How To Present June 2015

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JUNE 2015

 Speaker Clair Fabb’s tips for presenting in business 5 things GREAT LEADERS do daily 4 simple steps to EMPOWER your PEOPLE WIIFM? Reduce procrastination, tempation and distraction Corporate Dress ACHIEVE your tough Sales TARGETS Recording the PERFECT voice over Persuasion Tips What NOT to do Success Stories

PLUS: FREE book giveaway How to Present Magazine

June 2015


 DATES PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS MASTERCLASS (2-day Public Program) SYDNEY 2014 June 9-10 July 21-22 August 18-19 September 15-16 October 13-14 November 17-18 December 8-9

 Update Welcome to the June issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. Welcome Avery, SIFH, Hassos & Associates, Glass is Life, CoverTrue and welcome back Belle Property, Australia Post, Sunrice, Clinique, Ultraceuticals, and Roche! You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

NewsBREAK: In May I facilitated my world famous Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass for the 700th time! Bring out the champagne!

Places on my popular Public Masterclass Program are filling fast (there only 10 places per program). If you are thinking of coming along please don’t delay. Register today to be sure you can attend on the date you prefer. Visit my website.

To register or chat about your specific needs please email: Clair Fabb is our gorgeous cover this month! Clair is a terrific speaker and

WHO IS MICHELLE BOWDEN? Michelle is an expert in persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 700 times with more than 7000 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 7 years running. Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

you’ll enjoy reading her tips for presenting in business. PLUS in this edition I will help you with our regular features on What NOT to do, Persuasion Tips and Conference Speaking Tips. Robin Powis will give us some tips for our Corporate Dress, David Penglase will help you to Achieve your Tough Sales Targets and Jon Pratlett helps us Reduce Procrastination, Distraction and Temptation. Lana McCarthy helps you Polish your Pronounciation, Greg Mowbray reminds us the 5 Things Great Leaders do Every Day and Janine Blackwell gives us the 4 Steps to Empower your People. Ken Warren asks, What is your Corporate Culture Like? and Matt Gowan gives us his tips for Recording the Perfect Voiceover or Audio Program. Plus read some inspiring presentation Success Stories.

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results.

Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System The ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work Do you get nervous when presenting at work? Do you want to showcase your knowledge, influence people and accelerate your career? Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting? How to Present reveals how you can be a confident, clear and influential presenter every time. Presentation skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery (communicate your message for results). Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an outstanding presenter.

How to Present will help you: • Maximise your impact in meetings,  conferences and conversations • Manage your nerves so you feel   calm and confident • Engage your audience and master the art of persuasion • Deliver your message clearly and with authority • Command attention and achieve your goals!

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. — Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

it now! Purchase your copyBuyhere

RRP AUD $27.95, NZD $31.99 | Available in print and ebook formats

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


SUCCESS STORIES! re g u l a r l y t o d i v e r s e o rg a n i s a t i o n s i n community, government and industry. These include workshops, boardroom pitches, c o m m i t t e e s , c o n f e re n c e s a n d s u b t l y presenting ‘the vision’ over coffee in a café.

What prompted you to attend Michelle's Persuasive Presentation Skills program? I was fortunate to win a staff prize at the University for my engagement work, which offered a professional development experience as part of the award. I love my role and the opportunities it provides me to engage with a broad range of people however I felt I could improve the way I tailored my communication to the diverse audiences. A colleague recommended Michelle’s workshop and so I took up the challenge with 7 strangers! It was one of the most practical, valuable and enjoyable 2 day workshops I have undertaken and have recommended to many others since.

How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business?

JACYL SHAW, DIRECTOR OF CULTURE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, “CARLTON CONNECT” - MELBOURNE UNI I am the Director for an ambitious strategy to create an innovation district on the former Royal Women’s Hospital site in Carlton where talented people from business, government and universities can have high impact interactions. What kind of presenting do you do at work? In my current role to develop a suite of programs and activities to foster a culture of innovation at Carlton Connect and engage current and prospective partners, I present

Michelle’s course, although developed in a fun, non-frightening way, was actually quite scientific and rigorous in its 13 step-by-step systematic process and explanations. It was not only about “how” to present in public but many of the ‘whys’: “why” does my heart race?, “why” is my mouth dry and palms sweaty?, “why” would the audience take time to listen?, “why” am I standing up in front of a room of strangers?. These fresh perspectives changed my attitude to presenting in that it wasn’t just a task that had to be done but an opportunity to give something of value to people who had given their time to stop and listen to something I had to say. It directly put me in the shoes of the listener and I am grateful now for each time I am given to present.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) I n w h a t s p e c i fi c w a y s h a v e y o u r p re s e n t a t i o n s k i l l s i m p ro v e d s i n c e completing Michelle's training?

