We exist to bring glory to God through our relationship with Him, His Church, and the world.
August 2, 2015 Upcoming Events See details inside: Our next “Feed the Body & Soul” will be this coming Wednesday night, August 5, 2015. Please visit OCentral to volunteer. Our Wednesday Night Summer Series will continue this week with Wesley Leonard “The God We Call Father” Our next Love Offering will be on August 16, 2015. It is planned for Eustis Heights Elementary. The next Mobile Food Pantry will be Saturday, August 22, 2015. We need you to volunteer to help! Please bring any paint brushes that can be used for painting the fence at Henderson House. Please leave them in the yellow box at OCentral. Please pick up a copy of the August Worship Schedule at OCentral. The Elders Appreciation Day will be held on August 30, 2015, along with our 5th Sunday Potluck.
Church Office 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Phone: 352.357.6616 Fax: 352.357.5335 Email: orangeoffice@reagan.com
FAMOUS LAST WORDS: HONESTY Genesis 3 “Lies will get any man into trouble but honesty is its own defense.” Proverbs 12:13 “The Lord hates cheating and delights in honesty.” Proverbs 11:1 “When he (Satan) lies, he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 I. Do a _____________________
II. Remember what your _______________do to the heart of God. “But when He, the spirit of truth, comes He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13 Four Truths: 1. We are loved by God. 2. We have all sinned. 3. God sent Jesus to bridge the gap between man and God. 4. It is our choice. Good Morning, Guests we are very happy that you have chosen to worship with us today. We pray that God will send us many visitors, each Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. You encourage us by your presence, and we hope that our worship together will be a spiritual boost for you. Attendance cards are available in the pockets on the back of each pew, and also in front of some of the pew bibles. Please fill out the side labeled Welcome Guests completely and place it in the collection tray. Thank you for leaving us this record of your visit. Our prayer is that you will visit with us again soon. MEMBERS it is especially important to fill out the Members side of the card and leave us a record of your attendance as well. Thank you, so much.
Out of respect for our worship service to God, our Father, please turn off all cell phones. Thank you!
Updates and Prayer Requests Orange Avenue Members Needing Continuous Prayer: Margie Alderman, Laurie Bell, Diane Boyd, Evelyn Brewer, Billy Brown, Johnnie Coley, Dan Collins, Cheryl & Ralph Cronk, Wes Dennis, Sandy Dotson, Roberta Farley, Alberta Graham, Frances Hamby, Nell Howell, David Jones, Jordan Loser, Peggy Loser-Harvey, Jenny McClane, Bob Moore, Veronica Morris, Sara & Steve Norfleet, Wayne Ostrand, Marie Shockley, Chris & Karen Stutzman, Cletus & Carolyn Stutzman, Connie Wacaster.
Please pray for continued healing of Barbara Clemons, as she recovers at Edgewater at Waterman Village Rehab, 300 Brookfield Avenue, Mount Dora, 32757. She is in Room #111A. She is expected to be in rehab for at least 2 more weeks. Please keep Rufus in your prayers as well. Their home address is 2358 Wakefield Way, Mount Dora, 32757.
Friends of the Family Needing Prayers: Brent Adams, (Adams), James Alston (Howell), Deanna Anderson (T. Baker), Melissa Arnett (Grubbs), Fran Blanton (Blanton), Barbara Boltin (Deem), Fairy Brown (Cole), Sister of (Scott Brown), Steve Burcher (Tharp), Judy Cain, Stacie Carter & Family (Bell), Franklin Cobb (Tharp), Judy Cockrell (Yates), Jeff Davidson, (Davidson), Brian Deem (Deem), Wanda Donnell (Yates), Charles Doyle (Davidson), Pat Durtche (Davidson), Debbie Elicker (Woodard), Kevin Fischer, (Deem), Jimmy & Marsha French, Bob Gill (Backhaus), Ava Gran (Hodges), Paula Guyton (Guyton), Bob Hatcher (Hatcher), Muriel Holtin (Holtin), Greg Jackson (Dotson), Rhonda Jones, Brian Lippencott (Taylor), Heather & Lauren Neace (Neace), Barbara & Roy Jones (McKay), Jimmy McCaffey (Deem), Seth Mohorn (Shockley), Barbara Nicely (Deem), Lori Perser (Sullivan), Lisa Osbourne (Rine), Jackson Family (Rine), Holland Ritchie (Ritchie), Scott Robinson (Blackman), Randy Sexton (Sexton), Able & Terry Shelburne (McWhirt), Nettie Shelburne (McWhirt), Joe Simmons (Eustis Heights Elementary), David Smith (Lewandowski), Hope Stephens (Alderman), Mysti Stewart (Harvey), Sydney (Boyd), Paul Sumney (Miller), Cheryl Tate (Beech), Cam Vansprin (Brown), Gloria Wambles,Mary Webb( Wacaster) .
