first presbyterian church
October 2010
Beyond the Doors being IN the world
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 19
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902
(509) 248-7940
in this issue
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
October Events Pastor Jack’s Welcome Pastor Mark’s Welcome Fellowship Ministry Team: Senior Adults Fellowship Ministry Team: Group Life Discipleship Ministry Team : Men’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Session - Elders Devotional Careforce Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Student’s Announcements Cristo Vive Ghormley
Here @ First is also available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113
Special Events in October Friday, October 1 Saturday, October 2 Sunday, October 3 Sunday, October 3 Thursday, October 7 Sunday, October 10 Tuesday, October 12 Thursday October 14 Thursday, October 14 Saturday, October 16 Sunday, October 17 Sunday, October 17 Saturday, October 23 Friday, October 29 Sunday, October 31 Sunday, October 31
MOPS Meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers) FPC Volunteers @ Young Life Booth Communion Sunday Ghormley Church Family Round-up Habitat for Humanity Dessert Bibles for 2nd Graders Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Business Ministry Team Meeting Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting Clothing Exchange FUSE: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Filling Chat With the Elders Willow Creek Group Life Simulcast @ WS Baptist Dinner and a Movie: “I Am” FUSE: Trunk or Treat Outreach Student Ministries: Trick or Canned Food
9:00a Gym All Day Fairgrounds all morning Sanctuary 1:00p - 6:00p Ghormley 7:00p Garden Room 9:30a Sanctuary 1:00p Adult Ed Room 7:00a Adult Ed Room 5:15p Adult Ed Room 9:00a - 2:00p Gym 11:00a Gym 10:45 & 12p Adult Ed Room 5:30p, 6:30p - 8p Garden Room 6:30p - 8:30p Parking Lot 6:30p - 8:30p Van Horn Home
MOPS Moms Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone 2nd Graders
Everyone Everyone Everyone Pre-Register Families Families Sr & Mid High
Sunday Mornings Communion - Every Sunday Ward Chapel 9:15a Contemporary Services Sanctuary 8:00a & 9:30a The Best of Classic Worship Sanctuary 11:00a Childcare Ages 3 mo – 2 1/2 years RM 102 During Services Kidzone Sunday School (Children released to teachers from 9:30 Worship Service) L2 9:30a - 10:45a Sonbeams - 2 1/2 up to 4 *Parents to drop off at class Cubbies - 4’s to Pre-K 103 9:30a - 10:45a Kinder - 1st Grade 208 9:30a - 10:45a 2nd-3rd Grade 217 9:30a - 10:45a 4th-5th Grade 203 9:30a - 10:45a *Special Needs classroom available 220 9:30a - 10:45a Student Ministries (6TH-12TH GRADE) Worship service Sanctuary 9:30a Small Groups Gym 10:30a - 12:00n Adult Education Classes Adult Ed Rm 9:30a - 10:30a Golden Circle David Ferry Lounge 9:30a - 10:30a 40 Days of Purpose Mid High Rm 9:30a - 10:30a
Weekly Events Monday, Wednesday, Friday Senior Adult Exercise 8:45a Monday TOPS 10:00a Over-Eaters Anonymous 12:00p Al-Anon 5:15p Church Basketball 7:00p TUESDAY Living a Spirit Filled Life (Women) 9:15a Women’s Bible Study 9:45a Over-Eaters Anonymous 1:00p Wednesday Men’s Bible Study 12:00p Women of Action (Prayer) 12:00p Thursday Bible Study Fellowship (women) 9:00a Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p
be with id, “Peace sa s su e J , I am “Again as sent me h r e th a F reathed you! As the h that he b it w d n A u.” the Holy sending yo , “Receive id sa d n a NIV on them 20:21-22 n h o J .” it Spir
Jack Peebles Senior Pastor
Dear Church Family,
Bishop Lesslie Newbigin served God primarily as a Church of Scotland missionary away from his native England. Much of that time away was spent in India. When he retired in 1974, he and his wife, Helen, returned to England and were dismayed to find that although the culture of the “west” was becoming increasingly more secular, the western church had not adjusted. A prolific writer, he wrote a number of books and articles in which he “cried ceaselessly for a missionary encounter with our brilliant but pagan western culture. Indians could hear the gospel and had hope; England seemed deaf to the gospel and short on hope. Europeans were fruitful missionaries everywhere else but Europe. Post-Enlightenment culture was so hostile to the Gospel that unless it was redeemed, the Church was in hazard.” His writings have greatly impacted me. His prophetic voice has rung true. If you have ever traveled over to Europe, you know the church has an uphill battle. Many of the beautiful ancient cathedrals serve as museums, remnants of a society that no longer exists. Today, it is a predominantly secular society. We are facing the same crisis here in our own country. North American culture today more and more closely resembles that of the New Testament than at any other point in our nation’s history. Followers of Jesus
are not the majority and, in reality, the attitude toward them is much more hostile. Fact: We study, work, and live in the mission field. And God has created you and me for a purpose: To labor in His harvest field. God sends you and me out into the world to the various people we meet (from members of our own families to those who are homeless and destitute) to witness as we bless, and, through the power of God’s Spirit, transform our community into His Kingdom! People ask me often, “Is ‘missional’ the latest fad or program?” My response: The call to be missional is to return to the Biblical model of the church. The church is not defined by the building or the programs. The church is God’s people on the move, participating in His redemptive plan for the world as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Or to put it another way, there are a whole lot of people out that that need some lovin’!
