first presbyterian church
October 2012
“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.�
Volume 43
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
Sermon Series “Won’t You BE A Neighbor?” I loved watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood as a kid. “Won’t you be my neighbor?” is what Mr. Rogers would sing each episode. You’re singing the song in your head now, aren’t you?
(509) 248-7940
Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships. Being a cornerstone in the community. Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.
Did you know that Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister? Perhaps this is why he focused on the concept of neighbor. Jesus states that the greatest Commandments are to love God and love our neighbors. Jesus further lifts up the concept of, not simply loving our neighbors, but “being a neighbor” in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Being a neighbor is characterized by the compassion we should have for those around us. It is foundational to the way we follow God as we journey through life: We are expected to “be neighbors” by having compassion for others. The Session of FPC Yakima has been going through a process of trying to answer the question, “To whom are we called to be neighbors?” We came up with several areas of focus. They are as follows: children, youth, parenting, marriage, and multigenerational/cultural. In this fall series, we will be challenged to “have compassion,” like the Good Samaritan, for our Yakima community. God is calling us to BE neighbors to those around us. So, won’t you please, won’t you please, please won’t you BE a neighbor? October 7
“Being a Neighbor to Marriages” Ephesians 5:21-33
October 14 “Being a Neighbor to All Nations” Matthew 28:16-20 October 21
Matt McNelly Preaching
Sunday Mornings
Intercessory Prayer 8:30a - 9:30a Chapel Everyone Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team 8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary Everyone Traditional Worship - led by Organ & Choir 11:00a Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 12:15p Chapel Everyone KidZone Sunday Classes 9:30a Upstairs K-5th Sonbeams 9:30a Mezzanine L2 2½ yr & 3yr Cubbies 9:30a Room 103 4yr & 5yr Adult Ed Bible Class 9:30a Adult Ed Adults 40 Days of Purpose 9:30a Mezzanine Adults Golden Circle 9:30a Lounge Adults Students (6th - 12th grade) 9:30a Youth Room LL7 Gr 6-12
Cookies & Cans October 7: G-M
October 14: N-S
October 21: T-Z
October 28: A-F
November 4: G-M
Please bring a dozen cookies on your week, and non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission.
Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, corrections, contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
Calendar October Events Tuesday, October 2 Tuesday, October 2 Wednesday, October 3 Wednesday, October 3 Thursday, October 4 Thursday, October 4 Thursday, October 4 Friday, October 5 Friday, October 5 Sunday, October 7 Monday, October 8 Monday, October 8 Tuesday, October 9 Tuesday, October 9 Tuesday, October 9 Tuesday, October 9 Tuesday, October 9 Friday, October 12 Friday, October 12 Friday, October 12 Friday, October 12 Friday, October 12 Saturday, October 13 Saturday, October 13 Saturday, October 13 Sunday, October 14 Sunday, October 14 Tuesday, October 16 Thursday, October 18 Saturday, October 20 Sunday, October 21 Sunday, October 21 Tuesday, October 23 Tuesday, October 23 Wednesday, October 24 Thursday, October 25 Friday, October 26 -28 Saturday, October 27 Sunday, October 28 Monday, October 29 Sunday, November 4 Sunday, November 4 Monday, November 5 Friday, November 9
Adult Ed Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed Committee on Ministry (Presbytery) 9:00a Adult Ed Preschool Staff Meeting 12:00p Parlor Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:00p Rhino Room MOPS Set Up 5:30p Gym Happy Travelers Committee 1:30p Adult Ed SAM Committee 3:00p Adult Ed MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym Mid High Lock in 8p - 8a Gym/Youth Rm World Communion Sunday All morning Sanctuary Preschool Board Meeting 9:00a Rhino Room Edith Ferry Circle 11:30a Parlor Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Room 203 Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Adult Ed Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Parlor Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Rhino