first presbyterian church
November 2010
A Light to the World Responding to the call
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 20
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248-7940
in this issue 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15
November Events Pastor Jack’s Welcome Mission Field Fellowship Ministry Team: Senior Adults Fellowship Ministry Team: Group Life Discipleship Ministry Team: Men’s Cristo Vive Discipleship Ministry Team: Women’s Discipleship Ministry Team: Preschool Announcements Devotional Discipleship Ministry Team: Student’s Discipleship Ministry Team: Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team: Weddings Ghormley
Weekly Events
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Senior Adult Exercise 8:45a Monday TOPS 10:00a Over-Eaters Anonymous 12:00p Al-Anon 5:15p Church Basketball 7:00p Tuesday Living a Spirit Filled Life (Women) 9:15a Women’s Bible Study 9:45a Over-Eaters Anonymous 1:00p Wednesday Men’s Bible Study 12:00p Women of Action (Prayer) 12:00p Thursday Bible Study Fellowship (women) 9:00a Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p
Thursday, November 4 Thursday, November 4 Friday, November 5 Sunday, November 7 Sunday, November 7 Tuesday, November 9 Thursday, November 11 Thursday November 11 Thursday, November 11 Thursday, November 11 Friday, November 12 November 12, 13, 14 Sunday, November 14 Tuesday, November 16 Wednesday, November 17 Friday, November 19 Sunday, November 21 Sunday, November 21 Tuesday, November 23 Tuesday, November 23 Tuesday, November 23 Wednesday, Nov 24 Thursday, November 24 Thursday, November 24 Friday, November 25 Sunday, November 28 Tuesday, November 30 Tuesday, November 30 Thursday, December 2 Thursday, December 2 December 3, 4, 5 Sunday, December 5 Sunday, December 5 Sunday, December 12
Special Events in November
Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p SAM (Senior Adult Ministries) Meeting 3:00p MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Daylight Saving Time Ends -- Fall Back One Hour FUSE: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Filling 11:00a Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 1:00p Veterans Day Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Preschool Board Meeting 9:30a Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 5:15p Veterans Dinner 6:00p Student Ministries: Mid High SLAMQUEST all weekend Shoebox Dedication - all three services all morning Service Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Thanksgiving Dinner and Service 5:30p MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Chat With the Elders 10:45a & 12p Stewardship Sunday Preschool Thanksgiving Feasts 10:00a - 11:30a Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Session (Dinner and Meeting) 6:00p Preschool Thanksgiving Feasts 10:00a - 11:30a Thanksgiving at Ghormley Meadow Happy Thanksgiving! Church Closed all day Church Closed all day First Sunday of Advent Decorate for Christmas! 11:30a-5p Prayer and Praise Service 7:00p Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p SAM (Senior Adult Ministries) Meeting 3:00p Mountain Meadow Christmas all weekend Communion Sunday all morning Mission Fair all morning Childsized Christmas Services all morning
Adult Ed Rm Adult Ed Rm Gym
Everyone 55+ Moms
Gym Adult Ed Rm
Adult Ed Rm Rhino Room Adult Ed Rm Gym Ghormley (White Pass) Sanctuary Adult Ed Rm Gym/Sanctuary Gym Adult Ed Rm Gym Garden Rm Garden Rm/Mid High Gym
Preschool Board Everyone 6th, 7th, 8th graders Everyone Everyone Moms Everyone
Entire Church Entire Church
Preschool Everyone Elders & Program Staff Preschool Everyone Everyone Everyone
Garden Rm/Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Rm Adult Ed Rm Ghormley (White Pass) Sanctuary Garden Room Sanctuary
Mary McLean Guild Everyone Everyone 55+ Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone
Sunday Mornings Communion - Every Sunday Ward Chapel 10:45a Contemporary Services Sanctuary 8:00a & 9:30a The Best of Classic Worship Sanctuary 11:00a Childcare Ages 3 mo – 2 1/2 years RM 102 During Services Kidzone Sunday School (Children released to teachers from 9:30 Worship Service) Sonbeams - 2 1/2 up to 4 *Parents to drop off at class L2 9:30a - 10:45a Cubbies - 4’s to Pre-K 103 9:30a - 10:45a Kinder - 1st Grade 208 9:30a - 10:45a 2nd-3rd Grade 217 9:30a - 10:45a 4th-5th Grade 203 9:30a - 10:45a *Special Needs classroom available 220 9:30a - 10:45a Student Ministries (6th-12th grade) Worship service Sanctuary 9:30a Small Groups Power House 10:30a - 12:00n Adult Education Classes Adult Ed Rm 9:30a - 10:30a Golden Circle David Ferry Lounge 9:30a - 10:30a 40 Days of Purpose Mid High Rm 9:30a - 10:30a Here @ First is also available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
Jack Peebles Senior Pastor
ear Church Family,
