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Adult Cornhole Night
Adult Cornhole Event Nights are here this year! Each corn hole night is a one-night event organized for both recreational tournament play as well as social play. Space is limited to 15 teams per tournament division due to time constraints. Both members of the team must be registered to participate. The winning team for each tournament will receive a set of cornhole bags. Forward your registration receipt to sports@fremont.gov with your team name and selected division: Competitive Rec or Social Rec to reserve your team’s spot in the tournament.
Adult Sports - Friday Night Leagues
NEW Join us for 5-weeks of Friday nights social sports leaguestyle competition. Register as a team or individual and compete in a mini-tournament of a different sport each week such as soccer, dodgeball, kick-ball and more! Only one team will be our inaugural Friday Night Sports League Champs. For more information or team registration, email sports@fremont.gov.
Golf Adult Group Lesson
This class is intended for a player with little or no playing experience. We will focus on the grip, stance, posture, and full swing for both irons and woods. You will also learn the basic fundamentals of the short game and putting. For more information, call (510) 320-5333.
Pickleball 101 Clinic (Beginner)
Tennis - Adults Beginner
Introduction to tennis for Adults with no prior instruction and limited play experience. Learn how to rally by week one. The focus of this course will be strokes, rules, and match play.
This is an introduction to pickleball for new players. Over the course of this session players will learn the fundamentals of volleying, serves, rallying, and shot placement. Each hour and a half lesson will consist of 45 minutes of skill development (instruction, drills, etc.), and 45 minutes of play where students will get to test their newfound skills on the court. Equipment will be provided for use during the class, or students may bring their own. Balls will be provided for the class. All lessons are held at the City of Fremont Tennis Center pickleball courts. Sign up today!
Tennis - Adults Intermediate
Intermediate tennis for students that have completed the Adult Beginner class or have some tennis experience. This class builds on the stroke production from the beginner class and introduces tactical and match play.
Pickleball 201 Clinic (Advanced Beginner/ Intermediate)
This clinic is meant to help players who have experience playing pickleball. Over the course of this four week program players will continue to grow their skills at volleying, serves, rallying, and shot placement. Each hour and a half lesson will consist of 45 minutes of skill development (instruction, drills, etc.), and 45 minutes of play where students will get to test their skills on the court. Equipment will be provided for use during the class, or students may bring their own. Balls will be provided for the class. All lessons are held at the City of Fremont Tennis Center. Sign up today!