Blink !"#$%&'()*+,-+.,&-*./ A set of mental processes influencing judgment and decision making, in a way that is inaccessible to introspective awareness.
A collection of spontaneous artwork and writing by Aiden Zucker
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Isolation vs. Solitude
What was it? Her posture? Her eyes? Some unknown innate aurora around her? She was on display like a work of art, but without the scrutiny. Celebrities are paradoxes. Surrounded by everybody, but forever engulfed in solitude.
“My playhouse is underneath Our house, & I hear people Telling each other secrets.� -Komunyakaa
Spilling rea lity t hat stains my innocence.
Soo n it will consume me.
“Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings always darker, emptier, simpler.” - Nietzche
My feelings are quantized, compartmented, color-coordinated, and organized, like the secretary’s desk at a well to do company
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Fleas interest me so much that I let them bite me for hours. They are perfect, ancient, Sanskrit, machines that admit of no appeal. They do not bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they are the dancers of the celestial sphere, delicate acrobats in the softest and most profound circus; let them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, amuse themselves with my blood, but someone should introduce them to me. I want to know them closely, I want to know what to rely on. Pablo Neruda
We fear the invisible, obsess over the barely visible.
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All artwork scanned and edited in Photoshop All Rights Reserved Š 2012 Aiden Zucker