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) I wrote this in the letter we included in your quarterly statements, and it’s worth repeating here. We find ourselves in the midst of the worst economic recessions since the Great Depression. Families are suffering and in need. I hear about it every day. They want to know when the economy will turn and they will see relief. That added to the normal life experiences of broken relationships, illness, and even the death of a loved one exacerbates the darkness we experience. Like the Psalmist, we thrust our fists skyward and cry, “Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer!” (Psalm 4:1) The present age is steeped in darkness and many cannot see a future that is bright. Isn’t that when the church of Jesus Christ is called to respond and be His messengers of light and hope? In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims: "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:14-16).
When economic institutions and other modern day idols fail, you realize that the only thing you can really put your trust in is God. His promise is true and eternal. His love never fails. His light cannot be hid. Even in the midst of suffering, God can use that for His good purpose. Consider the words of Paul: “We…boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Romans 5:3-5). I have great hope going into 2011. I believe we have an incredible opportunity before us. Now is the time for the light of Christ to shine brightly! Now is that time for people to experience real hope. I believe God is calling us to, not only share but be the message of hope within a community that is in desperate need. Simply put, I believe God is calling us to be the light in the darkness and we stand at a crossroads. Will we cross the bridge and let that light shine or will we remain in the darkness? In the month of November, we depart from our traditional stewardship series of “First Fruits” to explore the vision of who God is calling us to be. Building off of the previous series of “Hearing From God” (which we continue to do as He moves us forward) and “On a Mission From God” (each of us has a mission and ministry), we are calling the stewardship series “Bridges: Reaching Across, Reaching Out.” The foundational scripture is John 8:12 found at the top of this letter. On November 21 at all three services, we will lay our commitments at the foot of the cross. In preparation, I ask you to prayerfully consider how you can “let your light shine” in 2011. With love and hope,
Mission Fields
Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.”
e for ratitud mily hild g C lt s e f a t r m fa a t n Chris xpress our he blessed your recived io t a r e e d o om Op like to that Go ry first time t would onse fr e I know o. . v o r d t e u d o iv A Resp family, Hi! We e la ’s rec re g it. It e e r w o w very f _ t y _ s a e _ k h d, th e were is ifts t than Dear n g w n l ie o y r u f li f h r il y w e r. M nd ddress s thats f it to m the wo ou are a give some o he Phillippine te our home a n to visit d y e e r s a u h t a pe en .Is in bec ou hap o Tang of gifts ry poor here y lf d o if d s in o e k R in such re. ilipp me is are ve city Ph or pictu nd we . My na be Yes frie on reciving it a Zamtaonga luding my po very poor. I’ll c c p n uld is u in a o t y c n n m p o e a u yo hap par o ce. I y s __ Pas la m _ p ly _ t e r s n u in a u o d nt beca located s try to drop y abun e g stude ss your famil in in bless & p k r ip o il Ph l. God l ble saw il il a w w g ’s d in d r y o o I’m stud lso that the w day if G r some a o g n in o y o a s pr ifts more g ore. give m ecting some xp family. I’ll be e to your r e w o more p Yours, ly Sincere Tangente fo l Rudo
Ministries ay you Haiti Outreachundation is so thankful for the wwith
hile studying the bo ok The Hole In Our Go spel our small group was moved to reach out to young pe ople in need in our community. We decided to purchase two gift cards to a clothing store. We knew of one needy 14 year old girl who received one of the cards, but we we re uncertain who should be the recipi ent of the second car d. During dinner with a friend who teaches at a local high school she mentioned a boy in her class wh o had shared he is an atheist. The tea cher wondered ‘how someone so young could be an atheist?’ The boy then shared he lived in a camp trailer next to his pa rents’ home. When ask ed why he lived in a trailer the boy respo nded “If you saw my house you would understand.” The tea cher then realized the boy had been wearing the same set of shorts, shirt, and sho es to school everyday since the firs t day of school. Our group agreed tha t clearly God intende d the second gift card be given to this boy. It was given to the boy’s teacher along with a handwr itten card expressing God’s love, which she then delivered to the boy the next sch ool day. According to his teacher his res ponse was “Why wo uld someone care about me? Why would someone want to do this for me?” The teacher encouraged the boy to just enjoy spending the gift card. Two days later the bo y entered her class we aring new clothes for the first tim e this school year. For our small group this was an amazing testimony of God’s provision meeting a young boy’s need. We are reminded we can be God’s instrume nts on this earth if we keep our eyes open to the possibil ities before us.
