Here@First - Sept 2010

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first presbyterian church


September 2010

FIRST where are you


journey issue

“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�

Volume 18

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 509-248-7940


in this issue 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18 19 20-21 22-23


September Events Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series Sunday Morning Class Information Pastor Jack’s Welcome Pastor Mark’s Welcome Fellowship Ministry : Group Life Fellowship Ministry : Senior Adults Discipleship Ministry : Students Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Worship Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Re3: Wednesday Night Classes & Events News & Upcoming Events


events calendar Tuesday, August 31 Prayer & Praise Service 7:00p Wednesday, September 1 Family Ministries Board Meeting 12:00p WOW (Women of Wonder) Meeting 4:00p Preschool Parent Orientation 6:00p Thursday, September 2 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Senior Adult Ministry Team Meeting 3:00p Prayer Ministry Leader Meeting 4:00p Sunday, September 5 NO Kidzone Today 9:30a Monday, September 6 Labor Day - Church closed all day Tuesday, September 7 Preschool - First Day (3’s and Pre K) 9:00a - 11:30a Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:15p Wednesday, September 8 Preschool - First Day (4’s) 9:00a - 11:30a Thursday, September 9 CSB Kick Off (Christian Service Brigade - Boys) 6:00p Fellowship Ministry Team 5:15p Sunday, September 12 KICK OFF SUNDAY all morning Family Swim Party @ Gustafsons 12:00p - 4:00p Habitat House Dedication (1518 Fairbanks Ave) 3:00p Tuesday, September 14 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 1:00p Adult Ed Meeting 7:00p Wednesday, September 15 Ghormley Commission Meeting 6:30p Thursday, September 16 Business Ministry Team 7:00a BSF Kick Off (Bible Study Fellowship for Women) 9:00a Preschool Board Meeting 9:30a Reformation Trip (Europe) Planning Meeting 3:00p or 6:00p Fri 17, Sat 18, Sun 19 Ghormley Father & Son Weekend: Backyard Ballistics all weekend Friday, September 17 MOPS Meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Saturday, September 18 Viewing of Present Future (Elders/deacons) 8:00a-12:00n Tuesday, September 21 Service Ministry Team Meeting 7:00a Living a Spirit Led Life Kick Off 9:15a Session Leadership Team 7:00p Wednesday, September 22 RE3 Kick Off Dessert 5:30p Classes 6:30p - 8:15p Ghormley: Presbyterian Women Luncheon 9:00a Friday, September 24 MOPS Zumba 9:00a Saturday, September 25 Sunfair Parade 10:00a Prayer Shawl 1:00p Couple’s Night / Cristo Vive 5:00p Tuesday, September 28 Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Session Dinner / Meeting 6:00p Friday, October 1 MOPS Meeting (Mothers of Preschools) 9:00a Sunday, October 3 Church Wide “Ghormley Church Family Round Up” 1:00p-6:00p


Please bring cookies to church for the fellowship time in the Garden Room on Sundays. We also collect non-perishable food items for Calvary Rescue Mission (a food bank here in Yakima). They are in need of protein items: tuna, peanut butter, soups, etc. And bottled water. Thank you! Please drop off cookies and food bank donations in the Parlor Kitchen Friday or even Sunday morning!

September September September September

5th 12th 19th 26th



Sunday Morning info Sunday Morning Services Communion - Every Sunday Ward Chapel 7:45a Contemporary Services Sanctuary 8 & 9:30a The Best of Classic Worship Sanctuary 11:00a RM 102 During Services Childcare Ages 3 mo – 21/2 years Kidzone Sunday School (Children released to teachers from 9:30 Worship Service) Sonbeams - 2 1/2 up to 4 *Parents to drop off at class L2 9:30 - 10:45a 103 9:30 - 10:45a Cubbies - 4’s to Pre-K Kinder - 1st Grade 208 9:30 - 10:45a 2nd-3rd Grade 217 9:30 - 10:45a 4th-5th Grade 203 9:30 - 10:45a *Special Needs classroom available 220 9:30 - 10:45a Student Ministries (6TH-12TH GRADE) Worship service Sanctuary 9:30a Small Groups Gym 10:30a-12:00n Adult Education Classes Adult Ed Rm 9:30-10:30a Golden Circle David Ferry Lounge 9:30-10:30a 40 Days of Purpose Mid High Rm 9:30-10:30a

Weekly Events at FPC

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Senior Adult Exercise 8:45a Monday TOPS 10:00a Over-Eaters Anonymous 12:00p Al-Anon 5:15p Church Basketball 7:00p TUESDAY Living a Spirit Filled Life 9:15a (Kickoff 9/21) Women’s Bible Study 9:45a Over-Eaters Anonymous 1:00p Wednesday Men’s Bible Study 12:00p Women of Action (Prayer) 12:00p Thursday Bible Study Fellowship (women) 9:00a (kickoff 9/22) Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p

