in the office or at the Connection Center to the first 100 kids between the ages of 2 and 11 years old. Cost is $3 per child. Kids must bring socks to play on equipment. Must register by July 7 @ Connection Center. Gymnastics Plus is located at 2121 Lincoln Ave.
July 28th
Pool party- Eric and Nancy Gustafsons home: noon - 4p Bring a side dish or dessert to share. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. Don’t forget your swim gear! Gustafsons address is 5502 Scenic Drive
August 7th
Movie Night: “Escape from Planet Earth” 6:30p - 9:00p in the Gym. Movie snacks will be served.
August 25th
Play at Bruce and Diane Drollingers home: noon - 4p Swimable pond with accessible boats, zipline and rope swing into pond, bouncy house, other water games, soccer field, volleyball and croquet. Lots of wonderful grassy area to run and play. Drollingers address is 2551 Mapleway Rd.