Fo sus Christ The Outreach of our Lord Je ve lo e th e ar ifts since the show and sh sponse and g re r u Yo ntinues . ti ai H HOM’s work co g. our friends in in g ra u co ote as been en chard, Repatri earthquake h ite Soleil, Blan C f ce o n ri s ie -P it u n -a u rt inds and at Po in the comm uded heavy w have heard th cl in ay h m ic u h w Yo . h 24 pare for mber and the Beac chance to pre orm on Septe o st n re as ve w se e a er y uare foot ly, so th was struck b , the 10,000 sq came sudden ce n rm ri o -P st u e -a Th rt r. ut Po damaged (it a downpou ned througho ed down and ow ck d o e kn er w as s w ee y ned some ctuar it. Lots of tr s’ home sustai Repatriote san n e ea th rl o as D d y se ck u e homeless d Ja tent being ere housing th Pastor Leon an w d at an th ), d es ce ti ci la t p e ten uilt by Haiti has been re lock homes b f the tents in th b o e e et m cr n so , co ly d e new ical and damage. Sa e heard that th es to host med u av n h ti e n W . co ed M O oy ily homes l. H were destr hit), build fam s survived wel rm am o te st s’ e ie th tr is en in h leil, and ere w Outreach M care at Cite So ere was one th al h ic (t s ed m am te ee n fr vide edical clinic constructio the quake, pro n of the new m in io ct st ru lo st se n o co th n to replace orking now o nt gifts, are w erous thanks to rece , including gen n io at d n u Fo il. lans to start treach in Cite Sole ch Ministries p rough The Ou ea th tr u rt O o p ti p ai H su s, g (the storm n gift With stron g in Repatriote mily foundatio in fa d ild u an b h al n rc u io ew primary the ch congregat effort) and a n nstruction of at co th re te e ra th le n ce o to ac at Repatriote. work soon caused them will be a clinic as n h io ce it n d ie ad er y p tr OM Field r minis and tent ex ho serves as H w The next majo . s, l te n o ea ri rl at o p D Re n s, HOM Schoo or Leo school at Jacky Dorlean r, rayers for Past p to r ec u ir yo D r d ch fo el u ea Thank yo e, Assistant Fi rk of Haiti Outr r Luc Aristhen e-bringing wo lif e th in e Director, Pasto ar sh t, and all who Superintenden r Ministries. er $9700 fo
d ov hurch raise C n ia r e t y First Presb ies. ach Ministr Haiti Outre
Anonymous FPC small group
information Look for upcoming trip to Project about out mission arch/April. M Mercy this coming all group to sm a g in nd We’ll be se ease be in prayer Pl . ia op hi Yetebon Et for them.