European Reformation Tour Led by Dr. Darrell Guder and Pastor Jack Peebles, August 10, 2011 - August 26, 2011. A 17 day tour to the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. An educational tour on the birth of the Church Reformation. Come hear about the tour on September 16, 2010 at 3:00pm, or at 6:00pm in the Garden Room. For additional information, contact Pastor Jim Erixson at 248-7940 x130


sunday morning

classes and services 40 DAYS OF PURPOSE

9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.



9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON Originally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study.


9:30-10:30 Adult Education Room GOD’S PLAN OF THE AGES / Adult Education will be surveying the Bible. We will look at God’s plan in Eternity past, continue chronologically through Biblical history; forward to God’s plan in Eternity future. Also studies on God’s covenant promises, major doctrines, and the people God equipped to carry out His purposes. This class will offer an opportunity to better understand what God has planned for us.


Dear Church Family, Dear Church Family, “Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:21) In the film Blues Brothers, two brothers, Jake and Elwood Blues (played by John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd), are the central characters. Their goal is to save a Catholic orphanage in which they grew up from foreclosure. The task: To raise $5,000 to pay the tax assessor. To accomplish this, they must reunite their old blues band. Along the way, they face forces that are working against them including a “mystery woman,” Neo-Nazis, and a country western band. They repeatedly announce on their journey that they are on “a mission from God!” In the end, despite the obstacles they face, they hold to their mission and it is accomplished. Did you know that you are on a mission from God? God has created you for a purpose. God has something He wants to do through you in any given moment on any given day. God “sends” you and me out into the world to the various people we meet to bless, witness, and transform this world while we ourselves are transformed. While we are on our mission, there are very real forces that work against us. Satan and our own sin work to shatter our confidence in the Lord and what He can do through us. From the very beginning and throughout history, God used everyday people who felt inadequate or unworthy to do powerful things. I was reminded of the “March of the Unqualified” video I shared two years ago in worship. Consider this: Moses was not a great speaker. Jonah ran from God. Jacob was a liar. Noah got drunk. David had an affair. Jeremiah was depressed. Solomon was rich in wisdom, but poor in lifestyle. John the Baptist was just plain poor. Timothy was too young. Abraham was too old. Lazarus was dead. Sarah was barren. Naomi was a widow. Gideon and Thomas both doubted. Peter lacked self-control. James and John were self-righteous. Paul had a short fuse… so did Peter… and Moses. The point is this: God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called! The truth is that no matter how inadequate we might feel or the obstacles we face, each one of us is gifted in a God-given, specific way, and we have opportunities to share those gifts. As we use our gifts and rely on His strength, we join with God as He transforms the world: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).


Beginning on September 12th, we will embark on a new series titled “On A Mission From God!” The foundational Scripture for the series is the John 20:21 passage at the top of this article. I invite you to join us over this 8-week study as we explore how God calls us each (from the youngest child to the oldest senior) to be a missionary wherever He has placed us. In the words of Jake and Elwood Blues, we’re on a mission from God! September 12, 2010- “Sent by God: Me? Yes, You!” John 20:19-23, 1 Peter 4:1-11 September 19, 2010- “Sent Why? The Changing World.” Luke 12:54-59 September 26, 2010- “Sent to Whom & Where? Keeping our Eyes Open” Luke 12:35-48 October 3, 2010- “Sent to Grow the Kingdom (not the church!)” Luke 4:38-44 October 10, 2010- “Sent Together: Community” 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:1-14 October 17, 2010- “Sent to Bless: How Can We Help?” Genesis 12: 1-3; Romans 4:13-25 October 24, 2010- “Sent to Witness: The Good News!” Acts 1:6-8 October 31, 2010- “Sent to Transform: From the Inside Out” Matt 28:16-20; Rom 5:1-5 Blessings with His love, Pastor Jack

