Anna Sakoi

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Reflection The connection between the prompts and how my pieces turned out was

not always clear. Most of the time I started with a single image or idea that the prompt gave me, then I expanded on that idea. Once you realize what the original conecpt was, it all becomes clearer.

My favorite prompt was Freewill vs. Moral Culpability.

I really enjoyed exploring this topic. The piece that came out of it was also my favorite. I enjoyed working with both the white and black charcoal, as I had never worked with the two together before.

One conceptual risk that I took was during the Beautiful vs. the Sublime

prompt. The image that I origianlly thought of was an old man. I wasn’t sure why I thought of this, but I decided to just run with it in the spirit of Blink. As I worked more on it the connection between the prompt and the image came to me more strongly, and was satisfied with it.

One structural design risk I took was when we worked with the foamcore. I wanted to find a way

to put the different pieces of foamcore together without useing tape or glue, as a result of that not all of my pieces were very secure.


n most of the pieces I produced, I noticed a consistency of line quality througout them. Most have a bold quality and there were usually a lot of them. This is most predominant in the secon and third pieces.

10 Themes 1. Adaptation 2. Age 3. Oppression

4. Righteousness 5. The quest for life 6. Control 7. Deference 8. Captivity

9. Fine 10. Power

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