Grace Alive - Oct-Nov 2023

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“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich.”

– 2 Corinthians 8:9

That verse is an amazing statement on how far God was willing to go for us. Christ, who from all eternity had unlimited power, made a decision. That decision, made without obligation or need, compelled Him to leave the richness of heaven to come and find us, rescue us, enrich us.

I have been asked, “Why do Churches talk so much about money? Why does Grace of Christ include a time to collect an offering in each Sunday service?”

These are good and reasonable questions. The church can get caught up in dollars and cents, fretting over budgets, worrying about how to pay the bills, and giving the impression that that is the priority, instead of our clear mandate to live out our love for God and others. And there are numerous examples of individuals (pastors and others) who have sought to amass their own personal fortunes through misuse, or direct theft, of the generous contributions of others. That is despicable, and God’s judgment certain.

At Grace we wrestle with finding the right balance: how do we include conversation about finances, about our steward-

ship of what God has given us, without those conversations becoming a major theme. We know we can’t ignore the subject. Our Lord spent a significant amount of time teaching about personal finances and faithful stewardship, and we must talk about it. When the conversation feels uncomfortable, or I start blaming, avoiding, or feel the church is too focused on how I use my time, talents, and pocketbook, it may be because I’m holding on too tightly to what I have. Perhaps I am trusting God less than I should. There is a temptation to seek wealth, live in arrogance and believe we are self-made. Believing we can do what we please with what God has given us, endangers our soul and relationships.

The last Sunday of October will be the first of four Sundays highlighting: 1) Stewardship, 2) our response to God’s faithfulness, and 3) the undeserved blessings and grace give to us by God. Christian Stewardship is about how we steward (take care of) what God has given us. We steward the hours God has given us. We steward the talents and abilities God has given us. We steward our finances and possessions, which ultimately come from God Himself.

Our ability to work hard, the education we received (often outside the classroom), the friends and mentors that have helped shape us along the way, the love and support of our family (the promise that God will be with us even when our family is in crisis and our closest relationships fall apart), the community we live in, the nation we live in, the health we have (the strength and peace we receive from God when our health declines), our faith in Jesus (and God’s kindness with our doubts and questions), the assurance we have of God’s presence in our life and His promises for the life to come. These blessings are why we are willing and happy to sacrifice our comfort, give up our time, give financially and put our talents to use in service to God and others. Faithful stewardship reminds us that we belong to Him and we are not under the control of the things we have.



Please let us know if you would like to have your child baptized on Sunday, November 26 during either service (9am or 11am).

At Grace, Stewardship isn’t simply a financial plea. It’s about discovering joy and freedom. It’s about growing in our love for God and others. It’s about trusting God and investing in His kingdom. It’s about keeping our eyes on what is eternal, not temporary and passing away. Stewardship, the giving of ourselves and resources, is a privilege not an obligation.

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On September 1, Alex Rule, our wonderful friend and pastor, moved into a different role at Grace of Christ. His primary responsibilities are now focused where his heart has always been – our community. He will help lead us into a deeper love for, and deeper service to, our city and valley. He will build bridges with the Yakima School District (especially strengthen our connection with Adams Elementary and begin a connection with Davis High School). He will focus his attention in Southeast of our city. He will also be a part of our Sunday mornings, and provide some pastoral care for those in need.


Session is an elected group from the congregation who share a responsibility to oversee and guide Grace of Christ in the present and the future God has for us.

After many conversations with numerous church members and attendees, it is agreed that it would be wise to begin searching for a second pastor, sooner rather than later. Your elders (session) have asked the Nominating Committee to begin creating that committee by electing members from the congregation who are willing to serve in that important role. More details will be announced throughout the fall and winter. If you have questions, please contact one of the elders listed on the church website.


I have thoroughly enjoyed the monthly conversations with the pastors. Not all questions reach me the same way. A few have been texted to the number on the Sunday morning screen. Others come through personal conversations, phone calls, emails or comments written on connection cards. The response has been strong. The resulting conversations and follow-up questions have been good and challenging. Our aim is for greater understanding, respectful dialog, humility as we listen to each other and the Holy Spirit, and hearts that seek to Love God and Love Others. I hope you can participate in one or more of these ‘chats with the pastors’ in the months ahead.

You can text questions to: 509.38.38.338

TIMOTHY KELLER QUOTE: “The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith”


SATURDAY, OCT 14 & NOV 4 | 7:30AM | GYM

Hey guys! Mark your calendars – our men’s breakfast(s) are happening on Saturday, October 14th and November 4th at 7:30am in the church gym. A very hearty (and delicious) meal and good conversation with the guys. A great way to start the weekend. Men of all ages are welcome – bring your sons or grandsons, a friend from work, and your neighbor! Please let the church office know if you want to help cook & set-up or help clean up afterwards. Call 509-248-7940.

“I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” Luke 15

“Neither son loved the father for himself. They both were using the father for their own self-centered ends rather than loving, enjoying, and serving him for his own sake. This means that you can rebel against God and be alienated from him either by breaking his rules or by keeping all of them diligently. It’s a shocking message: Careful obedience to God’s law may serve as a strategy for rebelling against God.”

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In mid-September, my wife was shopping at Costco and to her surprise, she saw many things related to Christmas. As she walked through the aisles full of Christmas decorations, she felt as if she was traveling into the future and wondered, how is it possible that we are celebrating Christmas when autumn has not yet begun? Possibly this has happened to you, too. Christmas is indeed being advertised early and I believe that we can use this as an invitation to prepare our soul, body, and mind for the arrival of winter and Christmas, in order to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Lord with our family and friends.

This early celebration will bring some great memories and some sad memories but let us always remember the true meaning of Christmas and give glory and honor to God our Heavenly Father, for the blessing of having sent His Son Jesus to save the world.

In advance, we wish you a happy holiday season, and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100:1-5

Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.

Serve the LORD with gladness and delight; come before His presence with joyful singing.

