blink A collection of free-writes and art by Ben Wilson
Thought ... Who thinks? ... Are thoughts a conglomeration of juxtapositions or a mess of ideas? ... Is it a mess of ideas floating around in your head that when they hit other ideas and concepts combine to form thoughts? ... Must the result of pure thought be surrealist?
The biggest things we regret
tend to be us acting on false truths
Isolation vs. Solitude
Isolation implies that others ignore you while solitude implies that you ignore others ‌ Solitude you have much more control over, whereas isolation is kind of like having a vortex repelling others and sucking you in
Solitude provides opportunities and freedoms from space and time using space and time as your tool
“My playhouse is underneath Our house, & I hear people Telling each other secrets.� -Komunyakaa
Identity … If you apply your mind hard enough anything can be symbolic … You may not see it, but I could go on and on about how the thoughts and secrets for m the purple lines and orange clouds which block out the sun and how secrets block out the truth, so that people become less and less defined. I could also talk much about how the brown of the dull home overshadows and overtakes the playhouse type thing underneath, and how our establishments distort and overtake our sense of joy. I could talk about all that symbolism, but it is almost not there … Is it symbolically brilliant then, or a lack of effort on my part? … Does the influence of postmodernism on our art cause us to pull out nonexistent symbolism in lackluster pieces of art? Or does it not? … You may have felt you were learning a secret, from this paper which is my playhouse of thought, which is underneath the roof of Freestyle Academy, which could be considered our house.
“Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier, simpler.” -Nietzche
A shadow exists because of a blockage caused by one object, just as thoughts may come from the blockage of brain and emotion and action. Depending on the direction of the sun, perhaps metaphorically, one’s mood, thoughts and shadows do in a different tangential direction when compared to the position upright of the object or emotion. In that way, thoughts are often a reflection of another direction with regard to one’s thoughts. Now, if thoughts were fuller than emotions would the world be a better or worse place?... If thoughts are but shadows then the heart is truth … If a shadow is outlined and drawn, it is no longer but a shadow but something tangible and existing. What is in the heart that it makes the sun’s rays to be blocked … What is adversity, that which may torment the mind yet leave the heart to rest. What is sadness, that it brings power to wrend the thought useless, through the heart. What is a thought? That which we call a thought by any other name would be as insignificant? What of... ellipsis? What lies beyond the barrier of the 2-dimensional shadow and into the heart of man?
“I believe that almost all our sadnesses are moments of tension that we Ăž nd paralyzing because we no longer hear our surprised feelings living.Ă“ -Rike
Things connect to color in my mind … The blue … Tension between the past and present, that’s what sadness is, because usually you’re sad about something that did happen in the past, and how it effects the present. Because you wish it were different, and it’s not, that tension is the cause of sadness. Salad. …
Anticipation: “In drawing, the trace always proceeds in the night: it always escapes the field of vision.� -Calvino
If someone is a good artist, the trace goes first, but nobody should ever see the trace for the drawing in the way, thusly the trace escapes the field of vision … So the sun by it’s going down blocks out the traces of existence, and humanity … Wisdom is the trace proceeding in the night. It keeps one within meaningful boundaries yet by and in many goes unseen. Few are successful without tracing drawings or wisdom.
Fleas interest me so much that I let them bite me for hours. They are perfect, ancient, Sanskrit, machines that admit of no appeal. They do not bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they are the dancers of the celestial sphere, delicate acrobats in the softest and most profound circus; let them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, amuse themselves with my blood, but someone should introduce them to me. I want to know them closely, I want to know what to rely on. -�Neruda
What we may have here is a human being searching for certainty, a profound thought, and being able to find it in fleas, rather than men. Is that unreasonable? The casual onlooker lives in a different world than that of he who wants to know the flea.
Sublime: “The beautiful, according to Edmund Burke, is what is well formed and aesthetically pleasing, whereas the sublime is what has the power to compel and destroy us.�
The meaning of meaning What we have in this book, this writing and those that have come before it, is a collection of thoughts meandering through a page Subliminal messages, messages hidden beneath beauty which has the power to compel and destroy There’s a certain beauty to improvisation
False truth s manifestation is often regret Life is interesting and can be either full or empty of regret One appears a sign of strength, and another a sign of weakness, but how different are they really? Joy is when you re in a state of snapped tension between past, present, and future, and that freedom creates happiness and joy Much imagery but no meaning In which world doth man s heart lie? Is it better to live happy and in ignorance surrounded by the near solid walls of your own conformity? One could interpret these thoughts and come to some kind of judgement about me Could the thoughts inspired in you or me bring about destruction through its raw natural formations
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