Room Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00p Library No Preschool Today All day Preschool MOPS Steering Team 9:00a Adult Ed Bistro 2nd Friday Kick Off! Evening Craft Night 6:00p Lounge Starting Points Class (Pt 1) 6:00p Adult Ed Starting Points Class (Pt 2) 9a - 12p Adult Ed Clothing Exchange 9:00a Gym Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Mid High Rm Christmas Child Shoebox Kickoff All morning Sanctuary Carenet Ministry Meeting 12:15p Adult Ed Baptism Class 7:00p Garden Room Happy Travelers Liberty Bottle Tour 11:30a Offsite Couples Night (Cristo Vive) 5:30p Lounge Baby Celebration and Baptisms All morning Sanctuary New Members Received All morning Sanctuary Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Room Session Dinner and Meeting 6:00p Garden Rm/Mid High Naomi Circle Meeting 10:00a Parlor MOPS Antiquities (Oct 25-27;ThFSa) All day Gym Slamquest All weekend Ghormley Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Mid High Rm Deacon’s Meeting 3:30p Lounge Wycliffe Dinner and Program 7:00p Gym Daylight Savings Time Ends Prayer Sunday All morning Sanctuary Preschool Board Meeting 9:00a Rhino Room Veterans Dinner and Program 6:00p Garden Room
Committee Committee Teachers Committee Moms Committee Committee Moms 6th - 8th graders Everyone Preschool Board Women Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Preschool Kids Mops Leadership Everyone Women Everyone Everyone Everyone Knitters Everyone Committee Parents of Infants Everyone Couples New Members Everyone Elders & Prog.Staff Women Everyone 6th-8th grades Knitters Deacons Everyone Everyone Preschool Board Everyone
Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Spirit Led Life) 9:15a Gym Women Women’s Bible Study (Women in the Word) 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women SOZO Prayer 5-9p SOZO Team Youth Group - Mid High 6-7:45p Youth Room LL7 6th - 8th gr Youth Group - Senior High 7-9p Youth Room LL7 9th - 12th gr SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation 5:30p Chapel SOAR Students Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 5:30p Sanctuary Worship Band Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Room Choir Friday SOZO Prayer 9-Noon / 5-9p 2nd Floor SOZO Team
Happenin’ @ First The Power of a Simple Gift Open up a whole new life…through the power of a simple gift. Samaritan’s Purse has changed the lives of children through Operation Christmas Child since 1993. Every year the generous people of FPC have joined in lovingly packing shoeboxes with gifts…simple, yet powerful messages of God’s unconditional love. Join us again this year as we kick off Operation Christmas Child on Oct. 14, and collect shoeboxes until Nov. 11…at which time we will bless all collected shoeboxes during worship before they begin their journey of love to children in far off countries. When a child opens a shoe box, they are opening more than a present you lovingly prepared just for them. They’re opening up their community to the love of Jesus, and a world of life-changing opportunities. Whose life will your shoe box change this year?
Bistro Dinner Clubs
Happy Travelers Trips for Fall 2012
Coming Soon! Bistro Dinner clubs are starting back up Friday October 12, and occurring the 2nd Friday of each month throughout the rest of the school year. The goal of these groups is to have a multi-generational experience of our church community so that deeper relationships can be cultivated. If you would like to join one of these groups this fall, please contact Tyler Van Horn ( Our hope is to start 3-4 new groups this fall, each made up of 12-18 people.
October 18th — Visit Liberty Bottle Works. Meet at the church at 11:30a for lunch at Country Harvest. Tour scheduled for 2p. Costs: buy your own lunch. Feel free to make a donation to assist with gas costs.
Kaffee Klatsch
Tuesday, October 23 at 9:30a in the Garden Room. Curtis Rosenkranz will discuss how to safely use Facebook.
On Halloween night we host a special event in our parking lot to offer a safe place for kids and families here in our downtown neighborhood to trick-or-treat in costume. We need your help in supplying lots of candy for this event. A donation of a bag or two of candies (individually wrapped) would be very helpful. Please bring your donation to the office. Also, decorate your car trunk, and come join us for this event 5:30p-7:30p. Contact Jeff Murray for more information.
New Members
Welcome New Members!