We received an email from Brian Holtin asking us to pray for his father, Rodger Holtin. He was rushed to the hospital, via ambulance Tuesday night, July 28th with a possible heart attack. The great news is that Brian’s dad had a heart cathertization on Wednesday, July 29th, and received 2 stents. He is doing much better, and his prognosis is great. He should be home from the hospital by today. Rodger Holtin’s address is P.O. BOX 732, Henderson, TN 37077-0732.
Jeremiah Barnes-Air Force-North Dakota Jesse Barnes-National Guard-Indiana Ryan Brackett-Navy-Japan Brandon Britt– Army– Texas Tyler Driggers-Army-Kuwait Justin Dillon-Army-Oklahoma Kaley Dillon-Army-Oklahoma Jerred Durkovic-Navy-Japan Evan Lewandowski-Army 82nd Airborne-Iraq Joseph Lewandowski– Army-Germany Steven McKay-Air Force– California Aaron Monkman-Army-Afghanistan Stephen Schmidt-Training for Afghanistan Kyle Van Dingstee– New York
Weekly Record
Rossie Knuckles is doing very well and was released from rehab! Please keep Rossie and her family in your prayers as she continues to get her strength back. 2215 Wolf Ridge Lane, Mount Dora, 32757. Praise the Lord, Eli Lewandowski’s MRI is completely normal. God is so good, all the time! We thank everyone for your prayers. 23029 Oak Prairie Circle, Sorrento, 32776. Betty Ann Badley, Jack McDonald’s sister, has gone home from the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers.
Please continue to pray for our sweet sister Sara Norfleet. Please keep Sara & Steve in your daily prayers, as she fights this tough battle. 2228 Dogwood Circle, Mount Dora, 32757.
Kathy Van Dingstee received word that she has a bone spur in her shoulder. The treatment for now will be shots. 2214 Cypress Cove Dr., Tavares, 32778.
Connie Wacaster is home from the hospital, please keep her in your prayers. Please continue to pray for complete healing for Connie. 36807 Winfield Ct., Grand Island, 32735.
Please keep our College kids in your prayers as some of them are heading back to school. Please pray for safe travel, great health, and a successful school year.
Sunday Bible Study
07/26/15 184
YTD 189
Sunday A.M. Worship
Sunday P.M. Worship
1st- Peggy Saylor
August Anniversaries
Wed. Bible Study
6th- Diana Grubbs
1st– Carmon & Frances Hamby
6th- Kevin Ross
1st– Phil & Sissy McWhirt
Contribution Weekly Budget
August Birthdays
7th- Trent Payne
Announcements & Events Orange Avenue Church of Christ, Thank you so much for your willingness to help provide food for the luncheon after Mother’s funeral. Your prayers, cards and all other expressions of comfort are greatly appreciated. Jerry & Marjorie Starling (for the family)
Parents: Please pick up a Children’s Worship Bulletin at Orange Central printed just for them. Thank you!
If any one needs boxes for moving, storage, etc. please see Hans Van Dingstee. He has a pile of them that you are welcome to.
Assemblies Coordination– Ministry Leader, Mike Cockrell (Michael.cockrell56@gmail.com)
Please pick up an August Worship Schedule at OCentral. If you cannot serve the time you are assigned, please contact the person listed on the Worship Schedule and please let the office know of any changes. Thank you so very much. Benevolence– Ministry Leader, Kevin Ross (kevindanaross@gmail.com)
*****The next Mobile Food Pantry will be Saturday, August 22, 2015. We need you to volunteer to help!! Please call Phil Barnes with any questions.
Our church pantry needs: Peanut butter, jelly & all kinds of canned fruit.
The sign-up sheet for “Feeding the Body & Soul” is on the table at OCentral as well as the helper sign-up sheet. We are asking the helpers to bring 5 lbs. of meat or desserts of any kind. These are always our greatest needs for the dinners. The dinner is scheduled for NEXT Wednesday night, August 5, 2015. Please see the Cockrell’s with any questions. Fellowship– Deacon, Mike Chivleatto (chevymac52@yahoo.com)
Sunday, August 30, 2015 we will have our Elders Appreciation Day along with our 5th Sunday Potluck. Please bring enough food for your family and several more, & join us in appreciating our Elders. Please see Deb Taylor with any questions.