Fellowship: Senior Adult “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 NIV
Veterans’ Banquet
bold and intrepid, plans are made to attend pre-dawn Christmas sales. Jim Erixson While all of these things have their Pastor of Congregational Care measures of worth and bring varying 248-7940 x 130 degrees of personal satisfaction, amidst all of this, we still need to keep our own personal mission for God firmly in focus. During the holidays, there are increased opportunities to serve Him. Our own witness is clearly observed by other family members. Our walk and our talk are constantly being watched by friends, neighbors, and colleagues. The mission field is ripe with opportunities, particularly in November and December. Where will our walk lead us during these next few weeks? With whom will we be in contact? How can we be a witness for His glory? There will be multiple s we begin to focus on the many possibilities for each of us every changes occurring around us at this day. Sometimes we can do it with a time of year-- our recent bountiful phone call. Perhaps a short note? A harvest, colder weather, the need quick visit? A few cookies in a bag? for darker and warmer clothing-- our A swept pathway after a snowfall? A cultural background also becomes cup of tea and a listening ear? Each more evident. For some of us the how person’s walk is slightly different from to celebrate the holidays may gain the next. We need to keep our eyes more of our attention than the why open and we need to listen carefully. we celebrate. Our conversations lean God is calling each of us to tend His towards talk about family gatherings, family, who are indeed, members of pumpkin pie, stuffing and cranberry our family. Some of our traditions sauce. School children may be must look rather strange and amusing encouraged to write essays about to Him (Perhaps he wonders what ‘Why I Am Thankful’. Traditions are on earth we are thinking when we discussed at length. And, although drag a huge tree into the house and many of us consider turkey an drape odd things all over it when ‘essential offering’ at our Thanksgiving He already decorated it beautifully table, Jesus probably never ate with snow and unique cones) but the frequently accompanying our gratitude and our praise, also dish—green-beans-smothered-inessential components of celebrating mushroom-soup-and-topped-withthe holidays, bring delight to Him. We crunchy-onions. Great excitement need to be generous with both as He arises about competing football continues to bountifully bless us. All teams. Celebratory hymns are sung glory to God as we enter this joyful with gusto. Homes are given special time of year. attention. And, for the phenomenally
Carolyn Mason
Friday November 12 @ 6:00p in Koehler Hall (gym). $12 per person - Tickets available at The Connection Center or in the Main Office. Reservation deadline is Monday November 8th. For more details, or to volunteer to help setup/clean-up, call the church Office at 248-7940.
Veterans’ Day Rememberance
This year’s theme BOOTS: Famous Fabulous Farragut. Veterans, bring your treasures to be displayed on Sunday, November 7 in the Garden Room.
Farragut Naval Training Station 1942 -1946
In it’s day, Farragut was the second largest U.S. Naval Training Center in the US; largest city in Idaho; and the only inland Naval Station in the country. The young recruits wore white leggings called “boots” until they graduated. As such they earned the nickname “Boots”. Farragut trained 293,381 “Boots” from 23 states for service in the U.S. Navy during WWII
Fellowship: Group Life
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42
Erik Mickelson Group Life Ministries 248-7940 x 125
irst, I want to extend a great deal of gratitude to Laura Pickett for starting up Bistro groups last year as a way for FPC to fellowship and offer the gift of hospitality. Bistro was a huge success thanks to Laura’s vision and determination. Because of the great success of Bistro and because Jesus calls Christians to be missional, we are expanding Bistro to our entire church body. What used to be Bistro night is now going to be Bistro Week! The first Bistro week was October 2430 culminating with a combination
Study / notes
Central Yakima on 32nd
Luke; kids welcome, babysitters provided
Erik Mickelson erik@
Selah & Yakima homes
Dan Miller
Terrace Hts
Bible Study
West Valley on 58th
Social; 4th Thur of the month
Powerhouse Grill
Support group
Powerhouse Grill
Doug Cairns
“I Am” movie dinner night. During the month of November, Bistro week will be the 14th-20th. If you are part of an existing small group, continue to go to your small group. This week will be a week where we put our regular curriculum aside and focus on fellowship and hospitality. Basic or fancy, we will share a meal and get to know one another. This is also the perfect week to invite someone new to your small group because the focus will be on fellowship. If you are not currently in a small group you will have two options. You can contact an existing small group and let them know you would like to come to their small group during Bistro Week to fellowship and have a good time. The second option is to team up with one of the existing Bistro groups from last year that will still be meeting, but they will be meeting twice a month now instead of once. We will use this first meeting to get acquainted and start up new Bistro small groups and at the second meeting we will study a Proverb once a month and fellowship the other time we meet during the month. This is a very exciting time in our church and we would like you to take part in it! God bless,
Yakima Homes
Elena Gibson Sandy Clark
The Present Future (book studies)
Judy Turner Linda Mathews
Can You Drink from This Cup by Henri Nouwen
Joy Staley Need to call first
Current Open Small Groups Age
Corday Trick
eek20th W tro 14ths i B ber m
ve No
Discipleship: Men
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2 NIV
Bill Starr Men’s Ministries 965-3318
he men’s ministry group at First Presbyterian is alive and well. On Wednesday night, we have the RE3 groups going: Recharge, Replenish and Reconnect. There have been 25 different men who have been REing, but we have lots more chairs to fill. Come on down and REpent! Just kidding. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in the Adult Ed Room. This is not a lecture time. The men come together and form a line on from best to worst on the ability to quote Psalm 23! Then we talk about how it felt to be at one end of the spectrum or the other. How hard we work not to feel inferior. Small groups are a vital part of this, talking about helping neighbors, why bad things happen to good people, or if our faith is a strait jacket.
