first presbyterian church
June 2012
e l p o e p g n i Equipp h g u o r h t y r t s i n i m r fo n o i t a d n u o biblical f . e c i v r e s and
“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.�
Volume 39
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248-7940
Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships. Being a cornerstone in the community. Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.
Sermon Series Who will you worship? Who will you follow? These are fundamental questions at the heart of Revelation. As we journey through life, we all worship and follow someone or something. Each and every day, we are faced with a choice. Each and every day, we struggle to answer these questions in light of the seen reality around us. Revelation is probably the most read, but least understood book of the Bible. Rather than being a “crystal ball” that predicts the future, Revelation is a “discipleship manual” that opens our senses to the spiritual reality around us. Fundamentally, Revelation reveals to us the unseen reality which screams “things are not as they seem!” Join us this summer as we delve into our study of Revelation, utilizing the commentary Discipleship on the Edge by Darrell Johnson. Each week, you are invited to “go deeper” by utilizing Johnson’s book to supplement our study. June 3rd
“Introduction: The Unveiling of Reality” Revelation 1:1-8 (Chapter 1)
June 10th
“The Cosmic Jesus” Revelation 1:9-20 (Chapter 2)
June 17th
“Warnings to the Churches” Revelation 2:1-3:22 (Chapters 3-9)
June 24th
“Look! A Throne and Lamb!” Revelation 4 & 5 (Chapters 10-12)
Cookies & Cans
June 3: A-F June 10: G-M June 17: N-S June 24: T-Z Please bring a dozen (or more) cookies on your week, and cans of food for Calvary Rescue Mission.
Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary
Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, corrections, contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
Calendar May Events Sunday, June 3 Sunday, June 3 Monday, June 4 Tuesday, June 5 Tuesday, June 5 Tuesday, June 5 Wednesday, June 6 Wednesday, June 6 Thursday, June 7 Thursday, June 7 Thursday, June 7 June 8, 9, 10 Saturday, June 9 Saturday, June 9 Sunday, June 10 Sunday, June 10 Sunday, June 10 Sunday, June 10 Wednesday, June 13 Thursday, June 14 Friday, June 15 Sunday, June 17 Sunday, June 17 Sunday, June 17 Sunday, June 17 June 18 - June 22 Tuesday, June 19 Wednesday, June 20 Wednesday, June 20 Friday, June 22 Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24 Sunday, June 24 Tuesday, June 26 Tuesday, June 26 Wednesday, June 27 July / August
Communion Sunday Student Ministries Parent Meeting Worship & Prayer Concert Father’s House Bible Study Begins Dance in Worship Study (3wks) All Committee Meeting Night Committtee on Ministry Women’s Ministry Meeting Preschool Board Meeting Happy Travelers Meeting Senior Adult Ministries Meeting Outreach Camp Service Day @ Madison House Prayer Shawl Ministry No Kidzone Today Nominating Committee Meeting VBS YOUTH Volunteers Mandatory Meeting VBS ALL Volunteer Mandatory Meeting SOAR Staff Meeting Happy Travelers Tour of Liberty Bottles VBS Packets No Kidzone Today Chat with the Elders Ecclesia Class Begins Orcas Leadership Commencement Vaction Bible School! Session Leadership Team Meeting Deborah Circle Foundation Board Orcas Closing Ceremony Prayer Shawl Ministry Family Pool Party VBS Sunday! (No Kidzone Today) Kaffee Klatsch Session (No Dinner) Dance in Worship Study No childcare for groups
all morning 11:00a 7:00p 10:00a 10:30a 6:00p 9:00a 4:00p 9:00a 1:30p 3:00p all weekend 9a-5p 9:00a
Sanctuary Everyone Adult Ed Parents North Lawn Everyone Lounge Women Mid High Rm Women All Committees Adult Ed Committee Rhino Room Committee Rhino Room Board Members Adult Ed Adult Ed Ghormley Meadows Madison House Everyone Mid High Rm Knitters
12:30p 3:00p 4:00p 4:00p 11:00a 9:00a 10:35a & 12:15p 11:00a 12:30p 8:45a-noon 7:00p 9:30a 4:00p 5:00p 1:00p 12:00p all morning 9:30a 6:30p 10:30a
Lounge Garden Room Garden Room Adult Ed Offsite Adult Ed
Committee Youth Volunteers ALL Volunteers Everyone Volunteers
Lounge Everyone Power House Students Sanctuary Trailseekers Adult Ed Committee Offsite Women Library Committee Sanctuary Trailseekers Mid High Rm Knitters Gustafson Home Everyone Sanctuary Everyone Garden Room Everyone Mid High Rm Elders & Prog. Staff Lounge Women
Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes Sonbeams Cubbies Adult Ed Bible Class 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Student Small Groups
8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary 11:00a Sanctuary 12:15p Chapel 9:30a Upstairs Rooms 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Rm103 9:30a Adult Ed 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Lounge 9:30a Power House
Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th 2 ½ yr & 3yr 4yr & 5yr Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12
Happenin’ @ First SOAR
Happy Travelers Trips for Summer 2012
Are you ready to SOAR? Are you eager for transformation? Are you longing to live like Jesus lived? If any of these questions strike a cord with you, perhaps it is time for you to apply for SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation. For more information and applications click the SOAR button at Applications are due by August 1st. God’s calling you higher than you have ever been before. Will you answer the call?
