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4 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER magazine. +1 (312) 496 6624 presents... a freight networking event with a difference at Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow, UKat 13OCTOBER2022Speed networking  Sandwiches, tea/coffee  Dinner in the evening  England rugby legend Martin Johnson CBE  Photo opportunity  Special hotel rates  Free hotel parking  Day&eve tickets  Day/eve tickets  VIP tickets  ...are available on Ticket Tailor. Please get in touch with us for special marketing discounts: tony@ +1 (312) 496 6624 Scan this or go to for more information and to buy tickets supported by

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elcome to issue 2 of FORWARDER USA We will be releasing new issues in an alternating cycle alongside the original, global edition of FORWARDER, which is now on its 75th issue. That issue will be printed and presented at both AntwerpXL and at our own event near Heathrow in October. We hope to see the US edition live and in colour too, before long!









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Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 1 W

In a wide-ranging market update discussion, the US-headquartered logistics specialist said market demand had eased somewhat since around May, and capacity was currently easier to find – but there was little likelihood of a return to pre-pandemic freight rates for the time being.


But supply chains and logistics services will remain disrupted and with elevated freight rates for the foreseeable future, senior executives at SEKO Logistics believe

lobal freight and logistics markets are beginning to normalise, but will remain disrupted and with elevated freight rates for the foreseeable future, senior executives at SEKO Logistics believe.


Issue2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER

We do expect a peak season, albeit a very muted peak season.

2 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 SPECIAL REPORT: MARKET OUTLOOK

not finding enough freight to reposition back to the West Coast, which means there’s not enough stock to move freight off ships, which means even though demand is going down, we do see also congestion going up. We expect congestion to worsen both on the East Coast as well as the West Coast, and all around the world, in fact. But the congestion issue will be more pronounced in the United States.

Slack season returns

Chief growth officer Brian Bourke said global supply chains continue to face challenges including the impact of the war in Ukraine, lockdowns in various markets, inflation, and intense competition for staff in many parts o the world.

And overall market volumes are down somewhat compared with this time last year, especially for US imports of products such as outdoor leisure goods.

This is what we used to call slack season, and that is now back, Bourke noted. But compared to previous years prior to the pandemic, trade is still strong and volumes are still high.


On the air freight side, Bourke expects passenger bellyhold capacity to reduce again after the summer, and the relative demand is going to continue to be a challenge for capacity for air freight.

And although overall ocean freight demand is below its levels last year and several months ago, congestion levels at many ports – particularly in the US – are still significant and expected to get even worse in the coming

Certain sectors also remain more resilient – such as high tech, aerospace, and retail segments such as healthcare and beauty products. And demand on certain trades, for example from China, remains elevated.

Labour shortages

This is a trend SEKO expects to continue, 'as long as rate levels are as elevated as they are for the line haul.' FORWARDER magazine Issue

I think we can all see that the trends for warehousing, fulfilment, labour, those are all continuing to trend upwards. Companies and shippers, and especially ecommerce brands and retailers, need to plan accordingly.

He said many companies are offering bonuses to attract and retain staff – for example, to cover during peak periods. Companies like SEKO were having to ensure that our peak plans include additional surcharges to maintain labour levels to accommodate for increases in activity to make sure that we have the staff on hand to handle the volume.

Threat of industrial action

Bourke said restrictions on labour are being seen across the transport industry in general, and not just in one mode of transport or geography.

And on the ocean freight side, SEKO expects capacity will remain relatively tight in the third and fourth quarters of this year (Q3 and Q4), with some vessel capacity being returned to other trades, or vessels going into servicing and maintenance.

Ocean and air freight rates are, nevertheless, expected to be lower in the coming months and next year than in late 2020 and 2021, although costs in other areas are still rising.

Ocean will remain a challenge from a capacity standpoint, and bottlenecks will remain. Rates are not going to go down to pre-2019 levels. How we advise our clients is ultimately not to expect rate levels to revert to pre-pandemic levels any time in the medium, short, or long term. And that’s important for shippers to take into consideration as they start to think about next year’s budgets already, he highlighted.


not there is any significant disruption, concerns about possible problems have led to some customers requesting allocation to the east coast as part of their contracts, said Nair.

Advice to clients

We can’t do that last minute, we have to do it for the start of a contract. This has meant some people have overcompensated, which is why we have seen a change in the rate levels. West coast rates have declined, but east coast have stayed strong right up to this week. People are hedging.

Rising inventory levels and cancelled orders

It is a growing problem – whether it’s recruiting for warehouse workers, for drivers, for clerical workers. And the restriction on available labour is one of the two primary constraints impacting the movement of goods today.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 3

Akhil Nair, SEKO’s Hong Kong-based VP for global carrier management and ocean strategy, said that right up to the end of June” the market had been expecting one of two scenarios after the April and May lockdown in Shanghai ended: either manufacturing activity would ramp up and the trucking congestion at origin would relieve itself and retailers would put in a lot of orders. Or, alternatively, due to climbing inventory levels, the retailers would push back and cancel orders. We’re pretty sure now that we’re in the second scenario, at least for the short term. So, we expect a muted peak, but nowhere close to what we seen in either the second half of 2020 or all of 2021. I guess we’re returning to some form of normal, but with continued elevated freight rates. While there has been a decline recently, I don’t believe that we are going to go back to pre-Covid freight rate levels. Different labour issues and congestion at various parts of the world are definitely going to continue to impact supply chains, particularly ocean.

According to global senior VP for e-commerce, David Emerson, one demand pattern on the rise is 'more requests for in-country or in-region fulfilment, as a carryover from the continued expense of cross-border parcels and the lack of capacity.'

Another issue has been the threat of labour disruption on the US west

But he also expects carriers and alliances to be able to respond to signs of lower demand, for example during seasonal slow periods, and blank sailings will continue to be a feature of the market.

Normalisation of demand

E-commerce demand still high

In the last three to four years, there has been lots of talk about customers seeking alternative production markets to China, and there has been some evidence of this happening, to a limited extent.

It might work in their benefit, currently, if they have a floating volume to reduce the average blended cost, Nair noted.

Although some cross-border e-commerce markets are subdued, Emerson says demand 'is still massively high for us.'

As was the case prior to the pandemic, the market is likely to see a hybrid of contract rates and floating volumes for cargo owners. That includes some customers who never managed to get secured capacity on long-term contracts during contract season and are floating. But even some of the large retailers that had secured capacity appear to have kept some volumes within their portfolio to float with the market.

While it varies from market to market, one apparent trend is a switch in demand from home-related goods to services, as people are less confined to their homes.

Unpredictable market

In the meantime, many long-term contract rates for ocean freight were fixed when demand and rates were very high, and so carriers have been insulated from the recent softening in ocean freight prices, noted Nair. Indeed, short-term and spot rates are now in many cases lower than long-term contract prices – for example, to the US west coast.

4 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

Schedule performance remains down Nair said carriers are not able to operate on-performance schedules currently, which 'are in disarray', with most of the recent wave of cancelled sailings being 'operating blanks rather than structural blanks.'

He caveats his predictions by acknowledging the extreme unpredictability of everything that's going on in the world. But if I were to be a guessing person, that's what I would say at this point.

One illustration of the current labour shortage issues is that the company has just commissioned a new fulfilment centre in the UK next to his current building.

As part of the development, it is building a gym for staff – not so much as a luxury, but in order 'to make sure that staff come to work, because otherwise they may go somewhere else.'

In simple terms, I would call it a normalisation of the demand curve, observed Nair. Inventory-to-sales ratios are expected to increase, and I think the latest prediction is that we’re heading back up closer to 2019-2020, early 2020 levels in the short term. But that just means that we are normalising; and what happens is some of the capacity on the ocean side will probably be repurposed – either to other trades like Latin America, or some of the older vessels will go in for dry docking and retrofitting in order to be compliant with the IMO 2023 regulations that are coming out. So, supply will balance demand in my view and rates will not see a complete decline.


Steen Christensen, chief operating officer – international – said the ability for logistics companies to anticipate and predict future market conditions is more difficult than it was pre-pandemic. He believes there is a general wish in the market that rates would not go back to where they were in 2018/19, but probably land somewhere at double or triple what we saw back then. But certainly not back to the $20,000 container rate. I think long term, there’s no reason to believe demand will slump and that we will continue to see a pressure for capacity.

Alternative sourcing locations

Issue2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER

of urgency from retailers and BCOs, especially, to secure capacity for the longer term. As short-term rates have reduced, obviously it is of interest. But I think a lot of retailers, at least on the US side, have learnt from the past and they would prefer to maintain their secure capacity as long as they can, without breaking open contracts. But it is early days. If the decline continues further, you never know.

Peak preparations

Nobody is as cornered as they were, for example last year, being forced to make bold decisions with not as much information as they would like, observed Bourke. But since the start of the pandemic, we’ve been advising clients to make bold decisions early, because that always ended up coming to their benefit if they did take action, if they did make those bookings, secure that capacity when they had a chance. Now there is a bit of time for breathing, for rethinking, and strategising around supply chains and sourcing strategies. I think now those bold decisions are around how you think about inventory, how do you calculate inventory carrying costs, how do you get products closer to your customers in a more effective way, how do you think about growing into new markets. These are the things we are now helping our clients with. So, it’s no longer now about the hierarchy of needs – it’s about how we help our clients grow. It’s like we’ve been in training for a marathon for two years straight, and now we’re being asked to run a 10k. Two years ago, a 10k would have winded us, but we have been training for two years now, so let’s get to it. Clients are now being given some time to think about the impacts of the last two years and how they can do things differently to create that resiliency and agility and flexibility in their supply chains to be competitive going forward, and that’s where a lot of our clients are going right now.

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 5 FORWARDER magazine Issue

With the normally busy third and fourth quarter peak seasons approaching, what should smart shippers be doing, even if this year’s peak is less daunting than the last two?

There is diversification in sourcing, which is one of the reasons we have invested in markets like Vietnam, and other places in Southeast Asia, said Bourke. But we can’t decouple from China entirely. There has been a lot of effort from retailers to try and switch sourcing. Vietnam, for example, has grown at an unprecedented rate, from a relatively small base.

Short versus long-term capacity arrangements

One common resolution by cargo owners in the height of the pandemic was to increase supply chain resilience in various ways, including greater use of longer-term contracts that provide greater guarantees, stability, and predictability of capacity and pricing. But as capacity becomes more available and affordable again, are we seeing any shift back towards

Raising 'just a little red flag for customers', Christensen added: Just because capacity is a little easier right now, don’t expect that to continue. There will be situations where capacity will become constrained again, and maybe right now is a good time to consider that and lock in some space between now and the next season.

But in the grand scheme of things, the simple scale and ability for other countries to handle a similar volume throughput to what’s coming out of China does not exist today. There are multiple challenges: infrastructure, roads, trucking capabilities, various impacts – and just sheer manufacturing scale in these countries cannot keep up or match the economies of what China can do. That being said, there is a steady shift of semi-manufacturing. The intra-Asia trade is a good indicator of what’s happening with that. Raw materials are still coming out of China and moving to these other markets and then they are being assembled or completed by manufacturing in countries like Vietnam and then exported to the US. This started in response to the tariffs that were put on China; but most retailers are maintaining this hedge and strategy. It’s either Vietnam, or there’s some aspects of Mexico, in Europe. Near shoring overall is a trend that is increasing, but not enough to decouple today from China.


the mode, said Bourke. Clients are very much still open to longer-term fulfilment and warehousing contracts than they would have been, to create a sense of stability, and they are looking to outsource more to offset or mitigate against risk in that regard –especially for those companies that had to shut down their operations because they were not essential businesses. But whether it is domestic trucking, parcel, air or ocean freight, it is still a tale of near-term urgency versus long-term importance, where there are still some conversations around long-term contracts; it’s more the important not the urgent for some of our clients. There is definitely interest. There was a sense

A system of transporting goods by aircraft. Related topics AOG (aircraft on ground) OBC (on-board couriers) Air charter 6


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 7

Over the last month, IAG Cargo and British Airways have worked together to reunite Alan and Bob – and have flown them both back home to the UK.

1st August, London: IAG Cargo, the cargo division of International Airlines Group, has safely transported award-winning racing pigeon Bob back home after he took a 4,000-mile detour to America.

With more than 70 years’ experience in transporting live animals, IAG Cargo has a last on, first off aircraft ethos for animal transit, with a dedicated team of trained staff and animal handlers to ensure adequate care and attention.

1 AUGUST 2022 | Source: IAG CARGO

I am delighted to be able to have Bob back with me in Gateshead and that wouldn’t have been possible without the help of IAG Cargo. The cargo staff haven been supportive throughout and have guided me through the process on how they will bring Bob back home.

In June, Bob took off from Guernsey; he was due to make the 10-hour trip home to Gateshead. However, somehow the pigeon found himself stranded in Alabama after taking a wrong turn. Luckily for Bob, and his owner Alan Todd, the Monroe County Alabama Animal Shelter took Bob in and were able to identify who the pigeon belonged to via his microchip.

Alan Todd, Bob’s owner


Racing pigeon Bob set off on a race from Guernsey to reach his home in Gateshead, in Northeast England but made a wrong turn to Alabama


We are glad to have been able to reunite Bob with his owner Alan. It was an amazing and unique experience to fly out to the US to support Bob’s move back to the UK. I’ve helped fly many animals during my time at IAG Cargo. However participating in a rescue mission for a lost and subsequently found racing pigeon is a first. Although this move wasn’t one we had initially planned for, IAG Cargo’s global network meant we had the capacity and routes available to bring Bob safely back home.

AG Cargo uses its global network to bring Bob back home on a British Airways flight to reunite prize-winning pigeon with his owner

Valerie Hadley, Products Manager, IAG Cargo

Whilst IAG Cargo has been transporting animals ranging from dogs, to lions, to turtles since 1950 – this was the first pet pigeon that the cargo carrier has ever moved. When transporting animals overseas, it is important to check the healthcare requirements for pre-entry and re-entry. For example, Bob has been required to quarantine for a minimum of 30 days, a fee that has been waived by Heathrow animal Reception Centre (HARC).


For the overall global market, compared with last year the last two weeks showed a worldwide rate increase of +10%, despite a chargeable weight decline of -7% and a capacity increase of +5%, as higher fuel surcharges continue to inflate overall air cargo prices relative to their levels last year. But that +10% rate differential compared with last year continues to diminish, down from +19% in late June, WorldACD reported.

Air Cargo Market Trends for the past 5 weeks

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine

Global flown tonnages plateau in the last two weeks of July after dropping significantly in the first half of the month, WorldACD figures highlight


One factor has been the partial recovery of North American outbound chargeable weight. After dropping more precipitously than usual this year in late June and early July around US Independence Day, North American outbound tonnages rose +5% in the last two weeks of July, on a 2Wo2W basis, and recovered to just -5% below their level this time last year. That volume recovery was boosted by a +6% increase to Asia Pacific in the last two weeks of July, compared with the previous two weeks, and a +4% rise to Europe in the same period, WorldACD noted. It highlighted that chargeable weight from Central & South America to Europe went down particularly strongly in the last two weeks of July (-10%) compared with the preceding two weeks, the only double-digit percentage variation in this period. But Asia Pacific outbound volumes have suffered the biggest decline on a year-on-year comparison basis, down -17% compared with the equivalent two weeks last year.

+4% -1% +1% -2% -5%+0% -3%-2% +7% +2%-3% -4%-3% +2% -2% +3% -3%

Trends based on more than 350 000 transactions per week This public report only shows high level trends For our participants we publish weekly data for hundreds of worldwide markets at different O&D levels Origin Regions last 2 to 5 weeks Region to Region last 2 weeks Worldwide last 5 weeks For further information: = Chargeable weight = Yield/rate incl.NorthchargesAmerica AmericaNorth Central & South America PacificAsia Africa Middle East & South Asia Europe Asia Pacific Last two weeks compared with the preceding two weeks (2Wo2W) Jul 18 24Jun 27 Jul 3 Jul 4 10 Jul 11 17 Jul 25 31 5% 2% +2% Published:0% Aug 04, 2022 Yield/rate (US$) 2021 Chargeable weight 2022Yield/rate (US$) 2022 Chargeable weight 2021 2Wo2W compares the last 2 weeks with the preceding 2 weeks this year. YoY compares the last 2 weeks with the same 2 weeks last year. Last 5 wks 2Wo2W YoY Africa -4% +12% Asia Pacific +1% -10% C. & S. America -1% -1% Europe -1% +13% M. East & S. Asia -1% +11% North America +3% +6% Worldwide +0% +5% Capacity¹ Last 5 wks 2Wo2W YoY -1% +11% -0% -17% -5% -5% -0% +0% +4% -9% +5% -5% +1% -7% Chargeable weight¹ Last 5 wks 2Wo2W YoY -1% +5% -4% +15% -1% +7% -3% +8% -5% +2% -1% +23% -3% +10% Yield/rate¹ Latest week: Mon 25 Jul - Sun 31 Jul 2022 (Week 30) 2021 $3.30 $3.33 $3.33 $3.37 $3.33 2022 $3.87 $3.80 $3.77 $3.69 $3.65 +6% -2% +1%-1% +1%-10%-5%-3% -5% -1% -5% +2% +1%-5%+0% -1% -1% Issue2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER

10 AUGUST 2022

lobal air cargo flown tonnages have stabilised in the last two weeks of July after dropping significantly in the first half of the month, although worldwide average rates continue to soften, the latest figures from WorldACD Market Data reveal.

Looking at week 30 (July 25 - 31) in isolation, worldwide chargeable weight remained stable compared with the previous week, and the average worldwide rate decreased slightly, based on the more than 350,000 weekly transactions covered by WorldACD’s data and analysis of the main international air cargo lanes. But comparing the last two weeks of July with the preceding two weeks (2Wo2W), average worldwide rates decreased -3% while chargeable weight increased +1% and overall capacity remained stable. That follows a -10% drop in chargeable weight in the first half of July, on a 2Wo2W basis (and a -12% year-on-year drop).

8 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 AIR FREIGHT NEWS


easonally adjusted general air cargo market performance data for July 2022 shows a continued slowing down of volume, load factor, capacity, and airfreight rates as the impact of economic and political uncertainties on world trade continue to hang over the industry.


Airfreight rates also continued to fall in July, relative to the June 2022 year-over-year analyses, CLIVE reports, although they remain at +121% versus July 2019 and +11% compared to the same month a year ago.

There are many dark clouds hanging over the air cargo industry given the state of the world right now. Volumes are subdued, and while air cargo rates are still elevated, they are slowly but surely easing back towards pre-Covid levels. From a rates point of view, indicators suggest the market has yet to bottom out. It’s clear that airlines are following the market very closely to ensure they are deploying their assets in the best possible way because the market is moving quickly. We have already seen freighters moving away from transatlantic routes. The slow slides in rates, compared to 2019 and 2021, continues by a handful of percentages each month. In January, rates were +156% compared to the same month in 2019. Now this figure is 121% or a reduction of 35% pts on a global scale. On the Atlantic, the decline in general airfreight rates we reported for the previous three months of 2022 continued in July. While this will be partly seasonal, the slight increase in load factor across the Atlantic relative to June – from 58% to 61% - might be a result of carriers and forwarders redirecting their freighter operations to other lanes, hence pushing up the load factor for the remaining flights on these routes.

Weekly market intelligence from industry analysts, CLIVE Data Services, now part of Xeneta, shows volumes dropped -9% in the first month of the third quarter compared to July 2021. Demand was also down -9% versus the same month of 2019. Capacity growth slowed to just +4% over the July 2021 level and was -11% to July 2019. This caused CLIVE’S ‘dynamic load factor’ measure to drop -8% pts year-over-year to 58%, taking into consideration both the weight and volume perspectives of cargo flown and capacity available to produce the most accurate indicator of airline performance.


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 9

The slowdown in the global air cargo market since March 2022 is ongoing, said Niall van de Wouw, founder of CLIVE and now Chief Airfreight Officer at Xeneta, with no let-up in the multitude of disruptions outside of the industry’s control. From uncertainties caused by the continuing war in Ukraine to the escalating ‘cost of living’ crisis and its impact on household budgets and business performance. Latest reports in the Netherlands, for example, show supermarket rates for groceries 20% higher on average, compared to 11 months ago; further impacting the discretionary spending of consumers. Closer to home, airlines and airports continue to suffer severe operational challenges due to significant shortages of ground staff.

Dealing with environmental impacts and contributing to renewable energy projects is an urgent need. That is why when we got LATAM Cargo’s invitation to be part of this initiative, we signed on straight away. We appreciate this amazing opportunity to be strategic allies contributing responsibly toward measures that benefit both the environment and the communities where the project is located.


enator International Chile S.A., an international cargo transport company, signed an alliance with LATAM Cargo, joining the 'Let’s Fly Neutral' program promoted by the airline. The program goal is to encourage customers to offset through a collaborative approach; for every ton of CO2 compensated by the customer, the Group will compensate for another ton.

With Let’s Fly Neutral, LATAM Cargo invites its strategic clients to access a platform that not only calculates their CO2 footprint, but also offers offset options through the purchase of carbon credits supporting projects in South America that generate an immediate impact on the environment and communities since they reduce, capture or prevent greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by an amount equivalent to their calculated carbon footprint.

The carbon offsets available on the platform are Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) units,certified under internationally recognized standards such as the VCS, the Gold Standard, the American Carbon Registry and the Climate Action Reserve, as well as United Nations Certified Emission Reduction (CER) units.

Among the projects available to receive funding under this program, Senator International Chile S.A. opted for one located in the Atacama Desert for clean and renewable solar energy production.

This project also aims to help position Chile as a leader in solar energy, diversify the energy matrix and create job and business opportunities in the Copiapó region.


10 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 AIR FREIGHT NEWS

Let’s Fly Neutral represents our spirit when it comes to sustainability. It promotes positive impacts by focusing resources on projects with international standards that produce an immediate effect, and prioritizes initiatives with environmental benefits, as well as social and economic benefits for the surrounding communities. Our program is based on collaboration, and we thank Senator-International Chile S.A. for their faith in it.