Austin Kent
Sarah Laurvick
Julia Villase単or
Karly Smith
Luke Stuber Madison Alderman
Pastor Jack
Jack Peebles — Senior Pastor —
Dear Church Family, During the month of October, we continue to explore the theme of neighbor in our sermon series, “Won’t You BE a Neighbor?” Specifically, we will continue to explore how we are called to BE neighbors to those around us. (For more on sermon series, please see the sermon description on page 2) The intention of this series is to further move our thinking into a missional realm and open our eyes to God’s activity beyond the walls of First Presbyterian Church. Missional thinking entails a Kingdomperspective. God’s Kingdom is all around us and He is active and alive in the world. A Kingdomperspective is different from a church-centric perspective. Consider these words from Reggie McNeal in Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church: “In a missional approach, as church engages the world, it finds Jesus, whose home is in the streets or wherever he has to go to connect with the people he is pursuing, meaning everybody. In a church-centric world, our responsibility is to bring people out of the streets into the church. A kingdom-oriented approach seeks to leverage the gospel into people’s lives right where they live, work, and play. The church is wherever followers of Jesus are. People don’t go to church; they are the church. They don’t bring people to church; they bring the church to people.” (p. 44-45) Last year, the Session had an opportunity to discern and identify who it is we as a congregation are called to love and serve. Or to put it another way, to whom are we called to BE neighbors? This is how we are trying to “bring the church to people.” As we looked at a demographic study of the area surrounding First Presbyterian Church, we discovered the average age within a twelve-mile radius is 27! A good percentage of those individuals are Hispanic, many are single-parent households, and there are many children and youth. In light of this, we discerned the following mission priorities. These are the areas we need to focus on as we reach our community: children, youth, parenting/marriage ministry, and multicultural. I believe Reggie McNeal articulates it well. People don’t go to church; they are the church! They don’t bring people to church; they bring the church to people! We do this by being neighbors. So, won’t you please, won’t you please, please won’t you be a neighbor? Living and loving for Him,
Jack r o t s a P
Tyler Van Horn — Associate Pastor of Discipleship —
Parenting Class
One of our mission priorities at First Presbyterian Church is in the area of Parenting and Marriages. Our hope is to be the kind of community that has healthy Parenting and Marriage relationships in order to better exemplify the love of God and the light of Christ into the world. This fall we have been living into this area of mission by offering a parenting class taught by Laurie Kanyer. The response to this class has been fantastic. In fact, most of the families who have been attending this class are not from our FPC community. This means that we have a tremendous opportunity to extend belonging to people from our Yakima community in the name of Jesus. So thank you to Laurie Kanyer who has been doing an excellent job of reaching out to these families and teaching this much needed class. Thank you to Shan Trick for organizing all of the details. Thank you to John Stolzenbach for providing an excellent children’s program. Thank you to Monnie Miller for being flexible with her childcare staff in order to help with all the extra kids. Thank you to Robin Stuber who has been bringing in members of the Prayer Team to teach these little ones about what it means to be in relationship with God. And finally a huge thank you to the people of FPC who are showing hospitality to these people by attending the class, being greeters at the doors, and helping people find their way around our building. All of this has been a beautiful example of the Kingdom of God breaking into our world. We are sensing that God is calling us to be neighbors to these parents, so thank you so much for responding to this call. Peace,
Physical Needs of a Child
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Care & Affection
Psychological Needs of a Child
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Self Respect & Liberty
Jim Erixson — Associate Pastor —
My Time Away This Summer
I want to start this article by conveying my thanks to this congregation for allowing me to take the summer away from FPC for time to study, reflect and to relax with my beautiful wife, Betsy. I taught Betsy to play Cribbage this summer, creating a monster. We played at least twice a day. The first two months I worked at Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital, putting in four hours a day, three days a week. I learned some new techniques in Pastoral care, boy was that an eye opener. I had to learn how to assess a patient and then put the assessment into words for their chart, this was new for me. Chaplains are like counselors, helping patients to deal with their spiritual pain, dealing with the crisis at the moment and how they can live their lives in a different way. Some of these techniques I have brought back with me. In the hospital and outside of the hospital I learned a new culture. Pastors are like poison to many of the people of Vancouver. I had a rough time wrapping my head around this phenomenon after being here in Yakima these past eleven years. When people found out I was associated with organized religion, they avoided me like the plague. This has really troubled me. I want to spend some time to understand this phenomenon. I also had time to read and was able to finish five books during the summer. Four of them dealt with pastoral and spiritual care, and the remaining book was a John Grisham novel. It was so great to have time to catch up on my reading. Again, thank you so much from both Betsy and me for a great summer.