I am now more conscious of how audiences receive and digest information in diverse ways. I am a visual learner but now I try and ensure my presentations include cues and language that assists those that prefer other cues.

In general, what positive outcomes have y o u a c h i e v e d f ro m i m p ro v i n g y o u r presentation skills? I believe many positive things have come from me completing Michelle’s Masterclass. I often receive good feedback on my presentations, both from presentation organisers and audience members. Often these testimonials become new speaking opportunities. I have also regularly asked to deliver the ‘vote of thanks’ at events! I also apply what I have learnt when I ‘pitch’ ideas and opportunities through emails and I find I receive good feedback and responses from this style. Last year I gave presentations in Bangkok, Barcelona, Brno and Prague and each time I religiously applied the 13 Michelle Steps and all with positive outcomes!

Further, since the course I never put page numbers on my powerpoint slides and now I develop them with only a few words, more visuals and think of them as an aid and not ‘the’ presentation. I even blank the slide when it’s not needed!

What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program?

Think Do Feel

Pace out those objections

It’s not about you, it’s about the audience

And although Michelle didn’t specifically make this one of her 13 Steps I think she’d agree: when presenting:

‘Breathe, Smile & Enjoy !”

How to Present Magazine

June 2015



2. Put others first. We can be self absorbed and only focus on ourselves. Great leaders put the interests of others before their own.

3. Do things they don't want to do. It's easy to dodge or delay hard things or things we don't like to do. Leaders realise that every day, they'll be called upon to make tough decisions and make calls that might make them unpopular, but they do them anyway.

4. Have difficult conversations. Few problems or issues get better on their own. We can tend to avoid or delay difficult conversations. Great leaders know they need to address difficult issues early on.

Leadership is a habit, a practice. Great leaders do the same outstanding things over and over, day in day out. Here are five things that great leaders do every day.

1. Think about tomorrow. We get so caught up with what is right in our face that we can forget about the future. Great leaders always have an eye on the horizon.

5. Strive to be better. Continuous improvement can be exhausting and just getting through the day might be the goal. Great leaders, though, strive to be better each day, even if just by 1 or 2%. They set the bar high for themselves and others.

Why not pick one and make it your focus for today?

PERSUASION TIP #6 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Be connected: Be clear in your mind about why and who you should connect to. Why do others need what you have to offer or why should they change to your approach? What is the strategic value you have to offer? Apart from anything else, if you are really clear about this you will have more success in matching your influencing style to the situation.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


4 SIMPLE STEPS TO EMPOWER YOUR PEOPLE BY JEANINE BLACKWELL Every boss has managed at least one employee that doesn’t respond to coaching— you might have one on your team right now.

No matter how many times you go over your specific expectations or review procedures, this one team member continues to make costly mistakes that slow down productivity.

While it’s easy to blame poor performance on the employee, there may be another culprit: Your communication style.

guaranteed to engage everyone in the room and generate better results:

1. Engage your employees by asking why? Leadership author Simon Sinek was right—it really does start with why. When you begin to brief your team on a new project, help them understand why what you’re about to communicate is important. This is your opportunity to explore the question, "Why should I care?"

A recent study on the cognitive-learning abilities of people compared to rats by researchers from the University of Leuven in Belgium demonstrated something longsuffering managers have always suspected: humans can be slow to pick things up. This is because human comprehension is complex.

If an employee isn’t producing at a high level, helping him understand why the project is important, both to the company and to the individual employee, could be all you need to do to instigate a turnaround.

According to the research of Dr. Bernice McCarthy, creator of the widely adopted 4MAT teaching model that takes into account different learning styles, learning happens along a continuum, a cycle of understanding and buy-in.

