Florida Photographer 2013 #3

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Florida Photographer Is the official publication of the Florida Professional Photographers, Inc. Permission to reprint contents on this publication is granted to similar publications of the photographic industry, provided that the author and THE FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHER are recognized as the sources. The opinions expressed in any article or column are those of the author and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Florida Professional Photographers, Inc. The Florida Professional Photographers exists solely for the good of its members. The association provides tools and educational opportunities for its members to achieve their business and artistic goals. It is committed to an ongoing exchange of information and experiences between all members in an open and friendly atmosphere.

publishing editor advertising and design Luis Melendi 828 Narragansett Lane Key Largo, FL 33037 Tel 305.453.5441

Fax 305.453.5448 melendi@bellsouth.net

First Place Portrait of a Child Dreaming of Santa Andrea Zapatka

President’s Message


FCON 2013


Convention Schedule


Salon Entry Deadline


The ProofCast Lounge


Mentor and Silent Auction


FCON 2013 Committees


Awards Banquet and Party


Flea Market


From the Executive Director


Affiliation Family Tree


New FPP Members


Join the

Florida Professional Photographers See Application page 22 or at www.fpponline.org Florida Photographer 3

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President’s Message SANDRA PEARCE, FDPE, FSAE, FED

We are fast approaching that special time of the year to get together and celebrate. CONVENTION TIME!!! August 17 – 21 is a time to visit with old friends and make new ones. We will have a multitude of talent just waiting to be tapped. Remember if you are an FPP member to register before August 11th to avoid a $25 charge at the door. Many years ago I attended my first Convention, without the benefit of knowing anyone there. I volunteered for the welcome committee

and met so many people... That was the beginning of my journey along the FPP path. I have come to love and cherish my memories and friends.So many of my friends have evolved from FPP. Please volunteer if you haven’t and make lifelong friends. I have watched as the industry has taken different paths. I believe photography is still a strong and viable business. Buying a camera doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a camera owner. FPP is here to help our photographers become photographers not camera owners. We offer seminars, Florida

School and Convention to offer the knowledge that is needed. We need you to come to your Convention in August with a passion to make it the best one yet. Bring your smiles, your laughs and your ummmmmmmm wallets! We have a great Trade Show! “Let’s show our vendors we appreciate those deals they bring us each year”. Don’t forget to check in at the hospitality room I will be your hostess this year. Can’t wait! n

If you want. . . Prestige, Knowledge, Business Development, Continuing Education, Personal Growth, Degrees, Development of Ethics, Friends and Fellowship, Fun, Awards, Leadership Development, Annual Convention and Trade Show, Award Winning Publication, Photographic Competition, Seminars, PPA Affiliate School and more!

Join the Florida Professional Photographers See Application information on page 22.

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FPP, Inc. Board of Directors PRESIDENT Sandra Pearce, FDPE, FDAE, FED 2014

1122 SW 15th Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 863.763.2684 pearcephotography@earthlink.net VICE PRESIDENT Martin Gudz, FSA, FED 2014 6174 SW CR 360 Madison, FL 32340 850.973.6376 martingudz@yahoo.com SECRETARY TREASURER Jackson Koontz III, FSA, FED 2015 PO Box 6878 Ocala, FL 34478 352.369.4257 actionjacksonpro@aol.com DIRECTORS Cindy Strickland, FSA, FED 2013 5750 CR 12 Tallahassee, FL 32312 850.545.3110 info@amomentcaptured.com Gary Hughes 2014 1603 Wilson Ave. Orlando, FL 32804 321.279.0077 gary@hughesfioretti.com Britney Kirby Fullgraf, 2013 302 East Belvedere Street Lakeland, FL 33803 863.686.4980 fullgraf@aol.com Carol Walker, FDPE, FSA, FED 2015 7925 4th St. North St. Petersburg, FL 33702 727.577.5626 carol@thomasbruce.com Patrick Van Dusen, FSA 2015 3539 Bareback Trail Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386.677.4897 dutchdaddy@aol.com Past Presid ent Donna H. Campiz, FSA, FED 2013 2880 Mandarin Meadows Dr N Jacksonville, FL 32223-2633 904.683.2585 FPP Office - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Kaye Newsome Florida Professional Photographers, Inc. 11738 North Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 813.760.1933 kaye@fpponline.org

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FPP SECTION’S WEB SITES FPP Section Chair: Marty Grivjack, Cr.Photog., FSA 1 7 1 1 4 1 2 3 rd Te rr. N . , J u pit e r, F L 3 3478- 5211 Mobile 561.714.6443 • e Mail magriv@aol.com B a y – B P P A : w w w . b ppa f l. c o m F t . M y e rs – S W F P P A : w w w . pps wf .c om G a in e s v ille – P P N C F : w w w . ppn c f .c om J a c k s o n v ille – J P P G : w w w . j ppg.org L a k e la n d – P P G M F : w w w . ppg mf .org M e lb o u rn e – S C P P : w w w . s pa c e c o a stpp.c om M ia m i – P P G F : w w w . ppg f . c om O c a la – O M C P P A : w w w . o m c ppa .c om O rla n do – P P S C F : w w w . pps c f.c om P a lm B e a c h – P P G P B : w w w . pro ph o toguild.c om P e n s a c o la – N W S F P P : w w w . n w s f pp.c om Ta lla h a s s e e – TP P G : w w w . t ppg . w o r dpre ss.c om Ta m pa – TA P P A : w w w . t a ppa.org FP P M A NA G E R S


Convention - 727.481.9329 Debbie Alcorn debbie@reedyphoto.com

Keely Deuschle 904.403.9553

Kevin Newsome 813.968.2810

Britney Kirby Fullgraf 863.686.4980

Sandra Pearce 863.763.8684

Marybeth Hamberger 954.426.2562

Robin Phillips 863.682.6958

Gary Hughes 321.279.0077

Kim Warmolts 727.934.4456

Trade Show - 305.453.5441 Luis Melendi melendi@bellsouth.net School Director - 954.426.2562 Marybeth Hamberger marybeth@marybethphoto.com

Our FPP Website - www.fpponline.org While in Orlando... Stay where we stay! The Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 Special FPP Rates 800.627.8258

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Saturday, August 17th - Wednesday, August 21st At The Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando 9700 International Drive www.rosenplaza.com 1.800-627-8258 Special Room Rate for FCON 2013 is $99 per night (plus taxes) YOU MUST HAVE REGISTERED BY JULY 25th AND MENTION FPP TO BE GUARANTEED THIS RATE! The Rosen will honor the $99 room rate as long as the blocked rooms are available, but no guarantees beyond July 25th.