You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. Psalm 92:4 NLT


Fusing Families Together for Christ and His Mission The Challenge: Family Time There’s an interesting trend happening within families today. Sunday morning is increasingly being framed as “family time”—not church family, but nuclear family time. Rather than coming to church for worship, many families are opting to remain at home and bond together and rest. Ironically, Sunday worship is increasingly viewed as an exercise no longer conducive to family life today. Of course, much of this sentiment can be attributed to the corresponding increase in the number of people who do not follow Jesus. However, one question that has haunted our Family Ministry team over the past few months is, “What if we’re also contributing to this sentiment?” Martin Luther King Jr. frequently stated in his sermons that Sunday morning was the most segregated time of the week. Of course he was referring to racial segregation. However, there’s been another form of segregation that has crept into the church, particularly over the past 25 years—let’s call it family segregation. For many families, Sunday morning is the time when they are the most separated. The children are sent to Sunday school, the adults have their time of worship, and the teens their own program. While there is strong reason for the church to recognize our various developmental stages and to minister to people within their particular life contexts, if we’re not careful this can lead to a condition where individuals receive spiritual training, but there is no common spiritual development as a cohesive family. In other words, our very structure may be inhibiting families from experiencing church as “family time.” Moses commands Israel and especially the parents, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4) In other words, the parents are to be the primary means of spiritual formation for their children--not the leaders, or the priest, but rather the parents. Consequently, it is the role of the church not only to help train up children in the ways of the faith, but also particularly to train up parents who are well equipped to raise Godly children. God’s intention for the church and parents is to partner well together, not to segregate them. The Response: Fuse Over the past six months our Children’s and Student Ministry staff and our Family Ministry Board have met to consider how we can better assist parents to raise godly children in an increasingly godless society. Rather than segregating children from parents, how can we assist parents in their ministry to their children in very tangible and practical ways? Moreover, given that many parents today did not have much modeling growing up as to how to raise godly kids, how can we help families actually experience some of what it means to experience God together?


You might expect that here is the point in my article that I might articulate the grand solution and how you can participate. Well, let me be the first to admit, we do not have all the answers to this challenge. However, we have some ideas that we’d like to try along with some interested families. And we could use your help as we explore ways to bring families together. Rather than segregate families on Sundays, we would like to find creative Great news! ways to “Fuse” families together for Christ and His mission. Thus, the name Shan Trick “Fuse.”

will now be joining us as we minister to families.

Practically Speaking: Pilot Group this Fall Subsequently, we’re looking for families who are interested in partnering with us to shape what this ministry will look like. We’re looking for a group of adults who would like to serve in a pilot group as we think and pray together about how we might best serve families today. These adults will have the opportunity to offer feedback weekly and formulate strategy—as well as have a Shan can be great amount of fun together! Because we are looking to build a team with a cohesive vision, we would ask that these families participating in the pilot group reached at attend “Fuse” at least three out of four Sundays a month this fall. 248-7940 Practically speaking, families will gather on Sundays following the 9:30AM ext. 142 worship service. (We also have some exciting hopes for the worship service, but more on that another time.) Parents with smaller kids will then collect their children from KidZone to gather in the gym with the parents of older children and their teenagers (note: kids under kindergarten age can be taken to childcare). Light snacks will be served until 11a when we’ll gather more formally. If a typical month has four weeks, then approximately twice a month we will disperse to gather in our respective age groups (i.e., children, students, adults) for community building and study. One week each month we will bring the whole family together for service together (filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, for example). And on the remaining week will have a breakout session to offer practical training for families (for example, parents and children meeting together to actually have a devotional time together, or teens and parents meeting together to talk about how to handle technology in the home). Of course we won’t be rigid about this structure, but it hopefully offers some insight into the initial plans. Here’s the proposed schedule for a Sunday morning: 9:30 Worship in Sanctuary 10:45 Parents pick up kids at KidZone and head to the gym together 10:45 Light snacks for families to enjoy together (water, juice, muffins/breads, fruit) 11:00 Pray as a large group and break off into groups or begin activities as planned Noon Parents collect children in the gym

Pilots Needed Would you please prayerfully consider being a part of this effort to minister to families in our church and our community? We will be having two information meetings about these plans. The first on September 19 and a second on September 26 after the 9:30a service. We will begin our “piloting” on October 10. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email me at mark@fpcyakima. com or call me at 248-7940 x 114. We’re excited about what God is going to do in and through our families and we hope you can join us! Pastor Mark


FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY group life senior adult

Erik Mickelson

Group Life Ministries 248-7940, ext. 125 or at

Genesis 28:3 NIV May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a of peoples.


