Ditch the Workout and Join the Party!
Nolan Rudolph
To Zumba Teacher Eileen Do I wanted to give Zumba teacher Eileen Do my sincerest gratitude for allowing me to document her and her class. If I were a Zumba teacher, I can only imagine how difficult it might be to have distractions in the classroom, so I am more than thankful for the opportunity to take pictures of Eileen’s class. She is an amazing instructor, and I can see her excitement and passion in her interactions with every participant. She is always smiling, and always an inspirational individual. 3
Table of Contents Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 The Experience of Zumba Compared ---------------------------------- Page 11 to Traditional Workouts Growth of Zumba and its ----------------------------------------------- Page 15 Changes Over Time Chapter 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 17 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------- Page Works Cited ------------------------------------------------------------- Page Author ------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5
I noticed that before Zumba was introduced to the YMCA, the place seemed boring and uninspired. I would always walk through the hallways where there was no music or events, while watching expressions on the people’s faces that said “I’m just here for a quick workout.” I stopped working out eventually, and come summer I decided it was time to get back into my mundane routine. As soon as I walked through the doors, I was hit by a gust of excitement as I heard uplifting music radiating through the hallways. Looking through the windows of the new dance rooms, I saw people of all races and body types jumping up and down to the beat of a latin song. A smile grew on my face as I saw a new life re-enlighten the YMCA. I’d continue down the hallway to my regular free-weight workout, and as I walked, the excitement followed me as I reached the lifting portion of the gym. Every now and then, I’d look over at the hallway and see several women laughing amongst themselves, all of them wearing huge smiles. That would automatically brighten my mood and give me the motivation needed to proceed through my next workout. Due to this abundant amount of excitement found at the YMCA, I wanted to do my Documentary Project on this type of dance class as I was curious about what exactly it is that makes this dance program so unique! 7
As a youth and an adult, we’ve
is called Zumba, and incorporates the
timedia movement in which they make
all faced the common problem that
use of Latin Music alongside of cardio
its first 360 degree campaign. The catch
is nearly impossible to deal with in a
based dance moves presented by an
phrase, “Let it Move You”, is supposed
positive attitude. This dilemma is the
experienced trainer. Zumba is a fairly
to incorporate the love and emotional
act of losing weight. Everyone tells
new program that is slowly spreading
connection that everyone has with the
themselves that they will go for a mile
throughout the world as a great way to
program; this feeling of affection that
run everyday, or that they’ll attend
“Ditch the workout, and join the party”
stays with you long after the Zumba
the gym on a regular day basis, but
while losing the weight that you’ve tried
class is over. “Our purpose at Zumba is
the truth is that almost none of these
so long to get rid of. If you don’t believe
to change lives through health, wellness
resolutions ever come true. As a hu-
the atmospheric pleasure of this pro-
and overall happiness,” says the Zumba
man, we often stay with an activity if
gram, you can ask the other 180+ coun-
CEO, CMO and co-founder Alberto
there’s a specific routine that is created
tries who have had their lives changed
Perlman. As shown from this mans
for us, and one that you cannot miss,
by the Zumba program.
intent, the overall program is focused
or else you will fall behind. This is why
towards giving uninspired individuals
I believe that a program found at the
world are labeling Zumba as the most
a purpose to lose weight and to make a
YMCA is the most efficient way of los-
effective and largest dance-fitness com-
better person of themselves from this
ing weight while maintaining a positive
pany in the world, and according to
attitude. This inspirational program
Zlife, Zumba is launching it’s first mul-
Fitness trainers around the
Chapter One
The problem with most weight
loss programs is that the workout feels extremely time consuming and long, and when the next day comes, you aren’t looking forward to the workout. Fortunately enough, the most unique thing about Zumba is that the workout isn’t actually viewed as an exercise. People don’t usually attend Zumba to lose weight but rather for the experience that gives them the feeling of belonging to a community. When I interviewed Eileen Do, a Zumba instructor for the YMCA, she explained how entertaining the simplicity of the workout really is “because you’re dancing. It’s also a work out while dancing, so you burn off calories with all the high impact you do, and it’s just fun”. This seems to be the popular opinion found in
all Zumba dance classes, and who doesn’t
and has fun. “When I put on Traigo Una
love to burn calories while having fun?