to pray for a brother that was having heart problems.
I suppose that seminary might have teachers better than our group, but it might be a tie. Bill Starr, Tim Brown, Don Stuber and Roger Bennett are taking turns leading us in discussing the hard questions of the faith. Type the link above into your internet We are talking about Tim Keller’s book The address bar, and it will take you to a short Reason for God. Tim is a pastor at Redeemer talk by Tim Keller. Or you can go to You Tube and type Tim Keller, and you will have Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, and multiple choices for listening to Tim. He’s is best known for hiring James Leonard from our church and got James (he’s 6 foot good, but doesn’t hold a candle to Bill, Tim, Don and Roger! 8 inches tall, remember him?) started in church ministry. Last week, we got a chance
Cristo Vive
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7 NIV
Gustavo Carvajal
Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive 248-7940 x 133
The outside of the house is getting some attention, too. Painting is being done, and windows are being replaced to make the house more energy efficient. (Some of the windows came from the Habitat Restore while others were a real yard sale bargain: 5 for 75 bucks!) The Cramer family is overwhelmed with joy for this remodel and their neighbors are thrilled to see a not-so-nice house turn into a warm and inviting home that welcomes people not just by its appearance, but with the love of Jesus radiating from the residents.
ne of our FPC families, the Cramer’s, are being blessed with a newly remodeled bathroom which we’ve been showing you through pictures in Here@ First. Many items for this remodel, such as the bath tub, mirror, baseboard and paint came from the Habitat Restore; tile came from Home Depot and other supplies from our garages. People from both of our congregations stopped by, sanded, rewired (no small task), talked, and prayed. This house has more light inside, not only because of the new fixtures, but because of the beaming joy of the Cramers and their two girls. Praise Keep beaming for Jesus and help others shine for Him. God for another source of light in the community! In Christ, Gustavo
Discipleship: Women
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35 NIV
Christmas Silver Tea Presbyterian Women will continue their tradition of the annual Christmas Tea on Wednesday, December 1, held in the Garden Room at 1:00p. Christmas decorations will give a festive glow to the event, and the Carillon Bell Choir will perform. Stephanie Tumney will read a Christmas story, and homemade cookies will be for sale. Plan to attend and bring a friend to celebrate the begining of the Christmas season.
esterday, I went to the emergency room to be with a friend. As we sat in the waiting room I noticed a young mom and her infant son. He was an adorable baby and I couldn't help but wonder why they had come to the ER. After my friend saw the doctor I went to the hospital pharmacy to pick up her prescriptions. Sitting in the pharmacy was the young mother and her son. I asked her how she was doing. She went on to tell me how scared she had been about her son's fever and that he had been diagnosed with pneumonia. She continued sharing the difficulties of her life, that she had a four year old daughter at home and was just getting out of an alcohol treatment center. I asked her if she had any support to help her in this difficult time. She shared that she did not but was hoping to find a church or something. "Have you ever heard of MOPS?" She said no, but was very
interested in hearing about it. "I'm part of a Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, would you like to join me sometime?" I asked. "They have childcare available." She said that she would like to come and was very excited to get more information. Just then her named was called to pick up her prescriptions. While she spoke with the pharmacist I wrote down my name and all the information about the church that she was interested in. After learning her and her son's names, I assured her I'd be praying for them. "Good," she said, "We need all the prayer we can get!" We hugged good-bye. I saw them again in the lobby on my way out. I offered them a ride home but she told me her ride was on the way. Our time together created an instantaneous connection of our hearts. Only God can do that. Anonymous
Presbyterian Women Twenty-four ladies & friends enjoyed a visit to Camp Ghormley on Wednesday, September 22. Mark Washam reported on the summer season of camp activities. Betsy Bloomfield gave an interesting program about the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy. Great fellowship was shared by all.