Once you’ve connected the work at hand to what’s important to your team, give them the background information they need to be successful.

2. Share what they need to know

The challenge for most managers is that each individual has an innate preference for a different approach to the cycle of learning— a n d y o u r p e r s o n a l p re f e re n c e s d o n ’t necessarily align with the rest of your team.

The upside is that the key to getting all-in engagement and consistent execution out of your team is a simple shift in how you communicate.

By integrating all four parts of a step-by-step learning cycle into your presentations or oneon-one discussions with your team, you are

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


4 SIMPLE STEPS TO EMPOWER YOUR PEOPLE Is your new product based on important customer research? Are you modifying a previous approach because you’re not hitting the metrics you set out for the program? Does this fit into a bigger strategy?

Here’s what your team wants to know to understand:

What do I need to know?

What resources are available to me?

What data and evidence back this up?

3. Practice how they will use this information How many times have you been to a meeting or training and walked away unclear on what your next step should be?

This is a common communication breakdown, and an easy one to correct. Give your team a chance to work through practical applications before sending them on their way. This might look like role-playing a new script, coaching through a sales conversation, or leading a hands-on demo of a new product.

4. Perform by gaining commitment to action Finally, lay out the conditions of success for your team. What does the future look like if

they operate at peak performance? What new possibilities will emerge for your company? If they are going to make this work, what will each person need to own to make it happen? This is your chance to solidify buy in by helping each member of your team understand, "If I do this thing, what result am I going to create?"

Depending on the importance of what you’re communicating, you can expand or shrink each step to suit your needs. For example, if you are having a coaching conversation with an employee who is struggling to meet his sales goals, you might work through the cycle in just a few minutes.

On the other hand, if you’re launching a new product line or sharing the company’s sales strategy for the next quarter, the time you allocate to each step would expand to match the opportunity at stake.

The bottom line is to be intentional about leading your team through the process of answering these questions to engage, equip, and empower your team for higher results.

Jeanine Blackwell is the president and CEO o f 4 M AT 4 B u s i n e s s , a p e r f o r m a n c e improvement and brain-based instructional design company based in New Orleans.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s speaking: FROM DON BURSTOW, PRESIDENT, QLD FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION LTD. We recently engaged Michelle to workshop ‘Persuasive Presenting’ at a quarterly meeting of the Queensland Funeral Directors Association. Sounds like a very tough gig! In fact, Michelle’s ability to ensure participants have fun whilst learning is phenomenal. Her research and expertise into our specific challenges ensured that members left equipped to be more valuable to the families we serve. Of course, we have rebooked Michelle to take us further. Don Burstow – President Qld Funeral Directors Association Ltd. For more information on Michelle’s speaking or training go to

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


A CUT ABOVE - CORPORATE DRESS BY ROBIN POWIS “Simplicity, good taste and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money. Grooming is the secret of real elegance. The best clothes, the most wonderful jewels, the most glamorous beauty don’t count without good grooming.” Christian Dior The key elements to good grooming are cut and fit, and attention to detail;

Cut and Fit The successful executive understands that fine tailoring makes a great impression every time. Their style is timeless with clean shapes and quality fabrics that are cut beautifully. To look credible and have authority they wear garments that fit perfectly, are not too tight, evealing, or too loose. The greater part of their corporate wardrobe contains key pieces they treasure and enjoy wearing year after year. Classic garments like a suit, dress or separates that create a base for any wardrobe.

To keep your garments looking great take particular attention according to the Care Label of each item.

Attention to Detail Aim for a personal style has a modern twist with a stylish accessory or an added style feature like trimming, a pattern or a bold accent. Ensure your grooming is impeccable with perfectly styled hair and nails, carefully applied makeup or a well cut shave.

Ensure your garments are well ironed, cleaned and in immaculate condition with polished well kept shoes.

If you aim to always be appropriately dressed, be sure to consider your age, role, industry, occasion and time of the year.