People look to be in community. Although it is the major events that take the headlines, it is usually the individual relationships and conversations that can have life-changing implications. When I think back on my life, I always point back toward relationships with a few key mentors and the friendships cultivated in a handful of men’s and couples’ groups. At FPC, it is in small groups that people get the opportunity to build deep relationships and live life together in community. From these smaller groups, it is easier to mobilize to serve Yakima, doing service projects and interacting with others who have not yet met Jesus. Our small groups also provide a venue where we can invite people who do not know Jesus. Many people are scared to step foot in a church but they are more than willing to come to someone’s home. Most non-Christians want to see Christians interact for several months in a small setting before making a commitment to believe in Jesus and have Him transform their lives. So where are we going with our small groups? First, we need to be inwardly strong in our focus on Jesus and scripture. Second, we need to be outwardly focused, inviting others into our existing small groups. If you are not connected, let me know and I would be happy to place you in a new or existing group. Last, we strive to train up new leaders who desire to learn what it means to lead a small group and be on the front line where people get to know who Jesus truly is. God has wonderfully made us all different, and our small groups reflect our individuality. But in the end, the goal is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. My prayer is that we would be focused not only on sharing the saving gospel of Jesus, but training disciples and in turn, replicating these groups and planting them in other portions of our community. Talk to me about what God has put on your heart. To God be the glory! Erik



FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY group life hospitality senior adult

Jim Erixson

is the Pastor of Congregational Care. He can be reached at 248-7940, ext. 130 or at

Change is constantly with us. Sometimes it feels awkward and sometimes it feels scary. We, as seniors, are probably even more aware of changes in some things than our younger counterparts. For example, we are likely to be more comfortable using a telephone than using more updated technology such as text messaging. One change we are seeing is that our church is going to become more missional, reaching out to the unchurched…for that was the charge Jesus gave to His disciples and to us. At first, that might sound frightening or scary, but really it’s just another opportunity to show your love for our Savior and to let others know what He means to you. That’s right up our alley as Christians. Take the Word to the unchurched. (Isn’t that just what the disciples did? Hmm… now how much change is that really?) What a heart-warming message! While first thoughts may lead one to believe that missionary work is done in distant places, we have opportunities to be an ambassador for Him every day! The person who delivers mail, the checker at the grocery store, the barber, the nurse who takes our blood pressure, the next door neighbor, the person who is in line ahead of you, the person who sits next to us at a meal …all of these people are loved by the Good Shepherd but may not even be aware of it. Your kind words and your actions are a testimony to His goodness. Phrases like--- “What a beautiful day the Lord has sent us!” or “Praise the Lord for this wonderful sweet corn,” or “The Good Lord certainly knew what He was doing when He created watermelon!”--- can open the door to deeper conversations and richer sharing about what God has done in your life. By the time we reach our sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties we have a lot of living behind us. We’ve seen God in action. AND, we know what incredible things He has done and how He has intervened in our own lives. Those messages need to be shared. You don’t have to pack your bag and learn a new language to be a missionary! You’ve got a rich field immediately surrounding you. Too many people are lost and lonely. YOU can make a difference by simply opening the door to conversations and listening to those who are hurting and confused. That’s missional! Our new church year lies before us. While the pastors are working diligently to provide guidance for us, they are greatly outnumbered by those who need to hear the Word. Let’s each do our part for Him. Let the changes begin! Keep your eyes and ears open. Someone around you needs to be introduced to our wonderful Savior. What a privilege to be that person! - Carolyn Mason 11


children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare



Tyler Van Horn


Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 106

Karin Skone



Assist. Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 116

Sunday Morning Small Groups

We want to be a community that worships together. We especially want to see our young people be a part of our worship gatherings on Sunday mornings. In order to do this we are looking into how we can make the 9:30a service more accessible for both teenagers and younger children. Ideally we would like to have the whole family able to worship together each week as part of the rhythm of their family life. With this goal in mind, we are no longer going to have a separate worship gathering just for students in the Chapel on Sunday mornings. Instead, we will have all of our students as active participants at the 9:30a service, sitting either with their family or other students and student leaders. Then after the 9:30a gathering we will bring all of the students together for a time to talk, check in about their week, reflect together on the sermon, and then to participate in the FUSE activity for the day. We will be done by noon.

Wednesday Night Youth Group Wednesday nights will now have a renewed focus on

outreach. This will be the place where we will hope to see our students invite their friends to come be a part of a community centered on Jesus. The program on Wednesday night will be games, team work activities, bible study, small group discussions, and a wonderful dinner for all of us to share. Mid High will be from 6:00pm to 7:45pm and High School will be from 7:15pm to 9:00pm. We are excited to see how Jesus reveals himself to young people through the love of this community.

Retreat Dates

Mid High “SlamQuest” at Ghormley: Friday, November 12 through Sunday, November 14. High School “SnowBlast” at Ghormley: Friday, February 4 through Sunday, February 6.



Going Back To School!


