The Beginning Nathaniel Siegel
The truth is a zebra. When you look at it closely it is black and white. But take a step back and everything turns grey
The thing is. I was in a position to ignore it. She was a small voice whos whispers barely tickled the hairs of my inner ear. She was surrounded. Her world a torrent of crisco that dominated her world, and swept her away.
People who lack any sense of moral culpability, also lack free will. Because those people are sociopaths, and they get sent away to jails and asylums.
Although I don’t know it, my unconcious is most certainly Compared to concious, the unconcious farthe more entertaining place to is reside. Ungoverned logic, the wild west. Where all of ourby destructive it knows tendencies roam free.only one limit: conciousness. Alas, I do not dream and the unconcious can never break free.
Sadly, that is a terribly contrived metaphor
1. “Symantics� 2. Symetry 3. Contempt 4. Poor Drawings 5. Poor Paintings 6. Consistency 7. Images of things, not people. 8. Images of Odd things 9. Over worked, rather didactic statements 10. Strong Colors or No Colors
The End