June 14 — Lunch at Old Country Buffet, followed by a tour of Liberty Bottle Works. Meet at Church at 11a. July 3 — Bears Baseball game (7:05p) and Fireworks. Purchase tickets $6.75/ea at the Connection Center. July 27 — Visit to the Goldendale Observatory. We will take a bus from the church (5p), and return at approximately midnight. We have room for 21 travelers. Tickets are $21/ea, and must be purchased to reserve your seat. We will stop in Goldendale for a quick bite to eat, and then move on to the Observatory at about 8p.
Worship and prayer on FPC lawn
7p. Worship God through song and pray with and for people of all ages in our community. June 4, July 2, August 6.
August 17 — Lunch at Gold Creek Restaurant
Service day at Madison House June 9th MH needs our help cleaning and fixing the grounds. MH relies on their volunteers. Come labor with us from 9:00a -5:00p. Bring gloves, water bottle and a heart to serve.
We need your photos! Are you attending an event or small group or other shindig at FPC? We need photos of everything! Large or small. Contact Curt or Deb in the office.
Stand in the Gap for Our Church
Are you interested in guarding the health of our church? Every Sunday people are gathering in the chapel at 8:30 for 45 minutes to intercede through prayer for our body. All are welcome to come, any Sunday or every Sunday. The Lord calls us to bring to Him the desires of our heart; let’s give Him our church and watch what happens. “After all no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-for we are members of his body.” Eph. 5:29 “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap, on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none”. Ez.22:30
Exercise at the church
You are invited to join us on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, as we condition our bodies for the glory of God. Come for some light-weight exercise, walking, and fellowship from 8:45a-9:45a. Meet in Gym, or Garden Room depending on events. $18/mo/ea covers the cost of our YMCA certified instructor. Contact Marv Becker with questions 966-8855
We are looking to re-invigorate our small groups! We would like to identify those small groups which have been formed in the last three years. If you are a leader or a member of a small group which has been formed during this period, could you please contact Elder Dave Whiteside at 966-7585.
Serve the Lord through brew
We need another volunteer at the Coffee Stand. Do you have Barista experience? Call Rhonda at the office if you would like to serve.
Chat with the Elders
Sunday, June 17 @ 10:35a, and again at 12:15p
Summer Singers!
