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BLINK By Madisen S. McBride


Our minds are mazes with ins and outs that cannot be explained. We think about one word and it morphs into a thought. After that thought we pick a phrase or word out of that and another thought is then created. The beauty of thinking is the unlimited power and privacy. You could spend a day dreaming up a whole life for yourself and no one would ever need to know about it.


Regret is one of my least favorite emotions. I am not a person who gets over things easily so my regret lingers. I like completion and closure. Everything happens for a reason and things are meant to be, so if someone gets mad at what I say or do, it is supposed to happen that way.

Isolation vs. Solidtude

You have a choice between being alone and being at peace. Solitude can be pure, detoxifying, holistic, peaceful, etc. Where as the mindset of being isolated can change perspectives. Isolation tends to have a negative connotation attached to it. Solitutde is by choice where isolation could feel forced. Although in some situations there isn’t a way to change your mindset as to what is happening to you, life is what you make of it.

My Playhouse is Underneath Our house, and I hear people Telling Each other secrets

Focus levels have gone down as the end of the year comes to a close. I laugh more than ever and have almost resorted to childlike games. We all know the end is near so we react by turning back the time and becoming children again. If only I owned a playhouse that I cloud climb in for hours forgetting about the world around me and skipping to the beat of my heart. The adrenaline rushes through my veins as I do flips on the swings and then we fall to the ground. Not upset. Laughing becasue we are too big and tall to do that anymore.

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelingsalways darker, emptier and simpler

Love is one of those things that is undescribable and unthinkable at all levels. Even people who are good with words cannot form the sentences to explain what love really is. Can you feel it at such a young age? Does it hurt more or seem bigger when we are younger or older? Will humanity ever know? I don’t think so. Besides love, I believe our thoughts can get us carried away into a mixed up and jumbled world that is all made up in our heads.

I believe that almost all our sadnesses are mo-� ments of tension that we find paralyzing becasue we no longer hear our surprise feelings living

What is a surprised feeling? Why is it necessary to be happy? Or is it? Is tension really paralyzing? Have you ever felt yourself in a moment when two people connect at a different level and they lock eyes and seem to stare ar one another not being able to look away? If all of our sadnesses are moments of tension, do we feel pain because of that bond between people? If that is true, is it possible to ignore all of the emotions behind the scenes?

Anticipation: “In drawing, the trace always proceeds in the night: it always escapes the field of vision.�

Waiting is hard, but waiting is life. The anticipation for something good or bad is a hard and eduring process. Knowing that a result is just around the corner seems to pull at every nerve in your body, and we have to face these problems everyday. As soon as you know the result, the adrenaline that pulsed through your veins stops, your hearts pounding mellows out to a steady beat and your thoughts no longer invade your mind.

Fleas interest me so much that I let them bite me for hours. They are perfect, ancient, sanskrit, machines that admit of no appeal. They do not bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they are dancers of the celestial sphere, delicate acrobats in the softest and most profound circus; let them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, but someone should introduce them to me. I want to know them closely, I want to know what to rely on.

Life is too short to care so much, yet life is also too short to just sit back and take things as they come. We are all different people with different goals and aspirations, however you can’t let the obsiticles from others get in your way of not succeeding. People do not have respect for others, especially at our age.

Sublime. The beautiful according to Edmund Burke, is what is well-formed and aesthetically pleasing, whereas the Sublime is what has the power to compel and destroy us.

There aren’t many things in this world that I am addicted to, but one for sure is the feeling of being touched by someone I am attracted to. Lust is the Sublime that comepels my body. Without it, I feel empty and strange, but with it, I am no longer in control. Lust is my kryptonite. Love, touch, beauty, feeling, sensation, chemistry, addiction, comfort, need, want, crave.


For my Blink book I wanted to write About the creations and pieces I designed. Our thoughts were all playful and full of life Allowing us to have a great time. I decided to cover the book with my friends For I will miss them when i look at the sky Or maybe another way of saying it Is that moment was just a Blink of the eye.

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