If you're making your reservations by phone, tell them you're with the Florida Professional Photographers. FCON 2013 is ready for YOU, are you ready for it? Our line-up is very diverse and fun. Programs covering Commercial, Common Sense and Humor, Families, Seniors Weddings, Marketing, Pregnancy and Babies, Engagements, Print Competition Tips, Lighting, Inspiration, Light Room, HDR, Time Lapse Photography and more! Parties? Oh Yeah, we have our Kick-Off Party starting on Saturday at 9:45pm. This party is a great way to really meet more friends, it is smaller than the Infamous Monday Night Party so you will have a much better chance of making new friends. Then there is the Monday Night Party. This year’s theme is Boots and Pearls so get ready to shine your boots and go to the best Boot Kickin’ Party ever! The FPP has always had a very special place in my heart. If anyone

Missy's Clubhouse! Missy MWAC

out there is reading this and you are not a member or are a member that has not yet re-joined, please read this part. The FPP takes care of its members!! I can personally vouch for the love and camaraderie that comes from joining the FPP Family. Many years ago my I was getting ready to photograph a small Friday night wedding when I got a phone call that my daughter was in a car accident and being airlifted to the hospital. What is a mother to do! I made one phone call to the FPP office and talked to the FPP Exec. Dir. of that time, Teri Crownover, and was told go to the hospital, WE (FPP) will handle it. Sure enough, three photographers showed up to cover the wedding and when they figured out three was too many, one of them came to the hospital to see how we were doing. CAN YOU BEAT THAT! Yes I can, when my daughter had a brain aneurism the

FPP could not do anything on its own since they are a non-profit organization, but Kaye Newsome, our current Exec. Dir. took it upon herself to help us by organizing a fund raiser to help Steph purchase her meds. They raised enough money for us to be able to buy her medication, to the tune of $400.00 per prescription. There are many more times the FPP and its members went to bat for the members of our organization. If anyone out there also has a story, send it to me. I will make sure it is published. Okay, time to move on. Being Convention Manager is really a very scary job, but as I started talking with our speakers I have found they are very friendly and very ready to share. I feel as if we are old friends and I think they will make you feel that way too. Okay so here is our line-up so far, we may be adding a couple more.

From her YouTube tutorials, photography advice dispensed daily on Facebook, and her total adoration of photography rockSTARS, Missy MWAC has her thumb on the pulse of the industry. Now YOU are invited to join her in an all new "Missy's Clubhouse!" Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe learn a thing or two as Missy guides you through the murky waters of

(p)rofessional (p)hotography.

Sponsored by Pounds Labs

Missy will bring along her good friend "Lynn" to help explain the alternative viewpoint to Missy's starry-eyed, rainbow and unicorn laden perspective of the photo industry (she's been at this a bit longer than four years). She's a plain-spoken sort who doesn't pull her punches, and will provide a glitter-less approach for

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newcomers looking to start their businesses off on the right track. What to bring to get the most out of this program: Two senses... Common, and Humor! About Missy... • She's passionately passionate about (p)hotography. • She's addicted to Starbucks, doughnuts, Nutella, Captain Kirk (or all things Trekkie), and believes in the magical healing powers of Bacon. • She has two precious, precious children and her DH lovingly pays the bills so she can continue "sharing" her gift with the world. • She's been a (p)rofessional (p)hotographer for four whole years (almost an "Old Schooler" <<cringe!>>). • She LOVES the rockSTARS in our industry and passionately follows them as they bandy about the country in tour buses giving seminars, selling DVDs and "the dream" plus creating a plethora of passionate clones (aka competition), all the in the name of "giving back."

What I Know... Frank Frost M.Photog,Cr., CPP

belly laughs (equivalent to the best Cheech & Chong high one could possibly achieve) and high impact drama (think Raiders of the Lost Ark), rendering his quiet existence a thing of the past. To escape the madness, he found solace in photographing weddings... huh? His brides had babies, leading him into the world of family portraiture. Those babies grew up, went to high school, and suddenly he found success in the world of senior portraits. The madness of home life became the norm for poor Frank, and today he gladly eats pumpernickel bread, Splenda on his oatmeal, Neapolitan ice cream, and bacon on his pizza. Frank will show us how he has survived the madness of home life while running a full time, high-end portrait studio for over 25 years through the digital revolution, as well as the industry chaos we seem to be surrounded with today. Specializing in Families, Seniors, and Weddings, Frank will cover everything from marketing, posing, and lighting to in-person sales and customer service. So, if you're ready to get serious about your business, roll up your sleeves and join us.

Behnke Fine Portraiture. When Cindy Behnke attended an open house at a local business that caters to expectant mothers, she thought it might be an opportunity to get a few portraits displayed of her maternity work. That event turned into a great addition to the business she runs with her husband. Cindy will discuss how that net working opportunity turned into a lucrative line of portraiture that has produced some of their largest portrait sales the past few years. She will show how they market to get clients, do an actual maternity photo shoot showing posing and draping that flatters the pregnant mothers, and demonstrate body positions that work. What better way to create a client for life, than creating a piece of art for the mom to be? Cindy, along with her husband, Bert, own Behnke Fine Portraiture in Mokena IL (established in 1956 by Bert's parents!). Cindy has won numerous awards in competition. She's a past president of the Associated Professional Photographers of Illinois and currently serves as a PPA Councilor and a past director of PPA Charities.