Want more information on the style that best works for you? Call Robin on 0419 468 272 or

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


ACHIEVE YOUR TOUGH SALES TARGETS BY DAVID PENGLASE The tough sales target is usually not negotiable - therefore just accept that you need to do whatever you can to achieve it. Stop focusing on the target, and start to focus on the activities that will help you move closer toward achieving them. Set 'mini goals' around the activities that you will complete and remember to reward yourself along the way as you achieve the mini goals. Don't get caught up in other peoples negativity - even if others see the sales targets as too hard and even impossible, someone will always be selling more than others - make sure you do whatever you can, within your control to be that person (remember you're in control of your activity levels even if you're not in control of your sales targets).

CONFERENCE SPEAKING TIP #5 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Remember That Most Audiences are Sympathetic. One of the hardest fears to shake when speaking in public is that the audience is secretly waiting to laugh at your missteps or mistakes. Fortunately, this isn’t the case in the vast majority of presentations.

The audience wants to see you succeed. In fact, many people have a fear of public speaking, so even if the audience seems indierent, the chances are pretty good that most people listening to your presentation can relate to how nerve-racking it can be. If you start to feel nervous, remind yourself that the audience gets it, and actually wants to see you nail it.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


6 STEPS TO RECORDING AND PRODUCING THE PERFECT VOICEOVER BY MATT MCGOWAN Creating a professional voiceover for your project can be extremely challenging. We've put together these 6 Tips to assist with navigating the many issues you may encounter when attempting to get a great voiceover result.

1. Read Your Script Aloud Before You Record Assuming you now have a professional script that communicates your message, it’s time to test it prior to recording. It can be a paradox that what often looks great on paper doesn’t always sound great when spoken aloud. That’s why it’s very important to read a script out loud, preferably to someone else. Reading the script will give you a much better indication of the way certain words and phrases will come across when read by your voiceover artist. Difficult and overly- complicated words and sentences can then be edited and simplified making the end message clear and concise and providing a better chance to communicate more effectively with your target audience.

2. Use an Experienced Producer Assuming that your recording engineer will ‘produce’ the session can be a big mistake. Typically, recording engineers won’t get overly involved in the correctness or delivery of your script. They might do a good job of setting up recording equipment and capturing a sound however their skills in the area of voiceover production may not be at a high level. The engineer may also feel that production is not a part of their job. Even if you have a producer for the project or plan to produce it yourself, try to choose a studio where the recording engineers have voiceover production experience and are

willing to assist you to achieve the very best result for your project.

3. Don’t Skimp on 'the Talent’ Attempting to save money by using a cheap voiceover artist can often backfire costing you both time and money. The first issue is that if the performance is below standard you may end up alienating, (rather than captivating) your audience leading to less sales or a less than convincing message. The second issue is, as time essentially relates to money, you may lose on 2 levels - 1. valuable studio time, as an inexperienced voiceover artist may take significantly longer to achieve a useable take and will cost more in editing time. 2. you may lose the money spent on the voice over artist as you may ultimately have to replace them and run another session. Save yourself the time, money and frustration. When selecting your voice talent, seek the advice of your studio as they are often familiar with the style and ability of the various artists who frequent the studio.

4. Access Great Recording Equipment It makes sense that your recording can only

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


6 STEPS TO RECORDING AND PRODUCING THE PERFECT VOICEOVER (CONT.) sound as good as the equipment (and engineer) used to capture it. Presence, clarity, tone, warmth, depth, resonance and loudness are all contributing factors to the effectiveness of your voiceover sound. Without a great room, high quality large diaphragm condenser microphone, and a quality preamplifier it is unlikely you’ll achieve a great sound. Conversely, if the equipment is top notch it can help your voiceover artist sound amazing. When presented to your audience, the resultant sound will make or break the communication of your intended message. Always invest in a studio with the highest-end equipment you can afford.

5. Choose a Good Editor Not all voiceover editors are the same. Achieving a seamless flow for your voiceover is challenging. It takes an editor with a high level of English literacy/ fluency and a wealth of voiceover production experience to really ‘nail’ an edit. Selecting only the very best takes, debreathing, de-essing, de-popping, fading correctly and placing the optimum length of pauses between words, sentences and phrases can also have a huge impact on your intended message. Don’t entrust your edit to a 16 year old recording engineer with poor English or worse still, find that it's been outsourced to a developing country where English is a second language in order to save a few dollars for the studio.