Know and fully recognize with gratitude that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, not we ourselves [and we are His]. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, bless and praise His name.

For the LORD is good; His mercy and lovingkindness are everlasting, His faithfulness [endures] to all generations.

Working for The Kingdom of God, Pastor Alex Rule


Mi esposa fue de compras a Costco, en la segunda semana de septiembre y para su sorpresa descubrió que la tienda más grande ofrecía muchas cosas relacionadas con la Navidad. mientras ella caminaba por los pasillos llenos de adornos navideños, sentía como si estuviera viajando hacia el futuro y se preguntaba, ¿cómo es posible que estemos celebrando la Navidad cuando aún no ha comenzado el otoño? Posiblemente usted también ha ido de compras y se ha encontrado con que algunas tiendas están celebrando la Navidad con antelación; Pues lo cierto es que la Navidad se está comercializando con mucha anticipación. Yo creo que podemos usar esto como una invitación a preparar nuestra alma, cuerpo y mente para la llegada del invierno y la Navidad, para así celebrar el nacimiento de Jesús nuestro Señor junto a nuestra familia y amigos.

Esta temprana celebración traerá buenos y grandes recuerdos y algunos recuerdos tristes. pero recordemos siempre el verdadero significado de la Navidad y demos Gloria y honra a Dios nuestro padre celestial, por la bendición de haber enviado a su Hijo Jesus a salvar al mundo.

Les deseamos a todos unas felices fiestas y, de antemano, ¡feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

Psalm 100:1-5

1 Cantar alegres a Dios, habitantes de toda la tierra.

2 Ser vir a Jehová con alegría; Venir ante su presencia con regocijo.

3 Reconocer que Jehová es Dios; Él nos hizo, y no nosotros a nosotros mismos; Pueblo suyo somos, y ovejas de su prado.

4 Entrar por sus puertas con acción de gracias, Por sus atrios con alabanza; Alabarle, bendecir su nombre.

5 Porque Jehová es bueno; para siempre es su misericordia, Y su verdad por todas las generaciones.

Trabajando para El Reino de Dios, Pastor Alex Rule

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We are looking for folks to give one hour a week to Adams School in a reading program. Reading is only part of it. Maybe even more important is building a relationship and encouraging the student in his or her endeavors. The important thing in all mentoring programs is encouraging the mentee, affirming their value and being consistent about meeting. In the meantime, you can help a student with essential skills in reading!

For more details, contact Tom Oliva, 509-571-4543.


Bring Unwrapped Gifts by November 30

Wrapping Parties | December 4 & 5

Join us this Christmas in celebrating students at Adams and their families. We will be blessing 250 kiddos with a Christmas present and hopefully something special for each of their families.

We will share gift ideas with the church congregation in November, we will wrap gifts in December, and we will gather together at Adams Elementary for dinner, Christmas carols, a special visit from Santa, and of course the giving of our Christmas gifts. More details coming soon!

Estamos buscando personas para dedicar una hora a la semana a la Escuela Adams en un programa de lectura. La lectura es sólo una parte. Quizás aún más importante sea construir una relación y alentar a los estudiantes en sus esfuerzos. Lo importante en todos los programas de mentoría es animar al aprendiz, afirmar su valor y ser consistente en las reuniones. Mientras tanto, ¡puedes ayudar a un estudiante con habilidades esenciales en lectura! Para obtener más detalles, comuníquese con Tom Oliva, 509-571-4543.


Traiga regalos sin envolver antes del 30 de noviembre Fiestas de envoltura | 4 y 5 de diciembre

Únase a nosotros esta Navidad para celebrar a los estudiantes de Adams y sus familias. Bendeciremos a 250 niños con un regalo de Navidad y, con suerte, algo especial para cada una de sus familias.

Compartiremos ideas de regalos con la congregación de la iglesia en Noviembre, envolveremos regalos en Diciembre y nos reuniremos en La Primaria Adams para cenar, cantar villancicos, una visita especial de Santa y, por supuesto, entregar nuestros regalos navideños. ¡Las fechas se anunciarán pronto y próximamente habrá más detalles!

5 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Adams Giving Tree

Family & Children’s Ministry

Greetings Grace Families,

Brian Jones, a friend of mine, once told me, “What you tolerate, you will endure.” I was reminded of his words the other day. I was sweltering in my office, tolerating the unbearable temperature, when finally, tired of sweating and sticking to my chair, I called our friendly custodian, Marcus. I asked him to please come upstairs and see if he could figure out why my office was not cool like the rest of the building. His response upon entering my office was, “Why don’t you turn on your air conditioner?”

Wow. Suddenly I was in the middle of a life lesson. I had been sitting there, miserable in my unbearably hot office, and all the while I had an air conditioner right behind me. What you tolerate, you will endure. I put up with the heat, so I suffered the heat.

I am talking about room temperature, yes, but sometimes we find ourselves in situations or circumstances where instead of confronting or addressing how we feel, we learn to tolerate it. Why? Why do we do this? Why did I wait so long before I asked for help? Analyzing the situation, I realize I minimized how I felt in the heat. It wasn’t so bad, I told myself. And then, I began to just expect it, dress for it, and normalize it. I endured it – until I couldn’t.

Jesus was not afraid of addressing feelings or of confronting his own discomfort. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said, “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Jesus acknowledged that He didn’t like how He was feeling. He didn’t try to minimize it or ignore it. Jesus didn’t just tolerate His fear, anxiety, and anguish, enduring it silently. He cried out. He asked if there could be another way. And then He listened and obeyed.