Music is a GREAT way to express our love for God and learn about Him! This summer, Ms. Lyndi, our Temple Choir Director will lead our children on Sunday mornings for children grades K-5th, beginning Sunday July 1st, 9:30a (This will take the place of KidZone for the summer). We will start our morning in worship, then move to our classroom after the Children's Message. We also need volunteers! Contact Lyndi Suydam for more information at
Family Life Education
Has God been tapping you on your shoulder to do something significant in His kingdom here on earth? Do you have a heart for parents and children? Would you like to be part of building loving families? Maybe you are being led to join a team of people wanting to educate and support parents on healthy ways to raise children? Beginning in the fall Certified Family Life Educator and author Laurie Kanyer will offer training for future parenting educators. This training will equip you to begin to teach parenting classes here at First Presbyterian. Take time to pray and contemplate this holy calling of educating parents. For more information contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 x142 or email at
. . . r e b eptem
This S
! k c a is B If you would like to attend or lead a bistro group sign up at the Connection Center. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42
Pastor Jack
Jack Peebles — Senior Pastor —
Dear Church Family,
We arrive at our last core value this month: “Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.” Essentially, this describes the process of disciple-making. You cannot be a disciple unless you have an understanding of the scriptures. At the same time, it’s clear that we have a calling to serve as part of “living out” our faith. These two areas are not mutually exclusive. In other words, if you have an awareness of God’s Word, you must understand that He directs us to love our neighbors! The Bible is so much more than a book. Granted, it is the bestselling book of all time, it still is so much more than a simple book! As Paul writes to his beloved son in the faith, Timothy, he stresses the importance of knowing the Bible. He says that all scripture is “God-breathed” and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16). In the same way we believe that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine, we believe the Bible is both human and divine.
In an age of instant access through Google and iPhones, I fear we less and less know God’s Word. With information so available at the touch of your fingertips, we think, “Why do I need to take up space in my head when I can access it 1.3 seconds if needed? It wasn’t that long ago that when youth were offered the opportunity to go through confirmation, one of the things they had to do was memorize key verses of scripture. New believers in the early first, second, and third century church had to go through a three year process of discipleship before they could be welcomed into the fellowship. Why did they do that? Were they trying to be mean? They wanted them to be equipped! They wanted the new believers to be prepared for what they might face.
In our modern age, it has become quite popular to not be too intrusive about discipleship and what is expected of those who enter into the Body of Christ, the Church. On one level, Christianity has become more of a hobby than a way of life. As I see it, the problem with this mentality is that if we don’t have it in our heads, we can’t have it in our hearts! Russell Kelso Carter was an assistant in the compilation of the Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal. One of his hymns has been used in the great evangelical crusades. It was called, Standing on the Promises. One of those verses says this: Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. Are you standing on the promises that cannot fail? When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, are you equipped in such a way that you do not return evil for evil, but rather spread the love of God that we have been so graciously given? Enjoy this edition of Here@First! Living and loving for Him, Pastor Jack
Jim Erixson — Associate Pastor —
What is a Bistro? According to Webster’s new world dictionary it is a small café or bar. However, here at First Presbyterian Church the definition of a Bistro is different. Bistro is multi-generations getting together to have fun as a family. It is not a small group Bible study. We eat together, pray together, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s sort of like a supper club but smaller. About three or four years ago the “First Friday Bistro” was born at FPC. It was very popular and we had fifteen individual “supper clubs” who sat down for a meal, had interesting conversations, played games and prayed together. We would like to start up the Bistro again in September.
We are presently taking sign-ups at the Connection Center on Sundays and in the church main office on weekdays. Deadline to sign up is August 1st. There will be informational meetings on August 19th at 9:30a and August 26th at 8:00a for those who wish to participate in the Bistro. So, sign up soon so we can get you into a group.
Hospital Visitations
There is a a new procedure for hospital visitation. The “Chaplain’s Book” in the hospital has been eliminated, so if you want to have a Pastor or a Deacon come by for a visit and a prayer, a family member or yourself need to contact the church. This has come about due to the tightened rules of the HIPAA Laws to protect your privacy while in the hospital. Without you or your family contacting the church office the Pastors or the Deacons will not be able to visit.