Local Ministries– Ministry Leader, Phil Barnes (philbarnes@reagan.com)
We are getting quite low on individually wrapped snacks for our snack baskets for the ICU at Waterman Hospital. This is a very important ministry, so if you can bring something (remember nothing homemade) that is individually wrapped, please do. You may see Karen Cockrell with any questions.
Wesley Leonard will continue our Summer Series, Wednesday night, August 5, 2015. Wesley’s topic is “The God We Call Father” Matthew 6:9. Grab a flier from OCentral to see all the guest speakers for the summer! Make sure to invite your family, friends and neighbors to this fantastic series!
Education– Ministry Leader, Phil McWhirt (phil.mcwhirt@chbs.org)
Phil McWhirt is always looking for new teachers. If you would like to teach or be a helper in one of our classrooms, please give Phil a call and talk to him about it. We have so many who are qualified to teach, but for one reason or another are worried they won’t do a good job. We need you, the kids need you, and most of all God needs you!
Outreach & Care of Shut-ins - Ministry Leader, Rufus Clemons 352-729-0926
Rufus Clemons is the ministry leader for outreach and care of shut-ins, specifically serving them communion in their home. If you have a loved one that would like to receive a visit and communion please give Rufus a call.
Student Ministry– Student Minister, Scott Simpson (srsimp7@gmail.com)
The Youth Group is collecting paint brushes that can be used to paint the fence at Henderson House. If you have paint brushes you would like to donate please put them in the box at OCentral. Thank you. So far we don’t have any.
Shepherds’ Corner Sunday Worship Guide Welcome Call to Worship
Rickey Eppes
Song Leader
Mike Cockrell
Tom Stuart
Lord’s Supper
Thurman Baker
Lord’s Table Servers
Dan Backhaus, Brad Blanton, Cory Hanegan, DeWayne Miler, Kevin Moore, Drew Shepherd, Kenneth Spencer, DC Taylor. (Alternates: Sam Fuller, David Jones)
Prayer Ministry For anyone in need of special prayers, Vernon Means & Mike Mabry will be available Wednesday, August 5th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Elders’ Room. Weekly Visitation Mike Mabry & Jeff Bay Daily Bible Reading
Shepherd’s Prayer
Jack Cole
Scripture Reading
Scott Simpson
Phil Barnes
Thurman Baker
Rickey Eppes
Communion to Shut-Ins
Mike Mabry
Student Minister Scott Simpson
Ushers Sunday A.M.
Bob Fields, Jack McDonald & DeWayne Miller
Greeter N. Entrance
M. Mabry Family
Greeter S. Entrance
Eppes Family
Nursery A.M. & P.M.
Robyn & Landon Dotson
His Kidz-Ages 4-8
Elizabeth & Jane
Control Booth Computer/Audio
Ron Brackett Mike Chivleatto
Shepherds Receiving Responses
Mike Mabry & Jeff Bay
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Sunday 6:00 PM Services Call to Worship
Mike Mabry
Song Leader
Ron Brackett
Opening Prayer
Pat Hanegan
Phil Barnes
Lord’s Supper
Simeon Rolle
Closing Prayer
Kent Means
Audio/Video Booth Wednesday (5th)
Mike Chivleatto
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Today’s reading begins on page 983-994 Effect of Jeremiah’s Preaching Ministry
Phil Barnes
Jeff Bay
Mike Mabry
Rick Brown
Vernon Means*
Jack Cole
Chuck Shepherd
Rubyn Howell *Chairman for the Month Office Staff Deb Taylor– Secretary orangeoffice@reagan.com 407.920.7755 (Cell) Orange Avenue Church of Christ 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00-4:00, Friday 8:30-12:30
Phone: 352-357-6616 Fax: 352-357-5335 Email: orangeoffice@reagan.com
Schedule of Assemblies Sunday Bible Study 9:00a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00a.m. Sunday Women’s Prayer Warriors 5:30p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:30a.m. (September-May) Wednesday Bible Class 7:00p.m. Thursday Women’s Breakfast 9:00a.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q Thursday Men’s Luncheon 12:00p.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q
A designated section (SIGNING) is provided with interpreters for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired. Hard of Hearing devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium.
To submit announcements to the bulletin please email Deb at: orangeoffice@reagan.com Deadline for Sunday’s bulletin is Wednesday, deadline for Wednesday Announcements is Sunday. Please make note of the new email address for the office and for Deb.