How a man thinks: so is he. I’m thinking about hunger. I am hungry. Wise words.
Regret is the dumbest emotion there is. What purpose does it serve? But I will always regret. My mood depends only if I’m more happy than regretful.
Solitude is peaceful. It’s chosen and free. Isolation is the worst state of being there is. You have no choice.
MYplayhouse PLAYHOUSE “My is underneath Our house, and I hear people Telling each other secrets.” -Komunyakaa
I lean in closer, closer until I hear that they aren’t talking to me. They’re never talking about me. And the more that I care. the more I realize I’m not the center of conversation.
“Th oughts are the “Thoughts are the shadows shadows of of ourour feelings - always darker, feelings-always emptier, darker,simpler.” emptier, -Nietzche simpler.” -Nietzch
Each thought begins with a feeling. Unrefined and cold, the feeling is slowly compounded into a thougt.
“I believe that almost all our “I believe almost of all tenour sadness are that moments sadnesses are moments of sion that we Þ nd paralyzing tension that we find because we no longer hear paralyzing because our suprised feelings ofwe livno longer hear our surprised ing.” feelings living.” Rilke -Rilke
I expected her to say no. She looked me in the eye and said maybe. She kissed me. That was the last time I was suprised. I guess I havn’t been happy since.
“In drawing, the trace Anticipation: always proceeds in the “In drawing, the trace night: always esalwaysitproceeds in the capes the Þ eld of vinight: it always escapes sion.” the field of vision.” -Calvino-Calvino
I couldn’t see my hand in front of me but somehow I knew where I was going. I was searching, but really didn’t care if I found it or not.
“Fleas intrest me Fleas so much interest me so much that I let themthat biteI let methem for hours. bite me for hours. They are perfect, Sanskrit, Theyancient, are perfect, ancient, Sanskrit, machines thatmachines admit ofthat no admit appeal. of no appeal. They do not bite toTheat, ey do not bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they bite only to jump; they are the of the celestial sphere, theydancers are the dancers of the celestial sphere, delecate acrobats delicate acrobats in the softest andsoft most profound circus; circus; in the est and most profound let them gallop on skin, let my them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, divulge their emotions, amuse themselves my blood, amusewith themselves with my blood, but someone should introduce them to me. but someone should introduce them I want to know them I want closely, to know them closely, I want to knowI what rely rely on. want tothey know what -Neruda -Neruda
Neruda is crazy. I have neither the desire nor patience to let a flea bite me.
To be care free is a utopian idea. You can’t ever not have a care in the world. Then you’d just a a jerk.
I did it. I’ve finished.