Perhaps we use fear of change or fear of things getting worse as justification for not facing the truth. We are afraid that if we acknowledge our feelings, then we will be responsible to do something about them. Or we might inconvenience someone else. It is silly, but look – it took me all summer to finally acknowledge my office was just too hot. Yes, my situation didn’t include the difficulties involved where other people are concerned. But when I was willing to acknowledge there was a problem and ask for help, things changed. What about you? Are you putting up with rude behavior from a child because you don’t know what to do? Have you given

up finding like-minded friends and settled for being on your own? Have you felt confused because all the demands on your family’s time seem to crowd out what truly gives you life? Maybe it’s time to ask for help. Maybe it’s the season to come to our parenting class or meet with a pastor. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. – The Lord’s words in Isaiah 43:19

Often, I think we stop short of fully receiving and living in God’s best for us. May we be aware of the feelings, things, and places we tolerate to avoid dealing with truth. May we no longer be willing to endure things that need to change. God has more for us. Let’s do our part to receive it.


Raising Respectful, Powerful, and Responsible Kids

SUNDAYS | SEPT 24 – NOV 12 | 10:30 AM | KIDZONE

Most of us parent the way we were parented — because it’s what we know. But few of us were parented as our heavenly Father parents us. He doesn’t threaten, yell at, or slap us. He doesn’t argue with us, try to control us, or put us down. He invites us into intimate connections of love, trust, and freedom with Him and with one another. It’s the same kind of relationship we can have with our children, grandchildren, and even our friends. But many of us need new tools.

More Than a Parenting Class

Parenting with God’s Heart is much more than a basic parenting class. In fact, it might turn your parenting style

6 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Family & Children’s Ministry

upside down and then right-side up again! It teaches that it is not only possible, but logical, to never argue again with our kids and grandkids, that yelling, and threats have no place in our homes, and that we were never meant to control our kids, but to teach them to control themselves. Our job as parents and grandparents is to show our kids our heavenly Father by how we interact with them. No, we’ll never get it all right, but that’s part of the journey— modeling “I’m sorry” as well as forgiveness and fresh starts. We’re going to learn how to manage ourselves, build healthy connections, and raise responsible kids. Let’s be a part of changing the culture in our homes as well as the community around us. What a great legacy to pass on to our children – they’ll be able to parent as they were parented, with incredible love, patience, power, and healing – with the Father’s heart.

Our Time Together Will Include:

• Video Teachings

• Activation Exercises

• Discussion

Childcare Available

Please join us at any time for this 8-week study that began Sunday, September 24. We meet in the Big Kidzone Room from 10:30am – 11:15am. Childcare is available and a video series for older kids will be available in Room 203 during the time parents are together. There is no cost for this class.



Now is the time to learn basic conversational Spanish or brush up on what you might have learned in high school! Join us on Mondays at 10:00am in the Lounge (right next to the Garden Room). The classes are free and run September 25 through November 13. Rebecca Whitmore will facilitate this class, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and she’ll even throw in some fun activities to enhance our time of learning.

Questions? Contact the church: 509-248-7940



Jacob’s Well is a multi-generational worship service where people are free to express glory to God in many ways! Singing, dancing, and kneeling in prayer are all welcomed. Music will be selected to complement a short message. May this be an opportunity for people to encounter the living God as we gather and worship together!


Join us anytime! September 20 – November 15

6:00pm Dinner in the Gym

6:45pm – 8:00pm Classes For All Ages

• JACOB’S WELL: Worship for Everyone

7:00 pm –7:30pm | Chapel


• CHILDREN’S PROG RAM – 1st – 5th Grade 2nd Floor Classrooms


Mezzanine Classroom/Gym


Curt McFarland & Hamilton Licht

6:30pm – 8:30pm | Lounge

7 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Family & Children’s Ministry


Although SummerFun (having Sunday Grace Kids outside this summer) was so much fun, the kids are excited to be back in their classrooms! The first day back to school at Grace was on September 10th with an Open House. Children were glad to see those familiar faces of their teachers and peers, but also excited to see some new faces as well! We are continuing our curriculum, the Gospel Project for Kids, which is a Christ-centered chronological Bible study for children.

GraceKids welcomed two new families last Sunday, which was encouraging. One family having just moved here from California was looking for a church and decided to try ours. They were met with love and kindness and made to feel welcome. Thank you, Grace, for doing what you do best. Loving others well.


Candy is provided! Just show up in your favorite costume and be ready to have a lot of fun!

Need A

It might be daunting to think how to decorate your “trunk”, but please don’t let that stop you from volunteering to be a part of our annual Trunk or Treat. I will have some Halloween trunk decorating kits for you to borrow if you want to just bring your car and pass out candy. Minimal effort required! Let me know if you would like one so I know how many to order. It’s a fun way to bless our community.

8 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace Kids Enjoyed the Outdoors During the Summer
to borrow
Let Sara know you would like
a DecoratingTrunk Kit!

Welcome Back Students!

We kicked-off September with a bang! Sunday the 17th we teamed up with children’s ministry and had a bunch of fun things to do out on the north lawn. We enjoyed shaved ice, good food and fun games on the lawn. It was a great way to welcome our incoming 6th graders to Breakfast Club. That same week we also kicked-off our Wednesday youth program alongside our church’s Wednesdays@Grace dinner. We really enjoyed catching up with students we hadn’t seen since May and took the opportunity to invite them to this year’s Fair Concert.


October is here! Or as the students refer to it, “Spooky Season,” L.O.L. Our first couple of weeks we will settle into a routine of normal Wednesday nights: dinner, games, Jacob’s Well, and small group breakouts. The theme for this quarter is Daring Faith. The focus is to be bolder with our faith and have courage to ask questions. We are also looking forward to being more intentional about how we can serve others. Last year we used an acronym for our expectations while at youth group. We changed only one piece of it. So it now reads as:

G ive generously = Service

R espect all = Respect

A lways be kind = Kindness

C ellphones away = Focus

E ngage fully = Participation

The hope is to follow these points to create a positive culture in our gathering space. To create an atmosphere of love, community, and service.

Christian Concerts at the Fairgrounds Jeremy Camp Concert

We started a yearly tradition to take the students to a concert at the fair when a Christian artist performs. Last year it was Chris Tomlin. This year it was Jeremy Camp.

