2 minute read
9. Fires/Bonfire/Fire Pits
up to and including expulsion or dismissal from the college and referral for prosecution. Individuals violating any town ordinances, state laws, or federal laws relating to alcohol or drug possession or use also risk fines and imprisonment.
If questions arise related to any of these guidelines or policies, students should direct them to the Student Development office, while employees should direct questions to the human resources office.
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with area resources available for substance abuse, counseling and treatment. Staff members in the Franklin College counseling and health center, as well as the college chaplain, are available to assist students with substancerelated problems and to provide referral to community agencies. All counseling is of a confidential nature.
9. Fires/Bonfire/Fire Pits
Fire Policy for activities and events
Fire is a significant risk for property damage and injuries. Proper controls are vital to manage these risks. Outdoor fires are not allowed on campus property without prior permission from the Director of Security and only for approved activities and events. See the Director of Security for details on requesting permission and the procedures for outdoor fires. Outdoor fires are defined as any type of open flame outdoors, including campfires, bonfires, and fire pits of any kind. This does not include charcoal or propane grills or smokers, and does not include approved maintenance procedures.
The Griz Pit fire pits are available to reserve. Student organizations that want to reserve the space must get approval from the Center for Student Involvement and their adviser must reserve the space in Virtual EMS. Individual students must also get permission to use the Griz Pit from the Center for Student Involvement.
A non-approved fire will be extinguished by authorities. Those responsible for such fires are subject to discipline through the college’s judicial system.
Procedures for requesting permission for outdoor fires
Note: This is the minimum set of procedures that must be followed. These are subject to change without advance notice and may be affected by current environmental conditions at the time of request. Common sense approaches to creating open fires must be used.
• Persons requesting permission for open burning shall contact the Director of Security at least five working days before the event. • Fires shall not be located within 50 feet of a structure. • Accelerants such as gasoline, diesel fuel, or kerosene shall not be used to kindle a fire. • Charcoal lighter fluid may be used on wood before the fire is lit. It may not be sprayed on flames. • Running, dancing and horseplay shall not be allowed in the vicinity of an open fire. • Fires shall not be left unattended. • Fire extinguishers and designated fire monitors may be required. Need will be determined by the Director of Security. • All fires will be completely extinguished and cold before the fire watch ends.
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