We exist to bring glory to God through our relationship with Him, His Church, and the world.
Upcoming Events See details inside:
October 4, 2015 Heart Restart: Famished
Matthew 5:6
Sunday, October 4, 2015 2:42 Meeting-TONIGHT Wednesday, October 7, 2015
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” --Matthew 5.6
Feeding Body & Soul Thursday, October 8, 2015 Feeding Eustis
Hungering and thirsting for _____________________ is a desire that I enjoy ____________________.
Heights Elementary Friday-Sunday, October 9-11, 2015
Camp Gilead Fall Retreat
"1Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. 2 Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Saturday, October 10, 2015 Prime Timers Movie Monday, October 12, 2015 OA Office will be closed
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. 3 Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.” --Isaiah 55.1-3
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Ladies’ Night Out
Hungering for a __________________ with __________________.
Sunday, October 25, 2015 Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat Tuesday, October 27, 2015
I’m not just bumbling through a miserable life…I ___________ SOMETHING TO _______________!
Heritage Christian Benefit Dinner at OA Friday, October 30, 2015 MDCA Chicken Supper Parents: Please pick up a Children’s Worship Bulletin at O Central printed just for them. Thank you!
Good Morning, Guests we are very happy that you have chosen to worship with us today. We pray that God will send us many visitors each Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. You encourage us by your presence, and we hope that our worship together will be a spiritual boost for you. Attendance cards are available in the pockets on the back of each pew, and also in front of some of the pew bibles. Please fill out the side labeled Welcome Guests completely and place it in the collection tray. Thank you for leaving us this record of your visit. Our prayer is that you will visit with us again soon. MEMBERS: It is especially important to fill out the Members side of the card and leave us a record of your attendance as well. Thank you, so much.
Out of respect for our worship service to God, our Father, please turn off all cell phones. Thank you!
The planning is underway for our October 25th Orange Ave. Fall Festival. You will hear more details next week, but please mark your calendar and clear the date. It’s a “NO EXCUSE” Sunday!! Our goal is to have 450 in worship that day. There are some things that you can help with between now and then. Here they are: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Bring in BAGS of individually wrapped candy to give out to the kids. Look for the box in the lobby and put it there. We need two generators to run a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine and an inflatable. If you have one please let Mike Cockrell know. We need a couple of “TJ Hooker” types (that’s a blast from the past) to serve as Security to keep an eye on our kids during the event. Please let Mike Cockrell or Phil Barnes know if you can help with that. A nurse to be on stand by in case of a boo-boo. If you can help with that please let Mike Cockrell or Phil Barnes know. Invite all your family, friends and neighbors!
That’s it for now but there will be more coming. Again please mark the calendar, clear the schedule, and be at Orange Ave. on October 25th for our Fall Festival.
It’s fall so it’s time to get your flu shot! Once again Publix Pharmacy will sponsor a flu shot clinic after morning services Sunday, November 1, 2015. Seasonal flu vaccine for ages 18 through adult as well as the high dose vaccine for those 65 and older will be offered. Medicare and most insurances cover these injections. The cost without insurance is $30 for the regular vaccine and $55 for the high dose. Please see Lisa Kingery with any questions. To our church family, (This note is on the Family Board) Your kindness shown us during the recent death of our brother, Merv is another demonstration of your love. The cards of sympathy and concern expressed your support and fellowship. And of course the food was received with thanksgiving. Thank you for your support in so many ways. Cletus & Carolyn– The Stutzman Family
Weekly Record
Sunday A.M. Worship Sunday P.M. Worship Wed. Bible Study Contribution
09/27/15 167 302 239 185 6,850
Weekly Budget
Sunday Bible Study
YTD 187 309 155 185 9,075
Updates and Prayer Requests:
Landon Busby Please remember Landon & wife, Melou, in your prayers as the doctors try to find medication for his MS. Landon is the son of Deb & DC Taylor. Please keep Jo Childers in your prayers, she is in Leesburg Regional, but there can be no visitors. 2921 Wekiva Rd., Tavares, 32778. Roberta Farley Please remember Roberta in your prayers as she struggles daily with cancer. 255 W. 13th Avenue #1, Mount Dora, 32757. Connie Wacaster Please keep Connie & Mike in your prayers as Connie continues to heal. 36807 Winfield Court, Grand Island, 32735. Cedric Wyckoff Please keep Cedric in your prayers as he continues to recover. 301 W. 13th Avenue, Mount Dora, 32757.