“I love going to these concerts because it’s fun to hang out with my friends from church outside of the church. Getting food beforehand, watching the concert, seeing the cool stage set-up, and worshiping along with everyone there. It’s so cool.”

– Anonymous High School Student

Attending these concerts has given the students a unique chance to see that the Christian community in Yakima is not small nor few. There are many people in our valley that believe in the same God that we are learning more about each and every day. We have had so much fun already, and this is only the beginning of the school year!

Making Balloon Animals for Trunk or Treat

October Service Project...



Speaking of service, we have our very first big service project in October: Trunk or Treat! Last year we had a blast - our booth of face painting, balloon animals, and other games run by our youth was a hit, and we know our students are excited to do it again. But before we know who will serve where we will have a TRAINING DAY ON OCTOBER 25. This also happens to be our Pumpkin carving day. So, mark that Wednesday on your calendars and set a reminder, because you definitely want to be there!

9 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministry

Union Gap Corn Maze and Fire Pit

Corn Maze & Fire Pit


Oh, and we can’t forget about Friday the 27th - we are reserving a fire pit for the corn maze. So just go ahead and have that half week marked out for youth events.

Student- family night


Let’s move on to November. We’ll slow back down for another couple of weeks with normal Wednesday nights through November 8. The week after we’d love to formally invite the families of students to a Family Night on November 15. We want to connect with the parents/guardians of our students as well as any potential new students. It will be at the same time as normal youth group 6pm–8:15pm. For Thanksgiving Break, we will still be having Wednesday Night Youth Group, but it will be an extracurricular activity: Nerf Night! The first one of this school year. Hosted by the Merrill boys.

Breakfast Club


Welcome All 6-12 Grade Students to Breakfast Club

Each Sunday Morning At 9:15am In The Chapel!

Ghormley Middle School Retreat

WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3-5 | 6:00PM – 8:15PM

Start planning on attending the Middle School retreat at Camp Ghormley, November 3rd through 5th. The weekend retreat at Ghormley is an annual event that allows us to connect with our Central Washington Youth Network.

Grace’s middle school students join together with students from four other churches throughout Central Washington for a fun action-packed weekend. We get to meet other youth from around the state and hear from other youth leaders. We will share with each other about where we are in our relationship with God.

“I love going to the middle school retreats because we get to go up into the beautiful mountains and enjoy some time away from life at home and just be in nature.” – Anonymous Middle School Student

Young Adults


We are also adding a “Young Adult Meet-Up,” led by Kathaleen McFarland for 18-30 year olds in the Chapel on Sundays at 10:30am.

10 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministry
Middle School Retreat At Camp Ghormley

Mission Ministry


Weeks ago, just as summer weather temperatures were reaching near peaks, a group from Grace of Christ ventured on a field trip of sorts to tour the Yakima Union Gospel Mission (YUGM) with Mission Ministry members Donnie Ide and Pastor Alex Rule. The visitors were welcomed and shown how the mission’s work is restoring lives, helping to move people from homelessness to wholeness. Dottie Hildebrand served as host and tour guide, answering questions and highlighting the latest mission updates and improvements. Lots of positive changes!

Pastor and Mission Ministry Team member Alex Rule states after the visit, “The Yakima Union Gospel Mission is an amazing place. We all had a new, fresh and unique experience. Everything is so clean and beautiful and beyond our own imagination!

“It is a place where the children of God feel loved and a sense of belonging. All are treated with respect and dignity. The Mission is showing the fruits of those who planted and believed in God’s plans and purposes for Yakima. YUGM is one of the best shelters or perhaps the best in Washington state.”

Watch for more upcoming field trips where you can personally discover the work of our nearby missions. If you have a suggestion for a visit, please let the Mission Ministry Team know.

And now, as beautiful fall weather approaches, you have an opportunity to attend EVENING OF HOPE: Journey to Wholeness. This occasion offers guests a unique opportunity to be immersed into a captivating journey through the diverse programs and services provided by YUGM.

According to Dottie Hildebrand, Director of Donor Relations for the Mission, attendees will have the chance to gain deep insights into the organization’s mission, witnessing firsthand the transformative impact it has on the lives of those struggling with homelessness.

Guests will learn about the vital work performed by YUGM and how it is accomplished, fostering greater understanding and appreciation for the mission of restoring hope and wholeness to individuals within the Yakima community.

You can purchase tickets online at: https:/

11 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry


Fall is in the air... and so is excitement! With the changing of the seasons and the coming of fall, the Mission Ministry Team anticipates the celebration of Mission Sunday – a long-standing tradition held by our church. This year, October 8th marks Mission Sunday, a time where Grace of Christ will reflect upon what is means to be a missionary and honor our missionaries and mission partners/organizations. According to Pat Erickson, long-time mission ministry team member, the beginnings of Mission Sunday took root years ago, although it is hard to pinpoint an exact date.

“Mission Sunday has been a time where our congregation could learn more about missions and meet some of our visiting missionaries,” Erickson explains. “We (Pat and Fred Erickson) even hosted a few events at our house...”


This tradition continues today as missionary Lani Johnson from Blessings of Hope/Navigators, will visit from the Philippines to provide an update (during both services) about how this ministry is offering a better future to Filipino children and youth who are living in poverty.

“Mission Sunday reminds me that our congregation supports missions as close as across the street at Mabel Swan, down the block at Davis High School, or around the world in places I can’t even pronounce,” states Don Ide, Mission Ministry Team member. “The older I get, the more excited I am to know that through my prayers, finance, and actual efforts, I am, along with the other members of my church family, supporting these vital mission efforts!”

12 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Lani and Michael Johnson, Blessings of Hope

Mission Ministry

Over the years, Mission Sunday has evolved and has become one of the Mission Team’s favorite occasions to recognize and learn more about our local and global missions and missionaries. During Mission Sunday, a festive atmosphere occurs, and the congregation instantly knows that it is Mission Sunday. Upon entering the sanctuary, churchgoers will view colorful national flags suspended above; each flag representing the countries where Grace of Christ supports missionaries.