Its CO2 footprint compensation will benefit the Luz del Norte Photovoltaic Solar Park, located in the Atacama Desert, the largest of its kind in Chile and South America

Pablo Arze, Commercial Manager, Senator-International Chile S.A.

As of April 2022, the company has been offsetting its shipments on routes departing from Chile, the United States and Europe


Senior Manager of Marketing and Products at LATAM Cargo Cristina Oñate highlighted the uniqueness of the compensation program.

The forecasted surge in demand for US air cargo capacity will be largely driven by a lack of sailings with ocean suppliers

The capacity crunch will be driven by a perfect storm of cancelled China to US sailings, congestion at US airports, warehouse scarcity, labor shortage and rising inflation, he said.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 11

Set up to find realistic solutions to relieve airport congestion, the ACC will present findings to private, public, and government entities as workable policies for urgent new legislation.

The challenges for ocean carriers are well documented and we understand that they are looking after profit margins, but air capacity is already constrained by multiple factors. Congestion at major airports is exacerbating the strain on supply chains across the US. To rise to these challenges, the air forwarding community must better communicate with each other and learn to be adaptable. AfA is already meeting this challenge, driving the debate and developing new strategies to help the industry unite and find a common voice.

Fried was speaking at the LAACA June meeting at The Belamar Hotel, Manhattan Beach, California.

Last month, AfA launched its Airport Congestion Committee (ACC) as a key example of the Association’s proactive stance.


The air cargo community, and the transport industry at large, has been served up an alphabet of disasters over the past few years but AfA has continued to support its members and campaign for the air cargo community at large. We do this not only through lobbying on behalf of our members but also by actively creating solutions to speed up the passing of necessary legislation by the US government.

irforwarders Association members can rise to the challenge of an impending surge in demand for US air cargo capacity through better communication, Brandon Fried, Executive Director, Airforwarders Association has told members of the Los Angeles Air Cargo Association (LAACA).



FREIGHTSEA A system of transporting goods by ship. Related topics Shipping lines Ships'Biofuelsparts Sponsored by 12


Volumes from the Far East and the US East Coast are up by 11.9% year to date and were up 7.3% in May 2022 alone compared to the same time last year.

Over the 12-week period, the average capacity deployed by carriers on this trade was 210 000 TEU. Compared to the average weekly capacity in the same period last year, this is the equivalent of adding four 8 750 TEU ships a week.

In contrast, capacity deployed between the Far East and the USWC has fallen by 1.7% in the 12-week period, to an average of 310 000 TEU a week. In other words, there is still 100 000 TEU a week more sailing from the Far East to the USWC than there is to the USEC.

As many of these containers have been moved away from the West Coast to the East Coast, there has been a corresponding drop in volumes imported through the US West Coast from the Far East. These are down 8.0% year to date and were down by 12.8% in May alone compared to May 2021. Total imports from the Far East to North America have risen 0.9% year to date.

ontainer shipping capacity between the Far East and the US East Coast has risen sharply from last year as shippers have shifted volumes towards the East Coast (USEC) and away from the West Coast (USWC) – and carriers have responded by adjusting their networks.


imports to the US East Coast have seen schedule reliability drop to 18.7% in June, indicating that fewer than one in five ships are arriving on time, according to Sea-Intelligence. Those that are arriving late have an average delay of 9 days.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 13

The share of capacity between the two has, however, been adjusted. Last year, in the three months ending 24 July, 66.1% of the capacity from the Far East to the US went to the West Coast. This year that share has fallen to 61.3%. Looking at volumes shipped in May reveals a similar shift in the share between the two coasts. The share going to the West Coast has fallen to 59.8%, with the share to the East Coast rising by 4.4 percentage points in May 2022 compared to May 2021.


The shift in volumes has also led to a change in congestion around the two

In the past three months (as of July 24th), capacity between the Far East and the US EC rose by 18.9% compared to the same period in 2021 (Source: Sea-Intelligence).

Fewer ships arriving on the West Coast mean that even as onshore disruptions continue to pose huge problems, schedule reliability has in fact improved, reaching 24.8% in June, its highest level in over a year. However, this still means that three out of four ships are arriving late, clocking to an average delay of 9.9 days.

3 AUGUST 2022 | Source: XENETA


The immediate impact will be rerouting of the vessels through the eastern side of the island which will add a few days in the voyage of the containerised cargo, according to information shared by a customer of Container xChange with business in Taiwan.




The global average container prices decreased from $3339 in July to $2730 (so far in August) by 18%.

Nearly half the world's container ships passed through the narrow Taiwan Strait – which separates the island from the Chinese mainland – in the first seven months of this year, according to data compiled by


supply chain is interconnected and all the major stretches like Taiwan Strait are nerve centres of these value chains. And if any one stretch is blocked, the undercurrents are felt across the system. Especially at a time when the industry is busy shipping cargo for the peak season, the impact will be reverberated across. What will decide the degree of impact is the tenure of this disruption, said Christian Roeloffs, cofounder and CEO, Container xChange, a technology marketplace and operating platform for container logistic


trade disruptions across Taiwan, China, South Korea and Japan due to this if the military action persists longer or in intensity, another view is that the supply chain industry has built resilience over these past 2 years owing to many such shocks in the past. Case in point, we were expecting lockdowns in China (that lasted 2 months) to impact the peak season negatively. However, we do not see any such disruption, especially on container prices and leasing rates. Therefore, it will be very difficult to forecast the degree of impact that this show of strength by China will cause on containerised trade in these markets.

No signs of rise in container prices due to peak season shipping

Watch out for more in the August edition of our monthly container logistics report, ‘Where are all the containers’, a monthly round-up of insights and analysis on average container prices, leasing rates and container availability.

s the shipping world enters peak season shipping, freight forwarders and shippers are concerned about the geopolitical risks that will knock as tensions between China and Taiwan increase soon after the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan.

14 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 SEA FREIGHT NEWS

The average container prices have declined in the month of July as compared to the month of June in the United States by 20%, China by 5% and India by 7%. These prices continue to drop into the month of August so far across the U.S and China.

Average one-way pickup rates of cargo-worthy containers from Asia to North America decreased from $1612 in June to $1052 in July, by 35%. The pickup rates declined on China to the U.S stretch from $2088 in June to $1220 in July.

Average rates from Asia to the US West Coast continued their decline, falling 6% since last week to about $6,500/FEU, a level last seen back in May of 2021 and two-thirds lower than a year ago, according to the latest data from Freightos.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 15

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine

this week, but prices for container ship charters and secondhand sales, along with increased scheduled capacity through October, suggest carriers do not expect a collapse in volumes, according to freight rates specialist Freightos.


With the return of transatlantic passenger travel, the Freightos Air Index shows Europe - US East Coast prices are 28% lower than a year ago, but with added fuel costs and labour shortages are still about 50% higher than normal, Levine highlighted.

Average rates from Asia to the US West Coast have fallen 6% since last week to about $6,500/FEU, a level last seen back in May of 2021 and two-thirds lower than a year ago, according to the latest data from Freightos

These moves also suggest that carriers don’t anticipate port congestion to dissipate anytime soon: though trucker protests in Oakland were no longer impacting operations by the start of the week, congestion at inland rail hubs are creating a container backlog in LA/ Long Beach, and a buildup of empty containers is slowing operations on the East Coast, Levine said.


Despite the falling prices, there are signs that ocean carriers don’t view this trend as the start of a complete collapse, said Judah Levine, Head of Research, noting that continued elevated rates for secondhand and chartered container ships show ocean carriers are still looking for capacity. Carriers have also scheduled 20% more transpacific capacity through October compared to last year. FORWARDER magazine Issue

cean freight rates continued to slide

Ex-Asia air cargo typically experiences a lull in the summer months before the air peak season in the fall. marketplace rates show China – US West Coast prices have fallen 15% in the last month, though rates are still about twice the pre-pandemic norm, Levine noted.

Asia – N. Europe prices dipped 7% in the last two weeks and are 30% lower than last year, after being stable since the end of April. Asia - US East Coast rates ticked up 4%, possibly a sign of worsening congestion, but are nearly 50% lower than this time last year, Freightos reported.



his joint research piece by Windward and Sea-Intelligence – a leading provider of maritime research and analysis, data services, and advisory services within the global supply chain industry – focuses on overall transit time developments, congestion in Shanghai and what may happen when the port opens fully, plus questions supply chain planners should consider when adapting to this unprecedented situation.

Using Windward's insights from its Ocean Freight Visibility platform and Sea-Intelligence's extensive database of vessel movements and broader supply chain insights, we review not only the increased transit times that

have resulted from the overall global container shipping crisis, but also the implications for the broader supply chain.



Average voyage time to the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland for container vessels, by port origins

Some industry analyses focus solely on the waiting time outside of ports, but this only shows a partial picture of the real impact of congestion. Actionable insights from Windward’s Ocean Freight Visibility platform show that measuring the total transit time between a container vessel’s last port of call to the next offers a much more accurate picture, in part because carriers decide to slow steam their way to their next ports of call for better fuel efficiency, instead of sailing at regular speeds and waiting outside. Let’s go deeper and look at transit times…

16 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 SEA FREIGHT NEWS

In January 2022, the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland were still dealing with the much-discussed congestion crisis that started towards the end of the previous year. According to Windward’s AIdriven insights, the impact of the congestion could be felt by the unusual average length of port calls by container vessels to these ports, which stood at 10.9 days during the first week for 2022, nearly twice the average for 2021.

Unprecedented lows

Container vessels that called the port of Yantian in April 2022

The congestion can be seen more clearly when looking at the transit time to these ports for container vessels from their previous port of call. January 2022 saw an increase of 99% in transit time compared to January 2021, and some voyages experienced a much higher average increase, such as those originating in Tacoma, U.S. (8.9 days vs. 2 days), Manzanillo, Mexico (28.8 days vs. 11.5 days) or Busan, South Korea (29.9 days vs. 18.5 days).

In recent weeks, all eyes were turned towards the congestion throughout China, due to the strict Covid policy across a country that is home to seven of the world’s ten largest container ports.

carriers have been forced to blank a number of sailings from Asia, often due to congestion in Europe and the U.S. tying up vessels for far longer than planned, resulting in ships being physically unavailable to maintain normal sailings.

WANT TO TALK ABOUT YOUR OWN SEA FREIGHT NEWS? Get in touch with Freight Solutions on or +1 (312) 496 6624

The first significant container port affected in the country was Yantian, when Shenzhen went into lockdown between March 14-20, 2022.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 17

Data from Sea-Intelligence’s latest Global Liner Performance report show that vessel schedule accuracy, while improving slightly in March 2022, has been declining to unprecedented lows during the period from 2020 to


Global congestion, particularly in China

During the week of March 20, immediately after restrictions were lifted in the region, Windward’s AI-driven insights show a spike of 51.25% in the average length of port calls by container vessels at Yantian port. In April, the average transit time from the previous port of call to berthing at Yantian rose by 98%, compared to April 2021, with container vessels arriving from Taiwan and Vietnam spending an additional 81% and 45%, respectively, on the water, before being able to berth at the port.

It should be noted that for 96% of container vessels that berthed at Yantian in April 2022, the port was a short distance away from their previous port of call, so in many cases a two-digit increase in voyage time represents an addition of one-two days compared to the transit times of April 2021. But when aggregated over what used to be multiple short and quick voyages, it escalates quickly into a serious challenge.

On April 5, 2022, Shanghai extended what was a partial lockdown to a full, city-wide lockdown, and has remained tightly restricted since. Interestingly, the picture seems to be quite different in Shanghai, as some voyages required less transit times than in April 2021, such as container vessels arriving from Australia (-41%), Canada (-26%), and from other ports in China (-12% on average for 602 vessels). But there were still hundreds of container vessels that required a considerable amount of additional transit time to berth at Shanghai during April 2022, including over 300 arriving from Taiwan (+34%), South Korea (+25%), Philippines (+25%), and Japan (+17%).

This data is from before the Shanghai lockdown!

18 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

A snapshot of container vessels waiting outside of Shanghai

Looking at Windward data from April 2022, container vessels sailing towards the Port of Ningbo, the world’s third largest container port and a close neighbor to the Port of Shanghai, experienced a rise of 27% in transit time from their previous port of call to a container terminal in Ningbo, compared to the same month in 2021. Container vessels originating from Taiwan had it the worst, with the average length of voyage increasing by 48% that month, followed by those originating from South Korea with a 38% increase, and Japan with a 32% increase.


The interesting question is the question everybody asks, but nobody has the answer to: what will happen when Shanghai fully opens up?

To answer this question, one must look to the effect on the broader supply chain, which, as we know, consists of an awful lot of interlocking and interdependent activities; many, but not all of which are only indirectly related to ocean transit times.

containerships only, the picture is still disturbing, but not quite as dramatic. The fear is massive, prolonged congestion, of course, and various analysis firms have taken stabs at calculating the impact, with estimates ranging from 1 to 2.5 months to clear the port.

Sea-Intelligence Global Liner Performance Report, April '22

In addition, Windward data shows that in April 2022, the average length of a port call for container vessels was six hours longer than in April 2021, a 26% increase. Considering there were 828 port calls made to Ningbo by container vessels in April 2022, this represents an additional 4,968 hours that container vessels spent berthing at the port.

The day after in Shanghai

The shipping-related bubble on the internet has been drowned in pictures of what looks like the world’s supply of ships waiting off Shanghai, but those pictures are often highly misleading, as they show practically anything and everything that can float, including navigation

Sea-Intelligence Global Liner Performance Report, April '22


And what will happen at the destination gateway ports, where both trucking capacity and importers’ ability to turn the boxes quickly are also highly questionable, first in the U.S. and now also in Europe?

The port has technically remained open and functional, although it has largely handled prepositioning of empty containers in anticipation of the opening, as well as reefer and a few dry imports. Export containers through the port, on the other hand, have been few indeed, as the rules imposed on truckers bringing those boxes to the port have rendered their operations practically impossible.

And this is where we leave the port for a moment and look at the import and export chain outside the gates. From a supply chain perspective, the question is not just centered on the ports and the transit time. There will eventually be a highly visible crisis when the “ketchup effect” hits, given that both the U.S. and Europe ports are suffering from very high congestion levels – and in the case of the U.S., far lower productivity – and the question on a supply chain planner’s mind is total lead time, of which ocean transport is only one component.

But for those export operations to run efficiently, the port must first be drained of a substantial amount of the prepositioned empties, which will take time. Shanghai is now bursting with such containers, and if not cleared or substantially reduced, there may be little room for export loading movements to occur as smoothly as they normally do.

The above estimates presuppose, however, that everything else in the Shanghai hinterland functions as smoothly as it did prior to the lockdown, and that’s a big assumption.

Difficult questions

Will there be enough trucks and chassis to handle this flood? Will there be enough labor to stuff boxes? Will there be sufficient raw materials and labor to restart production? Will the containers be stuck in long lines at the port because of the mad dash to get boxes gated in from all over the Shanghai catchment area, combined with insufficient export operations space? Will there be congestion surcharges imposed on shipments? Will there be import demurrage and port storage charges, because of the vast demand on trucking capacity?

It must therefore be assumed that when the port does reopen, it will be mainly for imports of full containers, many of which contain raw materials required for the starved factories in the hinterland to function. Export containers will consist of goods produced before or during the lockdown, but held up in export facilities at the factories, or elsewhere. There is no way of knowing how many containers are, or can already be, stuffed and ready to move, but it is safe to say that the amount is substantial.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 19

A snapshot of container vessels waiting outside of Ningbo

If you are a supply chain planner, you are currently asking yourself a lot of questions, and many of them will be difficult to answer:

Port congestion and global supply chain issues are complex and require a much closer look than simply counting the number of vessels outside ports. Also, the impact of congestion seems to widely differ based on the origin of vessels. To remain resilient during such chaotic times, it is critical to rely on the best possible source of truth that will provide you with the most complete picture, in real-time. Trusted advisors and Maritime AI technology can help.

In addition, modern weather routing algorithms can help ships avoid storms or rough waters that would slow down their progress. There is even different weather routing software that easily provides navigators data about different route options. Here are some reasons why weather routing makes ships more efficient:

• Weather routing allows navigators to make adjustments based on conditions, so ships don't need to spend as much time in port. Navigators can take advantage of favorable conditions to reduce the amount of time spent waiting for favorable conditions to return.

What Is Weather Routing?


By analyzing the various factors affecting the ship's performance, ship navigators can calculate the most efficient route, even if it covers more distance. When ship navigators receive feedback from their computers about how much time it takes to complete the mission, they adjust the ship's course accordingly.

Weather Routing for Fuel-Efficient Shipping

Weather routing for shipping isn't limited to its ability to increase efficiency. It has many benefits beyond just fuel savings. Other benefits of weather routing include the following:

Weather routing involves taking into account multiple factors, from the air temperature to winds, tides, currents, waves, and atmospheric pressure, when calculating an optimal route. The results are then sent back to the ship's navigational system so the vessel can plot the best course.

Other Benefits of Weather Routing

Weather routing is used to determine the safest and most efficient route across oceans, seas, or any body of water. It's also used to plan trips between ports where conditions such as tide, wind, and current vary greatly throughout the day. As a result, ships are able to be more efficient in their travels.

• Thanks to technology, weather routing can give ships greater flexibility in planning their routes. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to create advanced algorithms that allow vessels to predict changes in wind patterns and other factors that can impact the efficiency of their trip. These systems can also be used to warn ships of impending storms or other hazardous conditions.

The process begins with a forecast of conditions along the entire route. Using these forecasts, ship navigators determine which conditions will affect the performance of different parts of the vessel. Afterward, they analyze the effects of the prevailing conditions on the ship and decide whether to take one route versus another.

• Weather routing takes into consideration the effect that certain variables (such as the strength of the wind and the speed of the current) will have on the ship's performance. As a result, ships can adjust their speeds accordingly. This allows them to travel longer distances without burning up too much energy.

For example, if there is a strong current running against the direction of travel, he may decide not to use a full-power engine while sailing through the water. This is because doing so could cause the propeller shafts to become fouled. If the current is very strong, he might choose to sail only half-powered rather than risk losing control of the ship.

20 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

he shipping industry has been revolutionized by technological advances over the past years. These improvements have resulted in dramatic improvements for both international and domestic shipping routes.


Issue2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER

One of the most significant developments in the evolution of navigation systems is weather routing. This development has enabled shipping companies to navigate more efficiently and safely than ever before. In this article, we'll look at the importance of weather routing, its part in improving fuel efficiency, and other benefits it brings to the shipping industry.


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 21


Another benefit of weather routing is that it reduces the cost associated with navigating around dangerous areas. While navigating safely is important, it's also necessary to consider costs. Weather routing helps ships save money by reducing the number of days at sea that they must remain idle before returning home. In turn, this saves the vessel owner money by allowing him to send fewer ships out on voyages. Additionally, reduced fuel consumption means greater savings for shipping companies.

Reducing Costs


The Bottom Line

Bash Sarmiento, FORWARDER magazine Issue


Increased Productivity

Ships that travel efficiently and safely through weather routing can cover more ground and complete transporting goods faster. With less downtime, the company that owns the vessel will enjoy higher profits from its business operations. They can also focus on making improvements to their business instead of spending time dealing with weather delays. As an added benefit, the ship crew can work more efficiently because they're not wasting time standing around waiting for unfavorable weather to pass.

Better Customer Service


Lower Carbon Emissions

Weather routing is an important aspect of shipping logistics. One of the main benefits of using weather routing is that it leads to fuelefficient shipping. Shipping companies who use weather routing for their operations can guarantee reduced fuel consumption. However, the benefits of weather routing go beyond just saving fuel. With weather routing, companies can also improve productivity, increase customer service, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

One of the benefits of weather routing is improved safety. Vessel owners can better protect themselves and their crews by knowing when bad weather is heading toward their destination. If they know there's going to be a storm before it arrives, then they can make preparations to ensure the safety of the crew members and cargo.

Shipping companies cater to numerous customers. Customers all around the world rely on these businesses to bring cargo where it needs to go. Because weather routing improves efficiency and increases service, these companies are able to provide exceptional customer service. For example, if a company knows that a particular area is prone to severe weather, it can alert customers who want to transport items through that region. This allows companies to plan ahead and avoid unpleasant surprises for their customers.

Improving Safety

As mentioned earlier, weather routing can help shipping companies reduce fuel consumption. Ships are responsible for producing a large amount of CO2 during their operations. Fortunately, weather routing can decrease this amount significantly. By avoiding certain regions where severe weather is likely, ships can travel further without generating as much greenhouse gas emissions. This means that shipping companies can contribute to environmental sustainability in the low-carbon era.


FREIGHTROAD A system of transporting goods by road. Related topics LastCouriersGroupagemile Sponsored by 22

Andy Blanchard, Sr. Vice President, RoadOne IntermodaLogtistics


This initiative represents a strong collaborative effort between RoadOne, IKEA, the Port of Baltimore, and Nikola Corporation, the electric truck manufacturer. The Port of Baltimore has been an extremely positive partner in supporting the infrastructure needs of RoadOne electric trucks.

Many of our customers are fully committed to reducing their carbon footprint to enable a greener, healthier planet. This electric truck program helps to support their sustainability goals, as well as RoadOne’s dedication to good corporate citizenship and working to improve the environmental impact of our business. Thank you, William P. Doyle and the entire Maryland Port Administration, for your commitment to this project and efforts to make it a success.

Ken Kellaway, CEO, RoadOne IntermodaLogistics



Thank you to all involved with bringing this wonderful, sustainability advancement to fruition. It was truly a collaborative effort in testing the zero-emission Nikola Tre BEV Class 8 electric truck at the Port of Baltimore. We’re excited to be at the forefront of reducing emissions. We’ll soon be adding two electric drayage trucks that will transport containers from the Port of Baltimore to IKEA’s distribution center in Perryville, Maryland every day.

William P. Doyle, Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration

Nonantum Capital is a mid-market private equity group based in Boston with strong transportation expertise that is a financial sponsor of RoadOne. They support RoadOne’s growth efforts and business expansion into new market sectors via both acquisition and organic growth.