This month, we finish our sermon series titled, “On a Mission From God.” The foundational Scripture for the series is the John 20:21 passage at the top of this letter. I invite you to join us as we explore how God calls us each (from the youngest child to the oldest senior) to be a missionary wherever He has placed us. Your fellow missionary,
Pastor Jack (i) From Newbigin’s obituary written by his close friend, Dan Beeby.
So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. Romans 12:5
Ministry: Family Life
Mark Tumney Pastor of Family Life & Missions
A Children’s Message? Recently, our church made a new decision to return to an old practice: including our young children in the first 15 minutes of the worship service (at 9:30). I thought I’d offer a few lines about why we’ve recovered this practice. One of the most powerful ways that children learn is not only through class work, but also through observing others—especially their parents. I still remember my mother habitually covering her face as she prayed after receiving the communion elements. Although her first desire was to communicate with the Lord, through observing her devotion I also learned about worship. Similarly, the primary reason we will be including our children in the worship services is not because of what they may receive from the children’s message—although we do hope they will glean something from these messages—rather, we recognize that participation in “big church” is itself a powerful message. As kids participate in worship during these first moments they will observe their parents singing and praying and will see others doing the same. Seeing the greater community in worship offers them a visible reminder that they belong
to a greater family who loves them deeply—God’s family. Conversely, having our children in the worship service, even briefly, also reminds us of our baptismal pledge to raise these children to love Jesus Christ. When we baptize or dedicate our children the congregation pledges that they will help to raise these children to come to know the deep love of God--so that in time they can respond to God’s love in kind. So, when the children gather in the front to hear a message, they also become a living message to us, reminding us that we all have the responsibility that goes beyond our nuclear family—to care for God’s children. The children themselves become God’s message for us. Ghormley Church Family Round Up I also wanted to offer one last minute encouragement to join us up at Ghormley after our worship services on Sunday, October 3 from 1-6pm. Our hope is to gather the whole church family so that we can have a day of fun, fellowship and food together—and celebrate that together we’re God’s family. See the back page of Here @ First and go to the web for more details. Mark
Ministry: Senior Adult
Seniors are learning to be present in the future.
Tenth Annual Veterans' Banquet
Jim Erixson Pastor of Congregational Care 248-7940 x 130
Be sure to highlight the evening of Friday, November 12 on your calendar. Veterans and their families from all branches of the armed services are gratefully invited for an evening of remembrance. We wish to thank each and every participant for their selfless service to our country in times of war and in times of peace. This year's program will focus on Celebrating the History of Farragut Naval Base. Some of us have been surprised to learn that one of the nation's largest naval bases during
WWII was actually located Idaho. Even those who were actually stationed there were unaware of the size of the complex. More, equally surprising information, will be shared that evening. Watch for more information at the Connection Center about acquiring tickets for this very special evening. All veterans are encouraged to come. Each decade has had its challenges. Our country has remained strong and free because of the efforts of a few protecting the freedoms of many. If you have been a member of the armed services, this evening is for you and your family. Please plan to join us.
Kaffee Klatsch Doc Hastings is scheduled to be our guest Speaker for this event. His topic will be "What's Happening in Congress?” Since that is a topic that affects all of us, you'll certainly want to come. We will be meeting in the Garden Room on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 from 9:30a - 11:00a. See you there!
Happy travelers at Whistlin’ Jack’s
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in the ch nion will be se rv ap 9:15 A.M el Every sunda ed y at . exclud in Commu nion Sun g regular days.
Reformation Tour
Led by Dr. Darrell Guder and Pastor Jack Peebles, August 10, 2011 August 26, 2011. A 17 day tour to the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. An educational tour on the birth of the Church Reformation. For additional information, contact Pastor Jim Erixson at 248-7940 x130
Lots of new people want to sign up for small groups. We need more leaders!