“The different flags of nations remind me that our outreach affects whole countries,” reflects Don Stuber, Mission Ministry Team member. “I am so glad that our church has sent missionaries for over 100 years.”

Representatives Available To Answer Questions

And the sanctuary is not the only area that looks a little different during Mission Sunday. The congregation easily notices that the Garden Room has been transformed into a Mission Fair where representatives from approximately 20 missions and mission organizations are at hand. These representatives are there to provide more information about their missions, answer questions, or to help you FIND YOUR MISSION and FIND YOUR PASSION.

Mission Sunday at Grace

October 8, 2023

“Mission Sunday brings to mind the rich history we have (Grace of Christ) had in missions, both globally and in our own Valley,” Stuber states. “I love talking to the missionaries that come. They represent the common people who have given their lives—much like our educators, fire fighters and police.”

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Grace of Christ Preschool


The whirlwind of back-to-school season is winding down. Before we get caught up in the business and busy-ness of Christmas, we get to take a moment to breathe in autumn. The leaves are changing, the weather is cooler, and the days are shorter. But here at the preschool, young minds are just beginning to bloom...


Back to School Week: Our first week was a success! Lots of routines established and new friendships are being made. Pumpkin Patch Field Trip: This annual tradition helps us invite our parents to be part of the school and begin to form friendships through their children.


Amber Miller Lead Preschool Teacher

I’m starting my 3rd year at Grace of Christ and know this year is going to be great! I was born and raised in Yakima. I have two teenage daughters and spend a lot of my time outside of school with them. I’m a professional photographer and love finding ways to make things beautiful. When I’m not at preschool, you’ll probably find me at Hobby Lobby or spending time with my family.

Amiya Aparicio Assistant Preschool Teacher

This is my 2nd year at Grace of Christ, and I LOVE IT! I was born and raised in Yakima. I love traveling, red bull, and Target. When I’m not at preschool I spend a lot of time volunteering at my mom’s school, Adams Elementary.

Danete Carvo Lead PreK Teacher

Dutch Apple Pie Sales: These delicious, handmade pies go on sale in October and are ready to take home the week of Thanksgiving. Remember to order yours this month!

I’m Mrs. Carvo and this is my first year at Grace of Christ, but definitely not my first year teaching! I have 28 years of experience in early childhood education, and I love teaching PreK the most! I also support struggling families in our community by facilitating supervised visitations. When I’m not at preschool I’m at my house up in the mountains, riding Jeeps!

Ana Espinoza

Assistant PreK Teacher

Calendar Sales: Calendars are on sale in the office and at the Welcome Center on Sundays until we run out. The proceeds go directly to our Preschool budget. Last year we used calendar money for field trips and advertising. Get your calendar today!

This is my second year at Grace of Christ Preschool. I love working with kids and get fueled by their energy and excitement. I can’t wait to get this year started! A few things about me... I am a mom of two teenage boys. I love family time, dancing, and sharing my faith with kids, either here at preschool or teaching catechism at my church. When I’m not here, I’m enjoying family time at home!

14 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Danete Carvo Amiya Aparicio Ana Espinoza Amber Miller

Miracle Upon Miracle

On August 6th, Curt’s sermon in Philippians resonated with me and my husband James and we want to share our story. When you have God on your side, it’s definitely true that anything is possible, and we witnessed this with the birth of our twins, Arvilla and Claire. They were baptized at Grace on May 26, and it’s a miracle that they are even here.

At 39 years old, I became pregnant and found out that not only was I pregnant, but pregnant with twins! The type of twins I was carrying are an anomaly and due to that and my age, I had to be seen by doctors every two weeks. Everything was going well, and my pregnancy was easy, compared to my earlier pregnancy with my son 18 years prior. However, in week 32 of my pregnancy, I knew something was wrong, Claire wasn’t moving anymore. I went to get an ultrasound, and she wasn’t passing her breathing tests, so I was immediately admitted into the hospital. They wanted to pump me full of steroids to jump-start her lungs. After two days, they gave me another ultrasound. The steroids didn’t work, and she wasn’t responding, so they informed me that I was having an emergency c-section that day. They weren’t sure if she would survive even with the c-section.

We cried, we prayed and then it was time. They delivered Arvilla first, she was swollen and beet red. Then Claire was born pale, frail, and small. They brought James to see the babies and to say his goodbyes. James prayed again; the girls went immediately into surgery. After a short time in recovery, the doctor came to tell me that I had developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), where some-

thing happens to the umbilical cord and one baby gets all the nutrients and the other gets nothing. It’s dangerous for both babies because the one getting double the nutrients will have thicker blood and is in danger of having a stroke, and the other because they didn’t have enough nutrients to survive. The doctor told us that they were sicker than they thought and IF they survived, we were looking at a 6 to 8 month stay in the NICU.

We prayed through the weekend, and after four blood exchanges (draining excess blood from Arvilla and transfusing it into Claire) they were able to take their CPAP machines off and we were able to hold them for the first time on their 4th day. We prayed and I moved into their hospital room. I spent hours, up to 12 hours some days, holding them skin to skin.

One day was particularly hard, Claire was having issues breathing, and I looked on the floor and there was a string in the shape of an ichthys. There was no way there should have been a string like that in the room. Seeing it gave me strength and I knew He was there. We defied the odds and after 25 days, we were released from the NICU! No brain damage, no hearing impairments, eyes were developed and motor functions above average. It truly was a miracle. So, not only are our girls a special gift, they are miracles.

Kind regards, The Conright family

15 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Testimonies
Arvilla and Claire’s Baptism on May 21


“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

With summer winding down, the cooler days have begun, and they are refreshing. We are now transitioning to a new season that promises to be full of activities and opportunities to serve. We continue to need volunteers in every area of this ministry in order to take pressure off those currently serving, as we continue to have a shortage of volunteers in this ministry.

something to offer, different gifts, sometimes things we are not even aware we have. Volunteering is so much more than just volunteering. The rewards are many. If you are reading this and feel unsure, as I did, please pray about it with an open heart and see what happens.