The Business of Bellies

It Starts with a Ring... The Engagement Portrait

Cindy Behnke M.Photog.Cr

Bert Behnke M.Photog.Cr., Hon.M.Photog.

Sponsored by WHCC and FPP

Sponsored by WHCC and FPP

Maternity portraiture has become a growing part of the business at

The phone rings and the excited voice on the line asks if you do

Sponsored by Pounds Labs Young Frank led a mundane life, ate white bread, never put sugar on his oatmeal, always vanilla ice cream and plain cheese pizza. The most excitement he ever allowed himself was to put baseball cards in his bicycle spokes. All that changed the day he married Cheri. His life soon became a caffeine induced, coaster ride of

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weddings. Rather than get their info and send a packet of wedding pricing, why not get them to the studio for an engagement portrait session? For years, this was just something couples did to put an announcement in the newspaper. Now it's a way to create something special for the newly engaged couple and drive business to your studio. Bert will go into his reason for creating an engagement portrait session that has turned portrait clients into wedding clients which in turn creates lifetime clients. After years of saying "no" to weddings, his son joined the studio and decided to get the family business back into the wedding market. So the engagement session guest book has created a buzz for the studio and helped them to book weddings. There will be a live posing and lighting demo as well as a session showing what sells and how to create a fun book that couples love.

Never Surrender the Quest for Excellence! Richard Sturdevant M.Photog.Cr., MEI

work smarter, and pick your battles. This program will show what has worked for Richard in his business and print competition, and how it can help you in yours. The title "Never Surrender" is Richard's motto and these are the topics and demos that he will go over: • Print Competition tips and tricks Learn to Win • Getting yourself up to be successful • Learn to develop a positive winning attitude • Lighting set ups that shout creativity • How to introduce creativity into your marketplace with composites and artistic finishes • How to charge for all these creative products • How to create the creative composite and a full demonstration on his sought after techniques • He will also show you how NOT to devalue your work and how to build loyalty with your clients. Richard Sturdevant is a leading expert in the photographic artistry and creative composites. His award winning work, style, and techniques have earned him high praise in the photographic industry. Richard is known for an impressive track record in PPA print competition, receiving 13 prints with a perfect 100 point score in state, regional and district competitions. He made history with PPA at the SWPPA District Competition in September 2010 for receiving a 100 on all four of his prints (a perfect case score).

Photographers spend hours upon hours researching the latest cameras and gear, but the gist of photography has been and will always be light. Light is everywhere, so why is it so hard to see? There is a time and place for many lights and complex set ups, but I feel this is the extreme minority of what we do. You may have heard it said that God lights the whole world with a main and a reflector, so Why Make It Harder Than It Needs To Be? Landon will be covering how to see light the way your camera sees it. How often do you find yourself saying “That looked better in my head?” He will cover outside sessions using one speed light on TTL and once a base is built increase in difficulty from there. With a good base, the rest comes naturally. He will cover how to work alone and how to use “mom” as an assistant. Landon will also cover inside studio lighting with constant lights and strobes and how to know when to use which one; there is a method to the madness. The question he will be covering throughout will simply be, Why Make It Harder Than It Needs To Be?

Commercial Photography Demystified Christine Reynolds M.Photog., CPP, FDPE, FED

Why Make it Harder Than it Needs to Be? Landon Day

Sponsored by FPP Quitters never win and Winners never quit! Time in our industry are tough and now, more than ever, you have to excel above the rest and work hard to be the best. When we see excellence, we know it, and when we don't try, we know it, so how does one "excel?" The answer is simple: work harder,

Sponsored by FPP

Sponsored by Full Color Lab and FPP

Product - Places - People Commercial Photographers create images that impact the viewer.

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These images are investments in future sales created on demand and sometimes in challenging environments. They can be technical, precise and artsy. The key is to clearly define how the viewer should be impacted, figure out how best to do it, and then get it done. It's all about lighting, composition, and getting paid for what you are worth. Christine is a PPA Master Photographer, Certified Professional Photographer, and has earned the FDPE and FED from Florida. She was a PPA Photographer of the Year in 2006. Her images have won local, state, regional, and national awards, and have been published in local, national, and internationally, including five images in the prestigious PPA Loan Collection, and four in PPA's Showcase Books. Her philosophy: "To capture the pure essence of the moment with technical excellence, an artistic touch, and a sensitive soul." Christine's images carry impact and emotion, along with technical excellence. She creates images, translating three dimensional moments in time, into an artistic form with masterful lighting, wonderful composition, and incredible timing. Her subjects include Commercial Advertising, Corporate Events, Family Portraits, Weddings, and Fine Art.

Shoot to Thrill Michael Mowbray M.Photog.Cr

Sponsored by ACI and FPP

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It's not enough in today's ultracompetitive market to create quality, standard portraits. You have to separate yourself from the competition and motivate the client to choose you over their other options. Put simply, you have to Shoot to Thrill. You must amaze, stun, and astonish your market with breath-taking portraiture. Use cool, dramatic lighting, nail your posing and direction and make your client look awesome. The images on your marketing materials, web site, and Facebook page need to grab the viewer and refuse to let go. But it doesn't stop there; you have to thrill the client at every turn. Your editing, your service skills, your studio ambiance, your interaction with your client, your product mix ALL must contribute to an incredible experience that turns your clients into motivated fans. On the technical side, Michael Mowbray will show you how he leverages speedlites to create images that thrill his clients. Ever wonder if speedlites could work for lighting everything at your studio? Michael says "YES!" Michael uses speedlites for 99.9% of his lighting work. In the studio, on location EVERYWHERE! As a senior and wedding photographer, Michael has found that it fits his working style to a T. He adds, "The funny thing is, I own a complete set of studio lights that sits in the closet gathering dust. I've found that as I've built my lighting style around the mastery of speedlites, my work has gotten better. I've crafted a unique style, my sales have increased, and my workflow has gotten simpler. Plus, I've gotten my evenings back in the summer - I schedule my senior sessions between 10am and 4pm! I no longer chase light... I create it! And I no longer fear the sun... I embrace it." Find out how this two-time International PPA Photographer of the Year winner creates his dramatic speedlite-based portraiture in this program.