We’re committed to offsetting the environmental impacts from port operations with green projects that meet our stewardship goals and provide community benefits. The introduction of electric trucks at the Port of Baltimore will reduce diesel emissions improving air quality for the port and adjacent communities. We’ve found a good partner in RoadOne and are pleased to further our environmental goals with them.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 23

RoadOne is the first company at the Port of Baltimore to engage in an electric truck pilot, and is one of the first on the U.S. East Coast. This green initiative is projected to remove 11,000 gallons of diesel fuel per truck and its emissions over a one-year period. This is the first of many climate friendly projects from RoadOne.

oadOne IntermodaLogistics, a single source intermodal, distribution, and logistics services company, announces the launch of its national sustainability initiative with an electric truck pilot with IKEA, A top 20 U.S. importer, the Port of Baltimore and Nikola Corporation. RoadOne is committed to environmentally friendly logistics and drayage practices through innovation and first to market green logistics solutions.


Two of the drivers surpassed three million accident-free miles: Johnny Bass of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Paul Hartman of Blythe, California. In addition, 23 drivers exceeded two million accident-free miles, and 90 drivers became first-time million milers at one million miles. XPO tracks accident-free miles in its LTL network as part of Road to Zero, the company’s comprehensive safety program.

We are proud to be able to deliver our trademark quality service to the Canadian market and look forward to what the future holds for our cross border operations.

SEFL’s commitment to customer satisfaction was recognized and validated by a recent visit to the El Paso, Texas Service Center by the Consul General of Canada, Rachel McCormick. While on-site, McCormick met with members of the SEFL team, who engaged in discussions around supply chain challenges, fleet electrification and cross border relations. SEFL’s involvement in these conversations places the brand on the forefront of the latest developments in cross border operations and lays the groundwork for continued success between the company and the Canadian government.


XPO is one of the largest providers of LTL transportation in North America, with a network of 292 terminals and approximately 12,000 professional truck drivers. The company is investing in expanding its LTL customer service capacity with additional drivers, dockworkers, tractors and trailers, as well as 900 net new doors by year-end 2023.

24 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 ROAD FREIGHT NEWS



Mario Harik, acting president for less-than-truckload, XPO Logistics

The relationships we’ve fostered across Canada, not only with our customers, but with key business stakeholders at the governmental level, have paved the way for our current and continued success.

PO Logistics has honoured 115 of the company’s truck drivers for reaching ‘million-miler’ status in the first six months of 2022. Their achievements add a collective 142 million accident-free miles to the strong safety record of XPO’s North American less-than-truckload (LTL) business.


David Atkinson, Director of International Business, SEFL

outheastern Freight Lines, the leading provider of regional less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation services, has enjoyed sustainable and rapid growth in U.S.-Canada cross border operations via SEFL Canada. Bolstered by robust relationships north of the border, SEFL Canada provides daily service into Canada’s two largest markets, Ontario and Quebec. International business development has been a key segment for SEFL for 25 years, with Canada serving as a prominent piece of the company’s business model along the way. In moving commodities like paper, textiles, chemicals and high-value goods between borders, SEFL Canada is extending its signature 'Quality Without Question' service to our northern neighbors.



It’s gratifying to see the widespread safety impact of our million milers in 2022. Our 115 honorees come from 34 states and set an outstanding example across our network. We thank them and all our drivers for building a world-class safety culture at XPO.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 25

We recognized that not all trucking companies have equal system capabilities and to make the standards openly available and attractive to use for all truckers, we had to provide an easy way for all to participate. That meant we had to find software-as-a-service companies that could deliver the kind of status updates in the formats that we were looking for from an industry perspective. After a collaborative extensive market search, we found several providers that offered the kind of services that are needed to support the smaller trucking providers without their own system. Now we just have to show that it is possible in practice.

The main objective of the pilot is to close the communication gap between the truck driver, the trucking company’s head office, and the airline.

The goal is to minimize loading and unloading times, thus increasing the speed of air cargo transportation by road. At the same time, airlines will benefit from end-to-end supply chain visibility of air cargo shipments subjected to road transport. Our team has worked hard over the past two years to build an innovative platform based on the latest technologies to provide end-to-end digital logistics and transport supply chain visibility.

With the creation of the data model to ease communication between the trucking CDM platform and the airlines, all stakeholders involved in the transport of an air freight shipment can plan and monitor the transportation status of their shipments combined with all related truck movement information, whether messaging or API technology is being used.

6 JULY 2022 | Source: CARGO IQ

ross-stakeholder organization Cargo iQ has initiated a pilot study to enhance shipment visibility and increase speed in the road freight segment of an air cargo shipment’s journey, with Emirates Airlines, Jan de Rijk, and software company CargoHub co-operating for the trial.

Truck movement information includes all air shipment data relating to trucking planning information and start and end loading and unloading dates and times.

Raoul Paul, Chief Executive Officer, CargoHub

The study will trial Cargo iQ’s new Road Feeder Services messaging standards, which aim to close the communication gap between trucking companies and airlines during the road transport of airfreight

The pilot will test new Cargo iQ Road Feeder Services (RFS) specifications for practicality, ensuring that the message standards to be exchanged between CargoHub, the trucking company and the airline work in practice.

Cargo iQ is setting the milestone requirements for status updates, indicating which messages the trucking companies have to send, and CargoHub will standardize the content of the messages by ‘translating’ it for the airlines. Ultimately, the RFS specification will be integrated into the Cargo iQ Master Operating Plan and the potential IT service solutions will be standardized to fit the Cargo iQ requirements, allowing members to choose one of the potential providers. Lothar Moehle, Executive Director, Cargo iQ

Laurent Lebouille, Chair of the Cargo iQ RFS sub working group & Manager Process, Planning & Project Delivery at SkyCargo, Emirates


Emirates Airlines is also part of the collaborative effort to standardize operational status updates for air cargo carried on trucks.


Pilot participant CargoHub is providing the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) platform, which provides transparent and predictable information on truck movements to handling agents and/or airlines and provides capacity and cargo availability information to trucking companies.

FREIGHTRAIL The use of railroads and trains to transport cargo, as opposed to human passengers. Related topics Belt & Road Initiative RailHS2 terminals and depots 26

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 27


North America leads the global rail freight transport market in size owing to its extensive network of railways spanning over 200,000 miles, the report highlights. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific market for rail freight transport is slated to be driven by incorporation of smart systems and technology in freight cars. And emerging economies are eyeing major investments in rail freight transport to help the transportation mode in scaling new heights by overcoming challenges presented by changes in the logistics industry, the report notes.

he global market for rail freight transportation is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3% over the next four years from its current estimated scale of US$169.8 Billion in 2022, to reach a revised size of US$205.3 Billion by 2026, a new study has concluded.

Connecting different transport modes to the rail transport system, the intermodal segment is gaining from various trends including globalization, growing domestic intermodal transport, increasing focus on containerization and surge in international transportation, the study highlights. It notes that several companies are equipping freight cars with electronic data interchange with barcodes for offering near real-time response to clients, with the technology anticipated to help companies in exchanging status and orders with their clients and suppliers. These intelligent systems allow companies to reduce inventory and ensure faster replenishment of stocks, the authors highlight.

Intermodals, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to grow at a 3.7% CAGR to reach US$96 billion by the end of the analysis period, according to the Rail Freight Transportation Global Market study by

Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 2.8% and 4.1%, respectively, over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 3.3% CAGR, while the rest of the European market (as defined in the study) will reach US$35.5 billion by the end of the analysis period.

Will Waters, contributing editor,

The report notes that implementation of new technologies, developing infrastructure and other such factors are the main reasons for the market growth of rail freight, noting that transport operators in the rail freight transport market are using advanced technology such as GSM and GPS for addressing issues such as theft and loss of goods. In addition to offering high security levels and allowing freight monetization, these technologies are enabling efficient transport of smaller loads through rail freight over shorter distances.

It also highlights that growth in rail freight markets is being driven by rising freight volumes, infrastructure development and adoption of sophisticated technology. The market growth is fueled by technological advances and efforts by various countries such as China to boost rail freight volumes to curb pollution. While road transportation accounts for over half of transport volumes in several countries, increasing traffic, emissions and cost are driving governments to opt for rail freight transport.

The rail freight transportation market in the US is estimated at US$58 billion in the year 2022, he with the country currently accounting for a 34.4% share in the global market. China, the world's second-largest economy, is forecast to reach an estimated market size of US$35.4 billion in 2026, thanks to an average CAGR of 5.5% through the analysis period.

US market estimated at $58bn in 2022

26 AUGUST 2022

FORWARDER magazine

Worldwide market set to exceed US$200bn by 2026, with the US remaining by far the biggest national market, estimated at US$58 billion in 2022 and accounting for a 34.4% share of global rail freight






As one would expect in Supply Chain Logistics, IntelliTrans’ first years were filled with discovering just how many challenges its customers faced. Some of the very first shipments traced were flatbed rail cars with heavy equipment, and these shipments were delayed due to an unprecedented flood in the summer of 1993 in St. Louis. This was one of the first major supply chain disruptions IntelliTrans helped its customers through, but certainly not the last.

In 1999, GE Rail exited its strategic rail management business; GE still wanted to provide additional services to its rail leasing customers, so it invested in IntelliTrans. This investment was one of the key drivers for fueling accelerated growth.



In 1998, IntelliTrans expanded its capabilities with short sea shipping visibility and execution in Europe and expanded work on its early SaaS software model.


30 key points to honor how IntelliTrans has evolved

With growing expertise in moving forest products, IntelliTrans acquired a business in the UK that provided a port & warehouse operating system for facilities specializing in forest products. Through that relationship, IntelliTrans reached out to Stora Enso, a paper manufacturer in the EU. Through that relationship, IntelliTrans established a truly multi-modal shipment management platform to address the EU market.

IntelliTrans was founded in 1992 in San Francisco in a shared office with Southern Pacific Railroad. It began by helping shippers with modal conversion from road to rail to reduce transport costs and road traffic.

ntelliTrans, the leader in global multimodal solutions that optimize supply chain operations for bulk and break-bulk product manufacturers, celebrates 30 years in business, successfully helping clients to save costs on transportation spend, improve service to customers, and increase sustainability efforts.

Shipment "visibility" isn't as new as it might seem from marketing in recent years. IntelliTrans started tracking shipments and providing visibility in 1993. The first shipments were not tracked automatically –the company collected data, then used Access and Excel for communication, analysis, and decision-making.


In 1994, the company moved to Boston to be closer to its customer base and better align with the time zones generating most of the work.

A large manufacturer of lumber and paperbased products was IntelliTrans’ first customer (and still is). Brian Cupp, IntelliTrans’ Director of Operations, got his start with IntelliTrans working with the company in Crossett, AR, on a modal conversion & rail transportation visibility improvement project. This client example has proven that the technology, services, and “stick-toitiveness” of IntelliTrans are valuable to customers.




It wasn't just natural disasters that affected supply chain capabilities; IntelliTrans learned there were other challenges its customers face. In this case, the cargo on those same shipments delayed due to the unprecedented flood was vandalized while idle in that area.


28 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 RAIL FREIGHT NEWS 10 AUGUST 2022 | Source:

In 1996, the company moved its headquarters to Atlanta, GA, where it remains today. IntelliTrans joined numerous other logistics-focused businesses in Atlanta like Norfolk Southern, UPS, and others. In part, this decision was a logistical one - being located near a world-class airport like ATL helped with the increased travel required to serve customers and expand the business. Additionally, the move to Atlanta increased access to talent from leading local universities.




A Introduces the Open Message Systems Interface (OMSI) makes ERP integration easy across Ocean, Rail, Barge, Truck, and Intermodal Shipments

Since its inception, IntelliTrans has expanded its customer base and solutions offerings to capture over 40% of the rail carload business and become the top TMS for specialty equipment in the commodities industry.


IntelliTrans began expanding relationships with key industry players. One of these critical relationships was with Norfolk Southern. This resulted in working on several key projects relating to multi-modal shipment and inventory visibility.


In 2008, the IntelliTrans Global Visibility Platform was introduced.


In 2021, IntelliTrans was recognized in the 2021 GartnerÒ Magic QuadrantÔ for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms under the niche category.




In April 2006, IntelliTrans was acquired by Roper Technologies.



In 2003, IntelliTrans invested in expanding its software and services offering. This resulted in the development of its first ocean visibility module and the beginnings of the intervention and operations support model.


In early 2000, IntelliTrans continued looking for expansion opportunities. This would lead them to execute several strategic acquisitions for future growth. IntelliTrans acquired five businesses: RoadRunner rail tracking; RADSS for tracking/ tracing rail cars, analytics, and equipment management; Bridgepoint from CSX for rail tracking; August Design for software development; and VMI from GE.

In 2012, predictive analytics was introduced to the IntelliTrans technology stack.

This expansion of crucial industry relationships continued when the company added Warehouse Management for CN transload. Over time, this expanded as other railroads and transload operators have implemented Materials Management Systems (M2S) to manage their transload facilities.

In 2019, the Supply Chain Control Tower was introduced with deep operational control of all modes for all parties.


D Offers IntelliVision, a live interactive Q&A webinar about the state of the transportation industry. The first episode covered: the great resignation, rail performance, and how shippers can be most successful after the pandemic.


An unrelated acquisition by Roper Technologies would set up a new path for IntelliTrans's future as Roper Technologies acquired TransCore in 2004.



In 2022, IntelliTrans...


The VMI acquisition led to additional opportunities. In December 2002, IntelliTrans acquired Global VMI from GE Plastics due to the synergies between their solutions, including a solution for collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 29

With Roper’s backing, IntelliTrans’ technologies (VMI, M2S, rail and analytics, fleet and yard management, and the CarrierPoint TMS) were integrated under the IntelliTrans brand.



In 2004, IntelliTrans expanded its multi-modal visibility offering to a new mode, barge.

C Wins Inbound Logistics Top 100 Logistics IT Award

In 2017, IntelliTrans added machinelearning technology.

The University of Central Arkansas (UCA) served as the proving ground for this transportation services location concept. In a conference room at UCA, six people began providing transportation services to our customers – 17 years and three moves to larger offices later, it has grown to almost 100 people and continues to grow.

In 2009, IntelliTrans opened an office in Gothenburg.

However, this disappointing discovery led to a significant event for IntelliTrans. Through the conversation with TransCore, Roper Technologies began looking at IntelliTrans as a potential acquisition.

B Recognized in 2022 GartnerÒ Magic QuadrantÔ for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms for the second time.


In 2005, IntelliTrans decided to open a transportation services office in Conway, Arkansas, a growing technology and supply chain-focused community near Little Rock, to enable the company to support growth in its expanding supply chain services offering.

IntelliTrans continued to look at ways to serve its customers better. They began exploring the market for acquiring a truck TMS application to expand its services to the helping its customers with expanded truck needs. This search led IntelliTrans to an application called CarrierPoint, but the company was too late – TransCore had recently acquired Carrierpoint.

CARGOPROJECT The transportation of large, heavy, high-value or critical (to the project they are intended for) pieces of equipment. Related topics Heavy Abnormallift load OOG (out of gauge) Sponsored by 30

Another successfully handled shipment from TransOcean Shipping!


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 31

ransOcean Hungary have recently handled a number of shipments these past few months involving a wide variety of cargo; please keep an eye on our news section to receive all their upcoming updates!


This third shipment involves a paint system pre-treatment cabin which was exported from Hungary to Norfolk in the United States, loaded in a 7 x 40' flat rack.

TransOcean Shipping have been PCN members since 2014 in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia.

21 JULY 2022 | Source:


Their fourth shipment involves a glass production line which was exported from Hungary to Veracruz in Mexico, loaded in a 1 x 40' flat rack.


ransOcean Hungary have recently handled a number of shipments these past few months involving a wide variety of cargo; please keep an eye on our news section to receive all their upcoming updates!

Another successfully handled shipment from TransOcean Shipping!

TransOcean Shipping have been PCN members since 2014 in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia.




32 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 33

The team had a short timeline to move the equipment since the building was going to be sold in four weeks. To prepare, C.H. Robinson’s project logistics team - including their solution design engineersand the customer worked to develop an all-inclusive solution for the project, including pickup, storage, crating, and container service to the destination ports.

C.H. Robinson’s careful planning, proactive communication throughout the life of the project, and information advantage drove better outcomes for their customer.

of 5 sailings, they helped transport one 20-foot and four 40-foot out of gauge flatracks, one 20-foot standard container, thirty-three 40-foot-high cube containers, and one 45-foot-high cube

Once the day arrived for tear-down, C.H. Robinson worked with their contract carriers to arrange pick up, storage, and crating for all the equipment. Due to equipment shortages, the team originally planned on moving the over-length cargo via RO/RO but after working with the container lines, they were able to secure a 45’ container which allowed the equipment to move together.

The customer had never taken on such a large project before, so they looked to C.H. Robinson’s logistics experts to work as an extension of their team. To start, a C.H. Robinson project logistics expert visited the plant to survey the equipment and determine the scope of the project.


.H. Robinson, our (Project Cargo Network's) members from Canada, recently completed a series of shipments from a plant closure in New York to locations across the globe. Most of the equipment had been sold off, but five machine lines were being sent to other plants, including Colombia, Peru, and Morocco.

In total, 262 pieces of equipment, measuring 1,377 cubic meters and weighing 310 metric tons, were transported. The project utilized C.H. Robinson’s global suite of services, including trucking, warehousing, crating, container loading, blocking, bracing, drayage, ocean export, and Overinsurance.thecourse



Any place where persons and merchandise are allowed to pass, by water or land, into and out of a country and where customs are stationed to inspect or appraise imported goods.

Related topics Cargo DrayageContainerhandlingterminals 34



FORWARDER magazine

Jonathan Gold, Vice President, Supply Chain & Customs Policy, NRF

US container imports remain at record high levels and are expected to stay high as we head into the peak shipping season, with US retail representatives urging port negotiators to avoid operational disruptions as west coast port labour contract talks continue.

Cargo volume is expected to remain high as we head into the peak shipping season, and it is essential that all ports continue to operate with minimal disruption. Supply chain challenges will continue throughout the remainder of the year, and it is particularly important that labour and management at West Coast ports remain at the bargaining table and reach an agreement.

The monthly Global Port Tracker report from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Hackett Associates highlights that US container imports set another record high this spring as the nation’s major container ports worked to reduce congestion and retailers stocked up before dockworkers’ West Coast labour contract expired.

Ports saw a surge in activity this spring as a slowdown in cargo from Chinese factories closed by COVID-19 gave them a chance to clear built-up congestion. Retailers bringing in seasonal merchandise and importing other goods early to avoid any problems related to the contract negotiations may have also contributed to volume, the report noted.

The contract between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association expired 1 July, but cargo operations are continuing. NRF and more than 150 groups wrote to President Biden last week asking the administration to work with both sides to avoid disruption.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 35

Congestion of ships waiting to berth on the West Coast has eased, and we expect to see the same on the East Coast as carriers begin to return to their normal patterns of port calls. After a short period of decline, freight rates are on the rise again as congestion in Europe and idle vessels there take capacity out of circulation.

11 JULY 2022


Ben Hackett , Associates founder, Hackett

Will Waters, contributing editor,

US ports covered by Global Port Tracker handled 2.4 million TwentyFoot Equivalent Units – one 20-foot container or its equivalent – in May, the latest month for which final numbers are available. That was up 6 percent from April and up 2.7 percent year over year. It also set a new record for the number of containers imported in a single month since NRF began tracking imports in 2002, topping 2.34 million TEU this March. July is forecast at 2.31 million TEU, up 5.3 percent from last year, and would be the fourth-busiest month on record. August is forecast at 2.26 million TEU, down 0.5 percent year over year; September at 2.12 million TEU, down 0.8 percent; October also at 2.12 million TEU, down 4.1 percent, and November at 2.06 million TEU, down 2.5 percent. The year-over-year declines during the second half of the year contrast with unusually high numbers during the same period in 2021, but volumes remain high, and the full year is still expected to see a net increase over 2021. Imports for all of 2021 totaled 25.8 million TEU, a 17.4 percent increase over 2020’s previous annual record of 22 million TEU.

ith cargo volumes expected to remain high as we head into the peak shipping season, National Retail Federation says ‘it is essential that all ports continue to operate with minimal disruption’

ontainer xChange’s new Demurrage & Detention Benchmark 2022 report, published today, compares Demurrage & Detention (D&D) rates* imposed on customers by the world’s ten largest shipping lines across 60 of the world’s biggest container ports.

For Hong Kong, where the container congestion was the worst, there was a 105% hike in its D&D charges from $813. Hong Kong recorded a fall of 8.9% in its D&D charges, coming down to $1515. The trend reversed slightly, with D&D charges falling in some of the major ports but continuing to increase in Dalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, and Shanghai.


COSCO shipping line has the lowest Demurrage and detention fees amongst the top shipping lines studied (part of the research report)

Shanghai, Qingdao and Ningbo – which are 3 of only 8 ports that increased in Demurrage and detention (D&D) charges in 2022, still exhibit a much lower D&D charge in general, ranking #43, #52 and #42 on the global list respectively. On average, the D&D charges at these 8 Chinese ports rose from $390 in 2020 to $700 in 2021 – a staggering rise of 79.4%. The average D&D charges for these 8 ports in China fell to $614, declining by 12.2%.

U.S. importers and exporters face the highest shipping charges


The report notes that global average D&D charges levied by container lines on customers two weeks after cargo were discharged from the vessel increased by 38% for standard-sized containers from $586 in 2020 to $868 in 2021. So far in 2022, average D&D charges by major ports have declined to an average of $664 per container by 26%, although fees remain far higher than pre-pandemic at around 12%.

Throughout this pandemic, as shipping costs have soared and inflation has become a threat to the global economy, it has become critical for shippers to develop visibility into container operations to manage costs like Demurrage and Detention. China leads the world in maritime exports and even though it has some of the busiest ports in the world, they've ensured they are the most efficient – even during lockdowns. Christian Roeloffs, co-founder, Container xChange.

