20160109 week assignment

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Service Concept Refinment and Prototype To be delivered on

Satuarday 16th of January, before 9.30am Week Assignment 2016.01.09 Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli


Your research findings and persona analysis led you to a design question, which you have addressed with a service solution. Today you have presented this solution from a technical and visual perspective. What is left for you to do is to refine your design according to our feedbacks and prototype your experience with one of the illustrated methodologies. This prototyping will involve your potential users and eventually us, your teachers. Moreover, in order to conclude your journey through this studio, you will have to deliver a summary of your work, in the form of an installation that we will exhibit in the school next Saturday.

Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Prototype your service Test your assumptions with a prototype on real users: • Use at least one of the the MVP techniques (Explainer, Landing page, Wizard of OZ, Concierge) • Document the process and the results with photos/videos.

Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Let us experience your service We, the teachers, will have to experience the prototype of the new journey during the final presentation: • Create an experience that represents a meaningful part of your service for us, and anyone else, to experience in the classroom (can be combined with the installation)

Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Exhibition Material You have to create an installation to represent and communicate the service with: • The (updated) Service Poster (50x70cm) addressed to the potential user • A Printed Explanation of the Service in a 80x160cm foam-core board addressed to the service provider • You can use 2 tables maximum

Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Digital Delivery You have to deliver the updates to your concept, including: • A Digital Presentation of the Service in PDF A4-horizontal format, that comprehensively describes the service. In this presentation there should be all the parts of the project, and anyone should be able to fully understand the project, including the documentation of the prototyping. • The (updated) New User Journey Storyboard/Video addressed to the service provider • “Package” your content in a way that we can easily upload it on the blog.

Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Format and Presentation

You will have 30 minutes maximum to present the project. You can present the 4 items in any order. • Presentation • User Journey Video • Installation • Experience Prototype

To be delivered on

Satuarday 16th of January, before 9.30am Service Prototype | 2016.01.09

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli

Contacts andrea.carlon@gmail.com francesco.petronelli@gmail.com

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