But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23)

children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare

Rhonda Cardona

Preschool Director 248-7940, ext. 119


We are excited to bring and share the love of God to our children and families this year through the Fruit of the Spirit, our theme for the 2010-11 school year. Our classrooms are full of three year olds, four year olds and pre-kindergarteners once again with a staff of eight awesome, Spirit-filled and led teachers. We would like to introduce to you two new teachers joining us this fall: Melissa Gray grew up in the Yakima Valley, attended First Presbyterian youth group and enjoyed many summers at Camp Ghormley. After graduating from Highland High School and attending YVCC for two years, she moved to Seattle to continue her education at Seattle Pacific University, but came home to FPC for two summers to serve as a Trek Intern. Melissa graduated from Seattle Pacific with a dual teaching certificate in Elementary and Special Education. Jeff and Melissa were married at FPC and have been married for 13 years and have three boys; Dallen 8, Gavin 6 (A Preschool grad) and Keaton 3 who will be entering preschool here this fall. The Grays moved back to Yakima 3 years ago and feel very blessed to be back home at First Presbyterian and with family and friends. “I have loved being a stay-at-home mom for the last eight years, but believe that God has called me back to teaching during this next season of my life. I am very excited to begin teaching in a classroom again and look forward to getting to know the parents and students in September!” Melissa will be a lead teacher with our three & four year old classrooms. Christina Clark was born and raised in Okanogan and attended both Central Washington University and WSU where she received a BA in 1998. After returning to school she received her Master in Teaching from Heritage University in 2005. Christina is a member of 12 years at Parker Heights Presbyterian Church. She has been very involved in the MOPS program here at First Presbyterian since 2001. She has been married to her husband Bob for 15 years and together they have three children: Bobby 9 and AJ 7, both of whom attended FPC preschool; and Hannah 2. “I am really looking forward to being a part of the team here at FPC Preschool!” Christina will also be a lead teacher with our three and four year old classrooms. 13


Returning staff members: Mary Sundquist is returning to lead our prekindergarten classroom for her 12th year here at FPC. Many children have gone on to grade school armed and ready for success and knowing that God loves them all. As the assistant teacher in the Pre-Kindergarten classroom, Channa Case teams with Mary to bring a complete program showing each child that they are special.

As our lead music and P.E. teacher, along with leading our Kid’s Club program, Jessica Van Horn brings excitement and the love of Jesus to all of the children through songs, games and crafts. Jenifer Knight is an assistant teacher in our three and four year old program, a quiet and loving person making everyone feel welcome and cared for in and out of the classroom.

Barbara Toweill came to FPC Preschool last year as an experienced teacher from Riverside Christian School. Barbara is assisting in our 3 and 4 year old classroom and shares with the children the wonderful things to discover in God’s world. Becky Gruenberg is here to serve in many ways for our program. She is serving at Higher Grounds Coffee stand during the mornings and is a support to the teachers as well. Becky greets each person coming into our church with a warm welcome! Each staff person involved in our program serves a very important role sharing their faith and love of Christ with the children, parents, family and friends here at First Presbyterian Christian Preschool. Please keep this staff in your prayers as they reach out to our community. 14




Dear FPC KidZone Families,


We are excited to announce some changes that are currently in development for the families of First Presbyterian. In our desire to partner with parents in nurturing an everyday faith in their kid’s lives we will be including K-5th grade children into a portion of the 9:30 worship service each Sunday. We believe that the family benefits greatly when kids witness their parents singing, praying, and worshipping God together. We look forward to beginning this for Fall Kickoff. Below is a quick reference for the new procedures beginning on September 12, 2010:

children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare

Kathy Eaton

Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 110

Susie Woodin

Assist. Dir. of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 135


• When families arrive for 9:30 worship, children who attend Sonbeams and Cubbies classes will go straight to their class. • Families then proceed to the sanctuary and sit with their K-5th Grade KidZone children. • Enjoy music and worship together as a family, and then kids will be invited to the front steps for the children’s message. • After the children’s message, kids will be dismissed to attend their KidZone class. KidZone leaders from each class will be stationed outside the sanctuary door to gather their kids and usher them up to their class. • At the conclusion of the worship service, parents will go to their child’s KidZone class to retrieve their child. Please be certain to fill out a new registration form and meet your child’s KidZone leader at this time. Look for more information about the many new family events that will be offered throughout the church and community. We can’t wait to see what God has planned for the families of FPC! Please feel free to call the Children’s Ministries Department with any questions you may have. We are here to serve your family!

volunteers are needed to get involved in children’s ministry. Even Jesus needed disciples to help spread the Good News…won’t you sign on for the greatest opportunity of a lifetime… changing kids lives! You can help according to YOUR schedule…areas we need help are: •Sunday morning during 9:30 or 11:00 programming •Wednesday evening during Re3 •Sundays and weekdays in childcare Call Kathy or Susie to see what fits best for you. 248-7940


DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY students preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare

Living a Spirit-Led Life Bible Study

“Time is Short. Are You Ready?”

