We exist to bring glory to God through our relationship with Him, His Church, and the world.
November 8, 2015
Upcoming Events See details inside:
Sunday, November 8th “Come & Go” open house at Drew Shepherd’s new home. 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Needing God Big Time Jonah 2:1-10 If God can raise Jesus from the dead, He could keep a Jonah in storage in a fish for a few days.
Wednesday night meal
"In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave, I called for help, and You listened to my cry." --Jonah 2.2
Thursday, November 12th
"And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." --Jonah 2:10
Wednesday, November 11th
Feeding Eustis Heights Elementary
1. At our worst _______________ God is at His _____________. Sunday, November 13th
"For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart Chicken Supper with SE Gospel Sing of the Earth.“ --Matthew 12.40 Mount Dora Christian Academy’s
Saturday, November 14th 6th Annual Mount Dora Children’s Home BBQ Fundraiser
2. The message of __________________ is a foretaste of the victory of _______________. "Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Grave, is your sting?" --1 Corinthians 15.55
Sunday, November 15th Final Love Offering for this year Saturday, November 21st Mobile Food Pantry- Please read inside about the NEW details for November’s Mobile Food Pantry Sunday, November 22nd ThanksSinging at 5:00 P.M. Orange Avenue Church of Christ
3. When we are in over our _____________, we______________. 4. The dangerous place wasn't the ______________; the dangerous place was the _________________. Good Morning, Guests we are very happy that you have chosen to worship with us today. We pray that God will send us many visitors each Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. You encourage us by your presence, and we hope that our worship together will be a spiritual boost for you. Attendance cards are available in the pockets on the back of each pew, and also in front of some of the pew Bibles. Please fill out the side labeled Welcome Guests completely and place it in the collection tray. Thank you for leaving us this record of your visit. Our prayer is that you will visit with us again soon. MEMBERS: It is especially important to fill out the Members side of the card and leave us a record of your attendance as well. Thank you so much.
In reverence for our worship service to God, our Heavenly Father, we ask everyone to please SILENCE your cell phones. Thank you.
Updates and Prayer Requests: Please remember we will begin meeting each Sunday evening at 5:00 P.M.
Open House for Drew Shepherd’s new home Today Sunday, November 8th, “Come and Go” 2:00 P.M. to 4 P.M. 33417 Terragona Dr., Sorrento, 32776 (Eagle Dunes) - No gifts please November 11, 2015 Singing Class -Agnus Dei (OG) -In Your Presence (AG) -Mighty Is Our God (MG) The next Mount Dora Christian Academy Chicken Supper date 4:00-7:00 PM at Emily C. Ford Dining Hall Friday, November 13, 2015 w/SE Gospel Sing 301 W. 13th Avenue, Mount Dora, 32757 (352) 383-2155 mdcacademy.org Adults & Students—$8
Children Under 10—$6
Mount Dora Children’s Home Fundraiser Central Church of Christ in Altamonte Springs invites you to join them on Saturday, November 14th, for the Sixth Annual Mount Dora Children’s Home Fundraiser BBQ. The event and food are free, and all donations go to the Children’s Home. The event runs from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. Central Church is located at 875 Oak Drive, Altamonte Springs. Please RSVP to Mark Knowles at 407-869-1419. Polar Express Party for Pre-school-5th Grade, Saturday, December 5th in the Youth Room. Wear pajamas and enjoy Hot Chocolate, cookies and the Polar Express Movie. 5:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. See Mike or Karen for details.
Weekly Record
Sunday A.M. Worship Sunday P.M. Worship Wed. Bible Study Contribution
11/1/15 171 312 144 178 8,718
Weekly Budget
Sunday Bible Study
Mike Mabry’s heart cathertization went very well. Praise God! Ross Walters is had a heart stent on Wednesday, November 4, 2015. Ross did very well. Please keep Ross and the family in your continuous prayers. 835 Starbird St., Eustis, 32726. Sophia Davis Please continue to pray for Sophie Davis, a
3-year-old from Deltona Church of Christ, and her family. Sophie has recently had a stroke, after a 10+ hour surgery. This family needs our prayers. A “Go Fund Me” account has been created to help the Davis family with the hospital costs. Continue to pray for this beautiful little girl. If you have further questions, please see Janis Lewis or Barry Coe.
