Traveling Post Office Guatemala Part. 4 Occidental Railway

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October 3rd, 2022
INTRODUCTION In Guatemala there were 7 different train lines, which means that each of them had their own traveling agents and therefore their own postmark. Below we detail the name of each of the different lines: 1. Central Railway 2. Northern Railway 3. Occidental Railway 4. Oriental Railway 5. Ocos Railway 6. Verapaz Railway 7. Highland Railway
train that went
from Guatemala City to
the border city of Ayutla known today as Ciudad Tecun Uman and with an initial section that began between the Port of Champerico and Retalhuleu
Ayutla Coatepeque Station Retalhuleu Station

In 1882 the first part of the Occidental Railway began, we refer to the line that went from the Port of Champerico to Retalhuleu, this was the second line under construction after the Central Railway whose line was from Puerto de San José to Guatemala City ; In the literature and texts, the Line from Champerico to Retalhuleu is called the Occidental Railway, it must be taken into account that this stretch is only part of it.

In July 1884, the 67 km (42 miles) line between Champerico and Retalhuleu was concluded.

Abranch was built towards San Felipe in the coffee zone.

The Occidental Railway emerged as a need to transport coffee from the Retalhuleu area, in addition to being the epicenter of agriculture in the area, later this was joined to the Central Railroad. In 1915 the line managed to joinAyutla (Today Tecum Uman City) and connect with the Ocos Railway

The first postal mark dates from 1890 and this is from Escuintla and Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa.

OCCIDENTAL RAILWAY: The initial section began between the Port of Champerico and Retalhuleu Retalhuleu Station today Champerico Station Ca. 1882-1888

Occidental Railway Markings, Type D

Guatemala Type D 1890 Retalhuleu y Champerico

Construction of this 67Km (42 miles) Retalhuleu and Champerico Line as part of the Occidental Railway began in 1882 and was completed on July 1, 1884.

This mark is 32mm in diameter and from 1890 and is similar to Type F, it is characterized by having the date in a line and the words "BETWEEN" and "Y" Very scarce brand.

The archives have left no documentation on the date of the establishment of the ambulante plaza, but surely the postal conductors used the train before the line was finished.

Occidental Railway Markings, Type H

Guatemala Type H 1893-1898 Entre Champerico y San Felipe

This oval mark has been seen on few envelopes, it measures 46X26 mm, it was originally dated from ca 1893 to 1895, it appears undated between 1896 to 1898.

The construction of the Retalhuleu to San Felipe section, which was part of the itinerary of this Ambulante, was completed in 1892, but the line was put into public service until 1894, after slight corrections had been made to the bridges and technical facilities to improve the user safety. This mark confirms that the postal services used the lines before their official inauguration

Guatemala Type Ia 1904



This Type Ia is 31mm in diameter and is from 1904.

It differs from Type I due to its larger size, Type I measures 29mm in diameter and Type Ia also has ornaments in the legend:


This mark is also known with the legend:


Occidental Railway Markings, Type
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE N, DE RETALHULEU A SAN ANTONIO SUCHITEPEQUEZ. Guatemala Type N 1923-1926 DE RETALHULEUASANANTONIO S. This cancellation of San Antonio Suchitepéquez arises from the creation of the diversion routes from Retalhuleu SanAntonio Suchitepéquez is a small town 11.6 km east of Mazatenango and 27.8 km east of Retalhuleu SanAntonio Suchitepéquez

Cover placed in the Port of Champerico on July 31, 1923 and addressed to California, has a transit postmark of Guatemala City datedAugust 2, 1923

A CHAMPERICO Guatemala Type N 1923

This Retalhuleu-Champerico is only known circulated in 1923.

The Type N circulated between 1923-1926 Diameter between 30-31mm

Occidental Railway Markings, Type N , DE RETALHULEU
Occidental Railway Markings, Type N, DE RETALHULEU A SAN FELIPE Guatemala Type N 1923-1926 DE RETALHULEUASAN FELIPE 30-31mm diameter Retalhuleu Station today
Occidental Railway Markings, Type N, DE RETALHULEU A SAN FELIPE Guatemala Type N 1923-1926 DE RETALHULEUASAN FELIPE Cover placed in San Felipe and then sent in the ambulante from San Felipe to Retalhuleu on February 19, 1924
Occidental Railway Markings, Type Y DE MAZATENANGO A CHAMPERICO Guatemala Type Y 1949 AMBULANTE POSTALMAZATENAGOCHAMPERICO Possibly Type Y is a Type N, its use was in 1949 Mazatenango Station


Guatemala Type R 1927-1946

Type R marks were used from 1927 to 1946.