Pena, a cha cha, my class just screams. They’re somewhere else; they’re not in
“I mean, you’re dancing for an hour… how bad can that be, right?”
But the real question at hand
is, just how much weight do you lose? Studies have shown that the amount of calories lost within an hour of Zumba averages around 450-550, if your weight is roughly 155-185 pounds. Therefore, if you dance Zumba for just one hour while keeping your diet close to 500 calories each day, you should lose 2 pounds weekly or 8 pounds a month!
Without even feeling like an
exercise , the class creates an “imaginarily perfect world” in which everyone smiles
Pittsburgh when they take my Zumba class.” says Barbara McCalister, an avid teacher in the fine art. As I visited the El Camino YMCA to take pictures of a
Zumba class, I could feel the excitement and energy booming from outside the door. Once I stepped into the classroom, it was smiling faces from wall to wall. Every now and then I would hear a quick “Wooh!” from one of the participants, as if they couldn’t contain their enjoyment! The instructor, Eileen Do, would then cheer at the end of each song and ask her students what they would like to dance to next. Sure enough, she would play the next song her class had suggested and 11
make up dance moves that perfectly accompanied the rhythm, and her class would follow right along.
Another unique thing about Zumba is how every single dance routine
revolves around Latin Music. These dance routines involve Salsa, Cumbia, Merengue, African Dance, Bollywood, and Tango. Each dance instructor has their own preference, so make sure to choose the style that best suits your personality. Salsa dancing shoulder and
“Personally, I enjoy Salsa the most. involves a lot hip, It suits my energitic personality!” arm movements
while maintaining a balanced posture with little leg motion. Cumbia dancing often contains a lot of swirls and twists in a circular pattern, often known as “the swing”. Merengue allows you to become relatively intimate with your partner as it requires you to place each other’s hands on each other’s hips while holding hands and dance in a forward to back motion, a style that is the stereotypically known as Latin dance. African dance really forces you to put your reputation aside, and just go all out in terms of arm movements, hopping, thrusts and anything you can imagine. Bollywood dance requires the endurance of your back and arms in order to produce swift movements with your body, alongside a jingle made by the dress you’ll be wearing. Lastly, the public favorite, tango dancing. Tango dancing requires a partner and a lot of endurance, as you and your companion will be twirling about along with leg movements, kicks and twists. 13
Perhaps the most interesting
Chapter Two this non-traditional aerobic music.
the United States and some to Colum-
part about Zumba is how strangely the
His class was ecstatic and pleaded that
bia, however, enthusiasts wanted more.
whole organization had begun. Sur-
there be future classes with music and
“The crazy thing was we were getting
prisingly enough the idea of Zumba
dances like the one they had done that
all these people from all around the
actually started from a mistake during
country who bought these videos and
one of Alberto Parez’s dance classes.
wanted to teach it,” says Perlman. So
Alberto was a highly trained dance instructor living in Colombia, who taught different forms of hip-hop to his students. One day, he forgot to bring his ipod to class and was forced to resort to alternate methods. He made his way back to his car to find a CD tucked behind the drivers seat, one that contained many different styles of Latin music, similar to the ones that are currently found in Zumba. He brought it back to class and improvised a whole dance routine around
“I just said, ‘Class today is different’, and everybody loved it.”
After he had discovered his success with Latin culture, he moved to the United States where he teamed up with co-founder Alberto Perlman and childhood friend COO Alberto Aghion. The trio decided to launch a marketing campaign which contained CDs of Zumba fitness training in the comfort of your own home. The CDs were a complete hit with more than half a million copies being sent out all over
after Parez found that many people were interested in being trainers of Zumba, him and the two others began put together a training manual, and created Zumba workshops for those who desired to pursue this passion. Eventually they began to add in new music, choreography and new methods of teaching. Today, there are approximately 4 million Zumba venthusiasts and 25,000 instructors all of which are found in 40 different countries around the world! 15
Chapter Three
However, for anything this
ing when you come down from
hip. If these actions are performed
good, there’s always a price to pay.