Gustavo Carvajal — Pastor de Cristo Vive —
Cristo Vive
Great 5 de Mayo FUNd Raiser
Thank you FPC for your awesome support of our May 6th Carne Asada fund raiser. We had a good crowd, good food and a wonderful time to celebrate in worship what God is doing in our midst. Maria Ontiveros shared how God is giving her strength to deal with a stomach cancer diagnosed back in October, and Mariana shared how God has an active role in her decision making, as she either lets His will inform her decisions or is drawn to repentance and change when she hasn’t. Gustavo
June:4158-no-o2n 2 8
Cost: $30 per child
… S B V y k S t a n u f ’ in ly f h ig h e m o s ! r d o o f G y d h a it e r w t le Ge ib s s o p is g in h t y r e v e t a h t r e v o c is d s id where k e k li n u e b l il w e c n ie r e p x e y k S This year our e r a y e th s A . e r o f e b e n o d e v a anything kids h f o ty li a e r e th , d r o W ’s d o surrounded by G e c n a v le e r d n a g in n a e m w God’s love gains ne e v a h l il w y e th , s lu P . s e v li y a d to their every , s e m a g w e n t u o g in y tr e an amazing tim e! r o m h c u m d n a , s a m a r d , s g n so
h c r u h C n ia r e t y b s e r P t Where: Firs 8
Who: Kids who are 4 years old through entering 5th Grade (must be 4 by June 1, 2012)
Hey kids…make your reservation now to join our flight crews on this exciting adventure! Registration forms are available in the Garden Room Connection Center , church main office, or you can print one out from our website at, just go to the Sky VBS link on the home page. * Scholarships are available-contact the church main office at 248-7940 for more information.
Susie Woodin — Children’s Ministries Director —
2012 SUMMER KIDZONE SCHEDULE • June 10 & 17 NO KIDZONE • June 18-22 VBS • June 24 / NO KIDZONE / “Sky” VBS Celebration Sunday, Kids stay in worship • July 1 – Aug. 26 / 9:30 Summer Singers KidZone for K-5th Grades. Sonbeams and Cubbies combined in Rm 103 until Aug 12 Childcare Available • Sept. 9 / Fall KidZone Kick-off (all KidZone classes resume as usual)
d exciting n a w e n a r o f Join us erience... p x e e n o Z id K summer
Summer Singers! Children grades K-5th
Summer Singers will be led by our Temple Choir Director Ms. Lyndi Suydam How can you help with Summer Singers? Great question! You can volunteer to help us learn and grow together! Contact Lyndi Suydam for more information:
Beginning Sunday, July 1st @ 9:30am (during the usual KidZone hour), we will start in the Sanctuary at 9:30, worship then move to our classroom after the Children’s Message.
Child's Name:
This summer FPC will be offering a Summer Singers program on Sunday mornings!
Music is a GREAT way to express our love for God and learn about Him!
Child's Grade in School Fall 2012: Parent's Name(s): Parent's Phone Number: (home)
Please inform us of any health concerns or allergies your child may have: *Please return this form to the church office.
Women’s Ministries
Ericka Clark — Women’s Ministries —
Encouraging women up to be intentional about their faith.
Wednesday, June 26 Worship Dance Study 10:00am DF Lounge Glorify God through dance in worship - Psalm 149 “Let them praise His name with dancing...” Led by Sarah Myers
Wednesday, July 18
Wednesday, July 25
So our hope is in the Lord. He is our help, our shield to protect us. We rejoice in Him, because we trust His holy name. Psalm 33:20-21 2012 is a year to Celebrate What Matters! We spend so much of our lives just waiting to be happy. What about enjoying life right now? Discover what is possible at this Women of Faith conference. We have blocked rooms at the Marriott Fairfield Inn for Friday night. So come, be encouraged, refreshed and renewed! Pick up registrations at the church or on our website: Please turn them in (soon!) with either full payment or a $50 deposit. Contact Ericka in the church office, 248-7940 or Karron Buchannon, 697-5268 for more information.
A Great Birthday Celebration!
Prophetic Art Class 5:30pm Suggested donation for Supplies $5 Movie Night: “Finger of God” 6:30pm
Gym (or North Lawn) Ward Chapel
Director Darren Wilson describes his film, The Finger of God...A film, on the surface, about the miraculous. At its core, it is about the heart of God. It’s about how He views us, and how He is desperate for a relationship with us. Along the way, He places his finger on our lives, touches us deeply, heals us, shows His creativity, and generally surprises us with every move He makes.