Its general characteristics are the following:

A. Diameter 24-28mm date stamp

B. Without the abbreviation "No." used for the word number in the first line of the text.

C. Text in 4 lines, ca 27-20mm

This Type R has 4 known Subtypes:

Subtype 1: Date stamp letters 2mm,spaces small, most without dashes between words. Use ca 1929-1936

Subtype 1a: Botton 2 lines and the postmark in Roman letters (# 14 and # 15)

They are the first date stamps with a single sequence of numbers. Each line was assigned from one to three numbers depending on the importance of each of them.

Subtype 2: Date stamp letters 1 ¾ mm, large spaces with dashes between words, use ca 1939 onwards.

Subtype 3: Date stamp with a diameter 26mm with heavy circle, large spaces with crosses (# 16 of 1933)

Railway Markings, TYPE R
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Line Name Line Number Year Subtype 1 Subtype 1a Subtype 2 Subtype 3 RETALHULEU-CHAMPERICO 13 1930 X RETALHULEU-S.ANTONIO S. 14 1927 X S.ANTONIO.S-CHAMPERICO 14 1938 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 14 1941 X RETALHULEU-SAN FELIPE 15 1932 X X RETALHULEU-SAN FELIPE 15 19391941 X X Type R Line 14, Subtype 1 S.ANTONIO S. is the abbreviation of SAN ANTONIO SUCHITEPEQUEZ
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Retalhuleu-Champerico , Line 13, Subtype 1a T R E C E
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Tiquisate-Champerico , Line 14 , Subtype 1
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Retalhuleu-San Felipe, Line 15, Subtype 1a


Guatemala Type S 1934-1952

This Type S has 4 known Groups with their respective subtypes:

GROUP 1 (1934): It has Subtype 1 and 2, ca 1934-1937

GROUP 2 (March 1946): Each line has its own series of numbers, diameter ca 23mm, subtype 2 ,with dashes block of letters, 21mm high

GROUP 3 (January 1949): 22mm diameter, subtype 2 with dashes, block letters 23-25X 20mm, within this there are

Variant 1: NUM for No. (16 and 17 18X18mm block of letters)

The Type S was the second postmark that was used for a long time, not only does it have the same Subtypes 1 and 2 of the Type R. The numbers were reassigned again.

Variant 2: NUMERO for No. (18 and 19) block of letters 19X20mm

GROUP 4 :( November 1951) There is a new numbering, all numbers even from 16 to 19 are spelled out.

Railway Markings, TYPE S
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Line Name Line Number Year Group 1 SG1 Group 2 SG2 Group 3 SG3 Group 4 SG4 TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 1-2 1946 X Subtype 2 TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 14-15 1949 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 18-19 1949 X Subtype 2 TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 14 1951 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 15 1951 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 16 1951 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 17 1951 X Type S Group 3 Line 19 SG3L19
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 2 S-G3L2 Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 14 S-G3L14
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 14 S-G3L14
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 15 S-G3L15
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 18 S-G3L18
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 3, Line 19 S-G3L19
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S,Group 4, Line 15 S-G4L15
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Guatemala Type S, Group 4, Line 17 S-G4L17 Guatemala Type S, Group 4, Line 16 S-G4L16
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Guatemala Type Z 1952 This mark is 22.5mm in diameter and was authorized on March 1, 1952 But copies have been circulated a few days before. AMBULANTE POSTAL in the 24X27mm block
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Nombre De Línea Numero De Línea Año Grupo 1 Grupo 2 TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 15 1952 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 16 1952 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 17 1952 X TIQUISATE-CHAMPERICO 18 1952 X CHAMPERICO-SAN FELIPE 19 1960 X CHAMPERICO-SAN FELIPE 20 1960 X SAN FELIPE-CHAMPERICO 19 1954 X Tipo Z Grupo 1 Línea 19 Z-G1L19
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z , GROUP 1 Guatemala Type Z,Group 1, Line 16 Z-G1L16 Date stamp with 22.5mm diameter authorized on March 1, 1952 but used a few days before as shown by some examples seen. Ambulante in the block 24 X 27 mm Q U I N C E Guatemala Type Z-G1L15, 1952
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z , GROUP 1 NUEVE Guatemala Type Z,Group 1, Line 19 Z-G1L19


In August 1960, some marks of the type Z were still in use but with new changes in the line names, this is known as a subtype or group 2 with a diameter of 28mm

Champerico Train

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z , GROUP 2
OCCIDENTE RAILWAY : Train line that went from Guatemala City to the border city of Ayutla known today as Ciudad Tecun Uman Mazatenango Station Ca. 1965 Rio Bravo Station Today AYUTLA

It is 37mm in diameter and is known as Type G4

This Type G4 is assigned for the line

STALUCIACOTZUMALGUAPANo 4 Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa is an area where a large amount of sugar was produced at that time.

