Nina Hermosa Clauer
Nina Hermosa Clauer
This is for everyone interested in Design thinking.
Design work from workshops
Shoutout to Freestyle Academy for for giving me the chance to have such a great experience in high school. I would like to thank SAP for being cooperative and letting me film and record at the APP house. I would like to thank especially Eliad Goldwasser, Navdeep Ganesh and Janaki Kumar from SAP for giving me great insight and information. Finally, I would like to thank Steven Hull for helping me revise my book and giving me opinions on how to improve it.
e l b
Preface 11
Chapter 1 21
Intro 15
Chapter 2 27
content Works Cited 34
Chapter 3 31 About the author 36
Interier of APP-Haus
Preface I started off not really knowing what my aim was for this book. I was really interested in innovative ways of solving problems but I didn’t know “design thinking� existed. I was really interested in SAP because my parents work there, and every time they took me to work I was overwhelmed by the company, and fueled my interest in it. As I grew older, I understood more and more what the company was about, and when we were challenged to find a documentary topic, I was sure I wanted
to do something with SAP. So I set off to find a creative angle. My dad introduced me to the APP house, an impressively creative space in SAP. I was interested the moment I walked in and through further talking to people I found out more: design thinking. I was interested right away, but I was really confused; this state of mind pushed me deeply into my research because I really wanted to understand the process. In this book, I attempt to explain in the easiest possible what design thinking is, why its used, and why it is important.
Mystery Box
Introduction Design is all around us. Every object we touch is designed in a specific way for function, convenience, and visual appeal.. The word design itself can have many meanings: to create, to draw, to construct, or to conceive or execute a plan. Relying on ideas and imagination, design helps make life easier and more aesthetically pleasing. But what is design, essentially? Design is thinking in a creative way. Design thinking happens when technology intersects with creativity. It is the best way to connect the basic needs of daily human life with the most useful technology. Design can be used to solve many kinds of problems, from marketing a shoe to solving complex scientific problems. Design thinking is important now because it is a constant part of our daily life. For example, a street has to be built because traffic is congested on the way from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Design thinkers have to figure out where to place the highways so that it is the least expensive for the producer and the most convenient for drivers commuting
or traveling on this route. In the old fashion way, someone would have just come up with a solution by him/herself. That one solution would have been used, but wasn’t always a highquality solution. An example of a low quality design is that every different brand of smartphone has a different charger.
It would make everyone’s lives so much easier if there was only one charger for every phone. All the companies worked by themselves and did not collaborate because they wanted to bing there own thing through rather can looking what the best solution for the customer would be. This close knitted work between technical experts and front-line workers improves the solution. Since design thinking has been introduced, an entire team works on one problem and solves it from different perspectives. More eyes see more things that only one person might not have seen. That is why people work in groups to brainstorm and share ideas. Connecting the ideas of every team member together, the solution is more thought through. Since many people come up with different prototypes, even when one doesn’t work, there are multiple others they can try to find the best one. Researches of the Design Management Institute show that design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over 10 years. The S&P Index is the market capitalizations of large companies in America. SAP stands for “ S y s t e m s , Applications & Products in Data Processing” and is a company founded in Germany. The area of SAP that houses the team of design thinkers is the app house. Janaki Kumar is a SAP design evangelist at the office of the CEO. “The App House is a creative space where we bring together people from different parts of SAP technology experts, business experts and design experts to come together to truly understand the needs of the customer and co-create something together”(Janaki).
“Design thinking is a structured methodology for innovation� Janaki Kumar
Innovative Intelligence and Bees Design Thinking is much like the behavior of bees. Bees help flowers find their connection to other plants. They know what the consumer and the producer want and connect them by flying the pollen to between them. The bees don’t transfer the pollen because they need it, but because they get the
honey as a reward, similar to a design thinker being paid. They are getting rewarded for connecting other people to make a natural lifeforce work in its best and easiest way. This process is more advanced and faster than any of its competitors. It is successful for producer and consumer. Not just the product is and the payment are rewarding for the design thinker, but the entire process of helping people and helping improve the life of humans is rewarding. This is true for every project because it affects their life in a positive way. Design thinking is all about finding a solution. It is the best and most efficient way to solve a problem in the software business. The essential ingredients for design thinking are people, progress and place. It is composed of 3 cycles that build the foundation of the solution to the problem together. Design thinking
Exteriar of App-Haus
relies on scientific and technological knowledge. It is used by designers to find solutions for complex problems for clients. This way of thinking depends on five main ideas: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. Empathizing means that the designer has to understand what exactly the client wants; the designer must integrate himself into the clients mindset. This will show the point of view in which the problem will be addressed; it will give the client a chance to see how the problem will be solved. Defining is the next step, which is knowing exactly what the customer wants and what they expect. It means that everyone is in agreement so everyone is clear about what they are doing. If there is any miscommunication in this part it can have a huge impact on the rest of the project. To ideate is to show all the possible ways the problem can be solved and discussing which opinion would best serve the client’s needs. Prototyping is getting physical; when the designer shows the client.