Monday, August 6 Worship Night (North Lawn) - All church event, more details soon! Wednesday, August 15 Movie Night: “Father of Lights” 6:30pm Ward Chapel
Director Darren Wilson describes his 3rd film, The Father of Lights...the final film in the Finger of God/Furious Love trilogy is about God’s heart. I went into making this film by asking the simple question: who is God? I wanted to know His character, His personality, and who He truly is. To answer this question, we had to peel back the many layers of religious garbage that has been passed onto him through generations. That He is angry. Vengeful. Wrathful. And in general, that He doesn’t like you very much. The truth, as you will see vibrantly in this film, is that He is the most loving, compassionate, and wonderful Father you can imagine.
Happy 102nd Birthday Nan! May God continue to richly bless you!
Presbyterian Women hosted a very nice spring tea on May 2, celebrating birthdays. Jean McKitrick and Take Note performed, singing springy tunes to put everyone in a joyful mood. Judy Miller shared delightful fun stories of significant birthdays in her family. One of her favorites is her “birthday” when she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, reminding us we all have two birthdays to celebrate every year! A special recognition was given to Nan Koukal who turned 102 in May. (See picture above.) Thank you to all of the women who helped put on the tea, it was a beautiful afternoon.
Shan Trick — Assistant Director Family Ministries —
Family Ministry Summer 2012
Summer is a great time for families to do things all together. So our hope is to provide time and space for families to join one another for fun, fellowship, and opportunities to grow deeper friendships. Some of these are events Family Ministries is putting together, but some of them are events that we are simply joining because we want to connect with other people from other circles. Please know that all people are welcome to join us, and if questions come up feel free to contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 x 142.
June 9th Service day at Madison House
June 24th Pool Party
MH needs our help cleaning and fixing the grounds. MH relies on their volunteers. Come labor with us from 9:00a -5:00p. Bring gloves, water bottle and a heart to serve.
BBQ potluck & Pool party at the Gustafson’s home. Noon-4p.
July 13th - July 15th Weekend camping trip -Thousand Trails Weekend camp trip trails in Leavenworth. More information at the Connection Center.
June 4 July 2 August 6 Worship and prayer on FPC lawn
7p. Worship God through song and pray with and for people of all ages in our community.
July 21st Boulder Cave Day Hike
Meet at church at 9a. Back to church around 3p. What to bring: bug spray, sun block, hats, good hiking shoes, water bottle, flashlight, towel and extra clothes (optional) there is a creek and waterfall that kids can get wet, picnic lunch.
August 4th Picnic in the park
Come gather at Wixson Park in Selah at 4p. Bring a picnic dinner, and join us for family games.
July 16 Madagascar 3 Aug 15 Ice Age 4
Movie night at FPC North Lawn
Movie starts at 8:30p. Bring a picnic dinner and join us for game time, starting at 6:30p
Happily Ever After
H@F is excited to bring you an interview of Damon and Lu Smith who are looking forward to celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary on July 19th, 2012! H@F: How did you meet? Lu: Damon was an ‘older man’ returning to college after he’d been a sailor during WWII. We were introduced by a mutual friend while studying at WSU. I thought he was a ‘pretty cocky Kansas City Slicker.’ and swept this ‘shy little country girl’ right off her feet. Damon and his brother, Merle, owned a black ’39 Ford that sat just four. Merle & Dorothy, and Damon & I double dated a lot! We were married in Walla Walla by Pastor Bill Rasco who’d been at First Presbyterian in Yakima prior to that. It was his first wedding.
r.” Many of us grew up “And they lived happily ever afte ies hoping that would stor of hearing those words at the ends n after a fairy tale (eve life be true for us, too. Sadly, in real has blessed us here God rt. wedding) many marriages fall apa marriages have stood the test at FPC with many couples whose H@F will spotlight advice of time. Over the coming months as we look closer at the from some of them. Read with us ‘happily ever after’. ‘really hard work’ that creates the
H@F: Many married couples have taken the vows of ‘…in sickness and in health…’ During these last couple of years, you’ve both faced major illness. What gives you strength? Lu and Damon both share: We have been blessed with a wonderful family. Our children are grown and we have seven beautiful grandchildren. We also have cherished in-laws and extended church family who hold us in prayer. There’s a particular Bible passage that guides us. Philippians 4:6-13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And we also have a Billy Graham quote on the mirror that we read many times a day. “His grace is greater than our need.”