6. Make Mixing & Mastering a Priority Mixing and mastering are art forms in the world of sound that should never be dismissed of underrated. That’s why engineers receive Grammy’s and Oscars for these skills. Achieving a great recording is half the battle won, mixing and mastering is where the results of the recording are put on ‘turbo boost.’ High quality compressors can make the sound punchy and ‘in your face’ adding to the confidence of the delivery. Professional denoisers strip away unwanted background noise providing a clean, polished finish to the sound and improving the professionalism of the result. Many studios can’t afford these high end software plug-ins and hardware so some or all of these processes are often not even carried out. Make sure that your chosen studio offers the very best at every step of the recording chain.

Like all things of quality, upon closer inspection we can see that it's the application of specialist knowledge, skill and equipment that delivers results that count.

When recording...why settle for anything less than the absolute best sound quality available in Australia?

Here is a brief list of sound and music s e r v i c e s c u r re n t l y o ff e re d b y C r a s h S y m p h o n y P r o d u c t i o n s : Vo i c e O v e r R e c o rd i n g ; M u s i c P ro d u c t i o n ; Vo c a l Recording; Mixing; Mastering; Music Composition for Television Commercials; Music Composition for Film, Short Film, TV & Web; Sound Design for TVC, Film, TV and Web; Sound Mixing; Music Arrangement; Songwriting and Production Assistance.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


WHAT IS YOUR WORKPLACE CULTURE LIKE? BY KEN WARREN I remember one challenging workplace I worked in years ago with some very ‘interesting’ personalities. I used to think that if only those people left, then things would become a lot better. To my surprise, when those people eventually moved on, things continued on very much the same as before. And to my horror, one of the long-term staff used to regale me with stories that indicated that the same problems were present with different personalities. I think it has to do with workplace culture - the values, beliefs and behaviours that are dominant in that workplace, which go on to influence the behaviour of new managers and team members. In my old workplace, there were some values and behaviours that were highly dysfunctional: Don't speak directly to colleagues about concerns. Don’t show initiative – it is the manager who calls the shots. Don’t rock the boat – you might lose your job if you speak up. Of course, these values, beliefs and behaviours were not spoken about. But they were widely understood and practised. So, how do we start turning such unhealthy workplace cultures around? It starts with the leadership: Some workplace cultures develop from the founder of a particular workplace whose values, good or bad, become the standard. Other times, the current leadership is setting the example for what behaviour is considered acceptable.

In large workplaces, although there are different leadership styles, there needs to be some key behaviours that are shared and modeled by all in the leadership team. People also tend to look to the example of long-serving staff, so their example is also important. When key people are positive, supportive and professional, it is so much easier to be that way yourself. Talk about the culture you want: Here people in leadership roles are speaking about and reinforcing the behaviour they want to see. Other times, meetings are held with staff to discuss the type of workplace they want to have. When a consensus can be gained about the values, beliefs and behaviours that all need to practise, you are using people’s need to fit in and be approved of by others, to shape the behaviour you want to see. What is agreed is often written down as a Statement of Shared Values and Behaviours. And, of course, the more specific you can be, the better. Here is an example of three values and corresponding behaviours: Relationships - Supporting each other - Contributing positively to morale - Sorting out difficulties when they occur

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


WHAT IS YOUR WORKPLACE CULTURE LIKE? (CONT.) Respect - Being alert to how we are speaking to others - Valuing others’ opinions - Making decisions together when possible

course, the most important people to hold accountable are the leadership team and longserving staff. The good news is that it is possible, over time, to turn negative cultures around. But it depends on the example of the leadership, a clear understanding of the behaviours all need to share, and a willingness to hold yourself, and others, accountable.

Best practice - Always looking for ways to improve - Being open to feedback - Embracing change Hold people accountable: It is essential that people are held accountable when they are not behaving consistently with what is agreed or understood. Such follow up doesn’t have to be done in a harsh way, of course. It could be more a ‘Are you OK?’ type of discussion, talking about how they were coming across, or giving them a reminder about the behaviour you need to see. It is only after several work-it-out conversations, that you consider more firm approaches. Of

K e n Wa r r e n B A , M S o c S c , C S P i s a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best.Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to: • Build even stronger, more positive and productive teams • Handle difficult conversations in a more confident and positive way • Enhance their resilience and well-being at work Check out all of his free resources through

WHAT NOT TO DO #4 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Don’t be so serious! I’ve watched lots of business presentations in my career. And it seems that most people in business are under the illusion that ‘professional’ means ‘serious’. Guess what? Life can be fun!