The test is the first time the “solution” is actually used on the problem. All these steps will combine to form the final solution to the problem. If there is an error in any of the steps, they start the step over again. One of the most important aspects is seeing the problem through the eyes of the customer helping them in the best way possible. SAP a multinational enterprise software company which manages business operations and customer relations is one of the companies using design thinking for their customers to give them the best possible service. Design employees state that empathy, optimism and collaboration play a big role when working with the customers. SAP Design Thinker for example work at a creative space called the App Haus. After researches by the Hasso Plattner Institute it shows that 71% of people say that design thinking improved the working colure. This results in better work that is done within the Design thinking team, which, in turn, results in better products. Design thinking and Bee’s connect to each other because the fundamental steps are the same they just work for different things.
Interiere of App-Haus
Why Can’t We See? Design is all around us. This is not limited to just the drawings of designs which many people might know. Every object around us has been designed in some way by someone if it is its use or its color. Every tool we use every day has been thought through by someone to make it most efficient and easy to use. We don’t even seem to notice all of the designs around us, but designers do because they are the ones that created all the designs. Jobs that include design are user experience design, user interface design, multimedia artist and animation and art direction. The main points about design is to be creative and create something that is a perfect match for its use. Design thinking is the future version of the “Moses Myth,”is a reference to a small cluster of genius individuals that have full power from old history. Not every company has a Steve Jobs to give them its name at working systematically, but with design thinking, it can build a bridge. Jeanne Liedtka is know for her work in design thinking as a American strategist and professor of business administration
at the Darden School of the University of Virginia. One of her famous quotes is“It’s not one or the other – you can do both” ( Liedtka). The quote illustrates that design thinking is about the most futuristic way of problem solving through cooperation rather than lone work. No other way has better results and this much cooperation between the customer and the designer to discover the best solution in the eyes of the customer. Design thinking has shown its skills and value through multiple projects. For example, SAP used design thinking on the co-innovation with Mercedes-AMG. SAP teamed up with Mercedes benz to not just create a new model but also improve on mistakes they have been having in their past cars. They split certain things they wanted to improve in different groups and then brought everything together to create the car. A really important component in there work was communication. In contrast to the “Moses Myth,” design thinking is based on groups of people that work closely together with the customer to accomplish their goal. “Two heads are better
Entrance of App-Haus
than one,” says John Heywood in “A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue” (1546). It suggests that it is always better to work with multiple people to get different perspectives rather than having a single person doing it. History is the beginning point of everything
we have today. We build on things that someone designed or invented a few hundred years ago and update and evolve it. With community and motivation everyone can improve their work time and not just make it more fun but also more productive because you have multiple people working on the same thing.
“So again when it comes to design you’re not as a designer. I’m not designing to solve I’m not designing for myself I’m not designing to solve my problem.... so understanding how they would do it is really essential.” Navdeep Garnesh
The Two Ground Colums Essential factors in design thinking are growth and empathy. Empathy is the ability to share and understand the needs and feelings of someone else, while growth is more increasing and evolving. Combined, it is the most efficient way to evolve on a positive way. It is challenging to keep up in today’s society because there is new innovations and you have to constantly learn and grow up to be on the top and ahead of the game. Successful companies see the challenge of growth as opportunity and potential and devote greater resources to provide their clients services that are innovative and in high demand. Seeing this opportunity, companies can get ahead of their rival companies and have greater success by always bringing the customer the newest product. Idris Mootee is the CEO of Idea Couture, a global innovation center. He wrote the book “Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can’t Teach You at Business or Design School” as a comprehensive playbook for applied design thinking
in business and management.“Growth comes with the questions where a company’s leadership, culture, systems, management, and business model can hold itself together” (Mootee). The most important part is to empathize with the other parties. For example, the consumer needs to know that the producer is providing a solution which is best for them. Being able to evolve through empathy and growth can help a company significantly get ahead of other companies. In our constantly changing world, without innovation they will be left behind. The basis of design thinking is imagination. The designer imagines the best possible solution and then tries to work towards that solution. Imagining the product is the first step to attaining the product. A designer has to be creative and be able to use their imagination to succeed in design thinking. Through the process of all the steps the final result is achieved. The closing solution.