The U.S. came out worse regarding D&D costs in regional comparisons in Container xChange’s Demurrage & Detention Benchmark 2022 report. By region, D&D charges in May in the US were the highest at $2,692 per container. This compared to $549 in Europe, $482 in India, $453 in China and $366 in the ‘Rest of Asia’.

D&D charges across 8 key ports in China increased by a staggering rate of 79% from $390 in 2020 to $700 in 2021; while still being much lower than the U.S.

Please download the full report from com/reports/demurrage-detention-benchmark-2022/https://www.container-xchange.

This is because the recent container logjams in both the US ports forced shipping lines to reduce the free days in order to incentivize the customers to remove the boxes. This also explains why the D&D rates are lowest in places where free days are highest.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 37

The main reasons for lower congestion in ports like Busan, Qingdao, and Port Kelang are higher port productivity combined with less COVID-19 restrictions. Furthermore, fewer imports were received in these ports, which have also fewer direct calls from the major shipping lines. This helped achieve better productivity. Port Kelang and Qingdao had equipment shortages during the pandemic, therefore, you can see fewer D&D charge occurrences. In addition, Busan is also one of the largest transhipment ports in Northeast Asia. And although its container capacity is the largest, a considerable proportion of its traffic is not destined to South Korea. Drewry, a shipping maritime research company


Free days

Demurrage and detention tariffs have two main purposes: (1) compensating the shipping line for the use of its container and (2) encouraging the merchant to return the container as soon as possible for the shipping line to re-use it and have a fast turnaround.

In the graph below, the average free days per shipping line across ports and container types for both imports and exports are 7. In Busan, shipping lines have the highest average number of free days at 11 days. Meanwhile, shipping lines at Long Beach and well as Los Angeles do not allow the free use of containers at no cost beyond 4 days.

Yichang, Rugao & Zhenjiang in China are amongst the ports with the lowest demurrage and detention charges after two weeks.


The charge that you pay for the use of the container within the terminal beyond the free time period. For import cargo, the demurrage time is the period from container discharge from the vessel until gate-out of the full container from the terminal. For export cargo, the demurrage time is the period from gate-in of the full container into the terminal until the full container is loaded on board a vessel.


The charge that you pay for the use of the container outside of the terminal or depot, beyond the free time period. For import cargo, the detention time is the period from gate-out of the full container until gate-in of the empty container into the restoration point. For export cargo, the detention time is the period from the pick-up of the empty container from the terminal or depot until gate-in of the full container in the terminal.

The North American airport will adopt Kale’s Cargo Community System to make cargo operations more efficient and transparent, and to support its objective towards a more sustainable airport environment

Jason Tse, Manager, Commercial Leasing – Cargo, Vancouver International Airport

This project is testament to the efficacy of our solutions and we look forward to helping the Vancouver Airport Authority and other airports in North America to overcome the challenge of truck congestion in the region. Our ACCS brings tremendous benefits in meeting environmental sustainability objectives with a major reduction of paperwork, carbon emissions and pollution, and creates a vibrant stakeholder digital eco-system around the airport.

Advance truck slot booking capabilities will enable trucking companies and ground handlers to coordinate landside freight movements, reducing congestion and pollution by eliminating waiting times and enabling ground handling companies and airlines to process trucks efficiently and cost effectively.



ale Info Solutions, the US subsidiary of Kale Logistics Solutions, is to implement its Airport Cargo Community System (ACCS) at Vancouver International Airport (YVR), Canada, to support growing cargo throughput.

YVR is investing in its cargo operations to ensure it can continue to meet growing demand while identifying new solutions that will increase efficiencies with trucking and transportation, especially during peak hours.

A proof of concept of Kale’s ACCS will take place ahead of full implementation of the solution, with the aim of improving efficiency for all stakeholders, streamlining cargo flows, and addressing airport truck congestion challenges, which continue to affect many North American airports as cargo volumes swell.

As Canada’s second busiest airport, YVR is focused on enhancing our cargo operation and working with our airline and freight forwarding partners to meet our shared goals for the safe, reliable, and efficient movement of goods, all while advancing our climate commitments. Technology and digitization are key aspects of how we will achieve success, and we look forward to working with Kale Info Solutions and applying its innovative Cargo Community System at YVR for the benefit of our partners, our community, and the economy that supports it.

Kale’s mobile app, meanwhile, allows slots to be booked dynamically and adjusted automatically, in line with peaks and troughs in truck arrivals at the airport, further reducing congestion on roads and within the airport.

Amar More, President, Kale Info Solutions.


Kale’s system will enable advance shipment notifications to be sent from shippers, agents, and truckers to cargo handlers and airlines at the airport, bringing real-time updates and transparency on estimated arrival times, as well as details on actual cargo on board, facilitating communication between all stakeholders concerned.

38 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 5 JULY 2022 | Source: KALE INFO SOLUTIONS

Earlier this year, Kale successfully piloted the truck slot and dock management module of its Airport Cargo Community System with Worldwide Flight Services at John F Kennedy Airport, New York, USA, bringing reductions in truck wait times of up to 66 percent for exports and 48 percent for imports.


Despite achieving completion ahead of schedule, McCarthy faced multiple challenges along with way, including global supply chain issues that drastically altered lead time for some items, including metals, plastics, and trucking. McCarthy worked to continue progress with minimal disruption to Port Houston and their facilities. Through coordination and a partnership with subcontractors and the port construction management team, McCarthy coordinated multiple crews across various trades, and implemented a weather management plan to minimize impacts from Houston weather events. McCarthy also continued their commitment to safety on this project, with over 32,000 total project manhours onsite and zero recordables or lost-time incidents.


McCarthy has been working with the Port Houston Authority for more than 25 years, and we were honored to once again work together as they move to modernize the port to meet growing demand.


McCarthy has worked at various ports along the Gulf Coast for approximately 30 years. McCarthy’s experience in marine construction spans a diverse array of project types including petrochemical liquid terminal facilities, bulk cargo handling terminals, to deep water container terminal ship docks. McCarthy undertakes complex projects for public clients such as Port Beaumont, Port Freeport and Port Houston, private mid-stream clients and is partner of choice for EPC firms servicing oil and gas and petrochemical clients. In past 15 years, McCarthy has completed over half a billion dollars’ worth of work in Port Houston alone.

McCarthy has a wealth of experience in both over-water and land-side port work, and our ability to self-perform work allows us to provide top-level results for our clients.

McCarthy was tasked with a rehabilitation of the existing site which included new utility upgrades, new high-mast light poles and a realignment of the main inter-terminal access road through this area. Work began in June 2021 and achieved substantial completion two months ahead of schedule. The project is adjacent to the recently completed Container Yard 1N/2N project at the Barbours Cut Terminal, also done by McCarthy.


The container yard required 47,000 square yards of pavement demolition. The project involved bringing in 23,500 cubic yards of concrete pavement and 32,000 cubic yards of base and subbase materials. Over 5,000 linear feet of utilities were installed, including 1,800 linear feet of ductile iron water lines, 1,800 linear feet of precast trench drains, 950 liner feet of cast-in-place electrical duct banks, and 450 linear feet of pressurized sanitary sewer lines.

WANT TO TALK ABOUT YOUR OWN AIR OR SEA PORT NEWS? Get in touch with Freight Solutions on or +1 (312) 496 6624

Fitz O’Donnell, Vice President Marine/Industrial, McCarthy Southern Region

cCarthy Building Companies, Inc. has completed construction on the Barbours Cut Terminal Container Yard 3N for the Port Houston Authority (PHA). The project is part of a modernization program to increase cargo handling efficiency. The Barbours Cut Terminal Container Yard 3N adds approximately 10 acres of new shipping container storage at the terminal complex.

f necessity is the mother of invention, then the pandemicinduced supply chain breakdowns of the past two years are certain to yield new solutions for expediting world trade in the future. Short-term measures, such as ocean carriers adding capacity, diverting some cargo to less congested ports, and ports implementing 24/7 operations, will only help so much.

Bryn Heimbeck, Founder and President of Trade Tech, a cloud-based transportation management system and supply chain solutions provider predicts the following three permanent fixes are on the horizon:

• Customs clearance will become automated for everything except the first-time classification of cargo

• Puget Sound will become the West Coast gateway to the inland United States

• Peel-Off container stacks will become the norm within five years



In a peel-off operation, containers belonging to participating cargo owners and trucking companies are pre-positioned in separate stacks at a port after discharge from a vessel. The user’s designated trucker(s) takes delivery from the grouped containers on a last-in, first-out basis – essentially “peeling” the containers off from the top of the stack.

• The trade will continue to use the ports of Los Angeles / Long Beach as the gateway to the United States even if there are other viable options available. Los Angeles / Long Beach ports are well beyond their capacities to handle the volume throughput required. That’s why there have been 80 - 110 vessels sitting anchored idle offshore on any given day waiting to come in for the past two years.

• Optimizing a trucker’s time will become a priority. Today, truckers sit in lines for hours waiting for terminal workers to find, retrieve and load specific containers costing them hours of lost productivity. Additionally, warehouse labor does not want to work extended shifts, nor do the truckers and longshoremen.

The growing use of Peel-Off Stacks will also yield greater flexibility in determining delivery timing. Today, one of the hesitations to adopting this operating model is a delivery-to-warehouse window of four to five days. But, once peel-offs are the norm, terminals will be able to build far more refined stacks. For example, container volumes will enable a Monday afternoon stack, and a Tuesday morning stack and so on. Importers may not be able to stipulate which stack their container goes into, but they will know which one it is in, and thus be able to inform the warehouse when to expect the container delivery.

• Importers need predictability and low costs. Today’s situation is a well-documented crisis, causing mind-numbing delays to cargo availability and staggering demurrage costs that can reach as high as $3,000 to $4,000 per container.

A peel pile, peel-off or flow stack is a relatively new operating concept that was introduced in some ports around 2015. It has grown in popularity in recent years to help alleviate severe port congestion, particularly in West Coast ports.

Peel-off container stacks are not just a passing fad

While large shippers – those filling stacks of upwards of 50 containers or more – have leveraged peel-off operations most effectively to date, we see this practice becoming the norm for most shippers within the next five years. Here’s why:


One solution is to achieve greater efficiencies in the port today and in the future is by utilizing Peel-Off Stacks. Doing so reduces container handling efforts by 50 percent or more because positioning moves are eliminated. Every container lifted off the stack goes onto a truck. The result is an enormous increase in terminal capacity and faster trucker turn times – a welcome improvement for terminals looking for space, shippers looking for predictability and motor carriers seeking to maximize productivity and profitability.

Customs clearance will become automated for everything except first-time classification of cargo FORWARDER magazine Issue


Technology and data sharing, particularly with U.S. Customs, will help speed adoption even with smaller shippers who will take advantage of aggregated container stacks.



Peel-Off Stacks will be facilitated by Automated Manifest System (AMS) and Importer Security Filing (ISF) service providers transmitting shipment information to U.S. Customs 24 hours prior to cargo loading onto vessels at origin. This AMS and ISF shipment data represents approximately 85 percent of the entire data set required by Customs for entry into the United States. The only additional information comes from the Commercial Invoice showing the SKU numbers, the value of each SKU item and its extended value. The SKU is then classified and assigned a Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code. The rest of the duty and tax calculations are driven from those codes, which can be saved and referenced on subsequent shipments.

Today, ocean freight is generally cleared within two days of a vessel’s arrival in port, though there are some instances where it could be up to four days prior. Cargo will need to be cleared by U.S. Customs at least five days prior to vessel arrival to speed cargo throughput and facilitate Peel-Off Stacks at ports. The fundamental mechanisms are already in place to make this a reality.

Looking ahead, the United States needs additional port capacity to support the continued long-term growth of international trade via the West Coast. We see that growth occurring in the Puget Sound region. Seattle / Tacoma has deep water, protected harbors, plenty of developable land, truck and rail connectivity to the inland United States, and an ample labor supply. No other region, outside of Canada, can compete with it for available growth potential.


Following the initial shipment, the next load for export will require a new AMS shipment setup describing the full shipment details. The ISF will be a copy from the previous shipment and the shipper or seller will upload the commercial invoice to the AMS transmission file. The commercial invoice can then be read by optical character recognition (OCR) / artificial intelligence (AI). The SKU description will be looked up and matched to the previous shipment and the price per unit and total value will also be extrapolated from the commercial invoice. This process generates logical calculations and makes full automation possible.

To summarize, the key to successful adaptation is to have the shipment data standardized for both U.S. Customs requirements and the AMS process. The rest is a look up of previous data, which does not require direct human interactions.

The current shipping crisis has magnified the shortcomings of the way we handle waterborne international trade. Implementation of the three major developments we highlight here will go a long way to ensuring faster throughput for increasing cargo volumes.

Bryn Heimbeck, President, Trade Tech Inc.

3 Why PugettheSound Gateway makes sense

A robust supporting infrastructure & labor force are also key Seattle / Tacoma is already served by both the Burlington Northern and Union Pacific railroads and both companies have plenty of track running to the six major inland rail hubs in Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, and Dallas. These tracks can be expanded without having to purchase new land.

Port capacity needs to be expanded on the West Coast where there are only three major port city complexes: Los Angeles / Long Beach, San Francisco / Oakland, and Seattle / Tacoma in Puget Sound. One might argue that Portland to the south would qualify, but the Columbia River delta leading into Portland is too shallow for today’s container ships. There are no other major port cities along the West Coast with deep water and the requisite infrastructure to serve as a U.S. gateway.

On the labor front, Seattle and Tacoma are in large and growing communities that attract and retain significant numbers of trade and transportation workers, unlike smaller alternative ports.

magazine Issue2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

Seattle / Tacoma has major freeways running both north and south (I-5) and east and west (I-90) for the over-the-road transport. There are no alternative West Coast harbors with direct interstate access other than the California port cities, which are already at capacity.

In contrast, the ports of Seattle and Tacoma are part of the Puget Sound region, which is over 150 miles long north to south and is one of the best deep-water harbors in the world. There is ample property on the east side of the sound that could be developed and even more untapped open land on the west side. This includes both deep waterfront land for terminal development and property inland for expansion of warehousing and distribution.

While Los Angeles / Long Beach and San Francisco / Oakland have deep harbors and infrastructure, they are at full capacity – some would say over capacity as evidenced by the many ships that routinely have to anchor offshore waiting for a berth. Both commercial port zones are encircled by mountains limiting the nearby land available for commercial development. In Oakland, officials are even considering eliminating some port property to build a new Major League Baseball stadium.

Sponsored by TECH DIGITALISATION& Digitalisation: leveraging digitisation to improve business processes. (Digitisation: converting information from a physical into a digital format. Digital Transformation: the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve problems.) Related topics CloudDroneRoboticstechnologydata 44

Cargo iQ’s MOP outlines the individual milestones for measuring the end-to-end journey of air cargo shipments.

The addition of FIW and FOW to the MOP brings previously lacking visibility and planning capabilities to the point of shipment handover between the warehouse handler and the ramp handler at the airport.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 45 16 AUGUST 2022 | Source: CARGO IQ

We believe airlines and ground handling agents are the parties who would see most benefits of having visibility on the two milestones, and ultimately this assures the delivery promise to customers.

In collaboration with its ground handling subsidiary Cathay Pacific Services Limited (CPSL) and its Cargo iQ Data Management Platform (CDMP) provider Global Logistics System (HK) Co. Ltd (GLSHK), the airline has become one of the first to integrate the FIW and FOW milestones, which were added to Cargo iQ’s Master Operating Plan (MOP) in March this year.

Laura Rodriguez , Manager Implementation & Quality Assurance, Cargo iQ

The implementation of the FIW/FOW milestones brings collective benefits for airlines, ground handling agents, and the CDMP provider. The handling agents have a clearer view on the planned offsets for operational planning, while airlines will gain more visibility of the handover process. This visibility could help to identify any potential areas for improvement in the handling activities, and we are dedicated to refining our process to ensure shipments are ready for customers as planned.

The airline already plans to roll out the new tracking milestones across its global network.

Cargo iQ will be sharing more updates from the organization at the upcoming Air Cargo Handling and Logistics Conference in Athens, Greece, and will be participating on the ‘Talent – Diversity and Standards panel’ on 7th September.

The cargo carrier is one of the first Cargo iQ members to implement freight into and out of warehouse tracking milestones as key components in improving cargo-handling efficiency


Frosti Lau, General Manager Cargo Service Delivery, Cathay Pacific

argo iQ’s newest freight planning and monitoring milestones, Freight into Warehouse control (FIW) and Freight out of Warehouse control (FOW), have been implemented by Cathay Pacific Cargo in Hong Kong to bring enhanced visibility of cargo during warehouse and ramp handling operations.

With their great commitment to implement these new events, Cathay Pacific Cargo and their partners in Hong Kong are reinforcing the importance and usefulness of monitoring the point of handover from warehouse to ramp and vice versa. With this information, the industry will be able to identify pain points and make vital improvements to operational processes. It also gives us, for the first time, the possibility to visualize the complete warehouse process from start to end within Cargo iQ. We are currently supporting all our members in the implementation of these milestones, and we look forward to seeing the benefits of uptake on an industry-wide scale.


Cathay Pacific Cargo has worked closely with CPSL and GLSHK to capture and update FIW/FOW data, with the whole project in Hong Kong taking around six months from planning through to implementation.

With these latest milestones, a Cargo iQ Route Map for an airfreight shipment is gradually expanding to monitor every segment of the supply chain, with the ultimate goal being full supply chain visibility.

46 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 28 JULY 2021 | Source: FLEXPORT & NOLAN TRANSPORTATION GROUP

and predictive analytics to streamline processes and make betterinformed decisions as they navigate fast-changing markets.

Will Urban, Chief Revenue Officer, Flexport

Flexport’s partnership, commitment to transparency, and quality providers help Serena & Lily transport goods throughout the US. Its innovative technology provides end-to-end visibility of our supply chain, which is critical to our success and growth. Flexport listens, delivers on promise and will go the extra mile to ensure customer success, as it did when the team introduced NTG to Serena & Lily to mitigate supply chain challenges like container backlogs at ports. NTG’s approach to flexibility has helped with receiving challenges and enabled Serena & Lily to control how and what products are delivered to the warehouse.

Geoff Kelley, president & COO of TI and NTG

The partnership will combine NTG’s and Flexport’s technology with operational expertise to offer customers visibility and control across their supply chains. NTG’s dedicated client services team will manage shipments and communicate with clients via Flexport’s all-encompassing trucking software, Transmission, ensuring a seamless shipping experience from end-to-end. Customers will be able to access over 80,000 carriers in NTG’s network, ensuring reliable volume and capacity amid market volatility. They will also gain access to NTG’s AI-powered technology

S freight forwarding and logistics group Flexport and Nolan Transportation Group (NTG), a part of Transportation Insight Holding Company (TI) and a leading provider of non-asset, tech-enabled logistics and brokerage solutions in North America, have announced a strategic partnership to integrate their technology for greater visibility across global supply chains. The partnership will offer technologyenabled solutions across all transportation modes, including Full Truckload (FTL), Less-Than-Truckload (LTL), Expedited, Drayage, and Final Mile.



Global importers are dealing with historic complexity and unpredictability, and are in need of simple, efficient solutions to keep their goods moving. This partnership creates a seamless experience for Flexport customers to manage their transportation operations. Together, we will give shippers the visibility, flexibility, and control they need to navigate these unsteady times from a single, integrated platform instead of having to use a mix of providers and solutions with different user interfaces.

This is the latest step towards Flexport and NTG’s shared vision: to enable a fully-digitized shipment lifecycle. As part of the joint product roadmap, NTG’s proprietary Beon™ Digital Logistics Platform will integrate directly with the Flexport Platform via API. Ultimately, clients will have a seamless shipping experience that includes rates and available capacity, load tendering and booking, load status updates, estimated delivery time, and shipper onboarding, all via the Flexport Platform. Businesses of all sizes, such as Serena & Lily, are already using the Flexport-NTG integration to mitigate supply chain challenges and better manage their warehouse receiving operations.

Combination ‘will offer greater visibility and control for global consignees along with a seamless, tech-enabled customer experience’. Integrating their respective technology aims to improve visibility for global supply chains across all transport modes, including Full Truckload (FTL), Less-Than-Truckload (LTL), Expedited, Drayage, and Final Mile

We’re thrilled to partner with Nolan Transportation Group (NTG) to expand our end-to-end service offerings and provide a fully integrated, tech-enabled experience for Flexport clients. This partnership will offer greater visibility and control for global consignees, which is key for their success during such times of uncertainty. Flexport and NTG share a commitment to using technology to build a fullydigitized shipment lifecycle for the benefit of our customers, and we’re excited to collaborate with NTG towards this vision.

Jennifer Schwartz , Transportation Manager, Serena & Lily




Delivering an outstanding customer experience is an important element of our business strategy. shares both our high regard for customer focus and service level, but also our ambition and entrepreneurial spirit to satisfy the market. With a presence on cargo. one, JALCARGO is now even more strongly placed to differentiate online and scale new heights of digital success.

Japan’s national carrier selects the leading digital booking marketplace to drive digital transformation (DX) that delivers forwarders outstanding end-to-end booking experiences

To win digital sales globally, airlines today must ensure that visibility of their best offers and customer centricity are at the heart of their strategy. will enable JALCARGO teams to capitalize fully on market needs by optimizing its offer quality and building industry-leading digital buying journeys.

ALCARGO, the cargo division of Japan Airlines Company (JAL), and today announced an international partnership that brings the airline’s capacities to the leading global marketplace for digital air cargo bookings. JALCARGO has appointed as its partner to advance its digital business and footprint. This month, became available to Japanese freight forwarders, offering them a seamless digital booking experience, and the chance to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. For freight forwarders all over the world, comprises the best way to book air cargo digitally.

Air cargo volumes into Japan are globally significant, with Tokyo's airports consistently performing within the world’s top air cargo hubs by freight tonnes. As the flag carrier of Japan, JALCARGO delivered over 740,000 tonnes of air cargo during 2021, and offers impressive flexibility in its domestic network. Many thousands of freight forwarders using will soon be able to instantly search, book, amend and track JALCARGO capacities in real time within a few clicks. In a move to broaden its digital footprint, JALCARGO has partnered with based on its technological and commercial achievements for many of the world’s leading airlines, and its unrivaled ability to deliver forwarders reliable and joyful digital booking experiences. Both companies have a track record of continuous innovation and a strong commitment to customer needs.