Of course if you are announcing redundancies or closures then your emotions need to be congruent with the theme of the presentation.

Mostly though we just want to enjoy ourselves in people’s presentations and that won’t happen until you lighten up.

Welcome to What NOT to do! This segment is dedicated to remind you of all the funny little habits that you should get rid of immediately.

Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


POLISH YOUR PRONUNCIATION BY LANA MCCARTHY Do you sometimes have to repeat yourself when you speak? Are you creating poor impressions because of the way you speak? Good clarity of speech is fundamental so you can communicate your spoken message with ease and create positive and lasting impressions on others.

W h e t h e r y o u a re a native or non-native speaker of English, welcome to the first of three articles I will write to assist you to start polishing your English pronunciation:

Tip: Slow Down Your Speech Rate

English pronunciation is compromised in most fast speakers, even native speakers. Is your speech rate generally fast and/or do you speed up when you are under pressure or speak with certain people? Listen to news readers, radio announcers, politicians, senior business people, all of whom are in the business of communicating. Most of them speak using a moderate speech rate and as a result, we do not have to listen too hard to understand their message.

Start your practice by reading aloud at a moderate rate (like a newsreader). Add in appropriate pauses between your ideas. Record yourself using the voice recorder you likely have on your smart phone. Move this practice into monologue contexts where you can choose a topic and talk to yourself for several minutes. Try talking about some photos you have or with the sound turned

down on the TV, talk about what you see happening on the screen. Record yourself again and judge your performance. Could you speak at that pace in the ‘real-world’? Next try and integrate this practice into everyday conversations, face-to-face and on the phone for longer periods.

Aim at 10-15 minutes of structured practice each day, gradually working towards being mindful in all of your everyday conversations. Take extra care when you are feeling excited, anxious or under pressure. Remember – practice makes perfect!

Lana McCarthy is a highly experienced and passionate professional in the field of interpersonal communication with expertise as a communication coach, speech pathologist and facilitator. For almost 20 years, Lana has helped thousands of adults improve their interpersonal communication skills through her business, Word of Mouth – effective personal communication.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


REDUCE PROCRASTINATION, DISTRACTION AND TEMPTATION BY JON PRATLETT Do you often feel like you have two people living in your head – one that acts on impulse and instant gratification, and the other that c o n t ro l s y o u r i m p u l s e s a n d d e l a y s gratification and protects your goals?

Are there times when you procrastinate about having a difficult conversation?

Distracted by the urgent email over the important task?

Give in to temptation with food, despite the promise you made to yourself?

You are not alone. It is part of the universal human condition.

People who have better control of their attention, emotions, and actions are better off in almost any way you look at it. Research shows t h a t willpower is a better predictor of academic success t h a t intelligence.

Knowing w h e n , where, why and how

you lose control can help you to get it back it. In her book ‘Maximum Willpower’ Kelly McGonigal describes willpower as harnessing the three powers of I will, I won’t, and I want, to help you achieve your goals (and stay out of trouble):

‘I will’ Power – the ability to do what you need to do even if part of you doesn’t want to.

‘I won’t’ Power – the ability to say no (ie; not indulge) even when a part of you wants to say yes.

‘I want’ Power - the ability to exert self-control and focus on what you really want long term.

If there is a secret for greater self control, the science points to one thing: the power of paying attention or focus. Train yourself to:

Recognise when you're making a conscious choice, rather than running on autopilot.

Notice how you give yourself permission to procrastinate.

Pause when sensing a craving, and observe the experience of graving, rather than give in to it.

Self awareness is the key. Pick one thing you want to start or stop this week and apply the tips above.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s speaking: FROM JANE COPELAND, FOUNDER, COPING WITH JANE Thanks again for the super training Michelle. Thanks to you, I managed to pull off my 2 day event that I hosted, mc’d and presented at. Thank you so much for giving me the skills to make it possible to do so. I would not have been able to pull it off without you. For more information on Michelle’s speaking or training go to

How to Present Magazine

June 2015



A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


TIPS FROM A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER from your presentation. You need that control of how fast or slow to go.