“Community” is a popular buzzword these days. We go to church seeking community. We hang out together, go to restaurants together, and do other events together to fulfill our need for meaningful relationships with others. But it is one thing to have community; it is another thing to have transformational community. Here at FPC, any small group can have community but not every group has transformational community. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul writes, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Our goal in small group ministry is to serve one another and serve the community being inwardly strong and outwardly focused. When we meet as small groups, we must be asking the Holy Spirit to transform us to glorify the Father and the Son and serve those around us. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are on a mission to see people transformed by the Gospel. There are problems we encounter in life that only Jesus can guide us through. This transformational community stems from the disciple’s relationship with Jesus and His work on our behalf. Jesus works through us allowing us to worship God. First, we are to offer ourselves to serve others in the name of Jesus. By focusing on Jesus, we are not conformed to this world but instead renew our mind. Not all things in this world are bad, but the Holy Spirit gives
Ministry: Group Life
us the wisdom to see what things are good and bad, and which need to be redeemed by God. While Sunday mornings is the time for us to come together in corporate worship, small groups afford us the opportunity to get to know one another on a level where we can be real with one another. Over time, this transformational community will not only change us, it will change those around us. If you have not joined a small group yet, please give me a phone call, let me buy you a coffee/lunch, or send me an email. If you are currently in a small group, we need new leaders to start small groups as we
Erik Mickelson Group Life Ministries 248-7940 x 125
begin to replicate our groups as they grow. We have many current leaders who would love a co-leader to help lead and eventually replicate the group.
Friday October 29 5:30p Dinner 6:00p Movie
Ministry: Men
...building a “band of brothers” among men of the church that extends grace, friendship and the gospel to the community, so that other men will join us and meet the Savior.
Bill Starr Men’s Ministries 965-3318
The core of Men’s Ministry continues to be the men’s small groups that meet all around town at various hours and days throughout the week. If you’re not in a group yet, or if you are in a group that’s ready to add new members, let us know and we’ll work at getting it together for you.
Celebrating a job well done! We are proud and grateful for all the work done by numerous men and men’s groups from our church this past summer at the Madison School. Beginning in May as a part of the Season of Service build up to City Fest, we started several projects at the school to provide safe and attractive recreational space for kids, both inside and outside. This was combined with new windows, fresh paint, and the entire resurfacing of the parking lot as a giant Sports Court. Lots of donated time, sweat and money went into all these projects, and they truly have been a blessing to that ministry. If you haven’t been down there to see all that’s been done, stop by and be proud and grateful with us. A new Just for Men class to begin this Fall. We are excited to announce the start-up of a Men’s Class beginning in September as a part of the Re3 Wednesday night program. The purpose of this Men’s Class is two fold: 1) To provide a place of gathering for men of all ages from within and outside our church to connect, learn, support and serve.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25
2) To expand the ministry scope of the men of our church to include validating and empowering them to serve in the ministries they already have at work, at home, in church and in the community. We will be studying “The Reason for God” the best selling book by Timothy Keller, who also wrote “The Prodigal God” that our church studied together last year. Bill Starr will be the class facilitator and main teacher, and will be joined by a number of other men who will help us look at the challenges set forth in this excellent book. We kicked off on September 15th, but it’s never too late to join us. God’s calling out to men everywhere. Will you answer the call? We’ll start at 6:30p and be done at 8:00p. Come join us as we start this new class, and bring a buddy! Men’s Groups are alive and well.
Women’s Ministry had a God Appointment with Young Lives mommas this summer when we met for a picnic and craft at Franklin Park. The Lord gave us the opportunity to experience and explore the power of listening prayer with beautiful women and their children.
CLOTHING EXCHANGE – LET’S PRAY! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 Women’s Ministry is offering to show God’s love to people in our valley at this fall’s Clothing Exchange on Saturday, October 16. Did you know this is the largest clothing drive in our valley? There are over 800 people coming through our doors and we want to be prepared to serve them, love them and pray with them. We’d love for you (and your spouse!) to join us! Let’s be Jesus to our community – we’ll speak God’s truth boldly, we’ll hand out food, we’ll greet and offer hugs or how about offering to be someone’s personal shopper? (Help find sizes, carry bags to cars, etc) This is a great day to show how much First Presbyterian loves our community. Will you come, too?
Ministry: Women
en’s Wom ing train e … y r b t Minis omen to t up w nal abou tio h! inten their fait
RELEASE THE FIRE OF WORSHIP CONFERENCE OCTOBER 22-24 Mountain Top International is hosting a prophetic worship conference, Release the Fire of Worship, at the Yakima Convention Center October 22-24. If you are interested in taking part in this event check out Mountain Top International's website and be watching the FPC women's webpage and the FPC women's Facebook page for more information. God is releasing His love and His power through extravagant worship. Now is the time to worship the Father in spirit and in truth!
Shan Trick Women’s Ministries 248-7940 x 142
Boot camp and Beyond, the Holy Spirit Adventure Continues! Come learn more about Christ’s gifts for the church as described in Ephesians 4:11-16. Together we will explore and experience God’s provision for His people. This will be a time of training up women so that we may “attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” NOW is the time to activate your faith!