– Cathy (and Lloyd) Campbell

As mentioned in the previous Grace Alive, there are many areas of need. They include greeters, ushers, refreshments, the Welcome Center and special events. Linda Mathews, 509697-3013, can tell you what is involved in any of these committees and can put you in touch with the committee Chair. If one committee doesn’t work for you, try another one until you find a good fit. Working on events can be a lot of fun and an opportunity to try something new and meet new people.


Lloyd & Cathy Campbell

Ephesians 2:8

I have been involved in several areas of the Hospitality Ministry Team and have found it to be rewarding in so many ways. Not only has it given me an opportunity to become familiar with what Grace has to offer, it has given me the opportunity to volunteer with my husband, who is also feeling enriched by the experience. We have become better acquainted with many people we only knew from a distance. We have begun to realize we are a part of something bigger, and for the first time believe we have a church family. We have also seen how, when something happens in our lives that is difficult, we are covered in prayer. We are not alone in our suffering. Through some of the activities we have been involved in, we have made what I believe to be lifelong friendships, complete with prayer partners both in and outside church. When I enter the sanctuary and the service begins, whether it be music, greeting others, communion, or the sermon, so often now I feel God’s presence. I´m sure there are other things I could mention, but I believe anyone who is not currently, or ever been, involved as a volunteer would benefit as I have, only in their own way. We all have

BAPTISM: Matt Giussi was baptized on July 30, with his family at his side. What a blessing it is to witness such an event.

THANKSGIVING POTLUCK: It is kick-off time for our upcoming season. The all-church Thanksgiving potluck dinner will be held Sunday, November 19th. There will be only one service that Sunday. There will be no charge, but an offering basket will be available. Contributions will help cover the cost of the turkeys. If you would like to volunteer to help with set-up and/or clean-up, please contact Linda Mathews at the number above.

SANCTUARY GUILD: A harvest display will be set up November 12th and 19th and Advent and Christmas decorations will be set up the last week of November. Please keep these dates in mind, as there will be a call for volunteers ahead of time.

USHERS: Discussions are occurring regarding translation devices and the setting up of a training time. There will be more information available as these discussions are completed.

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” – Romans 15:7

“We are at our best when we serve God from our hearts.” – Julie Ackerman Link, Hope for All Seasons

16 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Hospitality
“For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.”

Grace School of Ministry & Leadership


The Intern Board is excited to introduce the two Interns who will be working at Grace of Christ in 2023-2024: Alexandria (Alex) Moran, Linda Camarillo, and Isaac Gambito.

Internship Program

The Intern Program is connected with Northwest University and the Interns will be taking their classes remotely from Yakima. This is NOT a one-and-done Internship, but we have hopes of having these Internships continue for several years. The church will contribute to each intern’s tuition as they work around the church. They will focus on leadership duties and assist Kara Brown with youth group roles at Grace. What an impact they will make on our students!


We have hired Larissa Belknap to be the director of the School of Ministry and Leadership (SML). SML is a weekly training

Congratulations Joe Park!

time that prepares the Interns to be great ministers for the rest of their lives. Larissa graduated from Pacific Lutheran University and has worked as a therapist with students for years. She is very involved in Bible Study Fellowship, has been a Young Life leader, and organized the Riverside Christian Auction for years. She is married to Blake, and they have two college-age children: Austin and Kennedy.

Please join us in welcoming Larissa and the Interns as you see them ministering within and around us. Pray that the Student Ministry grows deep and wide and blesses not only our students, but the Interns as well.

The Internship Board, Jake Kupp, Steve Hildebrand, Ken Marble, Peggy Schafer, Julie Grove, Kara Brown, Don Stuber, Corday Trick, & Jay Sentz

We offer our heartfelt congratulations to our friend Joe Park who has retired from close to 70 years in the construction industry. Joe, along with his company, have worked on countless projects in Yakima, various places in the Northwest, and even out of state.

Yakima’s Business Times has a very nice article about Joe in their most recent publication. Please check it out and next time you see Joe, which might be in the Garden Room or on the golf course, congratulate him on a job well done!

17 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
— Larissa Belknap Grace & Northwest University Interns (2023-2024) Alexandria (Alex) Moran, Linda Camarillo, and Isaac Gambito

Women’s Ministry





Hello Women of Grace, God speaks to us in so many ways. Through the Bible, nature, worship songs, our children – the list is endless. And sometimes I find He emphasizes things through repetition. For instance, a friend recently sent me an invitation to a statewide women’s conference. The title of the event is Come to the Table. Sound familiar? It is the same title as our upcoming Chelan Women’s Retreat. I knew my longtime friend and sister-in-Christ was responsible for organizing the conference, as well as the title. I also knew she didn’t realize this was the very title I had picked for our Grace of Christ retreat. I paid attention. This was not a coincidence. My friend Tina and I were both tuned into the same heavenly channel. One thing I know about Tina is that she prays, listens, and then is obedient to the Holy Spirit. I contacted her immediately and sent her our retreat flyer. We both had a good laugh. However, we also recognized the importance of what was at hand. Two women’s conferences, within a couple months of each other, with the same title and heart. Heaven

was weighing in. I believe this message of saying yes to coming to the table, His table, is of utmost significance right now. ‘Come to the Table’ may mean different things to each of us, depending on our circumstances. To some it might mean acceptance, to some provision, and to me personally, it means I am seen. I matter. It is an invitation, but it is also a command. Like a parent inviting a child to dinner, come. Our heavenly Father has set a table before us. We don’t have to pretend at that table, we don’t have to be on our best behavior, we don’t have to be anxious or afraid that we are going to mess up, nor do we have to hide all the places where we have not made the best decisions. We are invited to come as we are.

