Fibroids - symptoms and treatment

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Fibroids (uterine fibroids) are non-cancerous tumors that grow on the inside or on the muscle wall of the uterus (myometrium). These tumors are formed of solid muscle fiber tissue (fibrous tissue). Fibroids can occur as a single tumor or in groups of various sizes, from just for soybeans to the size of the fetus. In normal conditions, fibroids form spherical blobs, made of muscle, clustered on the wall of the uterus. Usually fibroids grow very slowly in the lining of the uterus. They grow bigger due to increased levels of estrogen, a female hormone. Some conditions cause an increase in estrogen levels and thereby contribute to the growth of fibroids. Such conditions include hormone replacement therapy for menopause, oral contraceptives, or birth control pills and pregnancy. After menopause, fibroids may shrink or disappear altogether.

Most women have no symptoms of uterine fibroids. Symptoms depend on the number, size, and location of the fibroids. Some common symptoms include, prolonged menstruation, anemia, low red blood cell count, bleeding between periods, dyspareunia or painful intercourse, frequent urination, caused by the pressure of the tumor in the bladder as well as pain or pressure in the lower abdomen or lower back Signs and symptoms Fibroids often cause no symptoms. If the fibroids grow in a way that does not cause pressure on nearby organs, you may have fibroids for years without feeling any significant complaints. In some cases, fibroids are the first indication of trouble getting pregnant (infertility) or maintaining a pregnancy (miscarriage). Submucosal fibroids are the type most likely to affect the pregnancy because it can distort the uterus and interfere with implantation of the embryo. Decreased blood flow makes sure the uterine wall is not conducive for the development of the embryo.

Heavy Menstruation. Fibroids that grow large in the uterus (submucosal or intramural) can disrupt normal menstrual bleeding mechanism causing heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). Some women menstruation lasts for weeks, sometimes without noticeable lag between menstrual periods. Frequent urination, constipation or pain, occurs when a fibroid is pressing other organs such as the bladder or bowel. Severe pain can occur when twisted pedunculated fibroid. Abdominal swelling that causes the sensation of pressure and heavy sensation. Lower abdomen may look like in the early stages of pregnancy. Pain or discomfort during sex if the fibroid grows near the vagina or cervix.

Why fibroids develop? The exact cause of fibroids is unknown but it’s thought to be linked to the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is a female reproductive hormone produced by the ovaries. Fibroids usually develop in the 30s when estrogen levels are at their highest. Fibroids are rare in women under the age of 20. The risk of fibroid seems to be familial despite lifestyle and diet also play a role. Women who are overweight have a higher estrogen level so that the risks of fibroids are also higher.

Can fibroids be treated? Most fibroids do not need treatment or surgery unless symptoms are very disturbing or make you have trouble conceiving. Fibroids usually shrink and do not cause complaints after menopause. Treatment options and actions for fibroids include: - Drugs that balance hormones. Drugs in the form of a nasal spray, injection or implant under the skin to shrink or temporarily halt fibroid growth. This

treatment can not last long because they often cause side effects similar to the symptoms of menopause vaginal dryness, decreased bone density, body heat (hot flushes). Fibroids can grow back after treatment is stopped. - Surgical removal of fibroids (called myomectomy) through hysteroscopy, laparoscopy or laparotomy(open surgery) procedure. Selection procedure depends on the size, number and location of the fibroids. - Radiological procedure called uterine artery embolization to shut down the blood supply to the fibroid. With a lack of blood supply, the fibroids will shrink or disappear altogether.

To learn more on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your Uterine Fibroids from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from PCOS related symptoms, I highly recommend you check Amanda Leto's new Uterine Fibroids System. Amanda Leto - certified nutritionist and former Uterine Fibroids sufferer teaches you her Uterine Fibroids freedom step by step success system jam-packed with valuable information.


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