Lightroom Workflow with HDR Randy Van Duinen

Sponsored by NAPP and FPP If you want a great HDR image you better know Lightroom! In this program Randy will take you through four steps to great HDR images using Lightroom, Photomatix Pro and Photoshop. You will learn how to setup a Lightroom workflow that works and keeps you organized. Step two will be processing HDR images in Photomatix and Photoshop HDR Pro and learning how to create realistic and illustrative images. Next you will be shown finishing touches in both Lightroom and Photoshop to give your images that final pop. The last step will be the different options you have for exporting your final images. Here are some of the topics that will be covered: • Where are my photos in Lightroom • Lightroom workflow that makes sense • 90% of your work is the develop ment module • Lightroom tips that you will really use • Processing in Photomatix Pro and Photoshop HDR Pro • Finishing touches in Photoshop and Lightroom • Different options for exporting Randy is an architectural, fine art photographer and photography instructor located in St. Petersburg, Florida. He has been a professional photographer for over 25 years and

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his photography is in hundreds of brochures for builders, architects and interior designers from around the country. His art photography is in the permanent collection of the Grand Rapids Art Museum and is in many corporate and private collections. Randy is an award-winning photographer, both nationally and internationally. He was named the “2012 Photographer of the Year” by the Florida Professional Photographers association. He placed second in the commercial category at the 2013 Grand Imaging Awards, at Imaging USA and first place for commercial category at SEPPA in 2013. The Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association (TAPPA) has named him one of the top ten photographers the past three years.

lapse since 2002 and is happy to share his enthusiasm for this great addition to your repertoire in order to stand out from your competition and to offer a new, revenue generating product for your clients!

Hanson will also discuss the mask of the face as this is a critical element in analyzing a subject’s facial features. He will personally analyze each student’s facial features and as a gift, photograph each student.

The Joy of Photography!

Lights! Camera! Action! Just can’t wait to see everyone in Orlando. Get there early and work on a committee. Don’t forget to pre-register. FCON 2013

Hanson Fong M.Photog.Cr.,FPPC,ASP,XXV,PPA

When? Aug 17-21, 2013 Where? The Rosen Plaza, Orlando Who? The World's Most Talented Photographers How Much? FREE for FPP Members Registered by August 11th $25 At the Door if Not! $300 for NON FPP Members

Creating Moving Images with Time Lapse! Ken Sklute M. Photog.Cr., Explorer of Light

Sponsored by Explorer of Light, Canon USA No matter where we look today, you will see time lapse being used to get your attention. Reality shows, movies, news programs, it doesn’t seem to matter, we are being treated to time lapse photography. It adds interest as well as a good segway from scene to scene. Ken Sklute, Canon Explorer of Light will share with you all that you need to get out and create these stunning moving images to dress up your assignment, whether your assignment be a wedding, portrait session, seniors, landscapes, sports, or any topic that you are hired for. Ken has been working with time

Sponsored by FPP

Why? Because You Must

The key element to being a successful photographer is to make people look great. Hanson is known for his animated teaching skills as well as his photographic prowess.

Any questions or ideas... give me a call. 727.481.9329. n

He will share with you his perception in creating perfect photographic harmony by demonstrating how to handle any subject’s body size and type. A live demonstration of the Classic 10 poses, that Hanson has mastered and pioneered, will assist you in posing any person, regardless of weight and/or height. His technique will enable you to pose any family grouping, couple, or a bridal couple. In addition to hands on posing, Hanson will discuss lighting techniques. You will learn how to photograph under any lighting condition, indoors or outdoors, any place, anytime. His approach to finding the “light” is simple and uncomplicated. Proper lighting and posing will help you create highly desirable and timeless photographs.

FPP Flea Market Get Ready Now The FPP Flea Market is back! It will take place Monday night before the party 5:15 till 6:45. The prices for 6‘ tables only $20 each.

Now pull and tag those treasures so you can turn them into CASH SPACE IS LIMITED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Send your check with a note requesting your table(s) to: FPP, Inc. c/o Kaye Newsome 11738 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER

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2013 FPP Convention “FCON” Schedule SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th 7:00 9:00 8:30 9:00 1:00 4:15 7:00

AM – 5:30 PM AM – 6:00 PM AM – ? AM – Noon PM – 4:00 PM PM – 6:45 PM PM – 9:30 PM

Registration Desk Open Exhibitor Registration Judging Ken Sklute PROOFCAST Lounge ProgramTBA Missy MWAC Sponsored by Pounds Lab / FPP 9:45 PM – 11:15 PM Kick Off Party

2:15 PM – 5:15 PM 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM 5:15 PM – 6:45 PM 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 7:30 PM – Midnight

Frank Frost Sponsored by Pounds Lab / FPP FLEA MARKET SET UP FLEA MARKET OPEN President/Delegate Leadership Meeting. BOOTS AND PEARLS PARTY For Registered Attendees only. Our very own Steve Metz will be our DJ! Special lighting enhancements courtesy of Burrell Imaging.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th 6:45 AM – 8:45 AM Continental Breakfast, Sponsored by FPP 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Sunday Devotions 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration Desk Open 8:15 AM – 10:30 AM Randy Van Duinen Sponsored by FPP 8:30 AM – ? Judging 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM TRADE SHOW TICKET SALES 10:45 AM Trade Show Ribbon Cutting 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM TRADE SHOW OPEN 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM New Member Welcome 5:15 PM – 7:30 PM Hanson Fong Sponsored by FPP 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM Christine Reynolds Sponsored by FPP

