20151226 week assignment

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Service Concept Definition To be delivered on

Satuarday 9th of January, before 9.30am Week Assignment 2015.12.26 Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli


Until today you worked on understanding how the service works, how the users use it and why. Problems and opportunities have being found and ranked. You decided which Big Question you want to work on. Now it is time to develop a new Service Concept to address the issues defined in the Big Question.

Service Concept Definition | 2015.12.26

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Ideate the new Service

• What is your Big Question? • Which Persona are you designing for? Start from these 2 points to ideate a new User Journey. Then develop the Service Blueprint and the Service Map that enable the User Journey. Finally work on the communication of the Service, developing the Visual Identity first, and then a Service Poster and a Video/Storyboard. Wrap everything up in a 15 minute presentation.

Service Concept Definition | 2015.12.26

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Tasks Representing the Service

• The new Service Offer What are you offering? What is new? • The new User Journey A detailed representation of the new journey. • The Service Blueprint How the service works in the back-end. • The Service Map All the service, both the user side and the back-end.

Visualizing the offer

• Visual Identity Use a coherent visual identity throughout the service, and throughout the presentation using the current visual identity of the system or creating a new one if needed. • Service Poster (50cmx70cm print + digital) Illustrate the new service offering with a poster aimed at the users of the current service. • New User Journey Storyboard/Video (2 minutes maximum) A representation of the new user journey through a storyboard or a video.

Service Concept Definition | 2015.12.26

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Format and Presentation 1. Big Question/Persona > Service Offer PDF A4-horizontal format / blog updload

2. Service Poster

Printed 50x70cm / PDF / blog upload

3. New User Journey Storyboard/Video

MP4 or PDF, 16:9 proportion, 2 minutes max / blog upload

4. Service Concept Presentation

PDF A4-horizontal format / blog updload

To be delivered on

Satuarday 9th of January, before 9.30am Service Concept Definition | 2015.12.26

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli

Contacts andrea.carlon@gmail.com francesco.petronelli@gmail.com

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