Freemen's Brand Book

Page 10

Our branding: fonts Titles and headings: Scotch Display Medium

ALWAYS use for titles. Usually between 31pt and 72pt. Some designs may need smaller headings e.g. 1/4 page ads. The first three letters of the title should always be underlined.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz AB C D E FG H IJ KLM N O PQ R STUVWXYZ 123456789

Body copy and subheadings: Raleway Bold, Regular and Italic

ALWAYS use for regular for body text. NEVER use black, only the grey brand colour. Body text font size should be between 10pt and 12pt (never below 10pt).

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz AB C D E FG H IJ KLM N O PQ R STUVWXYZ 0123456789

Subheadings should be in bold and can be in grey or other brand colour. Subheadings can be in Sentence Case or ALL CAPS.


Quotations, book and film titles should be in italics.

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