It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:11-16
Session: Elders The elders who serve on our session (the governing body) are nominated and elected by members of our First Presbyterian Church congregation. We wanted to introduce our 2010 elders to you and tell you how each one serves our church’s different ministry teams. Every elder is willing to answer your questions and they each appreciate the prayers and support of this gracious community.
Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.”
FMT: Fellowship Ministry Team Encompasses: Group Life, Hospitality, Family Ministries, Starting Point (New Members)… Pastoral Care linked to this ministry team includes: Counseling and Visitations, Senior Adult Ministries/Golden Circle, and CareNet.
GMT: Ghormley Ministry Team
Janet Krieger
Walt Nelson
Joe Buckley
Jeff Steere
e fruit of th “But the e, , joy, peac e v lo is it Spir goodkindness, , e c n ie t ness a p ess, gentle ln fu h it fa ness, inst ntrol. Aga o c lf e s w.” d an re is no la e h t s g in h such t NIV 5:22-23 Galatians
SLT: Session Leadership Team The leadership team who represents the entire session. This team consists of the following elders (who’s photos can be found on this page): Dave Marshall, Walt Nelson, Doug Cairns, Jean Paulson, Connie Harris, Janet Krieger, and Kathy Mathison.
Ana LucasGarcia
David Marshall
BMT: Business Ministry Team Encompasses: Stewardship, FPC Foundation, Facilities Improvements, and Personnel.
Dave Connell
Connie Harris
Ken Marble
Marshall Grove
Joe Buckley
“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20 NIV
WMT: Worship Ministry Team
DMT: Discipleship Ministry Team
Encompasses: Greeters, Ushers, Worship Music (bands, organ, choirs), Media Presentations, Sound Team, Connection Center, Wedding Coordinators and Prayer Ministry
Encompasses: Childcare, Preschool, CareForce Life Keys, Adult Education, MOPS, RE3(Wednesday night programming), Marriage Mentoring, as well as Children’s, Student’s, Men’s and Women’s Ministries.
Doug Cairns
Karen Bernd
Sharon Trick
Julie Lambertson
Kathy Bricel
Jean Paulson
Brent Alderman
Erik Mickelson
“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.” 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
SMT: Service Ministry Team Encompasses: Local, National and Global Mission Outreach (Habitat for Humanity and Cristo Vive - Hispanic congregation partnership)
Connie Harris
Ron Sanders
Kathy Mathison
Larry Allan
Devotional WOW! Women Of Wonder Monthly Devotional
Webster’s dictionary defines worship as “intense love or admiration.” Given that definition I think we could come up with a lot of things that people choose to worship. . .money, cars, clothes, friends, celebrities, even ourselves. Worship is the fundamental drive of human life. All people worship something. This urge to worship is so universal that if we are not worshiping the true God, we worship a god that we make up for ourselves. God has planted the desire to worship in His creation, within us. Scientists have learned that worship is a universal urge, hard-wired by God into the very fiber of our being—an inbuilt need to connect with God. If we fail to worship God, we always find a substitute, even if it ends up being ourselves. “For one thing, God is a concept that appears in human cultures all over the globe, regardless of how geographically isolated they are. When tribes living in remote areas come up with a concept of God as readily as nations living shoulder to shoulder, it's a fairly strong indication that the idea is preloaded in the genome rather than picked up on the fly. If that's the case, it's an equally strong indication that there are very good reasons it's there.” Time Magazine 10/04 re: The God Gene by Dean Hammer. For believers God then fills that internal urge for worship with the Holy Spirit; God Himself alive inside every believer. The reason God made us with this desire is that He desires worshipers. Jesus said, “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before Him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship Him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.“ John 4:23-24 (The Message) God intended worship to be a lifestyle. And it must be in truth. It must be honest, not a put-on. It is not something you do with your body while your mind is somewhere else. Worship is what you mean with all your heart. Notice there is nothing limiting about our worship. Nowhere does the scripture tell us worship is done on a given day or in a given way. From God’s perspective there are only two kinds of worship, there is true worship and there is false. True worship is to have intense love for and to honor God who is truly worthy; to love and honor Him with every part of our lives, every day of our lives. False worship would be to have an intense love for and to assign worth to something that is not worthy. Worship isn’t for our benefit. We worship for God’s benefit. When we worship our goals should be to bring pleasure to God, not ourselves. Realizing who God is and what He’s done for us, this is worship. God made us to recognize Him because He loves us and wants our attention. AND HE DESERVES IT. There are three elements that are essential to understand if we desire to truly worship God. First, we must honor and praise God. “Give to the Lord the glory He deserves! Bring your offering and come to worship Him.” Psalm 96:8 We live and breathe, wake up each morning and go about our day because of God. We are saved for eternal living because God wants us in heaven with Him. The offering we can bring to worship Him is our lives, our thankfulness, and our praise. Lifting prayers of thanks, singing songs of praise, living a life that glorifies Him, this is an essential part of worship.