In the days we’re living we can no longer be complacent, wishy-washy, or self-focused. God’s kingdom is advancing in unprecedented ways. It’s time to spiritually wake up and grow into maturity in Christ. Women of all ages are invited to join us in the gym, Tuesday mornings beginning September 21 from 9:15-11:30. Childcare is available with 48 hour notice (call Monnie at 248-7940, ext. 117). Hey all you Beth Moore fans, here’s your opportunity to spend the day with Beth live via simulcast on September 18. Living Proof Live featuring Beth Moore and worship leader Travis Cottrell will be a perfect mix of biblically sound messages and worship. The day long event begins at 9:00a and concludes at 4:30p at Eastmont Baptist church in East Wenatchee. The cost of registration is $32 which includes the simulcast, continental breakfast, boxed lunch and social hour. Deadline for registration is September 10.

Shan Trick

Women’s Ministry 248-7940, ext. 142

For more information or to register for this event, please contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 ext. 142

Presbyterian Women Monday, September 20 Presbyterian Women in central Washington Presbytery will meet at Campbell Farm in Wapato for the Fall gathering. The theme will be Presbyterian Women In Mission. Cost will be $7 / 9:30a-2:30p. For reservations sign up at the Connection Center by September 15 or call Chris Leverett, 965-8481. Come and meet women from several Presbyterian churches in our Presbytery. Wednesday, September 22

pray 16

Camp Ghormley day! All women are invited for lunch and program at Ghormley Meadow. Betsy Bloomfield of Cowiche Canyon Conservancy will be our speaker. Mark Washam will report in the summer’s activites at camp. Good food, good program and great fellowship! Lunch will be $7. Sign up at the Connection Center by September 15 or call Chris Leverett for reservations, 965-8481.

Devotional Janet Krieger

My sheep listen to My voice. I know them and they follow Me. John 10:27 How do we listen to an all-powerful but invisible God? In our earthly relationships, we have a tendency to be so distracted and busy that it’s often the exception rather than the rule that people listen to one another, much less listen to God. We need to learn how to listen. Learning to hear the Lord’s voice isn’t complicated, but it does require practice, and discipline to be comfortable with quiet and allow ourselves time to just listen. Perhaps the hardest part is clearing our minds. With all the noise of life filling our minds, it can be hard to hear God’s voice. Here are some suggestions to get started: 1.When you are ready, quiet yourself. If your mind wanders, write the stray thoughts down on a separate piece of paper. This helps to set them aside and empty yourself. 2.Read Scripture. Ask the Lord to speak to you in a way you can understand. Ask God to protect you in Jesus’ name from deception. 3.Write down your question for prayer. Be still. This is where you wait and listen. Have an expectancy He will respond. God may direct you to another passage of Scripture. He may share a word of knowledge. Whatever you feel He may be saying to you, write it down. Use a journal; it will help you focus and it’s a great way to look back and see the journey the Lord took you on. 4.Ask Him to confirm anything He shared with you. Was it a clear word or just an impression? God may give us different degrees of confidence in what He has said. Does the thought stay and stay with you? •Does it exalt Christ? (John 16:14) •Is it scriptural? Scripture is our authority. God does not contradict Himself. (Proverbs 30:5-6) •Do other Christians confirm it? (Proverbs 20:18, Proverbs 15:22) •Does God cause it to actually take place? (Isaiah 55:11, Deuteronomy 18:2122) •Does it stir you in the Spirit? (Acts 17:16) King James Version Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. •Is peace produced? Look for the “nod of God.” Don’t force things. (Colossians 3:15 Philippians 4:7) This peace is a God-given deep sense of rightness about a decision. It is not rooted in emotion or personal desire. His peace is the confirmation that follows prayer, Bible study, spiritual wisdom, and insights from mature believers.


Take small steps and see what doors God opens. Is His favor present? As He does open doors run through them! Be open to learning from mistakes made; no one learns to hear God without practice and making some mistakes. God’s voice is distinctive. He promises that we, His sheep, will hear it. The more we pause and listen for His voice, the more we will find that our ears tune in to it – we become familiar with it. It just requires our listening. 17


Worship Committee is the most exciting committee in our church because it revolves around the time we get to praise and worship our Lord corporately with our brothers and sisters in Christ. From the first sound of music drawing us into a time of praising God until the last hug is given in the Garden Room the Worship Committee is involved. The Connection Center, Ushers, Music, Media, Sound, Wedding Coordinators, Baptisms, Communion, Prayer Ministry, Sanctuary Guild, Drama and Budget are overseen by the Worship Committee. We encourage you to become actively involved in one of these areas to serve the Lord and your congregation in a joyous way. Our Sunday worship comes together through the work of the Holy Spirit leading many people to do their utmost for Christ.