“You see business consulting groups are using design thinking and their work with customers. You see, it goes into schools for example my kids in their schools you know talking elementary and middle school level their teacher using methods from design thinking they don’t call it that way but it’s sure getting into the curriculum. So for my kids a lot of those things that I’m working on the process is the way I do it, this is now more natural for them and I see you will see more of that happening in the future.” Eliad Goldwasser
Works Cited “Beginners Guide to Design Thinking.” Create Hub, www.create-hub.com/learn/beginners-guide-to-design-thinking/. 14 February, 2018 “Design Principles.” Design Principles | SAP Fiori Design Guidelines, experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/design-principles/. Accessed 14 February, 2018 “Design Thinking and Digital Transformation.” SAP, www.sap.com/documents/2016/12/4086a5d3-9d7c-0010-82c7eda71af511fa.html. Accessed 18 March, 2018 “Design-Led Development Process.” Design-Led Development Process | SAP Fiori Design Guidelines, experience.sap.com/fioridesign-web/design-led-development-process-external/. Accessed 14 February, 2018 Ganesh, Navdeep. Personal interview. 15 March 2018. Goldwasser, Eliad. Personal interview. 7 March 2018. ---. Personal interview. 21 March 2018. “How to Kick Off a Crash Course.” Stanford D.school, dschool.stanford.edu/resources/gear-up-how-to-kick-off-a-crash-course. 20 February, 2018 “IT Strategy at Mercedes-AMG - SAP News Center.” SAP, 25 Nov. 2016, news.sap.com/mercedes-amg-sap-s4hana-it-strategy/. Accessed 8 May, 2018 Kumar, Janaki. Personal interview. Accessed 30 March 2018. Leon, Adam. “3 Great Examples of Design Thinking in Action – The Startup – Medium.” Medium, The Startup, 26 June 2016, medium.com/swlh/3-great-examples-of-design-thinking-in-action-a96461538c4a. Accessed 14 February, 2018 “Mindset SAP Design Thinking.” Mindset, 26 Jan. 2017, www.mindsetconsulting.com/sap-design-thinking/. Accessed 14 February, 2018 Mootee, Idris. Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation : What They Can’t Teach You at Business or Design School, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/losaltos-ebooks/detail. action?docID=1358566. Accessed 18 February, 2018 “Not Every Company Has a Steve Jobs (But Here’s What You Can Do).” Fortune, fortune.com/2018/03/06/design-steve-jobsiphone-ideas-culture-organizations/. Accessed 14 February, 2018 36
Schmiedgen, Jan. “Parts Without a Whole? – The Current State of Design Thinking Practic...” LinkedIn SlideShare, 7 Nov. 2015, www.slideshare.net/janschmiedgen/parts-without-a-whole-the-current-state-of-design-thinking-practice-in-organizations. Accessed 3 March, 2018 “SAP Design.” SAP Design, design.sap.com/. Accessed 14 February, 2018 “SAP Design Thinking Is Our Unique Approach to Finding Solutions. When the Same Team Meets in the Same Place and Follows the Same Process, the Chances Are They Will Get the Same Result. Look at How We Take People, Process, & Place to Find Real Solutions to Real Problems! .” SAP Design - Design Thinking, design.sap.com/design-thinking.html. Accessed 14 February, 2018 “SAP Fiori | User Experience and Apps.” SAP, www.sap.com/products/fiori.html. “SAP SE.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP_SE. Accessed 14 February, 2018 SAP. “Design Thinking with SAP: How It Works.” YouTube, YouTube, 8 Jan. 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rw6kHQieI4. Accessed 14 February, 2018 “15 Mind-Blowing Stats About Design Thinking.” CMO.com by Adobe: Digital Marketing Insights, Expertise and Inspiration – for and by Marketing Leaders, www.cmo.com/features/articles/2017/8/4/15-mind-blowing-stats-about-design-led-businesses.html#gs. l2YJrW8. Accessed 2 May, 2018
About the Author Nina Hermosa Clauer is a 16-year-old student at Freestyle Academy,where she studies English, Design, and Film. She is from Germany but recently moved to Silicon Valley. Nina loves playing sports in her free time and reading books. She loves traveling, which inspires her to create artwork. In the future, Nina hopes to work in a design-related field.
Nina Hermosa Clauer