MONDAY, AUGUST 19th 6:30 AM – 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast Sponsored by FPP 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Registration Desk Open 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Prints Displayed 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM Cindy Behnke Sponsored by WHCC / FPP 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM TRADE SHOW TICKET SALES 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM TRADE SHOW OPEN 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Mentor and Silent Auctions 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Image/Album Critique

TUESDAY, AUGUST 20th 6:30 AM – 8:30 AM 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM 12:45 PM – 3:00 PM 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM

Continental Breakfast, Sponsored by FPP Registration Desk Open Richard Sturdevant Sponsored by FPP General Membership Meeting Print Case Pick-up, Silent Auction/Mentor Auction Bert Behnke Sponsored by WHCC / FPP Board Photo taken PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION AWARDS BANQUET Sponsored by FPP. Ticket required. Must be purchased by noon on Monday. Special lighting enhancements courtesy of Burrell Imaging.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Continental Breakfast Sponsored by FPP 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Safari with Michael Mowbray and Landon Day Sponsored by FPP n

Reach the Florida Market... Advertise in the Florida Photographer! Contact Luis Melendi 305.453.5441 ~ melendi@bellsouth.net Florida Photographer 12

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FPP Salon Entry Deadline August 9th, 2013! ROBIN ADAMS, COMPETITION MANAGER

It’s less than two months now until the FPP 2013 Salon Entry Deadline! I hope you’re as excited as I am and I hope you’re working on your images! A few things that I would like to remind you of, some corrections, and some new and exciting things we’re rolling out this year... let’s get to it. First, you must be an FPP member to compete. If you’re not absolutely certain that you are a current member, please contact our Executive Director, Kaye Newsome:

kaye@fpponline.org Second, review the rules on line! at https://www.fpponline.org/userfiles/RULES%202013.pdf... Please note there have been revisions! I’ve summarized them below. Third, mark the deadline for entries, which is 8 p.m. on Friday, August 9, 2013. You must enter all images on line, whether you are competing digitally or with prints. Late entries will be accepted this year with a higher entry fee, but are due no later than August 15 at 8 PM EDT.

Note that dues must be paid before entering and the entry fees must be paid on line. Jeff Burton of Proofcast is hosting the website again this year and will handle all entries. As the same as last year, that does not mean you can’t compete with prints but you must still enter digital files for our record keeping purposes. Prints may be entered into any category except albums. Here’s the entry site: http://printcompetition.com/ The entry portal is open now! When you go there,

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you will see it is a“Proofcast” site for professional print competition management. You will need to register as a new user the first time and select the correct organization. I strongly encourage you to register well before the deadline of August 9th, so that if you have any issues whatsoever there is time to get it straightened out. Otherwise you’ll be paying a late fee. You must use the email address in the FPP database. You will receive a password immediately so you can access the site and update your information, then you can change your password to something you can remember. If you want to enter prints to be judged or to hang as display prints, no problem.There are two ways to get them to us: You can ship them or hand-deliver them to Reedy Photo in St. Petersburg no later than 5 PM on August 14th. Debbie Alcorn will be bringing them to Convention; or Hand-deliver your case no later than 8AM, Saturday, August 17 in the Salon Room at the Orlando Rosen Plaza Convention site. Updates and IMPORTANT Revisions to the Rules: Images Files: Image files must be sized so the maximum dimension in any direction is 3,000 pixels including presentation mats (8 inches at 200 ppi). In the rules, I had previously stated they were a maximum of 1,600 – that is INCORRECT. File Naming: File names for images is now very, very easy. You do not need to go through the naming agony of last year.You will now simply enter your name when registering your print, the title of your image, and that’s it! This is true for Photographic entries, EI entries and albums. Albums: Digital albums can now

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be uploaded as a single zip file into the Proofcast system. You will name the zip file the album name. Each page of the album should be named with a two digit number, i.e. 01.jpg, 02.jpg and so on. A quick checklist for you: • Confirm your membership in FPP by logging in: https://www.fpponline.org/access/ • Review the rules on FPP’s website: https://www.fpponline.org/userfiles/RULES%202013.pdf • Title your images, this is a great excuse to get together with friends and brainstorm. • Select the correct categories for your entries. Don’t forget that we have eliminated a few categories this year. Please also keep in mind that the category you enter your print is where it will stay. Judges and Moderators cannot and will not move your entries for you. The category you choose is where it needs to be best suited for the highest score. • Preregister on Proofcast’s website before August 9th: http://printcompetition.comand update your profile (such as enter your cell phone number if you want to be notified of your scores by text, designate your memberships and affiliations, etc.) • Double check your print sizes, color profiles, and quality before entering your images on the website. Once your images have been uploaded, you cannot change your submissions. • Print your labels from the website and affix them to the back of your prints if you are submitting prints for judging. A word about print sizes... The minimum print entry size is 320 square inches. This is the traditional 16x20 but not necessarily that shape. Since the maximum dimension of any print entry is 24 inches in any direction, it can be 24”x13.33” - that’s still 320 square inches. The maximum entry size is 576 square inches, which means

you can enter a 24”x24” print. The larger size is a great benefit for those entering prints in the Electronic Imaging category, giving them more room for required guide images. The above dimensions are the physical size of the entry. The actual image (not including presentation mattes) on a print entry must be a minimum of 80 square inches. That means the image can be as small as an 8”x10” or it can be a 24”x3.33” print (like a panoramic), since 24 inches is the maximum dimension. And can also be 24”x24”, which is where the maximum of 576 square inches comes into play. A Review of Electronic Imaging... All digital manipulation must have been done by the maker in the EI category. Please do not enter this category if any of the work has been out sourced in any way. To compete in this category, the maker is being judged on digital manipulation. Also please remember that any entry in EI that was produced from an existing image done by someone other than the maker must be accompanied by written permission from the original creator of that image. There is an exception to this for entries in the Restoration categories, it may be impossible to obtain that permission. A New and Completely Different Salon Experience in 2013! Please see the other article in this magazine about our brand spanking new Proofcast Lounge! We hope that the PCL will be a great way to have it both ways – you can hear the judges, you can see the image up for judging, but you can also discuss it freely with friends! Cheering, discussion, groaning and agonizing is acceptable and encouraged. Good luck to all entrants this year! I look forward to working with you all and making this a successful year in Print Competition! n

