2 minute read
22. Religious Solicitation
offices and residence hall rooms may be excluded – check with the director of student activities or director of residence life for residential areas if there is a question.)
Permission for any exception to this policy must be obtained from the Associate Dean of Students or the Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students.
Only registered campus organizations and college departments may post materials in classrooms.
One piece of printed literature per event will be allowed in any one designated posting area.
All posted literature is to be removed by the sponsor within 24 hours following the conclusion of the event.
Posters and other printed literature other than banners will be limited to dimensions of 11” x 17” or smaller unless authorized by the director of student activities and organizations.
Other equipment such as easels, tables, and chalkboards are available through the facilities services office for special displays or for use in rooms where bulletin boards are unavailable.
Chalking Sidewalks: Only registered campus organizations with approved events may chalk on sidewalks. Chalking is restricted to sidewalks and parking lots and NOT on planters, walls and other building surfaces.
Large Signs, Banners or Displays: Banners may be posted only inside the student dining room, in the rotunda of Old Main with approval from Academic Affairs, and inside or outside of residence halls, Spurlock Center and the fence of Goodell Field. Large signs, banners or displays of any kind other than listed above may not be posted outside of campus buildings without prior approval of the Director of Student Involvement and Greek Life or in their absence the Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students.
Materials from Political and Other Off-Campus Groups: Political banners, signs, bunting or other types of publicity from other off-campus groups are not to be posted in public areas on the campus. If, however, a group has reserved a particular room for an event, they may use those materials in that room while they have it reserved according to the above listed guidelines.
Failure to abide by the above listed policies may result in the loss of privileges to post or distribute materials on campus.
22. Religious Solicitation
Religious organizations external to Franklin College may not solicit membership or funds, distribute literature, or otherwise advance their presence or materials on Franklin College property. They may, however, post materials in accordance with the Franklin College posting policy. College offices, academic departments, or registered student organizations may invite religious groups external to Franklin College to present programs in accordance with existing college policies. Religious organizations wishing to rent space on campus may do so in accordance with existing policies concerning facilities usage. Use of campus facilities does not grant the right to solicit to the campus community.
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