It’s Choir Time again!

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all.” Phil. 4: 4, 5


Mi mi mi mi miiiii Come raise a joyful song with Interum Choir Director Dr. Scott Peterson. Temple Choir rehersals start Thursday, September 2 at 7:00p. For more information send email to or call 248-7940 x 112

Radio Broadcast - Changed time Beginning Sunday Sept 5, the KIT radio 1280 broadcast will be shortened to 30 minutes airing from 9:30 to 10:00.

Missions Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Mark Washam

Camp Director (509) 672-4311

Save the Date

Sunday October 3 1p - 6p

Ghormley Church Family Round Up Archery Face Painting Walking Trails Giant Swing Mountain Bikes Horseback Rides A whole lot of fun for everyone!

Somewhere deep within our souls... Somewhere deep within our souls, we long for something simple, something freeing, something bigger than ourselves. We need to get out of the busyness of our everyday lives and seek the biblical principles of rest, retreat and sanctuary. To quiet our minds and souls. To find a place where starry nights replace city lights. Where crackling fires send us an instant message reminding us how nice it is to actually talk to one another in person. Where the rivers and mountains have the power to make us thirst for life again. Where a simple hike in the backcountry has a way of reorienting us to the true path of life.

Camping is a cultural imperative - an invaluable counterweight God uses to keep our pace and our priorities in perspective. Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp is a special place to reconnect, to accelerate relationships and build memories when heart are wide open. Whether you join us for a week or an afternoon, you’ll find a truly special place to slow down and share a remarkable experience with your friends.

Backyard Ballistics Father Son Retreat Sep. 17th-19th

Homeschool Outdoor Academy Oct. 11-13th

Mountian Meadow Christmas Dec. 3rd-5th

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp 640 Lost Lake Road, Naches, WA 98937 Tel. 509-672-4311




RePlenish ReCharge ReConnect

Elements for Life / Wednesday Nights / FPC September 22 -November 10 Dessert in the Garden Room begins at 5:30pm Childcare (3mos – Kinder) *(Call ahead 248-7940 x 117) KidZone (K – 5th grades) Mid High Youth Group Senior High Youth Group

Main Floor

6:30 – 8:30pm

2nd Floor (Rm 217) 6:30 – 8:00pm Gym/Power Hs 6:00 – 7:45pm Gym/Power Hs 7:15 – 9:00pm

Classes Adults

Praying Between the Hammer and the Anvil

Poems and Prophesies in Jeremiah

Jeff Thompson / Chapel / 6:30 – 8:00pm

Jeremiah is not an easy book. But it is a necessary one. If we want to learn how to live with faith and trust in God when life gets complicated and frightening, Jeremiah’s clear voice is a sure guide through the tangles of temptation and distraction we all face. Join us as we study the first part of the prophet’s preaching and prayers, as he speaks God’s Word to a confused generation, and into our lives.



The Reason for God Bill Starr / Adult Ed Rm / 6:30 – 8:00pm

The purpose of this Men’s Class is to provide a place of gathering for men of all ages from within and outside our church to connect, learn, support and serve. It is also to expand the ministry scope of the men of our church to include validating and empowering them to serve in the ministries they already have at work, at home, in church and in the community. We will be studying The Reason for God the bestselling book by Timothy Keller, who also wrote The Prodigal Father that our church studied together last year. Bill Starr will be joined by a number of other men who will help us look at the challenges set forth in this excellent book. Come join us as we start this new class, and bring a buddy!

Classes cont. Women

Holy Spirit Boot Camp Various Teachers Women’s Ministry / David Ferry Lounge / 6:30 – 8:30pm

Boot Camp and Beyond, the Holy Spirit Adventure Continues! Come learn more about Christ's gifts for the church as described in Ephesians 4:11-16. Together we will explore and experience God's provision for His people. This will be a time of training up women so that we may "attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." NOW is the time to activate your faith!


Scripture Memory for Beginners Kathy Starr / Parlor / 6:30 – 7:45pm

God's truth shaping our souls for the best. A nonthreatening introduction to Scripture memory taught over an eight week period. Fun, engaging, challenging and life changing. Class Limit: 12. Open to men and women. Please call the Church office to register.


Careforce: Door of Hope Kandy Ingersoll / Mid High Room (Mezzanine) / 6:00 – 8:30pm (10 weeks) Call Kandy Ingersoll: 945-6382. $35/per person.