Shan Trick Women’s Ministries 248-7940 x 142
uring a prayer walk around the Madison House neighborhood Carla and Robin were on the watch for a woman with long hair somewhere near the vicinity of 6th Street. These were the words of knowledge God had given them as they embarked on the walk. Near the end of their walk they noticed a woman with long hair exiting a taxi cab and unlocking a chained gate to enter the front of a house. They walked up to the woman and began to talk with her explaining they believed she was the treasure God was leading them to on this night. They asked if there was something they could pray for on her behalf. Startled the woman joined them on the sidewalk, outside the chain fence. She shared she had just come from the police department where she had placed a restraining order against the father of her children. The woman began to cry and shared that last night she had prayed for someone to come into her life, alongside her, to help carry this burden of pain. Carla and Robin were able to minister to her with prayer and the love of our Father.
Ministry: Preschool
r? o f l kfu
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV
an h t u o y are t a Wh My pink blanket.
Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director 248-7940 x 119
Family. My hat. You’re thankful for your hat? Yeah, and food.
Giving God a picture. You’re going to give God a picture? Yeah!
My stuffed Blue Lion.
My mom and dad. My Blue Angel jet. What are you thankful for? I want to make God a house! and a car! You think He needs a car to drive around? Yeah!
Rockets! You want to be an astronaut?
My blankey.
A Barbie! God gave you a Barbie? No! I did!
Upcoming Careforce Classes - January Valiant Man
Developing and maintaining a healthy sexuality is every man’s battle. Valiant Man is about male sexual discipleship. This 10 session program with study and devotional guide is designed to fortify and restore the moral and spiritual integrity of men. Valiant Man challenges all men to fight for their own personal, moral and spiritual vitality and help other men fight for theirs.
Understanding Your Valiant Man
Many women want to understand the men in their lives. Understanding Your Valiant Man has been developed for women; a companion program to the Valiant Man program which is designed to provide men with an empowering experience of sexual discipleship. This program allows the women to see and understand the journey the men involved in the program are taking.
a warm Please extend e to hand of welcom esday our new Wedn lot night parking . security guard . Mar tin Vasquez
Announcements “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.“ Habakkuk 2:2
a small group, or
ve Testimonies! Do youyoha u’ve seen God move in
some other event where hear your inspirational to a mighty way? We’d love always looking for photos are We s? oto story. Have ph out meeting, or being busy ab of groups, or individuals s st isn’t just about what’ God’s Kingdom. Here@Fir building...It’s about the urch happening inside the ch ase s in the church body. Ple ing en pp everyday life ha Curt Rosenkranz in the send stories or photos to 3. Or email them to curtis. x 11 church office. 248-7940 om a.c kim ya rosenkranz@fpc
Cookies & Cans
Please bring cookies to church for the fellowship time in the Garden Room on Sundays. We also collect non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission (a food bank here in Yakima). They are in need of protein items: tuna, peanut butter, soups, etc. And bottled water. Thank you! Please drop off cookies and food bank donations in the Parlor Kitchen Friday or even Sunday morning!
Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec
7th 14th 21st 28th 5th
Release Your Faith In . . . Love
love, we are establishing His Kingdom on earth; that is the expectation God has for those who follow Him.
Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup - where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense? James 2:14-17
Our evidence of faith is a life that has been transformed, a life that seeks to obey His commands, a life that has compassion and love for others. This is the life that Jesus proclaims has been blessed by the Father.