“.....whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
The second element worship must contain is a time of entering into the life of another. Worship must have a sense of belonging, of caring and of loving one another. Real worship must include the body of Christ, other believers. When believers join to worship God they begin to care about each other. “But anyone who does not love does not know God-for God is love.” 1 John 4:8 God made us to express our love for Him by showing concern for one another. In Matthew 25 Jesus teaches about the events that will occur when He returns again to earth. Jesus will sit on a glorious throne and gather before Him all the nations and He will separate them into groups of “sheep” and “goats.” Sheep represent the true believers and goats those who appeared to be believers but were not real. How does He know who is who? The test is what they did or did not do for each other. And the King will tell them, “I assure you when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.” Matthew 25:40 By loving and helping others we worship God. That is a mark of a true believer. Serving one another should be a part of our daily worship; it is recognition of who we are together in the body of Christ. The third element to worship is the preparation it provides us to go out and serve the needs of the world. In Isaiah 6, Isaiah sees the greatness and glory of God, “He was sitting on a lofty throne and the train of His robe filled the Temple.” The angels bow before Him calling out “holy, holy, holy” Isaiah falls to the ground and cries out that he is unworthy to even be in God’s presence. God then sends an angel who uses a pair of tongs to touch a burning coal to Isaiah’s mouth and then declares Isaiah forgiven with all guilt removed. After that Isaiah says “Lord here I am. Send me!” That is what worship should do for us. Worship should make us ready to say, “Lord here I am, send me.” “Here is a need in my workplace, in my community, in my nation, in this world. Here are people who are hurting and need help. Here I am. Send me!” The Message paraphrase says, “Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going to school, and walking around life—and place it before God as an offering. Romans 12:1 If you ever get confused about worship, just remember that worship isn’t part of your life, it is your life. Don’t wait until Sunday morning to worship, worship everyday. All of your words, thoughts, and actions should be thought of as something you are doing for God to please Him. And the more we focus on who God is and what He has done for us the more we will understand that worship is falling in love with God. Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Humans are the ultimate and final expression of God’s glory; we are the ones who bear His image. We show the world how beautiful and worthy of worship our God is. God created all things. . . . especially us, to worship Him.
Janet Krieger
I love seeing Christ turn tears of sadness into tears of joy so quickly. Often in as little as ten weeks.
Abused, broken, and battered, God picked me up out of the mud, washed me off and clothed me in white linen by His saving power. He walked with me as we reknit my emotional wellbeing. He told me who He made me to be, and helped me learn how to live again. Today it is my great joy to be in the same mission field where I can help those who are as I was, broken, bruised, and desperately needing to be healed of their wounds. If Christ is the Great Physician, and His church is a hospital, then Lifekeys is an Intensive Care Unit. We come along average people like you and I, and give them immediate and intensive nursing care as Christ heals them. It is truly amazing to witness the power of God’s love and saving grace in a person who enters the program unable to cope with life, habits, bad decisions, etc. and leaves transformed and renewed, to a new and abundant life. We all have different gifts. God enables us, and expects us to work together in
Ministry: Careforce
His kingdom. Quite often people who have been freed from a particular sin or wound are called to help others who suffer from the very same issues. Do you have things in your life that are holding you up? Do you feel the weight of the world coming down on you, and sometimes you can barely breathe? Do you feel alone? You’re not alone! There is nothing new under the sun. We’ve been there. Ask about Lifekeys, and start down a path to a destination of freedom and healing with Jesus Christ. My prayer is this…that through Jesus, you will find the help, hope and healing you are searching for.
Kandy Ingersoll Careforce Director 248-7940 x 141 945-6382
What is?
Walk down any street and knock on any 10 doors and you will find marriage dysfunction, separation, divorce, family breakdown, the destructive forces of shame and guilt, performance orientation, addictive cycles, co-dependency, insecurity, self rejection, grief, depression, chemical dependency, sexual abuse, sexual addiction, eating disorders, and more. Careforce Lifekeys programs address the issues ordinary people struggle with every day. Lifekeys brings healing to hurt people, then empowers them as leaders to help others. Careforce Lifekeys exists to help you and your organization learn the skills necessary to develop effective support groups for effective discipleship, healing and pastoral care in a challenging world.
Starting January 2011
Valiant Man Developing and maintaining a healthy sexuality is every man’s battle. Valiant Man is about male sexual discipleship. This 10 session program with study and devotional guide is designed to fortify and restore the moral and spiritual integrity of men. Valiant Man challenges all men to fight for their own personal, moral and spiritual vitality and help other men fight for theirs.