We have received word that George Hoskins, the father of former member Chloe Hoskins, has been put under Hospice care. Please pray for Chloe and her family. Chloe now worships at Mount Dora Church of Christ. 2835 Westland Rd., Mount Dora, 32757.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Barbara Ann Boltin, favorite aunt of Tim Deem. Aunt Barbara is Tim’s mother’s oldest sister, and best friend. Barbara passed peacefully on Monday, September 28, 2015. She will be greatly missed. Please pray for her children, son, Kim Trefcer and daughter Robanne Ficco. Cards can be sent to Barbara’s family at 2528 Bentley Dr., Palm, Harbor, Florida 34684, and to Tim and Sabrina at 27614 Lisa Drive, Tavares, 32778. Dear Orange Avenue Congregation, Barbara’s rehab has not been acceptable as to procedures and results. After much prayer and consideration for her health, a decision has been made to relocate her further rehab to our home town of Sparta, Tennessee. She has a large family there, our former doctors are there and the Life Care Center she will be located in is well run, clean and has had good results with patients with similar physical conditions. The love and support given to us by this congregation during the past few months has truly been outstanding. The love of Jesus has been made manifest in your efforts. I will see you periodically in the next few weeks as I return to oversee our home. Please continue to pray for us as we will for you. May God bless all of you! Goodbye for now, Rufus & Barbara Clemons We have ordered more of The Daily Bible in Chronological Order with 365 Daily Readings. It has devotional insights to guide you through God’s Word. It is unlike any other Bible you have read. As this unique, chronological presentation of God’s story daily unfolds before you, you will begin to appreciate God’s plan for your life as never before. Reading the Bible will become a fresh, inviting, transformational experience. We have 7 Bibles left, they are $20. See Deb Taylor to purchase one.
The Heritage Christian Benefit Dinner will be held in the Orange Avenue Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, October 27, 2015.
Announcements & Events Benevolence– Ministry Leader, Kevin Ross (kevindanaross@gmail.com) Our church pantry needs: Corn, Green Beans, Green Peas, Carrots, Canned Potatoes, Small jars of Peanut Butter, Ravioli, Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce, Ramen Noodles. Clothing Room Needs: 1) Children’s Clothing: All sizes. 2) Shoes: All sizes for children & Adults. 3) Only specific items for adults: Men’s & Women’s shirts, sizes 2X & 3X or larger, Men’s pants & shorts, Sizes 32 & 34 waist. Please contact Jane Wiggs with any questions. Education– Ministry Leader, Phil McWhirt (phil.mcwhirt@mdcacademy.org) Teachers for our Winter Quarter should be getting the information for their classes to Phil McWhirt as soon as possible so our next class schedule will be on time, especially for our new members. If you would like to teach or be a helper in one of our classrooms, please give Phil a call and talk to him about it. Please sign-up at OCentral if you would be willing to teach, assist or sub for any of our classes. Local Evangelism– Ministry leader, Phil Barnes (philbarnes@reagan.com) Our next Feeding Body & Soul will be Wednesday night, October 7, 2015. Please check OCentral for a sign-up sheet. If you have any questions, please see Denita Snider or Mike & Karen Cockrell. Our next Feeding Eustis Heights Elementary is Thursday, October 8, 2015. Please arrive at the school by 4:30pm. The meat is taken care of, but please sign-up at OCentral to bring some of the extras, and of course cookies. Thank you! See Julie Chivleatto with any questions. Our next Mobile Food Pantry will be on Saturday, October 24, 2015. 