JALCARGO to bolster's leading position in the Asia Pacific region, by becoming the fifth major carrier to join now the main digital gateway to Japanese air cargo capacity, offering all three of Japan’s home carriers

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 47


Hiroo Iwakoshi, Executive Officer, Cargo & Mail, Japan Airlines

We are honored to have been chosen as the trusted partner of Japan’s flag carrier, and look forward to working hand in hand with their teams to advance their digital strategy. The partnership will further strengthen our leading position in the Asia Pacific region and deliver a unique and high quality digital offering to freight forwarders around the globe.

Moritz Claussen, Founder & Co-CEO,

As the primary digital gateway for Japanese air cargo capacity, cargo. one expertly guides airlines including JALCARGO to satisfy the fullest spectrum of online customer needs. The airline will leverage dynamic, unbiased and compliant global insights from the data analysis platform cargo.one360. Furthermore,’s Growth Managers will support JALCARGO to raise its digital performance, identify opportunities from the market, and feed learnings into revenue and capacity management.

As mentioned above, big data provides shipping companies with valuable insights that help them improve their operations. Here are some of the most common benefits of analyzing big data in the shipping industry:

Shipping companies use a lot of data to plan their routes. They like to collect data from multiple sources such as satellites, GIS systems, and more. Companies need to be very familiar with different shipping routes and know what route works best for them. Big data helps shipping companies learn about the best shipping routes for global trades.


Traditional data is collected through human observation, measurement, and recording. They remain fixed and are only used for calculating profits or losses. On the other hand, non-traditional data is collected by using sensors, cameras, GPS, radar, or other devices. It's constantly changing and can come in less structured sources like videos, texts, and audio.

How shipping companies can take advantage of big data


The term 'big data' refers to a collection of large datasets that cannot fit into traditional databases or memory. This is because these datasets contain so much information that it takes up too much space.

Big data in the shipping industry refers to the information collected through various methods such as GPS tracking, satellite imagery, RFID tags, and other sensors. This includes everything from the route taken by ships to the weather conditions encountered along the way.

One of the main advantages of having access to big data is you can use it to optimize your operations. With this information, shipping companies can find out which areas of their operations require improvement to save money in the long run.

However, it's important to note that big data often won't be useful without big data analytics. Big data is so broad. Without analytics, they're simply numbers that don’t make sense. So, businesses are missing out on some valuable insights if they don't know how to analyze big data properly.

They can compare the cost and time required for different routes to determine which ones are worth taking. In addition, they can determine which routes are safer and faster than others. This improves their overall performance and profitability in the long run.

In big data, data is collected from both traditional and non-traditional sources and draws patterns from those sources. Since big data takes up a lot of space, they’re usually stored in the cloud. The data can then be analyzed and processed by algorithms to provide insights that improve a company’s operations.

In the shipping industry, when they start collecting and analyzing all this data, they get a better idea of what works best for their company. As a result, they can adjust their business practices accordingly.

ig data has influenced many industries, such as healthcare, finance, banking, and more. These industries have reaped the benefits of using big data in their operations. Similarly, shipping companies must also be able to take advantage of big data if they want to stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we'll talk about big data and how the shipping industry can take advantage of it.

Determine Best Routes



Benefits of analyzing big data in the shipping industry

Save Money


For example, they can track shipments and determine delays in deliveries. They can also analyze historical shipment data to determine whether there is any pattern associated with delays. Delays can cost shipping companies a lot of money. By analyzing the information they have from big data, shipping companies can identify potential problems before they occur.

Just like in other industries, shipping companies have started using automation to streamline their processes. Other industries, such as retail and banking, have started automating manual tasks like billing and invoicing. These manual tasks use a lot of resources, so they’re automated so they can be done more efficiently.

Automate Operations

What is big data?

Reduce Energy Consumption

The bottom line

Identify Trends in the Industry

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine


The shipping industry involves more than just transporting goods. They also need to determine what kind of ships best suit their needs. The size of vessels, payloads, and speed play an integral role in deciding which type of ship is ideal for a certain job.



In this shipping industry, automating operations means that there will be fewer people needed on deck. There's no need for human employees to do tasks like manually entering bills into accounts. Instead, the system would automatically generate these documents based on previous transactions. As a result, this saves the company money while improving its efficiency.

Big data allows shipping companies to understand trends in their industry based on past events. No matter what industry you're in, spotting trends and understanding customer preferences are important. It helps you stay competitive and predict how your competitors might react in the future.

Shipping companies spend a lot of energy when they transport goods from one location to another. Whether it's fuel consumption, emissions, or costs associated with electricity, shipping companies face several challenges. That's where big data comes in. With the right tools, shipping companies can identify patterns in shipment data and spot areas where they're wasting energy. From there, they can implement changes that reduce energy usage. Not only does this help save money, but it also reduces carbon emissions.

With big data, shipping companies can use the information for better ship architecture. They can gather tons of data across different sectors and then apply it to the construction process. Companies can check weight distribution, cargo placement, and other factors to ensure that the ship is safe and efficient. Ultimately, this results in better ships that perform better and last longer.

By identifying trends and predicting customer behavior, shipping companies can make smarter decisions that benefit everyone involved. For example, they can adjust their product offerings to meet the needs of specific customers or determine which regions to focus on next.

Improve Ship Building



As more data becomes available, organizations need to analyze it to gain new insights about their business. Big data can potentially transform many sectors, including the shipping industry. Shipping companies can benefit from big data by implementing strategies that ultimately improve efficiency and increase profits.

Building apps for

the freight industry We create tailor-made apps for freight and logistics companies, so you can communicate better with your customers and clients. Increase your visibility to your clients and customers Market your company more directly, saving money Increase customer loyalty and BuildwithProvideengagementyourcustomersasocialplatformbrandrecognition Take bookings and orders directly from your app Maximise your value to your customers Stand out from the crowd Some of the benefits of FreightApp

Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

Booking form

A simple and user-friendly contact form to handle any customer enquiries.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 51 +1 (646) 513 2733 Get in touch with teamthetoday...

Quote request

Allow your customers to request a quotation directly from the app.

Showcase the brains behind your business and have a searchable directory with profiles for each of your staff members.

Recruitment platform on which companies can post their latest vacancies. Candidates can apply directly from the app.

Make it easy for clients to get in touch with their requirements directly from the app.

Push notifications

Easy access to your company overview.

Employee directory

Company profile

The perfect feature for keeping your customers updated with latest news and posts. Services Air freight? Sea freight? Include all your company services.

Track & trace

Job section

Capacity & return loads

Some of the functions

Track your shipment’s location and delivery with your chosen third-party platformwithintergratedyourapp.

List your capacity / return loads with real-time notifi cations directly to your customer mobile devices.

Schedule your notifi cations to be sent at specifi c times or send geofenced notifi cations to your clients based on their location.

Company news


&EXHIBITIONSEVENTS Opportunities to network and promote your services. Related topics NetworkingExpositionsConferences Sponsored by 52

• Economic and freight outlooks and forecasts focused on the key factors impacting truck and trailer sales in 2023

Truck freight

• Executive Keynote discussions to get insights on the market and technologies directly from knowledgeable industry executives

• Examinations of regulatory and legal developments and a dive into the nagging driver supply issues

Rail freight

20 JULY 2022 | Source: FTR

• An update on the current and future conditions in the used trailer market and the current state of the truck and trailer dealers

fter two years of pandemic-related transportation issues, the need for actionable intelligence has never been greater. We're pleased to announce that the FTR Transportation Conference will be back in action from September 13-16, 2022 at the historical Union Station in Indianapolis, IN!

• Carrier, shipper, and broker perspectives on the state of the market and expectations for the coming year

Thursday, September 15th

Wednesday, September 14th


Rail equipment

• Executive Keynote discussion to get insights directly from a major industry executive

• An update on regulations, focusing on the upcoming tank rule

• A deep dive into FTR’s Commercial Vehicle forecasts for 2023 and beyond. An analysis of the key indicators and trends impacting the Class 8, commercial trailer, and medium-duty market

• Executive Keynote discussion to get insights directly from a major industry executive

Truck equipment


• An industry thought leader gives you their perspective on how the market is shaping up

• A full suite of panels and presentations for each of the railcar segments: tanks, covered hoppers, flats, box, gondola & open top hopper

• Keynote session providing insights from a major industry executive

• A full suite of panels and presentations that look at each of the major sectors of rail freight: Grain, Intermodal, Metals, Energy, etc.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 53

• A look into the current state of regulations and what to expect as the new Administration ramps up activity

• Discussion of specific developments that could transform how the market operates

Tailor your experience to the modes that matter to you

• A look at how railcar capacity has been affected by changes in demand by sector and what to expect going forward

Friday, September 16th

Monday, Sept.12th (Evening Reception) Tuesday, Sept. 13th

• Exclusive economic and freight forecasts from FTR


• Economic/freight outlooks on factors that will affect rail demand

• Economic/freight outlooks on factors that will affect rail demand

• Gain an understanding of important regulations and emerging technologies that will impact the industry in the coming years. Includes a review of vital environmental issues

Sporting a new layout, each day will highlight a specific modal focus allowing you to tailor your conference experience to the days relevant to your business. Whether your interest is focused on the equipment or commercial freight demand of the trucking, rail, or intermodal industries, the FTR Transportation Conference is the premier forecasting event of the year.


Steven Polmans, Chair, TIACA


54 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 15 AUGUST 2022 | Source: TIACA


• Present a logistics-related product or solution

We’re excited to partner with TIACA and Messe München in launching the inaugural start.hub in Miami, creating a new space for entrepreneurs committed to sustainable innovation to connect with logistics leaders from around the world. Exploring new and innovative ideas is inherent to who we are. Whether it`s launching the first scheduled commercial drone logistics route at an airport, hosting the world’s largest solar farm at an airport or partnering with some of the world’s best clean fuel technology companies for transport, YEG is home to more than 250 businesses and countless partnerships. Not only do we support the movement of people and goods, but we also appreciate the critical role that cargo plays in our economy and social landscape, and we are proud to support others as they do the same.

The start.hub logistics has been developed to encourage new and innovative Start-Up’s to exhibit and network with the air cargo and logistics industries at the air cargo forum & transport logistic Americas this

Edmonton International Airport, through its Innovation Expansion Strategy, has become a leading supporter of innovative businesses looking at alternative energy, carbon reduction, technical advancements, unmanned operations and a host of other unique programs and is a natural fit to host the start.hub.

Mammen Tharakan, Director, E-Commerce, Cargo & Aviation Real Estate, Edmonton International Airport

• Company younger than 8 years (founded on/or after 01/01/2014)

The Innovation Journey showed how vital it is for the industry to connect and explore innovations that can be applied into our businesses. We knew then that this could not be a one off and innovation needed to be incorporated into our events going forward. The launch of the start.hub logistics in Miami is yet another step toward our vision for air cargo and we are excited that Edmonton International Airport, which has such a focus on supporting innovative start-up businesses will be the first host.

• No restriction on sales and earnings.




ollowing the success of the Innovation Journey held during the Executive Summit in March 2022, The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) and Messe München are pleased to announce the launch of the start.hub logistics in Miami during the air cargo forum (ACF) and transport logistic Americas 2022.


• Employ 75 people or fewer

that want to boost their exposure can take advantage of this low-cost entry into the world’s largest air cargo trade show of 2022. The start.hub offers an all-inclusive exhibitor package and is open to companies that:

30, 2022. MODEX is the largest manufacturing and supply chain expo held in North America and South America. The event will be held March 28-31, 2022 at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center. presents... a freight networking event with a difference at Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow, UK 13OCTOBER2022Speed networking  Sandwiches, tea/coffee  Dinner in the evening  England rugby legend Martin Johnson CBE  Photo opportunity  Special hotel rates  Free hotel parking  Day&eve tickets  Day/eve tickets  VIP tickets  ...are available on Ticket Tailor. Please get in touch with us for special marketing discounts: tony@ +1 (312) 496 6624 Scan this or go to for more information and to buy tickets supported by

Daniel McKinnon, EVP of Exhibitions, MHI

College Industry Council on Material Handling Education

Women in the Supply Chain Industry Forum on March 28 at MODEX

In addition to the exhibits, the MODEX Conference will include four keynotes and over 100 show floor educational seminars covering leading trends, best practices and state-of-the-art equipment and technology solutions that can make manufacturing and the entire supply chain work more resiliently, efficiently and profitably.

MODEX 2022 Conference

hen the largest manufacturing and supply chain trade event of 2022, MODEX, returns to Atlanta on March 28 it will include 850 exhibits from leading solution providers and a comprehensive Educational Conference of over 100 sessions focusing on best-in-class solutions for manufacturing and supply chain operations. MODEX 2022 exhibits will represent all segments of the material handling, logistics and transportation industry, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, automated systems and smart, connected supply chain technologies.

Our industry’s essential role over the last 20 months brought a focus to the role of supply chain solutions in the overall global economy. Seeing the large array of solutions, meeting with leading suppliers and connecting with peers will allow attendees the opportunity to discover solutions that will be essential for their success in the future.

MHI in partnership with Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), (CICMHE), (MHEDA) (MHEFI) March

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine ISSUE 2 55

MHI has partnered with Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association and the Warehousing, Education and Research Council (WERC) to bring an afternoon of discussion, education and networking


MODEX 2022 Student Day on March 30

Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association

In-person event to feature keynotes from Marriott’s Erika Alexander, Sanjay Gupta and Shaquille O’Neal

John Paxton, CEO, MHI



MODEX will feature an evening of music, food, drinks and entertainment by comedian Preacher Lawson on Wednesday, March 30. Tickets to this event are $50 and include beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres. The door prize for this event will be a trip of a lifetime vacation. Trip Value: $30,000. See official rules.

Exhibitors and attendees alike are eager to return to conducting business and experiencing the latest equipment, technology and solutions in-person. There is no substitute for events like MODEX where you can see the solutions in-action on the show floor, learn about them in educational sessions and speak to the leading firms and innovators at one location to get answers specific to your operations. We are excited to provide this market access and knowledge opportunity for our entire community.

MHI Young Professionals Network Reception

and the Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc.

presents Student Day at MODEX 2022 on Wednesday,

This event provides attendees to network and connect with young professionals in the material handling and supply chain industry.

Documented permission to pass that a national customs authority grants to imported/exported goods so that they can enter/leave the country.


Related topics DutiesCustomswarehousingbrokerage&taxes




Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 57

CBP has notified companies that have previously imported merchandise sourced from locations or entities potentially subject to the Act that any future entries of such merchandise may be subject to CBP enforcement action, including seizure, forfeiture and/or penalties, or other appropriate action under the customs laws.

CBP implements the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, urging importers ‘to be proactive and closely review their supply chains to ensure any goods or materials are not sourced from the XUAR in violation of the Act’

The act’s implementation effectively prohibits imports made into the United States of products made in Xinjiang, unless importers are able to provide convincing evidence that the goods were not produced or manufactured using forced labor.

Will Waters, contributing editor,

S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has begun implementing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act’s provisions, to prohibit imports into the United States of products made in China’s Xinjiang region under forced labor.


President Biden signed the Act into law in December 2021, after it passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the United States Congress, underscoring our commitment to combating forced labor everywhere, including in Xinjiang, where genocide and crimes against humanity are ongoing. Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State

Blinken commented: We are rallying our allies and partners to make global supply chains free from the use of forced labor, to speak out against atrocities in Xinjiang, and to join us in calling on the government of the PRC to immediately end atrocities and human rights abuses, including forced labor. We have taken concrete measures to promote accountability in Xinjiang, including visa restrictions, financial sanctions under Global Magnitsky, export controls, Withhold Release Orders and import restrictions, as well as the release of a multi-agency business advisory on Xinjiang to help US companies avoid commerce that facilitates or benefits from human rights abuses, including forced labor. Together with our interagency partners, we will continue to engage companies to remind them of US legal obligations which prohibit importing goods to the United States that are made with forced labor.

11 AUGUST 2022

The department is urging importers to be proactive and closely review their supply chains to ensure any goods or materials are not sourced from the XUAR in violation of the Act”, noting that “it is incumbent upon you as an importer to apply due diligence, effective supply chain tracing, and supply chain management measures to ensure that such imports are free from any goods mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part with forced labor from the People’s Republic of China, especially from the XUAR.

Thomas Overacker, CBP’s executive director for Cargo and Conveyance Security, highlighted that the act requires CBP to apply the rebuttable presumption unless the importer can overcome the presumption of forced labor by establishing, by clear and convincing evidence, that the good, ware, article, or merchandise was not mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part by forced labor. This elevated standard will require the importer to not only use due diligence in evaluation of its supply chain, but also to respond completely and substantively to CBP requests for information regarding entries it may review.

FORWARDER magazine


The new legislation increases the burden of proof on importers, requiring specific details on the inputs to the goods they import. Under the new law, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) will presume goods with inputs from certain listed regions under conditions not deemed acceptable under U.S. law are inadmissible into the United States, and the importer will be forced to rebut that presumption with evidence.

Evan Smith, CEO of Altana

Altana enables organizations to situate themselves within trusted trading networks by providing a clear line of sight across the global supply chain – from raw materials through manufacturing and delivery. Through our partnership with Maersk, we help businesses to source and import with confidence in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

To solve this problem, Maersk Customs has partnered with Altana Technologies – a New York-based technology company building infrastructure for trusted global commerce. Altana leverages its unique data and machine learning platform to help businesses illuminate their multi-tier value chain networks down to the facility level, situate their networks within a dynamic map of the global supply chain, engage across their networks with suppliers and regulators, and build trusted networks.

58 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

The Maersk/Altana solution addresses the challenge of obtaining reliable deep-tier supplier and facility data, and supports engagement with U.S. CBP

aersk Customs Services USA and Altana Technologies have launched an AI enabled traceability system to assist customers with U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) compliance in all locations they trade.

Altana recently released a study indicating that under the new U.S. law, almost one million companies have value chains that could trigger an import ban. CBP has already begun implementing the new legislation, targeting, among other things, solar panels, coffee, silica-based products, cotton, tomatoes, computer parts, apparel, hair products, peeled garlic, stevia, soda ash, calcium chloride and caustic soda, malleable pipe fittings, tea, artificial flowers, rubber vulcanization accelerators, rubber gloves and electric fans.

Supply chain AI platform enables global businesses to know and trust their multi-tier supply chain networks


Importers have been stymied by the inability to obtain all the documents required by CBP in their rebuttal process. This results in Customs holds and extended delays in the supply chain that have material time and cost implications. Keep in mind, the U.S. has worldwide regulatory scope, so every supplier and their sourcing pattern is under review, Mark Zeitlin, President, Maersk Customs Services, USA

The complexity and opacity of the global supply chain has historically presented a challenge for businesses seeking to understand—let alone document—the true provenance of their goods. Transshipment and comingling of inputs by suppliers further complicate importer efforts to know and trust their supply chains, and to comply with a rapidly evolving trade regulatory landscape.

Strict new U.S. standards require companies to have visibility into the origins of the goods they import


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 59 We’ve just launched our new website! ...where you can Learn about our services Request a quote Read our T&Cs Please visit us at Built by Freight Rate Request Atanak+44(0)203ffd@atanak.com7610244Forwarding Ltd., IKRA Park Mulberry Way, Belvedere, Kent DA17 6AN EU Customs Clearance Inquiries Folkestone,–16BusinessCentreHighSt.CT194QJ NON-EU ClearanceCustomsInquiries Kent,Dover,,CT179EQ Turkish Road Freight

SERVICESINDUSTRY Organisations and bodies that provide essential support to the freight and logistics industries. Related topics VehiclesInsuranceWarehousing&legal&equipment Sponsored by 60

Charleston is a very concentrated port from a commodity perspective with the top two, protein and frozen fruits/vegetables accounting for 77% of all 2021 reefer food volume. Protein is the dominant commodity, making up 66% of all 2021 reefer food volume and 83% of all food exports. Within, protein, 60% is poultry, 31% is pork and 9% is beef. Frozen vegetables and fruit made up 11% of total 2021 reefer food volumes.

Customers are looking for more cold storage space in Charleston to grow their exports to the destinations the Port of Charleston serves. There’s a strong refrigerated market in poultry, pork, beef, seafood and potential for fruits and vegetables too. We are creating the capacity needed in the market to handle fresh produce, with multiple chambers designated for the different seasons and commodities. We will have a 20,000 square foot repack room designated for value-added service to the retail sector. We will be a one stop shop for the temperaturecontrolled products going to the grocery sector.


erformance Team – A Maersk Company continues to integrate end-to-end cold chains with the announcement of a new cold storage facility planned for Charleston, South Carolina to serve imports and exports, opening in Q1 2023.

The new facility will offer a truly unique value proposition to customers through supply chain simplification benefits by integrating cold storage solutions with ocean transit and drayage, refrigerated inland trucking, blast/quick freezing, USDA meat inspections, boxing/repacking, and other value-added services based on customer needs. Customer interest in the Maersk-operated cold storage facility has been very strong.

We are thrilled to see RL Cold invest in a cold storage facility in Berkeley County. This would not be possible without Maersk’s support as the operator of the facility. We are honored that Maersk, a global


Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 61


Diogo Lobo, Head of Cold Chain Logistics & Services, Maersk North America

We have been evaluating South Atlantic cold chain market opportunities for the past three years – and this opportunity stood out in a strong way for a number of good reasons. The South Atlantic is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation and we see lots of business opportunities – thanks to a competitive port that we can connect our logistics and services to with all our brands here Maersk, Hamburg Sud and Sealand. We see the Port of Charleston as a fastgrowing deepwater port that has expanded to meet future growth with strong CEO leadership in Barbara Melvin and this has influenced our investment, site selection and long-term plans, said Mike Meierkort, Head of Logistics and Services for Maersk North America during the August 3rd groundbreaking ceremony.


leader in shipping, is further demonstrating its commitment to South Carolina with this facility. South Carolina Ports has the capacity to support more refrigerated and frozen goods, and we look forward to growing the cold chain business segment together.

