This is not a presentation This is not a book This is not an eBook This is not a magazine This is not a videogame This is not a Powerpoint This is not a Pdf This is not an ePub This is not an iPad This is not a Kindle This is not a computer This is not a screen This is not a page This is not paper This is not a code This is not a medium This is not ...
book as a medium, book as a culture: the digital shift in publishing and the role of arts and design. Francesca Coluzzi Intern Researcher INC, Amsterdam. September 2012 – January 2013
What will the book look like in the future?
“Books without batteries”, Jeff Stahler (2000)
“The book reader of the future”, issue of Everyday Science and Mechanics (1935)
Do we read and write differently on digital devices? What is a ‛reading experience’?
Turning pages on the iPad. “bios [bible]� installation (2007)
Can design and arts contribute to the development of digital publishing, and how?
Topics and quotes from the interviwes ...
“Book forgotten by heart”, Vincenzo Agnetti (1969)
“56 Broken Kindle Screens”, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg (2012)
All these images come from the blog MMMMarginalia
Case Studies
Inquiry Framework
Job and Time
Context Index
Introduction Introduction Job and Time
Present publishing domain
Methods Context Framework Inquiry Case Studies Analysis Conclusions
Out of Ink research project
Book medium: Media Technology Communication processes Book culture: Practices Social behaviours ‛Book Makers’
Case Studies
Inquiry Framework
Job and Time
Context Past: Unbound book 2011 Boek uit de band 2012
Job and Time
Me: From SEPTEMBER 2012 To JANUARY 2013
Interviews with case studies
Next: RAAK-MKB Toolkit Digitaal Publiceren 02/2013 - 12/2014
Out of Ink Website >
SEPT 2012
Video editing >
1째 phase
2째 phase
JAN 2013
Research framework Research questions Cross-analysis
Case Studies
Inquiry Qualitative Research:
Framework Context
The why and how.
Focus on particular case studies. General propositions and overall conclusions.
Interviews with:
Semi-structured Interview:
ʽBook makers’ print/digital books.
Flexible. Less structured. Source: “Business Research Methods 3rd edition” Alan Bryman, Emma Bell. >
Different professionals: Designers Artists Publishers.
Case Studies
Different containers of the information (like books, e-books, etc.) change nature, shape and structure: They converge but they also become specific in their formal and cognitive features. The interesting point lies beyond the difference between digital and analogue media: It’s about understanding how technology impacts both language and behaviour.
Framework Context Conclusions Suggestions: Set up a dialogue between both digital and analogue media; old and new behaviours. Give a voice to design and art’s free and creative thinking. Create effective connections between artists, designers, technologists and publishers.
Case Studies
Inquiry Framework
Job and Time
Context Context Production
Publishing Domain
Designing Content
Publisher/Self publisher Designer Artist/Author
Enabling communities
Case Studies
Inquiry Framework
Research’s issues hierarchy Print to Digital
Main issues
Tools and Software Collaborative Practice
Reading Experience  Publishing Cycle
Basic Questionnaire
Platform and Networks Changing Roles Open Source
Case Studies
式Book Makers始
Basic Questionnaire on 2 main topics:
A. The book as a medium B. The book as a process
Publishers 14 Questions to the 式Book Makers始
Conclusions Designers: NIELS SCHRADER, Designer, Mind Design Studio, Amsterdam; DIMITRI NIEUWENHUIZEN, Designer, Lust Studio, The Hague. LARS BÖHM, Uncovered Magazine, Student 2012 Medialab HvA, Amsterdam;
Specific Projects: MONIKA PARRINDER, Researcher, RCA London. Project: “Limited Language”. DAVID BENQUÉ, Designer, London Project: “The Infinite Adventure Machine”. > ANTHON ASTROM, Designer, Astrom / Zimmer Studio, Zurich. Project: “Lines, Interacting With An Idea”. WALDEMAR WĘGRZYN, Designer, Katowice. Project: “Elektrobiblioteka”.
Case Studies Publishers: ERIK KESSELS, Kesselskramer Publishing House, Amsterdam; MICHELE AQUILA AND VALERIA DI ROSA, U10 Publishing Start-up, Milan. MAXINE KOPSA, Kunstverein Gallery and Publishing House, Amsterdam; ANNA AND BRITT FROM VISUAL EDITIONS, Publishers, London.
Hybrids: YOLANDE VAN DER HEIDE, Casco Publishing Class, Utrecht; RAOUL BOERS, Lecturer In e-Publishing and Content Management HvA, Amsterdam. DELPHINE BEDEL, Researcher, artist and publisher of “Hardcopy” Magazine, Amsterdam; > WILL HOLDER, Researcher, artist and publisher “F.R. David” Journal, Published by De Appel, Amsterdam.
Analysis A.
Conclusions Topics and quotes from the interviwes ...
A. The book as a medium A1. Books, e-Books, Reading Experiences. > > A2. Design/Publishing Process and Identity. > A3. The Relationship between Text and Image. >
A4. The Relationship between Content and Structure. > > A5. Media Convergence: Platforms, Formats and Collaborative Practices. > > A6. Tactility, Materiality, Physical Presence. Go to Analysis B. >
Analysis B.
Conclusions Topics and quotes from the interviwes ...
B. The book as a process B1. Dissemination, Overload of Information and Concentration. B2. Self Publishing, Open Source Culture and Economic Models. B3. Obsolescence, Longevity and Virtuality.
B4. Tools and Devices. > > B5. Art and Design Contribution to Research and Development in Publishing. Back to Analysis A. > END
What is the main difference between a book and an e-book? What about other digital editorial products? What about calling them all reading experiences? 1
Do you think interactivity and media convergence can affect the design of a book? What about the proliferation of different formats? What about collaborative practices? How does it change with the digital? What about it in digital publishing? 6
What do you think about open source culture? What economic models do we have now in publishing and which do you think will take over in the future? 11
What do you think are the new parameters, limits and rules in the design process for the e-book? How do they differ from the design of a paper book? 2
14 questions to book designers What do you think about the obsolescence of the digital? Is putting the content back onto paper the only choice that we have to overtake this obsolescence? Do you think we could find other solutions? 12 Is there any element of tactility in the digital book? What do you 7 think about that?
In which elements of the project do you think your identity as a designer resides? How would you manage to keep it, or even change it, in the making of digital book projects? Do you think you will make digital books in the future? 3
Do you think we are risking an overload of information in publishing, especially in online and digital publishing?
The relationship between text and image has always been one of the core matters in visual communication. How has it changed in the digital environment? Do you think this relationship could become something different in digital publishing, and how? 4
Has the traditional book changed? Can we talk about a sort of paper reaction to the digital shift in publishing? What do you think about the increase of self-publishing, both on paper and digitally? 10
We are living in the era of the dissemination of information. Do you think we are lacking concentration? Do you think that dissemination and concentration can coexist or do we have to choose between one of them?
What about the relationship between content and structure in the lay out of a book (indexes, hyperlinks, different ways of visualization etc.)? How does it change with the digital? What about it in digital publishing?
Can art and design practices give a contribution to the development of proper structures, models and devices for digital publishing, and how? In which direction would you like the research on digital books to be developed?
Which tools are you missing and what do you think is still needed for 13 digital publishing?
Back to Inquiry >
– THANK YOU – Francesca Coluzzi: Website: [Out of Ink project] Vimeo page: Images & Notes:
This is a presentation This is a Pdf This is a screen This is a code This is a medium This is ...