Susie Woodin — Children’s Ministries —
There is nothing like sharing the love of Jesus with a child. This is the best example of being a good neighbor, and like a good neighbor…KidZone leaders are there!” We are excited to share with you each month about some of the volunteers in our department, and their experiences serving here at First Presbyterian. We hope you will enjoy getting to know these wonderful leaders, and that their stories will encourage you to find a place to serve here at FPC. For our first issue, it is a pleasure to introduce you to Linda Sorenson.
Susie: When did you start attending FPC, and what brought you here in the first place? Linda: I began attending FPC in the fall of 1974. I was 19 1/2 and had recently moved to Yakima on my own from my childhood home of Everett and was looking for a church to attend. I was raised Baptist, but wanted to check out some other denominations. Mike and I had just started dating and he agreed to go along with me although was he basically un-churched and an agnostic when we first started dating. Our first day at First Presbyterian was the day Howard Childers preached his candidate sermon. And guess who we met after the service the first time we went? Marge Ausink, who had worked with Mike when he had done his practicum teaching just the spring quarter before. I can only guess that Marge had already been praying for Mike many months before I met him! Anyway, Mike really liked the service and sermon so we just kept coming back and made this our church home. (Marge’s friendly greeting may have played a part as well.) Susie: When did you start serving in the children’s department, and why? Linda: I started serving in the children’s department sometime in the mid 1970’s a couple of years after we began attending. I had taught Sunday school as a teenager in my small church back home and had enjoyed working with children throughout my youth. It was a natural fit to say yes when asked to help in Sunday school. Mike and I began by co-teaching the 3rd and 4th grade classroom with Pat and Harley Drollinger. I taught at that age group for several years. After teaching at 3rd & 4th grades I moved to teaching kindergarten and first grades for several more years. When I started working full-time outside the home in the mid 1990s, I quit teaching Sunday school for awhile, but helped out in other areas like VBS and special projects. I started back teaching the kinder/first grade class again, while still working full-time about 10 years ago. I came back to teaching Sunday school because I believe it is a critical time of spiritual development in one’s life and there was a need for teachers. Families need the support of the church to teach their children about Jesus. Part of the responsibility of being a follower of Jesus as well as a member of the church body is to encourage others in developing their faith. I believe it is a Biblical mandate to teach our children to honor God, to not only know of Him, but to know Him on a personal basis.
Susie: What is the most rewarding aspect of serving in KidZone and the Children’s Department? Linda: I enjoy working with children and learn much from their simple expressions of faith. They are a constant reminder that we are to be child-like in our own faith. Children have such a delight and wonder about life and they keep things simple. It is very contagious! Even when re-teaching the Bible lessons that I think I know so well, I gain new insights right along with the kids. Besides all these things, there is a lot of freedom hanging out with children, freedom to be a kid yourself. I like that. Additionally, I enjoy working with the other teachers on my team as well. It does take some time to get to know others if you only see them a short time a few times each month, but over the year’s small relationships grow into deeply treasured friendships. I have made several dear friends through the years of teaching Sunday school. We are sisters and brothers in Christ, people I can share my life with, both joys and troubles. Teaching Sunday school has helped me make strong connections with the church family. I have gained friends and mentors, and I have watched many children grow up into adults and have even taught their children as well! Susie: Tell about a time that you saw God at work while serving in the Children’s Department… Linda: I have to say that the musical programs have touched many lives with truth and God’s love. I am still impacted by the memory of “Angels Aware” that we probably did back in the 1980s. There is something about seeing and hearing those young voices proclaiming God’s Word and praising Him that is heaven-sent with His beaming smile. I guess anytime the kids sing and dance, attend Sunday school or VBS I feel the joy of God’s presence. Susie: Thank you Linda! You are a living example of what it is to love your neighbor…just as Jesus commanded!
Gustavo Carvajal — Pastor de Cristo Vive —
Cristo Vive
A family is finally together!