The strong population growth near Charleston (the U.S. Southeast where Charleston is located is the fastest growing region, 25% faster than the 2nd fastest region, the West) gives importers the incentive to increase imports into Charleston, both fresh and frozen (seafood, imported proteins, etc.). The new site will reach 80 million consumers within one day and 225 million consumers within two days.

Barbara Melvin, CEO, South Carolina Ports Authority

Investment will add more capacity to improve cold chain efficiency and enhance supply chain competitiveness

Kamala Raman, VP with the Gartner Supply Chain practice


China and Asia remain valued as supply and end markets


The resulting networks span a variety of operating models. Twenty-eight percent of respondents now describe their network as a hybrid regional model – a combination of local or regional elements in a global supply chain network. This is closely followed by global models with regional final assembly (23%) and local-for-local networks (22%), Gartner noted.

Get in touch with Freight Solutions at or on +1 (312) 496 6624


In supply chains with a presence in China, change is afoot as well. In total, 95% of survey respondents are evaluating or executing changes to their China sourcing and manufacturing strategy, and 55% of those already acted on their plans.

Gartner survey reveals 51% of supply chain leaders increased the number of network locations in the past two years

According to a Gartner survey among 403 supply chain leaders in the second quarter of 2022, almost three quarters (74%) of supply chain leaders made changes to the size and number of locations in their supply chain network in the past two years. And more than half (51%) of respondents said they had increased the number of locations. As constraints, inflation, sustainability goals and national industrial policies put global supply chains under pressure, chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) are adapting their networks to fit this new environment, the business and supply chain consultancy firm said.

While the range of scales and approaches is wide, supply chains are undoubtedly on the move. Over half of participating organisations report making changes to manufacturing and supplier networks supporting at least 20% of revenue, Raman added.

62 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 INDUSTRY SERVICES NEWS 3 AUGUST 2022

• In total, 95% of survey respondents are evaluating or executing changes to their China sourcing and manufacturing strategy, and 55% of those already acted on their plans

Reversible decisions favoured

There’s clearly a supply chain redesign underway, but not everyone is moving in the same direction or even to the same extent. Supply chain leaders have been modifying networks in a number of ways, be it with expansions, consolidations or simply modifications to buffers – which are more reversible than footprint decisions.

• Hybrid regional model with local and regional elements embedded in global networks emerges as most popular option

However, the survey data does not show strong signs of large-scale nearshoring to developed markets. Supply chain organizations are examining a ‘China Plus One’ approach that leaves most of the Chinabased network intact and places net new additions in other markets, or a diversification strategy that still holds significant sourcing or manufacturing in China, Gartner noted.


new study has confirmed that a major global supply chain redesign and realignment is underway, with companies seeking greater diversification of their global sourcing locations.


As a result of the diversification away from China, many countries in the rest of Asia are profiting from net new foreign direct investment. There are also regionalised Asian networks emerging which are driven by coordinated industrial policies, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) or the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade deals.

Asian networks emerging

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine

provide additional insights on key issues facing supply chain leaders during Gartner Supply Chain Symposium, taking place September 27-29 in London. Supply chain leaders will gather to gain a strategic view of the trends disrupting their business and the insights and frameworks they can use to prepare for disruption, enable digital transformation and build sustainability as a competitive advantage.

Of APAC respondents to the survey, 60% see their home region not only as a supply base but as an end market. Globally, 40% of respondents consider APAC a supply base and an end market.

The signs are clear that in a fragmented world, global firms have been making changes to their heavily cost-optimised, one-size-fits-all networks, and now favour a mix of global, regional or local elements. Investments into other parts of Asia – outside of China – coexist with expanded investments into developed markets as organizations take advantage of generous national/trade-bloc-level trade incentives, Raman


Managing a warehouse can be challenging. Warehouse managers are tasked with keeping a facility running at peak levels. They must keep a close eye out for a wide range of issues, including:

Managers have learned a lot about the supply chain in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. These managers understand demand for stock can quickly rise and fall. They recognize that they need to search far and wide for the best ways to keep their operations going, regardless of circumstances. As such, managers are increasingly exploring warehouse automation technologies to resolve myriad challenges before they cause long-lasting supply chain problems.

Take a look at the current state of a company's warehouse operations. Search for any processes that require extensive time and resources to complete. A business should be unafraid to use automation technologies to overhaul these warehouse processes.

64 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

s we’ve recently seen, shortages, delays, and other supply chain issues have a major impact on businesses around the world. Many of these distribution bottlenecks begin before a product is loaded onto a truck or train. In addition, inefficient warehouse practices can cause supply chain issues.

How warehouse automation addresses common supply chain issues


The warehouse automation market is projected to grow over the next few years. Before a business pursues warehouse automation technologies, it must plan accordingly. That way, the business can identify the right technologies for its operations. It can then get the most value out of these technologies.

• Accidental redundancy: Poorly organized workflows can lead to the same operations being performed multiple times. This can increase warehouse labor costs.

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Here are tips to help a business assess warehouse automation technologies and choose and implement the right ones across its operations.

• Subpar inventory management: Managers must track and update warehouse inventory frequently. Otherwise, they risk overstock or running out of stock. In either of these scenarios, the supply chain can suffer.

Automation technologies help managers understand their warehouse operations. They can collect inventory and supply chain data and analyze it with speed and precision. This helps managers find ways to reduce their warehouse costs and boost efficiency. Managers can even discover opportunities to make their facilities more environmentally friendly.

How to get started with automation technologies for warehouses


Conduct research

Engage multiple stakeholders to identify how they handle warehouse challenges. For example, a business can provide surveys regarding its warehouse operations to workers and managers. The surveys allow workers and managers to provide insights. From here, the business can use these insights to determine how automation technologies can be incorporated into its operations.

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other automation technologies can help businesses improve their warehouse operations. They can be integrated into many areas of a warehouse to reduce or eliminate supply chain problems. As a result, the technologies can help warehouses become more efficient than ever before.


• Warehouse layout issues: A great layout plays a key role in warehouse operations. However, managers who cannot make the most of the available floor and vertical space may struggle to pass through different areas of a warehouse. This can make it tough for workers to move items from one area of the facility to another.

Find out what automation technologies are available, how they work, and how they can impact a business. This allows a business to understand what various technologies for automation offer. Next, the business can select technologies that align with its budget and goals.


The integration plan should account for how a business can reorganize and redistribute its warehouse for maximum efficiency. For instance, a company can use AI to instantly determine how to lay out its warehouse operations. This can help the company make its facility more efficient.

Continue to look for opportunities to improve warehouse operations. Over time, a company may find that certain automation technologies work better than others. In these instances, a business can revamp its warehouse operations. Or, a company can invest in new automation technologies.

Establish a plan for incorporating technologies for automation into a warehouse. It can be beneficial to consult with a warehouse automation technology provider. This ensures a business can receive professional support as it starts using automation technologies.

Look for new technologies to automatically boost a warehouse's energy efficiency. Robotics and other automation technologies are already helping businesses reduce energy use. The technologies are evolving and may help a company optimize its energy consumption moving forward.

Indiana Lee, contributing writer

Create metrics to monitor the performance of automation technologies. The metrics let a business monitor its inventory and supply chain and see the impact of automation.

Add automation technologies to your warehouse Automation technologies can help a business uncover ways to bolster its warehouse and maximize its facility's performance. Explore warehouse automation technologies, and a business may reap their benefits for many years to come.

Consider using technology to automate administrative tasks as well. Some companies leverage automation technology for scheduled shredding, which allows them to regularly destroy sensitive data. Scheduled shredding can help a business keep its warehouse data safe. It also allows a business to quickly and easily destroy data with minimal human involvement.


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Make an integration plan

Track your results


Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, RGL is a third-party logistics (3PL) company with over 100 locations across North America, providing a full suite of technology enabled global transportation and value-added logistics solutions.

he WACO System (WACO) has appointed Radiant Global Logistics (RGL) as its member for the USA following an extensive country wide investigation and vetting process.

We have agreed with RGL that every effort will be made to support other WACO members with existing and new freight volumes at the earliest opportunity while WACO members will equally support this newly appointed WACO member.

We look forward to working closely with WACO members and are ready to do business immediately. We particularly look forward to meeting all WACO members at the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in November.

66 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 INDUSTRY SERVICES NEWS 1 AUGUST 2022 | Source: THE WACO SYSTEM

Arnie Goldstein, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), RGL

WACO’s 2022 EGM will take place in Dubai between the 6th and 9th of November.

Richard Charles, Chief Executive Officer, WACO


Latest member eager to meet other members at WACO’s November Extraordinary General meeting in Dubai

Radiant delivers both domestic and international freight forwarding services, truck and rail brokerage services and other value-added supply chain management services, including customs brokerage, order fulfilment, inventory management and warehousing to its customers around the world.


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Needless to say, the new office in Mexico City also benefits from cargopartner’s existing network in the USA, one of Mexico’s largest trading partners. The cargo-partner team in the USA will play an essential role in providing last-mile pick-ups and deliveries, next-flight-out services as well as expedited truck shipments for time-sensitive transports. In addition, cargo-partner continues to cooperate closely with its network of agents and partners across South America to further develop its services to and from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama and other strategically significant countries in the region.

Against the backdrop of ongoing logistics constraints, backlogs and delays in global supply chains, companies around the world are increasingly seeking out logistics providers who can offer specialized local support. To meet the needs of some of its key customers in Mexico and ensure fast and flexible service, cargo-partner has once again expanded its global network and opened a fully operational branch office in Mexico City.

cargo-partner currently has more than 100 employees in the Americas, with seven branch offices in the USA as well as agent representations in Brazil, Chile and Mexico. The company operates two warehouses in Chicago, Illinois and Clarksville, Tennessee with 14,000 m² of storage space each.

The cargo-partner team in Mexico City offers a comprehensive portfolio of air, sea and road transport services including import and export customs clearance. In addition, the company plans to set up a local emergency desk providing round-the-clock availability for highly time-critical shipments.

The company had already established its first representation in Mexico in September 2021 with an Agents’ Liaison and Key Account Support Office in Puebla, serving one of its key customers from the automotive industry. With the new office in Mexico City, cargo-partner now extends this local support to all its customers who are active in the country.

he international logistics provider continues to grow its global network and has opened a new branch office in Mexico City to be closer to local clients and partners. The cargo-partner team in Mexico now offers a full portfolio of air, sea and road transport services for its customers in the country, including door-to-door solutions to and from the USA.


Luis Gomez, Managing Director of cargo-partner in Mexico, explains the motivation behind this step: After setting up the office in Puebla for one of our main clients, we soon realized that we want to provide the same quality and hands-on service for our other customers in this market as well. Recognizing Mexico’s great business potential as the 15th largest economy in the world, we decided to open a fully operational branch office in Mexico City to be closer to our customers, service providers and potential employees.


Door-to-door service to and from USA

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 67 NEW


Although high-value items, such as electronics, phones and cosmetics, will always be targeted, the portability of the item and how easy it is to steal and conceal, will be the determining factor. Whether a particular site is targeted will depend on where it is situated and what it contains, as well as the security measures it has in place.

While being transported, cargo can be stolen, tampered with or used to conceal illegal immigrants.


68 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

Theft of goods during storage

To guard against external threats, organisations need to secure their sites and buildings, using a mix of detection and deterrence methods. This can include CCTV cameras, alarms and control systems, especially at points of access and egress, and a staff/visitor management system to ensure that only those authorised are admitted to different areas of the site.

oah Price, head of the G4S Academy, provides an overview of the security threats faced by warehouse and distribution services, together with a useful overview of how to stay one step ahead through security best practice.


The most common threat is loss of goods and assets through criminal activities.

Theft of goods during transportation

However, the greatest threat to warehouse and delivery centre stock comes from insiders. Organisations can conduct checks to ensure that staff are bona fide, and warehouses can implement random searches of bags and lockers. Some areas can be restricted to authorised personnel only, cages can be used for high-value items, and both can be monitored with video surveillance. An anonymous reporting system can encourage suspicions of co-workers to be reported.

Most attacks on vehicles involve the driver having little time to respond, so security awareness for drivers is key. In Europe there have been incidents where gangs have driven up to the backs of lorries, gained access to the trailer, ‘surfed’ into it and then stolen the goods

The threats facing the warehouse and distribution services include:

Fire, flood, and adverse weather damage

Although the methods of attack for cargo theft are getting more sophisticated, so too are the solutions, especially those incorporating telematics to monitor vehicles and assets using GPS technology, remote immobilisers, sensors, as well as on-board diagnostics and CCTV.

Organisations have a duty of care to protect the health and safety of their employees, contractors, visitors and clients, and if something goes wrong, they may find themselves financially liable. Good security can enhance procedures to mitigate against such risks, so it is important that regular security and safety risk-assessments are carried out.

With many organisations relying heavily on automated processes and large amounts of data being exchanged between those within the supply chain, the risks of cyber-attacks have never been higher. Hackers will often find an entry point into the chain by attacking the less secure elements, enabling them to gain access to the systems and data of other organisations.

The risk of flooding is increasing, which can lead to the damage of both stock and buildings, with disruption to operations. There is also a risk from high winds. As well as taking the appropriate steps to minimise damage, organisations should document procedures, ensure that staff are security aware and clear what to do in the case of an emergency including an evacuation.

Fires in warehouses and distribution centres are not uncommon. The risk is not just about product loss, but also smoke or water damage, as well as employee injury, or even loss of life, and the resultant disruption to normal business activities.

Health and safety

without the driver being aware. In the UK deception is often used, with criminals stopping lorries by posing as police or Vehicle and Operator Services Agency personnel. Once the driver has parked up, the vehicle is an easy target.

Cyber security

Although routes are planned in advance to avoid risks, sometimes due to delays or non-compliance, drivers may find themselves in a non-secure area. Here vehicles are vulnerable to thieves or illegal immigrants.

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Regular testing

Activism and civil disobedience

In response to these threats, a number of elements need to be in place, in order to achieve good security and stay ahead of the evolving threat.

G4S offers an online risk assessment tool, which asks a series of questions and creates a downloadable risk report, to help shape your security planning. It is ideal for those with basic risk assessment requirements and should take no more than five minutes to complete. G4S also offers consultative risk assessments with a G4S expert.

Protests can be extremely disruptive and, even when protestors issue a threat, this may cause people to change plans, shut a site or stop trading for the day. To guard against disruption through activism or civil disobedience it is important to plan for and test a range of scenarios.

Regular risk assessment and planning

In the same way that businesses use penetration testing to test cyber security, physical security should be tested against various scenarios. Table-top exercises can be an excellent way to identify possible weaknesses and be prepared.

With regular risk assessment and planning being the foundation of good security, it’s worth taking time to consider whether your organisational and supply chain risk assessments and plans are up to date, and whether you have a regular documented refresh plan. Have there been any changes in the assets you need to protect, be that people, property, information, or reputation? Are there any new vulnerabilities? Are your assessments incorporating the latest good intelligence – in real timeand if so, are you building these into your plan and the way you respond?

A more holistic approach to training

The use of campaigns and protests has significantly increased, creating a constantly evolving threat. Extinction Rebellion activists targeted over a dozen Amazon distribution centres in the UK on Black Friday 2021 to highlight what they saw as “exploitative and environmentally destructive business practices”. Attacks may not be against the organisation directly, it could become a target because of the partners it works with, or the nature or brand of goods stored or transported.

Organisations can benefit from thinking about training in a more holistic way. Security officers will receive training relevant to specific needs, however, it is also vital to encourage employees to take part in relevant security training. Joint sessions can be invaluable for all concerned and build rapport and understanding, which can become especially valuable in an emergency.

Around three-quarters of supply chain organisations experienced some level of disruption and reduced operations due to the pandemic. The changes created new opportunities for criminals and organised criminal groups. There was a significant increase in theft, especially cargo freight, but also from warehouses as stocks built up due to transport backlogs. The effects of the pandemic continue to impact on supply chains and security teams need to continuously review their systems.

The best security solutions will be achieved where security providers and clients work closely together, whether it’s the planning of an integrated security solution, or a small change in an existing plan, collaboration can help to reach the best solutions, more quickly. As an example, working

Working in partnership

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Free Risk Assessment Tool

Impact of COVID-19

in partnership to extend the role of security from just the protection of the warehouse into supply chain transportation. This is something that G4S is actively pursuing with Yusen Logistics.

Security that is integrated and planned holistically, is likely to work better, precisely because it has been designed to ensure that there are no gaps to be exploited. Physical security for example is best when security professionals work in harmony with good technology, and when integrated with personnel security (protecting from the insider threat) and cyber security (protecting digital data and systems).

Good security utilises insights and shared information, while also using best practice from first responders.

Balancing security and customer service

Insights, shared information and best practice

Building integration in security

Threats on the one hand, and responses including technologies on the other are constantly evolving. For example, G4S can supply delivery fleet security solutions either by providing escort services, or through the use of telematics. G4S telematics employ the latest technology to ensure a continuous data flow through cameras, sensors, satellite tracking and CANBus data to its 24/7 secure operations centre. G4S can also provide remote monitoring of sensor measurements, such as temperature and humidity, to prevent unnecessary loss of food stuffs and other environmentally sensitive goods.

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Developing a strong security culture

A strong security culture will ensure that employees are securityconscious and aware of the most effective ways of protecting assets, including themselves. It is important to review the security culture on a regular basis, in line with changes to the threat landscape, working practices, and the technology being deployed.

Noah Price, Head of the G4S Academy UK&I

In addition to providing an excellent security service, security officers working in the warehouse and distribution services sector must be proficient in customer service.

Embracing new ideas and new technologies


From money woes to monkeypox, from climate change to COVID, there's usually something going on that needs close monitoring. Here we'll report your stories about emergency management.

Related topics


Source: IMO

The amendments adopted at this session are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2024.

is estimated to generate more than US$200 billion per year, making it the fourth largest illegal trade, after trafficking in counterfeit products, drugs and humans. Shipping is a popular method of illegally transporting wildlife, since it provides cost-effective opportunities for perpetrators to smuggle large volumes of animals and plants undetected.

The Facilitation Convention was adopted in 1965 and contains standards and recommended practices and rules for simplifying formalities, documentary requirements and procedures on ships' arrival, stay and departure. The Convention has been updated continuously, embracing digitalization and automation for procedures.

MO's Facilitation Committee has adopted amendments to the Facilitation (FAL) Convention which will make the single window for data exchange mandatory in ports around the world. Amongst other matters, the Committee approved guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of wildlife on ships engaged in international maritime traffic



Guidelines to tackle illicit international wildlife trade approved The Committee approved guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of wildlife on ships engaged in international maritime traffic. The guidelines are expected to serve as a tool to combat wildlife trafficking in the maritime sector and its implementation must be in accordance with international law, in particular, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The guidelines recommend that every Contracting Government establish a national maritime transport facilitation programme to facilitate trade while combating illicit activities. They aim to encourage collaboration and coordination at international, regional, national and port level, and between competent government agencies, maritime transport operators, shippers, seafarers and other stakeholders engaged in the prevention and suppression of wildlife


This is a press release from the IMO from ealier in the year, but it includes some information relevant to this section, including lessons leaned from the COVID-19 pandemic, maritime corruption and cyber security issues. The amendments are expected to come into force in 2024.

IMO's Facilitation Committee has adopted amendments to the Facilitation (FAL) Convention which will make the single window for data exchange mandatory in ports around the world, marking a significant step in the acceleration of digitalization in shipping.

Other amendments adopted include lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and add new and amended Recommended Practices to prevent corruption and illicit activities in the maritime sector.

Single window for ship data exchange to become mandatory under FAL treaty amendments

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The Committee also approved related guidelines on authentication, integrity and confidentiality of information exchanges via maritime single windows and related services, which are aligned with the IMO Compendium (see next section); and revised guidelines for setting up a maritime single window.

The Committee invited Member States to participate in the testing of a new GISIS module created to share information on maritime single windows implemented by Member States. The module is designed to facilitate the sharing of best practices and support the IMO Secretariat in monitoring the progress of SW implementation in the maritime environment globally to better target IMO technical assistance.

Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

Tackling maritime corruption

Updates to the FAL Convention take a systemic approach to addressing the issue of corruption associated with the ship-shore interface in ports. Contracting Governments are now required to encourage public authorities to assess the risks of corruption and address them by developing and implementing preventive measures to strengthen integrity, transparency and accountability. Public authorities are required to coordinate efforts to detect, investigate and sanction corruption related to ships' calls in the port, including through national and international cooperation.

74 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

Best practice recommendations aim to prevent obstacles to crew movement for repatriation, crew change and travel, and encourage dissemination of information about public health matters and expected protection measures by ship operators.

The amendments update the provisions of the FAL Convention on mandatory electronic data exchange in ports for ship clearance. The amendments to the annex of the Convention will make it mandatory for public authorities to establish, maintain and use single window (SW) systems for the electronic exchange of information required on arrival, stay and departure of ships in ports. In addition, public authorities will have to combine or coordinate the electronic transmission of the data to ensure that information is submitted or provided only once and reused to the maximum extent possible.

Mandatory Single Window

The Committee approved related Guidance to implement and adopt procedures against maritime corruption. The guidance encourages the use of administrative or criminal penalties to prevent corruption, regular updates to existing anti-corruption measures or implementation of new measures, and anti-corruption training for relevant personnel who are actively engaged in ship/shore interface operations. It contains a list of some best practices and procedures against maritime corruption.

The amendments concerning arrival and departure of persons require public authorities to inform passengers about vaccination requirements sufficiently in advance of departure and vaccinators to use the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis in order to assure uniform acceptance.

The updated annex to the FAL Convention includes provisions derived from lessons learned during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contracting Governments and their relevant public authorities are required to allow ships and ports to remain fully operational during a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), in order to maintain complete functionality of global supply chains to the greatest extent possible. Public authorities are also required to designate port workers and ships' crew as key workers (or equivalent), regardless of their nationality or the flag of their ship, when in their territory.


