2 minute read
16. Intercollegiate Athletics
The City of Franklin maintains an emergency ambulance service on 24-hour call. The Emergency Department of Johnson Memorial Hospital, located at 1125 W. Jefferson St. in Franklin provides 24-hour medical emergency care. Johnson Memorial Immediate Care Center is located at 2085 Acorn Blvd. in Franklin for the provision of non-emergency services, as well as The Little Clinic located in the Franklin Kroger at 970 N. Morton St. The nurse is happy to provide other options to obtain medical care in the area catered to student-specific concerns.
Health education plays a vital role in one’s ability to stay safe and healthy while attending college. Physical activity, nutrition, sleep, stress management, mental health, sexual health, and vaccinations are just a few of the topics pertinent to Franklin College students. The nurse is able to provide resources addressing the aforementioned areas and is available to discuss and find resources regarding any other student-specific health concerns.
Written excuses for class/work are not provided by the Health Center nurse. Students are responsible for monitoring how excused absences for classes are used, and to obtain the necessary documentation from an advanced level medical professional if a written excuse is needed. Students are expected to communicate any absences related to illness or injury with their professor/coach/employer.
15. Information Technology
The Office of Information Technology is located in the basement of Old Main. They are staffed with 11 people and are ready to help solve any technical issues that may arise. They support all software and hardware on campus including computers, classroom and lab equipment. They are also responsible for device connectivity. The staff can be reached at any time Monday – Friday 7am-5pm by calling 317-738-8148. They can also be reached by email using
Service@FranklinCollege.Edu or chat at http://Service.FranklinCollege.Edu. You can also visit any time during business hours. No appointment necessary!
Email - All Franklin College students have an email account. All student email addresses are formatted in preferred name, last name@franklincollege.edu. Email is the primary method of communication between students and instructors. Monitoring of campus email is necessary.
Microsoft Office - All Franklin College students are given free installs of the Microsoft Office suite. To download for any windows or mac computer, go to your GrizLink homepage https://GrizLink.FranklinCollege.Edu and search “Download Office“.
16. Intercollegiate Athletics
Franklin College is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA III) and the
Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference.
Intercollegiate sports at Franklin College are:
Baseball (men) Basketball (women and men) Cross country (women and men) Football (men) Golf (women and men) Indoor Track (women and men) Lacrosse (Women) Outdoor Track (women and men) Soccer (women and men) Softball (women) Swimming & Diving (women and men) Tennis (women and men) Volleyball (women)
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