Ignacio, his wife Maria Isabel and one of their daughters, Martha, are celebrating Martha and MarĂa's arrival this week from Mexico. Cristo Vive members rejoiced during the Couple's Night celebration seeing them in their midst. How did this happen? Ignacio met Pastor Gustavo through the ESL classes at Zirkle fruit. He shared about his annual trips to Mexico to visit his wife and daughters. That conversation led to more meetings that helped Ignacio become a citizen in 2009 and then request his family immigrant visas. Many forms were filled out, marriage, birth and other certificates were translated, scanned and emailed to the NVC (National Visa Center); additional co-sponsor's forms and supporting documents were also filled out and sent, etc. So, in a nutshell, two years after Ignacio's initial visa request started, and after numerous emails and documents were submitted to the NVC, we can rejoice with him, Maria Isabel and Martha.
Thank you FPC for supporting a ministry that allows us to celebrate priceless family gatherings! You can help people like Ignacio in our community! Would you like to teach ESL by joining other teachers at the Madison House? Would you like to help people prepare for their citizenship oral and written tests? Give Gustavo a call (388-5752).
Ghormley Roundup Review
See ya there next year!
Mark Washam — Camp Director —
Thanksgiving At Ghormley - November 22, 2012 Pricing 12- Adult: 7-11 6 and under:
Dinner only $16.00 $8.00 FREE
Dinner / Overnight $32.00 $16.00 FREE
Call 509-672-4311 today to reserve your plate. What could be better than enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving meal together as a family in God's beautiful creation? The best part is, you don't have to do any of the cleanup! Come join us for a fun, memory-making day that your family will remember for years to come! This is just a sampling of the great activities we will have during your stay! Make this a family tradition and join us for a weekend your family will never forget!
We had another great summer up here at Camp Ghormley!
Many kids made decisions for Christ and many more parents commented that although their kids had been coming for many years already, this was the best summer they've ever had. We were blessed with a very energetic staff that really loved on the kids well this summer! One memory sticks out in my mind that I'd like to share. During our last camp of the summer, during the final worship service for the kids, I had a dad of a Mid-High Camper approach me, nearly in tears. What he said was simple, yet profound: He said "I walked into Evergreen and saw my child raising his hands in worship. I've NEVER seen him do that before. As a parent, there is no price tag you can put on the knowledge that your child is beginning to "get it", and make their faith their own. Thank you!"
Events Include:
Quality Family Time! Full-Service Thanksgiving Dinner Football on the Meadow Sledding (if snow) You can stay overnight! Family Worship Service Board Games
It's simple moments like that which make all the exhausting days of summer worth it. Another story comes to mind of a scholarship camper who we were able to help come to camp. Shortly after camp we received a letter from him saying he had the best week of his life, and he couldn't wait to begin raising money...get this... NOT FOR HIMSELF but for another camper to have the experience he had this year. This was a Primary Camper! Now that summer is over and we've had some time to recover, we ask that you pray for us that God would begin to give us wisdom for the plans He has for the summer of 2013.
Rhonda Cardona — Director — Rhonda
Each month each of our staff will share a little bit about themselves by answering some questions so you have a chance to get to know them a little better! This month’s questions are: What did you do this past summer and what was your best memory from it? What do you love most about teaching young children? Lisa Delorme: (4’s Downstairs Lead Teacher) I went to the beach with my family. My best memory would be walking on the beach with my kids and husband hunting for shells. Our daughter LOVES to hunt for shells and thinks every little piece of shell is a huge treasure! What I love most about teaching young children is their curiosity and seeing their faces light up when they discover they have learned something new! Jenifer Knight: (4’s Downstairs Asst. Teacher & Kid’s Club Asst.) Our family went to Seaside and I was able to spend lots of time with my older daughter, Kristen, at the beach. I love teaching young children because they are all fun to be around. They laugh, smile and yes, cry, but I love my job! Jessica Van Horn: (Music, P.E., Kid’s Club Lead Teacher) What didn’t I do? . . .haha! In June, I helped with VBS here at the church . . . up, up and away we go! In