Brand each slide.

Punchy headings and highlighted points are the best way to make a point. Too many words make it less interesting for the audience member.

Use media to enhance your presentation.

Start with a good formatted template. It's an investment of time but worthwhile when you see it come together.

Be proud of who you are as a person not just a presenter. Let your personality shine through.

Leading personal stylist Claire Fabb is the epitome of the fresh, fun and modern Australian woman and founder of Yellow Button personal styling services which she founded in 2010. Claire also has a lifestyle blog Style by Yellow Button is a reflection of her day-to-day life and an inspiration board that showcases her love for fashion, interiors, food and travel to her thousands of Here are Claire’s tips for us when speaking in business:

Have a funny personal story or anecdote. Creating trust with your audience is key and this is an easy way to do it.

Give time to the audience. Make a point and sit on the slide for a moment before rushing to the next slide. People may want to take notes or simply let what you have said sink in.

Be grateful. The audience has given you their attention so let them leave knowing you appreciate their time. A sincere thank you is key to ending a solid presentation.

Eye contact is key. Connecting with audience members and getting them involved in the conversation through eye contact and body language creates engagement.

Move around the podium or stage.

Use a remote control or device. You are the one reading the audience and pausing for effect or letting people jot down key points

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


WIIFM? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Have you ever stopped to think about how many meetings you attend in a day at work where you derive very little value?

How many meetings do you attend simply because you ‘should’, and when you arrive all you can think about is all the ‘other’ work that is piling up at your desk while you are there?

When you feel like that, it’s clear that you don’t know ‘what’s in it for you’ to be attentive and emotionally connected. The presenter may as well be saying ‘blah blah blah’ because you find it so hard to pay attention.

Yo u r a u d i e n c e m e m b e r s w i l l ( e v e n subconsciously) be looking for a WIIFM, which stands for What’s in it for me? You have not earned their full attention until you answer What’s in it for me? for them.

It is important to remind yourself when you are preparing your presentation that you are not designing it for you; you are designing it for

your audience. It is not about you, it’s all about your audience.

1. Work out what motivates them.

2. Then do what you can to push your audience to the edge of their chairs, desperate to hear more from you!

Think about this before your next presentation and be sure to include a WIIFM for your audience.

FREE BOOK GIVE AWAY BY MICHELE GENNOE Want to be inspirational like the Richard Branson, Bill Gates or Arianna Huffington of your industry?

Want to find out how to be inspiring in any area of your life?

Mindful Leadership: 7 steps to transforming your business and your life provides a clear strategy to create this!

To claim your very own copy of Mindful Leadership be one of the first 3 to email with the words Mindful Leadership in the subject line.

How to Present Magazine

June 2015



IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life! Seriously, it’s a life changing


Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then lear n something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Interactive personalised.


A d d re s s y o u r s p e c i fi c , personal needs.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 20 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

SYDNEY: JUNE 9-10 JULY 21-22 AUGUST 18-19 SEPTEMBER 15-16 OCTOBER 20-21 NOVEMBER 17-18 To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle:

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking. Please don’t miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t speak up! Anyone can be an exceptional presenter in business - 100% guaranteed.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM CAROLYN HART, REGIONAL EDUCATION MANAGER, RAMSEY HEALTH CARE “Michelle's Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass was amazing. I knew it would be good from the quality of Michelle's book 'How to Present' that I bought a couple of years ago and the great news is that the Masterclass surpassed all my expectations. Michelle is so very clever at making us the centre of her attention and the feedback from her and the group on what we do well and how to be better was highly instructive for us to improve. Michelle is a very warm special lady. Not only did I learn heaps, it felt like a privilege to have attended this class. My fellow presenters were smart clever and obviously very successful in their fields and to have experienced their company was an honour. Attending the class was a present to myself for hard work in 2014 and it was money very well spent.” For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine

June 2015


BOOK OF THE MONTH OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website



Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

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How to Present Magazine

June 2015


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How to Present Magazine

June 2015


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