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New for 2013 The ProofCast Lounge ROBIN ADAMS, COMPETITION MANAGER New this year, FPP will have an opportunity to watch print competition in a completely new way. Sound interesting? We think so. Jeff with Proofcast will be setting up the ProofCast Lounge (or if you’re cool “the PCL”) downstairs near the Trade Show. The Proofcast Lounge will be a gathering place where you can watch print competition via a live internet feed. You can watch images come up, hear the judges discuss the print and see the final score. Competitors and non-competitors are welcome to the PCL and questions are encouraged. The best part of the PCL is that noise is allowed, applause is encouraged and cheering, groaning or sounds of indignation are tolerated.Finally... a place where you can ask questions and talk freely as the print is being judged. From Jeff Burton of Proofcast: “There is no need to suppress your feelings of joy, excitement, or even frustration. If you are frustrated, what better environment to express yourself than with your fellow artists? If you do well, what better place to be as your friends congratulate you on your success!” FPP’s PCL will have a hostess . . . none other than our talented and beautiful Carol Walker! She will make sure the party is going strong in true FPP style with games and contests for your chance to win valuable prizes. Details are coming soon... Check our website! n

Our Convention Home The Rosen Plaza Hotel www.rosenplaza.com Florida Photographer 15

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Mentor and Photographic Merchandise Silent Auction BETTY MCDONALD, CR., FDAE, FSA, FED I don't know about you, but I am counting down the days until I will be back in Orlando for the FPP Convention. I hope most of our Members will be able to attend. I just want to remind you once again of our Mentor Program and hope you plan on participating by bidding on the Mentor of your choice. Please remember, these Mentors give their time. They receive no money for their time, just the pleasure of knowing they are passing on their knowledge To the new members who are not familiar with the Mentor Program, each year at the FPP Convention we have a Silent Auction where members may bid on the photographer they wish to be their Mentor for a day. The winning bidders have until June 1, 2014 to claim their day with the Mentor. The day is

Our History In 1933, A convention was organized by Kodak and some of the suppliers of photographic equipment and chemistry (yes, chem-

chosen at the convenience of both the bidders and the Mentors. This year we will have some new Mentors as well as our Mentors who volunteer each year. Some of our mentors this year will be... Jane Conner-ziser, Pepito Valdez, John Woodward, Gary Hughes, Greg and Lisa Daniels, Susan Torregrosa, Christine Reynolds, Rob Norman, Kevin Newsome, Bruce Wilson, Jr, Sandra Pearce, and Bruce Evensen. Check out our booth for additional Mentors. All the money that is made from the auction goes into the FPP Scholarship Fund. This is the fund that allows us to give Scholarships each year to Florida School. These scholarships are awarded at Florida School and the Convention Awards Banquet.We need many workers on istry), and held on campus at the University of Florida. The attendees decided to form an organization to represent the professional photographers in attendance from all over Florida. The Florida Photographers Association was ofďŹ cially formed

our committees at the school and convention. By volunteering to work on a committee your name will be included in the drawing held at the Banquet. Our Silent Auction will include Photographic Merchandise that is donated by some of our Vendors and Sponsors. The merchandise will be on display at the Mentor Booth. Our booth is inside the Trade Show. Be sure to stop by and check out our Mentors and Merchandise. We will be available for bids during the Trade Show hours on Sunday and Monday. This will give you time to bid without missing any programs. Bidding will close at the close of the Trade Show. Please pick up your merchandise at that time. See you at the Convention. n during that convention on May 3, 1933, with approximately 30 members, each paying $2 for their annual dues. During WWII, due to gas and food rationing, the FPA did not hold a convention for three full years ('42'44). They resumed their convention schedule in 1945, forever putting the number of conventions two years behind the actual age of the association. in 1985, the FPP celebrated the 50th Convention, but the association was 52 years old. In the 1950's, the organization changed its name to the Florida Professional Photographers and have continued to educate its members through conventions, seminars, and schools. n

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Committee Volunteer Opportunities

Convention Volunteers



Another great Convention is being planned... so the question remains.

(tammy@gplstudios.com) Spend time making sure all the newest members feel welcome.

We are so grateful for outstanding members to head our Convention Committees this year.

Photography: Marti Newkirk (email@martisparty.com) Record Convention the best way we know how... photography. No excuses on this one... we all know how to manage a camera.

We still have room for committee members, so if you can help in a specific area, please contact the chairman!