In Galatians 5:6 Paul wrote, “What is important is faith expressing itself in love.” Faith released in love through our words and actions has the ability to change the very atmosphere of this natural realm in which we live. Faith released in love opens the heavens allowing God access to release His Spirit and shower us with His favor and blessing. Faith released in love satisfies Jesus’ command in Matthew 22:39 to “Love others as well as you love yourself.” We are meant to be the good news that changes the world! God’s desire is that we mirror His character of love, justice, and mercy to a watching world. God’s command is that we change the world through our words and actions. When we release our faith so that a hurting world can see, hear, and feel God through our acts of
“For I was hungry while you had all you needed. I was thirsty but you drank bottled water. I was a stranger and you wanted me deported. I needed clothes but you needed more clothes. I was sick and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness. I was in prison and you said I was getting what I deserved.” (Richard Stearns paraphrase of Matthew 25:35-38) Will Jesus find in each of our lives evidence that we have loved others as well as we love ourselves? Will He find that we have compassionately released our faith, in love, to those in need? What is He calling you to do today? Janet
Discipleship: Student
“Our hope is to see young people embrace their identity as children of God.”
ts! l Studen o o h c S High ou: on for y o s g y in Com Ghormle t a t s la SnowB y 4-6 to Februar Ski trip k a e r B 7-30 Spring March 2 r e z the it e Schw come in o t s il a t More de ead… ah months
SlamQuest November 12-14
T Tyler Van Horn
Director of Student Ministries 248-7940 x 106
Karin Skone
Assistant Director of Student Ministries 248-7940 x 116
his is our fall retreat for middle school students up at Ghormley. So if you are in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, make sure you get these dates on your calendar! This is a great opportunity for students to get to know each other better, play fun games with our youth leaders, and learn more about what it means to live life as a follower of Jesus. The theme this year is “Wrestling with God”. Together we are going to explore what it means to follow Jesus and trust God even when things are difficult and even when life doesn’t seem to make sense. We will be looking closely at the life of Jacob from the Old Testament, and spending time in our cabin groups talking about our own lives. SlamQuest is a great event to bring a friend to. We will all drive up to camp together and all come home as one big group as well, so you only need to worry about getting to the PowerHouse. If you need more information we have brochures and a signup sheet in the PowerHouse, or you can talk to Tyler or Karin.
Discipleship: Children
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Kathy Eaton
ntroducing our Special Blessing… Evilia Hera Widias Ningrum. Evi is our adopted sister through Compassion International. She is 8 years old and lives in Indonesia. All of the offering brought by KidZone kids at FPC goes to support her family and allows her to attend school. We have enjoyed writing letters to her, and Evi loves to share the things she has learned about Jesus with us. She prays for our church and all the children here, and she is so very grateful for the love, prayer, and support of our kids. As Christmas draws closer, we have the opportunity to give extra funds that would allow us to pay for special gifts for Evi and her family. The KidZone kids love Evi so much, and want to provide for her in any way that they can. She is a major focus of each Sunday morning in KidZone, so your
support from home is equally important. As you pray with your children, please encourage them to pray for Evi and her family. Also talk to your children about how you might be able to support Evi through your regular offering, and then prayerfully consider giving in order to allow us to provide an abundance of Christmas blessings for Evi and her family!
Kathy & Susie
Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940 x 110
Susie Woodin
Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940 x 135
Yeeessssireee…that’s right partner…we’re fixin’ to get ready for our rip-roarin’…extra special Child-Sized Christmas Service! The kids and families at FPC are lookin’ forward to leadin’ worship on Sunday, December 12 during the 8:00a, 9:30a and 11:00a worship services. We’re tunin’ up our guitars and workin’ on our fancy singin’ voices, so don’t miss bein’ part of this rootin’-tootin’ Sunday morning worship hoedown! All the cowpokes in KidZone will be celebratin’…so your regular attendance in KidZone is extra-important…we’re already workin’ on music and learnin’ our parts! There’s also a few extra spots for kids who wanna memorize and recite scripture…so if you or a little cowpoke you know wants to speak up then give us a call at 248-7940 – Kathy extension 110 OR Susie extension 135. DON’T FORGET! K – 5th Grade classes will participate during all 3 worship services. Sonbeams and Cubbies classes will participate during the 9:30 & 11:00 service only. Pancake breakfast will be provided for all kids that morning Adults are needed that day to help herd the kids…please let us know if you can help!