jumping.. is that what really takes a
incorrectly with a flawed acetabulum
It should be relatively given that
toll on your body?”
or previously injured femur bone, it
dancing can cause pain and distress
becomes clear why hip injuries are
if done incorrectly, however Zumba
knees, because a long time ago I tore
the most common repercussions.
brings a whole new level of endur-
my ACL, so it doesn’t really get any
Lastly, back pains have always been
ance and mobility. Due to this, if you
a trouble in adult’s daily lives, and
have weak ankles, knees, hips, lower
back pains or anything such as a
are most commonly brought to their
do is a bunch of shimmies in some
torn ACL, it’s highly recommended
doctor’s attention are severe foot
aerobics class. While using your
that you are weary of the potential
aches, injury to the hip region, and
body to perform twists and excessive
dangers that could occur. Zumba is a
lower back pains. There’s no deny-
curves, it causes structural deviation
very high impact dance class, which
ing that Zumba is a high impact
in the lower spine region. Structural
means the older you are, the harder
dance routine, so there will always
deviation isn’t necessarily a bad thing
it gets. As I talked with Eileen, she
be possible consequences from the
as that’s what our spine is intended to
also informed me that the routine
feet to the knees such as the com-
do, but if it’s being done repeatedly
has also gotten progressively difficult
mon foot ache. Zumba also requires
on someone who has has previous
for her as well:
an abundant amount of turns and
back pains in the lumbar section of
twists which ultimately involves the
the spine, it could potentially affect
Nolan: “Right, and I’m guess-
Eiline: “Yes, especially on my
The 3 injured body parts that
thus the last thing you would want to
future spinal movement in a negative way. Yes, this all sounds rather agonizing. However, where there’s a will, there’s always a way. All of these disadvantages to Zumba can be diminished if you follow some simple tips and tricks. To reduce the impact of the dance moves, don’t wear running shoes, use traction shoes to allow better pivoting. Running shoes weren’t meant for lateral movements, but rather for forward movements and thus leading to many of the ankle and foot pains from Zumba. Another way of preventing future injuries is by stretching for 15 minutes before every class you take. This will help minimize the strain put on your body, and any tensions that may occur will be reduced, if not eliminated. Additionally, a large part of maintaining your well-being is by finding the right Zumba teacher for you. For example, if you are a relatively old and unfit individual, you might want to consider a trainer who focuses on sways and easy movements. Most of the young and new trainers don’t tend to yield to previously injured individuals as they focus on keeping the routine entertaining with movements that can be challenging to frail bodies. Lastly, if you are of 55 years of age or higher, it is highly recommended that you attend the Zumba Gold Classes as it is geared towards elder body types. Follow all of these tips and you will undoubtedly maintain a healthy relationship with Zumba! 19
Conclusion Due to Parez’s mistake, the excitement towards weight loss was born, and has gracefully impacted the lives of over 15 million individuals in 180 countries. Zumba has broken the routine of mundane exercises and introduced a brand new perspective on the idea of “working out”. It is no longer a chore to workout, but rather an event you look forward to. With programs that stretch from 6 to all ages above, Zumba provides classes for a large portion of the world that desires to be involved with a friendly community. I highly recommend Zumba to anyone with some extra time on their hands and the passion to become associated in a fitness activity. As they say, “Ditch the Workout, and Join the Party!”.
“It’s very rare to find a workout that suits you like Zumba.” 23
“I’m losing weight at a steady pace!” 25
“...it’s just an overall friendly community!”
“What you’re doing is great!” 28
“What you’re doing is great!”
Nolan Rudolph is a very unique individual who attends Mountain View High School. Though he is extremely cool, don’t be fooled, he has feelings just like you. His favorite hobbies include Video Games, Skateboarding, Producing Music, Lacrosse and Football. Since a young age, he has always gone through life learning things the hard way. On the summer of 2012, he decided to go down an extremely large hill on a longboard and ended up losing his sense of smell. He’s still sniffing around for his true passion, but for now, he’ll be creating new melodies until his heart’s content.