H@F: Both of you have been involved with this church for a very long time. Most of your married life has been centered around First Presbyterian. Can you share more about this? Lu: We started attending FPC in the fifties. A teaching colleague made us feel very welcome when we first attended and eventually this became our church home. Making the ties even stronger, we were baptized together in l963. We both served as deacons for several years. I liked working with the Memorial luncheons. Damon was especially gifted as a hospital caller and spent a lot of time visiting there. I worked with Stephen Ministries. We’ve both been very involved with Kaffee Klatsch, Senior Adult Ministries. Damon became the Sanctuary Guild chairman in l983. It became an annual church event and took a great deal of planning. After much work and much laughter, everyone would celebrate with prayer, donuts and cider. We both feel that these and similar church activities are some of our most treasured times during our marriage.
A warm thank you to Damon & Lu for sharing these thoughtful responses .
Janet Krieger So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them. Genesis 1: 27 Read Genesis 2 His Image We have before us an awesome truth; God created man and woman in His own image. God made man to be like Him. Truly, man is the most important among all the creations God made. Only man was created in the image of God. And the LORD God formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And the man became a living person (a living soul: nephesh in Hebrew). Genesis 2:7 From this Scripture we learn that when God created man, He first formed a body. He made the body first because it would be the dwelling place into which He would place man's soul. Your body is your house; the temporary "tent" in which "the real you" (your soul) lives. For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down -- when we die and leave these bodies -- we will have a home in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God Himself . . . 2 Corinthians 5:1 God created the human body for the soul to dwell in. The Scriptures say that the Lord formed the first body from the dust of the ground. David wrote, "Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous -- and how well I know it. Psalm 139:14 The human body is an incredible wonder, but God did not create our bodies in His own image; God is Spirit. God created the soul of man in His image. When God first created the body of man from the dust of the earth, it was without life. It was only a corpse. Why did God first create the body of man before He put the soul in it? Why did God, who is all powerful, not create man in one simple step as He had done with all the other creatures? Some scholars say God did it in this way to teach us that man, in himself, has no power over life. Man cannot give himself life and man cannot create anything that lives. God is the Lord of Life, and in Him alone can life be found. Life does not come from man; it is a gift from God.
and will. God gave man a mind (spirit), so that he could know God. God gave us a mind capable of knowing God and thinking as God thinks. God created us with such a powerful mind, because He planned for us to have close fellowship with Himself and to be in agreement with His mind. God gave man a heart so that we could love God. We are not talking about the heart that pumps blood, but about what we feel in our soul, our emotions, and our thoughts. We are talking about the intentions of our heart. God gave the first man the capacity to feel the emotions that God Himself feels. God can love, hate, rejoice, and feel sorrow and compassion. God placed within the soul of man a heart capable of feeling emotions such as love, hate, joy, sorrow and mercy. God wants us to love what God loves and hate what God hates. God wants us to love Him with all our heart. God gave man a will or freedom of choice so that we could obey God. God allows every person to choose his own path. God Himself has authority to choose whether He will do something or not, and God created man with the right and responsibility to make important choices for himself. God could have created us so that we would automatically do His will, and not have any choice in the matter however; God gave to us a free will and the responsibility to choose for ourself whether to obey God. God did not want to create a mere robot. God did not create man in the image of the sun that rises every day, but has no choice in the matter. Man is a special creation. God created us for Himself. God wants us to choose to love Him and worship Him. God has committed a great responsibility to man! We must choose for ourselves whether to follow God or satan, whether we will cherish the Word of God or disregard it. God will not force anyone to believe His Word. He will never force us to love Him and obey Him. God allows each of us to choose for ourselves which path we will follow however; ultimately God will judge everyone who rejects His Kingdom, because God created man for Himself. Practical Application What character traits of the Father do others see in your life? What value does it give your life to know you are made in His image?
