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BLIN!. Alanna Rice


We can create a planet and launch it into our atmosphere...

...Because, I thought it...

...And thus, It is so.


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Isolation vs. Solitude

She poked her head out of the water, for that one picture. She Ă&#x;ed back into the water, scared. Maybe she is so afraid, afraid of something that she wants.

My playhouse is underneath our house and I hear people telling each other secrets.

“It’s a girl! What is she doing here?”

“No! Let the [IKZQÅKM continue!”

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings --always darker, emptier, simpler.


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But then the Åre it had for it’s loved burned out...

I believe that almost all of our sadnesses are moments of tension that we find paralyzing because we no longer hear our suprised feelings living.


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Anticipation “In drawing, the trace always proceeds af l`] fa_`l2 al YdoYqk ]k[Yh]k l`] Ú]d\ of vision.”

As time passes by, You are KDQGHG D FUD\RQ <RX Ă&#x;OO LW LQ OLWWOH E\ OLWWOH Whether you go LQVLGH WKH OLQHV RU RXW LW›V up to you.

“Fleas interest me so much that I let them bite me for hours. They are perfect, ancient, Sanskrit machines that admit of no appeal. They do night bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they are the dancers of the celestial sphere, delicate acrobats in the softest and most profound circus. I let them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, but some-­ one should introduce them to me. I want to know them closely, I want to know what to rely on.”


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Sublime: The Beautiful, according to Edmund Burke, is what is wellformed and aesthetically pleasing, whereas “The Sublime� is what has the power to compel us and destroy us.

And that’s when it becomes a game. # ¿UJKPI ICOG Lure, hook, line, bait, and switch.


An action never done. A risk never taken. A mix of cowardice, anger, and sadness. It is hungry for bad decisions, time, and change. Why should we think creatively at all? If it cannot be, then why bother? Look to the future, while being mindful of the past. You sit WKHUH DQG GHDO ZLWK WKH HYLO WKLQJ WKDW JURZOV DW \RX DQG SLVVHV \RX RII DQG RQO\ Ă€QGV \RX useful for food. Don’t be surprised if they bite your leg off. No one cares what you have to VD\ HYHQ WKRXJK \RX KDYH PXFK WR VD\ 5DLQ RI Ă€UH DQG PROWHQ ODYD VSHZV HYHU\ZKHUH scorching all of the world’s inhabitants. You’re one of them. And as time ticked by the second, the mind’s lake, so tranquil and peaceful, was covered in a horrid, black magma. I looked at him. He had fear in his eyes and was trembling. We spoke in English and frag-­ mented Latin. He told me that he was a crime to the republic and deserved to die. But with-­ out that person, the other monster, she feels isolated because she needs that one person. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so afraid to stick her out out every once in awhile for a photo op. Rather than one many, many years ago. All, big and small. Now it is because of this I won’t discuss this any further. I have too many and it would hurt too much to say anything. And frankly, I would like to sleep tonight if I could. But they keep on talking and keeping me up all night, like a noisy tennant or a bed bug infestation. It’s driving me to insanity and makes me angry. What should I do? I will go see. I will go down there and see it for myself. Although minor in the long run, the failed dream haunted me. But when I found a new place to call my own, the idea of ever being at that other place seemed ridiculous, petty, and almost funny. Dreams and anticipations can be changed, erased, and rewrit-­ ten, and always for the better. Vale Puella! Dixisti! Heu, esne? You don’t. At all. For you talk to no one. You exist to no one. You touch no one, and no one touches you. They say there’s strength in numbers, but is there really? I am not in solitude. I am isolated. I push those away who push me down, and I intend to keep it that way.

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