The Committee agreed at its 44th session in 2020 to develop the guidelines, following a proposal by Kenya, through an informal working group led by Kenya. The group included participation from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), TRAFFIC and United for Wildlife.

A further amendment to the FAL Convention, relating to the need to tackle illicit activities under the recommended practice on establishing a national maritime transport facilitation programme, was approved at this session, for adoption at FAL 47.

The Committee approved an updated version of the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business (the IMO Compendium). The new version includes the following five new data sets: "Ship reporting systems"; "Ship and company certificates"; "Ship registry and company details"; "Inspections" and "Port State Control inspection history data".

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MSC 105 in April 2022 already commenced work on the development of a goal-based instrument in the form of a non-mandatory Code to regulate the operation of MASS.

By harmonizing the definitions and formats of the data elements required during a port call and by standardizing electronic messages the IMO Compendium facilitates the exchange of information ship to shore and the interoperability of single windows, reducing the administrative burden for ships linked to formalities in ports. The new version of the Compendium is already available in Excel and HTML formats from the IMO website, replacing the current version, here: The IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business.

With regard to the FAL Convention, one of the issues identified was the obligation to search for, identify and manage stowaways, refugees and persons rescued at sea and how this relates to ships with no crew onboard. Any decision to place persons rescued at sea, stowaways and refugees onboard unmanned MASS for transport to a subsequent port would be impacted by the absence of seafarers or basic accommodation facilities. Furthermore, in instances where a stowaway declares themselves as a refugee, consideration must be given to the process for ensuring the confidentiality of information shared.

The FAL Committee approved the outcome of the regulatory scoping exercise (RSE) which analyzed relevant ship safety treaties under the remit of the Committee to assess how maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) could be regulated.

The amendments bring in updated definitions and general provisions for various terms used in the Convention, establishing agreed terminology. This means that all stakeholders, whether at a port, onboard a ship or a third party (such as a public authority, etc.) will now have a clear consensus on the meaning of terms such as 'actual time of arrival', 'estimated time of arrival', 'authenticate', etc.

Amendment for future adoption

The Committee included an output on "Measures to address Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) in the instruments under the purview of the Facilitation Committee" in its 2022 2023 biennial agenda and the provisional agenda for FAL 47.

IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business

Cyber security

This follows the completion of similar RSEs by the Maritime Safety and Legal Committees.

Updated definitions

The RSE on the FAL Convention identified gaps in terminology, the role and responsibility of the master and crew, as well as remote operators – which are areas of concern to all three IMO committees (MSC, LEG and FAL) involved.

The Committee concurred with the establishment of an MSC-LEGFAL Joint Working Group on MASS to provide advice on and consider ways to address common issues identified by the three committees. The group is expected to meet in September, subject to endorsement by the IMO Council.

Progress on MASS regulations

The Committee approved the addition of new cyber risk guidance from IPAH to IMO's Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management (MSCFAL.1/Circ.3/Rev.1). The 'IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines for Ports and Port Facilities' are intended for use by port management and urge operators to consider cyber risks in the context of their own operations and develop a cyber risk management strategy that includes technical training for staff.

Contract rates are still 60% higher than last year, leaving carriers in the driving seat in the rates tug-of-war well into 2023.

As the spot market rates continue to drop, carriers will be forced to renegotiate long-term contract rates that were set at the previous higher levels. Some customers have contracts that have built-in rider clauses pegging them with spot rates, said Levy.


On the all-water route from China to New York, the year-on-year decline was also significant but less drastic compared to the West Coast, with 40’ container rates set to drop 54% to an average of $8,900 compared to $19,500 in September 2021.

Shipping a 40’ container from China to Los Angeles and Long Beach will now cost, on average about $4,900 in September 2022, which is a 72% decline Y-O-Y from a high of USD17,500 in September 2021.

76 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 CRISIS RESPONSE NEWS 22 AUGUST 2022 | Source: SHIFL

Shifl’s data shows that the shipping rate for a 40’ container from China to the US West Coast is set to fall below $5,000 for the first time since the spike caused by the pandemic.


Container lines, however, have been able to shrug off the 23rd straight week of fall in spot rates, lifting their earnings outlook and profit forecasts for 2022 on the back of significant increases in contract rates negotiated last year.

HIFEX, Shifl’s container spot freight rate index points to an ongoing decline in spot rates that is set to shift the power marginally away from the carriers, which is good news for US consumers.

Container spot freight rate tumbles

While spot rates continue to decline, they are still more than three times higher than they were prior to the pandemic. The rates are at levels far lower than at the beginning of 2022, when consumer demand was very high. The pace of this continued decline points to the market returning to some semblance of the new normal, Shabsie Levy, CEO & Founder, Shifl

Lines like Maersk and ONE both reported a decline in volumes in the second quarter as they have focused on their multi-year contracts business. Accounting for 70% of their container moves, these contracts are now driving revenue increases of over 60% year-on-year.

Transit Times to the US are improving slowly Lines servicing the US trades have been able to improve transit times in the last three months with notable improvements in particular on the route between China and the US West Coast.

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Currently, there is a build-up of empty containers in the US, which has put pressure on some ports for space and chassis which are being used as storage facilities.

In a bid to avoid a build-up of empties caused by the imbalance in trade between China and the US, ports like New York and New Jersey have announced the implementation of a quarterly container imbalance fee that will come into effect on September 1. The new charge intends to target ocean carriers who have excess empty containers stored in the port for long periods.

Transit times on the Trans-Pacific trade, especially East Coast, have been impacted since the start of the year due to the decision by shippers to reroute shipments to the East Coast to avoid long delays on the West Coast. The significant delays which were built up in the first quarter of 2022 appear to have reduced month-on-month since a peak in April.

The average time it takes to sail from China to New York is now 46 days. While significantly higher than the pre-pandemic average, it's a notable improvement from the peak of 50 days recorded in April.

Transit times from China to US West Coast ports, by contrast, were down marginally to 32 days, which is down notably from the peak of 50 days recorded in December 2021.

Relatively speaking the transit time between Los Angeles and China is still twice the time it would take the same vessel to transit the route prior to the pandemic.

Comparing the two routes, ships calling to the US East Coast have been relatively less impacted by the congestion issues that have been felt over the past two years as it is currently taking 1.7 times more time to sail from China to New York time when compared to sailing times pre-pandemic.

Due to the build-up of empty containers in the terminal, the gateout times for full import containers have increased. After stabilizing at 5 days in the last three months, the average gate-out time for full import containers in Los Angeles was up in July from 5 days in June to 6 days in July.

In New York, the number of days it takes to ship a container out of the port was steady at 4 days but still up from a low of 3 days in May.

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Gate Times Steady

&RECRUITMENTTRAINING Organisations and bodies that provide and train staff for the freight and logistics industries. Related topics SafetyOrganicCertificationgrowthawareness Sponsored by 78


Maersk’s clients have also showed interest in the use of these rainbow containers to move their goods around the world, and during the tour they have visited numerous customer sites for employee events. The response from our customers has been overwhelming, with many wanting to be part of the tour and others asking for more rainbow containers, commented Rob Townley, Global Head of Special Project Logistics Growth Enablement in Washington D.C., and one of the initiators of the World Tour.

aersk maintains a fleet of specially-painted rainbow containers which participate in DEI events around the world. The rainbow containers have appeared in Pride events and parades this summer in Copenhagen, Denmark; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Vienna, Austria; Warsaw, Poland; Genoa, Italy; Zurich, Switzerland; Chennai, India; Santiago, Chile; Guayaquil, Ecuador and Lima, Peru amongst others.

During their World Tour, the containers have been made available to A.P. Moller-Maersk employees during strategic points in the journey for them to sign – and around the world, many have taken the chance to share their hopes for a future of improved diversity and inclusion.

Maersk’s rainbow 40’ container – one of 19 containers (and growing) that are deployed in the company’s global operations – participated in the Charlotte Pride Parade on Sunday, August 21

On Friday, August 19th the rainbow container was at the Maersk Charlotte office on 9300 Arrowpoint Boulevard as part of an employee event featuring local North Carolina barbeque food, a taco truck and music for employees – who were able to go inside the container to sign their names in support of the initiative. For both this event and the parade, the Maersk rainbow container was mounted to a Pridedecorated 40 foot chassis provided by DCLI, the largest supplier of chassis equipment to the U.S. intermodal industry.

The rainbow fleet of containers are part of Maersk’s working global container fleet and deployments have included humanitarian aid to hurricane survivors in Louisiana on September 6, 2020. APM Terminals Mobile, Alabama, the Alabama State Port Authority, Maersk Special Projects & Team Rubicon worked together collect over 36,000 lbs. of water, non-perishable food and other emergency supplies for distribution to victims of Hurricane Laura in communities surrounding Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Maersk is proud to demonstrate our commitment to DEI which are core principles of our company working environment. Maersk’s rainbow containers have served as a symbol of inclusion and diversity, boldly sharing with the world the company’s stand on creating a culture where all employees, partners, and customers feel welcomed and can be themselves without judgment, said Derrick Shirley, Maersk North America’s Regional Head of HR Business Partners, based in Charlotte. Mr. Shirley accompanied the container in the Charlotte Pride Parade on Sunday as executive sponsor.

22 AUGUST 2022 | Source: MAERSK

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 79


Back in July 2020, two Maersk containers were skillfully painted in the United States with a rainbow to join Maersk’s fleet and embarked on their first World Tour. The first part of the journey was aboard the Maersk Edmonton from APM Terminals Pier 400 Los Angeles to Yokohama, Japan. The containers stopped at several locations across Asia and Europe, before finally ending their tour in Denmark for the Copenhagen Pride parade in 2021.

Nonantum Capital is a mid-market private equity group based in Boston with strong transportation expertise that is a financial sponsor of RoadOne. They support RoadOne’s growth efforts and business expansion into new market sectors via both acquisition and organic growth.


ROADONE DON TAYLOR in touch with Headford USA or +1 (470) 751 4644 or at

I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with this extraordinary team of knowledgeable, well-respected executives. RoadOne’s vision and actions continue to address the demands and challenges shippers face by driving greater reliability, efficiency and competitive advantage for their businesses. I look forward to being a major contributor to RoadOne’s success.


We’re thrilled to have Don join our executive team as we take RoadOne to the next level. He’s the right person to help us navigate our ongoing expansion and enhance our operational performance as we work to deliver optimal logistics, intermodal and environmental sustainability solutions.



Don was formerly with Universal Intermodal Services, Inc., a leading national drayage and intermodal logistics services company. He held a number of positions including Terminal and Regional Manager, Director of Terminal Development, Vice President and President. His career spanned 16-1/2 years.

Don Taylor, Executive Vice President, RoadOne IntermodaLogtistics

oadOne IntermodaLogistics, a single source intermodal, distribution, and logistics services company, announces today the appointment of Don Taylor as Executive Vice President. Don will work in concert with David McLaughlin, Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at RoadOne, in overseeing operational activities at every level of the Overorganization.thelast six years, RoadOne’s national footprint has grown substantially due to eleven intermodal logistics business acquisitions and the establishment of a drayage broker division. Don brings to RoadOne a wealth of experience ideal for supporting RoadOne’s growth including building strong partnerships with all agent partners and regional divisions, and refining processes and the company’s management structure.

David McLaughlin, COO & CFO, RoadOne IntermodaLogistics



Sean brings a tremendous breadth of knowledge and high-level design engineering expertise from more than 25 years of experience as a senior mechanical design

engineer at Caterpillar, JRB, and Pratt & Whitney, among others. As CakeBoxx pioneers the transformation of transportation, freight forwarding, shipping, and 3PL networks into resilient, adaptive, and efficient supply chains that include the optimization of break bulk / roro / intermodal and container shipping interoperability, Sean Tan's advanced supply chain systems engineering experience will be instrumental in expanding and continuing the company's distinguished trend of innovation in both engineered transport solutions and operational efficiency improvements.

I am thrilled to be joining the CakeBoxx team and leading the company's design engineering services. The CakeBoxx container is a great product with huge potential for many more applications across various industries. I look forward to helping the company continue to push the boundaries of container engineering and expand into more markets with innovative designs that meet customers' unique needs.

From his experience working with private sector companies and federal agencies in multiple countries, Tan understands the complexities of the business world and how great product and container design can help streamline supply chains and reduce customer costs.

CakeBoxx Technologies is a global supply chain systems engineering and transportation systems integration solution provider. The company designs and builds cargo shipping containers and platforms to help organizations manage risk, increase resilience, lower total cost of ownership and increase velocity for cargo transportation and specialty manufacturing markets. CakeBoxx "two-piece" containers with their deck and lid design, are the first innovation in the industry to offer truly safe, secure and efficient containerized transport for the top-loaded, side-loaded, break bulk and general project cargo markets.




an brings breadth of experience and high-level design engineering expertise to lead innovation and development of new CakeBoxx transport platform design projects

CakeBoxx Technologies, the global leader in specialized, high value, and high consequence cargo transportation platforms – and innovator of the first and only SAFETY Act Qualified intermodal container – today announced the appointment of Sean Tan as Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Tan will join CakeBoxx' corporate headquarters team in McLean and is tasked with leading the company's worldwide R&D, systems engineering, and ongoing product development initiatives. Reporting to Daine Eisold, the Chairman and CEO, and working closely with James Campbell, the Chief Operating Officer, Tan will be focused on scaling CakeBoxx Technologies' industrial manufacturing, high-value, and high-consequence cargo and platform solutions. His particular focus will be on automotive, energy, aerospace, and defense as these industries reimagine their supply chains, shipping, and transportation solutions.

82 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 RECRUITMENT & TRAINING A LITTLE ABOUT THE APPOINTMENT I’m a driven and hardworking individual with a proven background in sales. I enjoy challenging myself and strive to be the best I can in all areas of life. I am a very social person who also enjoys the occasional drink. I love to travel. I am newly married and we’ve recently got a picked up our new puppy called blu. RELEVANT QUALIFICATIONS:EXPERIENCE/ 10 years sales and account management experience. HOBBIES/INTEREST: Motor sports. Bikes cars anything with an engine. Extreme and combat sports. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Dog – I have a french bulldog. INTERESTING FACT: Around 8% of the world’s currency is cash, the remaining 92% is all digital. GET IN TOUCH... +1 (469) 262 taylor@headfordgroup.com6590 WELCOME TO TEAMTHE HEADFORD USA TAYLOR COLEMAN RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT, TEXAS, USAINWELCOMINGTOTHEPOSITION RECRUITMENTOF & TRAINING APPOINTMENTS A LITTLE ABOUT THE APPOINTMENT I have been to 17 countries and plan on visiting plenty more. I originally joined ForwardingJobs as a data entry clerk; after a month I expressed an interest in becoming a recruitment consultant and was promptly moved over. I mostly focus on the areas surrounding CLT and PHL, but I do cover most of the east coast from Pennsylvania all the way down to South Carolina. HOBBIES/INTEREST: Travel, riding my motorbike, listening to music and socialising with friends. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Monkeys. INTERESTING FACT: Maine is almost 700 miles closer to Africa than Florida is. GET IN TOUCH... +1 (646) 513 levi@forwardingjobs.com2733 FORWARDINGJOBS USA LEVI DIXON RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT, EAST COAST, USA WELCOMINGTO IN THE POSITION OF USA Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER

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• Interface with client representatives when critical issues arise and assess possible solutions

Duties & responsibilities

• General understanding of the CH Robinson Project Execution model and work breakdown structure

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• Set up template for billing and project reports for use by PL Coordinators

• Completion of the 4 Pillars:

• PC

• Ensure that all Shipment obligations are met and that full client satisfaction is achieved

• Rate negotiations, carrier strategy and carrier selection


Position summary

• High-school diploma or GED Minimum 3 years of experience in ocean and air freight Must have experience in freight forwarding To find out more, please visit or call +1 (646) 513 2733 (312)


• Design solutions and execute from quote to cash

Essential duties & responsibilities Serve as a single point of contact for Order Management customers and to assist them in tracking information from Purchase Order Inception through final delivery Proactively monitoring exception reports and dashboards to ensure Expeditors is meeting key event milestones within the life of a Shipment. This may involve working with multiple Expeditors Origin offices. Create Internal and External Order Management reports using Expo Scheduler such as Daily status reports, In Transit Report and Business Review Reports etc. Manage “Standard Operating Procedures” for each client and coordinate SOP revisions with customers and Origin offices Inform customers of latest developments at Origin related to port strikes, embargo, port congestions, regulatory and legal provisions which may have an impact on their business


• Overall project management and coordination for all project files relating to truck/rail, sea, and air, barge inbound and outbound

The duties and responsibilities of this position consist of, but are not limited to, the following

Qualifications Managing the complex OM network requires a high level of attention to detail, understanding & maintaining operational procedures, troubleshooting abilities, and providing superior customer service to ensure a seamless flow of information. College Degree Effective interpersonal skills. Must be able to listen, comprehend and communicate clear and concise information to obtain positive results skills with strong emphasis on Excel is required basic understanding of EDI is preferred

Position summary

• A

• Develop account relationships with contacts at multiple levels within the customers’ organizations

• Fluency in Incoterms 2020

496 6624

Order Management is one of the core services offered by Expeditors. The basis of the service is to receive customer orders electronically and then manage and report upon the milestones presented on the Orders.

The Project Logistics Specialist is responsible for supporting the overall management and coordination of project freight to achieve client satisfaction. C.H. Robinson Project Logistics’ goal is to develop long term relationships with clients and their contractors by providing excellent service and successfully demonstrating that we are a premier project forwarder through superior performance. The PL Specialist directly supports customer supply chains by helping to move their freight efficiently and effectively. They interact directly with customers to build and strengthen relationships, increase efficiency, and conduct analysis to help customers maximize C.H. Robinson’s technology offerings.


84 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1


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Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 85 CUSTOMS BROKERAGE AGENT DORAL, FL “We’re not in the shipping business; we’re in the information business” – Peter Rose, Expeditors Founder • 15,000 trained professionals • 250+ locations worldwide • Fortune 500 • Globally unified systems Major Duties and Responsibilities • Ensure smooth and timely customs process flow • Ensure accurate and timely data entry into our operational system • Track and Trace Custom files and reporting • Ensure accurate and timely client billing • Understand all the elements of the import and export customs Desk Level Operating Procedure and correctly interpret this information to fulfill our customer´s instructions and expectations. • Transfer customs declaration information from documents, or other sources into the customs entry system to allow for the build of a valid customs declaration • Assist with verification of customs declaration information and the submission of such to the customs authority • Ensure compliance at all times to regulations Qualifications • Good knowledge of customs brokerage process, customs legislation – especially with regards to classification, valuation and origin • Understanding of ocean, road and air documentation process • Effective interpersonal skills • Pro-active approach, strong organizational and computer skills • Good computer skills (MS Excel, MS Word) • Fluent in English To find out more, please visit or call +1 (786) 233 5774 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MN Your next adventure • Engage prospects, develop new relationships, and close sales through various techniques, including cold calling, responding to company-generated leads, and referrals • Create solutions utilizing our vast portfolio of logistics services • Maintain communication with customers to drive account growth and ensure customers’ day-to-day and long-term needs are met Required qualifications • High school diploma or GED You have the right stuff if you have • An appreciation for a diverse and inclusive work environment • Passion for sales and pride in building customer relationships • Creative problem-solving skills, including the ability to communicate effectively with all customers, in all situations • Speed and efficiency in fast-paced setting (more calls mean more opportunities!) • Positive attitude, self-motivated, adaptability, and strong organizational skills • Ability to work in a team environment, while also delivering independent results • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

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Related topics REIGHT


financial transactions.

The consolidation of companies or assets through various types of

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Need It Now Delivers operates an expansive domestic road freight network with more than 65 company locations and 300 distribution points, providing strong national coverage, particularly in the eastern United States. To offer its customers complete port-to-door logistics solutions, the company specializes in distribution, last-mile delivery, and in multi-channel contract logistics across a wide range of high-growth industry verticals. Owned in part by management along with the private equity fund Palm Beach Capital, the New Jersey-based company employs approximately 2,000 people and is expected to reach revenues close to $750 million in 2022.

16 AUGUST 2022 | Source: GEODIS

The acquisition is subject to regulatory review and approvals, which are expected to be obtained by end of 2022. Both companies will operate as independent businesses and run their operations as usual until that time.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 91

Once the transaction is completed, the GEODIS group will employ roughly 15,000 people across more than 200 locations in the U.S and exceeding 17,000 in the Americas. The combined organizations of GEODIS and Need It Now Delivers would have generated $3.7 billion for full year 2021 in the U.S.

Since our inception in 1987, Need It Now Delivers has scaled rapidly to position ourselves as an industry leader with a special focus on omnichannel and last-mile delivery. Together with GEODIS, our teams can continue to build upon this momentum to provide customers with a more expansive network of flexible, efficient and reliable services that will ultimately allow us to successfully meet projected industry dynamics such as continued e-Commerce growth and increasingly complex supply chains that require the need for omnichannel capabilities.


Mike Honious, President & CEO, GEODIS in Americas


This acquisition will strengthen GEODIS’s American footprint and e-Commerce services portfolio, with customers able to benefit from the Group’s expertise in end-to-end supply chain expertise in freight forwarding, road transport, contract logistics and last-mile delivery.

EODIS, a world leader in transport and logistics, today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire the American company, Need It Now Delivers. The acquisition will enable GEODIS to significantly increase its presence in the United States in the areas of contract logistics and last-mile delivery. The acquisition will also consolidate GEODIS’s position as one of the world’s ten leading logistics providers.


Eric Mautner, CEO, Need It Now Delivers

Our U.S. supply chain business has consistently grown over the last 10 years. With the services, capabilities, and the leadership team of Need It Now Delivers, we will expand our offerings and support the growth strategies of our customers.

Marie-Christine Lombard, CEO, GEODIS

The acquisition of Need It Now Delivers is a key step through which we will strengthen and diversify our offerings in the U.S., providing our customers with a global and integrated end-to-end freight network in the United States, from international transport to last-mile delivery. This new acquisition represents an important milestone as we continue to progress on our strategic plan, Ambition 2023.