7:00am breakfast, 8:30am set-up, 9:00am open, and 11:00am close. We need all the help we can get. Questions, please see Phil Barnes. Missions– Deacon, Bob Fields (bobfields@usa2net.net) Wednesday Night Meals- The meal is a fund raiser to support youth activities and mission trips. If you can prepare a meal please contact Kent Means. (kent.means@mdcacademy.org) The sign-up sheet for the meal on Wednesday, October 14th is at OCentral. All chefs, will you please call the office and let Deb know what you are cooking? Thank you. Prime timers– Ministry Leader, Leonard DiSilvestro (jeanbeand@aol.com) (352) 357-6607 You are invited to attend an afternoon movie at Lake Square Mall, Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 1:00pm. The movie is “War Room (Prayer is a powerful weapon)”. Please sign-up at OCentral. If the movie is no longer showing by October 10th, we will resort to plan B. Please see Jean DiSilvestro with any questions. Student Ministry– Student Minister, Scott Simpson (srsimp7@gmail.com) Parents, please pick up a letter addressed to you from Scott. It’s at OCentral: Please talk to your students about the Fall Retreat coming up on October 9-11, 2015. The fall retreat theme will be Luke 9:23. It will be at Camp Gilead and will cost $25 per person. October 8th: Feeding of Eustis Heights Elementary October 9-11: Fall Retreat October 25th: Trunk or Treat/CYF@ Highlands Church of Christ in Lakeland! Women’s Ministry– Ministry Leaders, Kim Barnes (615 975-1369) & Cheryl Cole (cjanc3@embarqmail.com) SAVE THE DATE: Next LNO (Ladies Night Out) is Tuesday, October 13, 2015. Sign-up at OCentral and place your vote as to which restaurant you would prefer to have dinner at, Perkins or Bob Evans. Please see Deb Taylor with any questions.
Deb will be out of the office on Thursday, October 22-Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
Shepherds’ Corner Sunday Worship Guide Welcome Call to Worship
Brad Moser
Song Leader
Brian Holtin
James Moore
Scripture Reading
Thurman Baker
Lord’s Supper
Drew Shepherd
Lord’s Table Servers
Kenny Adams, Andrew Becker, Leonard DiSilvestro, Ryan Kessinger, Trent Payne, Jesiah Pierre, Mike Wacaster, Byron Wiehe (Alternates: DC Taylor)
Prayer Ministry For anyone in need of special prayers, Rick Brown & Jack Cole will be available Wednesday, October 7th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Elders’ Room. Weekly Visitation Jeff Bay & Mike Mabry Daily Bible Reading Today’s reading begins on page 1281-1293
Shepherd’s Prayer
Mike Mabry
Phil Barnes
Drew Shepherd
Brad Moser
Communion to Shut-Ins
Bill Baker
Student Minister Scott Simpson
Ushers Sunday A.M.
Bill Baker, Bob Fields, Bill Rider
Greeter N. Entrance
Jeff Bay*
Mike Mabry
Greeter S. Entrance
Rick Brown
Vernon Means
Nursery A.M. & P.M.
Jack Cole
Chuck Shepherd
Phil Barnes
Rubyn Howell
His Kidz-Ages 4-8
T & S Baker
Control Booth Computer/Audio
Jason Mabry/ Eric Rapp
Shepherds Receiving Responses
Jack Cole & Rubyn Howell
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Wednesday Sound Booth
*Chairman for the Month Office Staff Deb Taylor– Secretary debijo@outlook.com
Eric Rapp
Sunday 6:00 PM Services September 13-October 18, 2015
Song Leader
Vernon Means
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Please delete the orangeoffice@reagan.com email address, it no longer works.
Church Office 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Phone: 352.357.6616 Fax: 352.357.5335 Email: debijo@outlook.com Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday– 8:30am - 12:30pm
Schedule of Assemblies Sunday Bible Study 9:00a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00a.m. Sunday Women’s Prayer Warriors 5:30p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00a.m. (September-May) Wednesday Bible Class 7:00p.m. Thursday Women’s Breakfast 9:00a.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q Thursday Men’s Luncheon 12:00p.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q
A designated section (SIGNING) is provided with interpreters for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired. Hard of Hearing devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium.
To submit announcements to the bulletin please email Deb at: debijo@outlook.com The deadline for Sunday’s bulletin is Wednesday, and the deadline for Wednesday Announcements is Sunday. Please make note of the new email address for the office and for Deb.