“Where can you serve?” Below is a list of committees along with a brief description and the Committee Chair's contact information. We all still need committee members, so if you see an area of interest, please contact the chairman! Banquet Decor: Shannon Black (shannonblackphotography@gmail. com) Decorating for our 80th Anniversary Celebration and Semiformal Awards Banquet. Door Prizes: Gary Hughes (gary@hughesfioretti.com) Free Stuff! Collect and give away prizes before each program. Flea Market: Kevin Newsome (kevin@newsomesstudio.com) A place to sell and buy from each other. From props and backgrounds to lights and equipment. Information/Promotions Booth: Robin Phillips (phillipsphoto@msn.com) Let visitors know about FPP, and sell FPP items to current members at the Trade Show. Great for someone who loves to help sell FPP! New Members: Tammy Czigan

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Scholarship: Betty McDonald (artbybetty1@centurylink.net) Help raise money through the Mentor and Silent Auctions to send some lucky people to Florida School. Sergeant of Arms: Kim Warmholts (lkimw@aol.com) The rule-keepers! Social Decor: Julie Fioretti Hughes (julie@hughesfioretti.com) BOOTS and PEARLS! What a great theme this year! Sunday Devotions: Rob Moorman (cameradude1@gmail.com) Help with our wonderful Sunday morning devotional service. Welcome Committee: Susan Black (susan@BESPics.com) Are you a smiler? Not afraid of making friends? Want everyone to feel welcome? This is the committee for you! n

Audio Visual: Jackson Koontz actionjacksonpro@gmail.com Equipment: Ed Robinson edrcpp@bellsouth.net Host: Darla Sharp dsharp6@cfl.rr.com and Nikkia Redd nikkia@nikkiaredd.com Models: Charlie Coury avps@netzero.net Props: Bill Cadzow Liarastudios@yahoo.com Signs: Karen Barnett oakcrestproductions@tampabay.rr.com Speaker Equipment: AJ Abalera ajstudios77@yahoo.com Volunteering is one of the best ways to get involved with your FPP Family. n

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Awards Flea Market 2013! Banquet and Anniversary Party KEVIN NEWSOME

The Annual Awards Banquet is a semi-formal dinner event and is an evening recognizing the accomplishments of our members on local, state, regional and national levels. HAPPY 80th ANNIVERSARY! This year, our semi-formal awards banquet will not only serve to honor the print competition winners and annual recognitions, but we are also celebrating the 80th Anniversary of our organization.

Start planning now folks. The FPP Flea Market IS ON Monday evening, August 19th. Set up is from 4:15 till 5:15 and the doors open at 5:15 and closes at 6:45.

Whether you have things to sell, or are looking to buy, the FPP Flea Market is as good as it gets for value. If you're a seller, you can reserve a table (or 2, or 3) for only $20 per six foot table. You can bring only what fits ON or UNDER your table. If

you need more room than that, reserve more tables. There are a limited number of tables available, so reserve yours NOW! You can do so online when you register for the Convention. If you've already registered, you can call the FPP office at 813-760-1933. Props, lighting, cameras, clothing, backgrounds, it's all up for grabs. Start cleaning out your storage now and price it to sell! See you at the FLEA MARKET!

Before the banquet, makers will know if their prints have been recognized as an “Honor Print”, but during the evening the following honors will be revealed: the First Place images in each category, who receives the honored Becker Award and Artist of the Year Award, and Florida's Top Ten Photographers. n

Monday Night Party Dust off your cowboy hat, find your favorite boots, polish your pearls, and join us for this year's party... BOOTS and PEARLS! Grab some grub, and dance the night away during this fun theme party where we kick back and just enjoy! This is always a fun time for us to gather 'round and just have fun. n

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From the Executive Director

Get the Most Out of the FPP Programs


Do you feel like you're not getting everything out of programs or seminars as you should? Here are six ways to maximize your involvement:

You’ve asked for it and now…It’s Finally Here!

alcohol must be purchased from the hotel bartenders.

You can now go to your member profile at www.fpponline.org to check your Merits and Points as well as request Merits!!! Jeff Burton from Proofcast.com has been hard at work transferring the information from the old system to our new database. There are still a few kinks to work out, but for the most part, we are up and running. A huge thank you to Jeff for jumping through all of our hoops.

There are still committee positions available. Many of you are so close to earning your FSA. Don’t miss the opportunity to earn those coveted merits. Committee workers are also eligible for a Florida School Scholarship drawing. So, it definitely pays to volunteer. Check with Cindy Strickland and Britney Kirby Fullgraf to find a committee that works for you.

This year is FPP’s 80th Anniversary! We hope everyone will come to Convention to help us celebrate Saturday, August 1721 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. If your dues are current, your Convention registration is free! Just be sure to Pre-Register online by Sunday, August 11th to avoid the $25 at-the-door registration fee. This gives us a head count for the hotel and the ability to have your badges ready for a speedy check in when you get there. We will be moving our registration desk this year. The FPP desk will be at the Ballroom C/D registration area. Our special room rate at the Rosen is $99 per night. The cut-off date for our room block and rate is Thursday, July 25th. Be sure to mention Florida Professional Photographers for our special rate. By staying at the Rosen, you help keep our room costs down. The hotel has asked me to remind you that you cannot bring in alcohol to any of FPP’s sponsored events. All

Jeff Burton from Proofcast.com will be sponsoring our new Proofcast Lounge. The lounge will be set up adjacent to the print display area. You will be able to watch the judging remotely from there, as well as have a little fun. Jeff has sponsored these lounges around the country for many image competitions and everyone has loved it! Be sure to stop by on Saturday from 1-4 PM.