Also in January
Understanding Your Valiant Man Many women want to understand the men in their lives. Understanding Your Valiant Man has been developed for women; a companion program to the Valiant Man program which is designed to provide men with an empowering experience of sexual discipleship. This program allows the women to see and understand the journey the men involved in the program are taking.
Ministry: Preschool
I love seeing the growth in the kids – physically, emotionally and spiritually. I love seeing lives transformed by this program – not just the kids but the families as well.
Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director 248-7940 x 119
Each year in preschool the children receive a special gift of their very own Preschooler’s Bible. We tell the children every week at Chapel that the Bible was written by people that listened to and obeyed God, that the stories are true, and that the stories tell us all about God’s powerful and amazing love for each one of us. Each week in chapel we read a story from this Bible and through a newsletter sent home each week we share with parents what story we read and what we talked about in regards to this story and where they can find this same story in their Bible. It is our hope and prayer that parents will then sit down together and read again the same story. When stories of God’s love are learned and remembered as a child, it is easy to use those examples as a guide for life into the teen and adult years. You can be a part of this mission of our preschool. Each Bible that is given costs our program $10. As this is a gift we do not require parents to pay for this, but do give them an opportunity to donate towards this project. We still need your donations to help cover the costs. If you are interested in helping with this please contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119. Thank you for supporting this outreach program of First Presbyterian Church through your prayers and donations. May God richly bless YOU and YOUR family as you explore God’s Word.
This is m y Bible, it’s the W ord of th e Lord. I carry it by my sid e, it’s a mig h t y s w ord! There are many sto and lesso ries ns in this Book, Come on e v eryone let’s take a closer lo , ok!
Ministry: Children
“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.” Matthew 21:16 NIV
We wanna tell ya about two fellers who became good friends
here at FPC. One cowpoke is from Texas, the other’s a local guy. The meet often at 9:30; always with a gentlemanly handshake and “Howdy-do.” They take time to admire each other’s Western duds---boots, belt buckles, and cowboy hats. Together they sing songs and hear lessons with the importan’ message that Jesus loves you, and you, and me. Their friendship has lasted nearly three years, but, this fall, Cowboy Hank Sutton is movin’ on to kindergarten. Cowboy John Hardin will be comin’ back to the SonBeams class, ready to meet new friends who are three and four years old. This long lastin’ friendship will fade for Cowboy Hank, but Cowboy John will tell you there is a place for everyone in Kidzone, and adults gain much more than they give!
Kathy Eaton
Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940 x 110
Susie Woodin
Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940 x 135
Ch Dear Parents,
Thanks for bringing your child to KidZone! We’re excited to join with you in helping your kids to learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As part of our Christian education ministry to 4th and 5th graders, we are using Group’s Hands-On Bible MAX™ curriculum. This curriculum gets kids into the Bible and the Bible into kids! Each week we’ll be digging into God’s Word with creative activities, group discussions, and prayer and worship. And we’ll have fun together! Your child will play games, sing songs, and build safe, healthy relationships with others and with God. As great as Hands-On Bible MAX is, though, we know our efforts at church are only a small part of your child’s Christian education. As a parent, you are the most important spiritual teacher. Research shows that the most powerful influences on faith development in children are the conversations that take place within the family. So we want to encourage you to enjoy time with your child at home—and to talk about what’s been learned at church. We can help you with that! Hands-On Bible MAX curriculum includes a take-home page with a fun family devotion for each week. This 15-minute (or so) devotion gives your whole family a chance to join the learning in creative, relationship-building ways. Plus, each family devotion includes a fun “family challenge” to help you and your child practice living what
you learn. We’ll give your child a Hands-On Bible MAX family devotion page just before class ends each week, so be on the lookout for yours! K-1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes will continue with the Willow Creek curriculum “Looking at the Pieces” and “Making it Connect”. As we become more familiar with the Bible Max curriculum, we may look at incorporating it into these other classes. Again, thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your child’s faith development. It’s our prayer that your child will grow closer to Jesus each and every day. God bless you!
Kathy and Susie
Hey kids…wanna learn how to be a hero? Then
come join us for “Hero Training Camp!” This fall for Re3 we will use the life of David to teach children how to be motivated in four areas: Do what’s right, deal with wrongs, be honest, and care about others. This action-packed, activity-based program for K-5th grade children teaches kids that God has provided them with the standard equipment to be heroes in training now. Hero training begins Sept. 22nd from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in room 217, and is for kids whose parents are attending Re3 classes.
Ministry: Student
It’s exciting and encouraging to me when young people are really curious about what it means to follow Jesus.
High School Students, Middle School Students, and Parents: This school year we are making a few shifts in how we are approaching Student Ministry here at First Presbyterian of Yakima. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter so that you can start to think about how you might be involved with what we are doing. 1. FUSE: Sunday Morning Worship and Age Groups We want to be a community that worships together. We especially want to see our young people be a part of our worship gatherings on Sunday mornings. In order to do this we are looking into how we can make the 9:30a service more accessible for both teenagers and younger children. Idealy we would like to have the whole family able to worship together each week as part of the rhythm of their family life.