Discipleship: Weddings The marriage mentoring program at First Pres Yakima was born out of a desire to give soon- to-be-married couples in our church a leg up on the challenges that they will surely face, especially in the critical first year of marriage.
or many years pastors in our area noted with sadness that the failure rate among couples married in sanctuaries was no better than those married outside the church. In response, First Presbyterian Church took the lead in developing a covenant among Yakima churches to provide couples seeking a church wedding a more robust preparation program aimed at building a firm foundation for marriage. Couples being married by an FPC pastor, either in our sanctuary or offcampus, are now required to complete seven sessions that are structured around the results of an assessment they take called Prepare. This is an excellent tool for discerning where the couple will benefit from more focused discussion surrounding areas of discord or uncertainty. Fondly known as the M&M Program, marriage mentoring by trained volunteers is a way of increasing the amount of in-depth conversation couples receive. A mentor works
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alongside the officiating pastor in offering encouragement and perspective born out of their own marriage experiences. A line that stands out in the excellent materials provided in the Prepare/ Enrich program says “Failure to prepare is like preparing to fail”. This Christianbased curriculum is augmented with exercises and other helpful materials which our pastors and mentors have assembled over the years. Emily Fairbrook Brad Shuel
Although it can be time consuming, marriage mentors receive great blessing from their work with couples. It is an opportunity to bear witness to the difference it makes when shared faith is at the center of a relationship. Giving people lifetime tools for communicating well and resolving conflict is a tangible way to demonstrate that the church cares deeply about both relationships between spouses, and their relationships with the Creator.
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“We love because He first loved us,” is a phrase that takes on significant meaning as we flesh out what it looks like to love someone faithfully long after the last bubbles have been blown by well wishers, and the last wedding pictures have been posted on Facebook. Carol Licht
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Laurel Starr Aaron Delong
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Amber Cayabyab Jeffery Cowman Also pictured a very excited “Panda” (family dog)
If you or a loved one would like to have your wedding here at First Presbyterian Church, contact Diane Kearby our Wedding Coordinator at 494-2421 or email
"Come, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
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Current Camp Needs:
• • • •
Camp Director SUV/AWD vehicle that gets 25+ mpg People to help put up Christmas lights around camp A used vacuum cleaner for the office Volunteers to help deep clean lodges and cabins, rake pine needles, cut and split firewood.
adow Christm e M n i ta as un
o M
A Holiday Celebration for the Whole Family December 3, 4, 5 - 2010
Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
Friday Dinner & Entertainment · Cut Your Own Live Christmas Tree Gingerbread House Building Contest · Sledding (Day & Night) Family Christmas Photos · Horsedrawn Sleigh/Hay Rides Manger Scenes from Around the World · Christmas Light Display Snow Sculpting contest · Christmas Storytelling Carol Singing Around the Fireplace · Board Games S’mores · Christmas Cookie Decorating Christmas Craft · Sunday Morning Worship
Stay a day, one night, or the whole weekend. Details online at or call (509) 672-4311
very autumn here in the mountains, I love watching the dramatic transitions as God's creation prepares itself for the coming winter. Trees shed their dead leaves and old needles, the grass stops growing and prepares to bed down for the cold, and skitterish chipmunks and squirrels scurry about in overdrive storing up food for the snowbound season. So too, people come to our
Mark Washam
Executive Director (509) 672-4311 meadow in the fall to retreat, rest and restore their bodies and souls. Pray for those who come; that they might find the ultimate source of rest in Jesus our Lord. Mark
Thanksgiving @ Ghormley November 25, 2010
What could be better than enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving meal together as a family in God's beautiful creation? The best part is, you don't have to do any of the cooking or cleanup! Come join us for a fun, memorymaking day that your family will remember for years to come! EVENTS INCLUDE: * Quality Family Time! * Thanksgiving Dinner * Football on the Meadow * You can stay the night! * Family Worship Service That is just a sampling of the great activities we will have during your stay! Come join us for a weekend your family will never forget! In order to reserve spaces for this event, please call us here at (509) 672-4311.