July, Tyler, Harrison and I went to the Oregon coast for 17 days. For the first 6 days we were in Manzanita with Tyler’s family and the next 11, Tyler was the speaker at a Young Life camp in Gearhart. It was so wonderful to get away from the heat and live the beach life. I, however, didn’t get to golf as much as I wanted to . . maybe next summer. I absolutely love my job! I love working with young kids! I love their imaginations and creativity and the stories they tell. I am continually amazed at their growth throughout the year . . . it is so rewarding to have this job! Becky Gruenberg: (Barista, Snack Coord., & Dir. Asst.) I spent a lot of time in the hospital waiting room! I had two grandsons born! Hudson was born on June 15th and Tucker was born on July 21st! Both boys are healthy and a great blessing and addition to our family. What I love most about teaching young children is the expression on their face when they finally get it!! Rhonda Cardona: (Director) Summer went too fast! I stayed close to home with the occasional trips to see my kids and grandkids on the west side. Time spent with them IS the best memory! We had a fun filled 4th of July enjoying the huge neighborhood firework displays. And I mean, HUGE! I love to see the enthusiasm of young children. Especially in chapel time, they are without question in regards to their faith. It is a good reminder to me as an adult that I am supposed to have this same child-like faith with my heavenly Father. Jennifer Eells: (3’s & 4’s Main Floor Lead Teacher) Oh my, what big questions! My two favorite things that happened this summer had to do with my cousin and their children! I finally got to go to North Tonawanda, New York and visit one cousin and her family in their natural habitat. We went hiking, boating and to the Corning Museum of Glass. After returning home, another of my cousins and her husband left me with 3 of their 4 children for 8 days. We had a blast swimming, cooking and having many adventures. What I love most about teaching young children is how eager they are to explore and learn about the world. There is something awesome about being consistently reminded of what the world looks like through new and curious eyes. Ryan Clinkenbeard: (3’s & 4’s Main Floor Asst. Teacher & Kid’s Club Lead) This summer I had the joy of performing in the Warehouse Theatre production of “Hello Dolly!” It was an awesome experience, with so many wonderful memories, that I can’t possibly pick just one! I will say that I have gained a dozen wonderful friends from the show! The thing I love most about teaching young children is all of the precious and often humorous things they say. They warm my heart and make me laugh every day! Melissa Gray: (Pre-Kindergarten Lead Teacher) We always begin our summer with a fun week at VBS! The rest of the summer we had fun camping, going to the zoo, visiting our friends and family in Seattle and enjoyed seeing aunts, uncles and cousins at a family reunion. My favorite memory from the summer was camping at Lake Roosevelt and watching my boys have a ball swimming, boating and riding jet skis. My favorite part of teaching young children is sharing in the excitement as they learn about new things and I LOVE dancing and singing songs each day with the kids. They are so full of joy and energy and they make me happy! Channa Case: (Pre-Kindergarten Asst. Teacher) My summer this year was pretty quiet. I would say my best memory would be the sleeping in and just relaxing at home. In teaching what I love most is the young children and their joy of coming to school and learning. They are such wonderful and loving little people!
Ericka Clark — Women’s Ministries —
Women’s Ministries
Encouraging women up to be intentional about their faith. “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!” Psalms 95:6
Coming Up..
Soaking up the Lord’s Love written by Lois Hanks
• Soaking - 1st Monday of each month. Women are invited to meet in Colby’s Room (2nd floor) to soak in the Lord’s presence. See article to the left for further description.
Our monthly women’s ministry meeting was scheduled for the Mid High Room...Really? It’s a basement room. Dark and sterile. Why this room? I arrived for the meeting. I walked down to the room. What I found was breathtaking. The room had been transformed. Fabric draped along the walls, cushy pillows everywhere, candles flickered in the darkness, soft worship music filled the air; this was a place of peacefulness.
• Women of Vision - Strong
There was no talking, no chit chat. We entered right into worshiping our Lord and Savior. He was present! Two women were waving banners, also known as flagging. Some of us knelt to pray, some sat on the sofas. During this time of silence many of us were transformed. God blessed us mightily. I left wanting more. More of Him.