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Trade Show Manager Luis Melendi will have an awesome Trade Show for us again this year. Invite your friends and neighbors! Please support these vendors that have continued to support FPP all of these years. Our Convention wouldn’t be what it is without them. Stop by their booths, thank them for coming and buy something! Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to our FPP family reunions. Hope to see you there! n

1. Arrive early. This gives you the control to make the seminar work for you. Arriving early gets you "in the mood" for learning and helps you avoid the stress of rushing in at the last minute. 2. Remove yourself from office pressures. Nothing's worse than taking the studio with you everywhere you go. Let the office function without you for one day; ask your assistant to leave messages or make an appointment at a set time to check-in. 3. Bring business cards. Attending an educational seminar gives you an edge, both intellectually and professionally. It's a great place for networking and you'll want to have business cards ready for those people with whom you'd like to keep in touch. 4. Introduce yourself to at least three people sitting near you. You obviously have something in common with them; they all work in the photographic industry and they want to learn - there's no better way to make new contacts. 5. Take notes. It helps your comprehension to make a few notes, even on the handouts. Write down questions as they pop up so you'll remember to ask them later. 6. Participate in the discussion. You'll remember more of the material if you participate in the discussion. If you have a suggestion that works or had a similar problem and solved it, share that information so others can learn from your experience. Information Source: American Society of Association Executives. n

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PPA Affiliation Family Tree The FPP is just one branch of a professional hierarchy in the photographic industry. In the "trickle up" explanation, it would begin with your local guild, section or affiliate. There are several professional photography associations called "sections" or "guilds" within the state of Florida. Each has earned the distinction of being called an "Affiliate" of the FPP. Some are also separately affiliated with PPA (Professional Photographers of America).

New FPP Members The following people have applied for membership in the FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, Inc. Their names are published for all members to review in accordance with the membership rules. If no objections are received within thirty days of this publication, these individuals will be accepted pending approval from the FPP Board of Directors.




Eduardo Hernandez Maria Smith Dennis Gonzalez Jonathan Givens

Miami Lakeland Miami Sunrise

Member Member Service Professional

The FPP is a state organization which is an "affliliate" of both the regional (SEPPA) and national (PPA) organizations. Do you want to find an FPP Affiliate in this area? Go to fpponline.org to find one near you. SEPPA (Southeastern Professional Photographers Association) is our regional association, and if you're a member of the FPP, you're also automatically a member of SEPPA. SEPPA is one of five "districts" of PPA and its membership is comprised of the state memberships of FL, GA, MS/AL, NC, SC, VA, TN, WV, MD, DE, and Washington, DC. SEPPA holds a convention every two years (the odd numbered year) in Athens, GA and is only $49 to attend the convention for all SEPPA members! PPA is our national organization and the largest photographic association in the world. Each of these organizations work together to assist its members in achieving their business and artistic goals. To become a member in one will likely lead to becoming a member in all of them. We're just one big 'ol happy family! n

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FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, INC. 11738 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL 33618 www.fpponline.org 813-760-1933 fax 813-333-0452

APPLICATION FOR: NEW MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES & DUES (check one) All Membership Dues include the 2013 Convention Registration Fee! All members are of Legal Age and are entitled to all the Benefits of the FPP. Certain Privileges are restricted based on Type of Membership Florida residency required for Professional, Associate, and Non-Professional Membership Types Benefits include: Attend Activities and Service (fees may apply as determined by the Board); Service on Committees; Participation in Photographic Competition; Ability to earn Degrees; & Web site ‘Member Directory’ Listing Privileges may include: Voting rights; Holding office; FPP Logo use; Photographic Awards; Scholarships; & Web Site ‘Photographer Search’ Listing


PROFESSIONAL – Operates/Employed by a legally established photography business in Florida.


ASSOCIATE – Employed by a FPP Professional or Life member.

Required to submit Sales Tax Certificate Number. Entitled to all FPP benefits and privileges.

Entitled to all FPP benefits; Privileges limited to Voting rights, Holding office, Photographic Awards, & Scholarships.

$210 MEMBER – Individuals who do not yet meet the requirements for any of the other categories. Entitled to all FPP benefits; Privileges limited to Photographic Awards, & Scholarships.

$135 STUDENT – Currently enrolled full or part-time in an accredited degree/certification program at a postsecondary school. Does not include continuing education courses or non-degree seeking students. Proof of enrollment required. Entitled to all FPP benefits; Privileges limited to Photographic Awards, &


$205 SERVICE – Individual or business that offers services and/or sales to professional photographers. Entitled to all FPP benefits; Privileges limited to FPP Logo use, Photographic Awards, & Scholarships.

$195 NON-RESIDENT – Employed outside of Florida. Entitled to all FPP benefits; Privileges limited to FPP Logo use, & Scholarships. FPP Bylaws; Article III - Membership











SALES TAX # (Required for Professional members)

PPA #, if applicable


Aerial Advertising Animals Arts AV B&W Commercial Children Digital Equine Events Environmental Family Glamour High School Seniors Industrial Lab Maternity Nature Photoshop Portrait Restoration Sales Service Specialist Schools Stock Sports Video Wedding NILMDTS CODE OF ETHICS: Upon being accepted into membership in Florida Professional Photographers, Inc., I do hereby subscribe without reservation to this Code of Ethics and do solemnly agree that: 1. I will endeavor to enhance and ennoble the status of the photographic profession by maintaining a dignity of manner in my behavior, in the presentation of my photography and photographic services, in the appearance of my studio or place of business, and in all other forms of public contact. 2. I will observe the highest standard of honesty in all my transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, confusing or inaccurate technical terms or descriptions and misleading terms or claims. 3. I will at all times endeavor to produce only those types of photographs and photographic services that will enhance the prestige of the profession, to apply my best efforts on behalf of the public, and to play my part in raising the general standard of photographic craftsmanship. 4. I will show a friendly spirit of cooperation with my fellow professional photographers and assist them whenever possible should they be in difficulty. 5. I will assist and give of my knowledge to the members of my profession and will encourage them individually and collectively so that the quality of photography may constantly be raised to higher standards. 6. In all matters relating to the interpretation of the Code, I will recognize the authority of the Florida Professional Photographers, Inc., and agree to hold harmless the Board of Directors in any decision made on behalf of the corporation. SIGNATURE OF ACCEPTANCE_______________________________________________________________________________ DATE_________________________

Enclose a CHECK made payable to “FPP” or include credit card information.

Card type_____________ CC# ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______/______ Auth Code: ___________ AMOUNT enclosed (please include $10 APPLICATION FEE): $___________

REQUIRED SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________ (Membership application invalid without signature)

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Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.