Tyler Van Horn
Director of Student Ministries 248-7940 x 106
With this goal in mind, we are no longer going to have a separate worship gathering just for students in the Chapel on Sunday mornings. Instead, we will have all of our students as active participants at the 9:30a service, sitting either with their family or other students and student leaders. Then after the 9:30 gathering we will bring all of the students together for a time to check in about their weeks, and reflect together on the sermon. Some weeks we will get to participate in the Fuse (Family Ministry Group) activity for the day, which will have kids, teenagers and parents all together. All students are invited to participate in these groups, and we would love to see parents involved as well.
Karin Skone
Assistant Director of Student Ministries 248-7940 x 116
“Trick or... Canned Food!”
On Halloween we are going to be serving our community rather than serving ourselves. The past three years we have had middle school and high school students gather in the Barge-Chestnut neighborhood to do two things for our community. The first is that we set up a table to give away hot drinks. Kids and parents both get cold on Halloween night, so we use this as an opportunity to serve them and show them love. The second is that we go door to door to collect canned food instead of candy. At the end of the night we take the food to the Northwest Harvest (a food bank supplier) to be given to those who need it. This is also a great event for our students to invite their friends to be a part of our community. Call Tyler or Karin if you would like to help out this year.
2. Wednesday Night Youth Group Wednesday nights will now have a renewed focus on outreach. This will be the place where we will hope to see our students invite their friends to come be a part of a community centered on Jesus. The program on Wednesday night will be games, team work activities, Bible study, small group discussions, and a wonderful dinner for all of us to share. Mid High will be from 6:00p to 7:45p and High School will be from 7:15p to 9:00p. Dinner for all students will be from 7:15p to 7:45p. We are excited to see how Jesus reveals himself to young people through the love of this community. 3. Fall & Winter Retreats November 12-14 SlamQuest at Ghormley: This is our Fall retreat for middle school students. We use this weekend to help our students get to know each other better, get to know our student leaders better, and to get to know Jesus better. Our hope is that both our Sunday morning groups and Wednesday night groups will be a part of this weekend. February 4-6 SnowBlast at Ghormley: This is our Winter retreat for high school students. The goal of this weekend is to provide high school students a focused weekend on slowing down and remembering who they are in Christ. It has also been a great place for high school students to bring friends. We are so grateful for your partnership in ministry. Thank you for trusting our leadership and thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey in following Christ.
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Mid High SlamQuest November 12-14 6th-8th Graders
“I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” Psalm 57:9-10
2010 Autumn Clothing X-change
In October, Happy Travelers are visiting Perry Tech to tour their facility. It should be interesting time of meeting young students, and how they are preparing for their future in a very changed working world. Meet at the Church at 9:30a on Thursday, October 21. The tour starts at 10:00a, and will take about an hour.
How can I serve? • As always, we can’t have a Clothing X-change without Clothing. Please bring in donations on Friday, October 15 or Sunday, October 10. • Help with setting up and sorting clothing on Friday, October 15 • Help be a personally shopper during the Clothing X-change • Adult supervision is needed for planned activities for kids on front lawn. • Like to bake? We would like to provide cookies, muffins, breads as a way of showing God’s love through hospitality. For more information contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 x 142
Come join the party!
Together we will pack shoe box gifts for boys and girls in faraway lands. For many years First Presbyterian Church has promoted and blessed shoe boxes put together by families for Operation Christmas Child. This year we are asking you to come to the gym, Sunday, October 17 at 11:00a and together we will assemble shoe box gifts. Please consider bringing in supplies early so we can begin organizing work stations. Drop off boxes in the Garden Room. Items to consider for boxes: school supplies, small toys, hair accessories such as headband, clips, socks, hygiene items such as tooth brush, dental floss, etc. Chap stick, hats, tee shirt, journals, fun pens, gum, candy, balls, games (travel size), yo-yos, silly putty, ect. A $7.00 donation per box will help with shipping costs. This is a perfect way to challenge your child to raise money to buy items that will be given to a boy or girl from another country. Come down stairs and together we will together pack shoe boxes for children in faraway lands, and experience the joy of giving a simple gift with an eternal message.