Women, Strong World Speaker Reneé Stearns. Saturday, October 13, 9-11a, Foursquare Church
• Clothing Exchange
Saturday, October 13 / 9a - 2p
Soaking Schedule
• Father of Lights Movie
We will gather the first Monday of every month beginning Monday, October 1 at 6:30p. Join us for a time of soaking in the Lord’s presence immersing in worship, prayer, and scriptures, setting apart time to listen and be led by the Holy Spirit. We will meet in Colby’s Room on the 2nd floor at 6:30p. Childcare is not available for this event. If you are interested in hosting an evening please call Ericka at 248-7940 x100. We keep a majority of the decorations at the church.
Ladies, Let’s Shop!
Clothing Xchange Service Opportunities On Saturday, October 13 at 9a, First Presbyterian Church is host to one of the largest clothing drives and outreach in the Yakima Valley. With an event this large, we need help. Here are a few ways you can serve: 1. Personal shoppers: Here is a wonderful opportunity to not only help find items for people, but a chance to serve and pray with families. With all the people who come through our doors, having lots of volunteers to help guests carry items to their cars is a nice touch.
Wednesday, November 28 at 6:00p in the David Ferry Lounge. This is the 3rd of Darren Wilson’s documentaries on God’s powerful love and miracles in our world.
Save the Date! Spring Women’s Retreat March 8, 9 and 10, 2013 Campbell's Resort on Lake Chelan
2. Kid’s Corner: We have activities for the kids while their parents shop. Hugely helpful to all! Keeping the kids in a separate area safe and out of the chaos is most important. If you’re a kid at heart and want to help in this area, there is a big need. 3. Sort and organize the items: Because Fall is usually our biggest X-Change, we tend to receive an abundance of items so there is always a need to help sort. Sorting begins at noon on Friday in the gym. Would love your help! 4. Hospitality table: This is a very popular addition to the Clothing X-Change. We need baked items such as breads or muffins brought to the church by Friday, October 12. Also we could use help staffing the table to replenish the refreshments.
Janet Krieger
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs . . . So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not. And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't He more surely care for you? You have so little faith! So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:31-34 Read 1 Kings 17: 2-16 Faith In The Famine Jesus commands us three times in the Matthew scripture to not worry; the King James translation says to “take no thought.” The thoughts Jesus wants us to guard against are anxiety, unease, and fear of tomorrow; these have no place in the heart of one who has chosen to trust in God’s grace and love. Worry is almost always focused on the future. We fear, fret and fuss about things that might happen, things that will never happen, or things that we can’t change even if they do happen. Our Father God has promised to take care of us. Our responsibility is to trust Him to do what He has said and what we have witnessed Him doing through the testimony of our own lives and the lives of other believers. In addition, Scripture teaches we are to pray for daily needs, work for our necessities, and plan for the future. Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 He who works his land will have abundant food. Proverbs 12:11 The wise look ahead to see what is coming, but fools deceive themselves. Proverbs 14:8 Elijah and the widow trusted God for their next meal, living out the Matthew Scripture “So don’t worry . . . “They are our example that we can live by faith, confident our God is faithful. Every day the ravens brought Elijah food; and every day the widow’s flour and oil were replenished just as God had promised. Even in the circumstance of facing death, they put their faith in God above the reality of their situations; and did so without ever questioning God. What is the reality in our life today? Are we standing in expectant faith and confidence that God is God and He is ever watching over and caring for us? The LORD saves the godly; He is their fortress in times of trouble. The LORD helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in Him. Psalm 37:39-40 Our faith today should be no less than that of Elijah and the widow woman. Ask God to give you faith to live boldly for Him before your family, friends, and co-workers. Practical Application 1. What causes you to worry? 2. How can you exercise expectant faith?
Jeff Murray — Student Ministries Director —
Dress up your car and yourself, and bring 2 bags of candy to the parking lot on Halloween from 5:30p-7:30p. Help us hand out candy to kids in our neighborhood in a fun and safe environment.
16th annual
G C LOTH I N A G C E H N X Saturday, October 13 9:00a - 2:00p
Clean, usable CLOTHES for Women, Men, and Children, Games, Books, Toys, & Baby Gear.
Volunteers needed to sort and prep. Friday Oct 12 at 10am
Bring all donation s to church gym starting Sunday, October 7
First Presbyterian Church Gym (Koehler Hall) 9 South 8th Ave 248-7940
FREE! Donations are appreciated, but n o t m a n d a t o r y.