A supportive and encouraging ten session program for female survivors of sexual abuse. In an environment of support and loving acceptance women will have an opportunity to share their journey and to grow through increased levels of connection and trust. Participants will find tools for living beyond coping and begin to discover more about their true value and uniqueness.



Games, team work activities, Bible study, small group discussions, and a wonderful dinner for all of us to share. Mid High will be from 6:00pm to 7:45pm and High School will be from 7:15pm to 9:00pm. We are excited to see how Jesus reveals himself to young people through the love of this community.


CHILDREN Hey kids…wanna learn how to be a hero? Then come join us for “Hero Training Camp!” This fall for Re3 we will use the life of David to teach children to be motivated in four areas: Do what’s right, deal with wrongs, be honest, and care about others. This action-packed, activity-based program for K-5th grade children teaches kids that God has provided them with the standard equipment to be heroes in training now. Hero training begins September 22 from 6:30-8:00p in Room 217, and is for kids whose parents are attending Re3 classes.


News & Upcoming Events

Sunfair Parade

Fall is in the air…close your eyes; imagine the brightly colored floats, clowns tossing out candy to kids, can you hear the high school bands, smell the elephant ears and corndogs? Yes, that is right, the Sunfair parade is just around the corner. Saturday, September 25 at 10:00am, the parade will kick off the Central Washington State Fair. For the past few years, FPC has opened our North Lawn as a place for parade watchers to gather before the parade for a warm cup of cocoa, coffee and snacks. This year we want to provide even more! We are adding an inflatable jumper for kids, a food bank full of non-perishable food items for those in need and a farmer’s market with local fresh fruits and vegetables…all for free and all on our North Lawn! The Sunfair Parade is a perfect opportunity for you, your family, or your small group to get involved with our community! We will connect with our neighbors by serving them treats, providing food from your garden, or dropping off non-perishable food donations for the food bank. We’d love to have your help in blessing those in our neighborhood. Food bank donations are accepted now through September 25. Farmer’s Market items can be brought the day of the parade. Call the church office to let us know when you can help serve at the parade. We’d love to work alongside with you!

...Impacting our community and the world. To the Presbyterian Church I want to thank you very much for all the care packages that we have gotten. My name is Scott and I am a platoon commander in Afghanistan in support of CCF. We have received numerous packages from you and really love the support. I'm not sure if you are going to get this letter that should have been written along time ago. I hope that you and all your loved ones are well and ask that you remember the real live heroes, our loved ones and family and people like yourself that we leave behind. For the most part we stay very busy but in our down time. The Marines are always working out or building something. The days are very hot and we cannot wait to get back to Hawaii where we are stationed. Thank you again for all the support.



reach grow


impact serve

News & Upcoming Events Please join us for our first meeting of the year!

Friday, September 17 9-10:45 am in the FPC Gym

To encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ.

CSB starts September 9!

Come check out this boys club that meets from 6-7:30pm every Thursday! We're a lot like Boy-Scouts, but with the goal of building godly men for Christ. Check in the Connection Center for more information.

Connection Center

As many of you know, on Sundays the Connection Center has become a popular place in the Garden Room. As well as being a welcome presence behind the counter, volunteers are busy greeting, dispensing information and assisting in any way they can. Service to newcomers and the congregation is their goal. Something new this year that may not be generally known, is that in an emergency the Connection Center has become a central location for assistance. There is a list available of those who are trained in CPR and the use of a defibrillator. The Center also has the ability to be in touch with our security patrol in the parking lot. Come by and receive a friendly welcome and get “connected� with the many services provided at FPC. We also welcome anyone who feels they would like to be of service in this area, to drop by and let us know. We would be blessed and so will you!

Supper Clubs will begin again in October!

Watch for more information on signing up to be in a group. Details to come.


Are you interested in working on your pictures? Are you interested in starting a scrapbooking group? Call Joy Davis at 225-9545 or email at for more information.

Young Life - Volunteers Needed

Young Life needs volunteers Saturday, October 2 to operate their fund-raising booth at the Central Washington State Fair. Serve others with your smiling presence, be rewarded with a BBQ sandwich, and spend the rest of the day at the fair. For more information, contact the church office. 23


14th annual



Clothing change


Saturday, October 16 9:00am - 2:00pm Donation Ideas: Clean, usable CLOTHES, Games, Books, Toys, & Baby Gear Donations are appreciated, but not mandatory.

Bring all items to church gym on Friday, Oct. 15 or Saturday, Oct. 16

First Presbyterian Church Gym (Koehler Hall) 9 S 8th Ave 248-7940

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