Starting on Sunday, September 12, communion will be served in the Chapel at 9:15a every Sunday except on regular Communion Sundays. This will continue until November 14 when it will change to 10:45a. This new schedule will provide a time for renewal and a time for preparation, both for those coming out of the 8:00a Worship Service, and those who are going into the 9:30a Worship Service
We want your stories! Do you have a small group, or some other event where you’ve seen God move in a mighty way? We’d love to hear your inspirational story. Have photos? We are always looking for photos of groups, or individuals meeting, or being busy about God’s Kingdom. Here @ First isn’t just about what’s happening inside the church building...It’s about the everyday life happenings in the church body. Please send stories or photos to Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113. Or email them to
Cookies & Cans
Please bring cookies to church for the fellowship time in the Garden Room on Sundays. We also collect non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission (a food bank here in Yakima). They are in need of protein items: tuna, peanut butter, soups, etc. And bottled water. Thank you! Please drop off cookies and food bank donations in the Parlor Kitchen Friday or even Sunday morning!
October 24 Baby Celebration - Baptism /Dedications of Infants scheduled for all three services. To have a child baptized, Session has set a requirement that at least one parent be an active, resident member of First Presbyterian Church. This requirement is waived for dedications. Parents wishing to have a child baptized or dedicated are asked to attend a one-hour instructional/rehearsal class at 7:00p on the Garden Room on Tuesday, October 19. Please call Jana 248-7940 x 108 to schedule your child, or Pastor Jim Erixson at 248-7940 x 130 regarding the class.
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Ministry: Cristo Vive CV Gustavo Carvajal
Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive 248-7940 x 133
We love seeing families who begin to realize a better future as they become rooted in Christ.
At Cristo Vive we are striving to become a Healthy Community of Believers. We find in Matthew 22 a great message that encourages us to live in the balance God wants for us: Love God with all you’ve got and care for others as you care for yourself. That’s why we do missions… it keeps us balanced! Peace, Gustavo
Local Missions Transforming Lives! Who are they? How are they being blessed by their church? How can this have an impact in their overall health? This is the first part of a story in which you and I can have a say regarding its ending… happy ending or jawdropping ending? Grandparents and their adopted granddaughters living together, sharing a bathroom with a shower wall that has collapsed and has been fixed with some screws. A
broken mirror reflects a broken image. The mold spots covering most of the ceiling and walls are witnesses of many showers and baths taken in the missing presence of a vent fan. What can be done? Can we be messengers of healing and hope? You bet! We are not done yet, but take a peek at some of the before and current images… Our God transforms our lives! Gustavo
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22:37-39 NIV
Ministry: Ghormley
This past summer 144 campers made first time commitments to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Gh Mark Washam
Executive Director (509) 672-4311
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Unlike many of the other ministries in our church, our ‘going out to reach our community in mission’ is accomplished mostly by their coming to us. The treasure that is Ghormley, both in its scenic setting and serving staff, draws literally thousands of people to our Mountain Meadow. While here for a season of rest, respite and recreation, amidst the towering pines and rocky outcroppings, God ‘s voice is better able to be heard in quiet, still and sacred moments. Relationships among people, young and old, are built and strengthened and truth from God’s Word is received with renewed anticipation.
Summer may be over but things are still busy up at camp. The fall begins our “off” season where we serve the body of Christ throughout the Pacific Northwest by facilitating retreats and special events. October will have us hosting retreats for a Christian School, three public schools, four different churches, the Central Washington Presbytery, three scrapbooking groups, a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend, and our own programmed Ghormley Outdoor Academy for Home Schooled Students. Doesn’t sound too “off” season to me!!
Thanksgiving @ Ghormley November 25, 2010
What could be better than enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving meal together as a family in God's beautiful creation? The best part is, you don't have to do any of the cleanup! Come join us for a fun, memorymaking day that your family will remember for years to come! Click HERE for a schedule of events. EVENTS INCLUDE: * Quality Family Time! * Thanksgiving Dinner * Football on the Meadow * You can stay the night! * Family Worship Service That is just a sampling of the great activities we will have during your stay! Come join us for a weekend your family will never forget! In order to reserve spaces for this event, please call us here at (509) 672-4311.
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A Holiday Celebration for the Whole Family December 3, 4, 5 - 2010
Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
Friday Dinner & Entertainment · Cut Your Own Live christmas tree Gingerbread House Building Contest · Sledding (Day & Night) Family Christmas Photos · Horsedrawn Sleigh/Hay Rides Manger Scenes from Around the World · Christmas Light Display Snow Sculpting contest · Christmas Storytelling Carol Singing Around the Fireplace · Board Games S’mores · Christmas Cookie Decorating Christmas Craft · Sunday Morning Worship
Stay a day, one night, or the whole weekend. Details online at www. or call (509) 672-4311
Ghormley Church Family Round Up
Walking Trails
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Extreme Mountain Golf
Free Kids age 5 and under Ticket available in the church office: 248-7940
Sunday October 3
Pie Your Pastor
Frisbee Golf
$10 Adults & Teens $6 Kids age 6-12
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Tug of War
Mountain Bikes
1:00p - 6:00p
Gunny Sack Races
Water Balloon Toss