Women of Grace, you’ve already been invited to come to our retreat in October through a postcard or online, but sometimes invitations need to be repeated for us to seriously consider them. Yes, you are invited to come! We want you there. And perhaps the Lord’s not only inviting you, but asking you to invite a friend who wouldn’t consider coming to the retreat on her own. Chelan is beautiful in October. Come to the lake. Come enjoy your sisters-in-Christ. Come be refreshed and encouraged. Do not let finances deter you, partial and full scholarships are available! Come to the Table.



Guest Speakers Sarah Cooper and Robin Stuber

OCTOBER 20, 21 & 22


Read about the retreat, schedules, description, and more online!

There is still time to register for our Women’s Retreat taking place October 20 through 22nd at Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan. You have until October 10th to register online ( or in the church office.

QUESTIONS? Call Sarah Huck: 509.930.8733

OR Grace of Christ: 509.248.7940




Women of the Word (WOW) Bible study meets Tuesdays from 9:45-11:00 AM in the Fireside Room. This fall we are going through Life Guide’s Prayer, “Prayer –An Adventure with God.” This study is taking us to prayers in scripture that reveal why we pray, the many varieties of prayer, the two-way communication of talking with and listening to God and much more that will energize our prayer lives. WOW welcomes all women of Grace and their friends. Please join us! Booklets are $8 and can be purchased in class.

Our WOW leaders this year are Donna Oliva, Donna Fuhlman, John Stolzenbach, and special guest leaders, Ericka Clark, Kara Brown, and Pastor Curt McFarland.

18 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Camp Ghormley




Make plans to join us at Grace of Christ in Yakima on Saturday, October 14th as we gather together to celebrate a great year of ministry at Ghormley and look forward to what’s in store! Interested in attending? Head to our website to register or give us a call!



Get into the Christmas spirit by spending a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities!

Activities Include:

• Amazing meals

• Gingerbread House Building Contest

• Sledding

• Christmas Crafts

• Family Activities

• Family Night (Caroling, Devotions, & Movie Night!)

• Cut down your own Christmas tree!

You can find pricing and registration information online at Registration begins October 2nd.


• Pray that God would give us favor as we await word from the Forest Service on several important project approvals that we submitted early in 2023.



Enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal together as a family in God’s beautiful creation! The best part is, you don’t have to do any of the cooking or cleanup! Come join us for a fun, memory-making day that your family will remember for years to come!


11:00 AM – Check-in & Appetizers

1:30 PM – Worship

2:00 PM – Thanksgiving Feast

Make this a family tradition and join us for a special day that your family will never forget! You can find pricing and registration information online at

• Pray that God would lead us to our next Facilities Director. Praise God that we have Jeff Sansburn as our Interim Facilities Director!

• Pray that our staff will be unified and renewed in body and spirit as we move into a slower season before winter arrives.


Would you like to support the ministry of Ghormley? It's easy to do! Head to and look for the donate button. Thank you in advance for your support of all that God is doing here at camp! Every gift makes a difference, and will help Ghormley prepare to continue our legacy of life-changing ministry in Jesus’ name.

19 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Church Library


There are over 1000 books waiting for you in your church library. Lots of new non-fiction as well as the old non-fiction favorites. If you have books to donate, please bring them to the office or slide through the slot at the library.

Sue Januscheitis and Arden Underdal are continuing to do a great job as the volunteer librarians but could use some help. If you like books, then maybe you would like to work in the library. One Sunday a month – an hour before or after your service.


The Emancipation of Robert Sadler

Marie Chapian, Robert Sadler

“The Emancipation of Robert Sadler” This is one of my alltime favorite stories. Over fifty years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Robert Sadler was sold into slavery at the age of five – by his own father. This is the no-holds-barred tale of those dark days, his quest for freedom, and the determination to serve others born out of his experience. It is a story of good triumphing over evil, of God’s grace, and of an extraordinary life of ministry. Find this book in the Biography section.

The Mitford Series - Jan Karon

“The Mitford Series” The popular and inspirational Mitford series began almost 30 years ago when Jan Karon wrote “At Home in Mitford.” Most of this series is available in our library, including “Shepherds Abiding”, a Christmas story. Sit back and relax with one of these heartwarming tales featuring Father Tim Kavanaugh. Find in the library under F for Fiction, Karon.

A Grace Disguised


“A Grace Disguised” How the soul grows through loss, by Gerald L. Sittser. 248.86 S Written by a professor at Whitworth College, who lost his mother, wife, and daughter in a horrible car accident. It’s a meditation on all the losses we suffer and Grace we can grow by suffering.


One of our Preschool’s most popular fundraisers is back again this fall. Place your order one (or more!) of their delicious, handmade Dutch apple pies. They are made with love and local apples and are ready to take home the week of Thanksgiving. Remember to order yours this month!


Calendars are on sale through the office and at the Welcome Center on Sundays until we run out. The proceeds go directly to our Preschool budget. Last year we used calendar money for field trips and advertising. Get your calendar today!

20 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
– Don Stuber

Sharing Life Together at Grace



| 6-8PM | OCT 28


Candy is provided! Just show up in your favorite costume and be ready to have a lot of fun!




Join us anytime! Wednesdays through November 15

6:00pm Dinner in the Gym

6:45pm – 8:00pm Classes For All Ages

• JACOB’S WELL: Worship for Everyone

7:00pm –7:30pm | Chapel


• CHILDREN’S PROG RAM – 1st – 5th Grade 2nd Floor Classrooms

• YOUTH GROUP – 6TH – 12 GRADE Mezzanine Classroom/Gym

• ADULTS’ CLASS “FAITH IN MOVIES” Curt McFarland & Hamilton Licht

6:30pm – 8:30pm | Lounge


NOV 17 (5:30-7:30PM) and NOV 18 (9am – Noon)

Want to learn more about Grace? What do we believe? Why is church important? How do we make a difference in our community and the world? Join us Friday evening November 17 from 5:30-7:30 & on Saturday November 18 from 9am to noon. (Dinner & breakfast provided.) At the end, you’ll have an opportunity to join Grace of Christ. Let us know if you’re interested in attending; and if you’ll need childcare. Please email: or call Ericka: 509-248-7940 ext. 107 during the week.