We rejoice with the angels in heaven as Andrew Moore was baptized, Sunday morning, November 1, 2015. Andrew is the son of Kevin & Laura Moore, and brother of Lily Moore. Bob Moore is Andrew’s Grandpa. Cards for Andrew can be sent to : 403 N. Joanna Avenue, Tavares, 32778. 32757. God is an Awesome God!! Our hearts and spirits are overjoyed to let you know that Shunada Harris was baptized on Sunday, November 1, 2015. Shunada has been faithfully visiting with us for several months. She has been studying the Gospel, and decided to put Jesus on through baptism. Cards for Shunada can be sent to: 1000 Wall St. Apt. 55, Eustis, 32726. God is so Good!! Our hearts and spirits are overjoyed to let you know that Shayla Reed was baptized on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Shayla is the daughter of Danette Reed & the granddaughter of Barbara Reed. Cards for Shayla can be sent to : 36115 Silver Oak Dr., Leesburg, 34788. God is an Awesome God!!
If you have not received an email with directions that will help you download and use our new Church Directory App., please let the office know. We may not have the correct email address for you. If you are using the app, please remember you can update your profile like adding your birthday or anniversary, secondary phone number, etc. If you have any questions please call Kim Barnes and she will try to help you. Only contact the office if you have not received an email.
ThanksSinging~2015 YTD 186 308 161 204 8,942
November 22 at 5:00 p.m. at Orange Avenue Church of Christ Please bring finger foods Finger Food Fellowship Follows
Announcements & Events Benevolence– Ministry Leader, Kevin Ross (kevindanaross@gmail.com) Our church pantry needs: Corn, green beans, green peas, carrots, canned potatoes, small jars of peanut butter, jelly, canned ravioli, all kinds of canned fruit, cereal, mayo, mustard & bar-b-q sauce, all kinds of soup, chili, crackers. Next Sunday, November 15th, is the last Love Offering for 2015- You have been very generous this year as we have funded our work at Eustis Heights Elementary, mission work in the Ukraine and Cuba, and set aside some savings for a new sign. This Love Offering is designated for debt reduction. The room you are sitting in right now was part of the renovation and expansion of the original building. We are getting pretty full right now, so just imagine if this hadn’t been done. It might be that we wouldn’t have grown as we have. Please pray about what part you are going to take in the Love Offering next week. Every cent above the weekly budget amount will go directly to the mortgage balance saving us lots of money in interest. Together we can be a debt free church, and that means we can have more resources available to fulfill our mission to introduce lost people to Jesus. Local Evangelism– Ministry leader, Phil Barnes (philbarnes@reagan.com) Our next Feeding Body & Soul will be Wednesday night, December 2nd. If you have any questions, please see Denita Snider or Mike & Karen Cockrell. Our next Eustis Heights Elementary School Family Night is Thursday evening, November 12th. We will start at 4:30 P.M. and will be finished about 6 P.M. If you have never joined in on the fun consider coming out. This is an important part of our strategy to reach into our community with the love of Christ. If you have any questions please see Phil Barnes or Julie Chivleatto. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE AND TIME CHANGE OF OUR NEXT MOBILE FOOD PANTRY: Our next Mobile Food Pantry is Saturday, November 21, 2015. This is a change from the normal day since our traditional 4th Saturday falls after Thanksgiving. The time has changed too. We will serve a soup and sandwich lunch starting at 11:30 A.M. The food will arrive at 12:30 P.M. and we will set up and begin to welcome our guest at 1:00 P.M. until 3:00 P.M. Also there is a turkey giveaway going on at the same time so we will need some additional help. WE WILL NEED YOU! Please come and be part of fulfilling our mission at Orange Ave. to reach out in service to others in the name of Christ. