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Parent & Child Tot Sports Adventures
This class has a variety of fun and lead-up activities with sports and games. Basketball, Soccer, Obstacle courses, Flag Tag, and Bubbles will keep you active with your little one. Kids will start to develop fine motor skills, socializing skills, and listening skills. One parent must attend and be ready to play!
Rege’s Tot Sports Sampler
Join City of Fremont Sports Staff for 45 minutes of sports fun! Whether you have attended our sports programs and camps or are looking to give them a try, we invite you to participate in staff led sports games, drills, and relays. We hope you all have fun and share your feedback with us during this sports sampler night.
Rege’s Jr. Soccer Academy
Rege’s Jr. Soccer Academy is for young soccer players taking the first step into soccer, with the ultimate goal being to fall in love with the game of soccer. Local High School and College soccer talent will teach your child the fundamentals of soccer through mini skills drills and games. Parents are encouraged to join the fun on the field to help their child have a successful experience.
Hoop with Me
NEW Get involved learning and playing basketball with your little one. This parent & child tot basketball class will emphasize fun with being active together. Kids will develop fine motor skills, socializing skills, and listening skills. Making new friends has never been so easy. One parent-adult is required to participate each class.
Tot Jump Start Basketball
This class has all the fun and excitement of dribble tag, PASS-ketball, and mini games, but that’s not all. Kids will develop very basic skills in passing, ball handling, and team play. Your child will also benefit from improving fine motor skills, socializing, and listening skills. Making new friends has never been so easy.
Rege’s Soccer Cup
This adapted Soccer League is loosely structured to give players the opportunity to be outside and get active playing soccer through scrimmages and tournament cup themed play! The coaches will reinforce good plays, have breaks, change players on teams and who they play to make sure it is as balanced and fun as possible. Each scrimmage will start with a technical skill warm up before being placed in to fairly sided teams to enjoy live play.
11175 3-4 CPSBC Sep 18-Nov 6 4:00 PM-5:00 PM 8 M $135
Kick Off Soccer
This class has all the fun and excitement of dribbling obstacle courses, partner passing and shooting, and mini games. Kids will develop very basic skills in passing, dribbling, and team play, but also in fine motor skills, socializing skills, and listening skills. 11146 3-5
Jump Start Basketball II
This class is a continuation of Jump Start Basketball. Development of the basic skills learned in Jump Start Basketball will be taught and advanced with NEW techniques and skills, along with playing some of the same fun games. Fine motor skills, socializing skills, and listening skills still come into play with this class. It is encouraged for children who have taken Jump Start Basketball.
Little Sluggers T Ball League
Introduce your little slugger to the game of baseball/softball. We cover the basics, including how to be part of a team while demonstrating good sportsmanship! No score is kept - everyone is a winner! Each week your child will receive skills training for first 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of game play, which can start anytime between 9am-12pm.