BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code
Module Title
1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? The application of typography within my designs has definitely improved this year. For previous modules I’ve largely focused on image and didn’t pay much attention to type, however, I’ve found it’s produced a much more professional finish to the designs when using grids and baselines in InDesign. Knowing the importance of this has really effected the way I work as I found myself spending a lot of time on the logo designs for both ‘me and thee’ and ‘tenten’ in order to perfect that visual identity of a brand. My collaboration skills have improved this year as when working on the ‘me and thee’ bief with Liv Chapman I feel like I contributed a lot to that brief and being in a collaboration really helped with organising set tasks and design jobs. Working with photography in the ‘me and thee’ brief really helped the aesthetics of the design development process as well as improving my skills in image. I’ve been wanting to include photography into my designs this year and I’m really happy with how they turned out as the client loved the ink images and I was able to include them into the promotional designs for ‘me and thee’. 2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? I think my work has been a lot more conceptual within this module due to the fact that I’ve put a lot of thought into the context of each brief and how appropriate my designs are for the aesthetics of the brand. Take the ‘starkey’ brief for example where I tried to apply imagery that would not only suit the content of the album music but the context of how the vinyl will sit n the environment. This term I’ve been using the studio space and college facilities a lot more then I have in the past and I’ve found its really helped with the design process. In previous years I’ve been convinced that I work better from home, however, after spending more time in the studio and staying later I’ve come to realise I get a lot more work done in the college environment. Although I feel like I’ve been working hard this year, I still know I could be pushing myself a lot harder & next term I aim to do so. 3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? Logo design & development has to be one of the strengths from the briefs as I feel like I put a lot of time, thought and effort into type and as a result I feel both ‘me and thee’ and ‘tenten’ have current, sophisticated logo designs. It’s something I will continue to pay more attention to in the future as the logo is the face of the visual identity and holds great importance for the brand. I’ll be applying type in a more professional manor next term. Another strength would be my photographic skills as I think the ink photographs were appropriate and some of them came out really nicely. Next term I’d like to have a higher focus on this and maybe create some sort of publication in which I can bring both photography and typography into my designs.