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE AND THE TIME CHANGE! Missions– Deacon, Bob Fields (bobfields@usa2net.net) Wednesday Night Meals- The meal is a fund raiser to support youth activities and mission trips. If you can prepare a meal please contact Kent Means. (kent.means@mdcacademy.org) The next Wednesday night meal will be Wednesday, November 11, 2015. Student Ministry– Student Minister, Scott Simpson (srsimp7@gmail.com) Parents, please pick up a letter addressed to you from Scott. It’s at OCentral: November: Wednesday night singing classes in the auditorium. th December 6 : CYF @ OA– I would love some help decorating for this event. Since this is in December, any Christmas decorations that don’t make it on or in your house will be prime candidates for use for this event! This is not set in stone, but we’ll probably use “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as the theme this year. Women’s Ministry– Ministry Leaders, Kim Barnes (615) 975-1369 & Cheryl Cole (352) 223-4540 The next Ladies Night Out will be on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. We will meet in the Fellowship hall at 6:30 P.M. for a chili dinner. Please bring several apples, and all kinds of toppings, like crushed cookies, nuts, coconut, cupcake toppings, etc. for a very yummy take home surprise!! Please see Kim Barnes or Brittany Simpson for details. Sign-up sheet is at OCentral. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class will not be meeting on November 24, 2015—Thanksgiving week.
Shepherds’ Corner
Sunday Worship Guide Welcome Call to Worship
Brad Moser
Song Leader
Brian Holtin
Bill Baker
Scripture Reading
Scott Simpson
Lord’s Supper
Ron Brackett
Lord’s Table Servers
Bryan Adams, Dan Gilmer, Pat Hanegan, Charlie Marcussen, Dwayne Miller, Rafael Santana, Dylan Schick, DC Taylor (Alternate: Ray McNeeley)
Shepherd’s Prayer
Rubyn Howell
Phil Barnes
Ron Brackett
Brad Moser
Communion to Shut-Ins Jack Cole
Ushers Sunday A.M.
Pete Adams, Mike Hill, Jack McDonald
Prayer Ministry For anyone in need of special prayers, Mike Mabry & Vernon Means will be available Wednesday, November 11th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Elders’ Room. Weekly Visitation Vernon Means & Rick Brown Daily Bible Reading
Today’s reading begins on page 1433-1443 Return to Judea to Raise Lazarus Ministry
Phil Barnes
Student Minister
Scott Simpson Elders
Greeter N. Entrance
Lewis Family
Jeff Bay
Mike Mabry
Greeter S. Entrance
Thompson House
Rick Brown*
Vernon Means
Nursery A.M. & P.M.
Dana & McKenna Ross
Jack Cole
Chuck Shepherd
His Kidz-Ages 4-8
Renee Means
Control Booth Computer/Audio
Ron Brackett/ Mike Chivleatto
Shepherds Receiving Mike Mabry & Chuck Shepherd Responses Wednesday Sound Booth
(11th) Mike Chivleatto
Building Lock-Up A.M. & P.M.
Marvin Jones
5:00 PM Service begins tonight Call to Worship
Rubyn Howell
Song Leader
Jeff Bay
Opening Prayer
Cletus Stutzman
Phil Barnes
Lord’s Supper
Bob Tharp
Closing Prayer
Ben Harris
Rubyn Howell *Chairman for the Month Office Staff Deb Taylor– Secretary
Schedule of Assemblies Sunday Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday Women’s Prayer Warriors 4:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00 a.m. (September-May) Wednesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m. Thursday Women’s Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q
Thursday Men’s Luncheon 12:00 p.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q
Church Office 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Phone: 352.357.6616 Fax: 352.357.5335 Email: debijo@outlook.com Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday– 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A designated section (SIGNING) is provided with interpreters for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired. Hard of Hearing devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium.
To submit announcements to the bulletin please email Deb at: debijo@outlook.com The deadline for Sunday’s bulletin is Wednesday, and the deadline for Wednesday Announcements is Sunday. Please make note of the new email address for the office and for Deb.