EKO Logistics (SEKO), the leader in global end-to-end logistics solutions, today announced the acquisition of Pixior, LLC. (Pixior), a leading 3PL and fulfillment services provider based in Commerce, CA. With seven locations along the West Coast, and one location in Connecticut, Pixior has become the region’s premier provider of ecommerce fulfillment and retail services, with an emphasis on serving high-end fashion brands.

Following the sale, Yassine Amallal remains as CEO of the business unit, which will ultimately be renamed SEKO Ecommerce Fulfillment.

92 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

James Gagne, CEO, SEKO Logistics

Pixior has grown substantially since the company was founded more than 20 years ago. To continue our growth, we needed a partner with the right capabilities and expertise to accelerate and expand what we’ve been able to achieve. SEKO is the right partner. We admire the company’s global reputation of being a no-nonsense, hands-on and reliable provider of first-class logistics solutions, just like us. Plus, with their global operations, there is no limit to our customers’ growth potential. Yassine Amallal, CEO, Pixior

SEKO’s strong global presence will also expand Pixior’s existing offerings, providing clients of the company access to:



With the acquisition of Pixior, we crystallize our industry leadership in end-to-end logistics solutions and take a significant leap forward in our fulfillment capabilities in the US. We are operating on a strong growth trajectory and looking for opportunities that allow the company to continue to move at the speed of commerce from anywhere in the world. Yassine and the Pixior team have demonstrated their clear ability to execute outstanding service, quickly develop new space and onboard clients in highly constricted markets. We believe in what they’ve accomplished and are ready to help the company and its clients grow even more.

• Personalized last mile ecommerce transportation services

Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Accelerating global growth in ecommerce capabilities

ARE YOU THINKKING ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING A FREIGHT COMPANY? Get in touch with Freight Mergers on or +1 (646) 933 1264 or at

NEWS 9 AUGUST 2022 | Source: SEKO

• In-country fulfillment capabilities in key European and Asia Pacific markets to support international expansion strategies

• Technology and compliance led value-added freight forwarding capabilities, especially for Asia-US trade lanes

The acquisition of Pixior brings key ecommerce capabilities in-house to SEKO in the critical West Coast market. These capabilities include high-touch value added fulfillment services that provide a customized brand experience to client customers, for which Pixior offers a truly unique service. This acquisition also nearly doubles SEKO’s fulfillment and warehouse space in the US and triples SEKO’s existing West Coast space capacity. In addition, SEKO adds Pixior’s drayage business to increase further the speed and efficiency of its port discharge services.

Freight Mergers are specialists in selling owner-managed freight forwarding businesses. For most company owners, selling their freight forwarding business is the most important financial transaction of their life. To meet the challenge of getting a fair price for a business, we have developed a proactive approach to selling a business that connects buyers with sellers with the best synergy. We have over ten years of experience in the freight forwarding sector and, due to our niche-specialist approach, can put you in touch with the best sellers for your business.

M&A for the global freight & logistics industry +1 (646) 933 1264 • Are you planning to buy or sell a freight forwarding company?



Founded in 1975 and based in St Louis, Missouri, ATS has over 5,500 employees and offers full-range ground handling services across the US and Canada, including passenger, ramp, and cargo handling, aircraft refuelling and de-icing, as well as lounge and concierge services.

AGI said the acquisition helps build on AGI’s global growth strategy, soon to include expansion into Europe and other regions beyond North America. Well-financed and profitable, AGI is poised for continued growth and expansion at its current and new US gateways.

S air cargo handler Alliance Ground International (AGI) has acquired Airport Terminal Services (ATS) as part of its ongoing growth strategy across North America, also adding its first passenger operations.

Jared Azcuy, Chief Executive Officer, AGI

Alliance Ground International (AGI), along with sister companies Cargo Force and TSCS, is one of the largest groups of privately owned cargo, mail and freighter ground handling companies in the USA. The group operates at 25 US airports prior to its acquisition of ATS had a nationwide team of over 5,000 employees.


ATS adds 49 locations across Canada and the USA to AGI’s growing portfolio, also adding the cargo handling specialist’s first passenger operations

94 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624


AGI is a dedicated cargo handler and freighter ground handler. This opportunity with ATS will allow us to build our presence in the airport terminal and passenger side of the business.

Over the previous eight months, AGI has announced investments into technology and systems, the addition and promotion of key talent to its team, and expansions and new facilities in Chicago and Newark in addition to its strategic acquisitions of Maestro, TAS, and ATS.



Over our 30-year history, Atlas Air Worldwide has grown to become a global leader in airfreight, delivering high-quality services to our diverse roster of customers around the world. Following the closing of the sale to the Consortium, we will seek to leverage their

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 95

resources, relationships and industry expertise to build on our strong financial and operational performance. Their investment in our company demonstrates their confidence in our people and our culture as we serve the growing needs of the global supply chain.

On behalf of the consortium, Apollo partners Antoine Munfakh and Jason Scheir, and J.F. Lehman & Company partner Alex Harman stated: With the strong market demand and long-term secular tailwinds for global air cargo services, Atlas is poised to capitalise on many opportunities for continued growth as a fund portfolio company of Apollo, J.F. Lehman and Hill City. We look forward to leveraging our resources, capital and experience in the sector to support the talented Atlas team, alongside our partners in this exciting next phase.

Acquisition by Apollo-led investor group is expected to close in the fourth quarter 2022 or first quarter 2023, taking the US freighter operating giant into private ownership

tlas Air Worldwide has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an investor consortium led by funds managed by affiliates of Apollo, together with investment affiliates of J.F. Lehman & Company and Hill City Capital, in an all-cash transaction with an enterprise valuation of approximately $5.2 billion.

The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2022 or first quarter 2023, subject to customary closing conditions, including approval by Atlas Air Worldwide shareholders and receipt of regulatory approvals.

Upon completion of the transaction, Atlas Air Worldwide will become a privately held company and will continue operating under the Atlas Air Worldwide name, be led by John Dietrich and the current executive team, and maintain its global presence.


John Dietrich, President & CEO, Atlas Air Worldwide


Revenue: $49m

Ocean Import: 24% Air Import: 75% Customs: 1%

Air Export: 0.2%

Gross Profit: $7.68 m



Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 97

• USA • Canada • Italy • Croatia • Dubai



Italy 2021: Revenue: $15.9m Gross Profit: $2.8 m EBITDA: $814 k

Air import & trucking: 9.5% Ocean Import: 90.5%

Ocean Import: 62.9% Ocean Export: 12.9% Project cargo: 23.1%

Canada 2021: Revenue: $24.4 m Gross Profit: $2.9m EBITDA: $2 m

USA 2021: Revenue: $6.5m Gross Profit: $1.1m EBITDA: $440 k

Ocean Export: 68.9% Ocean Import: 9.1% Air Export: 13.6% Project Cargo: 8.4%

Project Atlantic


Alexander Jones , M&A +1alexander.jones@freightmergers.comConsultant(646)9331264


Dubai 2021: Revenue: $2.2 m Gross Profit: $880 k EBITDA: $260 k

EBITDA: $3.5m


Air Import: 0.9%

This global freight forwarder was founded 10+ years ago with a focus on air and ocean freight. The main shareholder is now looking at their exit with a view to staying on with the business for a period of time. The shareholders are open to both trade and private equity buyers. If this opportunity is of interest, please get in contact.


Net profit: $130 k



Alexander Jones , M&A +1alexander.jones@freightmergers.comConsultant(646)9331264

- Duty drawback specialists - ISO 9002 – 1994

Profit before tax: $2 m



• International transport LOCATION USA

: import 29% | export 5%

2020 Revenue: $19.1m Gross profit: $ 3.4 m Net profit: $ 634 k

Forecast full year 2021

Gross profit: $ 4 m


• A range of operating licenses: - IATA, CNS - TSA/DOT/FAA

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 99

• 2 shareholders


• Warehousing: 3,000 sqft


: import 57% | export 9%

Gross profit: $1.9m Net profit: $ 875k

• NVOCC (Including DoD)

- Licensed customs broker

2019 Revenue: $12.5m Gross profit: $2.6 m

Revenue: $ 30 m


January to May 2021

• Est. 1982

Revenue: $10.8 m

This US-based company is seeking an active and experienced buyer who is in the market for a well-known traditional customs broker and freight forwarder. They are involved in various aspects of international transportation, specialising in the handling of sensitive and ‘special needs’ cargo including time-sensitive shipments, perishables, heavily regulated commodities, government cargo, hazmat, oversized/overweight and high-value merchandise.


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Print is not dead. Nor is the postal system. Both work perfectly well, so let use them. In fact, in this digital age, high-end print actually stands out more than it used


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The average adult spends most of their day looking at a screen. Checking their news feed, in front of their computer, on social media, online shopping, watching TV. Be on those screens.

to. • • Advert design for your own use • Postal mailshots



Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 101 Freight Solutions is an outsourced marketing solution for the freight industry. TraditionalmarketingBook a meeting +1 (312) 496 6624


The ultimate in customer engagement. Mobile usage now outweighs desktop, so give your audience a focused, useful portal where you control the content and they remain interested.



102 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

We are basically one company working together to serve our extensive client base, even though we have several locations both in Canada and the United States. The variety of our numerous service offerings enables GTI as one company to serve all our clients logistical needs by leveraging the skills, talents and institutionalized knowledge we’ve accumulated. Our new brand reflects this objective, demonstrating to clients that we’re one family with shared values and a shared commitment to exceptional customer service through comprehensive, customized logistics solutions.

Richard Lafreniere, CEO & President, The GTI Group

The rebrand consists of a new standardized corporate logo and colors with the new circular ‘G’ mark and trademark blue seen consistently across all business units. The new brand mark plays on the ‘G’ of GTI, with the circularity of the ‘G’ representing GTI’s full-service, comprehensive freight transport and logistics offering, while also nodding to the supply chain cycle itself. The arrow is tilted upward, demonstrating the forward progress, growth and momentum of not only GTI but also the growth experienced by clients and partners from working with GTI. The blue represents GTI’s unity and projects optimism and peace of mind both internally and externally.

ver the past five years, The GTI Group, backed by private equity firm Novacap, has experienced tremendous growth with new start-ups, numerous acquisitions and the expansion of existing business units. To better reflect this progress and the future growth of The GTI Group, the company today announced the next evolution of its corporate brand.

View the newly designed website at

Through messaging, design and imagery, the rebrand emphasizes the one company that we are, The GTI Group, as a full-service logistics provider. A solutions-first message is seen on all marketing materials, from website and social media to email, print and digital collateral, signage and more. The rebrand focuses on how GTI leverages its team’s specialized expertise, institutionalized knowledge and cutting-edge technology to meet clients’ supply chain requirements and provide them with peace of mind through custom freight logistics solutions, no matter the mode of transportation or which location provides the solution.



ilk Way West Airlines, a member of the Silk Way Group and one of the fastest-growing cargo carriers in the Caspian and CIS regions, has launched its redesigned website, accessible at . The website includes several new features, including a responsive, user-friendly layout, simplified navigation and newly integrated online booking services along with enhanced freight tracking and a CO2 calculator to improve the customer experience.

In addition to improving existing functionality, two new online services have been added to better serve the airline’s customers. An online booking feature enables forwarders and sales agents to send cargo inquiries directly to the airline through the website and receive a booking confirmation with flight data by email. The enhanced tracking service with an integrated CO2 emission calculator offers real-time status tracking through the website, which calculates carbon emissions generated from shipments based on cargo weight, origin and destination. The new features demonstrate the company’s drive to improve the customer experience by digitalizing services and achieving a carbon neutral footprint.


Wolfgang Meier, President, Silk Way West Airlines

I am proud to share the passion of our team that redesigned our website, making it even more attractive and optimizing its functionality. Adjusting the website in line with our new corporate identity and adding useful features and important functions makes it a great experience for customers to step into the Silk Way world. The next stage in digitalizing our processes is the launch of online booking through our website, which will further enhance our capacity to reach prospective clients.

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 103

We are delighted that our latest project brings us together in providing state-of-the-art tracking capability to Silk Way West Airlines’ newly redesigned website, together with an online query and interactive quotation feature through our QuoteIt platform to further enhance digitally driven growth. It is sensational to witness this development and we are looking forward to continued synergies and cooperation between our two companies.

Cristina Pheysey, Managing Director, ENXT Solutions

Webdesign forfreighttheindustry Deep sector knowledge. Digital Professionalexpertise.&friendly service. Pricesfrom$1,180 + 312) 496 6624 WebdesignWebdevelopmentSearchengineoptimisationHosting,maintenance&supportSocialmediamarketing We have unrivalled experience in web design, web development and SEO, along with web hosting, support and maintenance, giving you ultimate peace of mind. As a part of Freight Solutions Consulting we are unparalleled when it comes to social media and digital marketing, meaning maximum brand exposure for your business.


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108 FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624 BACKGIVING We know you're a generous, caring bunch in the freight world. Let us help you get your message out there... Related topics EnvironmentFundraisingCharity 108


AFKLMP has partnered with this year’s team, made up of students from Delft University of Technology, to transport the Nuna 11s from the Netherlands to South Africa and back again.

AFKLMP converted the fuel needed to fly the Nuna 11s from Amsterdam to Johannesburg into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), reducing the carbon footprint of the journey. The Dutch Brunel Solar Team and AFKLMP are both keen to pursue sustainability and innovation. Using SAF reduces carbon emissions by at least 75% compared to fossil kerosene.

n Saturday 6 August, the Nuna 11s – the solar car that the Dutch Brunel Solar Team will drive in South Africa's Sasol Solar Challenge – departed Schiphol Airport for Johannesburg on a Boeing 747 freighter operated by Air France KLM Martinair Cargo (AFKLMP), the team’s logistics partner this year.

This year’s Sasol Solar Challenge will start in Johannesburg on Friday 9 September and end in Cape Town on Friday 16 September. The Brunel Solar Team departed for South Africa ahead of the Nuna 11s, on Thursday 4 August.

6 AUGUST 2022 | Source: AFKLMP

Content submission: editor@ FORWARDER FORWARDER magazine USA ISSUE 2 109


While the individual components of SCS may be in a state of flux , overall, the importance of sustainability in supply chains continues to trend upwards, the report notes. The dimension that showed the most positive change is climate change mitigation, it highlights.

This is the first year we have tracked differences between SCS goals across regions of the world – supported by a multilingual survey questionnaire – so it will be interesting to see how these disparities evolve over future years, it adds.

Supply chains worldwide are uniquely positioned to be an engine to impact our society positively. The choice of who we choose to do business with, where we do business, and what and how we deliver is essentially in the supply chain’s control. Consumers and businesses alike need – and, in fact, demand – that products we source and deliver meet their environmental and social expectations. You will find in the State of Supply Chain Sustainability 2022 a most important, comprehensive global study that supports your ability to benchmark your company and SCS actions. Mark Baxa , President & CEO, CSCMP

The 2022 State of Supply Chain Sustainability report, a collaboration between the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), found that pressure has focused on different areas than it did last year, with the environmental dimensions of SCS receiving much more attention than in 2020.

Supply chain circularity gaining favour

Supply chain circularity also gained favour in 2021. The adoption of technology and practices to support SCS goals also appears to be on the rise. Our latest research suggests that supplier audits, supply chain mapping, and codes of conduct are the most prevalent practices regardless of firm size.

It notes that the steady rise of SCS as a corporate issue may come as no surprise to many supply chain professionals. Our research for the 2022 report affirms supply chain’s increasingly important role as a champion of corporate sustainability – a trend we highlighted in last year’s report.

ressure to support supply chain sustainability (SCS) practices has increased steadily and evolved since last year, with climate change mitigation and natural resource conservation seeing the biggest increases in interest, a major new study has found.

Pressure to support environmental practices has increased steadily and evolved since last year, with climate change mitigation and natural resource conservation seeing the biggest increases in interest, a major new MIT study has found

The third such annual report by MIT is founded on a large-scale international survey of supply chain professionals with over 3,300 respondents conducted in late 2021. Survey results are combined with 15 executive interviews and supported by news and social media content analysis from the same year.


SCS ‘is a moving target’

Advertising: tony@ FORWARDER | +1 (312) 496 6624

The report notes that geographically, the global north and the global south give different weightings to the components of SCS. For instance, the north shows stronger commitment to climate change mitigation than does the South.


The report, which was published in late July 2022, highlights that if there is one characteristic that sums up the state of supply chains today, it is the need to navigate extreme change: Our research over the last three years culminating in the 2022 State of Supply Chain Sustainability Report shows the same can be said for supply chain sustainability (SCS); SCS is a moving target. For instance, over the last three years consistent pressure to pursue SCS goals has come from various stakeholders, but the relative level of pressure associated with each stakeholder has changed over time. This year, company executives and corporate buyers top the league of advocates. As one of the executives interviewed for this year’s report commented, customers want to buy from companies that are investing in, and are committed to, SCS.


To attain the broadest audience of practitioners and input from various sectors, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), a leading, global, professional association, collaborated on data collection. For the first time this year, the survey component of data collection was offered in three languages: English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.

You can download a full copy of the report at

Future directions


However, while SCS may be enjoying more support as a corporate goal, its growing popularity does not necessarily translate into investment dollars. As was the case in previous years, on every dimension SCS goals ranked more highly than investment in 2021. Still, the investment picture is not unremittingly gloomy. There are tentative signs that the gap is closing in some areas, notably in human rights protection.

With now three years of data and observations, our research is uniquely positioned to observe supply chain sustainability efforts over time – in terms of both priorities and practices. And this year, we’re extremely pleased to have offered our survey in multiple languages, which allowed us to collect and analyze more responses from more parts of the world to gain an even richer understanding of the state of supply chain sustainability.

This year’s report is sponsored by Avetta, Blue Yonder, C.H. Robinson, KPMG LLP, and project44.

The report concludes that the Rubik’s Cube of SCS components may continue to change, but sustainability practices and capabilities in supply chains appear to be maturing fast while gaining momentum across firms of all sizes.

Given their key role in supporting sustainability goals, it is incumbent on practitioners to keep abreast of the many agents of change in this area, whether they be inspired by media channels, shifting consumer sentiment, or unexpected disruptions.

David Correll, MIT CTL research scientist and lead investigator on the study


Examining what does 2022 portend for the future of SCS?, the report notes: We have no reason to doubt that SCS will continue to gain importance in the near term. Even the Covid 19 pandemic and its aftermath did not arrest this trend. For the second consecutive year, about 80% of respondents reported that their firms were undaunted by the global pandemic. Moreover, our research suggests that one of the pandemic’s legacies is to promote new thinking in key supply chain areas such as SCS.

Supply chain management has never held a more critical and influential role in the world than it does today, and organizations are rising to the challenge. To mitigate ongoing supply chain disruptions, the leaders in the space are becoming more conscientious and intentional in their supply chain monitoring. As a result, we’re not only seeing a rise in sustainability tracking, but also, a push for evaluating all risks, including ESG, safety, business risk and much more, in one centralized location for greater transparency.

Hong Mo Yang, Senior Vice President for Industry Strategy, Blue Yonder

In the face of constant disruptions, leading companies worldwide are urgently redesigning their supply networks and ecosystems to not only address business continuity and resilience, but also to improve their supply chain for sustainability, which is a very high priority for internal and external stakeholders alike.


Danny Shields, Vice President for Sustainability & Risk, Avetta

Rob Barrett , Principal, US Supply Chain Advisory, KPMG LLP

We see our clients moving towards practices that will improve transparency – notably supply chain mapping and codes of conduct. There is a strong desire to contribute to ESG values, and it goes beyond technology. We believe you have to incentivize the entire supply chain ecosystem to be transparent and open.

Christian Piller, Vice President for Research and Sustainability, project44

Supply chains are so complex that no one can tackle sustainability alone. Collaborating with the right partners who have the right technology is essential.

The MIT CTL/CSCMP research team is laying the groundwork for the 2023 State of Supply Chain Sustainability report. Over time, this annual status report aims to help practitioners and the industry to make more effective and informed sustainability decisions. The questionnaire for next year’s report will open in the fall.

Customer demand is a major driver of supply chain sustainability initiatives. Firms we work with are looking for ways to reduce supply chain emissions and adopt more sustainable practices in response to that customer demand. This is the case even in markets where regulatory pressures are not as ambitious.

Will Waters, contributing editor, FORWARDER magazine

Rachel Schwalbach, Vice President for Environmental, Social & Governance, C.H. Robinson

Readers of FORWARDER magazine work in a globally-connected industry. The hurt that is being felt in Ukraine is being felt around the world by those whose business it is to move goods across the globe.

Readers of FORWARDER magazine may feel helpless in responding to this crisis. That is why staff at FORWARDER magazine have created a positive channel for financial support from our readership to get money right to those who need it most in this crisis. We are completely behind the by Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal because the civilian population in Ukraine needs our help like never before.


ur television screens and newspaper front pages are full of pictures and words from the intense and bloody conflict in Ukraine. We can all see that this conflict is threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of civilians across the country. Thousands are fleeing. People have been injured. Many lives have been lost.

DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and across the border in the neighbouring countries are working to meet the immediate needs of all people fleeing with food, water, medical assistance, protection and trauma care. Every pound donated by the UK public, including big-hearted FORWARDER will be matched by the UK Government up to £20 million. Readers of FORWARDER magazine who donate to DEC through our donation page, can be reassured that a sum of £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month, £50 could provide blankets for four families to keep them warm while £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month.





Please keep the great content flowing our way, and we’ll present it to the freight and logistics world, with love from FORWARDER Designer,



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The next USA issue will follow shortly afterwards, so send your press releases and informative articles to to have them featured in issue 3.


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We're hosting our first event this October the 13th! It's a freight networking event in two parts: speed networking in the afternoon and then dinner and an evening with international rugby legend Martin Johnson. It's in Heathrow in London, so perhaps you'll be in the area. Check it out using the QR code or at


We're now working hard on the next issue of the original, global edition, which will be printed and presented at two events in a month or so. So please get in touch to tell us what you're up to on the world stage, at

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