Ryan Fradelis

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Ryan Fradelis





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Everywhere you look your eyes lie to you. You see what you want to see but at the same time you see nothing. What is crazy? Just because your mind works a little differently does that mean you are crazy? Who are we to judge the thoughts of others?

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The path to hell is paved with good intentions, All throughout our life we make these decisions, To stab a friend in the back, To help a stranger cross the train track’s, When the time comes to look back, On all we have done, What will your soul lack?


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Reflection is just a term, a word with few meanings. In a reflection we are able to see our self’s, our true self’s. A reflection can be used to show our inner thoughts. If we are mad the reflection will make it true. Like a man who hates his work and who he works for. Or like a knight who fights a daemon. That is what he feels but can’t do anything about it. He has to put up with this man he has to meet today. But he is used to this he has had much experience in his line of work.

“Here let me help you with that…” the masked man said with a cold monotone voice. “Th...Thanks, I did not notice that there.” I replied still in a haze about the whole situation. “Don’t worry about it… it happens to all of us. Sometimes we just forget about our free will.” “Yeah, how silly of me to forget I can do anything I want!” I smiled “oh… don’t forget you only as free as society will permit you to be.” He said back to me. “I am almost done cutting your strings then you will be free.” “Why thank you” I smiled and stood there without a care in the world. “By the way where is your mask?” he asked “What do you mean I don’t have one!” I said this as I begin to look around everyone was staring at me. “Is there something on my face?” I began to wonder. “No! It’s not what’s on your face it’s what’s not there.” A strange man said. “How did you know what I was thinking?” I asked a little startled by the turn of events. “Don’t worry… give me your hand I can help.” The strange man held his hand out to me. “O...Ok I guess I can trust you.”I kept smiling even when he pulled out the hand cuffs. “We have a nice place for people like you.” the strange man said with a reassuring voice. “there all done” the masked man said… “Now enjoy the rest of your day.”

Sublime is something that is so rare, so mysterious that you will only see it once on your life

time. Like seeing the sky split in two by night and day.

What if you had the choice to blow up the world or not? Would you push the button? Why or why not? Is it as simple as a yes or no? What if you could save a life by destroying others? Would you do it then? Would you do it if you were already going to die? Would you do it if you were gonna be forced into a small, dark box for the rest of your life? Or would you do it if you could live in the end? Would you wander the waste land with no reason but to be alone? Would that make you happy? What is happy? Is isolation happy? Why or why not? Is solitude happy? What is the difference of solitude and isolation? Is one a choice? Or is one forced on you? Are we as humans forced to be alone? Are we meant to be alone? Does the society we live in bring us further apart even though we long for a connection? Why don’t we just go out there and connect to others? Are there walls in our way? What would those walls be? What would happen if we ran into the walls? How would it hurt us? Physically? Mentally?

Or would we just pass right through them because they are just figments of our imagination? What is our imagination? Is it our true self-expression? Why do we force it down inside our minds? How come we lose this natural wonder? Will any of these questions get answers? Does it matter if they do? Did I just mess up the assignment? Why do I feel this way? Why do I work so hard? Why am I alone? Who am I? What is alone? What is truly alone? Do I have friends? Do friends make you not alone? Does your family make you not alone? Have I become numb to being alone? Do I enjoy it? Can I live alone? Will I die alone?

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Oe . h t a e d is f o m d a e r a s i m a a i e r s d l t a l h T . and


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Reflection. What did you notice about the way you responded to the prompts. Did it change through out the project? I responded to the prompts to the best of my skills and most of my work was about things not being as they seem. the main themes i had in my projects were change. things not being as the seem or regret. Give some examples of how the visual informed your writing.What was your favorite prompt and why? regret was my favorite prompt. because i liked the materials we used and i think a lot about regret. What were your favorite materials and why? any of the pencil materials we used were fun such as. charcoal, pencil, color pencil, and thats about it. Give a specific example of places you took risks in your photography, art projects, and writing, explain how they are risks. Address both formal/structural risks and content related risks. Support with specific visual examples. I did a lot of things I do not normally draw such as peaceful art. also I never work with color or paints before. What are some consistencies you notice in the formal qualities of your works? Are there things you always do? Is your line quality consistent, is your compositional arrangement consistent? Explain. Support visually with specific examples. I always or almost always do my pictures from a straight on perspective And a landscape view. What are some consistencies you notice in the conceptual approach you took to your pieces. Do they have a consistent mood? Do they have a consistent energy? Support visually. yes most of my are has a tendency to be dark. more sad moods reflecting a harsh time with good things to come.


10 Themes

Sorrow, Dreams, The human soul, Being true to yourself, The exploration of the unknown, The destruction of the world, Death, Rebirth, Loyalty.

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