This is the rarest of Type G

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE G Guatemala Type G 1897-1899 Escuintla y Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE G This Type G is very rare ESCUINTLAY STA.LUCIA COTZUMALGUAPA
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE I Guatemala Type I 1898-1909 This type I is 29mm in diameter. This Type I was assigned for the line ESCUINTLAACOCALESCocales Station

Exquisite piece from February 1902 with theAMBULANTE ESCUINTLAACOCALES that later passed to theAMBULANTE GUATEAESCUINTLANo 1, to finally be received in Guatemala

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE I

Exquisite piece from March 1902 with theAMBULANTE ESCUINTLAACOCALES that later passed to theAMBULANTE GUATEAESCUINTLANo 1, to finally be received in Guatemala City

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE I
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE I
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE J GUATEMALA Y MAZATENANGO Guatemala Type J 1906-1910 This mark measured 38mm in diameter and was used between 1906 and 1910. This corresponds to the number UNO : AMBULANTE ( 1 ) POSTAL GUATEMALA Y MAZATENANGO Exist ( 2 ) y ( 3 ) with the same mark shown on the Left AMBULANTE ( 2 ) POSTAL GUATEMALA Y MAZATENANGO AMBULANTE ( 3 ) POSTAL GUATEMALA Y MAZATENANGO


Guatemala Type (3) F.C. CENTRAL 1908-1918

This mark is 30mm in diameter, with 6 bars of 20X17mm was used between 1908-1918

The most known with (1) is so widely used that it cannot be verified if the lower text is the same. Exist with (1) and (3)

Occidental Railway

This mark is between 23-24mm in diameter. It was used between 1925-1927. The name Muluá is the abbreviation of Santa Cruz Muluá

Santa Cruz de Muluá is a town located 11 km from Retalhuleu.

San Felipe is a town that is 17 km from Retalhuleu.

This was a branch of the Occidental Railway that would later connect with the LosAltos Railway

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE M SAN FELIPE - MULUA Guatemala Type M 1925-1927 SAN FELIPE -MULUA
Santa Cruz Muluá San Felipe

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE

Guatemala Type R 1927-1946

Its general characteristics are the following:

A. Diameter 24-28mm date stamp

B. Without the abbreviation "No." used for the word number in the first line of the text.

C. Text in 4 lines, ca 27-20mm

This Type R has 4 known Subtypes:

Subtype 1: Date stamp letters 2mm,spaces small, most without dashes between words. Use ca 1929-1936

Type R marks were used from 1927 to 1946.

Subtype 1a: Botton 2 lines and the postmark in Roman letters (# 14 and # 15)

They are the first date stamps with a single sequence of numbers. Each line was assigned from one to three numbers depending on the importance of each of them.

Subtype 2: Date stamp letters 1 ¾ mm, large spaces with dashes between words, use ca 1939 onwards.

Subtype 3: Date stamp with a diameter 26mm with heavy circle, large spaces with crosses (# 16 of 1933)

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Line Name Line Number Year Subtype 1 Subtype 1a Subtype 2 Subtype 3 GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 4 1930-1939 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 5 1930-1939 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 6 1930-1939 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 6 1930-1939 X Type R Line 4, Subtype 1
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Line 4, Subtype 1 ( Guatemala-Ayutla)
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Line 5 , Subtype 3 ( Guatemala-Ayutla ) Subtypes 3 have crosses and a thicker circle
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R Type R, Line 6 ( Guatemala-Ayutla)
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R , WITHOUT NUMBERS Type, Without numbers This mark was used between 1929-1945. It is Subtype 2
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R , WITHOUT NUMBERS

Train crossing in the exuberant municipality of Santa Cruz Muluá, municipality of the department of Retalhuleu

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE R , WITHOUT NUMBERS


Guatemala Type S 1934-1952

This Type S has 4 known Groups with their respective subtypes:

GROUP 1 (1934): It has Subtype 1 and 2, ca 1934-1937

GROUP 2 (March 1946): Each line has its own series of numbers, diameter ca 23mm, subtype 2 ,with dashes block of letters, 21mm high

GROUP 3 (January 1949): 22mm diameter, subtype 2 with dashes, block letters 23-25X 20mm, within this there are

Variant 1: NUM for No. (16 and 17 18X18mm block of letters)

The Type S was the second postmark that was used for a long time, not only does it have the same Subtypes 1 and 2 of the Type R. The numbers were reassigned again.