The Scripture says, “And the LORD God formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And the man became a living person.” The body that God had created began to live. It was alive because God, the Lord of Life, gave it a soul. God breathed His life into the corpse. The life that was in God was now in man. Man became a living being. The Hebrew word for breath and spirit are the same, ruah. This is more than simply a picture of God's breathing into man's nostrils; this is not face-toface resuscitation. It is the impartation of God’s Spirit into man. Three characteristics God placed in the soul of man are mind, heart
Jeff Murray — Student Ministries Director — Courtney Hutchins — Assistant Student Ministries —
Summer Camp
Want to go to Camp Ghormley with all your friends? Sign up for the following... “Senior High Water-Ski” July 29-Aug 2 “Mid-High 1” July 15-21 Ecclesia
Student Ministries is hosting a confirmation class this summer entitled “Ecclesia” (Greek for church)
That if you confess with your
Mid-High Pool Parties
is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your
The class will consist of six heart that you believe and are sessions and a retreat. justified, and it is with your Sundays @ 11a mouth that you confess June 17th & 24th and are saved. July 1st, 8th, 22nd August 5th Romans 10:9-10 Retreat: August 24th – 26th Students can sign up in the Powerhouse or at the Connection Center. Students must be willing to do a small amount of homework: reading, writing and thinking. Students must also be able to meet behavioral standards so that the class can function. The class is open to students entering 9th grade and above. It is free (with exception for the retreat). The class will cover two sessions on Old Testament Theology, two sessions on New Testament Theology and two sessions on Church History including the early church and the current state of the church.
Wednesday June 27, 6p-9p. Wednesday July 25, 6p-9p. Wednesday Aug 22, 6p-9p. Meet at FPC by 6p.
Senior High Pool Parties Tuesday June 26, 6p-9p. Tuesday July 24, 6p-9p. Tuesday Aug 7, 6p-9p. @ Gustafson’s
Meeting on Tuesdays throughout the summer. Not in a group? Contact Jeff.
Students who go through this class will have an opportunity to be confirmed in the fall.
Tube the River
It’s not too late to help with Outreach Camp. We really need your help. Come impact the life of a child. Apply at the Connection Center or Church Office. 14
Thursday, July 5, from 2p-7p we will float the Yakima River.
Adams Climb
Are you interested in a Summer Climb of Mt Adams? Contact Courtney.
Water Ski
We will be skiing at Rimrock Reservoir on Aug 8, 9a-5p. All Ages. Cost: $10 Be at FPC at 9a
Volunteers Needed
Student Ministries is looking for adult volunteers who would like to disciple/mentor students. Contact Jeff or Courtney.
Rhonda Cardona — Director — Rhonda
Why is early childhood education so important? Research shows that children are learning from birth, even before. The first year is the most extraordinary period of growth and development in a child’s lifetime and is crucial for building the brain. Do you know that there are less than 2000 days from the time a child is born until they enter kindergarten? This is where early childhood education comes in. During this time nurturing is essential. A foundation is laid for the child’s future learning. This begins with the most important lifelong teachers, the family.
First Presbyterian Christian Preschool is honored and takes the role very seriously of coming along side parents during this important time period in their lives. We know that children learn through relationships, play and active exploration. We provide a loving atmosphere to introduce the child to all areas of development – early thinking skills, motor skills, social and emotional development and spiritual development. When children move forward from our preschool they go knowing that God loves them and is always with them. They also go excited to share this love of God with others. Plus they have the educational foundation that will give them a successful start in school. How can you support this program? Most importantly, you can do this through your prayers. Unfortunately there are many families who do not get to have this experience because of finances. Our scholarship program helps those who need assistance. Your donations are gratefully accepted to help these families have this foundation for their children. Thank you for your support! Rhonda Cardona
g Our new website is bein on. developed...look for it so
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11
Volunteer at VBS!
We need people of all ages! No experience needed! Join the crew!
2 2 8 1 June n o o N a 5 4 : 8
We want to present the gospel message to kids in an unforgettabl way and at the same time prepar e them to be able to share God’s lovee with others. We need your help to accomplish this big task! Volunteer registration forms are available in the Garden Room, Mai n Office, or online. If you have any questions please ca Susie Woodin at 248-7940 x1 ll or Joann Benson 965-225810, June 17, 9:30a for VBS Volunteer Staff rvcoicmee Prayer during se hirts Please wear your VBS T-S to Church. June 24 8 & 9:30aus for All kids and volunteerSjouninday. VBS Celebration tshirts! Don't forget to wear your