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Lekha Ink’s Creative Writing

Students will learn Lekha’s time-tested methods to overcome writer’s block while writing short stories, poems, and short plays. Students will be introduced to a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres. They will progress into genre writing and learn how each genre has its own set of particular rules that drives character creation, setting, and plot. Material Fee: $10.


High School Essay Writing

Students will learn the basics of the five-paragraph essay including the importance of staying on topic and developing a thesis. They will discuss how to take an essay from an idea to an actual paper using the help of prewriting exercises that will help organize their thoughts. AP and MLA format will be used. Material Fee: $10.

Tap and Jazz Combo for Youth and Teens

Learn the basic rhythms and develop rhythmic skills, body isolation and classic jazz moves. They will explore all the exciting aspects of tap and jazz while enjoying the benefits of physical activity, building self-esteem and self -confidence. A great beginning dance class for both boys and girls. Tap and jazz shoes are required.

Instructor: Joanne Brown Dancers Staff

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