Variant 2: NUMERO for No. (18 and 19) block of letters 19X20mm

GROUP 4 :( November 1951) There is a new numbering, all numbers even from 16 to 19 are spelled out.

Railway Markings, TYPE S
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Line Name Line Number Year Group 1 SG1 Group 2 SG2 Group 3 SG3 Group 4 SG4 GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 4 1937 X Subtype 1 GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 7 1934-1937 X Subtype 2 TIQUISATE-RIOBRAVO 1 1946 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 1-2-3 1946 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 1-2-3 1946 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 4-5-6 1949 X GUATEMALA-RIO BRAVO 9-10 1949 X Type S Group 2 Line 1 S-G2L1
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Line Name Line Number Year Group 1 SG1 Group 2 SG2 Group 3 SG3 Group 4 SG4 TIQUISATE-RIOBRAVO 16 1949 X SAN FELIPE-MULUA 20 1949 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 5 1951 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 6 1951 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 7 1951 X GUATEMALA-AYUTLA 8 1951 X SAN FELIPE REU.-MULUA 18 1951 X Type S Group 2 Line 1 S-G2L1
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G2L1 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1947
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G2L1 ( Tiquisate-Rio Bravo) 1946 Type S-G2L1 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1946
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G2L2 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1947
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G2L2( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1948
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G2L5 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1948 Type S-G3L4 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1949
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L4 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) Type S-G3L4 ( Guatemala-Ayutla)
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L4( Guatemala-Ayutla) Type S-G3L5( Guatemala-Ayutla)
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L5( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1949 Type S-G3L6( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1949
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L6 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1951 Type S-G3L9( Guatemala-Rio Bravo) 1949
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L10( Guatemala-Rio Bravo) 1949 Type S-G3L16( Guatemala-Rio Bravo) 1949
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G3L20( San Felipe- Mulua) 1949 Type S-G4L6 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1951
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G4L6 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1952 Type S-G4L7 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1951
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE S Type S-G4L8 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1951 Type S-G4L8 ( Guatemala-Ayutla) 1951

These types of ambulantes were used from

the numbered cancellers correspond to the assignments before March

most of the daters are without numbers.

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE W
Type W 1942-1946


were used from

the numbered cancellers correspond to the

before March

most of the daters are without numbers.

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE W1 These types
Type W1 1942-1946

Guatemala Tipo Z 1952

This mark is 22.5mm in diameter and was authorized on March 1, 1952.

But copies have been circulated a few days before.

Some lines received different numbers.

AMBULANTE on the 24X27mm block

Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Line Name Line Number Year Group 1 Group 2 GUATEMALA-AYUTLAS.M. 5-6-7-8 1952 X SAN FELIPE-MULUA 19 1952 X GUATEMALA-CIUDAD TECUM UMAN 5-6-7-8 1960 X GUATEMALA-TIQUISATE 16 1960 X GUATEMALA-TIQUISATE 17 1960 X GUATEMALA-TIQUISATE 18 1960 X Type Z Group 2 Line 17 Z-G2L17
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Type Z-G1L5 ( Guatemala-Ayutla S.M.) 1952
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Type Z-G1L8 ( Guatemala-Ayutla S.M.) 1952 Type Z-G1L8 ( Guatemala-Ayutla S.M.) 1952
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE Z Type Z-G1L15 ( Guatemala-Tiquisate) 1952 Type Z-G1L16 ( Guatemala- Tiquisate) 1954
Occidental Railway Markings, TYPE GG This mark is 28mm in diameter. AMBULANTE POSTAL, separated by hyphens Roman letters and block of three lines. The word LINE is omitted. Assigned to: # 8 GUATEMALA-C. TECUM UMAN # 19 GUATEMALA-SAN FELIPE
Occidental Railway, BIBLIOGRAPHY
Articles in the El Quetzal Magazine numbers 127 and 128 published in January and February 1961
Occidental Railway, BIBLIOGRAPHY The Postal Markings Of Guatemala, Section 21.1-21.3 by Cécile-Gruson 2004-2007

Thanks to the International Society of Guatemala

Collectors for their openness and dissemination of knowledge.

Many thanks to Michael Bloom and David Reitsema for the philatelic material and illustrations.

Many thanks to David Lindwall for his explanations and patience.

Marcas Ferrocarril de Occidente Questions? THANK YOU email: Santa Cruz Muluá

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