Ring in the new (school) year by trying Bells of Grace. No bell experience necessary. Ability to read music helpful, but not a deal breaker. Recommended ages: 12-100. Try a few sessions to see what excitement is about. We meet on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm in the Mid-Hi Room. Questions?

Contact Julie Hunziker

(530)209-4329 or

21 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
A Theme?
It might be daunting to think how to decorate your “trunk”, but please don’t let that stop you from volunteering to be a part of our annual Trunk or Treat. I will have some Halloween trunk decorating kits for you to borrow if you want to just bring your car and pass out candy. Minimal effort required! Let me know if you would like one so I know how many to order. It’s a fun way to bless our community. Sara know you would like to borrow a DecoratingTrunk Kit!

Sharing Life Together at Grace


SUNDAYS | SEPT 24 – NOV 12 | 10:30 AM | KIDZONE

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30am for a video led series, Parenting with God's Heart. The series is full of hope, laughter, and biblical based teachings, helping us receive with understanding and grace, how to move forward in becoming the parents we want to be. We will watch the video and have time for group discussion. We began September 24, but you are welcome to join in now! We meet upstairs in KidZone, Room 211.




14 OCT


You are invited to celebrate what God is doing at Camp Ghormley, look forward to a bright future of ministry, and be a part of funding our Camp Ministry in 2024. Join us for dinner on Saturday, October 14 at 6pm in the church gym. Please register at or in the church office by Oct 8.



Now is the time to learn basic conversational Spanish or brush up on what you might have learned in high school! Join us on Mondays at 10:00am in the Lounge (right next to the Garden Room). Classes run September 25 through November 13. Rebecca Whitmore will facilitate this class, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and she’ll even throw in some fun activities to enhance our time of learning. Questions? Contact the church, 509-248-7940. No charge for this class.



Join this fun, Christ-centered, city-wide choir for all kids ages 7 up to 14. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 4pm–5:15pm at Grace of Christ (Choir Room – drop off by playground) and will run through the school year. No experience necessary. Call Sonny Salsbury if you have any questions, 805-709-6605.


Spend the day (and the night if you choose) at Camp enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Register on Ghormley’s website



Please join us for an evening of singing! On Wed, Nov 15 at 6:30pm. We will gather together to lift our hearts in worship, including some of our most favorite and familiar hymns.

22 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Calendar of Events

Fri, Nov 17 Next Steps Class (Dinner Included) 5:30pm

S at, Nov 18 Next Steps Class (Breakfast Included) 9:00am

Sun, Nov 19 One Service / Stewardship Sunday 10:00am

Sun, Nov 19 All Church Thanksgiving Potluck 11:30am

Nov 20 & 21 Preschool Thanksgiving Feasts

Wed, Nov 22 No Preschool Today


Thur, Nov 23 Thanksgiving at Camp Ghormley 11:00am – 4:00pm

Fri, Nov 24 Closed for Holiday

Sun, Nov 26 Baptisms & Welcome New Partners 9:00am and 11:00am Sanctuary

Sun, Nov 26 Chat with the Elders After Each Service Sanctuary

Tue, Nov 28 S ession Meeting 6:30pm

23 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Sun, Oct 1 World Communion Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am Sanctuary Mon, Oct 2 Nominating Committee Meeting 4:30pm Adult Ed Room Tue, Oct 3 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Tue, Oct 3 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room Fri, Oct 6 S ewing Group 9:00am Lounge Sun, Oct 8 Mission Sunday All Morning Garden Room Sun, Oct 8 Deacon Meeting 12:30pm Lounge Mon, Oct 9 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Adult Ed Room Tue, Oct 10 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Library Thur, Oct 12 Union Gospel Mission Evening of Hope 5:30pm Modern Living Bld, Fairgrounds ] Sat, Oct 14 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sat, Oct 14 Camp Ghormley Benefit Dinner 6:00pm Gym Sun, Oct 15 Pastor Chat After Each Service Sanctuary Tue, Oct 17 Staff Bible Study 10:00am Adult Ed Room Oct 20 - 22 Women’s Retreat in Lake Chelan All Weekend Campbell’s Resort Sun, Oct 22 Chat with the Elders After Each Service Sanctuary Tue, Oct 24 S ession Dinner & Meeting 6:00pm Garden Room/Adult Ed Room Sat, Oct 28 Trunk or Treat 6:00pm Church Parking Lot Sun, Oct 29 S ession Discussion Meeting 12:30pm Adult Ed Room Wed, Nov 1 Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting 3:00pm Garden Room Fri, Nov 3 S ewing Group 9:00am Lounge Sat, Nov 4 Men’s Breakfast 7:30am Gym Sun, Nov 5 Communion Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am Sanctuary Nov 3–5 Middle School Retreat All Weekend Camp Ghormley Mon, Nov 6 Nominating Committee Meeting 4:30pm Adult Ed Room Tue, Nov 7 S taff Calendar Planning 10:00am Adult Ed Room Tue, Nov 7 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Garden Room Wed, Nov 8 Mabel Swan Thanksgiving Noon Garden Room Fri, Nov 10 Veterans Day - Church Closed All Day Sun,
12:00pm Adult Ed Room
4:00pm Library
4:00pm Adult Ed Room
6:30pm Sanctuary
Fireside Room
Nov 12 Deacon Meeting 12:30pm
Mon, Nov 13 Preschool Board Meeting
Tue, Nov 14 Business Ministry Team Meeting
Tue, Nov 14
Ministry Team Meeting
Wed, Nov 15 Festival of Hymns
Camp Ghormley

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